FSM :: Volume #25

#2403: Easier said than done

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On the road that Song Qingshu comes had restored the appearance, pours did not fear that teaches the person to meet face to face with rune/symbol Yaohong these demons, after going, sees size martial Zhengji to from afar likely in the hot pot ant. 宋青书来的路上已经恢复了容貌,倒也不怕和符瑶红这些魔教中人打照面,进去后远远看见大小武正急得像热锅上蚂蚁似的。 Who?” The guard who the destiny teaches the outer layer discovered him, presented him one after another encircles in middle. “谁?”天命教外层的守卫发现了他,纷纷出现将他围在了当中。 Song Qingshu had not replied, hears a being pleasantly surprised sound: Draws back, is the person on one's own side.” 宋青书还没回答,就听到一个又惊又喜的声音:“都退下,是自己人。” The beautiful figure jumps for joy together runs over, the semblance is obviously clear, but one type makes the man hug the impulsion that into the bosom loves tenderly recklessly him, who is not Shan Yuru is. 一道倩影雀跃地跑了过来,明明外表清纯圣洁,可又有一种让男人将其搂入怀中肆意怜爱的冲动,不是单玉如又是谁。 „Are you all right? I looked for most and forest city had not found you.” Shan Yuru is pleasantly surprised, she last night and Li Mochou sought separatedly, what a pity still had not found his whereabouts. “你没事吧?我找了大半个和林城都没找到你。”单玉如惊喜不已,她昨晚和李莫愁分开寻找,可惜一直没找到他的下落。 Li Mochou is somewhat self-satisfied, oneself understand this fellow, knows that he will definitely find the way to relate Princess Shaomin, was happen to bumped into by oneself. However thinks oneself almost fall into the Mongolia soldier's hand, some of her then lingering fear, the fellow appears luckily promptly. 李莫愁有些得意,还是自己更了解这家伙,知道他肯定会想办法去联系绍敏郡主的,正好被自己撞见。不过想到自己差点陷入蒙古士兵之手,她便有些后怕,幸好那家伙及时出现。 Such thinks, just the deceived anger has disappeared most probably. 这样一想,刚刚被欺骗的怒意已经消了大半。 Song Qingshu signals by nodding to Shan Yuru: Many thanks the founder shows loving care, I am not affected much, did inside have an accident?” 宋青书单玉如点头示意:“多谢教主关怀,我并无大碍,里面出什么事了?” You come with me,” Shan Yuru is leading him while explained that „the Hong Qigong wound somewhat seemed to be troublesome, no matter how therapy for him, is unable to restrain the injury, now is getting more and more serious, perhaps by......” “你跟我来,”单玉如一边引领着他一边解释起来,“洪七公的伤似乎有些麻烦,不管如何替他疗伤,都无法扼制住伤势,现在越来越严重,恐怕是挨不过去了……” Song Qingshu also gets up dignified, the wound can it be that is so also simple in the big grandmaster hand. 宋青书也神情凝重起来,伤在大宗师手中又岂是那么简单的。 Big Brother Song!” The big or small military that at this time was upon the jump first saw him, yelled pleasantly surprised. 宋大哥!”这时跑来跑去的大小武首先看到他,惊喜地大叫了起来。 Others also turn head following the sound, when sees clearly the Song Qingshu appearance, reveals the color of pleasant surprise, only has the Yang Guo expression to be most complex. 其他人也循声回头,待看清宋青书的模样,一个个露出惊喜之色,唯有杨过表情最为复杂。 Brother Song, sees you now safely is really good, if you really have an accident, when Elder Brother how to do right by you.” Guo Jing somewhat is excited sobs, his ban separated such a long time to become less crowded gradually, the one side also had Zhou Botong Yang Guo several top solution hole experts, pushed the palace blood circulation then to untie the ban for him ahead of time, the seal in mind was also untying while convenient, the beforehand matter recalled gradually. 宋兄弟,如今见你平安实在是太好了,如果你真出了什么事,当哥哥的怎么对得起你。”郭靖激动得有些哽咽,他身上的禁制隔了这么长时间早已渐渐松动,一旁又有周伯通杨过几个顶尖解穴高手,替他推宫活血便提前解开了禁制,顺带着脑海里的封印也解开了,以前的事情渐渐回想起来。 Now he restores as usual, before because just , the fight in Gongzhufu he received the heavy internal injury, behind had been interrogated and tortured in the day firmly, the internal injury adds the flesh wound, good just now to support thanks to his body background. 如今他恢复如常,只不过因为之前在公主府中的战斗他受了不轻内伤,后面在天牢又被拷问过,内伤加外伤,也多亏他身体底子好方才撑得住。 Guo brother you are all right well.” Song Qingshu confirmed that he also relaxes well, although his wound is heavy, but if given time can restore, if he really has what accident/surprise finally, the beforehand adventure may waste. “郭兄你没事就好。”宋青书确认他无恙也松了一口气,他身上的伤虽然不轻,但假以时日都是能恢复的,如果最后他真的有什么意外,那自己之前的冒险可就白费了。 Guo Jing deeply sighed one: I have no actually, but my master......” 郭靖深深地叹了一口:“我倒是没什么,可我师父就……” Sees only Hong Qigong and Zhou Botong in tandem sits on the bed, even if Zhou Botong has transported the inner strength therapy for him in behind, but Hong Qigong still surface such as spirit money, air/Qi, if the gossamer, on the corners of the mouth and beard are also hanging several bloodstains, when wants to come just to spit blood stays behind. 只见洪七公周伯通一前一后坐在床上,哪怕周伯通一直在后面替他输送内力疗伤,但洪七公依然面如金纸、气若游丝,嘴角和胡须上还挂着几丝血渍,想来是刚刚吐血时留下的。 Yang Guo looked at the Zhou Botong forehead thin perspiration, the hair also lost the gloss in ordinary day, quickly said: Old child, you were tired, changes me to come.” 杨过周伯通额头细汗,头发也失去了平日里的光泽,急忙说道:“老顽童,你累了,换我来吧。” Zhou Botong swings looks like the rattle-drum to be the same: I can also insist, I and always called to come together, must go back with him.” 周伯通头摇得像拨浪鼓一般:“我还坚持得住,我和老叫化一起来的,也要和他一起回去。” On his face that always looks down on the world somewhat serious color, obviously the Hong Qigong situation is not very optimistic. 一向玩世不恭的他脸上都有几分郑重之色,显然洪七公的情况很不乐观。 I come to see.” Song Qingshu sat down in the bedside, puts out a hand the pulse of nosing Hong Qigong, the brow then twisted all of a sudden. What's wrong?” Sees his expression, the Guo Jing heart trembles, quickly asked that nearby Zhou Botong, Yang Guo also cast the vision that paid attention to abundance. “我来看看。”宋青书在床边坐下,伸手查探洪七公的脉搏,眉头一下子便拧了起来。“怎么了?”看到他的表情,郭靖心头一颤,急忙问道,一旁的周伯通杨过也纷纷投来关注的目光。 Song Qingshu nosing while replied: Temüjin True Qi is by the corpse mountain blood sea concise, overbearing malignant influences, have a suppressed attack to affect to others' inner strength naturally, seven Duke were injured by him yesterday, the malignant influences of opposite party have entered within the body, last night has been rushing about promptly therapy to drive out, now has invaded the meridians internal organs thoroughly, perhaps......” 宋青书一边查探一边答道:“铁木真真气是由尸山血海凝练而成,有一股霸道的煞气,对别人的内力天然有一股压制侵袭作用,七公昨天被他所伤,对方的煞气已经进入体内,昨晚又一直在奔波没有及时疗伤驱除,如今已经彻底侵入经脉内脏,恐怕……” „The Song boy, weren't you good?” Zhou Botong was anxious, old child this whole life has not admired anyone, my Senior Brother is one, another was you, young can practice this grade of situation martial arts unexpectedly, you must help rescue always call.” “宋小子,连你也不行么?”周伯通急了,“老顽童这辈子没佩服过什么人,我师兄是一个,另一个就是你了,年纪轻轻竟然能将武功练到这等地步,你一定要帮忙救老叫化啊。” Hong Qigong opens the eye slowly, somewhat said weakly: „The life and death has the life, the old beggar lived the old age, this enjoyment also has enjoyed, died also no at the worst, only somewhat regrettable could not eat the centipede meat of summit of Mount Hua again.” In the speech the look was full of the desolate meaning. 洪七公缓缓睁开眼睛,有些虚弱地说道:“正所谓生死有命,老叫花子活了这把年纪,该享受的也享受过了,死了也没什么大不了的,唯一有些遗憾的就是再也吃不到华山之巅的蜈蚣肉了。”说话中眼神充满了落寞之意。 Song Qingshu did not sigh glutton holds to read deeply, sees in the field the atmosphere then to pull out vermilion compounded drug to say sadly: This is Free and Unfettered Sect therapy wondrous medicines nine revolutions of bear Shewan, has the effect of bringing back to life, under seven Duke in a big hurry clothing/taking.” 宋青书不由不感叹吃货的执念有多深,见场中气氛沉闷便掏出一枚朱红色丹药说道:“这枚是逍遥派的疗伤圣药九转熊蛇丸,有起死回生之效,七公快快服下。” Hong Qigong somewhat hesitated, nearby Zhou Botong direct met the stopper to his mouth, Hong Qigong coughed several, the medicine has gotten into the stomach, has to say to Song Qingshu: Long time heard that the given name of Free and Unfettered Sect efficacious medicine, I owed you a life.” 洪七公本来还有些犹豫,一旁的周伯通直接一把接过去塞到了他口中,洪七公咳嗽几声,药已经下肚,只好对宋青书说道:“久闻逍遥派灵药的大名,我又欠了你一条命。” Song Qingshu shakes the head: Spoke discreetly, this medicine also hangs the life let alone temporarily, not goings to the roots of the problem, if naturally can find Grandmaster Yi Deng, making him rescue by Solitary Yang Finger, perhaps can also restore.” 宋青书摇了摇头:“言重了,更何况这药也只是暂时吊住性命,治标不治本,当然如果能找到一灯大师,让他以一阳指施救,也许还能恢复过来。” Hong Qigong actually never imagined to reject: segment Huangye displays Solitary Yang Finger to save others for five years unable each time to use the inner strength again, I how can do not know good from bad to ask him to rescue.” 洪七公却想都没想就拒绝了:“段皇爷每次施展一阳指救人五年内都无法再动用内力,我又岂能如此不知好歹去求他相救。” Zhou Botong must touch own ears and cheeks anxiously, if others, he can definitely lose an inner strength to make up, but segment Huangye is the person who in the world he most does not dare to see, this saying naturally says. 周伯通急得抓耳挠腮,如果是别人,他完全可以多输点内力弥补,可段皇爷是天底下他最不敢见的人,这话自然说不出口。 Yang Guo opens the mouth saying: If a person loss is too big, has the old child to assist in the one side by me and Uncle Guo, perhaps Grandmaster Yi Deng does not need to lose so many really Yuan.” 杨过开口道:“如果一个人损耗太大,由我和郭伯伯还有老顽童在一旁相助,也许一灯大师不必损耗那么多真元。” Guo Jing also said: Yes, moreover in «Nine Yin True Scripture» to therapy and restoring really the Yuan has the greatest help, Grandmaster Yi Deng not necessarily will also lose seriously like before.” 郭靖也说道:“是啊,而且《九阴真经》里对疗伤和恢复真元有莫大帮助,一灯大师未必还会像以前那样损失严重。” Hong Qigong shakes the head: You did not need to urge, our that several present ages were big, said that was the last years of life is not overrated, so consumed really the Yuan greatly, if implicated segment Huangye the accident sentiment, I may really not have the face to see the person.” 洪七公还是摇了摇头:“你们不用劝了,我们那几个如今年纪都不小了,说是风烛残年也不为过,如此大耗真元,如果连累段皇爷出了什么事情,我可真是没脸见人了。” Seeing his attitude is firm, several other people are not good to urge again, Guo Jing shifts to Song Qingshu: Brother Song, do you have what means.” 见他态度坚决,其他几人也不好再劝,郭靖转向宋青书:“宋兄弟,你有没有什么办法。” A Song Qingshu face is awkward: If I have not been injured, can find the way for helping actually reduce and solve True Qi, but I was seriously injured last night, but also displayed burnt the blood big law, the short time perhaps cannot restore, therefore was also helpless.” 宋青书一脸为难:“如果我没有受伤,倒是能想办法替帮忙化解真气,可昨夜我身受重伤,还施展了燃血大法,短时间恐怕恢复不了,所以也无能为力了。” In the Guo Jing tone completely rebukes oneself dejected with: Is my reason, not only implicates you to be seriously injured, but also harms the master now so......” 郭靖语气中尽是自责与颓然:“都是我的缘故,不仅连累你身受重伤,还害得师父如今这般……” Hong Qigong ridicules saying: Dumb kid said anything, I save you should be, conversion is I am in danger, you will not rescue. However the Qingshu little brother loses is actually quite big, he advances into the big grandmaster young, does not know that this time wound can affect the foundation.” 洪七公笑骂道:“傻小子说什么呢,我救你是应该的,换成是我遇险,难道你就不会救了么。不过青书小兄弟倒是损失比较大,他年纪轻轻跻身大宗师,也不知道这次的伤会不会影响到根基。” Song Qingshu also said: Guo brother does not need so, this situation everybody to intend to rescue, moreover seven Duke not necessarily incurable, I have a method actually......” 宋青书也说道:“郭兄不必如此,这种情况谁都会出手相救的,而且七公未必没救,我倒是有一个法子……” Really?” In the room the person looks to him. “真的?”屋中之人纷纷望向他。 Does not know that seven Duke do want,” Song Qingshu then said, was the Temüjin malignant influences invaded in the five main internal organs (entrails) and meridians in the final analysis, because pestered not to be able to divide with seven Duke its True Qi together, but Sun Moon Divine Cult's Absorbing Stars Great Technique is happen to removing within the body variation True Qi to have the effect, seven Duke, if learned/studied Absorbing Stars Great Technique, wants to come to be able to remove cleanly the malignant influences in within the body, perhaps but as the matter stands, your will cultivate to vanish into thin air.” “不过不知道七公愿不愿意,”宋青书接着说道,“说到底是铁木真的煞气侵入了五脏六腑和经脉之中,又因为和七公本身真气纠缠在一起无法分割,而日月神教的吸星大法正好在排除体内异种真气有奇效,七公若是学习吸星大法,想来应该可以将体内的煞气排除干净,只不过这样一来,你一身修为恐怕会化为乌有。” In the room was silent immediately, in the martial arts world martial arts is an attitude of life of person, cultivates the Hong Qigong present position let alone, does not know that made many difficult effort. To many, rather died does not think that whole body martial arts was abandoned, therefore no one quite opens the mouth to urge him. 屋中顿时沉默了,武林之中武功是一个人的立身之本,更何况修炼到洪七公如今的地位,不知付出了多少艰辛努力。对于很多人来说,宁愿死掉也不想全身武功被废,所以没人好开口劝他。 Hong Qigong long time, broke silent finally tranquilly: I do not hate one to cultivate/repair actually not am, but is my group hero upholds justice to punish eliminates deceitfully wickedly, finally actually must study the evil merit that the demon teaches, I cannot achieve.” 洪七公沉默良久,最终打破了宁静:“我倒不是舍不得一身修为,而是我一身行侠仗义惩奸除恶,最后却要学魔教的邪功,我做不到。” Song Qingshu sincere say/way: Merit law is good is wicked, in the final analysis looks at with the person, for example on the road had the robbers and bandits to kill the pedestrian with the blade, was the blade evil or the robbers and bandits is evil, seven Duke this grade of outstandingly able people will unable to look through this point.” 宋青书正色道:“功法是善是恶,归根到底还是看用的人,比如路上有盗匪用刀杀了行人,到底是刀邪恶还是盗匪邪恶,七公这等奇人不会看不破这一点吧。” Hong Qigong shakes the head saying: Even if I can look through, how many other in the world people do have to look through this point? If I am a person idle cloud wild crane, practices also there is no relations, but I after all am the Beggars’ Sect family background, to a certain extent represents this Beggars’ Sect image, the Beggars’ Sect millenniums reputations, cannot, because my one person bring the stain.” 洪七公还是摇头道:“就算我看得破,天底下其他人有有多少能看破这一点?如果我是一个人闲云野鹤,练一下倒也没什么关系,可我毕竟是丐帮出身,一定程度上代表这丐帮的形象,丐帮千年的名声,不能因为我一人带来污点。” Song Qingshu only knows that he considers quite profoundly, cannot help but to admire secretly: „If not willing to practice «Absorbing Stars Great Technique», me also one set of merit law, this is Free and Unfettered Sect «Northern Darkness Divine Art», has the similar effect with «Absorbing Stars Great Technique», but one one evil, is no comparison between them.” 宋青书这才知道他考虑得相当深远,不由得暗暗佩服:“如果不愿意练《吸星大法》,我这边还有一套功法,这是逍遥派的《北冥神功》,和《吸星大法》有差不多的功效,不过一正一邪,不可同日而语。” Actually these two family merit laws in fact are in his opinion same, but stems from the notorious demon to teach, stems from mysterious Free and Unfettered Sect, is different to the impression of person. 其实在他看来这两门功法实质上是一样的,只不过一个出自臭名昭著的魔教,一个出自神秘的逍遥派,给人的观感不一样罢了。 Sure enough, the attitude of Hong Qigong this opposition is not firm a moment ago, in addition Zhou Botong, Guo Jing and the others persuaded in the one side, he complied finally: „The Qingshu little brother, this time owed you two lives, another day has what need, so long as does not violate the matter of chivalry, Hong goes through fire or water not to refuse under any circumstances surely.” 果不其然,洪七公这次反对的态度没有刚才那么坚决,再加上周伯通郭靖等人在一旁相劝,他终于答应下来:“青书小兄弟,这次欠了你两条命了,他日有什么需要,只要不违背侠义之事,洪某必定赴汤蹈火在所不辞。” If other young people, he can teach martial arts to repay greatly, but the opposite party martial arts is higher than him, his where below this face. 如果是其他年轻人,他大可以传授武功来报答,可对方武功比他还高,他哪里拉的下这个脸。 Nearby Zhou Botong also echoes saying: Calculates my one.” 一旁的周伯通也附和道:“算我一份。” Yang Guo hesitant, finally has not opened the mouth, thought that these words I do not need saying that in the future also your life, but the paternal aunt I will not give up. 杨过犹豫了一下,最终还是没有开口,心想这些话我不必说出来,日后会还你一条命,不过姑姑我是不会放弃的。 Everyone spoke discreetly......” Song Qingshu to respond, then started to teach the Hong Qigong «Northern Darkness Divine Art» mnemonics, the opposite party very initiative expression cannot this merit to divulge to an outsider. “各位言重了……”宋青书回应了一番,然后开始传授洪七公北冥神功》的口诀,对方也非常主动的表示绝不会将此功外传。 Comes out after the room, how others inquired the result, Song Qingshu said: He persists in cultivating every day, half a month later should be able to enter within the body malignant influences platoon thoroughly, but his internal strength completely loses now, no self-preservation ability.” 从屋中出来后,其他人纷纷询问结果如何,宋青书说道:“他坚持每日修炼,半个月后应该就能彻底将体内煞气排进,不过如今他内功尽失,没什么自保能力。” Zhou Botong patted striking one's chest: Relax, I will protect him.” 周伯通拍了拍胸脯:“放心吧,我会保护好他的。” At this time Shan Yuru opens the mouth: Now the biggest problem will be Mongolia the search effort is getting more and more strict, how long cannot want to investigate here, must think the means to deliver to go out of town them as soon as possible is good. But now this situation, going out of town is also easier said than done......” 这时单玉如开口了:“现在最大的问题是蒙古这边搜查力度越来越严,要不了多久就会排查到这边的,得尽快想办法将他们送出城才行。可如今这情况,出城又谈何容易……”
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