GADW :: Volume #8

#1220: Principle temple!

Performs the evil strength to attempt to flood into Yue Zhong within the body to attract a dry corpse him, but these evil strength beside that Glory Battle Armor by the Yue Zhong body directly were blocked. 尽的邪恶之力企图涌入岳重的体内将他吸成一具干尸,只是那些邪恶之力统统都被岳重身体之外那荣耀战甲直接挡住。 After promoting into the Ninth-Rank peak, the fight consciousness of Yue Zhong obtained enormous increasing, starts to realize Evolver toward the fight of god. 晋升成为九阶巅峰之后,岳重的战斗意识获得了极大的攀升,开始向着神的战斗意识进化者 As perfect existence of enemy, Expert of true God level is use same Strength can also defeat -and-a-half true God level Expert easily. And a very important point, is true God level Expert has the god level fight consciousness, can make the most reasonable judgment. 作为敌的完美存在,真神级的强者就算是使用同样的力量也能够轻易的击败一名半步真神级强者。其中十分重要的一点,就是真神级强者拥有神级战斗意识,能够做出最为合理的判断。 Although the fight consciousness of Yue Zhong still cannot compare Expert of true God level, but can actually judge this golden bloodshed still not to break through the Glory Battle Armor defense Strength. 岳重的战斗意识虽然依然比不上真神级的强者,不过却能够判断出这黄金血海依然没有突破荣耀战甲防御的力量 These blood are the blood of true God level Expert. Happen to I can refine inside Strength essence the Blood Manipulation secret technique that is used to practice me to grasp.” The Yue Zhong intention moves, started the Blood Manipulation secret technique directly, the blood light turns toward that golden blood river to receive an examination form together.[ “这些血液乃是真神级强者的血液。正好我可以提炼里面的力量精华用来修炼我掌握的血液操纵秘术。”岳重心念一动,直接发动了血液操纵秘术,一道血光向着那黄金血河直接卷去。[ That golden blood river shakes, one evil different formidable Strength one volume, that blood light is twisted by that golden blood river at once directly directly broken. 那黄金血河一抖,一股邪异强大的力量一卷,那道血光在旋即直接被那黄金血河直接绞碎。 That long golden blood river does not know that contains many true God level Expert blood essence to condense, has formed a terrifying ratio monster. 那条长长的黄金血河不知蕴含着多少真神级强者精血凝聚而成,已经形成了一种恐怖比的怪物。 In Strength of this golden blood river even dominates with some true God level Expert above, but this golden blood river has not compared favorably with true God level Expert does not extinguish the state of mind, the perfect fight consciousness and regarding principle the perfect comprehension, this cannot extinguish instantaneously kills above many Expert. The bonus is so, it is not Yue Zhong can swallow. 在这条黄金血河的力量甚至凌驾与一些真神级强者之上,只是这黄金血河没有媲美真神级强者的不灭神魂、完美的战斗意识、对于法则的完美领悟,这才没有能够瞬间灭杀上方的诸多强者。饶是如此,它也不是岳重能够吞噬的。 My Blood Manipulation secret technique has really missed a point. However here has so many god blood, regarding me, is the rare treasure house. Happen to can use my flame to purify them, withdraws purest Strength.” The Yue Zhong intention moves. That limited close true God level Expert fight wisdom to provide the most perfect choice to him at once. “我的血液操纵秘术果然还是差了一点。不过这里有如此多的神血,对于我来说,也是难得的宝库。正好可以利用我的火焰将它们净化,提取出最纯粹的力量。”岳重心念一动。那限接近真神级强者的战斗智慧旋即给他提供了最为完美的选择。 Demonic God Body that lacks perfectly, closest true God level Expert fight wisdom. This is encounters 800 world all race Expert to dread compared with strongest treasure that god family have. 完美缺的神魔之躯,最为接近真神级强者的战斗智慧。这就是遭到800世界所有种族强者忌惮比的神眷者所拥有的最强宝物。 Has God and Devil System Mark god family to encounter being hostile to of all races, to attack and swallow, is very hard to bring about long. But once grows, will become existence that will go against heaven's will extremely. Because of so, will have the so multi- races to discover that Yue Zhong was god family launched the attack at once. 拥有神魔系统印记的神眷者会遭到所有种族的敌视、攻击、吞噬,十分难成长起来。可是一旦成长起来,就会成为极为逆天的存在。正是因为如此,才会有如此多的种族一发现岳重是一名神眷者旋即发动了进攻。 Yue Zhong calms the mind. Held tea golden blood, tea golden Demonic God Flame unceasing burning down, fires in that yellow golden god blood is containing a consciousness and vicious tendencies unceasingly, ultimately formed a point of white supernatural power crystallization to inhale within the body directly. 岳重静下心来。一把抓住了一团黄金色的血液,一团黄金色的神魔炎不断的焚烧,将那黄金色的神血之中蕴含着的一丝意识和戾气不断灼烧,最终形成了一点白色的神力结晶直接吸入了体内。 This refinement true God level Expert supernatural power crystallization method is inscribes in the Yue Zhong knowledge sea, is an extremely higher skill, other people are impossible to know. 这提炼真神级强者神力结晶法门乃是铭刻在岳重的识海之中,乃是一种极为高等的技巧,其他人根本不可能知道。 After that tea golden blood was absorbed by Yue Zhong. The river of that gold the seething billowing condensation has formed the number gold axe and golden sword at once maliciously rumbled toward Yue Zhong. 那一团黄金色的血液被岳重吸收之后。那黄金之河旋即翻腾滚滚凝聚形成了数黄金斧、黄金剑狠狠的向着岳重轰了过来。 Yue Zhong sits well in the river of that gold, whatever all kinds of attack bang above his Glory Battle Armor. The bombardment fundamental law of that golden blood river injures the Yue Zhong half minute, instead was used to carry on to temper own body by him, becomes by own body tyrannical. 岳重端坐在那黄金之河之中,任凭各种各样的攻击轰在了他的荣耀战甲之上。那黄金血河的轰击根本法伤害岳重半分,反而被他利用进行锤炼自己的身体,让自己的身体变得更加的强横。 How the river of that gold discussed changes , the law tore Glory Battle Armor that on Yue Zhong put on. The Ninth-Rank High Level dry corpses also leave from the creek of gold, toward the Yue Zhong unceasing bombardment. The same method injures the Yue Zhong slightest. 那黄金之河论如何变化,也法撕裂岳重身上穿着的荣耀战甲。一具具九阶高级的干尸也从黄金之河涌出,向着岳重不断的轰击。同样法伤害岳重分毫。 Glory Battle Armor is the strongest several gold level armor classes treasures, to destroy such treasure, only then true God level Expert gets rid, or will be the gold level treasure of same progression has the possibility the destruction. 荣耀战甲乃是最强的几种黄金级铠甲类的宝物,要想破坏这样的宝物只有真神级强者出手,或者是同一级数的黄金级宝物才有可能将之破坏。 At this moment, has transmitted a deep ratio thought from that blood river suddenly: human race, great blood is willing to collaborate with you, eliminates these damn foreign race. Please stop the destruction to blood graceful body! These foreign race are our common enemies, making us eliminate them together.” 就在这时,从那血河之中突然传来了一个深沉比的意念:“人类,伟大的血曼愿意和你一起联手,消灭那些该死的异族。请你停止对血曼身体的破坏!那些异族是我们共同的敌人,让我们一起消灭它们。” In the Yue Zhong heard heart moves. Stopped building up the blood river, he has filled killing intent to these damn foreign race similarly. 岳重闻言心中一动。停止了炼化血河,他同样对那些该死的异族充满了杀机 The Yue Zhong god read moves said: God blood lotus seed, delivers entirely the god blood lotus seed that on you have to me. I cooperated with you, extinguished that crowd of trash.” 岳重神念一动道:“神血莲子,把你身上结出的神血莲子统统送过来给我。我就和你合作,灭了那群垃圾。” The consciousness blood graceful rapid agreement of then by the blood river being been born said: Good!” 那由血河诞生的意识血曼迅速的同意道:“好!” This monster blood gracefully not deficient Strength that is born by true God level Expert blood essence, its body is by the blood condensation of number true God level Expert, is containing Strength completely. These god blood lotus seed regarding it, are some may have to be possible the objects, gives Yue Zhong not to love dearly. 这由真神级强者精血诞生的怪物血曼并不缺乏力量,它的身体是由数真神级强者的鲜血凝聚而成,蕴含着尽的力量。那些神血莲子对于它来说,都是一些可有可的物体,送给岳重也不心疼。 Quick, has piled up with the god blood lotus seed of number before the body of Yue Zhong, he also without hesitation. In that hundreds of thousands of god blood lotus seed direct income stars rings, simultaneously fishes out one from that god blood lotus seed toward mouth. 很快,在岳重的身前就堆满了数的神血莲子,他也毫不犹豫。将那数十万枚神血莲子直接收入星辰戒指之中,同时从那神血莲子之中摸出一把往嘴里一塞。 These god blood lotus seed one was swallowed into the abdomen by Yue Zhong, at once changes to cool supernatural powers, was nourishing his body and soul lets his body and soul was also formidable a point.[ 那些神血莲子一被岳重吞入腹中,旋即化作一道道清凉的神力,滋养着他的身体和灵魂让他的身体和灵魂又强大了一分。[ The Yue Zhong great happiness, continued to swallow a god blood lotus seed. However this effect is really unsatisfactory, he can only feel within the body cool, the Strength not large scale promotion. 岳重大喜,继续吞噬了一把神血莲子。不过这一次效果确是不佳,他只能够感觉体内一阵清凉,力量并没有大幅度的提升。 Yue Zhong regrets looks in the stars ring hundreds of thousands of god blood lotus seed: Was a pity, these talent treasures regarding me, effect getting smaller.” 岳重惋惜的看着星辰戒指之中数十万枚神血莲子:“可惜,这些天才地宝对于我来说,效果越来越小了。” Evolves to arrive in behind exceed, can have the effect talent treasure to be getting fewer and fewer to these top Expert. Because of so, Yue Zhong right hand God and Devil System Mark appears the precious ratio. 进化到越后面,能够对那些顶尖强者有效果的天才地宝就越来越少。正是因为如此,岳重右手神魔系统印记才显得珍贵比。 So long as buys in enough life vitality Yue Zhong to break through the bottleneck, Advanced/Evolved becomes half step true God and Expert of true God level. Such going against heaven's will talent, naturally makes the number race Expert envy the envy. 只要吸纳足够的生命元气岳重就能够突破瓶颈,进阶成为半步真神、真神级的强者。这样的逆天天赋,自然让数种族的强者羡慕嫉妒不已。 Yue Zhong ponders a meeting, asked directly: Blood is graceful, if I help you kill the above these people, you can open to the fifth exceedingly high tower front door to me?” 岳重沉思一会,直接问道:“血曼,如果我帮你干掉上面那些人,你能够开启通往第五层的通天塔大门给我吗?” Blood graceful buzz sound track: What is the exceedingly high tower fifth front door? Is this thing?” 血曼嗡声道:“通天塔第五层的大门是什么?是这个东西吗?” Blood graceful words just fell, white rays flash, during is void, opened gate of pure white directly to exceedingly high tower fifth space. 血曼的话语刚落,一道道白色的光芒闪动,虚空之中,直接打开了一个纯白色通往通天塔第五层的空间之门。 Opened!!” “打开了!!” Opened unexpectedly?” “竟然打开了?” Walks!!” “走!!” „......” “……” Looks at the gate of that opened exceedingly high tower fifth space, all Expert stare first, at once is wild with joy flies directly toward that exceedingly high tower fifth, nobody remains with that golden blood river entanglement. 看着那被打开的通天塔第五层的空间之门,所有的强者先是一愣,旋即欣喜若狂的向着那通天塔第五层直接飞去,没有一个人留下来与那黄金血河纠缠。 Yue Zhong looks at the gate of that opened exceedingly high tower fifth space, first is slightly one dull, at once the personal appearance dodges, one flew from that blood river, submerged in the gate of space. 岳重看着那被打开的通天塔第五层空间之门,先是微微一呆,旋即身形一闪,一下从那血河之中飞了出来,没入了空间之门中。 Walked! One crowd hurries to the idiot who brings death. In my this pass/test, has destroyed completely many trash, enough has reported on accomplishments.” Looks after various people disappear, has broadcast a deep ratio sound from that golden blood river. “都走了!一群赶着去送死的蠢货。在我这一关,也灭掉了不少垃圾,已经足够交差。”看着诸人消失之后,从那黄金血河之中传来了一个深沉比的声音。 The Yue Zhong Enter fifth space, sees the crystal water chestnut column void float, above that crystal water chestnut column, is surrounding various principles and secret techniques. 岳重进入第五层的空间,就看见一个又一个水晶菱柱虚空悬浮,在那一个个水晶菱柱之上,环绕着各种法则、秘术。 Before a crystal water chestnut column, Jeffrey is pressing a crystal water chestnut column, at the same time deluded muttered: Originally is this!! The principle of silk actually can also continue to evolve, was too inconceivable. Originally I am also only shortsighted person, strange does not get the knack of the breakthrough , to promote into the true God level Expert.” 在一个水晶菱柱之前,杰佛里一手按着一个水晶菱柱,一边如痴如醉的喃喃道:“原来是这样!!丝之法则竟然还能够继续进化,太不可思议了。原来我还只是井底之蛙,怪不得法突破,晋升成为真神级的强者。” Besides Jeffrey, Expert encircle a face above crystal water chestnut columns comprehends in the crystal water chestnut column is containing the strength of various principles crazily crazily, deluded, above the body is filling the formidable Strength fluctuation. 除了杰佛里之外,一名名的强者都围在一枚枚水晶菱柱之上一脸痴狂的领悟着水晶菱柱里面蕴含着的各种法则之力,一个个如痴如醉,身体之上弥漫着强大的力量波动。 Yue Zhong looks that these were comprehending the principle many Expert, in the heart have given birth to killing intent suddenly, if got rid while this opportunity, he can extinguish absolutely adds up totals ten Ninth-Rank Expert. 岳重看着那些正在领悟法则的诸多强者,心中骤然生出了一丝杀机,若是趁此时机出手,他绝对能够灭杀数十名九阶强者 The Yue Zhong killing intent just the same place, sound of the prompt at once resounds in his knowledge sea: Here is the principle temple, does not permit all forms of battle, the offender writes off directly.” 岳重的杀意刚刚一起,一个提示之声旋即在他的识海之中响起:“这里是法则圣殿,不允许任何形式的厮杀,违者直接抹杀。” Yue Zhong deeply inspired, before arrives rapidly was containing the crystal water chestnut column of flame principle, puts out a hand according to above that crystal water chestnut column. 岳重深深吸了一口气,迅速的走到了一个蕴含着火焰法则的水晶菱柱之前,伸手按在了那水晶菱柱之上。 When Yue Zhong places above the hand that crystal water chestnut column, exhausted to contain the information of flame principle to emerge in his knowledge sea at once, let his mystery to the flame principle a more profound comprehension. 岳重将手放在那水晶菱柱之上时,穷尽蕴含着火焰法则的信息旋即涌入了他的识海之中,让他对火焰法则的奥妙又了更加深刻的领悟。 After Yue Zhong has bought in that flame principle completely, one also fell into the deluded comprehension condition: „, My comprehension to the flame principle really somewhat was superficial, these are really the essences of flame principle.”[ 岳重吸纳了那尽的火焰法则之后,一下也陷入了如痴如醉的领悟状态:“原来如此,我对火焰法则的领悟果然有些浅薄,这些才真是火焰法则的精髓。”[ While all people comprehends various principle mysterious, purest world vitalities from well up in all directions, has injected into all people within the body directly, lets various person unceasingly evolution strengthen. 就在诸人领悟各种法则玄奥的同时,一股股最为精纯的天地元气从四面八方涌来,直接注入了诸人的体内,让诸人不断的进化变强。 Simultaneously a strange clock baseless and presently, appears during this palace was void, the indicator is revolving unceasingly. 同时一个诡异的时钟凭空而现,出现在了这宫殿虚空之中,指针不断的旋转着。 Has been OK, I comprehended the flame principle the essence, can refine that true God level Expert soul brand mark!!” “可以了,我已经领悟火焰法则的精髓,可以炼化那名真神级强者的灵魂烙印!!” The practice years, have not known many years, Yue Zhong has opened both eyes suddenly, stretches out in his knowledge sea, the rapid condensation a whole body was surrounding the flame Yue Zhong main body. 修炼岁月,不知过了多少年月,岳重忽然睁开了双眼,在他的识海伸出,迅速的凝聚出了一个浑身环绕着火焰的岳重本尊。 That hides, in Yue Zhong knew one of the sea deep place not to extinguish the soul brand mark also once more to appear to condense that three true God empty shade in his knowledge sea. 那隐藏在岳重识海深处的一丝不灭灵魂烙印也再次显现在他的识海之中凝聚出了那名三眼真神的虚影。 That true God level Expert soul empty shade looks at Yue Zhong, in the eye is flashing completely panic-strickenly, very said rude: „The Ninth-Rank peak, do you evolve unexpectedly that quickly? Unexpectedly did the evolution become Ninth-Rank peak Expert? Possibly how to evolve that quickly?” 那一丝真神级强者的灵魂虚影看着岳重,眼中闪动着尽的惊骇,十分失态道:“九阶巅峰,你竟然进化得那么快?竟然进化成为了九阶巅峰的强者?怎么可能进化得那么快?” „Becoming the stepping-stone that I evolve!” “成为我进化的踏脚石吧!” In the Yue Zhong eye cold light flashes, incarnation becomes a flame giant puts out a hand to grasp toward that true God level Expert soul brand mark. Stressed that true God level Expert soul brand mark in the hand. 岳重眼中寒光闪动,化身成为一个火焰巨人伸手向着那名真神级强者的灵魂烙印抓去。一把将那名真神级强者的灵魂烙印抓在了手中。 Counts the raging fire to dance in the air, that true God level Expert did not extinguish the soul brand mark at once in calling out in grief changed to the flying ash. 数烈火飞舞,那名真神级强者的不灭灵魂烙印旋即在悲鸣之中化作了飞灰。 ( Ps: Tomorrow makes up!)( To be continued. If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning voting and monthly ticket, your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) (ps:明天补!)(未完待续。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点投票、月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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