GWT :: Volume #6 神魔战争

#850: Goddess blessings

Eve is on the Segers stage with the name of World Tree, naturally also means that was predecessor God's Envoy Oak Tree Guard can unshackle. 伊芙世界树之名登上赛格斯舞台,自然也意味着身为前任神使橡树守卫们可以放开手脚了。 With the lapse of time, the numbers of these big fellows have not been initial only more than 100. 随着时间的推移,这些大块头的数量也早已不是当初的区区一百多位了。 In the past several years, the Magic Power change of Eve each strength rise Elven Forest, will even facilitate a number of trees to evolve. 在过去的几年内,伊芙每一次实力提升甚至精灵之森魔力变化,都会促成一批树木进化。 At this moment Oak Tree Guard in Eve God's Kingdom already over 500. 此时此刻伊芙神国中的橡树守卫已经超过五百名。 This is Eve never desirably in the situation of training. 这还是伊芙从未刻意培养的情况下。 But in fact, because there are inexpensive , and fight desire exuberant player, Oak Tree Guard does not need to take the main force of natural regiment again. 而事实上,因为有更加廉价且战斗欲望旺盛的玩家在,橡树守卫已经不需要再作为自然军团的主力了。 However, the Oak Tree Guard character is much gentle, the strength is greatly infinite , and vitality is exuberant, is the frantic follower, although does not need to take the army main force, but in many other aspects is very useful. 不过,橡树守卫性格多平和,力大无穷且生命力旺盛,同时也是狂热的信徒,所以虽然不需要作为军队主力,但在其他很多方面还是很有用的。 For example the construction of city, they often can be to provide the strength the labor force, in addition, they are faithful, can become the faithful protector in city. 比如城市的建设,他们往往都能作为提供力气的劳动力,此外,他们忠实可靠,也能成为城市的忠实守护者。 Let alone, as inborn Druid, they can also participate in the production of Elven Forest, participates in the crops cultivation and improvement of varieties goes...... to be possible be called the entire expert. 更别说,作为天生的德鲁伊,他们还能参与到精灵之森的生产中,参与到作物培育与品种改良中去……堪称全能手。 Therefore, when Oak Tree Guard leave God's Kingdom, after arriving to Elven Forest, they welcomed winning over of player guild quickly and kneel to lick, the quick muddleheaded bewildered face compelled the ground ignorant the pirate ship of players. 因此,当一位位橡树守卫离开神国,降临到精灵之森以后,他们很快就迎来了一众玩家公会的拉拢和跪舔,很快就稀里糊涂莫名奇妙一脸懵逼地上了玩家们的贼船了。 From this day, no matter the urban construction of Elven Forest, is the agricultural production, perhaps the big Treant form, will find at everywhere. 从这一天起,不管是精灵之森的城市建设,还是农业生产,高大树人的身影,恐怕将随处可见了。 Naturally, this was something to be talked about later. 当然,这就是后话了。 As Eve no longer covers up the status, the news that World Tree recovers also in entire Segers plane(s), and even in the entire universe spreads. 而随着伊芙不再遮掩身份,世界树复苏的消息也随之在整个赛格斯位面,乃至整个宇宙中流传开来。 Within short several days, Eve discovered with amazement own follower number rises dramatically unexpectedly again...... 短短数天之内,伊芙惊讶地发现自己的信徒数量竟然再次飙升…… However, the type of this follower somewhat was mixed. 不过,这一次信徒的种类就有些杂了。 Although a large number as before are elf and half-elf, but other races such as human, dwarf and goblin, even the vampire and other in the intelligent races also presented many followers...... 虽然相当一部分依旧是精灵半精灵,但其他各个种族如人类、矮人、地精、甚至吸血鬼等智慧种族中也出现了不少信徒…… As the control of silver era, even if predecessor World Tree has not deliberately expanded faith, the faith heritage of its leaving is also not poor. 作为白银纪元的主宰,哪怕是前任世界树并没有刻意壮大信仰,其所留下的信仰遗产也是不菲的。 Even if were the millenniums, when Eve was on the historical arena by the World Tree status again, enjoyed the blessings left by predecessors of predecessor as before. 哪怕是过了千年,当伊芙重新以世界树的身份登上历史舞台的时候,依旧享受到了前任的遗泽。 Naturally, has known that the Eternal Lord condition Eve is very clear, faith this type of thing, has a risk eventually, therefore cannot rely on. 当然,已经知道永恒之主状况的伊芙很清楚,信仰这种东西,终究是有所风险的,故不能过于依赖。 It looks like in Eve, this is possibly related with the thought of faith. 伊芙看来,这可能与信仰的意念有关。 When the follower number are many enough, the aggregate of all living things thought accumulated the wills of too many follower, but when regarding often to the follower of True God pray, confessing and poured out often is they prays the main contents. 当信徒数量足够多的时候,众生意念的集合体累积了太多的信徒的意志,而对于常向真神祈祷的信徒来说,忏悔和倾诉往往是他们祈祷时的主要内容。 In other words, these thoughts are often negative, when the cumulant is an enough huge quantity, might exceed the True God withstanding limit. 换句话说,这些意念往往都是负面的,当累积量达到一个足够庞大的量的时候,很可能会超过真神的承受极限。 But this, is in the usual significance pollution. 而这,也是通常意义上的“污染”。 The Eternal Lord follower are billions, and even more, looking from this angle, It was affected, matter that also is very difficult to avoid. 永恒之主的信徒数以亿计,甚至更多,从这个角度看,祂被影响,也是很难避免的事。 What is good because of being, Eve has New world Universe key, is that brings to It Swallows The green light group of ability. 好在的是,伊芙有着【新世界】宇宙的钥匙,也就是那个给祂带来【吞噬】能力的绿色光团。 Has this key, Eve can while obtaining the faith strength, use Swallows The ability transforms Power of Faith as purely, not by faith thought influence Divine Power. 有着这把钥匙在,伊芙就可以在获得信仰力量的同时,利用【吞噬】能力将信仰之力转化为纯粹的,不受信仰意念影响的神力 In addition Eve or Ancient God, faith is not the foundation, therefore must be stronger to the resistance of thought assimilation. 再加上伊芙还是古神,信仰也不是根基,所以对意念同化的抵抗能力也要更强。 Therefore, regarding these new followers, Eve quite welcome. 因此,对于这些新增的信徒,伊芙还是相当欢迎的。 The follower number further expands, the faith quality also dramatically increases. 信徒数量进一步扩大,信仰质量也大幅度增加。 Especially Elven Forest, the quality of elf follower is always very high, not only that also other relative races, especially human, purely. 尤其是精灵之森,精灵信徒的质量一向很高,不仅如此,也相对其他种族,特别是人类来说,更为纯粹。 Although in Eve has about 20 million followers fully, Elf Race quantity also less than 1/20, Power of Faith that but they provide, occupied about 1/3 of faith total quantity. 虽然在伊芙已经足有近两千万的信徒中,精灵族的数量还不到20分之一,但他们提供的信仰之力,却占据到了信仰总量的三分之一左右。 faith of this quantity, has supported one to enter Greater Divine Power faith True God sufficiently initially. 这个量的信仰,已经足以支撑起一位初入强大神力信仰真神了。 But the proportion of this faith quantity, makes Eve realize suddenly why Eternal Lord must aim at Elf Race. 而这个信仰量的比例,也让伊芙恍然意识到为什么永恒之主要针对精灵族了。 When the number of elf follower are many enough, will present the qualitative change. 精灵信徒的数量足够多的时候,是会出现质变的。 If since the millenniums Eternal Lord has really left alone, perhaps...... elves also really can resurrect the predecessor by faith forcefully. 如果千年以来永恒之主真的放任不管,说不定……精灵们还真能靠信仰硬生生地将前任复活。 The heart does not have the distracting thoughts, purely, pure...... the elves personality made them have extremely high-quality faith, this even made Eve have to suspect, perhaps the predecessor created elf this species, itself also not only to manage Segers World. 心无杂念,纯粹,纯洁……精灵们的性情让他们拥有了极高质量的信仰,这甚至让伊芙不得不怀疑,或许前任创造出精灵这个物种,本身也不仅仅是为了管理赛格斯世界 Perhaps...... It has the consideration of deeper level. 或许……祂有着更深层次的考量。 But in Eve exposes the status half a month later, the war of underground world also completely ended. 而在伊芙展露身份的半个月之后,地下世界的战争也彻底结束了。 God of Darkness and Shadow fallen, this is a war of no suspense, with the dark dwarf and setting out of elf Allied armies, Darkness City-State Alliance was broken through in a while on all fronts thoroughly, changed into the history. 黑暗与阴影之神陨落,这已经是一场毫无悬念的战争,随着幽暗矮人和精灵联军的进发,黑暗城邦联盟没过多久全线就被彻底攻破,化为了历史。 faith of underground world, was been unified by the death church. 地下世界的信仰,也被死亡教会统一。 What is worth mentioning is, after signing treaty of alliance, Eve also obtained in the power that the underground world does missionary work. 值得一提的是,在签订盟约之后,伊芙也获得了在地下世界传教的权力。 Also or after promoting Greater Divine Power, became death Incarnation and Underworld control Hela to the strength of faith is not interested. 又或者说,在晋升强大神力之后,成为死亡化身冥界主宰的海拉信仰的力量已经不那么感兴趣了。 In the strict sense said that It was not faith True God, but was existence of similar Ancient God, but was the same like Eve, by inheriting way to seal/confer God. 严格意义上讲,祂也不是信仰真神,而是类似古神的存在,只不过是如同伊芙一样,是以继承的方式封神。 The war of underground world all smooth, but on the other hand, south Holy Mania Empire, with Demigod Kerec and combat of general player guild, occupies in demons of south territory also starts to retreat in defeat again and again...... 地下世界的战事一切顺利,而另一方面,在神圣曼尼亚帝国南部,随着半神凯雷茨和广大玩家公会的参战,盘踞在南部领地的恶魔们也开始节节败退…… The territory that once fell to the enemy bit by bit was regained, but, the pollution of abyss had left the scabs forever. 曾经失陷的领土被一点一点收复,不过,深渊的污染已经永远地留下了伤疤。 But this, then the need time purifies. 而这,则需要时间去净化。 If as expected, one month, the players can break through the foothold that demons builds up again, occupies can thoroughly be eliminated in Segers Continent demons. 不出意外的话,再有一个月,玩家们就能攻破恶魔们建起的据点,盘踞在赛格斯大陆恶魔们便可被彻底消灭。 As for Segers World beside, becomes of Desolate Wasteland player drill grounds, above demon was also cleaned up 7788. 至于赛格斯世界之外,成为玩家练兵场之一的寂灭荒原,其上的恶魔也被清理了个七七八八。 Perhaps quick, Eve can be involved, fished from the abyss entire plane(s). 或许很快,伊芙就可以介入其中,将整个位面从深渊中捞出来了。 Regarding this, Eve anticipates very much. 对此,伊芙还是很期待的。 Although in the inheritance, It obtained much salvaged the plane(s) knowledge from the abyss, but It has not achieved. 虽然在传承中,祂获得了不少从深渊中打捞位面的知识,但祂还没做到过。 Desolate Wasteland before sinking to the abyss should also be quite good Lord material plane(s), there is a certain potential. 寂灭荒原在沉入深渊之前应该也是一座相当不错的主物质位面,还是有一定潜力的。 If promotes the powerful method really like Eve guess such, first fuses Segers World to take foundation plane(s), then fuses one after another other plane(s), then Desolate Wasteland, is a good choice...... 如果晋升强大的方法真的如同伊芙猜测的那样,是先融合赛格斯世界作为基础位面,再融合一座又一座其他位面的话,那么寂灭荒原,也是其中一个不错的选择…… In brief, after Eve showed the status, Its influence again welcomed the recent rapid growth, on Segers World the power balances between different influences, is changing at an astonishing speed. 总之,在伊芙展现了身份之后,祂的势力再度迎来了新的快速发展,赛格斯世界上不同势力间的力量对比,正在以一种惊人的速度发生着改变。 But at the same time, Eve also bustled about again. 而与此同时,伊芙也再次忙碌了起来。 Because It also ushered an upsurge of wave of new myth visiting. 因为祂又迎来了一波新的神话拜访的热潮。 And, mostly is independent Ancient God and faith True God. 其中,大多都是独立的古神信仰真神 Including God of Dwarves and Blacksmithing Dwarf, comes to visit similarly. 包括矮人与锻造之神多尔夫特,也同样前来拜访。 Moreover, arrives at Incarnation personally, in the words seemed to be more intimate to Eve. 而且,还是亲自降临化身,话语之中似乎对伊芙更加亲近了。 Regarding these visiting, the Eve nature receives warmly. 对于这些拜访者,伊芙自然热情接待。 It and opposite party have no conflicts of interest, most is also Its fusion plan to the Segers World may affect the benefits of some myths. 祂与对方并没有什么利益冲突,最多也就是祂对赛格斯世界的融合计划或许会影响到部分神话的利益。 However, as Greater Divine Power, as a plan to great promotion Greater Divine Power, these conflicts can mediate. 然而,身为强大神力,身为一位打算向伟大晋升的强大神力,这些冲突都是可以调解的。 The Segers universe has not been the millennium ago Segers universes, faith myths the faith dependency on Segers plane(s) has also changed. 赛格斯宇宙早已不是千年前的赛格斯宇宙了,信仰神话们对赛格斯位面信仰依赖也早已改变。 This age, which True God did not have 1~2 place plane(s) or half plane(s), when faith back garden. 这个年代,哪个真神还没有一两位面或半位面信仰的后花园呢。 If really has a resistance, Eve also only then resisted. 而如果真的有所阻力的话,伊芙也只有对抗了。 However, Greater Divine Power, besides the faith gods, no one dares to resist...... 不过,一位强大神力,想必除了信仰众神外,也没有人敢于对抗…… When let alone, Eve fuses in secret the advancement of source ended, the raw rice also cook the cooked rice. 更别说,当伊芙暗中融合本源的进程结束的时候,生米也煮成熟饭了。 To be honest, so the behavior is a little cheap, but this is also the Eve only choice. 老实说,如此行为是有点贱,但这也是伊芙唯一的选择。 To resist with Eternal Lord, to compete with the Greater Divine Power seat, fuses Segers World, to Eve must. 要想与永恒之主对抗,要想竞争强大神力的位子,融合赛格斯世界,对伊芙来说是必须的。 To prevent to run Eter of Pantheon to prevent It, this matter can only conduct in secret. 而为了防止掌管万神殿的伊特欧阻止祂,这件事只能暗中进行。 Regarding these affected myth, Eve can only say that the sound was sorry. 对于那些被波及的神话,伊芙只能说声抱歉了。 At the worst, later makes up. 大不了,以后弥补一下吧。 But even fused Segers World, according to the calculation of Eve, was still is equivalent to swallowing Segers plane(s), enabled its to become own part. 而就算是自己融合了赛格斯世界,按照伊芙的推算,也不过是相当于“吞”了赛格斯位面,让其成为自己的一部分。 Other myths, so long as obtains the approval of Eve, can pass in and out, the life even does missionary work. 其他神话,只要获得伊芙的准许,还是能进出其中,生活甚至传教的。 Naturally, at that time must certainly look at the Eve complexion. 当然,那时候肯定要看伊芙的脸色了。 Eve reception one after another visiting myth, while continues to fuse the Segers World source in secret. 伊芙一边接待陆陆续续拜访的神话,一边继续在暗中融合赛格斯世界的本源。 Meanwhile, It has not relaxed the surveillance to the human state. 同时,祂也没有放松对人类国度的监视。 Eternal Church is ready to make trouble, the petty action is unceasing, the war is not perhaps far. 永恒教会蠢蠢欲动,小动作不断,战争恐怕不远了。 But Eve does not plan to do to provoke that side of war. 伊芙不打算做挑起战争的那一方。 The time stands in Its here, with rise of Magic Power, the issue that the human state exposes are also getting more and more, the social contradiction even more is also intense. 时间站在祂这里,随着魔力的回升,人类国度暴露出来的问题也越来越多,社会矛盾也越发尖锐。 On the contrary, more will tow in the future, the Eve influence is stronger, the influence is also getting bigger and bigger, the players like making a snowman expand generally, unifying Segers Continent is also simpler...... 相反,越往后拖,伊芙的势力就越强,影响力也越来越大,玩家们更是如同滚雪球一般壮大,统一赛格斯大陆也就越简单…… This is the situation. 这是大势。 This situation, from the Eve summon player, preaching faith, has started at that moment. 这种大势,从伊芙召唤玩家,传道信仰那一刻起,就已经开始了。 Naturally, in this process, Eve has not forgotten to give the human state to add a fire...... 当然,在这个过程中,伊芙也没忘给人类国度加一把火…… ...... …… Maple Moon Free Dominion, capital Zerowan. 枫月自由领,首府泽罗兰 Before communication follower ever-increasing life temple, the medal that wears the Scepter of Life appearance, grasps «Life Scripture», wore in the form follower god palace of plain pure white robe to walk slowly. 来往的信徒日益增多的生命神殿前,一位佩戴生命权杖模样的胸章,手持《生命圣典》,身穿朴素白袍的身影缓缓从神殿里走了出来。 That is not others, accepted the suggestion of Demacia, arrives at Maple Moon Free Dominion Johann from the Rucker city. 那不是别人,正是接受了德玛西亚的建议,从吕克城来到枫月自由领的老约翰。 So many days pass by, he had admitted Life Church faith, the transformation becomes a true life follower. 这么多天过去,他已经接纳了生命教会信仰,蜕变成为了一位真正的生命信徒。 If some people examine his faith by the eye of faith, will discover with amazement, he from unbeliever, grows for fanatic believer unexpectedly! 而如果有人以信仰之眼查看他的信仰的话,更会惊讶的发现,他竟然从一位无信者,成长为了狂信徒 The light of that rich faith, even if including elf to see, will feel respectable. 那浓郁的信仰之光,哪怕是连精灵看到,都会觉得尊敬。 Only then has experienced unfortunately, knows happily hard-won. 只有经历过不幸,才知道幸福来之不易。 Only then has seen degeneration of human state, the experience to decayed of Eternal Church, will find that Life Church is bright, is dynamic...... 只有见到过人类国度的堕落,见识到永恒教会的腐朽,才会发现生命教会多么光明,多么富有活力…… John, did you really decide? Doesn't plan to keep Zerowan? I heard that you attained the faith token of Amway chamber of commerce, now awakens the NPC system, if enters the chamber of commerce, but can become a senior deacon!” “约翰,你真的决定了吗?不打算留在泽罗兰?我听说你拿到了安利商会的信物,现在又觉醒了NPC系统,如果进入商会的话,可是能够成为一位高级执事的!” „Does senior deacon know? In the Amway chamber of commerce, even if anything does not do, so long as to heaven's chosen ones rounds of Mission, one month can have five ten golden pound income!” “高级执事知道吗?在安利商会,哪怕是什么都不做,只要给天选者们发发任务,一个月都能有五十金镑的收入!” Damn, that is five ten golden pound! My one year could not take so many!” “见鬼,那可是五十金镑!我一年都拿不了那么多!” Before Johann's body, guard Gasson said excitedly. 老约翰的身前,卫兵贾森激动地说道。 Listened to the words of old friend, Johann actually shakes the head, said frantically: 只是,听了老朋友的话,老约翰却摇了摇头,狂热地说: „, I have set firm resolve, must return to the empire, disseminates Your Excellency The Goddess faith......” “不了,我已经下定决心,要回到帝国,传播女神冕下信仰……” „Were you insane?! Now that side may chaotic very! You are not Class Holder!” “你疯了吗?!现在那边可乱的很!你又不是职业者!” Gasson shakes the head to say. 贾森摇头道。 But...... always some people must do these matters.” “但……总有人要做这些事。” Johann facial features said solemnly and respectfully. 老约翰面容肃穆地说道。 In his facial expression brings a holiness: 他的神情中带着一丝圣洁: „The civilians in empire struggle in abyss of suffering as before, without the future, without hope, they will need some people to take away the hope......” “帝国的平民们依旧在水深火热之中挣扎,没有未来,没有希望,他们需要有人带去希望……” I have seen too many misfortunes, the people need to awaken, the people need new faith, but I...... am willing to become that flare that lightens the hope.” “我已经见过太多的不幸了,民众们需要觉醒,民众们需要新的信仰,而我……愿意成为点亮希望的那支火把。” Listened to Johann's words, Gasson opens mouth, for a while is speechless. 听了老约翰的话,贾森张了张嘴,一时无言。 Looks at old friend that just like changing individual general appearance, his vision is very complex: 看着老友那宛若变了个人一般的样子,他的目光很是复杂: John...... you changed.” “约翰……你变了。” Naturally, I see now your initial words, Life Church indeed was the future hope, the development of Maple Moon Free Dominion has proven all.” “当然,我现在已经明白了你当初的话,生命教会的确是未来的希望,枫月自由领的发展已经证明了一切。” Johann said solemnly and respectfully. 老约翰肃穆地说。 But at this time, the moderate sound from his conveyed together behind: 而这个时候,一道温和的声音从他的身后传来: „Have you prepared? John Your Excellency.” “您已经准备好了吗?约翰阁下。” That is not others, has become one of the chief priest High Level Player- Kaiser. 那不是别人,正是已经成为祭司长高玩之一-凯撒 Meanwhile, is Mission him in Zerowan exactly, taught Goddess faith Johann, was regarded as the teacher by the opposite party. 同时,也是恰好在泽罗兰任务的他,向老约翰传授了女神信仰,被对方视为导师。 Naturally, Sir Kaiser, I have set firm resolve, gives to great Your Excellency The Goddess own remaining years of life, gives to Life Church.” “当然,凯撒大人,我已经下定决心,将自己的余生献给伟大的女神冕下,献给生命教会。” Johann to him respectfully good a ritual. Kaiser shows a faint smile, in the hand the ray flashed, presented one set of life Priest robe: 老约翰对他恭敬地行了一礼。凯撒微微一笑,手中光芒一闪,出现了一套生命祭司袍: Wish Goddess to bless you, hope the life and nature and you in! John Your Excellency, now, you were also our one.” “愿女神保佑您,愿生命与自然与您同在!约翰阁下,现在,您也是我们的一员了。” Saw that Priest robe, Johann's facial expression instantaneous excited. 看到那祭司袍,老约翰的神情瞬间激动了起来。 Sees only him to extend both hands, received devotionally, said excitedly: 只见他伸出双手,虔诚地接过,激动地说: Thank you to trust! Sir Kaiser, I pledged in this, certainly Your Excellency The Goddess faith, will disseminate each corner of empire!” “感谢您得信任!凯撒大人,我在此发誓,一定会将女神冕下信仰,传播到帝国的每一个角落!” The voice falls, the golden ray blooms on his body, sacred vast aura, arrives slowly. 话音一落,金色的光芒在他的身上绽放,一股神圣浩大的气息,缓缓降临。 That is Goddess blessings. 那是女神神眷 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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