FSM :: Volume #16

#1578: Competing

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Zhao Min whole body one stiff, the sound somewhat shivers: You do not mean what he says.” 赵敏浑身一僵,声音都有些颤抖:“你这人说话不算话。” Song Qingshu shows a faint smile: I complied only to sleep with you, did not do other, now but does the matter when was the men and women slept can do.” 宋青书微微一笑:“我是答应了只和你睡觉,不干其他,不过现在做的就是男女睡觉时会做的事啊。” You also are really the demon star that I hit.” Zhao Min glances the circulation, charming that among the brow tips reveals almost the Song Qingshu soul not checking off. “你还真是我命中的魔星。”赵敏眼波流转,眉梢间流露出来的妩媚差点没把宋青书的魂给勾去。 Sees her not to lose one's temper, Song Qingshu is even more bold, searched from her front piece directly, has not touched the warm fragrant soft jade in imagination, but another strange touch. 见她没有动怒,宋青书愈发大胆起来,直接从她衣襟中探了进去,并没有触碰到想象中的温香软玉,而是另一种奇怪的触感。 Zhao Min is somewhat awkward, said low voice: Because usually in sways is not being convenient, therefore I used the bunch chest to tie up.” 赵敏有些尴尬,小声说道:“因为平日里摇晃着不方便,所以我用束胸绑了起来。” In the Song Qingshu heart the surprise, thought usually in looks is full enough, finally is tying up the effect of bunch chest? However Zhao Min has not made him curiously too long, sat directly, puts out a hand behind, untied the bunch chest following butterfly knot. 宋青书心中诧异不已,心想平日里看着已经足够饱满了,结果还是绑着束胸的效果?不过赵敏没让他好奇太久,直接坐了起来,伸手到背后,解开了束胸后面的蝴蝶结。 Hiss ~ bonus is Song Qingshu has the preparation, finally is shaken by the mammoth scene at present holds breath cold air. “嘶~”饶是宋青书已有心理准备,结果还是被眼前波澜壮阔的景象震得倒吸一口凉气。 Sees the man shocking appearance, Zhao Min somewhat is self-satisfied: What kind of, is bigger than Zhou Zhiruo?” She is not that coy character, since now had recognized this man, after shyness from the beginning, restores in the ordinary day now gradually the initiative warm temper, naturally must show oneself most beautiful side to the opposite party. 看到男人震惊的模样,赵敏不禁有些得意:“怎么样,比周芷若大吧?”她本来就不是那种扭扭捏捏的性格,如今既然已经认定了这个男人,经过一开始的羞涩,如今渐渐恢复了平日里主动热情的性子,自然要将自己最美的一面展现给对方。 Your how anything matter wants to fight over with her high under.” Song Qingshu does not know whether to laugh or cry immediately. “你怎么什么事都要和她争个高下。”宋青书顿时哭笑不得。 You manage me, said quickly said quickly.” The Zhao Min eye opens the eldest child, in the look is completely anticipates and excited. “你管我,快说快说。”赵敏眼睛睁得老大,眼神中尽是期待与兴奋。 Compared with her greatly.” Song Qingshu was entangled by her does not have the means that can only tell the facts. “是比她大一点。”宋青书被她缠得没办法,只能实话实说。 Greatly?” Zhao Min does not satisfy this reply obviously, the small mouth digs, usually in momentarily wisdom bead in princess of grasping at this time actually as if a little girl who plays the small temper is common. “才大一点?”赵敏显然不满意这个回答,小嘴一撅,平日里随时智珠在握的郡主此时却仿佛一个耍小性子的小女孩一般。 Greatly many lines.” In the Song Qingshu heart deliberately considered secretly, since childhood eats the beef to drink is really well-fed, is far from the Jiangnan females who the sheep's milk grows up may compare, later my child must make her drink the milk to eat the meat since childhood, the body nutrition is sufficient. “大很多行了吧。”宋青书心中暗暗寻思,从小吃牛肉喝羊奶长大的果然营养充足,远非江南女子可比,以后我的孩子也要让她从小喝奶吃肉,身体营养才充足。 Bah bah!” However after he realizes immediately cheaply like this grows up, does not only know that which young bastard, intertwines suddenly. “呸呸呸!”不过他马上意识到这样长大后只会便宜不知道哪个小混蛋,一时间不禁纠结起来。 Snort, this also almost ~ hears this answer, Zhao Min blossoms immediately happily, the eye becomes the crescent moon to be common curved. “哼,这还差不多~”听到这个答案,赵敏顿时乐开了花,眼睛都弯成月牙一般。 Saw that she was so happy for this minor matter, Song Qingshu has to sigh with emotion, no wonder the later generation will have many people to add up to pair of cp Zhao Min Zhou Zhiruo, various types of lily articles are in vogue, these two indeed are the mutual battles, seemingly fought the sentiment to come. 看到她为这点小事都这么高兴,宋青书不得不感慨,难怪后世会有不少人将赵敏周芷若凑成一对cp,各种百合文盛行,这两人的确是互相争斗,貌似都斗出感情来了。 However seemingly has the opportunity really to crowd together them? In the mind appeared to get so far as fluttering flags picture on a bed Zhao Min Zhou Zhiruo, Song Qingshu feels hotly from top to bottom. 不过貌似自己有机会真把她俩凑在一起?脑海中浮现出将赵敏周芷若弄到一张床上的旖旎画面,宋青书感觉浑身上下都热了起来。 What dirty/small error idea in your brain is thinking?” Zhao Min spat one, casts a sidelong glance quietly downward, only thought that on the face burns even more fiercely. “你脑子里又在想什么龌蹉主意?”赵敏啐了一口,悄悄往下瞟了一眼,只觉得脸上烫得愈发厉害。 My brain is you, your very dirty/small error?” Song Qingshu cancels the YY thought that after all Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo as incompatible as fire and water, must realize them together, the ratio ascends to heaven simply also difficultly. “我满脑子都是你啊,你很龌蹉么?”宋青书打消掉YY的念头,毕竟赵敏周芷若水火不容,要实现她俩一起,简直比登天还难。 Repugnant ~ Zhao Min was angry thin angry the tone to make the Song Qingshu whole body bone crisp lightly. “讨厌~”赵敏轻嗔薄怒的语气让宋青书浑身骨头都酥了。 Saw that the opposite party is looking at himself dull, Zhao Min tittered smiles: „Does simpleton, you plan to look at an evening like this? Can come up?” 看到对方呆呆地望着自己,赵敏不禁噗嗤一笑:“呆子,你就打算这样看一晚上么?要不要上来?” On, naturally wants on.” Obtains the beautiful woman to invite, Song Qingshu where can also bear, turned over/stood up to press directly, immediately heated the fragrant soft jade in the bosom, in his brain only had a thought: Quite soft!” “上,当然要上。”得到佳人相邀,宋青书哪里还忍得住,一个翻身直接压了上去,顿时温香软玉在怀,他脑子里只有一个念头:“好软!” The Zhao Min character itself/Ben is lively initiative, but is facing the man burning hot firm oppression, she is shy eventually, is blushing calmly looks at man, as if can hear own heartbeat. 赵敏的性格本就是活泼主动,不过面对着男人炙热阳刚的压迫,她终究还是害羞起来,红着脸静静看着身上的男人,仿佛能听到自己的心跳声。 I must be familiar with on you each flesh, the meridians...... the Song Qingshu sound somewhat dry said every inchs, but had not said that then held down by the Zhao Min finger the lip. “我要熟悉你身上每一处肌肤,每一寸经脉……”宋青书声音有些干涩地说道,不过还没说完便被赵敏手指按住了嘴唇。 Tonight do not discuss matter that therapy......” Zhao Min red clouds ascended double cheek, the sound is more charming than the ordinary day , the subconsciousness swayed from side to side both legs. “今晚不要谈疗伤的事情……”赵敏霞飞双颊,声音比平日里娇媚许多,下意识扭动了一下双腿。 Good!” Knows that her heart knot, Song Qingshu naturally cannot so spoil the fun, convenient, tore her waistband gently, the Zhao Min whole person to peel shell egg seems to be common, under the candlelight casts light upon is glittering a moving ray. “好!”知道她的心结,宋青书自然不会如此大煞风景,顺手轻轻一拉,扯开了她的腰带,赵敏整个人仿佛剥壳的鸡蛋一般,在烛光照映下闪烁着一层动人的光芒。 Reason that because bathed before, on her flesh also has the light mist, and fragrance of rose leaf, the Song Qingshu to praise sighed: Sometimes really sighed that the mystery of creator, unexpectedly can prodigious skill create the so perfect artware. What a pity I will not paint pictures, otherwise must trace to preserve this beautiful scene well.” 因为之前沐浴的缘故,她肌肤上还有淡淡的水雾,以及玫瑰花瓣的芬芳,宋青书赞叹道:“有时候真的感叹造物主的神奇,居然能鬼斧神工创造出如此完美的艺术品。可惜我不会画画,不然一定要将这幅美景临摹下来好好保存。” Does not want,” Zhao Min had a scare, what to do was seen by others by some chance!” Although she bold warm, but also is only the people in relative this world, was well below that the later generation men and women open like that. “才不要,”赵敏被吓了一跳,“万一被别人看到了怎么办!”她虽然大胆热情,但也只是相对这个世界的人来说,远远不如后世男女那般开放。 This really has the possibility.” Thinks that later generation YZM does several, when the red star brings ruin and shame upon oneself, Song Qingshu does not want other to appreciate to Zhao Min physique at this moment. “这倒真有可能。”想到后世YZM搞得几个当红明星身败名裂,宋青书可不想让其他人欣赏到赵敏此刻的身姿。 „Really attractive?” Sees him to be somewhat in a daze, Zhao Min smiled crazily. “真的很好看么?”见他又有些发呆,赵敏不禁痴痴地笑了起来。 Pitifully I am not Cao Zijian, otherwise also makes «Princess Tax» to you and so on coming out.” Song Qingshu deeply was annoyed own literary accomplishment is too low at this time. “可惜我不是曹子建,不然也给你弄首《郡主赋》之类的出来。”宋青书这时深深懊恼自己的文学素养太低。 What I do not need «Princess Tax», you only need to tell me and Zhou Zhiruo, who attractively?” The Zhao Min brow tip is completely the charming meaning. “我不需要什么《郡主赋》,你只需要告诉我和周芷若比起来,谁更好看一点?”赵敏眉梢尽是妩媚之意。 ~ Song Qingshu instantaneous big, has not expected this little while she not to forget with Zhou Zhiruo to compete, you are charming, she is chilly, bamboo chrysanthemum excels at winning the field respectively.” “呃~”宋青书瞬间头大,没料到到了这会儿她还不忘和周芷若一争高下,“你妩媚丰腴,她清冷苗条,梅兰竹菊各擅胜场。” Deceives me with this words.” Zhao Min curls the lip, obviously does not satisfy his answer. “又拿这种话糊弄我。”赵敏撇撇嘴,显然不满意他的答案。 The vision fell on she fair moving body, Song Qingshu wants to slap oneself suddenly, so the beautiful scenery on a beautiful day, why stupidly flaunted the advantage of argument here, instead forgot a more important matter? 目光落到了她白皙动人的身子上,宋青书忽然想打自己一巴掌,如此良辰美景,干嘛傻乎乎地在这里逞口舌之利,反而把更重要的事情忘了? Therefore no longer responds questioning that the opposite party gets to the root of a matter, searched the hand to cover her shoulders directly, only felt pleasantly warmly slides just like the cream tenderly, the Zhao Min heart jumps, the subconsciousness asked to shove open him, somewhat said flurriedly: „Haven't you answered my issue?” 于是不再搭理对方刨根究底的追问,直接探手扣住了她的双肩,只感温软嫩滑宛若凝脂,赵敏心头一跳,下意识伸手要推开他,有些慌乱地说道:“你还没回答我的问题呢?” Glimpses her such as the snow waist, especially pesters the flesh boy grinding, Song Qingshu only felt True Qi in own meridians soon gives to pull up to boil, the fierce pressed trigs her both hands, the sound hoarse say/way: Who must compare you to be better, must try to know.” 瞥见她如雪蛮腰,特别是纠缠中肌肤厮磨,宋青书只觉得自己经脉中的真气都快要给撩得沸腾起来,猛地压制住她的双手,声音嘶哑道:“要比较你俩谁更好,总要都试过了才知道。” Zhao Min charmingly white his eyes: How do you want trial?” 赵敏妩媚地白了他一眼:“你想怎么试?” Song Qingshu puts out a hand to search downward, evil smiles: Like this......” 宋青书伸手往下一探,邪邪一笑:“就像这样……” Zhao Min calls out in alarm one, perhaps she without the young girl of human affairs, in the heart the effort gets up after all from the beginning, wants to take the lead, but is vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered flowering shrubs the opponent in Song Qingshu, quick was provoked the whole body weak numb and aching, can only open the double pupil, the body subconsciousness will be shrinking in the future. 赵敏惊呼一声,她毕竟是未经人事的少女,一开始或许心中好胜心起,想占据主动,但哪是纵横花丛的宋青书的对手,很快就被撩拨地浑身酥软酸麻,只能睁大着双眸,身子下意识往后缩去。
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