FSM :: Volume #24

#2400: Doing something secretly

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Prince of Ruyang mansion?” In the Song Qingshu heart jumps, quickly asked that „didn't Great Khan/sweat send you to investigate about scattering and accept Chen's cause of death?” 汝阳王府?”宋青书心中一跳,急忙问道,“大汗不是派你去调查合撒尔和纳陈的死因么?” Cause of death is not a short time can investigate, two people cause of death is so strange, I do not have the clue now, how also does not know to report on accomplishments,” accept Yaa smiles bitterly saying that I am also shouldering simultaneously the duty that monitors the Prince of Ruyang mansion, because of the Song Qingshu reason, is worried about in their mansion to change.” “死因不是一时半会儿能调查出来的,两人死因那么离奇,我现在毫无头绪,也不知道怎么交差,”纳牙阿苦笑道,“我同时还肩负着监视汝阳王府的任务,因为宋青书的缘故,担心他们府中有所异动。” A Song Qingshu eyeball revolution, said: I go back in any case also on the way, might as well help you examine the Prince of Ruyang mansion by me, you can accept after examination Chen and the others with single-hearted devotion the causes of death, after all this Great Khan/sweat is furious, their status is also sensitive, check to as soon as possible well.” He comes out today one for the loophole that to make up the moon reflection in the water large amount has not had ; second, to inform Zhao Min, so as to avoid her tasteless worry. 宋青书眼珠一转,说道:“反正我回去也顺路,不如就由我去帮你查看汝阳王府吧,你可以专心查纳陈等人的死因,毕竟这次大汗震怒,他们两人身份又敏感,还是尽早查出来为好。”他今天出来一是为了补上水月大宗未出现的漏洞,二是通知赵敏,免得她无味的担心。 How that feels all right, today you have helped me be many.” Namibian tooth flatter made contact with his shoulder with a smile. “那怎么好意思呢,今天你已经帮了我不少了。”纳牙阿笑着搭上了他肩膀。 Song Qingshu replied: I am also all right to do in any case now, moreover many friend many road.” 宋青书答道:“反正我现在也没什么事做,而且多一个朋友多一条路嘛。” The Namibian tooth flatter complexion sinks suddenly, the sinking sound said: You solid told me, why can go to the Prince of Ruyang mansion?” 纳牙阿忽然脸色一沉,沉声说道:“你老实告诉我,到底为什么要去汝阳王府?” The Song Qingshu heart jumps, oneself somewhat were impatient, stirred up the opposite party to suspect, but he was prepared early, reveals smile that you understood: Franking, the long time heard that Princess Shaomin is the Mongolia first beautiful woman, wants to go to look at her several eyes.” 宋青书心头一跳,自己还是有些心急了,惹起对方怀疑了,不过他早有准备,露出一副你懂的笑容:“实不相瞒,久闻绍敏郡主蒙古第一美人儿,想去多看她几眼。” The Namibian tooth haha smiled: Had guessed correctly that your fellow is this thoughts, but I must remind your one, that woman is the rose that the belt/bring punctures, do not think that she somewhat goes down in the world now wants to bully her, when the time comes certainly by to bind the full hand is the blood.” 纳牙阿哈哈笑了起来:“早就猜到你这家伙是这心思,不过我得提醒你一句,那个女人是带刺的玫瑰,千万不要看她如今有些落魄就想去欺负她,到时候铁定被扎得满手是血。” Song Qingshu said following the thread of conversation: I know certainly the discretion, but has a look at her beautiful appearance purely, where will really have other thoughts. Must know that she is the Song Qingshu woman, I did not have to be able to cope with the big grandmaster extremely arrogantly.” 宋青书顺着话锋说道:“我当然知道分寸,只是单纯地去看看她的美貌,哪会真的动其他念头。要知道她可是宋青书的女人,我还没狂妄到能对付大宗师。” Saw him to say sincerely, accept Yaa then nods: You said like this I felt relieved, that side that Prince of Ruyang mansion gave you, I looked for some medical examiners to dissect accept Chen Hehe to scatter body, how having a look at them dead.” 见他说得诚恳,纳牙阿这才点了点头:“你这样说我就放心了,那汝阳王府那边就交给你了,我去找些仵作来解剖纳陈和合撒尔的尸体,看看他们到底是怎么死的。” Confessed after something needing attention, accepts the tooth fool person hastily to leave, Song Qingshu hurries to toward the Prince of Ruyang mansion. 交代了一些注意事项后,纳牙阿带人匆匆离开,宋青书则往汝阳王府赶去。 Just arrived at the Prince of Ruyang mansion, the discovery entrance was noisy fiercely, saw only Zhao Min to lead the person to come out, but the surrounding guard , then blocked them, both sides are confronting, the intense situation was ready to be set off. 刚到汝阳王府,就发现门口闹哄哄得厉害,只见赵敏正带人要出来,而周围的守卫则拦住他们,双方正对峙着,紧张的形势一触即发。 Zhao Min no matter when is an audience tenderest most and beautiful rose, but at this time her actually face belt/bring cold frost: I am an princess who Great Khan/sweat seals personally, can't leave the gate now? You regard criminal anything me!” 赵敏不管什么时候都是全场最娇艳的一朵玫瑰,不过此时她却脸带寒霜:“我是大汗亲口封的郡主,难道现在连门都不能出了么?你们是把我当成犯人还是什么!” Must know that Prince of Ruyang cause of death so far, says the accident/surprise, are not related with Temüjin, Temüjin also sealed to enjoy Zhao Min publicly and other in palaces the person, to stabilize in the government and people the hearts of other neutral influences. 要知道汝阳王的死因到目前为止,都是说意外,和铁木真没有关系,铁木真公开还封赏了赵敏等其余王府中人,以安定朝野中另外一些中立势力之心。 Has put under house arrest as for this period of time in the mansion, is Zhao Min and Temüjin has a tacit understanding, she stays on own initiative daily at home, hints own knowing one's place, does not give the opposite party any excuse of launching an attack. 至于这段时间一直软禁在府中,也是赵敏铁木真心照不宣,她主动天天呆在家里,示意自己的安分守己,不给对方任何发难的借口。 She so coordinates, Temüjin is not easy to process, can only send people to stare here in secret. 她这般配合,铁木真也不好处理,只能暗中派人盯着这边。 both sides were clear that this is puts under house arrest, but the official had not acknowledged, the Temüjin under aim will not leave behind the pretext, therefore Zhao Min must go out now, properly speaking these people indeed do not have the legal principle theory of law to stop. 双方都清楚这是软禁,但官方并没有承认,铁木真更不会下旨留下口实,所以如今赵敏要出门,按理说这些人的确没法理来阻拦。 But everyone knows the Temüjin thoughts, where dare really to put her to go out, therefore blocks is not good block, puts cannot put, both sides on refusing to compromise here. 可偏偏大家都知道铁木真的心思,哪敢真的放她出去,所以拦又不好拦,放又不能放,双方就僵持在这里。 The person who outside monitors the Prince of Ruyang mansion comes out in abundance, persuasion of lead, but Zhao Min non-stop from the start, is cold a face to walk directly outward, she walks in the forefront, because is a female, others draw back do not bump are not. 外面监视汝阳王府的人纷纷出来,带头的不停劝说,可是赵敏压根不停,寒着一张脸直接往外走,她走在最前面,因为又是个女子,其他人退也不是碰也不是。 Seeing the opposite party must break through the final defense line, the person who is responsible for guarding pulled out the blade finally: Princess, you , if not draw back, did not take it ill us to disregard another's feelings.” 眼看着对方要突破最后的防线,负责看守的人终于抽出了刀:“郡主,你要是再不退回去,休怪我们不留情面了。” Zhao Min sneers: How I must have a look at your disregarding another's feelings law but actually.” She finishes speaking, follows leaves ranks in abundance the drawing a bow nocking after behind archer, other person of complexion big changes, these archers, although are few, the marksman who however becomes famous, really makes them make a move, in the field does not know that must die many people. 赵敏冷笑起来:“我倒要看看你们怎么个不留情面法。”她话音刚落,跟随在身后的弓箭手纷纷出列张弓搭箭,其余人脸色大变,这些弓箭手人数虽少,但是出了名的神箭手,真让他们出手,场中也不知道要死多少人。 Sees both sides to be ready to be set off, Song Qingshu quickly overtakes: Called a halt, what happened?” 眼看着双方一触即发,宋青书急忙赶了过去:“都停手,发生了什么事?” Zhao Min sees him, the expression first stares, subsequently reveals a pleasant surprise, disappears, immediately returned to normal. 赵敏看到他,表情先是一愣,继而露出一丝惊喜,不过转瞬即逝,马上恢复了正常。 Song Qingshu acclaimed secretly, this performing skill seriously was levers. 宋青书暗暗赞叹,这演技当真是杠杠的。 Namibian tooth flatter sends the person who follows his person running whereabouts to guard the Prince of Ruyang mansion to explain that his status, now here became him to have full authority and responsibility. 纳牙阿派来跟着他的人跑去向看守汝阳王府的人说明他的身份,如今这里成了他全权负责。 Which is princess this must go?” Song Qingshu goes forward to ask with a smile. “郡主这是要去哪儿啊?”宋青书上前笑着问道。 Zhao Min snort/hum: Where do I go to serve a need to you to explain?” 赵敏哼了一声:“我去哪儿用得着向你交待么?” Song Qingshu replied: Princess descendant of the imperial family, naturally does not need to look like us to explain, but in the city was not peaceful over the two days, many rebellious parties four plunder, Great Khan/sweat assigns/life us to come to protect the princess safety specially, so as to avoid being injured by the rebellious party.” 宋青书答道:“郡主金枝玉叶,自然不用像我们交待,不过这两天城中不太平,有很多乱党肆掠,大汗特意命我们前来保护郡主安全,免得被乱党所伤。” Who is the rebellious party in your mouth?” Zhao Min is taking a look at him carefully. “你口中的乱党是何人?”赵敏仔细打量着他。 Song Qingshu replied: „Hasn't the past gold/metal blade emperor's son-in-law, some experts in Central Plain, a playboy surnamed Song, known the princess it is said recognizable?” 宋青书答道:“昔日的金刀驸马,还有中原的一些高手,据说还有一个姓宋的花花公子,不知道郡主可认识?” „The man of my this lifetime most repugnant unfaithful/stamen, how also possibly to know.” Zhao Min stared his one eyes ruthlessly. “我这辈子最讨厌花心的男人,又怎么可能认识。”赵敏狠狠地瞪了他一眼。 Song Qingshu smiles embarrasedly: Pitifully that person escapes without a trace, when the emperor master they caught, how gives the princess to handle?” 宋青书讪讪地笑了笑:“可惜那人逃得无影无踪,等帝师他们抓到了,就交给郡主处置如何?” Zhao Min snort/hum: I to these at sixes and sevens has no interest, but wants to go out to buy the rouge cosmetic to be good?” 赵敏哼了一声:“我对这些乱七八糟的没兴趣,只是想出去买点胭脂水粉行不行?” Song Qingshu replied: Sure, to protect princess safety, I must accompany about, but also looks at the understanding.” 宋青书答道:“当然可以,不过为了保护郡主安全,我要随行左右,还望谅解。” Zhao Min sneers: You want with.” Said that then walks toward the street on at the back of the small hand. 赵敏冷笑一声:“你想跟就跟吧。”说完背着小手便往街上走去。 Others change color slightly, have to think to prevent, may think that above indeed has not spoken cannot she go out, now can follow in the side, calculates law of the solution. 其他的人微微变色,有心想阻止,可想到上面的确没有明言不许她出门,如今能跟在身边,也算个解决之法。 The Song Qingshu seizing the chance belt/bring person with, arrived at side Zhao Min directly: Princess lacks what rouge cosmetic, making the following person send was not good, to be why must exhausted you to go personally.” 宋青书趁机带人跟了上去,直接来到赵敏身旁:“郡主缺什么胭脂水粉,让下面的人送来不就好了,何须劳烦你亲自去。” Woman enjoys that process that buys, isn't good?” Zhao Min shows the whites of the eyes, then knits the brows to look at behind these warriors, with nearly can send under escort the criminal?” “女人就享受买的那种过程,不行么?”赵敏翻了个白眼,然后皱眉望着身后那些武士,“跟这么近是要押解犯人么?” Song Qingshu seizes the chance to wave to them, hints them with, oneself follow in her side on the line. Others know his martial arts, poured has not said anything. 宋青书趁机对他们挥挥手,示意他们跟远一点,自己跟在她身边就行。其他人知道他武功,倒也没有说什么。 Saw these people to walk away, Song Qingshu then said: Just I, if has not come, you fought with them, how when the time comes did you end?” 见那些人走远了些,宋青书这才说道:“刚刚我要是没来,你岂不是和他们打起来了,到时候你咋收场?” Zhao Min said righteously: My man had an accident, hasn't allowed me to deliberately create trouble? Even if Temüjin knew, how will not take me.” 赵敏理直气壮地说道:“我男人出事了,还不允许我胡闹一下?铁木真就算知道了,也不会拿我怎么样的。” Song Qingshu knows that her very familiar Mongolia high-level handling matters way, said like this definitely acts bashful the Temüjin mentality stubbornly, but is more affected her name: Minmin ~ 宋青书知道她十分熟悉蒙古高层的处事方式,这样说肯定是将铁木真的心态拿捏得死死的,不过却更为感动她的称呼:“敏敏~” Zhao Min spat one: Do not shout me with your dead appearance, really some are uncomfortable.” 赵敏啐了一口:“别用你这个死样子喊我,实在有些不舒服。” Song Qingshu also knows that now moon reflection in the water large amount of looks are somewhat dreadful, said with a smile embarrasedly: I find an opportunity to come to your family place to look for you.” 宋青书也知道如今水月大宗的尊容有些猥琐,讪讪笑道:“那我找个机会来你府上找你。” Does not want!” Zhao Min quickly prevents, the warrior who recent your family place places are getting more and more, obviously is guards against you to look for me, such defensive your martial arts is even high, is still very difficult to evade thoroughly, cannot take risk. Right, your injury how?” “千万不要!”赵敏急忙阻止,“最近府上安插的武士越来越多,显然就是防备你来找我,那样的防守就算你武功再高,也很难彻底避过,不可冒险。对了,你伤势怎么样了?” Song Qingshu replied: Relax, although to recovering to return sometime, but also calculates that had the strength of self-preservation reluctantly.” 宋青书答道:“放心吧,虽然离痊愈还有一段时间,但也算勉强有了自保之力。” How are you good such quickly?” Zhao Min reveals the color of doubts, „the last night three big masters besieged your, heard that you also displayed burnt the blood big law, should not restore such quickly.” “你怎么好得这么快?”赵敏露出疑惑之色,“昨晚三位大宗师围攻你一人,听说你还施展了燃血大法,不应该恢复这么快才是啊。” If not knows that his situation is critical, she so will not be rude today. 若非知道他的情况危急,她今天也不会如此失态。 Yesterday found the person to cure a wound......” Song Qingshu to be somewhat awkward, evades the important questions for the easy the matter that had in Aaron there to say last night, mainly stressed some people coped with Aaron in secret, was just bumped into by oneself and so on. “昨天找人疗了一下伤……”宋青书有些尴尬,避重就轻将昨夜在雅伦那里发生的事情说了一遍,主要强调是有人暗中对付雅伦,刚好被自己撞见云云。 Zhao Min is intelligent, knew immediately what's the matter: Originally your evening hides in her fragrant boudoir, no wonder they could not find you. Ahem, the wound in Temüjin, actually therapy with his granddaughter-in-law, really has your.” 赵敏何等聪明,立马知道了是怎么回事:“原来你一晚上藏在她香闺之中,难怪他们找不到你。哼哼,伤在铁木真手里,却用他的孙媳妇来疗伤,真是有你的。”
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