FSM :: Volume #16

#1577: Aggressive

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Zhao Min was rubbed confusedly by him, knows that gets down to be perhaps difficult to escape again tonight his evil clutches, but she was usually intelligent, got a sudden inspiration then thought of the method of shift opposite party attention: Qingshu, you become the Liao Empire emperor now, how plans to handle by Yelü Hongji is closed southern institute Great King Xiao Feng in prison?” 赵敏被他摩擦得心烦意乱,知道再这么下去今晚恐怕难逃他魔掌,不过她素来聪明,灵机一动便想到了转移对方注意力的方法:“青书,如今你当上了辽国的皇帝,打算如何处置被耶律洪基关在大牢中的南院大王萧峰?” Song Qingshu is startled, has not expected her to say these in the situation of fluttering flags suddenly, but this involves the proper business, he does not dare to be careless, sincere replied: Naturally put him, I and his righteousness ties the sworn brother, before, releases him now is only the matter of my a few words, how could also to stand by?” 宋青书一怔,没料到她在如此旖旎的情形下突然说这些,不过这涉及正事,他也不敢马虎,正色答道:“当然是放了他,我与他义结金兰,之前倒也罢了,如今释放他只是我一句话的事,又岂能袖手旁观?” I also need him to come out to help let alone keep in balance northern mansion prime minister desolate to be a worthy opponent, now Yelyu Yixin falls from power, Peking University king Yuan also declines, the entire government and people do not have the opponent who desolate is a worthy opponent, the power is easy to develop the desire of person, I worried that unmanned balance can cause him to turn into the second Yelyu B hard.” Some Song Qingshu anxieties said that although desolate Pidi is the Su Quan father, but in the power struggle, the love can the blood splash three chi (0.33 m), the sentiment of idle talk father and daughter. “更何况我还需要他出来帮忙制衡北府宰相萧匹敌,如今耶律乙辛倒台,北大王院也没落,整个朝野就没有萧匹敌的对手,权力容易滋长人的欲望,我担心无人制衡会导致他变成第二个耶律乙辛。”宋青书有些忧虑地说道,尽管萧匹敌是苏荃的父亲,但在权力斗争中,父子之情都可以血溅三尺,更遑论父女之情了。 Zhao Min nods: Your worry is not groundless, even if desolate is a worthy opponent oneself to have no disloyalty, but is difficult to guarantee his person hand/subordinate to coerce him to go a step further for the glory, splendor, riches and honor, like great ancestor Zhao Kuangyin of Southern Dynasty.” 赵敏点点头:“你的担心不无道理,就算萧匹敌本人没什么异志,但难保他手下的人为了荣华富贵裹挟着他更进一步,就像南朝的太祖赵匡胤那样。” „......” A Zhao Min thread of conversation revolution, Xiao Feng still cannot put.” “不过……”赵敏话锋一转,“萧峰依然不能放。” A Song Qingshu brow wrinkle: Why?” 宋青书眉头一皱:“为什么?” Zhao Min swayed from side to side a body, was far from the opposite party aggressive spot slightly, this explained: Xiao Feng this person of loyal Monarch is a country, moreover Yelü Hongji sworn brothers, in the future he, if knows the truth, you thought how he will process? Even if the short time does not know the truth, with his character, is thinking all day long copes with Jin Empire, does not serve your benefit.” Now she has known that Song Qingshu controlled the Jin Empire influence, therefore Xiao Feng and Jin Empire oppose, has the irreconcilable conflicts of interest with Song Qingshu. 赵敏扭动了一下身子,稍微离对方咄咄逼人的部位远了点,这才解释起来:“萧峰此人忠君为国,而且还是耶律洪基的结义兄弟,将来他若是知道真相,你觉得他会如何处理?而且就算短时间不知道真相,以他的性格,成天想着对付金国,并不符合你的利益。”如今她已经知道宋青书控制了金国的势力,所以萧峰金国作对,就与宋青书有不可调和的利益冲突。 Song Qingshu nods: Truth that somewhat you said that but does not need Xiao Feng to keep in balance desolate to be a worthy opponent, whom does that use to keep in balance?” 宋青书点了点头:“你说的有几分道理,可是不用萧峰制衡萧匹敌,那用谁来制衡?” Zhao Min blinks: „Before you forgot, Yelu Qi that rescues?” 赵敏眨了眨眼睛:“难道你忘了之前救出去的耶律齐了?” Yelu Qi?” In the Song Qingshu heart moves, ponders. 耶律齐?”宋青书心中一动,沉思起来。 Zhao Min smiles like the fox: Now Yelyu Yixin plots a rebellion, happen to proved beforehand Yelu Qi and the others were unjust, you take advantage of opportunity an aim imperial order to remit his crime, gives him to rehabilitate, can't adjust him? In addition is your uncle elder brother, no matter the loyal ability has the enormous safeguard, keeps in balance desolate to be a worthy opponent by him, was appropriate.” 赵敏笑得像个狐狸一样:“如今耶律乙辛谋反,正好证明了之前耶律齐等人被冤枉,你顺势一旨敕令赦免他的罪,给他平反,不就能将他调回来了?再加上又是你大舅哥,不管是忠心还是能力都有极大的保障,由他制衡萧匹敌,再合适不过了。” Why that does not summon Yelu Chucai to come back, Yelu Chucai's political ability should be much greater than Yelu Qi.” Song Qingshu thinks of this famous historically can the feudal official, the heart hotly. “那为什么不召耶律楚材回来呢,耶律楚材的政治能力应该远大于耶律齐吧。”宋青书想到这个历史上著名的能臣,不禁心热不已。 Because his ability is too strong, the qualifications are also old enough,” Zhao Min shakes the head, „is very when the time comes difficult to control him, on the contrary Yelu Qi is honest, modest and self-demanding gentleman, because the young foundation can only depend upon you insufficient, Yelu Chucai is much more reliable.” “就因为他能力太强,资历又足够老,”赵敏摇了摇头,“到时候很难控制他,相反耶律齐性格敦厚,谦谦君子,因为年轻根基不足只能依靠你,比耶律楚材可靠得多。” Zhao Min smiles, added: Your Golden Serpent Camp lacks a prime minister character let alone, but also whose Yelu Chucai is more appropriate? Moreover lets their father and son branch two places, calculates an unusual hostage, making them not dare to have the disloyalty.” 赵敏笑了笑,补充道:“更何况你的金蛇营缺一个宰相般的人物,还有谁比耶律楚材更合适?而且让他们父子分处两地,也算一种另类的人质,让他们不敢有异心。” Song Qingshu hears to admire: Princess is really wise, others were sold the estimate still to count money by you for you.” 宋青书听得佩服不已:“郡主果然足智多谋,人家被你卖了估计都还在替你数钱呢。” Zhao Min thinks little actually: Comes the imperial family, the method of balance is influenced by what one sees and hears, pours cannot be regarded what skill.” 赵敏倒是不以为意:“出身皇家,制衡的手段耳濡目染,倒也算不得什么本事。” Princess was modest,” Song Qingshu hugs in her the bosom, wife so, husband duplicate/restores what request.” “郡主谦虚了,”宋青书一把将她重新搂回怀中,“得妻如此,夫复何求。” Wife?” The Zhao Min look ponders, „did that you plan to reduce to the concubine Zhou Zhiruo?” “妻?”赵敏神色玩味,“那你是打算将周芷若降为妾了?” ~ 咳咳~ Song Qingshu almost does not have water to faint, shifts the topic decisively: „, Kept in balance the candidate who desolate was a worthy opponent to have, was what to do Xiao Feng, to detain like this?” 宋青书差点没一口水背过气去,果断转移话题:“呃,制衡萧匹敌的人选有了,可是萧峰怎么办,一直这样关押着么?” Zhao Min snort/hum, knew you to be able such expression: How to process Xiao Feng indeed is a difficult problem, although I a little fuzzy idea, but also needs to deliberate the improvement carefully, when I think that you told again, first continues to close in the day now firmly him, if you feel sorry, gives him to entertain delicious tastily, calculates that helped the sentiment of your becoming sworn brothers.” 赵敏哼了一声,一副就知道你会如此的表情:“如何处理萧峰的确是个难题,我虽有点模糊的想法,但还需要仔细推敲完善,等我想好了再跟你说吧,现在先将他继续关在天牢中,你如果过意不去,就给他好吃好喝招待着,也算成全了你们结义之情。” The Song Qingshu forced smile said: „The sentiment of becoming sworn brothers? How now sounds to satirize.” 宋青书苦笑道:“结义之情?现在听起来怎么这么讽刺呢。” Zhao Min wrinkled the fine jade nose: If not he is your sworn brothers, where we use such troublesome, the direct blade killed is, cares about your brotherly love, we in the method that wants to satisfy both sides.” 赵敏皱了皱琼鼻:“若非他是你的结义兄弟,我们哪用这么麻烦,直接一刀杀了就是,就是顾及你们兄弟之情,我们才在想两全其美的方法。” Song Qingshu breathes a sigh of relief: By your such enlightening, I felt better actually.” 宋青书舒了一口气:“被你这样一开导,我心里倒是好受了些。” Good, the weather, I was not stranded early, sleeps.” Zhao Min had a yawn, is sideways directly, only leaves behind a graceful back to give the opposite party. “好了好了,天色不早了,我困了,睡觉吧。”赵敏打了个哈欠,直接侧过身去,只留下一个曼妙的背影给对方。 Long time from now on, Zhao Min is blushing breathes lightly again and again: No joking, I was really sleepy.” 良久过后,赵敏红着脸轻喘连连:“别闹了,我真的困了。” But you cannot fall asleep obviously,” Song Qingshu gathers near her ear, heard that wants the male and female necking to sleep just now rests soundly.” “可是你明明睡不着,”宋青书凑到她耳边,“听说要男女交颈而眠方才睡得香。” Is you have been making me obviously, how I can fall asleep.” Zhao Min swayed from side to side a body, in the tone gets angry. “明明是你一直在弄我,我怎么睡得着。”赵敏扭动了一下身子,语气中嗔怒不已。 Song Qingshu thinks little, is kissing her cheeks gently: If really trapped/sleepy, can fall asleep in the bustling streets even if.” 宋青书不以为意,轻轻吻着她的脸颊:“如果真的困的话,哪怕在闹市中都睡得着。” You quibbled!” Zhao Min is made to be utterly confused by the aura that he exhales, has turned round to stare him simply ruthlessly. “你这是强词夺理!”赵敏被他呼出的气息弄得心乱如麻,索性回过身来狠狠地瞪着他。 Looks at her water sleek/moist lips, the Song Qingshu index finger moves greatly, kissed, all stopped up her following words. 看着她水润的双唇,宋青书不禁食指大动,直接吻了上去,将她接下来的话全都堵了回去。 Wū wū ~ acting with constraint of young girl makes the Zhao Min instinct want to shove open the opposite party, only before pitifully, two people locate a bedding, was practiced fraud by him, whole body already weak, which also has the strength to shove open the opposite party. “呜呜~”少女的矜持让赵敏本能地想推开对方,只可惜之前两人同处一个被窝,被他上下其手,浑身早已酥软不已,哪还有力气推开对方。 Like this ~ Zhao Min obtains opportunity of the respite with great difficulty, the words that said that making her own feel to lose face, where such weak weak rejection prevented the opposite party, instead like acting like a spoiled brat general. “不要这样~”赵敏好不容易得到一丝喘息之机,不过说出来的话,让她自己都觉得丢脸,这样虚弱无力的拒绝哪里阻止得了对方,反而像在撒娇一般。 Really hears she delicate weak words, the oppression strength of side man even more is powerful several points, makes her whole person heart chaos, in the brain a blank. 果然听到她娇弱无力的话,身旁男人的压迫力愈发强大几分,弄得她整个人芳心大乱,脑中一片空白。 The Song Qingshu short distance is looking at present the tender and beautiful incomparable elegant face, the sound somewhat hoarse: I want you, I want your first time, after wanting for the second time your......, you every must be me one time!” 宋青书近距离望着眼前娇艳无匹的俏脸,声音都有几分嘶哑:“我要你,我要你的第一次,要你的第二次……以后你的每一次都要属于我!” Mental illness ~ Zhao Min the face, have not heard the so uncouthly words she to be angry properly speaking is right, why does not know, this time she actually cannot live any anger, some endless charming. “神经病~”赵敏别过脸去,按理说听到这般粗鲁的话她应该很生气才对,可不知道为什么,此时的她却生不起任何怒意,有的只有无尽的娇羞。 „Does princess comply?” Song Qingshu cancelled her face, the vision brilliant is staring at her eye. “郡主答不答应呢?”宋青书将她的脸勾了回来,目光灼灼地盯着她的眼睛。 How such issue do you make me reply?” Zhao Min double pupil water glare Yingying (full of/graceful), as if hoodwinked mist to be the same at this time. “这样的问题你让我怎么回答?”赵敏此时双眸水光盈盈,仿佛蒙了一层水雾一般。 I when you tacitly approved.” Song Qingshu showed a faint smile, puts out a hand to get the oral thermometer toward her front piece. “那我就当你默认了。”宋青书微微一笑,伸手往她的衣襟领口探了进去。
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