FSM :: Volume #25

#2402: Feigning illness

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Song Qingshu has a scare, never expected that she really said that hits hits, quickly makes a move to resist. 宋青书吓了一跳,没想到她真的说打就打,急忙出手招架。 The Li Mochou complexion is pale, walks Jianghu (rivers and lakes) so many years, but also always no one dares so to sexually harass her, martial arts often old, the dead weight status that she is higher than will not speak frivolously, the young majority cannot be victorious she, does not dare to speak irresponsibly, only has this fellow, various types sexually harass each time. 李莫愁脸色铁青,行走江湖这么多年,还从来没人敢这般调戏过她,武功比她高的往往年长,自重身份不会出言轻薄,年轻的大多数也打不过她,更不敢乱说,唯有这家伙,每次都各种调戏。 The opposite party martial arts is far higher than her, therefore she makes a move not to retain, who knows that the opposite party cannot resist unexpectedly, was hit the chest front by her palm. 对方武功远高于她,所以她出手没有丝毫保留,谁知道对方竟然招架不住,被她一掌击中胸前。 Song Qingshu called out pitifully, leaned on to cough fiercely on the wall, as if also coughed some red things to come out, as if like blood. 宋青书惨叫一声,倚靠在墙壁上剧烈咳嗽起来,似乎还咳了些红色的东西出来,仿佛像血一样。 Some Li Mochou beautiful face changing colors, the hurried past examined: You how, I am not intentionally, does not know that you injured heavily.” 李莫愁不禁有些花容失色,急忙过去查看:“你怎么样了,我也不是故意的,不知道你伤得这么重了。” Heard in her startled sound to bring a weeping voice, Song Qingshu to show the smile that a sinister plot worked faintly secretly, this pretends that said weakly: You try to be besieged to have a look by three big masters, can save the life to be good, how could also is not seriously injured.” 听到她惊慌的声音中都隐隐带了一丝哭腔,宋青书暗暗露出了一个奸计得逞的笑容,这才假装虚弱地说道:“你试试被三位大宗师围攻看看,能保住性命就不错了,又岂能不受重伤。” Heard that you also displayed burnt the blood big law, was I am not good, should not begin to you.” Li Mochou thinks in the Lin'an city Ren Yingying usually in the weak appearance, knows this burns the blood big law negative effect quite big, suddenly was full of the compunction. “听说你还施展了燃血大法,都是我不好,不该对你动手的。”李莫愁想到了临安城中任盈盈平日里虚弱的模样,知道这燃血大法负面效果相当大,一时间充满了内疚。 All right, but also cannot die.” Song Qingshu beckons with the hand extremely open-minded, we first leave here, so as to avoid gone on patrol Mongolia soldier discovered.” “没事,还死不了。”宋青书极为豁达地摆了摆手,“我们先离开这里,免得被巡逻的蒙古士兵发现。” Li Mochou nods, notices his pain the appearance, hesitant one then walked to put up his arm: I hold you.” 李莫愁点了点头,注意到他痛苦的模样,犹豫了一下便走过去架着他胳膊:“我扶你。” Feels she soft body, Song Qingshu cannot help but stares, has not thought that really also has such advantage, he is naturally impolite, the most body depended on her. 感受到她软软的身子,宋青书不由得一愣,没想到竟然还有这样的好处,那他自然也不客气了,大半个身子都靠在了她身上。 Li Mochou delicate eyebrows slightly pressed, breathed subconsciously lightly, but has not said anything, but holds him to leave silently. 李莫愁秀眉微蹙,下意识轻喘了一声,不过并没有说什么,只是默默地扶着他离开。 Song Qingshu remembers the proper business, quickly asked: Yesterday did you escape?” 宋青书想起正事,急忙问道:“昨天你们逃出去了没有?” Li Mochou shakes the head: Where is so easy, yesterday was chased down by the Mongolia person, may escape shortly when roadless, by person who the destiny teaches rescuing.” 李莫愁摇了摇头:“哪有那么容易,昨天被蒙古人追杀,眼看着无路可逃之际,被天命教的人给救了。” „Does destiny teach?” Song Qingshu stares, is Shan Yuru?” Thought that this miss is really sincere, oneself rescued her one time, she understands the return. “天命教?”宋青书一愣,“是单玉如么?”心想这姑娘还真厚道,自己救了她一次,她还是懂得回报嘛。 Un, has named rune/symbol Yaohong besides her, heard that is her master.” Li Mochou replied. “嗯,除了她还有个叫符瑶红的,听说是她师父。”李莫愁答道。 rune/symbol Yaohong?” Song Qingshu is somewhat puzzled, Shan Yuru saves others he also to understand, but rune/symbol Yaohong as the demon teaches the person, how because apprentice's relations will take such big risk? “符瑶红?”宋青书有些不解,单玉如救人他还理解,但符瑶红身为魔教中人,又岂会因为徒弟的关系冒这么大风险? At this time Li Mochou explained: „Do you know the Guo Jing life experience?” 这时李莫愁解释道:“你知不知道郭靖的身世?” His life experience?” Song Qingshu stares, he is not Niu Village, what life experience but also there is?” “他的身世?”宋青书一愣,“他不是牛家村的么,还有什么身世?” Li Mochou also said with an tone of quite exclamation: He is greatly Zhou the Emperor fuel/thin glory later generation, is five imperial prince Chai Xirang lineage/vein last night......” will hear from beginning to end told him. 李莫愁也用一种相当惊叹的语气说道:“他是大周皇帝柴荣的后人,是五皇子柴熙让一脉的……”将昨晚听到的原原本本告诉了他。 The Song Qingshu expression is very splendid, he has not thought that Guo Jing and Chai have the relations, this Chai later generation also is really the one pattern after another, all kinds of status, but thinks that the Lin'an city all sorts of things , the relation somewhat felt relaxed at that time, no wonder Zhao Gou is not willing to make Guo Jing take over control of the imperial guard, wants to come also knows his status. 宋青书表情十分精彩,他万万没想到郭靖和柴家有关系,这柴家后人还真是花样百出啊,各种各样的身份,不过想到临安城那时候发生的种种事情,前后联系就有些释然,难怪赵构不愿意让郭靖接管禁军,想来也是知道他的身份了。 Guo Jing these year of guard Xiangyang, the big reputation, has not thought that actually protects the landscape for the personal enemy.” In the Li Mochou tone somewhat takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, after all she in Jianghu (rivers and lakes) is the evil way, the opposite party is the correct path that becomes famous, inborn somewhat is hostile. 郭靖这些年守卫襄阳,好大的名头,没想到却是替仇人保护江山。”李莫愁语气中有些幸灾乐祸,毕竟她在江湖中是邪道,对方又是出了名的正道,天生就有些敌对。 Song Qingshu somewhat is also worried for Guo Jing, such matter can decide his first half of life, if oneself have not thought through, to the world likes the hatred conflict with family/home country's greatly, likely becomes the porch of evil king stone like that to be likely crazy, but Guo Jing the will was usually firm, should be able to walk. 宋青书也有些替郭靖担心起来,这样的事情会否定他的前半生,若是自己没想通,对天下的大爱与家国的仇恨冲突,很可能变得像邪王石之轩那般疯狂,不过郭靖素来心志坚定,应该可以走出来。 Passed by residents, sees outside is drying in the sun the clothes, Song Qingshu said to Li Mochou: Now the entire journey is hunting down, your clothes are somewhat garish, might as well change one set of clothes?” 路过一家民宅,看到外面晾着的衣裳,宋青书李莫愁说道:“如今全程都在搜捕,你这身衣服有些扎眼啊,不如换一套衣裳?” Li Mochou hesitant, finally nods, she is not does not know the person of adjustment, otherwise not possible to live in bad risk Jianghu (rivers and lakes) now. 李莫愁犹豫了一下,最终点了点头,她不是不知变通之人,否则也不可能在凶险的江湖中活到现在。 Two people sneak in the courtyard, Song Qingshu said: You trade here, now in room no one.” 两人潜入院子里,宋青书说道:“你就在这里换吧,现在屋里没人。” Trades here?” Li Mochou is startled. “就在这里换?”李莫愁吃了一惊。 Song Qingshu smiles, the back passes away: Relax, I will not peep, said again in you change clothes should also be insufficient anything not to put on.” 宋青书笑了笑,背过身去:“放心,我又不会偷看的,再说了你换衣裳里面应该也不至于什么都没穿吧。” Shut up!” Li Mochou complexion slightly red, in the Mongolia clothes with start is somewhat puzzled, long time latter looks at his back saying that you must dare to turn around, I spell am offending Young Lady Ren, must dig your eyeball.” “闭嘴!”李莫愁脸色微红,拿着手里的蒙古衣裳有些纠结,良久后望着他的背影说道,“你要敢转过身来,我拼着得罪任大小姐,也要把你眼珠子挖出来。” It seems like you and Yingying (full of/graceful) relate very well.” Song Qingshu said with a smile. “看来你和盈盈关系很好呀。”宋青书笑道。 „The Young Lady Ren person is very good, no matter in Black Wood Cliff in the Lin'an city, took care of me to be many.” The reply mixture of Li Mochou in the sound that the rustling sound changes clothes. 任大小姐人很好,不管是在黑木崖还是在临安城,都照顾了我很多。”李莫愁的回答夹杂在悉悉索索换衣裳的声音中。 Song Qingshu sighed that Yingying (full of/graceful) really has the charisma, person likes her. 宋青书感叹盈盈果然极具人格魅力,身边的人都喜欢她。 In the final analysis you are my sister-in-law, even if no relations of Yingying (full of/graceful), you are still insufficient to have the heavy hand to me.” In order to reduce and solve the awkward atmosphere in air, Song Qingshu said grinningly. “说到底你还是我的大姨子吧,就算没有盈盈的关系,你也不至于对我出重手啊。”为了化解空气中的尴尬气氛,宋青书笑嘻嘻地说道。 You also feel all right to mention this matter! Where the Junior Sister does not know obsessed, actually had a liking for you, in my opinion might as well Yang Guo that brat, he is at least single-minded.” In the Li Mochou tone seemed full of one of the not indignation. “你还好意思提这事!师妹也不知道哪里鬼迷心窍,竟然看上了你,依我看还不如杨过那臭小子呢,至少他专一。”李莫愁语气中仿佛充满了不忿之一。 Song Qingshu is at a loss for words for a while, oneself are the mouth is also inexpensive, loves to talk about somebody's most vulnerable points: Perhaps mentioned you possibly not to believe that actually I was also very single-minded.” 宋青书一时语塞,自己也是嘴贱,哪壶不开提哪壶:“说来也许你可能不信,其实我也很专一的。” What are you single-minded?” Li Mochou thought that people like you also kept on proclaiming single-mindedly, simply was shameless. “你专一什么?”李莫愁心想你这样的人还口口声声说专一,简直是恬不知耻。 Song Qingshu replied: I have liked the attractive miss, this aspect very single-minded.” 宋青书答道:“我一直都喜欢漂亮姑娘啊,这方面挺专一的吧。” Li Mochou: „......” 李莫愁:“……” „Do your clothes trade not to have?” Sees her not to speak, Song Qingshu asked. “你衣服换好没有啊?”见她一直不说话,宋青书问道。 Traded.” Li Mochou coldly replies, obviously also that words took to heart about him a moment ago. “换好了。”李莫愁冷冷地答道,显然还对他刚才那番话耿耿于怀。 Song Qingshu has turned round, sees only an attire of Mongolia women's the present beautiful woman changes, there is a special foreign land character and style. 宋青书回过身去,只见眼前的佳人换上的一身蒙古女子的装束,有一种特别的异域风情。 What's wrong, is I puts on isn't right?” Li Mochou notices his look, quickly asked that she across here clothes, had not really somewhat acted bashful before certainly. “怎么,难道是我穿的不对么?”李莫愁注意到他的眼神,急忙问道,她以前可没穿过这边的衣裳,真有些拿捏不准。 Song Qingshu holds the chin, shakes the head slightly: „It is not good, like, Mongolia where does not have you skin fair appearance elegant big beautiful woman, looked is false.” 宋青书手托着下巴,微微摇了摇头:“不行,一点都不像,蒙古哪有你这样皮肤白皙容貌秀美的大美人儿,一看就是假的。” Full mouth talked nonsense, that Princess Shaomin.” Li Mochou knows although he thinks highly of himself using an alternative intentionally, cannot bear somewhat happily, in the world which woman does not like being praised. “满口胡说八道,那绍敏郡主呢。”李莫愁尽管知道他是变着法故意恭维自己,还是忍不住有些高兴,世上又哪个女人不喜欢被夸呢。 Song Qingshu had food stuck in the throat, but can also chat happily, has to continue to shift the topic: Right, I have thought you have returned to the Central Plain, A'Man and Li Wenxiu are you rescue?” 宋青书又被噎住了,还能不能愉快地聊天了,只好继续转移话题:“对了,我一直以为你已经回中原了,阿曼和李文秀是你救走的么?” Li Mochou un, held him to have the courtyard: I made them first Hui tribe (return to tribe) fall, was worried that you had the matter, then came to have a look. You leave think that I complied with Young Lady Ren, naturally must keep the promise.” 李莫愁嗯了一声,扶着他出了院子:“我让她们先回部落了,担心你这边有事情,便过来看看。你别多想啊,我只是答应了任大小姐,自然要履行诺言。” On the Song Qingshu face is completely the happy expression: Relax, I will not think.” 宋青书脸上尽是笑意:“放心,我不会多想的。” Li Mochou complexion slightly red, the short distance watches, the flesh still just like the young girl generally to be fairly tender and delicate, cannot see the tiny bit impurity completely. 李莫愁脸色微红,近距离观看,肌肤依然犹如少女一般娇嫩白皙,完全看不到一丝一毫的杂质。 Two people such arrives at her hiding place, just passed through the gate on hearing in yelled: Was bad, seven Duke are spitting blood.” 两人就这样一起来到她的藏身之所,刚进门就听到里面大叫:“糟了,七公又在吐血了。” Song Qingshu stares, quickly caught up, Li Mochou looks dumbfounded in behind, he just could not withstand obviously weakly, now actually walk as if flying, thinks oneself held him like this, cannot help but shamed and got angry. 宋青书一愣,急忙赶了进去,李莫愁在后面看得一愣一愣的,他刚刚明明虚弱不堪,现在却健步如飞,想到自己这样扶了他一路,不由得又羞又怒。
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