FSM :: Volume #16

#1576: Rubs, does not go in

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Zhao Min is first startled, subsequently understands, anger and shame: I am not that meaning, my meaning will be I do not promise you also to resort to some rascal methods...... I......” 赵敏先是一怔,继而明白过来,不禁羞怒交加:“我不是那个意思,我的意思是我不答应你也会耍些无赖手段……我……” Song Qingshu looks at usually in wisdom bead in the princess of grasping at this moment actually like being shy grinningly to pinnacle lady Cheng Yaojia, in the heart greatly cannot help but happy. 宋青书笑嘻嘻地看着平日里智珠在握的郡主此刻却像害羞到极致的大家闺秀程瑶迦一样,不由得心中大乐。 Saw that his anything did not say, is laughing foolishly, Zhao Min somewhat is also scared, both hands fork waist said angrily: You smile anything to smile, like the fool.” 看到他什么也不说,就对着自己傻笑,赵敏也不禁有些发毛,双手叉腰恼怒道:“你笑什么笑,像个傻子一样。” Can marry the princess, even works as a fool why not?” Song Qingshu hehe said. “能娶到郡主,就算当一回傻子又何妨?”宋青书嘿嘿说道。 Who said that can marry you?” Zhao Min said ill-humoredly. “谁说要嫁给你了?”赵敏没好气地说道。 Song Qingshu takes over directly her waist, her hugs, in own bosom: Now you have two choices, one, complies with my proposing, marries me happily ; Or I use strongly, then you marry me happily.” 宋青书直接一把揽住她的腰,将她抱在自己怀中:“现在你有两种选择,一,答应我的求婚,开开心心嫁给我;或者说我用强,然后你开开心心嫁给我。” Zhao Min sways from side to side several bodies, what a pity the opposite party both hands like the pincers, she can only , helpless gives up: You force me, will I also marry you happily?” 赵敏扭动几下身体,可惜对方双手像铁钳一样,她只能无奈放弃:“你强迫我,我还会开开心心嫁给你?” Song Qingshu gathered near her neck deeply to smell her delicate fragrance, showed a being infatuated facial expression: I, no matter, you can only in any case happily.” 宋青书凑到她脖子边上深深地嗅了一口她身上的幽香,露出一种陶醉的神情:“我不管,反正你只能开开心心的。” Feels the opposite party to breathe spurts above the flesh, Zhao Min felt the own entire soul shivered several: You, are so how overbearing!” 感受到对方呼吸喷在肌肤之上,赵敏觉得自己整个灵魂都颤抖了几下:“你这人,怎么这么霸道!” Listens the sound that she such as tender as is angry, Song Qingshu unable to bear closely grasps her, gathers her ear gentle voice saying: „Is princess, marrying me good?” 听着她如娇似嗔的声音,宋青书忍不住紧紧抱住她,凑到她耳边柔声说道:“郡主,嫁给我好不好?” Usually in put on a high and mighty act Zhao Min actually almost will always bury to the chest at this time, long time latter just now slightly responded to one inaudible: Un ~ 平日里一向趾高气昂的赵敏此时却将头差点埋到胸里,良久后方才微不可闻地回应了一声:“嗯~” Although the sound is very small, if not pay attention to listen even to neglect, but Song Qingshu will cultivate is, will obtain the opposite party to respond is wild with joy, hugs her to start in the room to turn circle, will transfer while laughs loudly. 尽管声音很小,若是不注意听甚至会忽略掉,但宋青书何等修为,得到对方回应不禁欣喜若狂,抱着她就开始在屋里转起圈来,一边转一边放声大笑。 Puts me to get down quickly!” Some Zhao Min beautiful face changing colors, is whipping his chest while said fast, you take down the mask now, if attracted the palace maid court eunuch saw, being probable have was a trouble.” “快放我下来!”赵敏不禁有些花容失色,一边拍打着他的胸一边快速说道,“你现在取下了面具,万一将宫女太监引来看到了,少不得又是一番麻烦。” Heard this saying Song Qingshu to stop, but still hugged her not to hate to let go. 听到这话宋青书才停了下来,不过依然抱着她舍不得松手。 Well, you had not said before took your present cultivating as not to use the belt/bring sword?” Zhao Min was being held by him, similarly is a red heartbeat fiercely, but she thought suddenly somewhat knocks the person, knits the brows to ask. “咦,你以前不是说过以你现在的修为不用带剑了吗?”赵敏被他抱着,同样是面红心跳得厉害,不过她忽然间觉得有些磕人,不由皱眉问道。 „Haven't I brought the sword?” Song Qingshu is also bewildered, did not know why she has such asked. “我没带剑啊?”宋青书也是一脸茫然,不晓得她为何有这样一问。 What thing are your arms are poking me?” The Zhao Min subconsciousness wants to grasp, suddenly the heart jumps, she is not that entirely white sweet young female student, was just only because complied in his proposing brain somewhat to be dizzy, which now is slightly calm unable to respond that was anything. “那你怀里是什么东西杵着我?”赵敏下意识想去抓,忽然间心头一跳,她又不是那种傻白甜的小女生,刚刚只是因为答应了他的求婚脑子里还有些晕乎乎的,如今稍微镇定下来哪还反应不过来是什么东西。 Young obscene thief ~ Zhao Min receive an electric shock took back the hand, could not bear spit one, a elegant face as if put on completely the rouge, was red to drop to bleed quickly. “小淫贼~”赵敏触电般地收回了手,忍不住啐了一口,一张俏脸仿佛涂满了胭脂,红得快滴出血来。 Song Qingshu said with a smile embarrasedly: sorry sorry, spontaneous reaction, spontaneous reaction.” 宋青书讪讪笑道:“骚瑞骚瑞,自然反应,自然反应。” You poke...... are proposing with me, how always to feel the sincerity to be insufficient,” Zhao Min withstood/top somewhat panic-strickenly by him, quickly said, you let loose me quickly.” “你杵着……跟我求婚,怎么总感觉诚意不足,”赵敏被他顶得有些心慌意乱,急忙说道,“你快放开我。” Where at this moment Song Qingshu will put, is holding her moving tender body directly, is kissing her egg yolk generally white and tender cheeks: This happen to shows my sincerity, you have a look at me, no matter the heart or the body, like you.” 事到如今宋青书哪会放,直接抱着她动人的娇躯,亲吻着她鸡蛋清一般白嫩的脸颊:“这正好表现我的诚意啊,你看看我不管是心还是身体,都是多么喜欢你。” The Zhao Min anger instead smiles extremely, comes back to stare him: You like this are always overbearing.” 赵敏怒极反笑,回过头来瞪着他:“你这人总是这样霸道。” Song Qingshu has not said anything, but put out a hand to flutter her chin, took advantage of opportunity toward that tender and beautiful desire drop kissed red, Zhao Min has not expected his sudden attack obviously, the instinct wants to shove open him, but tried several discoveries to be useless, beat the hand of his chest to put. 宋青书并没有说什么,而是伸手勾住了她的下巴,顺势往那娇艳欲滴的红唇吻了上去,赵敏显然没料到他的突然袭击,本能地想推开他,不过试了几次发现没有用,捶着他胸膛的手只好放了下来。 ...... …… Long time the lip minute/share, Zhao Min lowers the head asks low voice: Weather is late, you go back quickly.” 良久唇分,赵敏低着头小声问道:“天色已晚,你快回去吧。” Song Qingshu gathers near her ear: Tonight I do not walk.” 宋青书凑到她耳边:“今晚我不走了。” Really is the young obscene thief, the brain is the dirty thought.” The Zhao Min finger poked his chest, the faint smile looks at him. “果然是小淫贼,满脑子都是龌龊的念头。”赵敏手指戳了戳他的胸膛,似笑非笑地看着他。 Song Qingshu said with a smile: My where has what dirty/small error thought that but wants to get out of bed with you.” 宋青书笑道:“我哪有什么龌蹉的念头,只是想和你一起起床而已。” Zhao Min first stares, subsequently responded the meaning in opposite party words, could not bear pinch the powder fist to beat beat his chest: You are really a bastard.” 赵敏先是一愣,继而反应过来对方话中的意思,忍不住捏起粉拳捶了捶他的胸口:“你真是个混蛋。” Song Qingshu laughs, wields the front door to be closed by an invisible qi energy conveniently, he then hugs to walk toward the bedside Zhao Min horizontally. 宋青书哈哈一笑,随手一挥大门就被一道无形的气劲关上,他便一把将赵敏横抱起来往床边走去。 Zhao Min finally somewhat was then hurried: Hey, you want to do, perhaps I also arrange.” 这下赵敏终于有些慌了:“喂,你想干什么,我还没准备好。” You think where went, I am only and you rest in the same place, will not handle other things.” Song Qingshu slender presses to visit her. “你想到哪儿去了,我只是和你睡在一起而已,不会做其他的事情的。”宋青书狭促地看着她。 Zhao Min has not expected him to put the blame on victim, made a big red painted-face: Glib, looked non- matches good.” 赵敏没料到他倒打一耙,不禁闹了个大红脸:“油嘴滑舌,一看就非良配。” Song Qingshu collected the mouth directly: My mouth very oil? You taste again.” 宋青书直接将嘴凑了过去:“我嘴很油么?你再尝尝。” Rascal ~ Zhao Min ridicules one, was actually cannot help but hugged to roll on the bed by him. “无赖~”赵敏笑骂一声,却不由自主被他一抱就滚到了床上。 Song Qingshu closely hugs her in the bosom, the saliva the face was saying: „Was I look today, or I shouted that the palace maid prepared the hot water, do we take a bath now?” 宋青书将她紧紧抱在怀里,涎着脸说道:“我今天是不是来找了,要不我喊宫女准备热水,我们现在去洗浴一番?” Bah!” Zhao Min spat one, looked you are anxious the good intention, who and you washes together, I have washed let alone.” “呸!”赵敏啐了一口,“一看你就不安好心,谁和你一起洗,更何况我已经洗漱过了。” Yes?” Song Qingshu gathers her neckband there to smell, no wonder so will be fragrant.” “是么?”宋青书凑到她领口那里闻了闻,“难怪会这么香。” Zhao Min shoves open him, is putting on a serious face saying: You reached an agreement in advance, only sleeps does not do other.” 赵敏一把将他推开,板着脸说道:“你可是事前说好的啊,只睡觉不干其他。” Good all various professions, only sleep do not do other.” After Song Qingshu said that to increase the persuasive power, closes the eye to start the snort to get up directly. “行行行,只睡觉不干其他。”宋青书说完后为了增加说服力,直接闭上眼睛开始打鼾起来。 Rascal ~ Zhao Min is putting on a serious face to scold one, but quick also tittered to smile. “无赖~”赵敏板着脸骂一声,不过很快又噗嗤一下笑了出来。 In the room reverberates continually the Song Qingshu snoring sound, Zhao Min cannot be falling asleep ; first, just complied with discussing marriage of opposite party, until now has not restored from that complex mood ; Secondly was hugged by the opposite party in the bosom, in the bedding is completely the man firm aura, making some of her unavoidable heartbeats accelerate, how to fall asleep? 屋里持续回响着宋青书的鼾声,赵敏却怎么也睡不着,一是刚刚答应了对方的提亲,直到现在都没从那种复杂的情绪中恢复过来;二来么被对方抱在怀中,被窝里尽是男人阳刚气息,让她难免有些心跳加速,如何睡得着? Suddenly she thought that the chest front is somewhat unusual, lowers the head looked cannot help but shames and gets angry: „Is your hand doing?” 忽然她觉得胸前有些异样,低头一看不由得又羞又怒:“你的手在干什么?” Was worried after us , the child does not have the milk to drink, therefore surveys ahead of time.” Song Qingshu talked nonsense seriously. “担心我们以后孩子没奶喝,所以提前测量一下。”宋青书一本正经胡说八道起来。 Our children......” woman is the perceptual lifeform, the subconsciousness thinks eventually the future life, will think of the child, the Zhao Min lip angle cannot bear rises slightly. “我们的孩子……”女人终究是感性生物,下意识想到未来的生活,一想到孩子,赵敏唇角也忍不住微微上扬。 However she soon realized improper, pinched behind man ill-humoredly: „Do you touch to suffice?” 不过她很快意识到不妥,没好气地掐了身后男人一把:“你摸够没有?” No,” Song Qingshu shakes the head, touches also touches for a lifetime insufficiently.” “没有,”宋青书摇了摇头,“摸一辈子也摸不够。” If changed other man to talk nonsense in front of Zhao Min, the expert who she definitely let the Prince of Ruyang mansion sheared the tongue of opposite party, may say from the Song Qingshu mouth, she discovered that she was not angry unexpectedly. 若是换了另外的男人在赵敏面前如此胡言乱语,她肯定让汝阳王府的高手将对方的舌头割下来,可从宋青书嘴里说出来,她发现自己居然并不是那么生气。 However then the movement of opposite party made her thoroughly not calm: You...... do not rub.” 不过接下来对方的动作让她彻底不淡定了:“你……你别蹭了。” Relax, I rub, does not go.” Song Qingshu responded to a previous generation classical famous saying. “放心,我就蹭蹭,不进去。”宋青书回应了一句前世经典名言。
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