GLSAADL :: Volume #7

#627: We should not suspect Azure Mound this anomaly!!

Chapter 627 we should not suspect Azure Mound this anomaly!! 第627章我们就不该怀疑青丘这个变态!! After the system prompt falls, the player blasted out the pot. 系统提示落下之后,玩家炸开了锅。 At the forum becomes extremely lively. 论坛上变得极为热闹。 fuck, what situation is this? Can we obtain the authority directly? Moreover this is the 100,000 person, some so many lawful rights?” 卧槽,这是什么情况?我们能直接获得权柄了?而且这是10万人,有这么多权柄吗?” 500,000 years ago, the epoch was prevented, various gods can continue revolving to fear the brothers extremely.” “五十万年前,新纪元被阻止,诸神得以延续细思极恐啊兄弟们。” „Do we arrive at 《Glorious Era》 main quest to start the epoch? Whose such great writer, the person the whole world does draw directly? Creates the world god?” “我们来到《光辉纪元》的主要任务是为了开启新纪元?谁这么大手笔,直接把整个世界的人都拉进来?创世神吗?” „Can fuck, by the person of care with various Shenwei the enemy? Is this mother rewards or punishes? Creepy feeling.” 卧槽,被眷顾之人要跟诸神为敌?这尼玛是奖励还是惩罚?头皮发麻啊。” „Do all players join the epoch founder automatically? Doesn't this make our these sect faction players lapse automatically?” “所有玩家都自动加入新纪元开创者?这不是让我们这些教派阵营的玩家自动叛教吗?” Experienced had shuffled several times turbulently, the material piece alternated, the player from the original 20 billion scales, has dropped less than 5 billion. 经历过数次动荡洗牌,资料片更迭,玩家从原本的两百亿规模,已经下降到了不足五十亿。 But under great waves wash out the sand, can survive is elite. 但大浪淘沙之下,能存活下来的无一不是精锐。 Under so turbulent background, player strength, anyone, does not dare to neglect. 在如此动荡的背景之下,玩家这股力量,不论是谁,都不敢忽视。 However many people also realized complex relations, this material piece is not obviously good to complete. 不过很多人也意识到了其中的复杂关系,这个资料片显然没那么好完成。 This time separated alone the player. 这次可是把玩家单独分离出来了。 Sure enough, when this news through turning to the mouth of indigenous people player, after spreading over the whole world, the disturbance immediately surges. 果不其然,当这个消息通过投靠原住民玩家的嘴,传遍整个世界后,风波立刻涌动。 After these hierarchs know at this moment the 500,000 years ago wars of various god prevented the arrival this secret of epoch unexpectedly, the attitude becomes more complex. 那些掌权者此刻知晓五十万年前的诸神之战竟然阻止了新纪元的到来这个隐秘之后,态度变得更加复杂。 Since there is a precedent, then represents this time is also being not necessarily able to succeed. 既然有过先例,那么是不是代表着这次也未必会成功。 Moreover shoulders this heavy responsibility, is divine grace Lord, this makes them be worried. 而且肩负这个重任的,是神恩领主,这更让他们感到担忧。 Originally this is divine grace Lord arrives at the main plane reason, but, they are doomed with various Shenwei the enemy, why is called divine grace Lord?” “原来这就是神恩领主来到主位面的原因可是,他们注定与诸神为敌,为何又被称为神恩领主?” Many hierarchs detected subtly from this change, but back intriguing relations, kept the person from inquiring into. 很多掌权者都从这次的变动中察觉到了微妙,但背后错综复杂的关系,又让人无从探究。 After discussion of high heat degree, on the live broadcast plate, the opening live broadcast, was closed at this moment completely. 高热度的热议过后,直播板块上,正在开启的直播,此刻全部被关闭。 Then presented among 100,000 new live broadcasts. 转而出现了10万个新的直播间。 Among each live broadcasts, has two pictures, is centered on by world will care, another picture, is the territory of player. 每个直播间,都有两个画面,一个是以被世界意志眷顾者为中心,另一个画面,则是玩家的领地。 Many players see oneself when live broadcast, a face compels ignorant. 不少玩家看到自己在直播时,一脸懵逼。 Afterward started excitedly, was their is selected? Immediately can obtain the authority? 随后开始兴奋了起来,他们这是被选中了?马上就要获得权柄了? However this exciting vigor has not risen to be pressed got down because of this on behalf, they become various God the enemy. 不过这股兴奋劲还没升起来就被压了下去因为这代表着,他们成为了诸神的敌人。 No, not only even various God, so long as is individual, is their enemies. 不,甚至不只是诸神,只要是个人,都是他们的敌人。 Because kills them, can obtain the authority that falls. 因为杀死他们,能获得掉落的权柄。 Under the insane biography, which lucky fellow the quick billions of players started the examination in the live broadcasts are or are hapless the ghost to be selected. 疯传之下,很快数以十亿计的玩家开始在直播间查看到底是哪个幸运儿或者说倒霉鬼被选中了。 Quick they discovered, these obtain the player who cares for are almost the uniform big shot, is not the president of big association, has the huge prestigious top player at the forum. 很快他们就发现,这些获得眷顾的玩家几乎都是清一色大佬,不是大公会的会长,就是在论坛上有着巨大的声望的顶级玩家。 This discovery makes the players relax, after all is the words of these big shot, is insufficient the least bit to want not to have. 这个发现让玩家们松了口气,毕竟是这些大佬的话,不至于半点希望都没有。 But this cannot make the players satisfy, starts to turn to look in 100,000 live broadcasts. 但这并不能让玩家们满意,开始在10万个直播间中翻找起来。 Quick discovered among live broadcasts that they want to see. 很快就发现了他们想要看到的直播间。 The title between live broadcasts takes player's ID at forum for the name, among this live broadcasts above is labelling common ID. 直播间的标题是以玩家在论坛上的ID为名字,这个直播间上面标注着一个普普通通的ID。 Azure Mound. 青丘 Does not need any description, does not need any explanation, the Azure Mound two characters proves all sufficiently. 不需要任何描述,不需要任何说明,青丘二字足以证明一切。 Not only because of his great strength , because of the representative of his player, is player's symbol! 不仅是因为他的强大,还是因为他玩家的代表,是玩家的象征! Even if in the endless confusion, opposite party merely one name, can make them feel calm and steady. 哪怕在无尽的混乱之中,对方仅仅一个名字,就能让他们感到安稳。 At this moment, is Azure Mound doing? Is wild with joy, facing the hunting of various god but is afraid frightened? 此时此刻,青丘在干什么呢?是欣喜若狂,还是面对诸神的狩猎而恐惧害怕? Has the curiosity, so long as sees the player between this live broadcasts, can select to go. 带着强烈的好奇心,只要是看到这个直播间的玩家,都会点进去。 However enters among the live broadcasts, inside picture made everyone be shocked. 但是一进直播间,里面的画面就让所有人都愣住了。 Among the live broadcasts in has two pictures to choose freely, by form peaceful sitting that the yellow sand covers in the room, is talking with several people, but the voices of these people were shielded, is unable to know anything that said. 直播间里有两个画面可以自由选择,一个是被黄沙笼罩的身影安静的坐在房间内,跟几个人正在交谈,但是这些人的声音被屏蔽了,无法得知说的什么。 Moreover under the disturbances of certain strengths, read the lip unable to achieve. 而且在某些力量的干扰之下,读唇也无法做到。 This picture is very normal, care between other live broadcasts actually also mostly so. 这个画面很正常,其他直播间的眷顾者其实也大多如此。 Another picture, clearly is opposite with here tranquil style. 另一个画面,则跟这边平静的画风截然相反。 In line of sight, what appeared came from the devils in nine prisons, limitless devil! 视线中,出现的是来自九狱的魔鬼,无边无际的魔鬼! The aura is savage, the eye pupil is scarlet, fiendish features, on the back grows long-tail, head length two horns. 气息凶残,眼眸猩红,青面獠牙,背生长尾,头长双角。 These in the main plane evil symbol, its quantity, are unable to describe in the spoken language. 这些在主位面邪恶的象征,其数量之多,无法用言语来描述。 Among the audience in live broadcasts, will have the feeling of being personally on the scene. 在直播间的观众,会有身入其境的感觉。 The angle of view overlooks in the midair, this picture will have a liking for a whole body to tremble merely. 视角是在半空之中俯瞰而下的,这幅画面仅仅只是看上一眼就会浑身颤栗。 The turbulent black tide sweeps across the world more terrifying than the tsunami. 汹涌的黑潮比海啸席卷天地都要恐怖。 Quantity such many devils, are doing a matter to attack a city at this moment! 数量如此之多的魔鬼,此刻都在做一件事攻城! Attacks one to tower in the city above corpse and blood! 进攻一座耸立在尸体和鲜血之上的城市! The Dusk City surrounding yellow sand, had been covered by the corpse! Even most people, do not have the means to see here from the battlefield are the deserts! 黄昏之城周围的黄沙,早已经被尸体所覆盖!甚至绝大部分人,都没办法从战场上看出这里原本是沙漠! Only the line of sight looks into the end, can see reluctantly some devil are exposing gravel. 只有视线眺望到尽头,才能勉强看出一些魔鬼脚下裸露着的沙砾。 The offensive of devil army terrifying lets all enter the players between live broadcasts to feel that one suffocates intermittently. 魔鬼大军恐怖的攻势让所有进入直播间的玩家都感到一阵阵窒息。 Many people stared in a big way the eye, even breathed forgets. 许多人瞪大了眼睛,甚至连呼吸都忘记了。 Why Azure Mound territory by so many devil attacks?! 为什么青丘的领地在被如此多的魔鬼进攻?! Was this devils in nine prisons gathers in this? 这是九狱的魔鬼都汇聚在这了吗? Moreover looks at this stance, the time that the devil army attacks only feared that has 45 days. 而且看这副架势,魔鬼大军进攻的时间只怕已经有四五天了。 How can Azure Mound shoulder such terrifying attack?! 青丘怎么能扛住这么恐怖的进攻?! Quick, some players of being sharp-eyed saw above the rear sand dune, two devil Lord that is responsible for directing. 很快,一些眼尖的玩家看到了后方沙丘之上,负责指挥的两个魔鬼领主 Immediately some people recognize them. 立刻有人认出了它们。 Nine hell's first control —— Bayer and rules the nine prison's second fiendish person —— Grand Duke Teece Baht. 九层地狱第一层主宰——拜尔和统治九狱第二层的魔王——狄斯巴特大公。 After two people status were exposed, among the live broadcasts in barrage is crowded immediately. 两人的身份被点破之后,直播间内的弹幕立刻密集了起来。 fuck, what situation? Two devil do Lord direct the devil army to attack jointly? What did Azure Mound do? Gave the barrel the hell?” 卧槽,什么情况?两个魔鬼领主联手指挥魔鬼大军进攻?青丘到底干了什么?把地狱给桶了吗?” Unbelievable, is not unacceptable, the innumerable mood surge in the heart of audience. 难以置信,无法接受,无数情绪在观众的心头涌起。 You must say after the new chapter opens, bore a grudge by the Spiritual God because of the authority incident launches the attack, they can also understand. 你要说新章节开启后,因为权柄一事被神灵记恨发起攻击,他们还能理解。 But now this situation, was the devil army has obviously attacked not the short time. 但现在这种情况,明显是魔鬼大军已经进攻不短的时间了啊。 The devil corpse of city wall front ground covering. What airplane is this is doing?! 城墙前方的魔鬼尸体都已经把地面给覆盖了.这是在搞什么飞机?! After having gotten back one's composure, among the live broadcasts many players look that was stopped unable to overstep half step devil army outside the city wall, is somewhat indignant. 回过神后,直播间不少的玩家看着被阻拦在城墙之外无法逾越半步的魔鬼大军,又有些愤愤不平。 Why? 凭什么啊? We know that your Azure Mound awesome, knows you, but you are also individual, is the territory not possible so is also invincible? 我们知道你青丘牛掰,知道你强,但你强也是个人强啊,领地不可能也这么无敌吧? But is now booing, what did they see? The countless devil has no way to shake the opposite party territory in the situations of two devil Lord directions!! 可现在倒好,他们看见了什么?无以计数的魔鬼在两个魔鬼领主指挥的情况下都没法撼动对方领地!! This is simply funny, but that motherfucker devil! How three big evil place regiment battle efficiency strongest strengths can such easily was blocked?! 这简直搞笑啊,那他娘的可是魔鬼!三大邪恶之地军团战斗力最强的力量怎么能这么轻易的被挡住?! Was hugging the player who looks at the Azure Mound joke idea, is incapable of complaining at this moment. 原本抱着看青丘笑话想法的玩家,此刻都无力吐槽。 Before this freak is very early, can the slaughter god, after now control Ell plane, is becomes even more is more unreadable. 这个死变态很早之前就能屠神了,现在掌控埃尔位面后,更是变得越发难以理解。 Facing various God, other players are possibly afraid, frightened, but will this anomaly be afraid? 面对诸神,其他玩家可能害怕,恐惧,但是这个变态会害怕? This is before is very early has killed the Spiritual God pure anomaly! How they think that looks at the joke of this fellow, they are the jokes. 这可是在很早之前就干掉过神灵的纯变态啊!他们怎么会想到看这家伙的笑话,他们才是笑话吧。 Does not need any spoken language, is Dusk City blocks the picture that the devil army attacks merely outrageously, makes all players lose the sound sufficiently. 不需要任何言语,仅仅是黄昏之城悍然挡住魔鬼大军冲击的画面,就足以让所有玩家失去声音。 In comparison, other player who was selected by the world will, cannot withstand simply small and weakly. 相比之下,其他被世界意志选中的玩家,简直弱小不堪. Quick, the hell is attacking the Azure Mound territory, and has engaged in fierce battle 35 days of news to spread over entire main plane. 很快,地狱正在进攻青丘领地,而且已经鏖战了三五天的消息就传遍了整个主位面 No one knows that the reason of this war is anything, what we definitely know is that Li Cha really has strength and energy that can resist nine prison armies. 没有人知道这场战争的缘由是什么,但可以肯定的是,李察是真的拥有能抵挡九狱大军的实力和底气。 These support the association and indigenous people influence of Li Cha army, after knowing the Dusk City bitter experience, one face is strange. 那些支援李察军队的公会和原住民势力,在得知黄昏之城的遭遇之后,也都一脸古怪。 When Dusk City uses the army that they support, informed them to suffer the attack to need to assist. 黄昏之城动用他们支援的军队时,也只是告知他们自己遭受到了攻击需要协助。 The opposite party enemy unexpectedly is the hell! Moreover army that is directed by two devil Lord. 没想到,对方敌人竟然是地狱!而且是由两个魔鬼领主指挥的军队。 In the hell severe system, the actions of these two devil Lord, solicited certainly Lancet Diels, this nine prisons Lord agreement. 以地狱严苛的体系,这两个魔鬼领主的行动,一定是征得了阿斯摩蒂尔斯,这位九狱之主的同意。 In other words Azure Mound is resisting the entire nine prisons in a person. 换句话说青丘正在一个人抵挡整个九狱。 Thinks of this cannot help but scalp tingles. 想到这不由得头皮发麻。 Hell that but that motherfucker Lancet Diels commands! Several times the wars of various god, did not have the restricted area that the Spiritual God dares to visit! 他娘的可是阿斯摩蒂尔斯统率的地狱啊!数次诸神之战,都没有神灵敢踏足的禁地! In the heart looked at one regarding Li Cha again high, this reputation resounds through the main plane top character, is really extraordinary. 心中对于李察不由再次高看了一眼,这位声名响彻主位面的顶级人物,果然非凡。 Shortly, Dusk City receives the message, many influences are willing to provide the army on own initiative, assistance Dusk City. 没多久,黄昏之城就收到消息,有不少势力愿意主动提供军队,协助黄昏之城 Without many hierarch of big influence is the idiot. 没有多少大势力的掌权者是蠢货。 Since the player were selected the opening epoch care, then the most hopeful person, why they can't increase the chip to bet? 既然玩家是被选中开启新纪元的眷顾者,那么其中最有希望之人,他们为什么不能加大筹码下注? Naturally, to prevent the eventuality, these influences mostly secretly are assisting, even two bet. They only want to survive, does not want to be destroyed in the confusion. 当然,为了预防万一,那些势力大多是在暗中协助,甚至于两头下注.他们只想存活下去,不想在混乱中被毁灭。 But inborn is an epoch founder faction player, the degree of support to Li Cha was bigger, Ell player association first expressed full power supported the Li Cha attitude. 而天生便是新纪元开创者阵营一员的玩家,对李察的支持程度就更大了,埃尔玩家协会第一时间表达了全力支持李察的态度。 Also therefore, in the Dusk City hand available military has been strengthened again. 也因此,黄昏之城手中可用的兵力再次得到增强。 100,000 the player who cared for by the world will after the live broadcasts opens a half hour, Li Cha hears the system prompt that the ear bank transmitted. 10万被世界意志眷顾的玩家在直播间开启半个小时后,李察才听到了耳畔传来的系统提示。 Ding ~ you had cared for by the world will, obtains the corresponding faction authority automatically, every day obtains 10 , to continue for 10 days or is the upper limit, or till thorough control authority.” “叮~你已被世界意志眷顾,自动获得相应阵营的权柄,每天获得十,持续十天或达到上限,或彻底掌控权柄为止。” „After the death, the authority will be inherited by killing, automatically the characteristics obtained the authority will expire.” “死亡之后,权柄将会被杀死者继承,自动获得权柄的特性将会失效。” Same authority, can also be obtained by many people.” “同一个权柄,可以被多人同时获得。” Note: If the epoch is unable to open, all players will be included the death list by the Spiritual God, various God will not allow to try to subvert their person survivals, please survive diligently, opens the brand-new era, remains decayed passing!” “注:如果新纪元无法开启,所有玩家都将被神灵列入死亡名单,诸神不会允许试图颠覆他们的人存活,请努力存活下去,开启崭新的纪元,把腐朽留在过往!” Ding ~ you have obtained care of desert authority, examined you to control 30 desert lawful rights, and had over 1 million people of devout followers, your desert authority promoted to 60, and desert authority will only retain for you, others are unable to obtain again.” “叮~你已获得沙漠权柄的眷顾,检测到你本身掌控了30的沙漠权柄,并且拥有超过百万人的虔诚信徒,你的沙漠权柄提升到60,并且沙漠权柄将只为你保留,其他人无法再获得。” „The desert authority that you control surpasses 60, activates the lord of authority characteristics —— desert, wields the desert.” “你掌控的沙漠权柄超过60,激活权柄特性——沙漠之主,执掌沙漠。” The lord of desert, special, you are the control of desert, you are the eternal control, so long as you place above the desert, was covered by the authority, the death later can resurrect immediately. 沙漠之主,特殊,你是沙漠的主宰,你是永恒的主宰,你只要身处沙漠之上,被权柄笼罩,死亡之后能立刻复活。 Wields the desert, special, you are controlling desert all, can transfer the desert all strengths. 执掌沙漠,特殊,你掌控着沙漠的一切,可以调动沙漠的一切力量。 Ding ~ your talent: The Desert Domination talent enters the step is the Legendary level, all skill attributes promote sharply.” “叮~你的天赋:沙漠主宰天赋进阶为传奇级,所有技能属性大幅提升。” The system prompt sound falls, Li Cha has not examined second to feel that with enough time a huge strength bursts out in the soul, integrates every inchs the flesh. 系统提示声音落下,李察还未来得及查看第二遍就感觉一股庞大的力量在灵魂之中迸发开来,融入每一寸血肉。 The soul of whole person, was obtaining the sublimation at this moment. 整个人的灵魂,都在此刻获得了升华。 When he has gotten back one's composure, had passed for a half hour, turns the head to look in all directions, immediately feels the present all had changed. 等他回过神时,已经过去了半个多小时,转头四顾,立刻感觉眼前的一切都已经发生了变化。 The world seemed like in him lifts the long skirt at present, the mysterious place exposes clearly at present. 世界像是在他眼前掀开了长裙,神秘之处清晰展露在眼前。 He can the sensation to mana like water flowing, be able the sensation to the world rule ingenious revolution, to be able the sensation to arrive at passing of all around space even time. 他能感知到魔力如水般流动,能感知到世界规则巧妙的运转,能感知到四周空间甚至于时间的流逝. But this, after merely is only the appetizer deeply attracts several tones, slowly turns the head to look to the Death Dessert direction, in the eye flashes is flashing on and off the uncertain ray. 而这,仅仅只是开胃菜深吸几口气后,缓缓转头看向死亡沙漠的方向,眼中闪动着明灭不定的光芒。 He can feel, the desert is summoning him, was said to him. Submits, is welcoming own master. 他能感受到,沙漠在呼唤着他,在向他表示.臣服,在恭迎自己的主人。 There, is hiding the inexhaustible strength. 那里,隐藏着无穷无尽的力量。 So long as he visits the desert, that strength can be urged by him! 而只要他踏足沙漠,那股力量就能被他驱使! This is the authority, true strength? 这就是权柄,真正的力量吗? The Li Cha eye narrows the eyes, for a very long time has not acted. 李察眼睛微眯,久久没有动作。 Meanwhile, in Soran City the follower of desert sect, felt in own mind to transmit the fluctuation of energy of solar burning hot at the same time. 与此同时,索兰城内沙漠教派的信徒,同一时间感受到自己脑海中传来了太阳般炙热的能量波动。 The Spiritual God that oneself believe, in just, completed some transformation. 自己信仰的神灵,就在刚刚,完成了某种蜕变。 Becoming more exuberant, the burning hot, is more powerful. 变得更加旺盛,更加炙热,更加强大。 Is full the exuberant vitality time to shine they. 充盈旺盛的生命力时刻在照耀着他们。 So striking, is so dazzling! 如此醒目,如此耀眼! Is this flash, these shallow followers are almost hard oneself, after the moment , the devout followers of desert sect were many about one time. 就是这一瞬间,那些浅信徒几乎难以自己,片刻后沙漠教派的虔诚信徒多了近一倍。 After the desert authority achieves 60, Li Cha rose a new stair to its control. 沙漠权柄达到60之后,李察对其的掌控就上升到了一个新的台阶。 Has not made this promotion spread. 并没有让这次的晋升扩散出去。 Even if the time is staring at Lancet Diels of desert church, the lords of this nine prison have not discovered fluctuation. 哪怕时刻盯着沙漠教堂的阿斯摩蒂尔斯,这位九狱之主都没有发现其中的波动。 After Li Cha obtains presenting of the world will, not too many joyful, because of until at this moment, this storms that affect the innumerable person destinies open officially. 李察获得世界意志的馈赠之后,并没有太多欣喜,因为直到此刻,这场牵动无数人命运的风暴才正式开启。 But that prompt of system, was doomed the brutality of this war unable to start the epoch, all players will be cleaned. 而系统的那条提示,也注定了这场战争的残酷无法开启新纪元,所有玩家都将被清洗。 This time material piece, without the escape route, the opening epoch, lives. 这次的资料片,没有退路可言,开启新纪元,活。 various God wins, everyone must die! 诸神胜利,所有人都要死! This news had not been concealed, then made all players know quickly. 这个消息没有被隐瞒,很快便让所有玩家知晓了。 Immediately becomes on the player of moving restlessly crazy. 原本就躁动的玩家立刻变得疯狂起来。 They, had been compelled the dead end! 他们,已经被逼上了绝路! Under the attention of countless person, 100,000 care because also existence between live broadcasts, exposes before everyone. 在无数人的关注下,10万眷顾者也因为直播间的存在,暴露在所有人面前。 Shortly, have mixed feelings players on surprised discovery, these care one after another aura big changes. 没多久,心情复杂的玩家们就惊讶的发现,这些眷顾者一个个气息大变。 Many people even borrowed this to break through extraordinary directly. 不少人甚至借此直接突破到了超凡 The authority, was controlled by them! 权柄,被他们掌控了! This time material piece showdown, must start officially! 这次的资料片关键之战,要正式开启了! After realizing this, moving restlessly of main plane was detonated thoroughly. 意识到这点之后,主位面的躁动彻底被引爆了。 The innumerable indigenous people influences start to go into action, the goal only then, found the player who obtains the authority! 无数原住民势力开始行动起来,目标只有一个,找到获得权柄的玩家! But the goal of player only has one. Assistance by care, very 10 days! 而玩家的目的只有一个.协助被眷顾者,挺过十天! At this moment, everyone's interest tied up in one. 此刻,所有人的利益都绑在了一起。 On January 6, new chapter before daybreak second day of dark opening. 1月6号,新章节黎明前的黑暗开启的第二天。 The situation has changed, short one day of time, main plane each corner, seems to be erupting into the war! 局势已然大变,短短一天时间,主位面的每个角落,似乎都在爆发战争! The indigenous people start to fight for the authority of player, but obtains the indigenous people of authority to stare by others. 原住民开始争抢玩家的权柄,而得到权柄的原住民又被其他人盯上。 The unceasing wrap/sets kid presented the chain-reaction, under the butterfly effect, the situation gradually develops in not the controllable direction. 不断的套娃出现了连锁反应,在蝴蝶效应之下,局势逐渐朝着不可控的方向发展。 These cared for the player who obtains the authority are the top in player existed, but the contrast existed does not know the indigenous people who many years, insufficiently looked from afar. 那些被眷顾获得权柄的玩家已经是玩家中的顶级存在了,但是对比存在了不知道多少年的原住民,远远不够看。 Quick, was first discovered the player who has, came under the unprecedented attack. 很快,最先被发现存在的玩家,受到了前所未有的攻击。 Fills the greedy desire indigenous people direct army to threaten the border under to the authority, the presidents of many association, the top player above extraordinary, or were killed or are captured, the territory was broken through completely! 对权柄充满着贪婪欲望的原住民直接大军压境之下,不少公会的会长,超凡之上的顶级玩家,或被杀或被俘,领地则全部被攻破! Within merely one day, over 1/3 player withering away. 仅仅一天之内,就有超过三分之一的玩家消亡。 Among 100,000 live broadcasts winking dark eyes a big piece. 10万直播间眨眼黑了一大片。 Until at this moment, the players feels the pressure that was faced by world will care intuitively exaggeratingly. 直到此刻,玩家们才直观的感受到被世界意志眷顾者所面对的压力有多夸张。 They biggest enemy, is not various God, but is the greedy indigenous people. 他们最大的敌人,不是诸神,而是贪婪的原住民。 Presumptuously thinks to become the person of god, may compared with various god many 11 million times! 妄想成神的人,可比诸神多百万千万倍! The atmosphere is in vain tight, many people start to supply ideas, some people have the person to contribute labor, wants to assist these influences on defend. 气氛徒然紧张起来,不少人开始出谋划策,有人出人有力出力,想要协助那些势力守住。 On January 7, many players' control to the authority achieved 20, the strength rose sharply, but did the quantity between live broadcasts sharply fall poisonous snake|sick bei two? 1月7号,不少玩家对权柄的掌控达到了20,实力大涨,但直播间的数量锐减到了一虺鐾贰? Merely two days of time, obtained care the mortality rate to achieve terrifying 90. 仅仅两天时间,获得眷顾者的死亡率达到了恐怖的90。 Witnesses all these audience, is absolutely terrified. 目睹这一切的观众们,不由毛骨悚然。 Especially in seeing the presidents of many big associations, other extraordinary great person, under the offensive of indigenous people by easily accomplished routing, that disturbed frightened mood becomes more intense. 尤其是在看到许多大公会的会长,超凡级别的大人物,在原住民的攻势下被摧枯拉朽的击溃,那种忐忑恐惧的情绪不由变得更加强烈。 Their destinies, were also detained to bet the table in this time! 他们的命运,也在这次被押上了赌桌! No one wants to notice that various God wins this war. This will die. 没有谁想要看到诸神赢下这场战争.这会死的。 On January 8, the new material piece's third day, the player died in battle the number to be least, only has 3000. 1月8号,新资料片第三天,玩家阵亡数最少,只有三千。 9 th, two days continued this trend on the 10 th, but the bonus is so, remains 7000 people also to reduce 1000 over. But at this time, from 10 days of deadlines, but also is left over the —— six days. 九号、十号这两天延续了这个趋势,但饶是如此,所剩七千人也减少到了一千出头.而此时,距离十天的期限,还剩下——六天。 By world will care, the mortality rate reached as high as 99. 被世界意志眷顾者,死亡率高达99。 The player in forum facing this result, was thrown basin cold water probably. 论坛上的玩家面对这个结果,像是被泼了一盆冷水。 In all the posts of discussion, floods the pessimism that is unable to speak. 所有谈论的帖子中,都充斥着无法言说的悲观情绪。 The most much-quoted view is their these so-called by selection, is actually only the cannon fodder. 最广为流传的一个说法是他们这些所谓被选中者,其实只是炮灰而已。 They are only various God the stepping-stones!! 他们只是诸神的踏脚石!! Can the players, how possibly block to the indigenous people who the authority earnestly seeks extremely?! Let alone, the back also has the Spiritual God to eye covetously!! 玩家,怎么可能挡得住对权柄极度渴求的原住民?!更别说,背后还有神灵虎视眈眈!! They why? 他们凭什么? But in this endless pessimistic mood, is only left over the only sparkle the star to make several billions players not fall into thoroughly desperately. 但在这无尽悲观的情绪中,仅剩下唯一一颗闪耀的星星让数十亿玩家没有彻底陷入绝望。 Azure Mound. 青丘 This flag, has not dropped down 这面旗帜,没有倒下 Had passed enough four days, under several billions people of attention, the soldier/weapon front of hell, has not broken through the Azure Mound territory. 已经过去了足足四天,在数十亿人的关注下,地狱的兵锋,没有攻破青丘的领地。 According to the statistics of some teams, Azure Mound surpassed over a hundred regiments because of the army that resisting the devil died in battle every day! 根据一些团队的统计,青丘每天因为抵御魔鬼而阵亡的军队超过了上百个军团! This without doubt is the extremely exaggerating battle loss with amazement. 这无疑是极度夸张骇然的战损。 But city above that corpse and blood, stands erect as before not but actually! 但那座尸体和鲜血之上的城市,依旧屹立不倒! That city at this moment, becomes in the player heart the most dazzling flag. 那座城市在此刻,成为了玩家心中最耀眼的旗帜。 This time, the players unprecedented hope he can win the victory. 这次,玩家们都前所未有的希望他能赢得胜利.
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