FSM :: Volume #16

#1580: Charming angry princess

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In room the ray of red candle and palace lantern originally already enough bright, but this flash is actually overshadowed under the sword light, the bright as snow sword light is flooding the entire room, as if in the room raises bright moonlight. 房中红烛、宫灯的光芒本来已经足够明亮,不过这一瞬间却在剑光下黯然失色,雪亮的剑光充斥着整间屋子,仿佛屋中升起一轮明月般。 Before the Murong Jingyue divine blade cut to intend also to present a blade light of full moon, but that full moon monster different and ice-cold, is full of the aura of death and destruction, this bright moonlight was much more gently beautiful, was pure white and quiet. 之前慕容景岳的神刀斩出手也会出现一轮圆月的刀光,不过那圆月妖异、冰冷,充满着死亡与毁灭的气息,这轮明月却要柔美得多,洁白而静谧。 However in Song Qingshu such expert eyes, actually clearly knows that this bright moonlight is seemingly beautiful, but its ray is representing a murderous intention every inchs, if cultivate/repair to insufficiently, had not likely responded that on ten thousand swords through, after all the moonlight is like the sunlight, shining myriad things, everywhere. 不过在宋青书这样的高手眼中,却清楚地知道这轮明月看似美丽,可它每一寸光芒都代表着一丝杀机,若修为不够,很可能还没反应过来就万剑穿心,毕竟月光与日光一样,照耀万物,无处不在。 Zhao Min also responded at this moment, heaved in sight is completely the white moonlight, could not see clearly anything, when were normal wants to counterattack is unable to start, the idle talk the strategic point is made now, whole body weak condition. 赵敏此刻也反应过来,不过映入眼帘的尽是白茫茫的月光,根本看不清什么,就算正常时想还击也无从下手,更遑论如今要害被制,浑身酥软的状态了。 Her side also has Song Qingshu luckily, although was sneak attacked in the most lax condition, but takes his cultivating as naturally unable by this to be inundated the Sky Sword light to perplex, when is at a crucial moment he lifts a hand clip, gripped the long sword of opposite party exactly right, everywhere moonlight also diverged gradually, revealed the complete picture of assassin. 幸好她身旁还有宋青书,尽管是在最松懈的状态被偷袭,不过以他的修为自然不会被这漫天剑光难住,千钧一发之际他抬手一夹,分毫不差地夹住了对方的长剑,漫天的月光也渐渐散去,露出了刺客的全貌。 Although an assassin black clothes, but still covers her to select the slender figure difficultly high, on the face wears a mask, but that gem radiant star pupil still demonstrated generally she was a being one in a ten thousand beautiful woman, in the Zhao Min heart one welled up absolutely suddenly grieved, made an effort to pinch a man: Was which because of liking living to hate by the miss who you had thoughtless sex at first and abandonment later?” 尽管刺客一身黑衣,不过依然难掩她高挑修长的身形,脸上蒙着面,可是那宝石一般璀璨的星眸依然显示了她绝对是一位万里挑一的美人儿,赵敏忽然心中一股酸楚涌了上来,使劲掐了一把身上的男人:“又是哪位被你始乱终弃的姑娘因爱生恨了?” Actually comes the temper that she of imperial family is jealous actually not good, but today this special day......, no matter which woman comes across this matter understandingly depressed. 其实出身皇家的她倒不是善妒的性子,可今天这种特殊日子……不管哪个女人碰到这种事都会心中郁闷吧。 Was pinched by her suddenly, the Song Qingshu whole body quickly grasps the meaning of something, has almost not pressed firmly between the fingers the long sword of opposite party, quickly explained: „It is not such that you think, she does not look my......” 被她突然一掐,宋青书浑身一个激灵,差点没捏住对方的长剑,急忙解释道:“不是你想的那样,她不是找我的……” The words have not said, hears that woman surprised uncertain voice: Song Qingshu?” 话还没说完,就听到那女人惊疑不定的声音:“宋青书?” „Hasn't this looked your?” Zhao Min sneers again and again, pulls the quilt to block from own body at the same time. “这还不是找你的?”赵敏冷笑连连,一边扯过被子遮住自己的身子。 Song Qingshu also thought that on the face hurts burningly, looks back that assassin, loosens was clamping the sword, while smiles bitterly was saying: Nanxian (southern Immortal) ~ actually from the beginning he recognized the identity of opposite party, therefore gripped the sword of opposite party actually not to counter-attack, after all Yelu Nanxian Sun Moon Divine Sword had the characteristics, name he gives to take. 宋青书也觉得脸上火辣辣地疼,回过头去看着那刺客,一边松开了夹着的剑,一边苦笑着说道:“南仙~”其实一开始他就认出了对方的身份,所以只是夹住了对方的剑却没有反击,毕竟耶律南仙日月神剑那么有特色,名字都还是他给取的。 However he has not deceived the meaning of Zhao Min, after all words that shouted from Yelu Nanxian a moment ago, she should look for the Yelü Hongji report father enmity, rather than comes to oneself. 不过他并没有骗赵敏的意思,毕竟从刚才耶律南仙喊的话来看,她应该是找耶律洪基报父仇的,而不是冲着自己来的。 You how here?” The present condition makes Yelu Nanxian somewhat get muddled, the necessity that at this moment she has not worn a mask, takes back the long sword also loosened the black turban on face, revealed the cheek of that peony, but in the forehead were more than several points of thin and pale color the past, this period of time first died the blood elder brother, then the rising father died suddenly, the entire family also got sought the counter charge, the bonus was she was usually strong, facing this sad news one after another also some insisted that continuously. “你怎么在这里?”眼前的状况让耶律南仙有些发蒙,事到如今她也没有蒙面的必要,收回长剑的同时也解下了脸上的黑巾,露出了那张国色天香的脸蛋儿,不过眉宇中却比以往多了几分憔悴之色,这段时间先是死了亲哥哥,接着如日中天的父亲又忽然身亡,整个家族还被打上了谋逆的罪名,饶是她素来坚强,面对这一个接一个的噩耗也有些坚持不住。 „......” Song Qingshu is at a loss for words for a while, does not know how should explain. “呃……”宋青书一时语塞,不知道该如何解释。 Yelü Hongji?” Yelu Nanxian recalled oneself purpose in coming finally, searches high and low. 耶律洪基呢?”耶律南仙终于记起了自己来意,四处寻找起来。 He...... he not.” Song Qingshu said awkwardly. “他……他不在。”宋青书尴尬地说道。 Not in?” A Yelu Nanxian face doubt, this time enters the determination that the palace assassinates her to hold must die, to revenge for the father, she makes fully the preparation, her father once authority leaned the government and people after all, she also worked as such long princess, therefore always had the channel to check the useful news. “不在?”耶律南仙一脸狐疑,这次入宫行刺她可谓是抱着必死的决心来的,为了替父亲报仇,她可谓是做足了准备,她父亲毕竟曾权倾朝野,她也当了这么久的郡主,所以总有渠道查到有用的消息。 Today she is obtains the precise information, the emperor stays overnight in this resting palace, therefore wins to catch up, finally actually discovery not in? 今天她就是得到确切的消息,皇帝就在这寝宫之中留宿,所以才志在必得地赶来,结果却发现不在? She cannot believe the information that oneself must come with great difficulty is wrong, the instinct starts to inspect everywhere, suddenly her look concentrates, because she saw imperial robe that scatters on the ground! 她不敢相信自己好不容易得来的情报是错误的,本能地开始四处巡视起来,忽然她眼神一凝,因为她看到了散落在地上的龙袍! Imperial robe here, proves Yelü Hongji certainly in the nearby!” Yelu Nanxian quickly looks around gets up, she has not suspected Song Qingshu, after all changed/easy appearance/allow pretends to be emperor matter rather extremely to exceed the imagination of this world person. “龙袍在这里,证明耶律洪基一定就在附近!”耶律南仙急忙四处搜寻起来,她倒没有怀疑宋青书,毕竟易容冒充皇帝这事未免太过超出这个世界人的想象。 Song Qingshu shrugs to Zhao Min reluctantly, Zhao Min has actually turned head directly, obviously this sudden frightening stimulating, in the heart was full of the complaint to him. 宋青书赵敏无奈地耸耸肩,赵敏却直接扭过头去,显然被这突然的“惊吓”给刺激到了,心中正对他充满了怨念。 How to find? Dog emperor actually where.” Yelu Nanxian searches for chaotically, while muttered, the mind somewhat was absent-minded, after all this was she paid all strikes, must be defeated shortly, how she can not be anxious. “怎么会找不到呢?狗皇帝究竟在哪里。”耶律南仙一边翻箱倒柜地搜寻,一边喃喃自语,心神都有些恍惚起来,毕竟这是她付出一切的一击,如今眼看就要失败了,她如何能不急。 Song Qingshu opens mouth, does not know how to tell her, Yelu Nanxian responded suddenly, comes back to stare to stare at him: Big Brother Song, why were you in the resting palace of emperor, you will hide the dog emperor?” 宋青书张了张嘴,不知道如何跟她说,耶律南仙忽然间反应过来,回过头来直勾勾盯着他:“宋大哥,你为什么会在皇帝的寝宫,是不是你把狗皇帝藏起来了?” Song Qingshu has not said anything, nearby Zhao Min actually first opened the mouth taking pleasure in others' misfortunes: Silly miss, is not clear, the dog emperor who you must look for is close at hand in the horizon.” 宋青书还没说什么,一旁的赵敏却幸灾乐祸地抢先开口了:“傻姑娘,还不清楚么,你要找的狗皇帝远在天边近在眼前啦。” Looks appearance that she anxious to stir up trouble, Song Qingshu depressed, knows that she is because was frightened at crucial moments, therefore vented on oneself. 看着她唯恐天下不乱的样子,宋青书郁闷不已,知道她是因为在关键时刻受到惊吓,所以把气撒到了自己身上。 Princess Shaomin?” Before Yelu Nanxian, bumps into the situation in room, because sees Song Qingshu, therefore the instinct evades to look at the woman in bedding, until now the opposite party voices she to recognize the opposite party. Two females with are the princess, moreover frequently the walk Central Plain, has naturally met mutually. 绍敏郡主?”耶律南仙之前撞见屋中的情形,因为看到宋青书,所以本能地逃避去看被窝中的女人,直到现在对方发声她才认出了对方。两女同为郡主,而且经常行走中原,自然是相互见过面的。 Yelu Nanxian has a look at Zhao Min, has a look at Song Qingshu, some expressions said inexplicably: Two are situated however goes into the emperor resting palace to steal......, does not know that should acclaim two good interest, admires two bold.” 耶律南仙看看赵敏,又看看宋青书,不禁有些语气莫名地说道:“两位居然跑到皇帝寝宫来偷……咳咳,不知道该赞叹两位的好兴致呢,还是佩服两位的胆大包天。” Notices the opposite party look to stare at itself, Zhao Min complexion one red, somewhat drew the quilt afraid, blocked from just revealed outside fragrant shoulder: You look at me to do, do not look for the dog emperor , he.” 注意到对方眼神盯着自己,赵敏不禁脸色一红,有些心虚地拉了拉被子,遮住刚刚露在外面的香肩:“你看我干什么,你不是要找狗皇帝么,喏,他就是啊。” He?” Noticed Zhao Min to Song Qingshu pouting, Yelu Nanxian was first startled, but her skill intelligent generation, thinks the information that oneself obtained, in addition scattered place the yellow robe, finally understands Zhao Min that in the horizon was close at hand the meaning. “他?”注意到赵敏宋青书呶了呶嘴,耶律南仙先是一怔,不过她本事聪明之辈,想到自己得到的情报,再加上散落一地的黄袍,终于明白了赵敏那句“远在天边近在眼前”的意思。 „Are you Yelü Hongji?” In the Yelu Nanxian hand the sword lifts to point at Song Qingshu, the sound is somewhat trembling, at this moment her mind a blank piece, was unable to revolve completely normally. “你是耶律洪基?”耶律南仙手中剑重新抬起来指着宋青书,声音都有些发抖,此刻她的脑海早已空白一片,完全不能正常运转了。 At this moment, the necessity that Song Qingshu has not hidden the truth from, he has been sending people to search the Yelu Nanxian whereabouts let alone this period of time: „, Before naturally was not, but this period of time Yelü Hongji indeed was I.” 事到如今,宋青书也没有瞒下去的必要了,更何况这段时间他一直在派人查找耶律南仙的下落:“呃,以前自然不是,不过这段时间耶律洪基的确是我。” My father is you kills?” The Yelu Nanxian sound is suddenly low and deep, as if thought aloud when the sleep talking generally, this time enters the palace to assassinate me to think to die, therefore just before leaving wants to see you finally one side, what a pity I arrived at your beforehand dwelling unable to find you, even waited for your three days there, you have not come back, I know that I cannot wait again, then enters the palace to assassinate tonight, has not thought the result was this...... the father enmity must report unexpectedly!” “那我爹是你杀的了?”耶律南仙声音忽然低沉起来,仿佛在梦呓一般自言自语,“这次入宫行刺我本以为必死,所以临行之际想见你最后一面,可惜我到了你之前的住处怎么也找不到你,甚至在那里等了你三天,你也没有回来,我知道我不能再等下去了,便今晚入宫行刺,可没想到事情结果居然是这样……父仇不能不报!” Her voice filled decidedly, a sword punctured suddenly toward Song Qingshu on quickly. 她声音忽然充满决然,倏地一剑往宋青书身上刺了过去。
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