GWT :: Volume #6 神魔战争

#854: Cyber preaching Mission

Similar Johann's such form, is not rare in the entire empire. 类似老约翰这样的身影,在整个帝国中并不少见。 But form that these, many some select high. 而这其中,不乏一些高挑的身影。 West Holy Mania Empire, some population surpasses in 200,000 big cities. 神圣曼尼亚帝国西部,某座人口超过二十万的大型城市内。 The north end of city, in a stretch of ruined messy and dirty city. 城市的北端,一片破败脏乱的城区里。 The low construction feels the age feeling, the build high tower finds at everywhere secretly, the bumpy path is in disrepair after many years, covers entirely the dirty water hole, the home scrap that in the corner discards is almost piled up. 低矮的建筑充满年代感,私自搭建的危楼随处可见,坑坑洼洼的道路年久失修,布满肮脏的水坑,角落里丢弃的生活垃圾几乎堆积成山。 In the air dances in the air the fly insect that humming sound is kyoodling, is filling a corrupt ill-smelling taste, but, the life resident here has long been used. 空气中飞舞着嗡嗡乱叫的蝇虫,弥漫着一种腐败的酸臭味儿,不过,生活在这里的居民早已习惯。 They in rags, emaciated...... or roll up in the corner, or sits in the ajar high tower, in the hand non-stop is bustling about, does simply some such as straw article knitting and so on manual labor. 他们衣衫褴褛,面黄肌瘦……或是蜷缩在角落里,或是坐在半开的危楼里,手中不停的忙碌着,做一些简单的诸如草器编织之类的活计。 This is a piece as if forgot the world. 这是一片仿佛被遗忘了的世界。 At that time only then often resounded just like the bell common laughter, brings some colors to this world. 只有那时不时响起的宛若银铃一般的笑声,给这片世界带来些许色彩。 That is some young children, their figure is slim, but vision as before pure bright, sees only them to fling about by the sewer, plays to create a disturbance, although wears the tattered clothing, but actually joyful resembles one after another small Angel. 那是一些年幼的孩童,他们身材瘦弱,但目光依旧纯净明亮,只见他们在臭水沟旁跳来跳去,嬉戏打闹,虽然穿着破破烂烂的衣衫,但却快乐的像一只只天使 Here is the slum area. 这里是贫民区。 But like the slum area, almost finds at everywhere in the entire Holy Mania Empire city. 而像这样的贫民区,在整个神圣曼尼亚帝国的城市里几乎随处可见。 The life person here, mostly is the bankrupt farmer, handicraftsman, some disabled Class Holder, low level mercenary wait/etc. 生活在这里的人,大多都是破产农民,手工艺人,一些残废的职业者,低级佣兵等等。 They by existence that this world forgets. 他们是被这个世界遗忘的存在。 No one knows how the earliest slum area forms. 没有人知道最早的贫民区是如何形成的。 In various historical records in empire, since the Empire Center starts to confer rank and title massively the aristocrat expands the city, this ruined city are getting more and more. 只是,在帝国的各种史料记载中,自从帝国中枢开始大量册封贵族并扩建城市之后,这种破败的城区就越来越多了。 Some are the restoration are ineffective, old town evolution that the public facilities get older ; Then after the aristocrats encroach upon the land, lost the livelihood paddies, is forced the peasant households that arrive in the city to seek the livelihood to gather the formation gradually. 一些是修缮不力,公共设施老化的老城区演变的;一些,则是在贵族们侵占土地之后,失去了赖以生存的田地,被迫来到城市里寻求生计的农户们渐渐聚集形成的。 The aristocrats loathe these regions, will never visit here, but the rich person in inner city also dreads here public security, rarely arrived here...... 贵族们厌恶这些区域,从来不会踏足这里,而内城的富人也畏惧于这里的治安,很少来到这里…… Suddenly, wore the form of hood to present in this region street together. 忽然,一道身披兜帽的身影出现在了这片区域的街头。 But sees this form, the children of playing at present one brightly, encircled instantaneously, in the poor vision in corner were also many some colors. 而看到这道身影,玩耍的孩童们眼前一亮,瞬间围了过去,就连角落里的贫民们目光中也多了些许色彩。 Sir Cyber! You came!” 赛博大人!您来了!” The children shout excitedly. 孩童们兴奋地喊道。 Hears their cheering, throws over the form of hood to stop slightly. 听到他们的欢呼,披着兜帽的身影微微一停。 He loose the hat of loose top of the head, reveals half is smiling delicate and pretty face. 他松了松头顶的帽子,露出半张微笑着的俊美脸庞。 Sir Cyber...... is Sir Cyber!” 赛博大人……是赛博大人!” Sir Cyber is really attractive!” 赛博大人真好看!” The children vision shines. 孩童们目光发亮。 But Cyber, then waves to everyone gently. 赛博,则轻轻向大家招手。 , Invested grain of pebble just like the tranquil lake surface in gradually, entire spiritless slum area gradually fresh/live. 渐渐地,宛若平静的湖面中投入了一粒石子,整个死气沉沉的贫民区都渐渐鲜活了起来。 More and more poor gathered, in their looks were many some slightly brightly, looks like the light in darkness. 越来越多的贫民聚集了过来,他们的眼神中多了些许微亮,就像是黑暗中的光。 Running those who are quickest is the children. 跑的最快的是孩童们。 Before they encircled the body of Cyber quickly, in the vision brings excited and anticipated: 他们很快就围到了赛博的身前,目光中带着激动和期待: Sir Cyber, you...... your previous time has spoken the thing I have carried!” 赛博大人,您……您上次讲过的东西我已经背下来了!” What Sir Cyber...... do this you want to speak with us time?” 赛博大人……这一次您要和我们讲什么?” Can discuss the Maple Moon Free Dominion matter again?” “能再讲讲枫月自由领的事吗?” No, I want to listen to the Icefrost elf story!” “不,我想听冰霜精灵的故事!” Children chirp, excited. 孩童们叽叽喳喳,兴奋不已。 However, they welcomed old scolding quickly: 不过,他们很快就迎来了一声苍老的呵斥: What chaotic humming sound is making? Sir Cyber is our honored guests, is obedient!” “乱嗡嗡着做什么?赛博大人可是我们尊贵的客人,都听话一点!” That is a silver-haired old person, his old resembles section of split dead wood, right leg following empty, is leaning on a walking stick support body. 那是一名白发苍苍的老人,他苍老的像一截干裂的枯木,右腿以下空荡荡的,拄着一节拐杖支撑身体。 However, his body has a powerful imposing manner, words, children instantaneously peaceful, becomes honest, merely when he cannot see, honk the mouth is spitting the tongue to him, or makes faces. 不过,他的身上却带着一股强大的气势,话语一出,孩子们瞬间就安静了下来,变得老老实实的,仅仅在他看不到的时候,嘟着嘴对他吐了吐舌头,亦或是做了个鬼脸。 The old person is disabled Class Holder, is the slum area best known person. 老人是一位残废的职业者,也是贫民区最有声望的人。 Before seeing only he arrives at the body of Cyber lamely, a hand is clamping the walking stick, another hand drew a not too standard Scepter of Life symbol in the chest front tremblingly: 只见他一瘸一拐地来到赛博的身前,一只手夹着拐杖,另一只手颤巍巍地在胸前画了一个不太规范的生命权杖符号: Praise nature, the praise life, praised great World Tree...... Goddess Eve!” “赞美自然,赞美生命,赞美伟大的世界树……伊芙女神!” Sir Cyber, we have prepared the room, you plan what today spoke for everyone?” 赛博大人,我们已经准备好房间了,您今天打算为大家讲些什么?” The old person looks the anticipation to look at Cyber. 老人面露期待地看着赛博 But other poor, also looks at him with the hopeful vision. 而其他的贫民,也同样用充满渴望的目光看着他。 Sees only Cyber to show a faint smile, pulls out together the clear projection gem from the bosom, said: 只见赛博微微一笑,从怀里掏出来一块晶莹的投影宝石,说: I bring some image stones today, puts some Maple Moon Free Dominion materials to everyone.” “我今天带了一些影像石,给大家放一些枫月自由领的资料。” In addition , to continue then the previous curriculum time, conducts Chapter the 7 analysis of «Scripture» appendix: Life, right and struggle......” “此外,继续接着上一次的课程,进行《圣典》附录的第七章解析:生命、权利与斗争……” Listened to the Cyber words, the vision of poor even more anticipated, they are crowding around Cyber, arrived in a civilian area lordliest house. 听了赛博的话,贫民们的目光越发期待,他们簇拥着赛博,来到了平民区最气派的一座房屋内。 Said is the style, merely also compared to the other constructions of slum area. 说是气派,仅仅也是相对于贫民区的其他建筑而言。 In fact, this is a abandoned chapel, once subordinated in the god of trade. 实际上,这是一个被废弃的小教堂,曾经隶属于贸易之神。 Naturally, now here has been abandoned by Cleric thoroughly, Idol and Saint emblem had carried off. 当然,现在这里已经彻底被牧师抛弃了,就连神像和圣徽都早已被带走。 In chapel cleaned is very clean, on the window was also put the wild flower that several bunches just picked specially, but accumulation poor here, put on itself as far as possible dignified, the patch are least, cleanest clothes. 小教堂里被打扫的很干净,窗台上还特意被放了几束刚刚采的野花,而聚集在这里的贫民们,也都尽可能地穿上了自己最体面,补丁最少,也最干净的衣服。 The center of church, is placing exquisite wooden Idol, that Idol is not others, is Eve. 教堂的中央,摆放着一尊小巧的木质神像,那神像不是别人,正是伊芙 Naturally, if carefully looked, will discover Idol that in this Idol and Life Church consecrate is different, it does not have the light of faith, has not received the blessing of Goddess, cannot communicate God depending on this. 当然,如果仔细去看,就会发现这神像生命教会中供奉的神像是不同的,它没有信仰之光,没有受到过女神的祝福,也不能凭此来沟通神灵 But as mind sustenance, as the thing of faith initiation, already enough. 但作为心灵寄托,作为信仰启蒙之物,已经够了。 As Cyber enters the chapel, the poor of coming are also getting more and more. 随着赛博进入小教堂,闻风而来的贫民也越来越多。 The quick, entire church was filled with the person on the collection, on the window lay completely the head/number of people. 很快,整个教堂就集挤满了人,就连窗户上都趴满了人头。 However, the person who although gathers are getting more and more, but everyone is very peaceful, with the vision of anticipation, looks at church central Cyber. 然而,虽然聚集的人越来越多,但大家却很安静,都用期待的目光,看着教堂中央的赛博 Cyber shows a faint smile, he facing Goddess Idol, does obeisance gently, drew a Scepter of Life symbol in the chest front: 赛博微微一笑,他面对女神神像,轻轻一拜,在胸前画了一个生命权杖的符号: Praised Goddess!” “赞美女神!” But is quick, all poor also made the similar movement, is with one voice typical: 而很快,所有的贫民也随之做了同样的动作,异口同声地道: Praised Goddess!” “赞美女神!” Cyber nods gently, the projection stone from the bosom will take out, pours into Magic Power, threw on the Magic reflection the wall, said with a smile slightly: 赛博轻轻点了点头,从怀中将投影石取出,注入魔力,将魔法映像投到了墙壁上,微微笑道: Everyone has been very curious to Maple Moon Free Dominion, before starting today's curriculum, I first give everyone to put a Maple Moon Free Dominion Magic image.” “大家一直都对枫月自由领很是好奇,在开始今天的课程前,我先给大家放一段枫月自由领魔法影像。” Maple Moon Free Dominion fulfills one of the Goddess faith best regions, I think after...... looked at this image, everyone will also certainly have a more profound feeling to the Life Church strength......” 枫月自由领是践行女神信仰最好的区域之一,我想……看了这段影像之后,大家也一定会对生命教会的力量有更深刻的感受……” Then, Cyber inspires Magic Power, broadcasts the image. 说完,赛博引动魔力,播放起影像来。 This image is the players records specially, Maple Moon Free Dominion all happy shows before the world. 这段影像是玩家们专门录制的,将枫月自由领的一切美好都展现在世人面前。 Even if Cyber oneself, after looking at this Magic image, cannot bear to Maple Moon Free Dominion has one to yearn. 哪怕是赛博本人,在看完了这段魔法影像之后,都忍不住对枫月自由领生出一丝向往。 Without a doubt, has not seen the poor of too many world regarding empire most life, rapid development of Maple Moon Free Dominion in that image described, shock and impact of mind peace and abundance of description, brings were absolutely unequalled. 毫无疑问,对于帝国绝大多数一生都没有见过太多世面的贫民来说,那影像中描绘的枫月自由领的迅猛发展,描绘的和平与富足,所带来的心灵的震撼与冲击绝对是无与伦比的。 But all these all, are great World Tree, great Goddess of Life Eve brings. 而这一切的一切,都是伟大的世界树,伟大的生命女神伊芙带来的。 The Magic influence broadcasts slowly, the poor stared in a big way the eye, desired strongly, is watching with total concentration. 魔法影响缓缓播放,贫民们瞪大了眼睛,如饥似渴、聚精会神地观看着。 When they see the hot-air balloon and airship that in that image soar, will unable to bear send out calls out in alarm intermittently. 当他们看到那影像中腾空而起的热气球和飞艇时,会忍不住发出阵阵惊呼。 When they noticed that the Zerowan night falls, after that dreamlike Magic light, will unable to bear express an exclamation. 当他们看到泽罗兰夜幕降临,那如梦似幻的魔法灯光后,会忍不住发出一阵惊叹。 When they see in the image the interview to the refugee, sees opposite party from all sides less than one year, from the fugitive of having a thing in the world, after becoming the dignified wealthy new resident, is the meeting reveal astonished with yearning...... 而当他们看到影像中对难民的采访,看到对方前前后后不到一年的时间,就从一无所有的逃亡者,变为体面富裕的新市民后,更是会面露惊异与向往…… Welcomed the vision of these human poor that burning hots, in the heart of Cyber is somewhat sobbing. 迎着这些人类贫民那炙热的目光,赛博的心中有些唏嘘。 Before entering human state, stemming from " Kingdom of Elves » game background, he has had no favorability to the empire , the civilians to empire has no favorability. 在进入人类国度之前,出于《精灵国度》的游戏背景,他一直对帝国没有什么好感,也对帝国的平民没有什么好感 However, after deep understanding human empire, Cyber discovered, most people were also oppressed by the aristocrat, are tired out by the livelihood poor man that's all. 不过,在深入了解人类帝国的社会后,赛博才发现,大多数人也不过是被贵族压迫,疲于生计的可怜人罢了 He still remembers vaguely oneself arrived here time half a month ago, here resident also holds the enormous vigilance to him, but now, they accept him finally. 他依稀还记得自己半个月前来到这里的时候,这里的居民还对他抱有极大的警惕,而现在,他们终于接受了他。 Naturally, this cannot leave for half a month his day after day effort. 当然,这也离不开这半个月来他日复一日的努力。 Looked at an own system news, the system Mission completion situation had conducted 95. 看了一眼自己的系统消息,系统任务的完成情况已经进行到了95。 That Mission is not other, was recently quite irritable doing missionary work Mission in the Priest player of game. 任务不是别的,正是最近在游戏的祭司玩家中颇为火爆的传教任务 However, unlike former doing missionary work Mission, this doing missionary work Mission aimed at the empire civilians time. 不过,与之前的传教任务不同,这一次的传教任务是针对帝国平民的。 But as golden Class Holder, what Cyber accepts is highest-level that- 而作为一名黄金职业者,赛博接受的是最高级的那个- High Level Priest trial Mission: Spark 高阶祭司试炼任务:星星之火】 This Mission goal is at least to develop 500 life followers in the empire, making the opposite party from the heart approve Goddess faith, is willing to fight for Goddess. 任务的目标是在帝国中至少发展出500名的生命信徒,让对方发自内心地认同女神信仰,愿意为女神而战。 This Mission and former doing missionary work Mission maximum difference, mentioned must make the new follower train the fighting spirit of resistance. 任务与以前的传教任务最大的不同,就是提到了要让新的信徒培养出抗争的斗志。 This is not doing missionary work big shot Demacia that simple flickering can achieve, but must make the new follower understand that earnestly the Goddess doctrine, awakens with the courage that the aristocrat resists...... 这不是传教大佬德玛西亚那简简单单的忽悠能做到的,而是要切实地让新的信徒懂得女神的教义,觉醒与贵族抗争的勇气…… Cyber does not doubt, perhaps «Kingdom of Elves» plot, must progress the transformation and war to human state. 赛博毫不怀疑,恐怕《精灵国度》的剧情,要进展到人类国度的变革与战争了。 Regarding this matter, he quite anticipated, can participate in a transformation in the game personally, leading NPCs to found a new time, is a quite beckoning matter. 对于这件事,他还是颇为期待的,能够在游戏中亲自参与一场变革,带领npc们开创出一个新的时代,也是一件颇为让人心动的事。 Actually as for in this process, the dissemination of individual prestige, the massive rewards of system, he looks is not very heavy. 至于在这个过程中,个人声望的传播,系统的大量奖励,他倒是看的不是很重。 Without the means that Icefrost elves gives was really many...... 没办法,冰霜精灵们给的实在是太多了…… Cyber thinks oneself have been separated from the vulgar interest. 赛博认为自己已经脱离了低级趣味。 Without the contribution points pressure, did not have the promotion pressure, did not have the prestigious value and legend pressure, now he only wants to pursue some higher paraffins the interests...... 没有了贡献度压力,没有了升级压力,没有了声望值和传说度压力,现在他只想追求一些更加高级的趣味…… But he wants to achieve, is not only in Elven Forest, must in entire «Kingdom of Elves», in human here history, stays behind own name. 而他想要做到的,就是不仅仅在精灵之森里,也要在整个《精灵国度》里,在人类这边的历史里,留下属于自己的名字。 This will take to him very big sense of achievement, particularly sees own strength change game plot time...... as then return of Icefrost elves. 这会带给他很大的成就感,尤其是看到自己的力量改变游戏剧情的时候……一如当初冰霜精灵们的回归。 Half a month time, Cyber has completed the target of development follower, remaining, stimulated the fighting spirit of followers thoroughly. 半个月的时间,赛博已经完成了发展信徒的指标,剩下的,就是彻底激发信徒们的斗志了。 But if as expected, when today's end of course, Mission can successfully complete. 而不出意外的话,等到今天的课程结束,任务就可以圆满完成了。 The Magic image broadcast for 20 minutes. 魔法影像足足播放了二十分钟。 After 20 minutes, the image dissipates slowly, but the poor show the expression that has not given full expression. 二十分钟后,影像缓缓消散,而贫民们则露出意犹未尽的表情。 In church, peaceful incomparable, the poor who each comes to listen respectfully to the instruction, looks to yearn and hope for...... 教堂之中,安静无比,每一位前来聆听教诲的贫民,都面露向往与希冀…… Looks at the appearances of their one's heart rushes toward one's destination, Cyber shows a faint smile, prepared the good material with oneself. 看着他们那心驰神往的样子,赛博微微一笑,拿出来了自己准备好的资料。 Maple Moon Free Dominion miracle, is Maple Moon Free Dominion citizen obtains after the extremely arduous struggle.” 枫月自由领的奇迹,也是枫月自由领领民们经过艰苦卓绝的斗争获得的。” Empire deterioration, the aristocrat degenerates, church decayed......” “帝国衰败,贵族堕落,教会腐朽……” Only then unites, only then the choice resistance, may rise to challenges in this dark time, takes an unprecedented path, can create one not to oppress, abundant happy world......” “只有团结起来,只有选择抗争,才有可能在这个黑暗的时代披荆斩棘,走出一条前所未有的道路,才能创造一个没有压迫,富足幸福的世界……” The Cyber facial expression said gravely. 赛博神情庄重地说道。 Listened to his words, the poor looking pensive. 听了他的话,贫民们若有所思。 Sir Cyber...... that you said how we should do?” 赛博大人……那您说,我们应该如何做呢?” Some people cannot bear ask. 有人忍不住问道。 This was I then must the content that continued to speak.” “这就是我接下来要继续讲的内容了。” Cyber said with a smile slightly. 赛博微微笑道。 Saying, he put out three new teaching materials. 说着,他拿出了三本新的教材。 Writes «Life, Right And Struggle» with the bronzed large character. 一本用烫金大字写着《生命、权利与斗争》。 A itself/Ben, named «Life Church Theory And Maple Moon Free Dominion Thought». 一本,名为《生命教会理论和枫月自由领思想》。 But the third itself/Ben, then named «Feudal aristocracy And Eternal Church Relations». 而第三本,则名为《封建贵族和永恒教会的关系》。 Is the work that player Dongdong incites. 都是玩家苳苳鼓捣出来的著作。 Was full of the wicked interest everywhere. 处处充满了恶趣味。 Cyber opened the teaching material, starts Strategy Guide that defers to the official site to provide, with way that not educated poor can understand, told melodious. 赛博翻开了教材,开始按照官网上提供的攻略帖,用未受过教育的贫民能够理解的方式,抑扬顿挫地讲述。 But with his narration, the poor pondered from time to time, from time to time is absent-minded, from time to time great enlightenment, is excited from time to time...... 而随着他的讲述,贫民们时而思考,时而恍惚,时而大悟,时而激动…… Has not known how long, along with a systematic light sound, the prompt sound that Mission completed. 不知道过了多久,伴随着一声系统的轻响,任务完成的提示音响了起来。 At this moment, the poor have been in a tumult gradually, was of head once is the Class Holder old person became flushed the face, got hold of the double fist: 此时此刻,贫民们已经渐渐骚动起来,为首的那位曾经是职业者的老人更是涨红了脸,握紧了双拳: Originally is this...... is this!” “原来是这样……原来是这样!” Looks on everyone the light of that even more rich faith, Cyber is also very gratified. 看着大家身上那越发浓郁的信仰之光,赛博也很是欣慰。 However, when everyone starts the fervor discussion, suddenly, a pitiful yell sound from the chapel leaks came in a Cyber brow wrinkle, looked to the front door of church, but the next quarter, the front door was opened by crude trampling suddenly. 不过,就在所有人开始激情讨论的时候,忽然,一阵惨叫声从小教堂外传了进来赛博眉头一皱,看向了教堂的大门,而下一刻,大门忽然被粗暴的踹开。 In the poor fear, is hostile with the flurried line of sight, Judgment Knight that one team wears the silver armor appeared in the field of vision of people. 在贫民们恐惧、敌视和慌乱的视线里,一队身穿银甲的审判骑士出现在了众人的视野里。 Is one person is tall black robe Cleric, is strong, takes to the Cyber enormous threat feeling. 为首一人是一个身材高大的黑袍牧师,实力强劲,带给赛博极大的威胁感。 Sees only his vision coldly has swept everyone on the scene, finally stopped in stern-faced Cyber, as well as on his Goddess Idol. 只见他的目光冷冷地扫过在场的每一个人,最终停在了一脸凝重的赛博,以及他身旁的女神神像上。 His look, all of a sudden became gloomy. 他的神色,一下子变得阴沉了下来。 This heathen who misleads the world grasps!” “将这个蛊惑世人的异教徒抓起来!” Black robe Cleric cold snort/hum, the order said. 黑袍牧师冷哼一声,命令道。 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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