GWT :: Volume #6 神魔战争

#853: Praised Goddess!

Kerec summoned white knight Frank merely is a small interlude. 凯雷茨召见白骑士弗兰克仅仅是个小插曲。 In fact, besides some players of combat, most people linked in eliminating demon war Mission are many a matter of human mercenary group unclear. 事实上,除了参战的部分玩家之外,绝大多数人连在消灭恶魔的战争任务中多了一支人类佣兵团的事都不清楚。 The strength of player already today we are no longer as we have been, there is Demigod to assume personal command, therefore...... the advancement of this war Mission is not difficult. 玩家的力量早已今非昔比,又有半神坐镇,因此……这场战争任务的推进并不困难。 After the recuperation one was late, the army continued to set out toward the south. 在休整了一晚之后,大军就继续朝着南方进发了。 The news that the elf army attacks has spread over the entire southern areas, but demons that the score of players will have barely managed to maintain a feeble existence killed to break the guts, therefore, this they have almost not encountered any nice resistance all the way. 精灵大军进攻的消息早已传遍了整个南部地区,而玩家们的战绩也早已将苟延残喘的恶魔们杀破了胆,所以,这一路上他们几乎没有遇到什么像样的抵抗。 And less than four days , the players had arrived at last foothold of demons finally on Segers World- demon Lu are many. 而又过了不到四天的时间,玩家们终于来到了恶魔们赛格斯世界上的最后一个据点-魔鲁多。 This is one is transformed the city of fortress by demons, ten meters high city walls, had only been raised enough 40 meters by demons. 这是一座被恶魔们改造成堡垒的城市,原本仅有十米高的城墙,已经被恶魔们加高到了足足四十米。 But occupies demon here, the quantity also over 50,000, and uniform is some powerful fellows. 而盘踞在这里的恶魔,数量也超过五万,且清一色的都是些实力强大的家伙。 This is also very normal, the strength is not strong, already, in time after time chased down becomes contribution points and EXP of players, can escape here, the strength was not weak. 这也很正常,实力不强的,早就在一次次追杀中成为玩家们的贡献度经验值了,能够逃到这里的,实力都不弱。 Naturally, even if the strength is strong, compared with having high morale, the combat population already the player regiment that breaks 200,000, insufficiently looks. 当然,哪怕是实力再强,比起斗志昂扬,参战人数已经突破二十万大关的玩家军团来说,还是不够看的。 Several years fight, the players had gained in enough many experiences, this by the empire army was judged for the city of demon cannot be broken through, in less than half a month, was broken through by the players. 数年的战斗,玩家们早已积累了足够多的经验,这座被帝国军队判断为不可攻破的恶魔之城,不到半个月的时间,就被玩家们攻破了。 Demigod Kerec even intended to strike to kill Demon Monarch of Legend strength merely. 这其中,半神凯雷茨甚至仅仅只是出手击杀了一位传奇实力的恶魔君主 50,000 demon were annihilated, 17 abyss mother nest were smashed, is the Life Church scepter flag also to insert in the city wall. 五万名恶魔被围歼,十七座深渊母巢被捣毁,属于生命教会的权杖旗帜也插在了城墙上。 But Eve Idol, after the war ended accompanied elf Priest welcomed in the temporary build temple. 伊芙神像,也在战争结束后被随行的精灵祭司迎进了临时搭建的神殿里。 In the temple, Demigod Kerec worships on bended knees before Idol, devout pray. 神殿之内,半神凯雷茨跪拜在神像前,虔诚祈祷。 His behind, but also is following numerous elf Priest. 祂的身后,还跟随着一众精灵祭司 So many days, Kerec has not acted, waiting is today. 这么多天,凯雷茨并未出手,等待的就是今日。 His Divine Power, has a more important matter to do. 祂的神力,有更重要的事要做。 Sees only Its surface toward Idol, drew a Scepter of Life symbol in the chest front, prayed devotionally: 只见祂面朝神像,在胸前画了一个生命权杖的符号,虔诚祈祷: Praise nature, the praise life, praised great World Tree- Eve Yggdrasil!” “赞美自然,赞美生命,赞美伟大的世界树伊芙·尤克特拉希尔!” Supreme Mother God! Wish you to arrive at the great strength, purifies this contamination the world......” “至高无上的母神啊!愿您降临伟大的力量,净化这个污秽的世界……” Kerec facial expression is reverent and solemn and respectful. 凯雷茨神情虔诚而肃穆。 With Its pray, the golden ray blooms on Its body, aroused the Idol resonance quickly. 随着祂的祈祷,金色的光芒在祂的身上绽放,很快引起了神像的共鸣。 But at the same time, the entire Area Northern Dominion, all by the city that in the players capture, in the temple, Eve Idol starts the blooming ray. 而与此同时,整个南方领,所有被玩家们攻下的城市里,神殿中,伊芙神像都开始绽放光芒。 The one after another radiant light beam shoots up to the sky, direct impact clouds. 紧接着,一道道璀璨的光柱冲天而起,直冲云霄。 On the backdrop, the cloud layer of tumbling was torn into shreds instantaneously, that gathers the abyss strength in sky. 天幕上,翻滚的云层被瞬间撕碎,那是汇聚在天空中的深渊之力。 At this moment, they as if received the hauling of some mysterious strength, starts to dissipate fast, purification...... 这一刻,它们似乎受到了某种神秘力量的牵引,开始飞快地消散,净化…… The light beam continues to glitter, above the sky, the white cloud layer replaced the dark clouds gradually, then continues to condense just like the cotton common clouds, gradually becomes heavy/thick. 光柱继续闪烁,天空之上,白色的云层渐渐取代了黑云,而那宛若棉花一般的云朵继续凝聚,渐渐变得厚重。 Rumble making noise transmits from the cloud layer, the strong winds erupts, the next quarter, the raindrop starts to fall from the sky. 隆隆的作响从云层中传来,狂风大作,下一刻,雨点开始从天空中落下。 The rainy day unique fresh air heads on, scatters decayed that in the land demons left behind. 雨天特有的清新空气扑面而来,驱散了大地上恶魔们留下的腐臭。 If carefully looks, will discover in that rainwater to bring a radiance...... 而若是仔细看去,就会发现那雨水之中带着点点光华…… That radiance as if there is strength of purification, when this timely rain descends the ground, strange appeared. 那光华似乎带着净化的力量,当这场甘霖降落到地面的时候,奇异的一幕出现了。 Sees only originally by the land of abyss pollution, starts to remove the color fast...... 只见原本被深渊污染的土地,开始飞快地褪去颜色…… The crack land closes up slowly, the filled the air black fog diverges gradually, plant heavy bright vitality of withering. 龟裂大地缓缓合拢,弥漫的黑雾渐渐散去,枯萎的植物重焕生机。 The sight of green reappears in the ground, the grass bud grows, the fresh flower blooms, the trees on the wane tremble in the rain, among the branches gradually gives birth to the sprout. 点点绿意重新出现在地面上,草芽生长,鲜花绽放,凋零的树木在雨中微颤,枝条间逐渐生出新芽。 Quick, entire Northern Dominion that just like the Hell general scene, was replaced by a vigorous vitality...... 很快,整个南方领那宛若地狱一般的景象,就被一片勃勃的生机取代…… Lives that above the ground, hides from hiding-place. 地面之上,躲藏起来的生灵们从藏匿处走了出来。 They look at the timely rain that in the sky is arriving, is cheering excitedly, yelling, dances with joy. 他们望着天空中降临的甘霖,兴奋地欢呼着,大叫着,手舞足蹈。 The intelligent lifeform of hiding or kisses the land excitedly, or supine the face, closes the eye, is feeling that belt/bring purification strength comforting of rainwater, is looking in the land dull the heavy bright vitality, cried...... 一些躲起来的智慧生物或是激动地亲吻大地,或是仰着脸,闭上眼睛,感受着那带着净化力量的雨水的抚慰,或是呆呆地望着大地上重焕的生机,失声痛哭…… Entire Northern Dominion, fell into the revelry in this moment. 整个南方领,在这一刻陷入了狂欢之中。 The rainwater got down for two hours to stop slowly. 雨水足足下了两个小时才缓缓停下。 When the wind stops the rain completely, the dark land had once vanished to disappear thoroughly. 而当风停雨尽的时候,曾经黑暗的大地已经彻底消失不见了。 Displaces, is the vigorous sign of life abundant, is full of the sight of green the world. 取而代之的,是一片生机盎然,充满绿意的世界。 Above the sky, the profound dark clouds diverged slowly, reveal the deep blue backdrop, the one after another golden sunlight pierced the cloud layer, shone to the dark land...... 天空之上,深邃的黑云缓缓散去,露出了湛蓝的天幕,一道道金色的阳光刺穿云层,照耀向黑暗的大地…… The indistinct elusive and sacred illusory hymn plays slowly, the golden color and green photon depart from that say/way light beam, just like feather of fluttering, probably voluminous snowflake...... 飘渺空灵又神圣虚幻的圣歌缓缓奏响,金色和绿色的光子从那道道光柱中飞出,宛若飘扬的羽毛,又好像洋洋洒洒的雪花…… At this moment, the whole world as if bathed in the light. 这一刻,整个世界似乎都沐浴在了光明之中。 Until a moment later, the photon dissipates slowly, that radiant light beam also vanishes gradually. 直到片刻之后,光子才缓缓消散,那璀璨的光柱也渐渐消失。 The great strength and vast aura gradually abate, only then that full of vitality land, as well as is generally pure just like the bright mirror, just like the sea common deep blue sky, was telling what kind of miracle just this world welcomed. 伟岸的力量和浩瀚的气息逐渐消退,只有那生机勃勃的大地,以及宛若明镜一般纯净,宛若大海一般湛蓝的天空,诉说着刚刚这个世界到底迎来了一场怎样的神迹。 Seven color rainbow light appear on the backdrop, that is the rainbow after rain. 七彩的虹光出现在天幕上,那是雨后的彩虹。 Entire Northern Dominion, radiated the vigor. 整个南方领,重新焕发了活力。 Looks at this beautiful world, praise continuously resounds in various places...... 看着这美丽的世界,此起彼伏的赞美声在各处响起…… Crawls in the lives that in the demon invasion escapes on the ground, lies prostrate in worship in the northwest direction. 恶魔入侵中逃过一劫的生灵们匍匐在地上,朝着西北方向顶礼膜拜。 That is the Elven Forest direction. 那是精灵之森的方向。 That is the World Tree direction. 那是世界树的方向。 They know, this miracle came from in anyone. 他们知道,这一场神迹源自于谁。 Frank also looks at the sky dull, in the heart is shocked. 弗兰克同样呆呆地看着天空,心中震动。 His that original idea, presented a vacillation. 他那原本的想法,出现了一丝动摇。 But quick, he depressed the excitement in heart. 但很快,他就压下了心中的激动。 Deeply inspires, he leads the people, left the capturing city, hurries to the direction of southern mountain range...... 深深吸了口气,他带领众人,离开了攻陷的城市,朝着南方山脉的方向赶去…… But in Elven Forest, in core area. 而在精灵之森里,核心区中。 Displays the Eve face meat pain of miracle by the body of World Tree, drew in Divine Power slowly. 世界树之身施展完神迹的伊芙一脸肉痛,缓缓收拢了神力 World Tree needs a miracle to declare that own strength, strikes while the iron is hot to strengthen own great image. 世界树需要一场神迹来宣示自己的力量,来趁热打铁强化一下自己的伟岸形象。 But It chooses, purifies using Divine Power by the land of demon pollution forcefully. 而祂所选择的,就是利用神力强行净化被恶魔污染的土地。 Although consumes somewhat exaggeratingly, but looks at a number of new faith that on the God's Kingdom backdrop emerges instantaneously light/only, Eve felt, paid also the value. 虽然消耗有些夸张,但看着神国天幕上瞬间涌现出来的一批新的信仰之光,伊芙就觉得,付出也值了。 Hence, Area Northern Dominion was by It justifiablily, is integrated the control smoothly. 至此,南方领算是被祂名正言顺,顺利地纳入了掌控。 ...... …… The war of Area Northern Dominion, the purification of Goddess of Life, these news, quick spread over Segers each corner with the activity of wandering bard and caravan. 南方领的战事,生命女神的净化,这些消息,很快就随着游吟诗人和商队的活动传遍了赛格斯的每一个角落。 Suddenly, the elf prestige, the Eve prestige, reached a new peak again. 一时间,精灵的声望,伊芙的声望,再度达到了一个新的高峰。 The players who travels in the mainland joyfully and discovered with amazement, suddenly, seemed to be getting more and more to the Life Church interested party, the difficulty of doing missionary work , seemed to be getting more and more low. 在大陆上游历的玩家们欣喜又惊讶地发现,一时间,对生命教会感兴趣的人似乎越来越多了,传教的难度,似乎也越来越低了。 But on the other hand, everyone discovered cheerfully, new life believer NPC outset Favorability...... was also as if getting higher and higher. 而另一方面,大家乐呵呵地发现,新的生命教徒NPC的起始好感度……似乎也越来越高了。 Travels for pleasure in the mainland, moves in the inn or the tavern the time, the regularity receives the invitation liquor of mercenary and adventurer, is as for the business discounts...... 就连在大陆上游历,入住旅店或是酒馆的时候,都经常性受到佣兵和冒险者的请酒,乃至于商家的打折…… It can be said that with solid of Goddess World Tree status, adventure that as the players reward virtue and punish vice time and time again, as the elf army defeats demon, as Goddess purifies the entire southern area at one fell swoop...... Goddess and elf prestige, is promoting at a quite swift and violent speed. 可以说,随着女神世界树身份的坐实,随着玩家们一次一次惩恶扬善的冒险,随着精灵大军击败恶魔,随着女神一举净化整个南方地区……女神精灵的声望,都在以一种相当迅猛的速度提升着。 However, some people of happiness, some people were not happy. 不过,有人高兴,就有人不高兴。 Holy Mania Empire, eternal Holy City Mania. 神圣曼尼亚帝国,永恒圣城曼尼亚 In the Eternal Church central sanctum, Pope Benedict II is listening to the report of court bishop, is calm. 永恒教会的中央圣所里,教皇本笃二世听着审判所主教的汇报,一脸平静。 Matter is this, Holiness the Pope, elves had eliminated southern demon, seized the southern land, but Goddess of Life also displayed the miracle, purified the entire southern areas......” “事情就是这样,教皇陛下,精灵们已经消灭了南方的恶魔,占领了南方的土地,而生命女神也施展了神迹,净化了整个南部地区……” Now, My Lord has collapsed in faith of southern areas thoroughly, but on the contrary, Goddess of Life faith actually starts quickly to disseminate......” “现在,吾主在南部地区的信仰已经彻底崩溃了,而相反,生命女神信仰却开始迅速传播起来……” Particularly coast of the Vimur rivers, with the Maple Moon Free Dominion neighboring region, south some lead(er) areas near border territory, presented Life Church faith......” “尤其是维穆尔河流沿岸,与枫月自由领相邻的区域,还有南方边境领附近的一些领区,都出现了生命教会信仰……” „, Except for without permitting elf in does missionary work secretly outside , even is these civilian spontaneous faith......” “这其中,除了一些未经允许的精灵在私自传教外,还有一些,甚至是那些平民自发信仰的……” Holiness the Pope, continue like this, perhaps My Lord in the Segers World faith foundation, will be vacillated seriously!” “教皇陛下,如此下去,吾主赛格斯世界信仰根基,恐怕会被严重动摇!” The black robe bishop in court is serious. 审判所的黑袍主教一脸严肃。 But listened to his words, benign countenance Pope Benedict II also narrowed the eye slightly. 而听了他的话,慈眉善目的教皇本笃二世也微微眯了眯眼睛。 He gets hold of the fingertip blanch of Pope scepter, obviously used the strength, but that profound vision, even more profound...... 他握紧教皇权杖的手指尖发白,明显是用了力,而那深邃的目光,也越发幽深…… How recruiting and did the training of Judgment Knight prepare?” 审判骑士的征召和训练准备得怎么样了?” He opens the mouth to ask suddenly. 他忽然开口问道。 The black robe bishop replied respectfully: 黑袍主教恭敬地回答道: Your majesty, is similar, the Judgment Knight present can put into the fight momentarily!” “陛下,已经差不多了,审判骑士们现在随时都能投入战斗!” How many almost...... misses?” “差不多……又是差多少?” The Pope deeply looked at a black robe bishop. 教皇深深地看了一眼黑袍主教。 Can display the Demigod Rank God's Descent Legend powerhouse to look, even if has touched the Legend threshold, the black robe bishop cannot bear scalp tingles. 被能够施展半神级神降传奇强者这么望着,哪怕是已经触摸到了传奇的门槛,黑袍主教也忍不住头皮发麻。 He deeply inspires, said: 他深深吸了一口气,说道: Although also almost, but has been able to form four average strengths to achieve the Gold Rank trial regiment.” “虽然还差一点,但是已经能够组建出四支支平均实力达到黄金位阶的审判军团了。” If however takes time, such regiment, we can also form......” “而若是假以时日,这样的军团,我们还能组建更多……” „...... Just as you expected, because pours into Divine Power forcefully, they had lost a more further possibility, no no only so, because the body is damaged, these Judgment Knight lives, not over five years.” “不过……正如您所预料的那样,因为强行灌入神力,他们已经失去了更进一步的可能,不不仅如此,因为身体受损,这些审判骑士们的寿命,也不会超过五年。” But, I want to be used in the words of faith war, is enough.” “但是,我想用于信仰战争的话,已经足够了。” In addition, the empire aristocrats can also provide the considerable army, the life follower loathe the aristocrat, they also hate these heathens very much......” “此外,帝国贵族们也能提供可观的军队,生命信徒厌恶贵族,他们也很痛恨这些异教徒……” Your majesty, I felt, has been able to act.” “陛下,我觉得,已经可以出手了。” The black robe bishop stance is respectful. 黑袍主教姿态恭敬。 Listened to his words, Pope Benedict II knocked the arm rest of Saint place slowly, hesitates saying: 听了他的话,本笃二世缓缓地敲了敲圣座的扶手,沉吟道: That starts the final preparation......” “那就开始最后的准备吧……” But, before then, first cleans up small insect in each church parish.” “不过,在此之前,先把各个教区里的小虫子清理一下。” ...... …… East Maple Moon Free Dominion, northern Ayers leads. 枫月自由领东方,北艾瑞斯领。 Here is one of the Holy Mania Empire south leading areas, clamps in Maple Moon Free Dominion, the south mountain range, south border territory, as well as between Ayers kingdom. 这里是神圣曼尼亚帝国的南部领区之一,夹在枫月自由领,南方山脉,南方边境领,以及艾瑞斯王国之间。 When the abyss invasion, the eastern area and northern region of this leading area also fall to the enemy thoroughly, the entire lead(er) area was divided into two. 在深渊入侵的时候,这座领区的东部地区和北部区域也彻底沦陷,整个领区被一分为二。 Only the about 2/3 areas of Southwest, depend on the southern mountain range the topography, and support of Ayers kingdom . 只有西南方的近三分之二地区,靠着南方山脉的地势,以及艾瑞斯王国的支援,挺了下来。 Naturally, this is also because in process of abyss invasion, abyss regiment after making a connection with channel to Maple Moon Free Dominion, no longer continued to attack toward the south. 当然,这也是因为在深渊入侵的过程中,深渊军团在打通通往枫月自由领的通道之后,就不再继续朝着南方进攻了。 When demon invasion, several empire cities near south mountain range, becomes one of main areas the refugee flees from calamity. 而在恶魔入侵的时候,南方山脉附近的几座帝国城市,也成为了难民逃难的主要地区之一。 At this moment, northern Ayers gets in the biggest city Rona. 此时此刻,北艾瑞斯领最大的城市拉罗娜中。 By slum area that in the aristocrat forgets, wears the Saint white robe, grasps «Life Scripture» human Priest is preaching devotionally. 被贵族遗忘的贫民区里,一位身穿圣洁白袍,手持《生命圣典》的人类祭司正在虔诚布道。 His surroundings, gathered the listener of all forms, has the family whose fortunes are on the decline of city, has the hunting household and farmer, has the handicraftsman, mercenary and adventurer...... 他的周围,聚集了形形色色的倾听者,有城市的破落户,有猎户和农夫,有手工艺人,佣兵以及冒险者…… Each, looks devotionally, is listening attentively to the instruction of Priest. 他们每一个,都面露虔诚,倾听着祭司的教诲。 That Priest is not others, leaves Zerowan Johann. 祭司不是别人,正是离开泽罗兰的老约翰。 But at this moment, his brilliance was holier, but in his behind, but also is crowding around a large numbers of follower. 而此时此刻,他身上的光辉更加圣洁了,而在他的身后,还簇拥着一大批追随者。 Has the average person, there is Class Holder, has the poor person, there is to abandon all merchants. 有普通人,也有职业者,有穷人,也有抛弃了一切的商户。 They look at front Johann, looks the respect, they get hold of the scepter in hand to symbolize, the vision is reverent. 他们看着前方的老约翰,面露敬仰,他们握紧手中的权杖标志,目光虔诚。 But Johann, is drawing the Scepter of Life symbol in the chest front, while passionate to coming to listen to people of say/way saying: 而老约翰,则一边在胸前画着生命权杖的符号,一边激情洋溢地对前来听道的人们讲着: Empire is decayed, the aristocrat has degenerated, Eternal Church also lost in own honor......” “帝国已经腐朽,贵族已经堕落,永恒教会也迷失在了自己的荣光里……” This is a dark time, but also is the daybreak time, but great World Tree, great Goddess of Life Eve your holiness, is that daybreak light......” “这是一个黑暗的时代,但也是破晓的时代,而伟大的世界树,伟大的生命女神伊芙冕下,就是那破晓的光……” It is the light in darkness, It is just and good Incarnation, in Its world, the life is supreme, myriad things equality.” “祂是黑暗中的光明,祂是正义与善良的化身,在祂的世界中,生命至上,万物平等。” faith It, meditates Its name, only by doing so, we can seek brightly in this dark time, only by doing so, we can obtain new student/life......” 信仰祂,默念祂的名,只有这样,我们才能在这个黑暗的时代中寻找到光明,只有这样,我们才能获得新生……” Look! Great Eve your holiness eliminated demon, purified the contamination, great Eve your holiness is blessing Maple Moon Free Dominion, making this mysterious wonderland the pure land......” “看吧!正是伟大的伊芙冕下消灭了恶魔,净化了污秽,正是伟大的伊芙冕下庇佑着枫月自由领,让这片神奇的梦幻之地成为一方净土……” „, The old time will soon pass by, the new time is going to approach, faith life and nature, faith great Goddess Eve!” “诸位,旧的时代即将过去,新的时代将要来临,信仰生命与自然,信仰伟大的伊芙女神吧!” Benevolent and good Your Excellency The Goddess, will certainly direct us, seeking to be much newer, new hope!” “仁慈又善良的女神冕下,必将指引我们,寻找到新得光明,新的希望!” Makes us pray together, meditates the Goddess name together!” “让我们一起祈祷,一起默念女神的名吧!” Praise nature, the praise life, praised great World Tree Eve Yggdrasil!” “赞美自然,赞美生命,赞美伟大的世界树-伊芙·尤克特拉希尔!” Johann fills with the praise of fervor to say. 老约翰满怀激情的赞美道。 Praise nature, the praise life, praised great World Tree Eve Yggdrasil!” “赞美自然,赞美生命,赞美伟大的世界树-伊芙·尤克特拉希尔!” A listened respectfully followers face is also frantic, excited absolute sincerity. 聆听的信徒们也一脸狂热,激动又赤诚。 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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