GWT :: Volume #6 神魔战争

#852: Frank's wildness looks

You and Maple Moon Free Dominion pretor Sophia look like very much, I think that...... you should like that place. If you want, I can write a letter of recommendation, I think that...... entire Maple Moon Dominion will welcome your joining.” “你和枫月自由领的执政官索菲亚很像,我想……你应该会喜欢那个地方的。如果你愿意的话,我可以写一封推荐信,我想……整个枫月领都会欢迎你的加入。” Kerec vision said sincerely. 凯雷茨目光真诚地说道。 However, listened to his words, Frank hesitated the moment, actually shakes the head slowly: 不过,听了他的话,弗兰克沉吟了片刻,却缓缓摇了摇头: Good intention thank you, Sir Kerec, although I also hear on Maple Moon Dominion from the wandering bard mouth frequently the story, also admiringly establishes Ms. Sophia of free lead(er) very much, but I do not want to join.” “谢谢您的好意,凯雷茨大人,虽然我也常常从游吟诗人口中听说枫月领上发生的故事,也很钦佩建立自由领的索菲亚女士,但我并不想加入。” Why?” “为什么?” Kerec comes out the somewhat surprised expression. 凯雷茨露出来有些惊讶的表情。 Frank thinks, said: 弗兰克想了想,说道: Joins Maple Moon Free Dominion, must join Life Church, but I, follows my companions, is the devout eternal believers.” “加入枫月自由领,必须要加入生命教会,而不论是我,还是追随我的同伴们,很多都是虔诚的永恒教徒。” Although Eternal Church is decayed, but the church is a church, God is God, in my opinion...... the mistake of church cannot sum up in the body of God.” “虽然永恒教会已经腐朽,但教会是教会,神灵神灵,在我看来……教会的错误并不能归结于神灵的身上。” My very admiring Life Church, very respectable Goddess of Life your holiness, but...... was really sorry very much.” “我很钦佩生命教会,也很尊敬生命女神冕下,不过……真的很抱歉。” Frank apology said wear a look. 弗兰克面带歉意地说道。 Kerec deeply looked at his one eyes, shakes the head gently: 凯雷茨深深地看了他一眼,轻轻摇了摇头: Mr. Frank, faith is not your real reason, you know my status, then...... you should also know, I can see the light of everyone faith.” “弗兰克先生,信仰并不是您的真实原因,您知道我的身份,那么……您应该也知道,我是能看到每一个人身上的信仰之光的。” Saying, Kerec sighed gently, looked straight ahead Frank's eyes: 说着,凯雷茨轻轻一叹,直视弗兰克的双眼: „Hasn't Mr. Frank, how long you gone to the eternal church?” “弗兰克先生,您有多久没有去过永恒教堂了呢?” Such remarks, Frank trembles slightly, cannot bear lower the head. 此话一出,弗兰克微微一颤,忍不住低下头去。 After the moment, he long sighed, the forced smile said: 片刻后,他才长长一叹,苦笑道: Kerec your holiness, was really sorry that very much...... I do not want to join any influence now temporarily.” “凯雷茨冕下,真的很抱歉……我现在暂时不想加入任何势力。” I understood.” “我明白了。” Kerec nods gently. 凯雷茨轻轻点了点头。 Saying, him is also saying with a smile: 说着,他又笑道: If one day, your idea change, or...... you want to join Life Church, we will welcome at any time.” “如果有一天,您的想法改变,或者说……您想要加入生命教会的话,我们随时都会欢迎。” Frank silent moment, nods: 弗兰克沉默了片刻,点了点头: Thank you.” “谢谢您。” But, what do you then have to plan? The empire aristocrats have removed you, after the war ended, you planned the mercenary group that leads you to draw what does make?” “不过,您接下来有什么打算呢?帝国贵族已经将您除名,战争结束之后,您又打算带领您拉起来的佣兵团做些什么呢?” Kerec also asked. 凯雷茨又问道。 His that profound vision is looking at this young knight, said: 他那深邃的目光望着这位年轻的骑士,说: I can feel, you not just establish the mercenary group for the livelihood, you lead your team to punish eliminate good wickedly, eliminates demon, the rigid discipline, the combat is heroic, this is completely not an ordinary mercenary group proper appearance.” “我能感受出来,您并非仅仅是为了生计而创立佣兵团的,您带领您的团队惩善除恶,消灭恶魔,纪律严明,作战英勇,这完全不是一个普通佣兵团应有的样子。” What do you...... want to make?” “您……到底想要做些什么呢?” Listened to Kerec's words, Frank fell into again silent. 听了凯雷茨的话,弗兰克再次陷入了沉默。 A moment later, he opens mouth to reply, was actually prevented by this elf Demigod: 片刻之后,他张了张嘴想要回答,却被这位精灵半神阻止了: You do not need to tell me your reason, I think that...... you should have your consideration and difficulties.” “您不用告诉我您的理由,我想……您应该也有您的思虑和苦衷。” For serveral days, I have been observing you, you are a true chivalry knight, I believe your choice.” “这些天,我一直在观察您,您是一位真正侠义骑士,我相信您的选择。” But, a little I want to remind your am, degeneration is not only Eternal Church, if you really pin certain hopes in the body of God, perhaps you will be disappointed.” “不过,有一点我想要提醒您的是,堕落的不仅仅是永恒教会,如果您真的将某些希望寄托于神灵的身上,或许您会失望了。” Naturally, I do not refer to great Goddess of Life your holiness......” “当然,我并不是指伟大的生命女神冕下……” Mr. Frank, the Life Church front door opens wide for you forever, if some day you really made the decision, we are glad to become your faithful ally very much once again.” “弗兰克先生,生命教会的大门永远为您敞开,如果有一天您真的做出了决定,我们很乐意再一次成为您忠实的盟友。” ...... …… Frank has not exchanged with Kerec too for a long time. 弗兰克并没有与凯雷茨交流太久。 After declining invitation that joins Life Church, he departed quickly. 在谢绝了加入生命教会的邀请之后,他很快就离去了。 But he just went out, met own personal guard, Roland. 而他刚一出门,就遇到了自己的亲卫,罗兰 Sir Frank!” “弗兰克大人!” Roland somewhat happily toward him good a ritual. 罗兰有些开心地朝他行了一礼。 Frank selected the eyebrow: 弗兰克挑了挑眉: Roland, how did you come?” 罗兰,你怎么过来了?” Hehe, just won a sign, is thinking meets you, never expected that you finished quickly.” “嘿嘿,刚刚赢完了一场牌,就想着来接接您,没想到您这么快就结束了。” Roland flexure scratched the head, said. 罗兰挠了挠头,说。 Then, he shines a canteen in hand, somewhat said excitedly: 说完,他亮了亮手里的一个水壶,有些兴奋地说: You look! What did I win?” “您看!我赢到了什么?” In Frank heart moves. 弗兰克心中一动。 He looked at that elf style canteen, brings in the bottle mouth smells, is somewhat astonished: 他看了看那精灵风格的水壶,又拿过来在瓶口闻了闻,有些讶异: elf flower-scented green tea?” 精灵花茶?” Haha! Right! Is the elf flower-scented green tea in legend! Hears that side the imperial capital, only then these rich aristocrat masters can drink!” “哈哈!没错!就是传说中的精灵花茶!听说在帝都那边,可是只有那些有钱的贵族老爷才能喝到!” Roland said excitedly. 罗兰兴奋地说道。 But said, he notices wisp of dark clouds of Franck that space between eyebrows suddenly, realized oneself spoke incorrectly the words, covered the mouth hastily: 而说完,他忽然注意到弗兰克那眉间的一缕阴云,又意识到自己说错了话,连忙捂住了嘴: „...... Is unfair to...... Sir Frank, I should not mention the matter of aristocrat......” “啊……对不起……弗兰克大人,我不该提到贵族的事……” Frank was eliminated the aristocrat status. 弗兰克被剥夺了贵族身份。 Although he always says oneself also abandoned the status of aristocrat, but abandons to turn over to abandon, eliminating was another matter. 虽然他总是说自己也抛弃了贵族的身份,但抛弃归抛弃,剥夺又是另一种事了。 Regarding the empire aristocrats, this is almost the shame of bringing ruin and shame upon oneself. 对于帝国贵族来说,这几乎是身败名裂的耻辱。 Usually, he always being at all scope speaking of the aristocrat, feared that touched the painful event of opposite party, however because today is extremely excited, actually forgot this matter. 平日里,他从来不敢当面说到贵族,怕触到了对方的伤心事,然而今天因为太过兴奋,却把这件事忘了。 However, Frank actually shakes the head, said reluctantly: 不过,弗兰克却摇了摇头,无奈地说道: No, Roland, I had said many were times, I do not care about the trivial aristocrat given name.” “不,罗兰,我说过很多次了,我并不在乎区区贵族名号。” „Do you...... seem very why unhappy?” “那您……为什么看上去很不开心?” Roland asked curiously. 罗兰好奇地问道。 Frank was startled being startled. 弗兰克怔了怔。 „Do I...... seem like am very unhappy?” “我……看上去很不开心吗?” He touched oneself cheeks. 他摸了摸自己的脸颊。 Naturally, a scared appearance.” “当然,一幅失魂落魄的样子。” Roland nods. 罗兰点了点头。 Frank gawked. 弗兰克愣了。 After the moment, he smiles bitterly saying: 片刻后,他苦笑道: Perhaps...... was I somewhat is also confused......” “或许……是我自己也有些迷茫了吧……” Confused? Sir Frank, you did not say, this walks, you have thought how the future can walk? You did not say, plans to lead everyone together, rewards virtue and punishes vice, saves the world in the water and fire?” “迷茫?弗兰克大人,您不是说,这一路走来,您已经想好未来要怎么走下去了吗?您不是说,打算带领大家一起,惩恶扬善,拯救世人于水火吗?” The Roland doubts asked. 罗兰疑惑地问道。 Frank sighed: 弗兰克叹了口气: Roland, just Kerec your holiness invited me to join Maple Moon Free Dominion.” 罗兰,刚刚凯雷茨冕下邀请我加入枫月自由领了。” Wu......?!” 唔……啊?!” Roland stared the circle the eye. 罗兰瞪圆了眼睛。 The next quarter, he was gradually excited: 下一刻,他渐渐兴奋了起来: Really...... real?!” “真……真的吗?!” But I turned down.” “但我婉拒了。” Frank under half a word words will say. 弗兰克将下半句话说了出来。 Un......?!” “嗯……啊?!” Roland excited stiff on face. 罗兰的兴奋僵在了脸上。 Why you...... do you want to turn down? That is Maple Moon Free Dominion! This walks, you have not said that you do yearn for there very much?!” “您……您为什么要婉拒呢?那可是枫月自由领啊!这一路走来,您不是一直说您很向往那里吗?!” Moreover...... joined Maple Moon Free Dominion even, we can as before by the mercenary status in the mainland active! This does not conflict!” “而且……就算是加入了枫月自由领,我们依旧可以以佣兵的身份在大陆上活跃啊!这又不冲突!” Let alone, if really can become Maple Moon Free Dominion one, everyone can also have a family/home......” “更别说,如果真的能够成为枫月自由领的一员,大家也能够有一个家了……” Roland somewhat said regrettably. 罗兰有些遗憾地说道。 Looks at his great happiness greatly sad appearance, Frank is startled slightly: 看着他那大喜大悲的样子,弗兰克微微一怔: But, I remember that you have not said that in oneself family/home is the devout eternal follower?” “可是,我记得你不是说过,自己家里一直都是虔诚的永恒信徒吗?” Eternal follower! Sir Frank, if can join Maple Moon Free Dominion, I am willing to be converted immediately! You also saw, this walks, Eternal Church has degenerates!” “永恒信徒个屁!弗兰克大人,如果能够加入枫月自由领的话,我愿意立刻改信!您也看到了,这一路走来,永恒教会有多么堕落!” Roland said bitterly. 罗兰恨恨地说道。 Frank was silent. 弗兰克沉默了。 „...... Maple Moon Free Dominion, although is good, Sir Frank is the person who we follow, regardless of you make anything to decide, we will support you.” “不过……枫月自由领虽然好,弗兰克大人才是我们追随的人,无论您做出什么决定,我们都会支持您。” Seemed like sees Frank's hesitation, Roland also said hastily. 似乎是看到了弗兰克的迟疑,罗兰又连忙说道。 But said, he hesitant, asked curiously: 而说完,他犹豫了一下,又好奇地问道: But...... I am still very curious, why do you want to turn down the invitation of Kerec your holiness?” “但……我依旧很好奇,您为什么要婉拒凯雷茨冕下的邀请呢?” Listened to the personal guard words, a Frank deep sigh: 听了亲卫的话,弗兰克一声长叹: Roland, you thought that...... is a rewarding virtue and punishing vice knight, there does the time of being able to this decayed, how many bring to change?” 罗兰,你觉得……做一位惩恶扬善的骑士,又有能给这个腐朽的时代,带来多少改变呢?” Then, does not wait for the opposite party to reply, he shakes the head to sigh directly: 说完,不等对方回答,他直接摇头叹道: Insufficient...... by far insufficient...... this all the way, I looked too many were too many, the empire is decayed, was decayed from the plant root, the aristocrat degenerated, the church was incompetent, the impact that in addition Magic Power recovered, this country has been terminally ill......” “不够……远远不够……这一路上,我看了太多太多,帝国已经腐朽了,从根子上就腐朽了,贵族堕落,教会无能,再加上魔力复苏的冲击,这个国家已经病入膏肓了……” Frank is saying, looked to Roland, the imposing manner one cold: 弗兰克说着,看向了罗兰,气势一凛: Roland, this is the first time that I spoke mind to you, I arrive at the southern border area, establishes the mercenary group, the goal is to not only be a chivalry knight.” 罗兰,这是我第一次对你说心里话,我来到南方边区,创立佣兵团,目的不仅仅是做一个侠义骑士。” I, want to overthrow this decayed state......” “我,想要推翻这个腐朽的国度……” Pushes...... overthrows the empire?!” “推……推翻帝国?!” Roland stared the circle instantaneously the eye. 罗兰瞬间瞪圆了眼睛。 Right, before you said is very right, I appreciate Maple Moon Free Dominion, appreciates all that Life Church makes.” “没错,你之前说的很对,我非常欣赏枫月自由领,也非常欣赏生命教会做的一切。” These months, I observe, pondered, contrasts, realized gradually, perhaps the Maple Moon Free Dominion pattern, will be in the future.” “这几个月来,我一路观察,一路思考,一路对比,渐渐也意识到,或许枫月自由领的模式,才是未来。” Frank sinking sound said. 弗兰克沉声说。 Roland shocks looks at him, as a personal guard knight of noble birth, the equivalent concept penetrates his thought that he has not thought overthrows empire astonishing matter. 罗兰震撼地看着他,作为一名贵族出身的亲卫骑士,等阶观念深入他的思想,他从来都没有想过推翻帝国这种惊人的事。 But...... may......, if really this...... is not, shouldn't join Maple Moon Free Dominion......?” “可……可……如果真的这样……不是,不是应该加入枫月自由领更……更好吗?” The Roland stutter said. 罗兰结结巴巴地说道。 Frank understood his meaning. 弗兰克听懂了他的意思。 Since must overthrow the empire, joins Maple Moon Free Dominion, earns many support, all will be smoother. 既然要推翻帝国,加入枫月自由领,获得更多的支持,一切会顺利很多。 However, Frank declined the invitation of Elf Race. 然而,弗兰克却谢绝了精灵族的邀请。 Regarding this, he had not explained directly, but asked back: 对此,他并没有直接解释,而是反问道: Roland, how do you see to the mainland situation?” 罗兰,你对大陆局势怎么看?” Wu...... Sir Frank, I am only a knight, although also once was an aristocrat, but you know that hateful these curricula, to political anything, did not understand since childhood very much.” 唔……弗兰克大人,我只是个骑士,虽然也曾经是贵族,但您知道的,从小就很讨厌那些课程,对政治什么的,并不太懂。” Roland said embarrassed. 罗兰不好意思地说。 Frank laughs in spite of trying not, he shakes the head gently, the facial expression was gradually serious, said: 弗兰克失笑,他轻轻摇了摇头,神情渐渐严肃,说: Roland, if I join Maple Moon Free Dominion, wants to overthrow the empire again, perhaps will very likely provoke the strong reaction of Eternal Church, even causes the god to fight......” 罗兰,如果我加入枫月自由领,再想推翻帝国的话,恐怕很可能会引起永恒教会的强烈反应,甚至导致神战……” Such remarks, Roland stared the circle again the eye: 此话一出,罗兰再次瞪圆了眼睛: What did you...... you say?!” “您……您说什么?!” Frank long sighed: 弗兰克长长一叹: This matter involves millennium ago secret...... Roland, do you know empire the war of founding of the nation?” “此事涉及到千年之前的秘辛……罗兰,你知道帝国的建国之战吗?” Wu...... has heard some legends, our family history are quite short, regarding this too has not recorded.” 唔……听过一些传说,我们家族历史比较短,对此并没有太多记载。” Roland said. 罗兰说道。 Frank nods: 弗兰克点了点头: Empire is established based on destruction Elf Kingdom, but the essence of war of empire nation-building, in fact is fighting between God.” “帝国是在覆灭精灵王国的基础上建国的,而帝国立国之战的本质,实际上是神灵之间的争锋。” However God that fights, is not others, is Eternal Lord and World Tree.” “而争锋的神灵,不是别人,正是永恒之主世界树。” World Tree? That...... that is......” 世界树?那……那岂不是就是……” Roland stared in a big way the eye again. 罗兰再一次瞪大了眼睛。 Right, is Goddess of Life, Eve your holiness.” “没错,正是生命女神,伊芙冕下。” A Frank deep sigh. 弗兰克一声长叹。 Saying, him is sighing: 说着,他叹息道: Goddess of Life your holiness and Eternal Lord have the contradiction.” 生命女神冕下永恒之主有矛盾。” I want to change the present situation in empire, wants to overthrow the present rule, if merely as eternal believer, that is Human World civil war that's all.” “我想要改变帝国的现状,想要推翻现在的统治,如果仅仅是以永恒教徒的身份,那不过是人类世界的内战罢了。” But if I joined Maple Moon Free Dominion, as life follower, that is war of the faith......” “但如果我加入了枫月自由领,以生命信徒的身份,那就将是一场信仰之战……” Roland , the intensity of war is completely in that case different.” 罗兰,那样的话,战争的烈度就完全不同了。” I want to save, rather than the destruction, fighting between True God, the brought consequence absolutely is destructive...... particularly Goddess of Life your holiness and Eternal Lord are between God to powerhouse.” “我希望拯救,而不是破坏,真神间的争锋,带来的后果绝对是毁灭性的……尤其是生命女神冕下永恒之主都是神灵间的至强者。” Listened to Frank's words, Roland to open mouth, for a while was speechless. 听了弗兰克的话,罗兰张了张嘴,一时无言。 After the moment, he cannot bear say: 片刻后,他忍不住说道: But I looked that...... you as if like Life Church, sincerer Life Church doctrine, I saw you to look under the lamp in the evening «Life Scripture» looks perhaps with great interest, you had not realized, unlike Eternal Lord, you mentioned each time Goddess of Life your holiness time, is the respectful designation.” “但我看……您似乎更喜爱生命教会,也更倾心生命教会的教义,我曾经见过您晚上在灯下看《生命圣典》看的津津有味,或许您自己都没有意识到,与永恒之主不同,您每次提到生命女神冕下的时候,都是敬称。” Such being the case, why cannot establish a state that takes Life Church as faith? Like Maple Moon Free Dominion such.” “既然如此,为什么就不能建立一个以生命教会信仰的国度呢?就像枫月自由领那样。” Eternal Church is so decayed, even if you established the country, really can change all?” 永恒教会如此腐朽,就算是您重新建立了国家,真的能改变一切吗?” Let alone, takes the aristocrat as foundation Eternal Church, really allows you to overthrow the empire?” “更别说,以贵族为根基的永恒教会,真的允许您推翻帝国吗?” The Roland words were loud and clear, making Frank fall into silent. 罗兰的话掷地有声,让弗兰克陷入了沉默。 After the moment, he sighed: 片刻后,他叹道: This was also I wants saying that the foundation of empire was not only an aristocrat, was Eternal Church.” “这也正是我想要说的,帝国的根基不仅仅是贵族,也是永恒教会。” If wants to overthrow the empire, that must earn the support of Eternal Church......” “如果想要推翻帝国,那也必须获得永恒教会的支持……” This is the politics, but the politics, cannot consider individual emotion.” “这是政治,而政治,是不能考虑到个人情感的。” Roland, although I do not like Eternal Church very much, although Eternal Church is decayed, but some maintain life Saint of conscience eventually as before.” 罗兰,虽然我很不喜欢永恒教会,虽然永恒教会已经腐朽,但终究还是有一些依旧保持本心的生命圣徒的。” I know that such, that is true Saint, was respected by the world, even if the Pope is also very respectable.” “我就知道这么一位,那是一位真正的圣徒,被世人敬重,哪怕是教皇也对其很是尊敬。” He lives in seclusion in a village near south mountain range, when was eliminated to demon, I plan to go to visit the opposite party, gains the support of opposite party.” “他就隐居在南方山脉附近的一座村落里,待到恶魔被消灭,我计划前往拜访对方,获取对方的支持。” Roland, I am also glad to establish a faith Life Church country very much, but sometimes, the ideal and reality are different.” 罗兰,我也很乐意建立一个信仰生命教会的国家,但有时候,理想和现实是不同的。” Eternal Church, although is disappointing, but was not totally without the possibility of saving......” 永恒教会虽然令人失望,但并不是彻底没有了挽救的可能……” Said own aspiration carefree, Frank many. 说出了自己的心声,弗兰克畅快了不少。 However, Roland actually knits the brows, shakes the head gently: 不过,罗兰却皱了皱眉,轻轻摇头: But Sir Frank, you really determined, Eternal Church Saint will support you approach?” “可是弗兰克大人,您真的确定,永恒教会圣徒会支持您得做法吗?” Let alone, even if you, because was worried that Life Church and Eternal Church make war, but the decision chooses Eternal Church that you do not like, you can really determine, wars between two churches won't break out?” “更别说,就算是您因为担心生命教会永恒教会开战,而决定选择您并不喜欢的永恒教会,您又能真的确定,两个教会之间的战争不会爆发吗?” No, Life Church advocates the peace, will not make war to others with no reason at all.” “不,生命教会崇尚和平,是不会无缘无故向别人开战的。” Frank shakes the head. 弗兰克摇了摇头。 „If Eternal Church first makes war?” “那如果是永恒教会先开战呢?” Roland also asked. 罗兰又问道。 Frank was startled being startled. 弗兰克怔了怔。 He smiles bitterly, said: 他苦笑一声,说道: Such words...... Eternal Church perhaps really incurable......” “那样的话……永恒教会恐怕就真的无可救药了……” 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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