FSM :: Volume #16

#1582: Delivers to marry the Great General

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Called the elder sister?” The Zhao Min anger instead smiles anxiously, even if she has not planned to occupy under the person facing Zhou Zhiruo this so-called wife, idle talk at present this little girl. “叫姐姐?”赵敏怒急反笑,哪怕是面对周芷若这个所谓的正妻她都没打算屈居人下,更遑论眼前这个丫头片子。 Who knows that Yelu Nanxian also nods seriously: First beginner for big, shouldn't I compared with you first, you call my elder sister?” 谁知道耶律南仙也是一本正经地点了点头:“先入门者为大,我比你先,你不该叫我姐姐么?” Zhao Min is at a loss for words for a while, can only stare a Song Qingshu this instigator ruthlessly: Is the good deeds that you do!” 赵敏一时语塞,只能狠狠地瞪了一眼宋青书这个始作俑者:“都是你干的好事!” Song Qingshu is also helpless, Yelu Nanxian that will depart late from now on lightly like that natural, completely without entering Song main house gate meaning, who knows that now unexpectedly here and Zhao Min is rivals for sexual favor? Really does not conform to her until now to be of indifferent such as the person immortal to suppose, he estimated that the opposite party mostly is because stimulated recently a little receives many, therefore in this moment eruption. 宋青书也是无奈,耶律南仙那一晚过后翩然离去走的那般潇洒,完全没有进宋家门的意思,谁知道现在居然在这里和赵敏争风吃醋?实在不符合她一直以来淡然如仙的人设啊,他估计对方多半是因为最近刺激受得有点多,所以在这关头爆发了。 Yelu Nanxian deeply inspires, returned to gradually normal, obviously stimulated Zhao Min to make her mood feel better slightly, thoughts that but she has not continued to bicker, but was said to Song Qingshu directly: Big Brother Song, since all these are the plots of Murong Jingyue, my father was unjust, then also looks at a Big Brother Song also my father pureness, after all takes the blame for plotting a rebellion, the entire family had arrived at the tilting edge, if my father has mystical powers in the day, perhaps the meeting is unable to rest.” 耶律南仙深吸一口气,渐渐恢复了平静,显然刺激了一把赵敏让她心情稍微好受了些,不过她并没有继续斗嘴的心思,而是直接对宋青书说道:“宋大哥,既然这一切都是慕容景岳的阴谋,我爹是被冤枉的,那么还望宋大哥还我爹一个清白,毕竟背负谋反罪名,整个家族已经到了倾覆的边缘,我爹若是在天有灵,恐怕也会无法安息的。” Song Qingshu opens mouth to be just about to comply, Zhao Min actually pulled his arm quietly, first said: Must return your father purely is not, but needs you to accept a condition.” 宋青书张了张嘴正要答应,赵敏却悄悄扯了一下他的手臂,抢先说道:“要还你爹清白也不是不可以,不过需要你答应一个条件。” A Yelu Nanxian brow wrinkle: I asked Big Brother Song, what matter closed/pass your? Big Brother Song, what condition do you need?” 耶律南仙眉头一皱:“我求宋大哥,关你什么事?宋大哥,你需要什么条件么?” Song Qingshu has not replied with enough time, Zhao Min quickly said: Naturally does not hate to feel embarrassed you by the character that Qingshu showed tender affection, but he was not good to open the mouth, when our these his woman naturally must help people overcome their difficulties for him, I looked that Yelyu Miss was not that type uses the temper of man by the beauty, can understand truth.” 宋青书还没来得及答话,赵敏却急忙说道:“以青书怜香惜玉的性格自然是舍不得为难你了,不过他不好开口,我们这些当他女人的自然要替他排忧解难,我看耶律姑娘也不是那种凭借美色利用男人的性子,想必也能理解这其中的道理。” Was clamped the rifle sling to challenge army by her good, Yelu Nanxian did not say anything, has to be cold a face snort/hum: What condition?” 被她夹枪带棒地将了一军,耶律南仙也不好说什么,只好冷着一张脸哼了一声:“什么条件?” The Song Qingshu forced smile said: Actually does not use......” 宋青书苦笑道:“其实不用……” He has not said, two females then stared his one eyes as if by prior agreement, Yelu Nanxian said lightly: Listens to her condition also to might as well.” 他还没说完,两女不约而同回头瞪了他一眼,耶律南仙淡淡地说道:“听听她的条件也无妨。” Zhao Min reveals cunningly smiles, this says: Those who lived in ages sought the counter charge is so big, moreover this time Wei king case involved such in a big way, the senior officials in royal government swept away, before turned over/stood up by the official who Wei king persecuted much with great difficulty, is rousing is planning to retaliate all at once, at this time suddenly said beforehand Yelyu B hard was the person pretends, advanced not to hear all responsibility for an offense human, you thought that their meeting did believe?” 赵敏露出狡黠一笑,这才开口说道:“历朝历代谋逆的罪名何等之大,而且这次魏王一案牵扯这么大,朝廷里的高官可谓是一扫而空,之前不少受魏王迫害的官员好不容易翻身,正鼓着一股气打算报复,这时突然说之前的耶律乙辛是人假冒的,将所有的罪责都推到一个从没听说过的人身上,你觉得他们会信么?” Evidence is solid, why they do not believe!” Yelu Nanxian said this saying time is actually very also afraid, she is going to Capital City to live so many years, naturally is also clear about certain rules, perhaps some people will not let up the opportunity of hitting a person when he is down, especially some always with the political opponent who the father does not cope with. “证据确凿,他们为何不信!”耶律南仙说这话的时候其实也很心虚,她在上京城生活这么多年,自然也是清楚某些规则,恐怕有些人并不会放过落井下石的机会,特别是一些向来与父亲不对付的政敌。 Yes, Qingshu turns into the emperor now, but places high, receiving all parties impedes is also bigger, must follow the game rule conduct, the person who violates the game rule, will often make a false counter-accusation by the rule, Qingshu just replaces the Yelü Hongji position let alone now, originally is the situation of being in serious danger, if for you to your father over, will perhaps instead beset with a crisis in the middle of enormous.” Zhao Min analyzes. “是,青书如今是变成了皇帝,可是身处高位,受到各方掣肘也就越大,必须遵循游戏规则行事,违反游戏规则的人,往往就会被规则反噬,更何况如今青书刚代替耶律洪基的位置,本来就是危如累卵的局势,如果为了你强给你爹出头,恐怕反而会将自己陷入极大危机当中。”赵敏分析起来。 Yelu Nanxian hears the delicate eyebrows to be tight: What condition do you actually want to make me accept?” 耶律南仙听得秀眉紧蹙:“你到底想让我答应什么条件?” „Very simple,” Zhao Min shows a faint smile, present Qingshu saves the lives of your clansman the reason that needs an entire country unable to oppose, but you are that reason.” “很简单,”赵敏微微一笑,“如今青书保全你们族人的性命需要一个全国上下无法反对的理由,而你就是那个理由。” I?” Yelu Nanxian looks the color of doubts, but the quick facial expression changes, this period of time she also knows that in Capital City what happened, oneself clansman was only detained is punished , because the royal government by her is the reason of Xixia would-be crown prince imperial concubine, Zhao Min mentions here now, obviously lets the responsibility that she continues to carry out marries. “我?”耶律南仙面露疑惑之色,不过很快神情一变,这段时间她也知道京城里发生了什么事情,自己族人之所以只被圈禁并没有被治罪,就是因为朝廷以她是西夏准太子妃的缘故,赵敏如今提到这里,显然是让她继续履行联姻的职责。 Notices her facial expression to change, the Zhao Min corners of the mouth rise slightly: Yelyu miss is really a smart person, understands that what quickly the condition was?” 注意到她神情变化,赵敏嘴角微微上扬:“耶律姑娘果然是聪明人,这么快就明白条件是什么了?” Yelu Nanxian fell into silent, Song Qingshu first replied: „It is not good, this condition I do not comply.” 耶律南仙陷入了沉默,宋青书却抢先答道:“不行,这条件我不答应。” The Zhao Min faint smile looked at his one eyes: „Are you do not give up?” 赵敏似笑非笑地看了他一眼:“你是舍不得么?” The Song Qingshu breath obstructs, ill-humoredly snort/hum: I naturally do not give up.” 宋青书呼吸一窒,没好气地哼了一声:“我自然舍不得。” Heard his words, Yelu Nanxian looks up his one eyes, before the cold as ice and frost cheeks exuded bright red slightly. 听到他的话,耶律南仙不禁抬头看了他一眼,之前冷若冰霜的脸颊微微泛起了一丝嫣红。 You like this because of children personal relationships influence proper business?” Zhao Min sneers, „before , we to preserve her clansman, can only shut the mouth of whole body of ministers with the excuse of marrying, so long as she now makes an appearance, marrying Xixia is imperative, only if she lives for a lifetime in the darkness, but can you shoulder the pressure of whole body of ministers when the time comes?” “难道你就这样因为儿女私情影响正事么?”赵敏冷笑一声,“之前我们为了保住她的族人,只能以联姻的借口堵住群臣的嘴,她如今只要一露面,联姻西夏势在必行,除非她一辈子活在黑暗里,可是你到时候能扛得住群臣的压力么?” Cannot shoulder to go to faraway places at the worst, only Liao Empire emperor, I have not paid attention.” Song Qingshu cold snort/hum, went to and other man by own woman marries, this matter he may be unable to endure, others Wu Sangui can clash a crown anger is a young person, couldn't oneself have compared Wu Sangui? “扛不住大不了远走高飞,区区一个辽国的皇帝,我还没放在眼里。”宋青书冷哼了一声,让自己女人去和别的男人联姻,这种事他可忍不了,人家吴三桂都能冲冠一怒为红颜,难道自己还比不上一个吴三桂 I know that you are worried about anything,” on the Zhao Min face always a wisdom bead in the expression of grasping, feels relieved, will not really make your young sweetheart serve other men, is only nominal marrying.” “我知道你在担心什么,”赵敏脸上总是一副那么智珠在握的表情,“放心,不会真的让你的小情人去侍奉其他男人的,只是名义上的联姻而已。” Song Qingshu said ill-humoredly: Xixia was the country of oppressor, the royal family members is the lascivious that becomes famous was usually more lascivious, Nanxian (southern Immortal) was so also attractive, which man will only satisfy marries in name?” 宋青书没好气地说道:“西夏素来是虎狼之国,皇室成员更是出了名的贪花好色,南仙又这么漂亮,哪个男人会只满足于名义上联姻?” Hears Song Qingshu to maintain itself everywhere, Yelu Nanxian an ice-cold heart had faint trace warm feeling this period of time finally. 听到宋青书处处维护自己,耶律南仙这段时间冰冷的一颗心终于有了一丝丝暖意。 Makes her marry is not certainly good, if you, when delivers to marry the great general khaki cloth?” Zhao Min ponders visits two people. “让她一个人嫁过去当然不行,不过如果你当送嫁大将军呢?”赵敏玩味地看着两人。 Delivers to marry the Great General?” By Song Qingshu and Yelu Nanxian intelligence quotient, naturally cannot think that Zhao Min this act shames two people intentionally, but starts the profound meaning that thinks deeply about does this. “送嫁大将军?”以宋青书耶律南仙的智商,自然不会认为赵敏此举是故意羞辱二人,而是开始思索这样做的深意。 The plan that Zhao Min has not kept guessing obviously, said directly: Has you to escort personally, by your martial arts ability and wisdom, naturally has the means to protect her is not encroached ; Simultaneously this is also a turning point that controls Xixia, how does certainly specifically, but also needs to prepare slowly, but in the method of your maneuvering among groups various nations, is not the difficult matter.” 赵敏显然也没有卖关子的打算,直接说道:“有你亲自护送,以你的武功才智,自然有办法保护她不被侵犯;同时这也是一个控制西夏的契机,当然具体怎么做,还需要慢慢筹划,不过以你纵横捭阖列国的手段,想必不是什么难事。” Has Yelu Nanxian on the scene, she has not explained the matter of clear and gold/metal two countries, but the meaning is very obvious. 耶律南仙在场,她并没有道明清、金两国的事情,不过意思已经很明显了。 „It is not good, this is extremely risky, moreover harms to the Nanxian (southern Immortal) clear reputation.” Song Qingshu thought deeply about a while, although thinks Xiang Shaolong delivers to Wei Guo to marry Princess Zhao Guo, finally is also successful the story that she has, but lives after all is not the novel, finally shook the head the rejection. “不行,这样太过冒险,而且对南仙的清誉有损。”宋青书思索了一会儿,尽管想到了项少龙将赵国公主送到魏国联姻,最后又成功将她带回来的故事,但生活毕竟不是小说,最终还是摇头拒绝了。 Zhao Min knows that he is very difficult to agree, no longer responds him simply, but looks directly to nearby Yelu Nanxian: Yelyu the miss, marries Xixia to wash clean the most good opportunity of charge for your father, after all Xixia is impossible to accept a stratagem to rebel feudal official's daughter to be crown prince imperial concubine, like this to let you have the qualifications of marrying, Qingshu can take the opportunity to clear your father's charge when the time comes justifiablily, such, even if in the royal government has the minister not to believe that but in the face of the national principle of righteousness, without whom will still oppose.” 赵敏知道他很难同意,索性不再搭理他,而是直接望向一旁的耶律南仙:“耶律姑娘,联姻西夏是替你父亲洗清罪名的最好机会,毕竟西夏也不可能接受一个谋逆叛臣之女当太子妃,这样为了让你有联姻的资格,青书到时候就可以借机名正言顺洗清你爹的罪名,那样就算朝廷里有大臣不信,但在国家大义面前,也没谁会反对。” A Song Qingshu brow wrinkle: Minmin......” 宋青书眉头一皱:“敏敏……” At this time Yelu Nanxian said suddenly: Good, I comply!” 这时候耶律南仙却忽然说道:“好,我答应!” ---- ---- 4 : 00 am catch the airplane, attend vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered the annual meeting to Beijing, see a group of big god, compared with Alexander. 今天一早四点起来赶飞机,到北京参加纵横年会,见到一大群大神,比较亚历山大。 Tomorrow evening the formal annual meeting, will look for several idols to take a group photo when the time comes, cannot bear remember university that little while to read the scene of their novel 明天晚上正式年会,到时候找几个偶像合张影,忍不住想起了大学那会儿读他们小说的场景
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