GADW :: Volume #8

#1216: Golden great god Mannu!

Eight big demon hosts collaborate to be better than Yue Zhong also to be rumbled to result in being surrounded by perils strength to counter-attack. 八大魔主联手就算强如岳重也被轰得险象环生力反攻。 Other Expert also to compete for the treasure of that four gold levels are carrying on crazy battle, the terrifying Strength fluctuation fills the air in this space. 其余的强者也为争夺那四件黄金级的宝物进行着疯狂的厮杀,恐怖的力量波动在这空间之中弥漫。 Many energy impact bang above that strange throne giant body. 不少能量冲击轰在了那古怪的王座巨人身体之上。 These energy impact bang above the body of that throne giant, very strange had been inhaled in the body of this giant entirely. 那些能量冲击轰在那王座巨人的身体之上,十分诡异的被统统的吸入了这个巨人的身体之内。 Suddenly, that throne giant has opened both eyes, extends the big hand to grasp, caught a Ninth-Rank flood dragon suddenly in the hand.[ 忽然之间,那王座巨人睁开了双眼,伸出大手一抓,骤然将一条九阶的蛟龙抓在了手中。[ That Ninth-Rank flood dragon startles greatly, opens the huge mouth, a spitting breath of flood dragon spurts directly toward that throne giant. 那条九阶蛟龙大骇,张开巨口,一口蛟龙的吐息向着那王座巨人直接喷去。 The flood dragon spits the breath to contain corrosion principle, even if Expert of half true God level is not willing to make the spitting breath of that flood dragon moisten above the body. 蛟龙吐息蕴含着腐蚀法则,就算是半步真神级的强者也不愿意让那蛟龙的吐息沾在身体之上。 The giant above that throne does not dodge does not evade, whatever the spitting breath bang of that flood dragon above its body, has exuded Zizi the sound of sound, corroded big hole its body part directly. 那王座之上的巨人不闪不避,任凭那蛟龙的吐息轰在了它的身体之上,发出了兹兹的响动之声,将它身体部分直接腐蚀出了一个大洞 Then giant direct both hands above that throne makes an effort, at once rips two sections that Ninth-Rank flood dragon directly, counts the golden blood to sprink the earth. 接着那王座之上的巨人直接双手一个用力,旋即将那头九阶蛟龙直接撕成了两截,数金色的鲜血撒落大地。 That Ninth-Rank flood dragon has also exuded pitiful ratio the sound of pitiful yell. 那头九阶蛟龙也发出了凄惨比的惨叫之声。 In that Ninth-Rank flood dragon the sound of pitiful yell, the giant above that throne its body toward mouth, has chewed in gulps, between two breath, that Ninth-Rank flood dragon is swallowed by it at once. 在那九阶蛟龙的惨叫之声中,那王座之上的巨人将它的身体往嘴里一塞,大口大口的咀嚼了起来,两个呼吸之间,那头九阶蛟龙旋即被它吞噬。 After having gobbled up that Ninth-Rank flood dragon, the giant above that throne restored some Strength obviously, its eye ominous light dodges. In many toward the sky entangle was fighting Expert to look at one, the big hand has wielded, counts the encirclement in its body surrounding gold chains suddenly for the first time presently, rumbled toward the sky in the past. 吞吃了那头九阶蛟龙之后,那王座之上的巨人明显恢复了一些力量,它的眼睛凶光一闪。向着天空之中诸多缠战着的强者看了一眼,大手一挥,数环绕在它身体周围的黄金锁链骤然乍现,向着天空之中轰了过去。 In an instant, that Twenty strip gold chains pierced the Twenty name at once is battling in the Ninth-Rank Expert body, passes through that Twenty Ninth-Rank Expert directly. 一个刹那之间,那二十条黄金锁链旋即洞穿了二十名正在激战着的九阶强者身体之中,将那二十九阶强者直接贯穿。 Help!!” “救命!!” Saves me!!” “救救我!!” „......” “……” These by the Ninth-Rank Expert suddenly complexion big change that golden chains passes through, has exuded sad and shrill compared with the sound of pitiful yell, in that pitiful yell sound, their flesh was rapid, turned into dry corpses. Falls from the sky. 那些被黄金锁链贯穿的九阶强者骤然脸色大变,发出了凄厉比的惨叫之声,在那惨叫声之中,他们的肌肤迅速干涸,变成了一具具的干尸。从天空之中掉落下来。 Sees this pitiful one. Ninth-Rank Expert that these were slaughtering crazily one calm, dodging in abundance to one side, vigilant ratio looks at the golden giant above that throne. 看到这凄惨的一幕。那些原本正在疯狂厮杀的九阶强者们一下冷静了下来,纷纷的闪到了一边,警惕比的看着那名王座之上的黄金巨人。 That the bang was killing the Yue Zhong eight evil spirits main also to receive the hand fully, stands in the distant place. Vigilant ratio looks golden giant who above the throne that counted chains locks. They can the clear sensation to the terror of that golden giant. 那原本正在全力轰杀岳重的八魔主也收手,站在远方。警惕比的看着王座之上那名被数锁链锁住的黄金巨人。它们能够清楚的感知到那黄金巨人的恐怖。 That golden giant sits above the throne. A face is indifferent. Bird's eye view all people of keeping aloof, like in bird's eye view one flock of small ants: I was regaining consciousness finally once more, are you these time rush to the person in exceedingly high tower? I guard the exceedingly high tower third gold great god Norman. On exceedingly high tower third. You must die 50% people, I will turn on the exceedingly high tower fourth channel. Moreover, must be Expert of murder, can Enter fourth, other people, turn into the corpse, nourishes this earth.” 那黄金巨人坐在王座之上。一脸冷漠。高高在上的俯瞰诸人,就像在俯瞰着一群小蝼蚁:“我终于在再次苏醒了,你们这些人就是这一次闯通天塔的人吗?我是镇守通天塔第三层的黄金巨神阿诺曼。在通天塔第三层。你们必须要死一半人,我才会开启通天塔第四层的通道。而且,必须是杀过人的强者,才能够进入第四层,其余的人,就变成尸体,滋养这座大地吧。” In Norman eyes flashes through wipes strangely, keeping aloof cold sound track: The person who kills will be more, before having rank exceed of Enter exceedingly high tower fourth qualifications. Murder many, can first step into exceedingly high tower fourth. Kills people second many, can second step into exceedingly high tower fourth. By this kind. Now starts to slaughter tries to please with me, ants!” 阿诺曼眼中闪过一抹诡异,高高在上寒声道:“杀的人越多,拥有进入通天塔第四层资格的排位就会越前。杀人最多者,将可以第一个踏入通天塔第四层。杀人第二多的,将可以第二个踏入通天塔第四层。以此类。现在开始杀戮取悦与我吧,蝼蚁们!” Heard Norman's words, in all Expert hearts is one startled, in abundance retreat several steps. 听到了阿诺曼的话语,所有的强者心中都是一惊,纷纷后退数步。 These remain silent, is far away from the battlefield center Seventh-Rank and Eighth-Rank Expert everybody complexion to change suddenly. Their these low-order Expert, absolutely become the objects who these high level Expert hunt and kill. 那些一只保持沉默,远离战场中心的七阶八阶强者人人脸色骤然大变。他们这些低阶强者,绝对会成为那些高阶强者猎杀的对象。 Stagnated merely the flash, golden peacocks of-and-a-half true God levels have opened its tail suddenly, several golden gods light turn toward these Seventh-Rank and Eighth-Rank Expert direct bang to go.[ 仅仅停滞了一瞬间,一名半步真神级的黄金孔雀骤然张开了它的尾巴,数道黄金神光向着那些七阶八阶强者直接轰去。[ Under that golden god light bombardment, massive Seventh-Rank and Eighth-Rank Expert changes to the flying ash directly. 在那黄金神光的轰击之下,大量的七阶八阶强者直接化作飞灰。 This golden peacock unceasing is hunting and killing these low-order Expert, as the matter stands, once it kills off these low-order Expert completely. Other Ninth-Rank Expert have to kill one another. Moreover these Seventh-Rank and Eighth-Rank Expert before it, collapses at the first blow simply. 这头黄金孔雀不断的猎杀着那些低阶强者,这样一来,一旦它将那些低阶强者全部杀光。其余的九阶强者就不得不自相残杀。而且那些七阶八阶强者在它面前,简直不堪一击。 That golden peacock begins, Expert of other half true God levels at once cannot repress, crazy gets rid toward surrounding low-order Expert, is slaughtering these low-order Expert. 那名黄金孔雀一动手,其余的半步真神级的强者旋即一个个都按捺不住,疯狂的向着周围的低阶强者出手,屠杀着那些低阶强者 Exceedingly high tower fourth does not know that has any treasure, but first Enter, will gain the enormous advantage absolutely, this is all people the mutual recognition. 通天塔第四层不知道拥有什么宝物,不过第一个进入,绝对会获得极大的好处,这已经是诸人的共识。 That wanted eight big demon main combinations that extinguishes kills also directly to disintegrate wholeheartedly, various Shi Qi can, crazily around slaughter low-order Expert. 那原本一心想要灭杀的八大魔主的组合也直接分崩离析,各施其能,疯狂的屠杀者周围的低阶强者 In evolving into under enticement of true God level Expert, that eight big demon main did not have to hunt and kill the Yue Zhong thoughts. So long as they can promote into the true God level Expert, they can pat dead Yue Zhong conveniently. 在进化成为真神级强者的诱惑之下,那八大魔主也没有了猎杀岳重的心思。只要它们能够晋升成为真神级的强者,它们随手都能够拍死岳重 In several breath, the Strength fluctuation of trim space suddenly became is more formidable than ten times to continue the past, counted Expert crazily there is slaughtering, these wholeheartedly wanted to play the role of the pig to eat the tiger, was far away from the battlefield center Expert also to be involved. 就在几个呼吸之间,整片空间的力量波动骤然变得比过去强大十倍不止,数强者在那里疯狂的厮杀着,就连那些一心想要扮猪吃老虎,远离战场中心的强者也都被卷入其中。 Almost every has massive Ninth-Rank Expert to fall from the sky, the blood sprinks the earth, the life falls from the sky. 几乎每一刻都有大量的九阶强者从天空之中掉落,鲜血撒落大地,生命陨落。 In that many Expert during slaughters crazily, Expert of many half true God level was also rumbled the severe wound, the body was shattered. Under the bombardment of strength of hundred and thousand of Ninth-Rank Expert implication rules, not having gold level armor protection half true God level Expert unable to block. Expert of half true God level is very difficult to kill, even if the body was shattered, quickly restored. 在那诸多强者的疯狂厮杀之中,就连不少半步真神级的强者也被轰成重伤,身体破碎。在成百上千九阶强者蕴含法则之力的轰击之下,没有黄金级铠甲守护的半步真神级强者也挡不住。只是半步真神级的强者十分难杀,就算身体破碎,也很快恢复了过来。 Under the greedy obligation, all person crazy battles in one, in the eye have filled tyrannical and slaughter. 在贪婪的驱使之下,所有人都疯狂的厮杀在了一起,眼中充满了暴虐和杀戮。 No one has paid attention, in all people crazy battle, under the earth, golden chains unceasing migrations, pricked in these torn into shreds Ninth-Rank Expert corpse, directly attracted the dry corpse these Ninth-Rank Expert corpses. 谁也没有注意,在诸人疯狂的厮杀之中,大地之下,一条条黄金锁链不断的移动,刺入了那些被撕碎的九阶强者尸体之中,将那些九阶强者的尸体直接吸成了干尸。 As buys in the quantity of Ninth-Rank Expert corpse to be getting more and more, that facial features are serious, calmly sits above the throne, as if keeping aloof Spiritual God the look of golden great god Mannu's is getting more and more bright. 随着吸纳九阶强者尸体的数量越来越多,那面容严肃,静静坐在王座之上,仿佛高高在上神灵的黄金巨神阿曼诺的眼神越来越亮。 Yue Zhong is very clear, oneself already slow one step, to become first passes the exceedingly high tower fourth person some not to be realistic. Then has not continued to compete, but carefully observes that to be known as golden great god Mannu. He has not seen Expert of true God level truly. 岳重十分清楚,自己已经慢了一步,要想成为第一个通过通天塔第四层的人有些不现实。便没有继续争夺,而是仔细的观察着那号称黄金巨神阿曼诺。他还没有真正见过真神级的强者 After the Yue Zhong bang has killed several Ninth-Rank Expert conveniently, has flown one side, stubbornly stared in that golden great god Mannu eyes to be full of the color of suspicion: Golden great god? True God level Expert? It is not right, it does not have true God level Expert that invincible terror Strength to fluctuate. But on it is sending out Strength fluctuation, actually be more formidable than Expert of half true God level. What monster is this?” 岳重随手轰杀了数头九阶强者之后,飞到了一边,死死的盯着那黄金巨神阿曼诺眼中充满了怀疑之色:“黄金巨神?真神级强者吗?不对,它并没有真神级强者那种不可战胜的恐怖力量波动。可是它身上散发着的力量波动,却是要比半步真神级的强者强大许多。这是什么怪物?” Suddenly, a whole body is the Ninth-Rank lizard Dragon demon both eyes of blood is red, turned toward Yue Zhong to fly suddenly. 忽然之间,一头浑身是血的九阶蜥蜴龙魔双眼赤红,骤然向着岳重飞了过来。 A Yue Zhong racket, hits that Ninth-Rank lizard Dragon demon conveniently directly is split up, Crystal Core has flown in its hand directly. 岳重随手一拍,将那头九阶蜥蜴龙魔直接打得四分五裂,晶核直接飞到了它的手中。 That Ninth-Rank lizard Dragon demon corpse falls the bag, a golden chains pricked in its corpse directly, directly attracted a dry corpse its corpse. 九阶蜥蜴龙魔的尸体一落袋,一条黄金锁链直接刺入了它的尸体之中,将它的尸体直接吸成了一具干尸。 In the Yue Zhong eye flashes through wipes the doubts: Does not suit, this fellow may lie very much!!” 岳重的眼中闪过一抹疑惑:“不对劲,这家伙很有可能在说谎!!” In this exceedingly high tower third is gathering is many macrocosms elites, although many people had been hoodwinked both eyes greedily, may also many people very be similarly vigilant, from slaughtering to leave, doubts is looking at Mannu above that throne. 在这通天塔第三层之中汇聚着的都是诸多大世界的精英,虽然不少人被贪婪蒙蔽了双眼,可同样也有不少人十分警惕,从厮杀之中抽身而出,疑惑的望着那王座之上的阿曼诺。 The Expert prestige of true God level can be dreadful, extinguishes to kill half step true God level Expert is also similar to pats a big ant to be ordinary. Although the Strength fluctuation of that golden giant dominates above various people, still has not actually achieved the true God level Expert like that absolutely suppression the situation. 真神级的强者威能滔天,灭杀半步真神级的强者也如同拍死一只大蚂蚁一般简单。那黄金巨人的力量波动虽然凌驾于诸人之上,却依然没有达到真神级强者那般绝对压制的地步。 Suddenly, is growing the Dinosaurian head, a pair paints the Black Dragon wing, the body assumes half -and-a-half people of beast shapes half true God levels fears beast clan Expert to exclaim loudly: Everybody listened to me to say one, this Mannu said was the lies. Must want to open exceedingly high tower fourth, only then killed him to accomplish. It among instigating us relations.” 忽然之间,一名长着恐龙人头颅,一对漆黑龙翼,身体呈半人半兽形态的半步真神级的恐兽族强者大声吼道:“大家听我说一句,这个阿曼诺所说的都是谎话。要想开启通天塔第四层,只有杀了他才能够办到。它是在挑拨我们之间的关系。” That fears in the Expert roar of beast clan to have a sober fluctuation, making many Expert that kills to get angry restore soberly.[ 那名恐兽族的强者吼声之中带着一丝令人清醒的波动,让那杀红了眼的诸多强者恢复了清醒。[ These Ninth-Rank Expert are not fools, they had been deceived both eyes by the greed. After restoring to be sober, in their hearts startled, rapid separation, slaughtered with the golden skeleton of rear area in one. 那些九阶强者都不是笨蛋,它们只是被贪欲蒙住了双眼。恢复清醒之后,它们心中一惊,迅速的分开,与后方的黄金骷髅厮杀在了一起。 Many Ninth-Rank Expert look all around, sees only various dense and numerous clan Expert the casualty to be serious, all low-order Expert basically killed off. Survives is Ninth-Rank Expert of various clans. 不少九阶强者环顾四周,只见原本密密麻麻的各族强者已经死伤惨重,所有的低阶强者基本上都已经被杀光。残存下来的都是各族的九阶强者 In Enter this exceedingly high tower has achieved third, but 9/10 Expert died to the journey in exceedingly high tower. 进入这通天塔之中不过达到了第三层,可是9的强者已经陨落在了通往通天塔的路途之中。 However also many Eighth-Rank Expert obtained the breakthrough, the direct promotion became Ninth-Rank Expert. But some Ninth-Rank Expert also gained many advantage, even some people of directed evolutions, have evolved once more a small stair. 不过也有不少八阶强者获得了突破,直接晋升成为了九阶强者。而一些九阶强者也都获得了不少好处,甚至有人直接进化,再次进化了一个小台阶。 Mannu swept that to fear Expert one of the beast clan to shout angrily: Bold, dares to blaspheme the true God unexpectedly. This is excusable big crime. Has killed this person, who has killed him first, I open to the exceedingly high tower fourth path, lets that person first Enter exceedingly high tower fourth. In exceedingly high tower fourth, is hiding the achievement true God level Expert big secret, the Enter fourth person, becomes the true God level Expert probability is first higher.” 阿曼诺扫了那名恐兽族的强者一眼怒喝一声:“大胆,竟然敢亵渎真神。这是可饶恕的大罪。杀了这个人,谁先杀了他,我就开启通往通天塔第四层的道路,让那个人第一个进入通天塔第四层。在通天塔第四层之中,隐藏着成就真神级强者的大秘密,最先进入第四层的人,成为真神级强者的几率就越高。” Heard Mannu's words, in many person hearts is ready to make trouble, but they are the generations of wily old fox, had been confused both eyes by the greed a moment ago. At this time although they the heart movement, once more rashly have not actually gotten rid. 听到了阿曼诺的话语,不少人心中蠢蠢欲动,可是他们都是老奸巨猾之辈,刚才不过是被贪欲迷惑了双眼。此时它们虽然心动,却并没有再次贸然出手。 ( Ps: Tomorrow makes up.)( To be continued......) (ps:明天补。)(未完待续……)
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