GWT :: Volume #6 神魔战争

#855: „Martyr”

This heathen who misleads the world grasps!” “将这个蛊惑世人的异教徒抓起来!” Black robe Cleric coldly looks at Cyber, orders to say to Judgment Knight. 黑袍牧师冷冷地看着赛博,对审判骑士们命令道。 The poor vision on the scene changes, immediately is in a tumult. 在场的贫民们目光一变,立刻骚动了起来。 Being headed by once was the Class Holder old person, many people protected on own initiative before the body of Cyber, with being full of the anger vision is staring stubbornly Judgment Knight that broke in the church. 以曾经是职业者的老人为首,不少人主动护在了赛博的身前,用充满怒火的目光死死瞪着冲入教堂的审判骑士 Meanwhile, but also hears some people to curse faintly: 同时,还隐隐听到有人咒骂道: Bah! Eternal Church running dog!” “呸!永恒教会的走狗!” Sees the behavior of poor, Cyber stares slightly, in the heart floated off saying that inexplicably did not make a debut the unclear feeling. 看到贫民的行为,赛博微微一愣,心中莫名浮起了一丝说不出道不明的感觉。 He has not thought these overwhelming majorities Class Holder are not the poor, kept off before own body at this moment unexpectedly! 他万万没想到这些绝大多数连职业者都不是的贫民,此时此刻竟然挡在了自己的身前! But at this time, together fragile sound from the Cyber body rear-drive: 而这个时候,一道细弱的声音从赛博身后传了过来: Sir Cyber, comes with me, Eternal Church is catching the life follower who preached everywhere, I know that behind the church had a secret alley, you came with me quickly, ran away from the back door!” 赛博大人,跟我来,永恒教会正在四处抓布道的生命信徒,我知道教堂后面有一条隐秘的小路,您快跟我来,从后门逃走吧!” That is an emaciated youngster. 那是一个瘦弱的少年。 He lays aside the fear in eye, while the courage was pulling up the Cyber lower hem corner greatly, referred to behind the church. 他一边藏起眼中的恐惧,一边大着胆子拉起了赛博的衣角,指了指教堂后面。 The line of sight of Cyber was more complex. 赛博的视线更加复杂了。 He looked at the surrounding poor, discovered that many people are using the look to suggest he flees a bit faster, and moves the body again, kept off in his front. 他看了看周围的贫民,发现不少人都在用眼神暗示他快点逃离,并再次移动身体,挡在了他的面前。 Snort, the stop church lawman, simultaneously grasps to carry off entirely! The resisters...... execute at the scene!” “哼,阻拦教会执法者,统统一起抓起来带走!反抗者……当场格杀!” The petty action that looks at the poor, the black robe Cleric vision sinks, gloomy and cold said. 看着贫民们的小动作,黑袍牧师目光一沉,阴冷地说道。 The tumult in crowd was bigger. 人群中的骚动更大了。 But at the same time, Judgment Knight pulled out the long sword in hand, the poor of sword blade straight finger stop before Cyber body. 而同一时刻,审判骑士们抽出了手中的长剑,剑锋直指挡在赛博身前的贫民们。 They are unemotional, the imposing manner is arrogant, when the aura erupts thoroughly, the Cyber pupil shrinks suddenly. 他们面无表情,气势凌人,当气息彻底爆发出来的时候,就连赛博都瞳孔突缩。 These Judgment Knight...... unexpectedly are uniform golden Class Holder! 这些审判骑士……竟然都是清一色的黄金职业者 The poor vision dreads, but actually no one leaves. 贫民们目光畏惧,但却没有一个人离开。 The black robe Cleric complexion was uglier. 黑袍牧师的脸色更加难看了。 He orders, issued the instruction of making a move to Judgment Knight, but Judgment Knight just trod one step, in the crowd spread a soaring sound: 他一声令下,对审判骑士下达了出手的指令,但审判骑士们刚踏出一步,人群中就传出了一声高昂的声音: Holds on a minute!” “且慢!” Is Cyber. 赛博 Sees only meaningful glance that he does not attend to the poor, shoved open the hand of poor gently, went out of the crowd. 只见他不顾贫民们的眼色,轻轻推开了贫民们的手,走出了人群。 His facial expression is tranquil: 他的神情平静: I follow you, do not harm the civilians.” “我跟你们走,别伤害平民。” Sir Cyber!” 赛博大人!” The poor sent out one to call out in alarm. 贫民们发出了一阵惊呼。 However, Cyber lifted the hand to prevent them merely: 不过,赛博仅仅是抬了抬手阻止了他们: Do not worry, I do not have the matter.” “别担心,我没有事。” Saying, him has been turning around, is showing a faint smile to the people: 说着,他转过身,对着众人微微一笑: Everyone do not impulse, have please remembered, so long as in the heart has the light, in the future will be hopeful.” “大家不要冲动,请一直记得,只要心中有光明,未来就有希望。” Then, he reaches out Judgment Knight, is without a fight. 说完,他向审判骑士们伸出了手,束手就擒。 Bundles him!” “将他捆起来!” The black robe Cleric order said. 黑袍牧师命令道。 Judgment Knight close, with banning the demon chains bundled Cyber. 审判骑士们一拥而上,将赛博用禁魔锁链捆了起来。 Sir Cyber!” 赛博大人!” The poor are in a tumult again. 身后的贫民们再次骚动起来。 But Cyber has turned around, shows a faint smile to them, shakes the head. 赛博则转过身,对他们微微一笑,摇了摇头。 Carries off!” “带走!” Black robe Cleric waves. 黑袍牧师挥了挥手。 The language finishes, Judgment Knight built the arm of Cyber crudely, led him...... 语毕,审判骑士们粗暴地架起了赛博的胳膊,将他带了出去…… Carried over the slum area by Judgment Knight, Cyber is used the long iron chain to lock by them. 审判骑士们带出了贫民区,赛博又被他们用长长的铁链锁了起来。 Although is during the daytime, but on the street in city does not have many people, only then wears Judgment Knight and eternal Cleric of silver armor, coming and going is searching anything. 虽然是白天,但城市的街道上却没有多少人,只有身穿银甲的审判骑士和永恒牧师,在来来往往的搜查着什么。 Once for a while, can bring the fight sound of cursing, weeping and wailing of children, with woman's scream. 时不时,能够带着咒骂的战斗声,孩子们的哭喊,和女人的尖叫。 But in a farther place, but can also see that is similar the form that he was locked equally. 而在更远的地方,还能看到一些类似他一样被锁起来的身影。 The opposite party were being sent under escort by Judgment Knight similarly, look at each other in blank dismay with Cyber. 对方同样被审判骑士们押解着,与赛博面面相觑。 They looked mutually, quick saw each other green name of top of the head that polishing oil oil. 他们互相看了看,很快就看到了彼此头顶那亮油油的绿色名字。 Cyber:...... 赛博:…… He understood instantaneously, perhaps this was Eternal Church cannot endure them finally this period of time agitation in human empire, starts player who the large-scale raid in the city did the matter. 他瞬间就明白了过来,这恐怕是永恒教会终于忍受不了他们这段时间在人类帝国中的煽风点火,开始在城市中大规模搜捕搞事的玩家了。 Quick, each and every (one) the player who does missionary work in various places of city is grasped, locks the chains. 很快,一个个在城市的各处传教的玩家被抓了起来,锁上锁链。 They were being pushed by Judgment Knight crudely, detained in the square in city. 他们被审判骑士粗暴地推着,押到了城市的广场上。 Entire journey, not too many player resistances. 全程,并没有太多的玩家反抗。 Including Cyber. 包括赛博 Without the means that arrived here enemy to be powerful, at the Cyber strength, is doomed unable to escape. 没办法,来到这里的敌人实力强大,以赛博的力量,注定逃不走。 If fights, without a doubt, will certainly affect the poor. 而如果战斗的话,毫无疑问,一定会波及贫民。 The poor in slum area mostly has become the life believer, as Goddess heaven chosen one, he is responsible, there is a duty to protect them...... 贫民区的贫民大多已经成为了生命教徒,作为女神天选者,他有责任,也有义务保护他们…… Was grasped, at the worst dies, after one minute, is a real man. 被抓起来而已,大不了一死,一分钟后又是一条好汉。 Perhaps, but can also , because dies for justice, many several frantic followers...... 说不定,还能因为殉道,又多了几名狂热的追随者…… Wu...... 唔… Words that thinks, oneself seem like some too is not concerned about face. 这么想的话,自己似乎有些太不要脸了。 Remembers vision that just the poor that worried about, in the Cyber heart is somewhat ashamed. 想起刚刚贫民们那担忧的目光,赛博心中有些惭愧。 However , from the expressions of other players, he suspects everyone very much similarly perhaps with his idea...... 不过,从其他玩家的表情上看,他很怀疑大家恐怕和他的想法差不多…… Player a total of 20 that was stressed. 被抓起来的玩家总共二十来个。 This was also the choice in all players who in this city did missionary work. 这也是选择在这座城市中传教的所有玩家了。 In the square in city, the each and every (one) stake column had been prepared. 城市的广场上,一个个火刑柱已经被准备好。 Sees that stake column, Cyber knows immediately their fates were anything. 看到那火刑柱,赛博立刻就知道他们的下场是什么了。 However, when he cannot bear looks to other players, discovered that everyone after vision dull flickered, quickly changed into strangely, from strange transformation, for have a strong sense of righteousness...... 不过,在他忍不住看向其他玩家的时候,发现大家在目光呆滞了一瞬之后,很快化为了古怪,又从古怪转变为了大义凛然…… Many people raise the head to throw out the chest, hero who the facial expression proudly, one such as goes to generously. 不少人抬头挺胸,神情傲然,一如慷慨赴死的英雄。 Cyber:...... 赛博:…… Mother. 妈的。 This crowd of play essences. 这群戏精。 Cyber is bashful, he cannot bear want to cover oneself face, but quick realized oneself were tying up, without means action. 赛博脸薄,他忍不住想捂住自己的脸,但很快就意识到自己正被绑着,没办法行动。 But the next quarter, he tied up by Judgment Knight crudely on a stake column. 而下一刻,他就被审判骑士们粗暴地绑在了其中一根火刑柱上。 More than 20 players tied up, in the meantime, there are the same number of Judgment Knight to arrive at their front. 二十多名玩家被绑了起来,同时,有相同数量的审判骑士来到了他们的面前。 In each Judgment Knight hand is grasping a flare, before the body, has one barrel of translucent liquids. 每一个审判骑士手中都握着一支火把,身前还有着一桶半透明的液体。 Irritating the nose smell passed on, Cyber recognized, that liquid is one extremely flammable high-energy Magic material that " Kingdom of Elves » alchemy technique master refines, named Magic fuel. 一股刺鼻的气味儿传了过来,赛博认了出来,那液体是《精灵国度》中炼金术师炼制的一种极为易燃的高能魔法材料,名为魔法燃油。 But is quick, cursed along with, the one after another civilians were led in the square by Judgment Knight. 而很快,伴随着一声声咒骂,一个又一个平民被审判骑士们带到了广场上。 The Cyber vision concentrates, because he saw many pass on the poor of corridor. 赛博目光一凝,因为他在其中看到了不少自己传过道的贫民。 However, Judgment Knight have not harmed them, but led the execution grounds them merely forcefully, forced to surround. 不过,审判骑士们并没有伤害他们,而是仅仅将他们强行带到了刑场,强制围观。 Quick, gathers here civilians to be getting more and more, fully occupies the square. 很快,聚集这里的平民越来越多,将广场占满。 They use the angry vision to stare Judgment Knight stubbornly, feels indignant but not daring to speak out. 他们用愤怒的目光死死瞪着审判骑士们,敢怒不敢言。 But meanwhile, Cyber also noticed many familiar lines of sight to throw on his body. 而同时,赛博也注意到很多熟悉的视线投在了他的身上。 Sir Cyber!” 赛博大人!” In the crowd, transmits shouting that the followers worried about. 人群中,传来了信徒们担忧的呼喊。 Welcomed their anxious vision, Cyber is sighing slightly, warm smiled toward them. 迎着他们那焦急的目光,赛博微微一叹,朝着他们暖暖一笑。 But at this time, black robe Cleric stepped onto the wooden platform of square. 而这个时候,黑袍牧师走上了广场的木质台子。 His vision coldly in the crowd swept, then put out a parchment, ice-cold discussed: 他的目光在人群中冷冷地扫了一圈,然后拿出了一张羊皮纸,冰冷地念道: Presents the Pope your holiness imperial mandate: The life follower misleads the world, disaster world, disseminates the heathenism evil doctrine......” “奉教皇冕下圣谕:生命信徒蛊惑世人,祸乱世间,传播异教邪说……” Eternal name cannot be deceived, the prestige of My Lord cannot be challenge, now by the Saint place imperial decree, gives the life follower, the heathenism criminal places on trial- death!” “永恒之名不容亵渎,吾主之威不容挑战,今以圣座手谕,予以生命信徒,异教罪人审判-死亡!” The voice falls, he waves to Judgment Knight, but Judgment Knight fell the Magic fuel in barrel on the body of players. 话音一落,他对审判骑士们挥了挥手,而审判骑士们则将桶里的魔法燃油倾倒在了玩家们的身上。 The surrounded crowd sent out one to call out in alarm again intermittently, shouts the name of players. 围观的人群再次发出一阵阵惊呼,呼喊出了玩家们的名字。 The order, somewhat is immediately chaotic. 现场的秩序,顿时有些混乱。 Is welcoming these familiar vision, Cyber has the courage, drew out the facial skin thick, raised the head to throw out the chest like other players, is unafraid of death...... 迎着那些熟悉的目光,赛博鼓起勇气,厚起了脸皮,也像其他玩家那样抬头挺胸,视死如归…… But quick, he discovered that oneself facial skin was too thin. 但很快,他就发现自己的脸皮还是太薄了。 Several players who see only his side lift the head suddenly high, shouts proudly greatly: 只见他身旁的几名玩家忽然高高抬起头颅,傲然地大喊道: Did not die fearfully, so long as faith real, killed preaching, successor!” “死亡不可怕,只要信仰真,杀了传道者,还有后来人!” Person inherent dies, or lighter than a feather, either serious!” “人固有一死,或轻于鸿毛,或重于泰山!” My dead faith lives, I die am still honorable!” “我死信仰生,我死犹光荣!” Body, although dies, but the faith exists forever! For justice, to be free, for the glorious future!” “身虽死而信念长存!为了正义,为了自由,为了美好的未来!” Praise nature, the praise life, praised great Goddess Eve!” “赞美自然,赞美生命,赞美伟大的伊芙女神!” Wula-!” “乌拉-!” Is listening to their fervent shouting angrily, the surrounded crowds are in a tumult, many people left behind the affected tears. 听着他们那慷慨激昂的怒喝,围观的人群们骚动起来,不少人留下了感动的泪水。 They got hold of the fist, clenching the teeth, the facial expression is sad. 他们握紧了拳头,咬紧牙关,神情悲伤。 Cyber:...... 赛博:…… ...... 啊…… Listened to the words of surrounding player, he only wants dead now a bit faster. 听了周围玩家的话,他现在只想快点去死。 He as if must see oneself mounted the beginning plot animation...... 他仿佛又要看到自己登上开场剧情动画了…… The flame lights, in blazing ray and in an intense awkwardness, the Cyber field of vision went black...... 火焰点燃,在一片炽热的光芒和强烈的尴尬中,赛博的视野陷入了黑暗…… ...... …… Eternal era in the fall of 1072. 永恒纪元1072年秋。 Eternal Church launched the large-scale raid to the life follower who in the leading area did missionary work, life believer preaching who all was caught, tied up on the stake column burnt. 永恒教会对领区内传教的生命信徒展开了大规模的搜捕,所有被抓起来的生命教徒传道者,都被绑在了火刑柱上烧死。 Suddenly, slides to Holy Mania Empire and Ayers kingdom massively is the Priest Mission player, experienced burning down taste...... 一时间,大量溜到神圣曼尼亚帝国和艾瑞斯王国做祭司任务的玩家,都体验了一把火烧的滋味儿…… In the raid process, Judgment Knight encountered the resistance of massive life follower, many are converted poor. 在搜捕过程中,审判骑士们遭到了大量生命信徒的抵抗,多为改信的贫民。 However, after the bloody suppression several times, gradually was quiet. 不过,在血腥镇压了几次之后,就渐渐沉寂了。 However, although suppressed the unrest of heathen, but in each city of human state, the undercurrent, has started to surge faintly...... 然而,虽然镇压了异教徒的骚乱,但人类国度的各个城市中,暗流,已经开始隐隐地涌动…… In city that consecrate Eternal Lord, the follower who every day enters the Eternal Church pray not only has not become many, instead was even more scarce. 那一座座供奉永恒之主的城市里,每日进入永恒教会祈祷的信徒不仅没有变多,反而越发稀少了。 But in capital Rona that at the same time, northern Ayers gets, welcomed one team of strange forms. 而与此同时,北艾瑞斯领的首府拉罗娜中,也迎来了一队陌生的身影。 This was Rona, entire empire rare permitted other city that taught the follower who to do missionary work freely.” “这就是拉罗娜了,整个帝国少有的允许其他教的信徒自由传教的城市。” Life Church God's Favored John, preached here, every day had lots of followers to come to here to visit him......” 生命教会神眷者约翰,就是在这里布道的,每天都有大量的信徒来这里拜访他……” „After particularly Eternal Church starts to persecute life preaching, now escaped to here life follower are getting more and more.” “尤其是永恒教会开始迫害生命传道者之后,现在逃到这里的生命信徒越来越多了。” „Haven't you known Sir John? Many people said that he for St. John, he arrived here several months ago, has been helping the poor person, cures the grief, preaching Life Church faith, the prestige in Rona is very very high high......” “您还不知道约翰大人吧?好多人都称他为圣约翰,他于几个月前来到这里,一直都在帮助穷人,治愈伤痛,传道生命教会信仰,在拉罗娜中声望很高很高……” The youngster of leading the way said. 引路的少年说道。 Rides Frank of white horse to nod gently, asked curiously: 骑着白马的弗兰克轻轻点了点头,又好奇地问: My many have heard him, here many as if is very respectable he, perhaps...... I will also visit several days later.” “我多少听说过他,这里的很多人似乎都很尊敬他,或许……过几天我也会拜访一下。” Is only...... can do missionary work here at will? If I have not remembered incorrectly, Eternal Church God's Favored Adam lives in seclusion here, but here also is still the control area of empire......” “只是……在这里就可以随意传教吗?如果我没记错的话,永恒教会神眷者亚当就隐居在这里,而这里也依旧属于帝国的管辖范围……” Then, he threw to an opposite party silver coin again. 说完,他再次抛给了对方一枚银币。 Thanks the knight Sir!” “谢谢骑士大人!” Youngster received the silver coin excitedly, while explained: 少年一边兴奋地接过了银币,一边解释道: Knight Sir, you came from the north, perhaps was not clear that here history, Rona once was the city that the dwarf and human built up together, in the past, here mainstream faith was the dwarf church.” “骑士大人,您来自北方,或许不清楚这里的历史,拉罗娜曾经是矮人和人类一起建起的城市,在过去,这里的主流信仰是矮人教会的。” Although afterward belonged to the empire rule, but mainstream faith as before is the dwarf church, taught to decline...... Eternal Church to take up the mainstream until the dwarf gradually.” “后来虽然归入了帝国统治,但主流信仰依旧是矮人教会,直到矮人教会渐渐衰落……永恒教会占据了主流。” But, because in name here as before is the faith range that the dwarf teaches, therefore Eternal Church has not interfered with here faith, but the dwarf teaches is very open, does not care about other churches to do missionary work here......” “不过,因为名义上这里依旧是矮人教会的信仰范围,所以永恒教会并没有干涉这里的信仰,而矮人教会一直都很开放,并不在乎其他教会在这里传教……” Listened to the words of youngster, Frank looking pensive. 听了少年的话,弗兰克若有所思。 When they enter Rona, after finding the Eternal Church church, the youngster departed. 而等到他们进入拉罗娜,找到永恒教会的教堂之后,少年就离去了。 Looks at present the stream of people scarce eternal church, Frank's vision is somewhat sigh with emotion. 看着眼前人流稀少的永恒教堂,弗兰克的目光有些感慨。 This walks all the way, even if has not deliberately observed him also to notice, the eternal church in as if each place, even more was lonely. 这一路上走来,哪怕是没有刻意观察他也注意到,似乎每一个地方的永恒教堂,都越发冷清了。 Turns over/Stands up dismount, he entered the church in the company of personal guard Roland, handed over the hand-written letter of visiting. 翻身下马,他在亲卫罗兰的陪伴下进入了教堂,递上了拜访的手书。 After being responsible for Cleric that receives to see his name and synopsis, originally warm look quickly cold: 只是,当负责接待的牧师看到他的名字和简介之后,原本热情的神色很快就冷了下来: Frank? Are you Rosen family's that abandoned child?” “弗兰克?你是罗森家族的那个弃子?” Frank knits the brows slightly. 弗兰克微微皱了皱眉。 Under he represses the illness in heart, nods gently: 他按捺下心中的不适,轻轻点了点头: Right, but I have not related with the Rosen family.” “没错,但我已经与罗森家族没有关系了。” Cleric shakes the head: 牧师摇了摇头: You walk, Sir Adam is very busy, now is not in the church.” “你走吧,亚当大人很忙,现在并不在教会里。” „Can I wait for here? Or when will Sir Adam come back? I can visit at a later date......” “我可以在这里等待吗?或者说,亚当大人什么时候会回来?我可以择日拜访……” Frank asked. 弗兰克问道。 The Cleric facial expression even more does not bear, he looked at Frank one eyes, scoffs to say with a smile: 牧师的神情越发不耐,他看了弗兰克一眼,嗤笑道: Really wants me to state clearly? Was eliminated the criminal of aristocrat given name, but also wants to see Sir Adam?” “真的要我明说吗?一位被剥夺了贵族名号的罪人,还想见到亚当大人?” You!” “你!” personal guard Roland glowers to Cleric. 亲卫罗兰牧师怒目而视。 However, he was blocked quickly by Frank. 不过,他很快就被弗兰克拦下了。 Frank's the smile of originally also pale several points, he deeply inspires, said: 弗兰克的原本的笑容也淡了几分,他深吸了一口气,说道: I do not come to visit as aristocrat, but by mercenary, or status visiting of empire civilians.” “我不是以一位贵族的身份前来拜访的,而是以一位佣兵,或者说,一位帝国平民的身份拜访的。” That is not better, Sir Adam is very busy, besides has booked ahead of time aristocrat, does not meet with other guests, does not meet with the trivial civilians, you walk.” “那就更不行了,亚当大人很忙,除了提前预约过的贵族之外,不会见其他客人的,更不会见区区平民,你还是走吧。” Cleric shakes the head. 牧师摇了摇头。 Frank brow gently pressed, but quick covered. 弗兰克眉头轻轻蹙了蹙,但很快就掩盖了起来。 Really...... can't visit?” “真的……就不能拜访吗?” He raised the head, looks at Cleric earnestly. 他抬起头,认真地看着牧师 Cleric laughs at one: 牧师嗤笑一声: You also once were an aristocrat, said did not see, but also closely examined here time and time again, your dignity?” “你也曾经是贵族,都说了不见,还在这里一次又一次追问,你的体面呢?” Frank was silent. 弗兰克沉默了。 After the moment, he heaved a deep sigh, nods: 片刻后,他长叹一声,点了点头: I understood.” “我明白了。” Roland, we walk.” 罗兰,我们走吧。” Saying, him has been turning around, when toward coming the direction walks. 说着,他转过身,朝着来时的方向走去。 But had not just gone out several steps, he hears Cleric smiles lowly, in the tone filled disdaining: 而刚没走出几步,他就又听到牧师的低笑,语气之中充满了不屑: Does the criminal who was eliminated the title also want to see Sir Adam?...... Really is the wishful thinking......” “一个被剥夺爵位的罪人还想见亚当大人?嘁……真是痴心妄想……” Frank's body one then , to continue slightly. 弗兰克的身体微微一顿而后,继续前行。 That gets hold of the fist that and loosens, indicates him not like the surface in tranquil...... 只是,那握紧又松开的拳头,表明他并没有像表面上那样平静…… personal guard Roland has turned head, stared Cleric ruthlessly, Cleric covers to be quiet hastily, curls the lip, while leaves goes excessively. 亲卫罗兰回过头,狠狠地瞪了一眼牧师,牧师才连忙捂住嘴,一边撇嘴,一边别过头去。 Then, Roland looked to Frank, could not bear ask: 而后,罗兰看向了弗兰克,忍不住问道: Sir Frank, do we also want to find the opportunity to visit God's Favored Adam?” “弗兰克大人,我们还要找机会拜访神眷者亚当吗?” Frank silent moment, sighed: 弗兰克沉默了片刻,叹道: We first have a look at God's Favored John in legend......” “我们先去看看传说中的神眷者约翰吧……” 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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