FSM :: Volume #16

#1579: The unenlightened rulers suffer to death

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Zhao Min actually does not know that this delicate fear the appearance is attractive, stirred up the Song Qingshu quick bulge to explode, the whole person just like the fierce tiger to be common, was red the eye to throw. 赵敏却不知这种柔弱害怕的模样最是诱人,惹得宋青书都快胀得爆炸了,整个人犹如猛虎一般,红着眼睛扑了上去。 Which you made to love me......” Zhao Min also to have in the half a point to be usually high-spirited at this time, lady that the frail Jiangnan front door two did not step likely was ordinary. “你弄疼我了……”赵敏此时哪还有平日里半分意气风发,娇怯怯像个江南大门不出二门不迈的大家闺秀一般。 Looks at her brow tight pressed appearance, the Song Qingshu low head somewhat hoarse said: Relax, without is so sore, quick was good.” 看着她眉头紧蹙的模样,宋青书低下脑袋有些嘶哑地说道:“放心,没那么疼的,很快就好了。” Zhao Min bites the red lip to stare at him bitterly: Our Song eldest son flowering shrubs, this aspect experienced certainly vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered richly!” 赵敏咬着红唇恨恨地盯着他:“我们的宋大公子纵横花丛,这方面当然经验丰富了!” Song Qingshu smiles embarrasedly, knows that concerns in the young girl life the most important time, she usually is unavoidably more sensitive, should better not to explain anything at this time, so as to avoid more traces is blacker. 宋青书讪讪一笑,知道关乎少女一生中最重要的时刻,她难免比平时里更敏感些,此时最好不要解释什么,免得越描越黑。 Looks at his awkward appearance, Zhao Min gets more mad, raised the head directly bit one on his shoulder ruthlessly. 看着他尴尬的模样,赵敏越想越气,直接抬起头狠狠地在他肩上咬了一口。 „Ah!” Song Qingshu eats the pain, the subconscious body sinks. “啊!”宋青书吃痛,下意识身体一沉。 „Ah!” is one's turn Zhao Min to call out in alarm one, saw only her tears to come out, is patting the chest of man while cried saying that your bastard deceived me, who did not say sorely!” “啊!”这下轮到赵敏惊呼一声,只见她眼泪都出来了,一边拍着身上男人的胸膛一边哭着说,“你个混蛋骗我,谁说不疼的!” Quick was good.” Song Qingshu at this time in the eye actually is completely the happy expression, the beautiful woman who looks at the pear flower belt/bring rain, his chest cavity fills by the huge happy feeling and conquering feeling, in the past just passed through to this world, he by Princess Shaomin tender and beautiful unparalleled attracts, but he was in a precarious state at that time, pours also has no time to think other. “很快就好了。”宋青书此时眼中却尽是笑意,看着梨花带雨的佳人,他胸腔被巨大的幸福感与征服感所充满,当年刚穿越到这个世界,他就被绍敏郡主的娇艳无双所吸引,只不过那时他朝不保夕,倒也无暇想其他。 That time Zhao Min kept aloof, will never go down in the world to pay attention to muddy land in him? Perhaps remembers him, mainly because of the Zhou Zhiruo reason. 那时的赵敏高高在上,何尝将落魄到泥地里的他放在眼里?恐怕之所以记得他,主要还是因为周芷若的缘故吧。 But never expected that in several years, oneself made her be willing to lie down under oneself, held her completely...... 可是没想到短短几年,自己却让她心甘情愿躺在自己身下,完完全全占有了她…… You are smiling anything, now in the brain has not definitely settled what good intention to think!” Zhao Min ate the pain, suddenly sees the expression of man, air/Qi ruthlessly puts out a hand to pinch in his waist. “你在笑什么,现在脑子里肯定没安什么好心思!”赵敏本就吃痛,忽然间看到身上男人的表情,气得伸手狠狠地在他腰间掐一把。 I in want in the Lion Slaying Ceremony scene, the past princess to be brilliant initially, I actually am the meridians completely break, moreover was spurned by the world person, perhaps the princess does not have to see my one eyes.” Song Qingshu has not hidden the truth from her, wants to say the heart. “我在想当初在屠狮大会的场景,当年的郡主光彩照人,我却是经脉尽断,而且被天下人唾弃,郡主恐怕都没正眼看过我一眼。”宋青书并没有瞒她,将心中所想说了出来。 Zhao Min is intelligent, guessed correctly instantaneously his mood at this moment, cannot help but stared his one eyes bitterly: In the past discovered that you looked my look harbors evil intentions, now finally must recompense to hope, is very self-satisfied?” Thinks that the past situation, Zhao Min still remembers vaguely by the vision of his burning hot is staring whole body not comfortable feeling, has not thought less than several years, present lie with him on a bed unexpectedly. 赵敏何等聪明,瞬间就猜到他此刻的心情,不由得恨恨地瞪了他一眼:“当年就发现你看我的眼神不怀好意,现在终于得偿所愿了,是不是很得意?”想到当年的情形,赵敏还依稀记得被他炙热的眼光盯着时自己浑身不自在的感觉,没想到没过几年,如今的自己居然和他躺在一张床上。 Naturally was self-satisfied!” The happiness in Song Qingshu not mincing matter heart, dances with joy quickly, but was held by Zhao Min immediately, do not move, pain ~ “当然得意了!”宋青书丝毫不掩饰心中的欣喜之情,都快手舞足蹈起来,不过马上被赵敏抓住,“别动,痛~” You put with ease, quick adapted.” Visits her to hold the tears appearance, Song Qingshu is pitying intent to be big, the hurried gentle voice comforts. “你放轻松,很快就适应了。”看着她噙着眼泪的样子,宋青书怜意大起,急忙柔声安慰起来。 Said easily,” Zhao Min is nipping the red lip, suddenly knits the brows to ask, initially Zhou Zhiruo also responded is so big?” “说得容易,”赵敏咬着红唇,忽然间皱眉问道,“当初周芷若也反应这么大么?” Song Qingshu somewhat is also speechless, this Zhao Min anything wants to struggle with Zhou Zhiruo high, two people seriously are the natural enemies: She responded initially may compared with you mostly.” 宋青书也不禁有些无语,这赵敏什么都想和周芷若争个高下,两人当真是天生的冤家:“她当初反应可比你大多了。” Thought in the past stemming from a misunderstanding, when held Zhou Zhiruo the method was somewhat ignominious, at that time her murder common ice-cold look also had a vivid memory at this moment. 想到当年出于一场误会,所以占有周芷若时手段有些不光彩,当时她那杀人一般的冰冷眼神事到如今都还记忆犹新。 Cannot you think her at this time!” Notices the Song Qingshu look to change, Zhao Min somewhat was immediately discontented. “不许你在这个时候想她!”注意到宋青书神色变化,赵敏顿时有些不满了。 Song Qingshu stunned: Isn't you first raises her?” 宋青书一阵愕然:“不是你先提她的么?” Zhao Min snort/hum: I raise am I raise, cannot you think, especially now at this time.” 赵敏哼了一声:“我提是我提,就是不许你想,特别是现在这个时候。” Sees her righteous appearance, Song Qingshu is speechless, but responded quickly, the woman in any case was the mouth, oneself where lecture she? 看到她理直气壮的样子,宋青书不禁无语,不过很快反应过来,女人横竖都是嘴,自己哪里讲得过她? Sees her self-satisfied appearance, Song Qingshu decided that changes another way to look the gathering place, smiled then the entire body to press. 看到她得意的样子,宋青书决定换另一种方式将场子找回来,嘿嘿一笑便整个身体重新压了上去。 You get out of the way...... aiya...... go out ~ “你走开……哎呀……出去呀~” ...... …… In the room the red candle flashes, was turned the hymen, the attractive small mouth of Zhao Min bright desire drop opens slightly, actually cannot make a sound. 屋中红烛闪动,被翻红浪,赵敏鲜艳欲滴的诱人小嘴微微张开,却发不出一点声音。 Also has not known how long, in the bedding broadcast the Song Qingshu sound: I am familiar with your whole body meridians, then dispels Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill in brain for you.” 也不知过了多久,被窝里传来了宋青书的声音:“我正在熟悉你浑身的经脉,接下来替你祛除脑中的三尸脑神丹。” Does not want,” Zhao Min somewhat replied lazy, at the same time after a scattered in disorder wisp beautiful hair will pull up to the ear, because on the flesh seeped out dense thin perspiration, causing many hair(s) to stick on the face, after she pulled up several powers of exponent the hair pulled up, today do not think matter that these spoiled the fun.” “不要,”赵敏有些慵懒地答道,一边将散乱的一缕秀发撩到耳后,因为肌肤上渗出了一层密密的细汗,导致不少发丝粘在了脸上,她撩了几次方才将头发撩后去,“今天不要想那些煞风景的事。” This......” Song Qingshu hesitation moment, he indeed also needs the body of familiar Zhao Min, just now can have confidence, today indeed does not dispel the poisonous good time, such being the case, that was inferior that we do come again?” “这样啊……”宋青书沉吟片刻,他的确还需要多熟悉一下赵敏的身体,方才能更有把握,今天的确不是祛毒的好时机,“既然如此,那不如我们再来?” Actually initially you and did Zhou Zhiruo come several times?” A Zhao Min charming big eye is staring at him, the eye midwave light circulation, has from was different from the usual character and style. “当初你和周芷若究竟来了几次?”赵敏一双妩媚的大眼睛盯着他,眼中波光流转,已有了与不同于平时的风情。 Song Qingshu extended several fingers before her, the Zhao Min tender and beautiful red lip is big immediately can a stopper egg go in: How possibly, is she an iron man?” 宋青书在她面前伸了几个手指,赵敏娇艳的红唇顿时大得可以塞个鸡蛋进去:“怎么可能,她是铁人么?” At this time she whole body is weak, does not want to move the finger, heard Zhou Zhiruo to insist unexpectedly that many times, how can not surprise? 此时她已经浑身酥软,连手指都不想动一下了,听到周芷若居然坚持了那么多次,怎能不诧异? Song Qingshu complexion one red, pours does not facilitate explanation pass/test key/opening, in the past he was seriously injured, the body is much weaker, where compares favorably with dragon Jinghu to be fierce now, especially cultivated after Joyous Meditation Technique, was the vitality is more consolidated, if he thought that even can a night tighten. 宋青书脸色一红,倒也不方便解释其中的关窍,当年他身受重伤,身子虚弱得厉害,哪比得上如今龙精虎猛,特别是修炼了欢喜禅法过后,更是元气巩固,如果他想的话,甚至可以一夜紧锁。 Initially that night number of times, although were many, but in addition not necessarily compares favorably with now one time, but where this matter his good to explain to Zhao Min? 当初那一夜次数虽多,但加起来未必比得上如今一次,只不过这种事他哪里好向赵敏道明? „Do you deceive me?” Zhao Min looks the color of doubt, after all in her opinion, oneself grow up from small Mongolia, how to say the physique also again compared with Zhou Zhiruo such Jiangnan female many, but she thinks immediately Zhou Zhiruo seemingly cultivated «Nine Yin True Scripture», the internal strength is much higher than her, because possibly this caused two people difference. “你是不是骗我?”赵敏面露狐疑之色,毕竟在她看来,自己从小蒙古长大,再怎么说体质也要比周芷若这样的江南女子好些,不过她马上又想到周芷若貌似修炼了《九阴真经》,内功比她高得多,可能因为这个才导致了两人的差异。 However she is always the competitive temper, bites the lip to look at Song Qingshu one: Again come!” First she does not believe herself to lose to surnamed Zhou, just experienced pain from the beginning, behind that type rises into clouds being in perfect harmony also to make her somewhat anticipate but actually inexplicably. 不过她向来是不服输的性子,咬了咬嘴唇望了宋青书一眼:“再来!”一来她不信自己会输给姓周的,二来么,刚刚经历了一开始的痛楚,后面那种升入云霄般的水乳交融倒也让她有些莫名期待起来。 The beautiful women invited, Song Qingshu where will be polite, in the room resounded gradually let the immortal sound that the will of the people ancient banner god swung. 佳人相邀,宋青书哪里还会客气,屋中渐渐重新响起了让人心旌神摇的仙音。 ...... …… Suddenly the Song Qingshu look concentrates, turn head looks suddenly toward out of the window, a window cuns (2.5 cm) disruption, a shadow rushes, the snow white sword light suppressed the candlelight in room together instantaneously, simultaneously scolds to resound along with one tenderly: Unenlightened ruler suffers to death!” 忽然宋青书眼神一凝,霍然回头往窗外望去,紧接着窗户寸寸碎裂,一道黑影闯了进来,一道雪白的剑光瞬间压制了房中的烛光,同时伴随着一声娇叱响起:“昏君受死!”
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