GWT :: Volume #6 神魔战争

#851: White knight

Holy Mania Empire, south border. 神圣曼尼亚帝国,南部边境。 Above the sky, the heavy/thick cloud layer tumbles unceasingly, thunder. 天空之上,厚重的云层不断翻滚,电闪雷鸣。 Land dark piece, soil hardening crack, vegetation withered. 大地黑暗一片,土壤板结龟裂,草木枯槁。 Fierce demons is grasping the rough weapon, angry roaring, roaring, is encircling in the same place. 狰狞的恶魔们握着粗犷的武器,怒吼着,咆哮着,围在一起。 But in their all around, or wears the mail-armor and helmet, or presents the hunting household also or the human cavalry of mercenary appearance is riding the high steed, gathers round demons to revolve unceasingly. 而在他们的四周,一位位或是身穿甲胄,或是呈现猎户亦或是佣兵打扮的人类骑兵骑着高头骏马,围着恶魔们不断旋转。 The cavalries grasp the long spear/gun or the bow and arrow, walks randomly regarding demons, every walks randomly one time, the thorn will act the long spear/gun, or projects arrow. 骑兵们手持长枪或弓箭,围绕着恶魔们游走,每一次游走,都会刺出手中的长枪,或是射出箭矢 Looking into the distance, sieged demon has several thousand people at least, but participates to encircle the demon human cavalries, does not flaunt lets. 放眼望去,被围困的恶魔起码有数千人,而参与围剿恶魔的人类骑兵们,也不逞多让。 The billowing hoofbeat, the billowing mist and dust, demons was being diverted by the human cavalries like this, cannot break through half step. 滚滚的马蹄声,滚滚的烟尘,恶魔们就这样被人类骑兵们牵制着,不能突围半步。 Whenever there is demon to clash, will stop up by actually a spear/gun or an arrow, but finally, demons has to encircle back to back in the same place, will send out anxious shouting, while with surrounding their cavalries will fight. 每当有恶魔想要冲出来,就会被其实一枪或一箭堵回去,而最终,恶魔们不得不背靠背围在一起,一边发出不安的嘶吼,一边与包围起他们的骑兵们战斗。 The flying of collision sound and arrow of weapon shoots the sound to interwine, shouting angrily of roaring and knights of demons gradually mixes. 兵器的碰撞声和箭矢的飞射声交织在一起,恶魔们的咆哮与骑士们的怒喝逐渐混合。 From time to time is intense, from time to time the fight of intermittence, erupts between demon and human cavalries. 时而激烈,时而间歇的战斗,在恶魔与人类骑兵间爆发。 Almost every moment, will have demon to drop down, but almost overflowed the moment, will have to surround the demons cavalry to be torn dismount by these ugly monsters. 几乎每一刻,都会有恶魔倒下,而几乎没过片刻,都会有包围恶魔们的骑兵被这些丑陋的怪物撕扯下马。 Each falling to the ground cavalry will be pulled by crazy demons, was torn into shreds by them in a pitiful yell sound, changes into beach blood mud. 每一个倒地的骑兵都会被疯狂的恶魔们拉扯过去,在一片惨叫声中被他们撕碎,化为一滩血泥。 However, if the people of some familiar empire armies will discover, these surround the demons cavalry, these aristocrat cavalries unlike empire completely. 不过,如果有熟悉帝国军队的人在就会发现,这些围堵恶魔们的骑兵,与帝国的那些贵族骑兵完全不同。 Their discipline so strict, even if there is companion to drop down continuously, no one panic. 他们的纪律是如此的严明,哪怕是接连不断的有同伴倒下,也没有人惊慌失措。 The pitiful condition of ally has not frustrated their morale, on the contrary, they look to a demons eye of band of light the hatred and war intent, is unceasingly spirited. 战友的惨状并没有挫败他们的士气,相反,他们看向恶魔们的目光带着仇恨与战意,不断昂扬。 The cavalries revolve the demon team as before, walks randomly unceasingly, while stopping the demon army flees, creates to them lets blood general killing continually. 骑兵们依旧围绕着恶魔的队伍,不断游走,在阻拦恶魔军队逃离的同时,对他们造成持续放血一般的杀伤。 Until...... elusive and resonant elf pipe transmits distantly. 直到……一阵空灵又嘹亮的精灵风笛声遥遥传来。 That is from the southern whistle sound, just like the bugle, resounds through the horizon. 那是来自更南方的笛声,宛若号角,响彻天际。 Hears that pipe, the spirit of human cavalries obviously inspires, the morale rises sharply suddenly. 听到那风笛声,人类骑兵们的精神明显一振,士气忽然大涨。 But in the team, a silver armor, the mail-armor and helmet had been dyed the deep young knight look by the blood of demon thoroughly one happy, holds up oneself that bloodstained high the long sword: 而队伍里,一个一身银甲,甲胄已经彻底被恶魔的鲜血染成深色的年轻骑士神色一喜,高高举起自己那染血的长剑: „The elf army arrived, the brothers, constrain demons, keeps here them forever!” 精灵军队到了,兄弟们,拖住恶魔们,将他们永远留在这里!” For Segers! For peace and justice!” “为了赛格斯!为了和平与正义!” He is drinking high. 他高喝着。 As his high drinks, the cavalries also morale thrives, shouts with one voice: 而随着他的高喝,骑兵们也士气勃发,异口同声地喊道: For Segers! For peace and justice!” “为了赛格斯!为了和平与正义!” The cavalries are drinking high, holds up the weapon to continue with demons to battle. 骑兵们高喝着,举起武器继续与恶魔们交战。 But saw the distant place billowing dust, demons also starts flurriedly. 而看到远处滚滚的尘埃,恶魔们也开始慌乱了起来。 Especially, when dragon roar transmit, in the sky presented dozens Great Dragon forms, but in their behind, but also follows hundreds and thousands, flight magic beast that the type varies. 尤其是,当一声声龙吟传来,天空中出现了数十头巨龙的身影,而在它们的身后,还跟着成百上千,种类各异的飞行魔兽 Carrying on the back of each Great Dragon and magic beast, can see the elf form. 每一头巨龙魔兽的背上,都能看到精灵的身影。 That is the elves flying unit. 那是精灵们的飞行部队。 Looking into the distance, they cover entirely the sky, with ground in gradually clear, the elf cavalry in step enhances one another's beauty. 放眼望去,他们布满天空,与地面上渐渐清晰,步伐整齐的精灵骑兵交相辉映。 The deafening hoofbeat transmits, that is tens of thousands of cavalries charges together, can form, daring imposing manner. 震耳欲聋的马蹄声传来,那是成千上万的骑兵一同冲锋,才能形成的,气吞山河的气势。 elves or is riding dragon scale horse, or is riding other magic beast, just like racing wells up a waterfall, from north to south, falls in torrents under. 精灵们或是骑着龙鳞马,或是骑着其他魔兽,宛若一条奔涌的瀑布,自北向南,倾泻而下。 Saw the form that selects high, demons is scared instantaneously, they wear a look of alarmed and afraid, cannot attend to retaining the strength again, goes all out to break through outward. 看到那高挑的身影,恶魔们瞬间慌了神,他们面带惊惧,再也顾不得保持实力,拼了命朝外突围。 Sees this, the human cavalries is laughing, under the silver armor knight's order , to continue to besiege and pursue to block off, stops their fleeing. 看到这一幕,人类骑兵们哈哈大笑着,在银甲骑士的命令下,继续围追堵截,阻拦他们的逃离。 The billowing mist and dust adds confusingly the battlefield, but the human cavalries powerfully, are pursuing collapse demons as in good order. 滚滚烟尘将战场点染得扑朔迷离,而人类骑兵们依旧气势如虹,井然有序地追击着崩溃的恶魔们 Until...... the elf army flushed. 直到……精灵军队冲了过来。 That full armor, delicate and pretty elf of military might just like God's Envoy regiment of descending to earth, is glittering the gorgeous Magic brilliance, the aura is powerful. 那一位位全副武装,俊美又威武的精灵宛若下凡的神使军团,闪烁着绚丽的魔法光辉,气息强大。 They broke in demon quickly, washed out on the team of creakying demons that thoroughly. 他们很快就冲入了恶魔之中,将恶魔们那原本就摇摇欲坠的队伍彻底冲散。 Intense fight quick eruption, but the next quarter, changed into overwhelming chasing down, demons is defeated, the instantaneous rout, high-spirited was also been heroic fearless elves like cutting the melon cuts the vegetable/dish to cut down generally in the place...... 激烈的战斗很快爆发,但下一刻,就化为了压倒性的追杀,恶魔们丢盔弃甲,瞬间溃败,被士气高昂又英勇无畏的精灵们如同砍瓜切菜一般砍倒在地…… Sees in the charge of elves, just like generally easily torn into shreds demon army that the paper sticks, the silver armor knight vision is sparking, in the pupil admired and yearned completely: 看到在精灵们的冲锋中,宛若纸糊的一般被轻易撕碎的恶魔军队,银甲骑士目光闪亮,瞳孔中满是钦佩与向往: Good...... very powerful!” “好……好强!” Worthily is the elf heaven chosen one regiment in legend! Lets the strengthening of the armed forces that demon is panic at the news worthily!” “不愧是传说中的精灵天选者军团!不愧是让恶魔都闻风丧胆的强军!” His war intent is spirited, sees only him to continue to hold up the long sword, orders to say to the human cavalry who are leading: 他的战意激昂,只见他继续举起长剑,对着自己率领的人类骑兵命令道: Brothers! Team with elves! Eliminates these evil demons! Kills-!” “兄弟们!跟着精灵们的队伍!消灭这些邪恶的恶魔们!杀-!” Kills-!” “杀-!” The cavalries get angry shout. 骑兵们怒喝道。 They fuse together with the elf cavalry of charge gradually, the mighty current of blotting out the sky embezzled the demon army thoroughly. 他们渐渐与冲锋的精灵骑兵融为一体,铺天盖地的洪流彻底吞没了恶魔的军队。 Then, the army continues to go south, charges into the open battlefield south...... 而后,大军继续南下,冲向开阔战场的南方…… The cloud layer of tumbling is gradually low-spirited, the curtain of night arrives slowly. 翻滚的云层渐渐黯然,夜幕缓缓降临。 The battlefield battle sound had ended, the fragmentary sound resounds occasionally. 战场的厮杀声已经结束,只有零星的声音偶尔响起。 But in the battlefield south, a piece just in broken through city, above the city wall had raised flag that belongs to elf. 而在战场的南方,一片刚刚被攻破的城市里,城墙之上已经升起了属于精灵的旗帜。 Looks that unceasingly in the scepter flag that in the wind flutters, the silver armor Warrior vision is somewhat complex. 看着那不断在风中飘扬的权杖旗帜,银甲战士的目光有些复杂。 The fight had ended, elves has moved into the city to rest, his cavalry unit also obtained a stretch of station in the city. 战斗已经结束了,精灵们已经入驻城中休息,他的骑兵部队也在城中分得了一片驻地。 Once for a while, but can also hear that side the camp to hear the singing sound with laughing, it is estimated that also has elf has various types delicious and fun came, with the knights is conducting the post-war revelry. 时不时,还能听到营地那边传来歌声与大笑,估计又是有精灵带着各种好吃的和好玩的来了,与骑士们在进行战后的狂欢。 „Are you white knight Frank?” “你就是白骑士弗兰克吗?” The nice sound from conveys together behind, calm, mature, has some magnetism, attracted the attention of silver armor knight. 一道动听的声音从身后传来,冷静,成熟,带着些许磁性,吸引了银甲骑士的注意。 He turns around slowly, saw that valiant red hair elf female Warrior appeared in him behind. 他缓缓转身,看到一位英姿飒爽的红发精灵战士出现在了他的身后。 Her side, but also with powerful Great Dragon . 她的身边,还跟着一头威风凛凛的巨龙 Sees female elf that magnificent war armor, in that famous weapon Edge of Repent with the hand, in the silver armor elf heart moves: 看到女性精灵那一身华丽的战甲,和手中那大名鼎鼎的武器“忏悔之刃”,银甲精灵心中一动: Valkyrie, Jasmine under the Moon Flame?” 女武神,月下茉莉·烈焰?” Hears the words of silver armor knight, the elf female Warrior vision is somewhat helpless: 听到银甲骑士的话,精灵战士的目光有些无奈: Valkyrie, you can like other elf, shout me Jasmine under the Moon even.” 女武神就算了,您可以像其他精灵那样,喊我月下茉莉。” The silver armor knight nods gently, friendly smiles: 银甲骑士轻轻点了点头,友善一笑: Miss Jasmine under the Moon, hello, I am Frank.” 月下茉莉小姐,您好,我是弗兰克。” Do not shout I white knight anything...... shouted my Frank is good.” “您也不要喊我白骑士什么的……喊我弗兰克就好。” Listened to his words, Jasmine under the Moon to select under the eyebrow, similarly nods: 听了他的话,月下茉莉挑了下眉,同样点了点头: I understood.” “我明白了。” Mr. Frank, Sir Kerec in temple middle-grade you, he is wanting to see one side you, thank for several days you when we fought the coordination and help.” “弗兰克先生,凯雷茨大人正在神殿中等您,他想见您一面,感谢这些天您在我们战斗时的配合与帮助。” Kerec......” “凯雷茨……” Hears this name, in Frank heart jumps. 听到这个名字,弗兰克心中一跳。 He knows this name. 他知道这个名字。 Elf Race new promote Demigod, attacked demon the commander-in-chief of elf regiment. 精灵族的新晋半神,进攻恶魔精灵军团的总指挥。 He led the elf army to join the war, occupied demon south empire to start to be repulsed one after another. 正是他带着精灵大军加入了战局,盘踞在帝国南部的恶魔才开始接连败退。 But now, took over at present this city, the front journey is broad and level, is only left over the demon army final foothold, city of demon Lu demon were many. 而如今,攻下了眼前这座城市,前方的路途已经坦坦荡荡,只剩下恶魔大军最后的据点,恶魔之城魔鲁多了。 Wiping out demon Lu are many, this continued one year of demon war, can completely finish. 拔除魔鲁多,这场持续了一年的恶魔战争,就可以彻底结束了。 Follows Jasmine under the Moon, Frank is walking in the direction of city temple. 跟随着月下茉莉,弗兰克朝着城市神殿的方向走去。 After the devastation of demon, this city thorough is ruined, but probably such city, finds at everywhere in the southern lead(er). 经过恶魔的蹂躏,这座城市已经彻底破败了,而像是如此的城市,在南部领随处可见。 However, Frank believes that so long as repelled demon, purified the contamination, all grief will heal slowly. 不过,弗兰克相信,只要击退了恶魔,净化了污秽,一切伤痛都会缓缓愈合。 But the station of way cavalry, Frank really saw own Warriors and elves made into one piece. 而途径自家骑兵的驻地,弗兰克果然看到自家战士们精灵们打成了一片。 From the beginning mentioned also interesting, he just arrived here and elves cooperation the time, but also because continuously their resounding given name feeling opposite party can be quite difficult to be together anything. 说来也有趣,一开始他刚刚来到这里和精灵们合作的时候,还一直因为他们那响亮的名号感觉对方会不会过比较难相处什么的。 But the fact showed that although in the battlefield slaughters is very very callous, but when the fight ended, these elf actually as if immediately changed individual general, is very friendly, is very warm, will play very much, will enjoy the life very much...... 但事实证明,虽然战场上厮杀的时候很强很冷酷,但当战斗结束,这些精灵却仿佛立刻变了个人一般,很友善,很热情,很会玩,很会享受生活…… Young Master Frank!” “弗兰克少爷!” Sees Frank and Jasmine under the Moon form, a knight of personal guard appearance received the playing cards in hand, ran. 看到弗兰克与月下茉莉的身影,一名亲卫打扮的骑士收起了手里的扑克牌,一路小跑了过来。 Sees the opposite party, Frank shows a faint smile, shakes the head: 看到对方,弗兰克微微一笑,摇了摇头: Roland, said many times, shouted my Frank is good, I have abandoned the aristocrat given name.” 罗兰,说了多少次了,喊我弗兰克就好,我已经抛弃贵族名号了。” No, Young Master Frank forever is Young Master Frank, Roland forever is your personal guard!” “不,弗兰克少爷永远都是弗兰克少爷,罗兰永远都是您的亲卫!” personal guard said. 亲卫说道。 Saying, he thinks, said: 说着,他想了想,又说道: You , if not like, later I also shouted your Sir Frank like others!...... Regimental commander Sir?” “您要是不喜欢的话,以后我也像其他人一样喊您弗兰克大人吧!或者……团长大人?” Your this fellow......” “你这家伙……” Frank laughs in spite of trying not. 弗兰克失笑。 Hehe, you after all are our leaders! We now were also the large-scale mercenary groups.” “嘿嘿,您毕竟是我们的领导者嘛!咱们现在好歹也算是个大型佣兵团了。” Roland flexure scratched the head. 罗兰挠了挠头。 Then, he looked at Frank, looked at Jasmine under the Moon curiously, asked: 说完,他看了看弗兰克,又好奇地看了看月下茉莉,问道: Sir Frank, your is......” “弗兰克大人,您这是……” I must go to temple, sees Elf Race Kerec your holiness.” “我要去神殿一趟,见一见精灵族的凯雷茨冕下。” Frank said. 弗兰克说道。 Triumphant...... Kerec......” “凯……凯雷茨……” Roland stared the circle the eye. 罗兰瞪圆了眼睛。 Right, I urge to go faster return. You replace me to manage well the team, do not let everyone tonight play too insanely, the elves endurance, is not we can compare, tomorrow must continue to hurry along.” “没错,我去去就回。你代替我管好队伍,别让大家今晚玩得太疯,精灵们的耐力,可不是我们能比的,明天还要继续赶路。” Frank said. 弗兰克说道。 Good, you felt relieved!” “好的,您放心!” Roland nods layer on layer/heavily. 罗兰重重地点头。 Said goodbye to personal guard, Frank follows Jasmine under the Moon to walk toward the temple. 告别了亲卫,弗兰克就跟随着月下茉莉朝着神殿走去。 Just like other constructions, the temple is also ruined, but said is a temple, is actually more like a church. 与其他建筑一样,神殿也已经破败,而说是神殿,其实更像是个教堂。 No, should say that this is a church, when demon has not arrived here, this is the Eternal Church sphere of influence, but present construction, is an eternal church. 不,应该说这本就是一座教堂,在恶魔没有来到这里的时候,这是永恒教会的势力范围,而眼前的建筑,则是一座永恒教堂。 Naturally, now had been inserted the symbol of Life Church. 当然,现在已经被插上生命教会的标志了。 Life Church......” 生命教会啊……” Looks at that brand-new scepter to symbolize, Frank thinks news that making one who the past few days heard shocked...... 望着那崭新的权杖标志,弗兰克想起来前些天听到的令人震撼的消息…… Goddess of Life Eve...... unexpectedly is World Tree in legend! 生命女神伊芙……原来竟然是传说中的世界树 As an once empire aristocrat, he read some family book collections in childhood a lot, millenniums ago the nation-building war of empire, had understood somewhat. 作为一名曾经的帝国贵族,他小时候还是没少看一些家族藏书的,对千年之前帝国的立国战争,多多少少还是有所了解。 Therefore, after knowing the Goddess of Life real status, he understands immediately why always felt Eternal Church is aiming at Life Church everywhere. 因此,在知晓生命女神的真实身份之后,他立刻就明白为什么总感觉永恒教会在处处针对生命教会了。 However, believes in Goddess of Life Eve your holiness elves, is in these elf unlike the legend, therefore...... Frank does not know oneself have read in book, which are real, which are the vacations. 不过,信奉生命女神伊芙冕下精灵们,还是与传说中那些精灵不一样的,所以……弗兰克也不知道自己看过的书里,到底哪些是真,哪些是假。 The history is the young girl who lets the person to dress up, Frank of being well-read is very clear, the lots are written by the victor. 历史是个任人打扮的少女,博览群书的弗兰克很清楚,很多东西都是由胜利者书写的。 Therefore, regarding in society's many things, he is willing to have a look personally, goes to the sensation personally, rather than closely depends upon others' instruction...... 所以,对于世间的很多事,他都更愿意亲自去看看,亲自去感知,而不是紧紧依靠别人的传授…… But the arriving south, sees all the way the tragic situations of various empire places, participated war that exterminates demon, this aristocrat's son even more was also mature. 而来到南方,见到一路上帝国各处的惨况,参加了剿灭恶魔的战争,这位贵族之子也越发成熟了起来。 , Before he wants to be clear gradually , not clear many issues, but, there are many doubts to brave the heart. 渐渐地,他想清楚了以前不明白的很多问题,但同时,也有更多的疑惑冒上心头。 Walks, he even more affirmed, the empire had gotten sick, Eternal Church also got sick. 一路走来,他越发肯定,帝国已经病了,永恒教会也病了。 But this, needs to change. 而这,都需要改变。 But, he felt faintly oneself also touched anything, was only in the heart still somewhat hesitates, was somewhat scruple. 而隐隐地,他感觉自己也触摸到了什么,只是心中依旧有些犹豫,有些迟疑。 He felt faintly oneself must make anything, but actually somewhat hesitates...... or the heart deep place, wants to save anything as before. 他隐隐感觉自己要做些什么,但却有些迟疑……又或者说,内心深处,依旧还想挽救些什么。 Mr. Frank, we arrived.” “弗兰克先生,我们到了。” During is indulging in flights of fancy, Frank followed Jasmine under the Moon to arrive in the temple. 在胡思乱想之中,弗兰克跟随着月下茉莉来到了神殿里。 In the temple, is standing big elf, Its black becoming dark pupil, dignified full, on the cheeks has long scabs. 神殿内,站着一位高大的精灵,祂黑发黑瞳,威严满满,脸颊上有一道长长的伤疤。 However, that scabs are not ugly, instead made It seemingly many several points solemn and respectful and imposing manner. 不过,那伤疤并不丑陋,反而让祂看上去多了几分肃穆和气势。 On It as if has no pressure, seems like an average person, but, Frank actually knows, the opposite party is not ordinary. 祂身上似乎并没有什么压力,看上去就像是个普通人,不过,弗兰克却知道,对方绝不普通。 Because he recognized, this is not others, is one of the Elf Race Demigod, Kerec! 因为他认了出来,这不是别人,正是精灵族半神之一,凯雷茨! Kerec your holiness, Mr. Frank arrived.” “凯雷茨冕下,弗兰克先生到了。” Jasmine under the Moon drew a scepter symbol in the chest front, said. 月下茉莉在胸前画了一道权杖符号,说道。 Kerec nods slowly: 凯雷茨缓缓点了点头: Was laborious you.” “辛苦你了。” After good a ritual, Jasmine under the Moon asks to be excused to leave, in the temple was only left over Kerec and Frank. 行了一礼之后,月下茉莉就告退离开,神殿之中只剩下了凯雷茨与弗兰克。 Kerec your holiness, I am Frank.” “凯雷茨冕下,我是弗兰克。” Frank respectfully good a ritual. He the expression is somewhat stiff, but the mood is quite disturbed. 弗兰克恭恭敬敬地行了一礼。他得表情有些僵硬,而心情则相当忐忑。 Demigod! 半神 This is the first time that he saw Demigod! 这是他第一次见到半神 Moreover, is away from such near situation! 而且,还是距离这么近的情况下! Saw only Kerec to take a look at a Frank up and down, nods gently: 只见凯雷茨上下打量了一遍弗兰克,轻轻点了点头: I know you, the Rosen family's member, forms the mercenary group to resist demon white knight Frank.” “我知道你,罗森家族的成员,组建佣兵团对抗恶魔的白骑士弗兰克。” Saying, him is showing a faint smile: 说着,他微微一笑: Frank, you are very good, I heard that the Rosen family abandoned you, but also eliminated your surname in the empire aristocrat parliament, do you plan to join Maple Moon Free Dominion?” “弗兰克,你很不错,我听说罗森家族抛弃了你,还在帝国贵族议会中剥夺了你的姓氏,你有没有打算加入枫月自由领?” 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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