FSM :: Volume #25

#2401: Becoming angry out of shame

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Why saying that with this character, sounds strange.” Song Qingshu smiles embarrasedly. “干嘛说‘用’这个字,听起来怪怪的。”宋青书讪讪笑了笑。 Zhao Min white his eyes: „Are you useless she?” 赵敏白了他一眼:“难道你没用她么?” Song Qingshu is somewhat awkward, tries to explain: I help her detoxify, she helps me therapy, calculates to accord to his need, not other.” 宋青书有些尴尬,试图解释道:“我助她解毒,她助我疗伤,也算各取所需,并没有其他。” You worry what vigor, I have not blamed you.” Zhao Min said ridiculing, you are not do not know let alone our family and Temüjin hatred, you give his grandson to wear the green hat, I will only clap the hands and shout praise for us vent anger, look forward to you many to wear several to their families, where will also blame you?” “你着急个什么劲,我又没怪你。”赵敏戏谑地说道,“更何况你又不是不知道我们家族和铁木真的仇恨,你给他孙子戴绿帽子,我只会拍手叫好替我们出了口气,巴不得你多给他们家族戴几顶,又哪会怪你?” Song Qingshu does not know what she said is the truth or the lie, has not said very much wisely. 宋青书不知道她说的是真话还是假话,很明智地并没有接话。 A Zhao Min person thought aloud a while sees him not to respond, feels somewhat senselessly, then changed a topic: Why your time to brave to rescue Guo Jing greatly important, for his pretty such as flower wife?” 赵敏一个人自言自语了一会儿见他没回应,也觉得有些无趣,便换了个话题:“你这次干嘛冒这么大险要救郭靖,难道又是为了他那个貌美如花的妻子?” Song Qingshu complexion one positive: Such matter I do not know that , knows how could to stand by? Guo Jing is the chivalrous person who person of respect, his these years for the good of the people and country, should not on such to die in a foreign land.” 宋青书脸色一正:“这样的事情我不知道也就罢了,知道了又岂能袖手旁观?郭靖是一个人人敬重的大侠,他这些年为国为民,不应该就这样客死异乡。” Why these words saying the feeling is so strange from your mouth.” Zhao Min curls the lip. “为什么这些话从你嘴里说出来感觉那么怪呢。”赵敏撇了撇嘴。 Song Qingshu smiles bitterly: No matter you do believe that this is my true idea.” 宋青书苦笑一声:“不管你信不信,这是我真实想法。” Zhao Min shakes the head: Therefore I have thought you are more defective the fierce and ambitious breadth of spirit, extremely gets emotional, this time to save him, was not only almost killed here, but also the status exposure, lets Golden Serpent Camp and Mongolia breaks off publicly, is really is not cost-effective.” 赵敏摇了摇头:“所以我一直觉得你欠缺些枭雄气魄,太过感情用事,这次为了救他,不仅差点丧命在这里,而且身份曝光,让金蛇营蒙古公开决裂,实在是太不划算了。” Sooner or later can also break off with Mongolia,” Song Qingshu shows a faint smile, this times your Prince of Ruyang mansion had an accident let alone, is doomed I with Mongolia to break off, the Mongolia person first was also to also know me must look for you, therefore increased guarded the effort.” “迟早也会和蒙古决裂的,”宋青书微微一笑,“更何况这次你们汝阳王府出事,注定了我要和蒙古决裂,蒙古人也第一时间也是知道我要来找你,所以加大了守卫力度。” Zhao Min knows he said is also the truth, the Mongolia high level already him and Prince of Ruyang mansion linked, but has not ripped open the veil thoroughly: What do you then have to plan?” 赵敏知道他说的也是实情,蒙古高层早已将他和汝阳王府联系在一起,只是没有彻底撕开面纱而已:“那你接下来有什么打算?” First recovers, then looks in the city the situation following development.” Song Qingshu replied. “先养好伤,再看城内局势后续发展吧。”宋青书答道。 Zhao Min nods: Also good, you heal from a wound in Aaron there well, although this woman temper somewhat was usually arrogant, but the heart does not go bad, if Hai Mishir, I must urge you more careful but actually.” 赵敏点了点头:“也好,你就在雅伦那里好好养伤吧,这女人性子虽然素来有些孤傲,但心地不坏,如果是海迷失,我倒要劝你小心些了。” Song Qingshu thought that the Hai Mishir reputation is really not that good. 宋青书心想海迷失的名声果然不是那么好啊。 Zhao Min then also said: These days should not be adventurous to look for me, me will not have the danger, after you are getting better, said.” 赵敏接着又说道:“还有这段时间你不要再冒险来找我了,我这边不会有危险,你痊愈后再说。” Song Qingshu un, he was always impossible to come by a moon reflection in the water large amount of status each time, will always cause the suspicion of person with high aspirations. 宋青书嗯了一声,他总不可能每次都以水月大宗的身份过来,总是会引起有心人的怀疑的。 Two people strolled a while, chatted all the way treated as personal matter the words, although some did not abandon, Zhao Min said: Good, the time, did not stay others should early again to suspect on you.” Said that takes up the rouge cosmetic of choice to throw under the person to hand, does not return to then the round trip to walk. 两人又逛了一会儿,一路上聊了一些体己话,尽管有些不舍,赵敏还是说道:“好了好了,时间不早了,再呆下去别人应该要怀疑到你身上了。”说完拿起一路挑选的胭脂水粉扔给手底下的人,头也不回地便往回走。 Song Qingshu has to sigh that she was too intimate, then coordinates to call the warrior to deliver her very much to go back hand/subordinate. 宋青书不得不感叹她太贴心了,便很配合地召集手下武士一路送她回去。 Finally returns to the mansion, Zhao Min also scolded him intentionally publicly, obviously does to give others to look that reduces his suspicion. 最后回到府中,赵敏还故意公开骂了他一顿,显然是做来给其他人看的,减轻他的嫌疑。 Comes out from the palace, even many Mongolia warriors also comfort him, said that Princess Shaomin thinks is also because the boyfriend has an accident, for several days the temperament was somewhat agitated, Song Qingshu response while blossoms at heart happily. 从王府出来,甚至不少蒙古武士还安慰他,说绍敏郡主想必也是因为情郎出事,这些天脾气有些烦躁,宋青书一边回应一边心里乐开了花。 However quickly the fighting sound that was heard by not far away to the attraction, before some people, your letter report: Female spies on near the palace, the gone on patrol soldier discovered, both sides are fighting.” 不过很快被不远处传来的打斗声给吸引,有人前来禀报:“有一女子在王府附近窥探,被巡逻的士兵发现了,双方正在打斗。” Song Qingshu heart one startled, quickly said: Leads me to go quickly.” This sensitive moment appears around the Prince of Ruyang mansion, should not be a person on one's own side. 宋青书心头一惊,急忙说道:“快带我去。”这个敏感时刻出现在汝阳王府周围,该不会是自己人吧。 Hurries to a hurry looked, sees only wears the beautiful appearance female of Daoist robe to tie down by many Mongolia soldiers, who isn't Li Mochou is? 匆匆赶去一看,只见一身着道袍的美貌女子正被众多蒙古士兵缠住,不是李莫愁又是谁? Saw with own eyes that the surrounding soldier are getting more and more, but Li Mochou broke through to be blocked several times, he quickly loudly calls out, brandishes a blade to rush over: „The taoist nun who where comes, fast is also captured!” 眼见周围士兵越来越多,而李莫愁数次突围都被拦了回来,他急忙大叫一声,挥刀冲了过去:“哪里来的道姑,还不速速就擒!” Li Mochou feels fresh breeze to approach, in the heart complained of hardship secretly, this group of warriors were very difficult to break through, finally came a expert, must explain today here. 李莫愁感受到一股劲风靠近,心中暗暗叫苦,这群武士都很难突破,结果又来了一个高手,难道今天要交待在这里么。 But when she turn head sees the appearance of opposite party, first is one subsequently the great happiness, at this time the ear transmitted one to send greetings densely into: I take advantage of opportunity to deliver you to leave, remembers round of Ice Soul Silver Needle.” 可当她回头看到对方的样貌,先是一愣继而大喜,这时耳边传来一阵传音入密:“我顺势送你离开,记得发冰魄银针。” Her thoughts are resourceful, immediately brandishes whisks sweeps off toward the opposite party on, the Song Qingshu direct blade wields, hews two sections her whisking- after all so many people look, the moon reflection in the water large amount is side the Great Khan/sweat top player, the recast play must do. 她心思机敏,马上挥舞拂尘往对方身上扫去,宋青书直接一刀挥过去,将她的拂尘削成两截-毕竟这么多人看着,水月大宗又是大汗身边的顶尖高手,改做的戏还是要做的。 Li Mochou witnessed that accompanies oneself long time whisking to cut off, in the eye reveals anger, but she felt immediately a huge supple vigor transmission comes, she will take advantage of somebody's authority to leap several feet directly in the future, left the encirclement rings of many warrior. 李莫愁目睹相伴自己良久的拂尘被砍断,眼中不由露出一丝怒意,不过她马上感觉到一股巨大的柔劲传递而来,她借势直接往后跃出数丈,离开了众多武士的包围圈。 Song Qingshu yelled: „To run!” Was saying threw toward her. 宋青书大叫起来:“想跑!”说着又往她扑了过来。 In the Li Mochou heart moves, the sleeves raise, scolds to say tenderly: Looks at my Ice Soul Silver Needle!” 李莫愁心中一动,衣袖一扬,娇叱道:“看我冰魄银针!” Song Qingshu coordinates to call out pitifully immediately: Aiya, good poisonous hidden weapon.” Other warriors see that frightened stopped the footsteps, even the moon reflection in the water incurred large amount, they came up are not give for nothing. 宋青书马上配合地惨叫一声:“哎呀,好毒的暗器。”其他武士见状,纷纷吓得停下了脚步,连水月大宗都中招了,他们上去不是白给么。 Li Mochou white/shell Chiqing bit, suppresses the happy expression to stare Song Qingshu one, then vanished in the houses, this fellow was really the performing skill of good empty boasting, her Ice Soul Silver Needle used up last night, otherwise was also insufficient to fall into a moment ago struggles hard unable to break through. 李莫愁贝齿轻咬,强忍着笑意瞪了宋青书一眼,然后消失在了房舍之间,这家伙真是好浮夸的演技,她的冰魄银针早在昨晚用完了,否则刚才也不至于陷入苦战无法突围。 Song Qingshu keeps the compelling poison in same place sitting in meditation makeup mold way of behaving, long time from now on a needle will be shot on nearby wall by him by the inner strength, then makes an expression that scratches the cold sweat: This female hidden weapon quite evil and cruel, simply is sees the blood seals the throat, if not my inner strength is profound, perhaps already move.” 宋青书则留在原地打坐妆模作样的逼毒,良久过后一根针被他以内力射到了附近墙壁上,然后做出一副擦冷汗的表情:“此女暗器好生歹毒,简直是见血封喉,若非我内力高深,恐怕已经中了招。” On him various medicines, silver needle has, this can take advantage of opportunity the fellow who found to pretend to be. 他身上各种药啊、银针啊都有一些,这才能顺势找到冒充的家伙。 Some people have experienced yesterday's hunt, seizes the chance to describe Li Mochou to act, the big piece soldier dies a violent death the situation of perishing immediately, hearing the surrounding person to hold breath cold air. 有人经历过昨天的追捕,也趁机描述李莫愁一出手,大片士兵当即暴毙而亡的情形,听得周围的人纷纷倒吸一口凉气。 Song Qingshu thought where Red Fairy really arrives at lets existence that the person is panic at the news, explains several with these Mongolia warriors at will, he then gave a pretext therapy to leave. 宋青书心想赤练仙子果然走到哪里都是让人闻风丧胆的存在啊,随意和这些蒙古武士交待几句,他便借口回去疗伤离开了。 Walked several blocks, he is sauntering everywhere, suddenly broadcasts a pretty soft sound: „Are you looking for me?” 走了几条街区,他正在到处转悠,忽然身后传来一个娇滴滴软绵绵的声音:“你是在找我么?” Song Qingshu turn head looked, not far away corner turning is standing a beautiful appearance taoist nun, thinks when she just fought the graceful physique, even if some slightly spacious Daoist robe is still not able to cover her slender soft waist. 宋青书回头一看,不远处墙角转弯处站着一位美貌道姑,想到她刚刚战斗时的曼妙身姿,哪怕是有些略显宽大的道袍也依然无法掩盖她那纤细柔软的腰肢。 What are you looking at?” Li Mochou notices his vision, some discontented say/way. “你在看什么?”李莫愁注意到他的目光,有些不满道。 Song Qingshu said with a smile: I am thinking your voice listens to be the same just like the young girl, does not know how these years maintain.” 宋青书笑着说道:“我只是在想你声音听着宛如少女一般,也不知道这些年怎么保养的。” „Are you frivolous I?” Li Mochou is angry, puts out to whisk then must make a move, may discover immediately whisked cut off, in the heart even more was angry. “你轻薄我?”李莫愁大怒,拿出拂尘便要出手,可马上发现拂尘被砍断了,心中不由愈发恼怒。 You cannot be victorious I, wants to have the body contact with me justifiablily?” Song Qingshu reviews the mouth flower custom frequently, may always unable to provide lodging. “你又打不过我,难道想名正言顺和我有身体接触么?”宋青书经常检讨自己口花花的习惯,可总是管不住。 Li Mochou mask cold frost: If I naturally could not be victorious before you, but you were seriously injured last night, now is uncertain.” The white jade palm pinches the fresh breeze to hit to him. 李莫愁面罩寒霜:“要是以前我自然打不过你,可昨晚你身受重伤,现在就不一定了。”说完白玉般的手掌挟着劲风向他打来。
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