FSM :: Volume #16

#1581: Called the elder sister!

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Song Qingshu just listened to her tone change to know wonderfully, the previous generation does not watch so many soap operas let alone, the nature had guarded to the dog blood plot, puts out a hand to grip the long sword of opposite party again, not, because negligent wound in her subordinate. 宋青书刚刚听她的语气变化就知道不妙,更何况前世看了那么多电视剧,自然对一些狗血情节有所防范,伸手再次夹住了对方的长剑,并没有因为大意伤在她手下。 „The Nanxian (southern Immortal) younger sister, you really misunderstood.” Song Qingshu was worried that she cannot look on the bright side of thing for a while, answered fast, your father was not I kills.” 南仙妹子,你真误会了。”宋青书担心她一时想不开,快速解释道,“你爹并不是我杀的。” Yelu Nanxian was also startled to sober at this time from just that demon, realized that this matter filled the fishy: Good, I listen to you to explain.” 耶律南仙这时也从刚刚那种魔怔中清醒过来,意识到这件事充满了蹊跷:“好,我听你解释。” „Can you first put down the sword, a time of this also less than tea, you punctured my two swords continuously.” The Song Qingshu vision falls above the long sword, somewhat said reluctantly. “你能不能把剑先放下,这还不到一盏茶的功夫,你就连续刺我两剑了。”宋青书目光落在长剑之上,有些无奈地说道。 Yelu Nanxian complexion slightly red, somewhat loosened the hand awkwardly, Song Qingshu placed the one side the long sword, just now started to explain: That of dying is not your father, but is a person named Murong Jingyue.” 耶律南仙脸色微红,有些尴尬地松开了手,宋青书将长剑放在一旁,方才开始解释起来:“死的那个并非你爹,而是一个叫慕容景岳的人。” Murong Jingyue?” Yelu Nanxian is confused, this name she listens not to listen, looks at the opposite party at a loss. 慕容景岳?”耶律南仙一头雾水,这名字她听都没听过,不禁茫然地看着对方。 Song Qingshu then and origin with Zhao Min Bing Xue'er roughly said with Murong Jingyue, then said: On that day he was stolen by Xue Yiren, finally got the opposite party to arrive at a remote yard, suddenly stuck out suddenly the launching an attack severe wound Xue Yiren, self-satisfied under says inadvertently, we discovered his status, if you did not believe that can have a look at his corpse, I made one preserve specially.” 宋青书这才将慕容景岳与自己以及和赵敏冰雪儿之间的渊源大致说了一遍,然后接着说道:“那一日他被薛衣人劫走,最后领着对方到了一个偏僻的小院,忽然暴起发难重伤了薛衣人,志得意满之下说漏了嘴,我们才发现了他的身份,你若是不信的话,可以去看看他的尸体,我特意让人保存了下来。” This...... this somewhat is really unthinkable,” Yelu Nanxian retrocedes several steps, muttered, in this world really can pretend to be another person, lets ability that his family member could not distinguish?” “这……这实在有些匪夷所思,”耶律南仙后退几步,喃喃自语道,“这世上真能冒充另外一个人,让他的亲人都分辨不出来的本领么?” Song Qingshu knows that she very finds it hard to believe that but he is prepared early: Although is listening very unreliably imaginary, but in this world really has this disguise technique, does not believe you to look......” 宋青书知道她很难相信,不过他早有准备:“虽然听着挺玄幻,但这世上真有这种易容术的,不信你看……” Yelu Nanxian raised the head, the stunned discovery presents Yelü Hongji at present suddenly, has a scare: Unenlightened ruler!” The subconsciousness wants to look for the sword, quickly frightens Song Qingshu to explain: „The Nanxian (southern Immortal) younger sister, should not be excited, is I.” 耶律南仙一抬头,愕然发现眼前忽然出现了耶律洪基,不禁吓了一大跳:“昏君!”下意识想去找剑,吓得宋青书急忙解释道:“南仙妹子,别激动,是我。” Hears the familiar sound, Yelu Nanxian then erratically said surprisedly: Song...... Big Brother Song?” 听到熟悉的声音,耶律南仙这才惊疑不定地说道:“宋……宋大哥?” At this time Zhao Min also trampled a Song Qingshu foot, quite shuts out said: Picks off this ghost mask, otherwise with you of this appearance in a bedding, is really strange.” 此时赵敏也踹了宋青书一脚,颇为嫌弃地说道:“把这鬼面具拿掉,不然和这个样子的你在一个被窝里,实在是怪怪的。” Song Qingshu smiles bitterly, quickly took down the mask, revealed the original facial features. 宋青书苦笑一声,急忙取下了面具,露出了本来的面容。 „In the world really has so mysterious disguise technique!” Yelu Nanxian is surprised, steps onto to come with his hand in mask to study, where that present true Yelü Hongji.” “世上真有如此神奇的易容术!”耶律南仙惊奇无比,走上前来拿过他手中的面具研究起来,“那现在真正的耶律洪基到哪里去了。” Naturally died,” Song Qingshu continued to add, Murong Jingyue attempts really in a big way, these year of sides gathered generations of one big pile of wild ambition, their elimination emperor wing , before for example various temporary palaces deploy Yelu Qi, southern institute Great King Xiao Feng, northern mansion prime minister desolate Pidi one by one wait/etc, when the emperor really becomes the loner, naturally is the opportunity of his usurping the throne, but has not thought that was given tribulation reckless Eryi by me.” “自然是死了,”宋青书顿了顿继续补充道,“慕容景岳所图甚大,这些年身边聚集了一大堆狼子野心之辈,他们逐一剪除皇帝身边的羽翼,比如之前的诸行宫都部署耶律齐、南院大王萧峰、北府宰相萧匹敌等等,待皇帝真的成为孤家寡人之际,自然就是他篡位之机,只不过没想到被我给劫了胡而已。” Died......” Yelu Nanxian to stand there somewhat absent-minded, after all today's matter information content is too big, she somewhat did not digest suddenly. “死了……”耶律南仙站在那里有些失神,毕竟今天的事情信息量太大,她一时间也有些消化不了。 You can think carefully, in the two years your father became somewhat is whether different from before?” Song Qingshu starts to guide her to accept this fact slowly. “你可以仔细想一想,这两年来你父亲是否变得跟以前有些不一样?”宋青书开始引导她慢慢接受这个事实。 This......” Yelu Nanxian was silent immediately, in the two years she detected certainly father's change, but she only thinks that was the power promotion affected his disposition, now knew that was easy to accommodate the incident, again careful taste beforehand matter, indeed questionable point quite a lot. “这……”耶律南仙顿时沉默了,这两年她当然察觉到了父亲的变化,不过她只以为是权力提升影响了他的心性,现在得知易容一事,再细细品味之前的事情,的确疑点颇多。 Still remembers Yangzhou that time, he to escape does work as shield with you?” Song Qingshu continues to remind, that time reconciled the opposite party indirectly, as well as a night of later close contact. “还记得扬州那次,他为了逃命拿你当挡箭牌么?”宋青书继续提醒道,那次可谓是间接撮合了对方和自己,以及之后亲密接触的一夜。 Yelu Nanxian also with him thinks obviously went together, the vision does not touch the same place quickly to put aside carefully panic-strickenly, but thinks quickly oneself were treated as the matter of shield by the father, the complexion some are unattractive immediately, after that time, father and daughter two, although the surface has nothing, but had the deep barrier unknowingly. 耶律南仙显然也和他想到一块儿去了,目光不小心碰触到一起急忙心慌意乱地移开,不过很快想到自己被父亲当做挡箭牌的事情,脸色顿时有些不好看起来,从那次之后,父女两虽然表面没什么,但不知不觉产生了深深的隔阂。 You were referred to the marriage to Crown Prince Xixia (Western Xia) perhaps are that later matter,” this time nearby Zhao Min also opened the mouth, Murong Jingyue disguise technique is good, after all is pretends, is very difficult to deceive the side most intimate person, in addition the matter of Yangzhou makes you be wary, therefore hurried marries other country you.” “你被指婚给西夏太子恐怕就是那之后的事情吧,”这时一旁的赵敏也开口了,“慕容景岳易容术再好,毕竟是假冒的,很难骗过身边最亲近的人,再加上扬州发生的事情让你心生疑虑,所以急忙将你远嫁他国。” Your Elder Brother was killed a case,” Song Qingshu added that I pulled and read the dossier to add on Murong Jingyue some confession hand/subordinate recently again, initially killed his person perhaps is Murong Jingyue, the family member who first can remove familiar your father, secondly can shift blame Yelu Qi, Xiao Banhe, said that was because heard the matter that two people plotted a rebellion to eliminate a potential informant.” “还有你哥哥被杀一案,”宋青书补充道,“我最近调阅卷宗再加上慕容景岳一些手下的供词,当初杀他的人恐怕就是慕容景岳,一来可以除掉熟悉你爹的亲人,二来可以嫁祸耶律齐萧半和,说是因为听到两人谋反的事情才被灭口的。” The Yelu Nanxian complexion becomes incomparably pale, actually this period of time she has been killed a case in Brother Cha, checked many things, but she simply has not thought in that direction, now knows the truth suddenly, cannot help but felt like a knife twisting in the heart. 耶律南仙面色变得无比苍白,其实这段时间她一直在查哥哥被杀一案,也查到了不少东西,不过她根本没有往那方向想,如今骤然得知事实真相,不由得心如刀割。 That...... that my true father?” Yelu Nanxian remembers a key question suddenly, in the raising the head eye of completely hopes. “那……那我真正的爹呢?”耶律南仙忽然想起一个关键问题,抬起头来眼中尽是期冀。 In the Song Qingshu heart does not endure, knows that she is hoping the miracle happened, but Murong Jingyue disguised as Yelu Yixin to cut his facial skin to treat as the mask, naturally could not live. 宋青书心中不忍,知道她期盼着奇迹发生,不过慕容景岳假扮耶律乙辛就是割下了他的脸皮当做面具,自然是活不成了。 Your father...... had passed away.” Song Qingshu has not told her the matter of person skin mask, such was also too cruel. “你爹……已经过世了。”宋青书并没有将人皮面具的事情告诉她,那样也太残忍了。 Father ~ in heart faint is prepared, but obtains this result to make Yelu Nanxian die by heartbreak, now Elder Brother died, the father also died, the family is also in the destruction momentarily the edge, her whole person has the feeling of grief. “爹~”心中隐隐已有了准备,可是得到这个结果还是让耶律南仙伤心欲绝,如今哥哥死了,父亲也死了,家族也随时处于覆灭的边缘,她整个人有种哀莫大于心死的感觉。 Restraining your grief and accommodating change, Nanxian (southern Immortal)......” Song Qingshu also knows that at this time said anything is pale and weak, but comforts always to compare not to comfort. “节哀顺变,南仙……”宋青书也知道这时候说什么都苍白无力,不过安慰总比不安慰好。 Nearby Zhao Min tone said strangely: Yelyu miss should not be extremely sad, Song Qingshu is at least accompanying you.” 一旁的赵敏语气古怪地说道:“耶律姑娘也不要太过伤心,至少还有宋青书陪着你呢。” Such remarks really drawing of Yelu Nanxian from the condition of dying by heartbreak, stared at Zhao Min ruthlessly: Never expected that in the ordinary day has keen eyesight in withstand/top Princess Shaomin, now actually snatches others' man in the imperial palace.” 此话一出果然将耶律南仙从伤心欲绝的状态中拉了出来,狠狠地盯了赵敏一眼:“没想到平日里眼高于顶的绍敏郡主,如今却在皇宫里抢别人的男人。” Zhao Min is also depressed, this matter is her heart knot, especially thinks that in the future and Zhou Zhiruo will meet, perhaps will probably have her one taunt, but she, although will be somewhat afraid, but usually was the competitive temper, withstood/top directly: You manage me, does not snatch your man.” 赵敏也是郁闷,这件事可谓是她的一个心结,特别是想到将来和周芷若见面,恐怕少不得她一顿冷嘲热讽,不过她虽然有些心虚,但素来是不服输的性子,直接顶了回去:“你管我,又不是抢你的男人。” Because Yelu Nanxian also knows a series of sad news, the mood cannot be withstanding agitated, her such a exciting, the head one blurted out hotly: Who said that is not my man, Qingshu, Yangzhou have we private decided lifelong?” 耶律南仙也因为得知一连串噩耗,心情正烦躁不堪,被她这么一刺激,不禁脑袋一热脱口而出:“谁说不是我的男人,青书,扬州我们是不是已经私定终身了?” „...... This......” Song Qingshu is a parade is also big, although the beautiful woman will depart initially next morning floating, but he does to be responsible, therefore has to reply afraid, I will be responsible for you.” “呃……这个……”宋青书也是一阵头大,尽管当初佳人第二天一早就飘然离去,但他做了事还是要负责的,于是只好心虚地答道,“我会对你负责的。” The Yelu Nanxian provocation looked at Zhao Min one: Hears not to have, I first cross the threshold, call the elder sister!” 耶律南仙挑衅地看了赵敏一眼:“听到没有,我先入门,叫姐姐!” Zhao Min: „......” 赵敏:“……” Song Qingshu: „......” 宋青书:“……”
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