FSM :: Volume #16

#1575: Strange hobby

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In the room fell into immediately silent, long time latter broadcasts the Zhao Min ill-humored sound: „Are you sick?” 屋中顿时陷入了沉默,良久后才传来赵敏没好气的声音:“你有病么?” Naturally is sick,” Song Qingshu smiled, I had the sickness of lovesickness, but also looks at the princess to help me solve a solution.” “当然是有病,”宋青书笑了起来,“我得了相思之病,还望郡主帮我解一解。” Now you are an emperor, the harem beautiful woman 3000 people, yourself ask them to solve.” The Zhao Min sound is still very desolate. “现在你是皇帝,后宫佳丽三千人,你自己找她们解。”赵敏的声音依然十分冷淡。 Song Qingshu Youyou (faintly/spookily) sighs intentionally: My lovesickness is not they, how can they solve? In this sickness world only then the princess can solve.” 宋青书故意幽幽地叹了一口气:“我相思的又不是她们,她们如何能解?此病这世上只有郡主才解得开。” Zhou Zhiruo hears your saying, the complexion is quite certainly splendid.” In the room transmits sneering of Zhao Min. 周芷若听到你这话,想必脸色一定极为精彩。”屋里传来赵敏的冷笑。 One after another runs into a wall, Song Qingshu somewhat is also agitated: You, if did not open the door I to come in directly, you know that by my skill, this may be unable to block me.” 接二连三地碰壁,宋青书也不禁有些烦躁起来:“你要是再不开门我可直接进来了,你知道以我的功力,这门可拦不住我。” Responded his as before is silent, Song Qingshu waited for a while, put out a hand simply, a palm will shake the door time, the gate opened from inside, Zhao Min stood when the entrance, will say anything suddenly looked down chest front hand one. 回应他的依旧是沉默,宋青书等了一会儿,索性伸出手,正要一掌震开房门的时候,门从里面打开了,赵敏站在门口,正要说什么之际忽然低头看了胸前的手一眼。 Originally Song Qingshu just struck an attitude to push, she happen to came out from inside, causes his hand directly according to the Zhao Min chest front. 原来宋青书刚刚作势欲推,她又正好从里面出来,导致他的手直接按在了赵敏胸前。 Zhao Min calls out in alarm one, quickly retrocedes several steps, is blushing to stare the present man: Your this lecher!” 赵敏惊呼一声,急忙后退数步,红着脸瞪着眼前的男人:“你这个登徒子!” Song Qingshu smiles embarrasedly: Excuse me, is purely the coincidence.” 宋青书讪讪地笑了笑:“不好意思,纯属巧合。” Coincidence?” Zhao Min sneers, cultivating of Song eldest son for has been in the situation of reaching the pinnacle, let alone cannot achieve to take and put away freely.” “巧合?”赵敏冷笑起来,“宋大公子的修为已到登峰造极的地步,别说做不到收放自如。” Looks through does not divulge,” Song Qingshu does not have the least bit to be embarrassed, woman intelligently is too easy not to marry.” “看破不说破嘛,”宋青书没有半点不好意思,“女人太聪明容易嫁不出去的。” Zhao Min white his eyes, turned around to turn back the room directly: Wants you to manage, does not marry you in any case.” 赵敏白了他一眼,直接转身走回了屋:“要你管,反正不嫁给你。” That is uncertain.” Song Qingshu not because of her desolateness and disheartened, the opposite party went after all had not closed the gate. “那可不一定。”宋青书并没有因为她的冷淡而丧气,毕竟对方进去了并没有把门关上嘛。 Saw him with, after Zhao Min was slightly stunned, knit the brows saying: Said that asked me to do late?” 见他跟了进来,赵敏微微错愕过后,皱眉说道:“说吧,这么晚了来找我干什么?” Song Qingshu shows a faint smile: Naturally is asks you to marry my.” 宋青书微微一笑:“当然是过来请你嫁给我的。” The Zhao Min complexion sinks, cold -ly snorted and said: I had just talked clearly with you, does not marry.” 赵敏脸色一沉,冷哼道:“刚刚我已经和你说清楚了,不嫁。” Song Qingshu also thinks little, sat before her, calmly looks at her eye, somewhat cannot stand up to his look to start to dodge until the opposite party just now to open the mouth saying: „The method of a moment ago proposing contains errors, causing you possibly to have some misunderstanding, my time comes is must talk clearly with you specially, I want to marry you am not to compel the poison to you, but wants to marry you purely, is not right, should say that I have wanted to marry you, marries to go home you are I biggest dream.” 宋青书倒也不以为忤,也在她面前坐了下来,静静地看着她的眼睛,直到对方有些经不住他的眼神开始闪躲起来方才开口道:“刚才求婚的方法有误,导致你可能会产生一些误会,我这次过来是特意要和你说清楚,我想娶你并不是为了给你逼毒,而是单纯地想娶你,不对,应该说我一直都想娶你,把你娶回家是我最大的梦想。” Zhao Min was said the complexion to blush by his words, some have not leaned comfortably the face, but hears somewhat turns head finally suddenly curiously, blinks the big eye of shining to visit him: „Have you wanted to marry me? The words saying that you haven't wanted to marry Zhou Zhiruo?” 赵敏被他一番话说得脸色发红,有些不自在地侧过脸去,不过听到最后忽然有些好奇地回过头来,眨巴着忽闪忽闪的大眼睛看着他:“你一直想娶我?话说你不是一直想娶周芷若么?” ~ Song Qingshu is somewhat at a loss for words, original Song Qingshu indeed most likes Zhou Zhiruo, oneself cannot with her explain that oneself are the person who another world passes through. “呃~”宋青书有些语塞,原来的宋青书的确最喜欢周芷若,自己总不能和她解释自己是另一个世界穿越过来的人吧。 Sees the opposite party even more doubt the expression, Song Qingshu has to reply: From saw that for the first time you had this idea.” 看到对方愈发狐疑的表情,宋青书只好答道:“从第一次见到你就有这个想法了。” You see me to be in Wan'an Temple for the first time,” Zhao Min recalled a while, finally could not bear spit one: Man is really the lascivious embryo, owes I also to think that you are passionately devoted about Zhou Zhiruo, thinks that you are an unreasoning passion plant.” “你第一次见到我应该是万安寺里吧,”赵敏回忆了一会儿,最终忍不住啐了一口:“男人果然都是好色胚子,亏我还以为你对周芷若一往情深,以为你是个痴情种呢。” Song Qingshu also substituted the role, said with a smile: Then princess kept aloof, was like that brilliant, I looked at one then to be attracted by the princess elegant demeanor, pitifully our disparity was too only big at that time, the princess has not paid attention me mostly.” 宋青书倒也代入了角色,笑着说道:“当时的郡主高高在上,那般光彩夺目,我看了一眼便被郡主风采所吸引,只可惜那时我们双方差距太大,郡主多半没怎么留心过我。” Has the impression to you, who made everyone know that at that time you liked Zhou Zhiruo.” Thinks that the initial love rival, Zhao Min thought of Zhang Wuji, the complexion is dim immediately. “对你还是有印象的,谁让那时人人都知道你喜欢周芷若呢。”想到当初的情敌,赵敏不禁想到了张无忌,脸色顿时黯淡下来。 Saw that expression Song Qingshu of opposite party also guessed correctly 12: Thought of him?” 看到对方的表情宋青书也猜到了一二:“想到他了?” Zhao Min nods, pours has not concealed: Day killing Ming Zun! However the appearance of Ming Zun was actually cheap you, if not he, I...... will not walk with you such nearly.” 赵敏点点头,倒也没有掩饰:“天杀的明尊!不过明尊的出现倒是便宜了你,如果不是他,我也不会……不会和你走得这么近。” Said that I indeed should thank him.” Song Qingshu could not bear smile. “说起来我的确该谢谢他。”宋青书忍不住笑了起来。 The Zhao Min complexion is suddenly strange: Jianghu (rivers and lakes) passed on a message you to like the married woman, originally I did not believe that but saw Bing Xue'er and Xia Qingqing, Jin Empire song Princess Bi these people, it seems like that the rumor not necessarily was false......” 赵敏忽然脸色古怪:“江湖传言你喜欢有夫之妇,本来我还是不怎么信的,不过看到冰雪儿夏青青,还有金国的歌璧公主这些人,看来传言未必是假的……” Was saying was saying her complexion changes: You to not enjoy that type rob the conquering desire of female from other man there, therefore is close my.” 说着说着她脸色一变:“你不会是为了享受那种从别的男人那里抢夺女子的征服欲,所以才来接近我的吧。” These rumors slander absolutely!” A Song Qingshu heavy line, I like their people purely, the status of their married woman are only fortunately! Don't I like your young girl similarly?” “那些传言绝对是污蔑!”宋青书一头黑线,“我是单纯地喜欢她们的人,她们有夫之妇的身份只是凑巧罢了!我不还同样喜欢你这种少女么?” Zhao Min flies into a rage immediately: Really is the unfaithful/stamen big radish.” 赵敏顿时勃然大怒:“果然是个花心大萝卜。” Song Qingshu sighed: Genghis Khan who your Mongolia person most respects, your father, which is not the wife and concubines in groups, compared me with them already very innocent, at least treated each female friend wholeheartedly.” 宋青书叹了口气:“你们蒙古人最崇敬的成吉思汗,还有你爹,哪个不是妻妾成群,和他们比起来我已经非常纯情了,至少是真心实意对待每一个红颜知己。” Zhao Min opens mouth, finally has not refuted, actually comes her of imperial family instead to look compared with the common Jianghu (rivers and lakes) female in this aspect opens. 赵敏张了张嘴,最终也并没有反驳,其实出身皇家的她在这方面反而比一般江湖女子看得更开一些。 However can see through is a matter, the mood uncomfortable is a different matter, cannot bear sneer again and again: You proposed to me, while is also showing off your love history, you thought that I will comply?” 不过看得开是一回事,心情不爽是另一回事,忍不住冷笑连连:“你一边向我求婚,一边还炫耀着你的情史,你觉得我会答应么?” Song Qingshu somewhat is also depressed: Is you first raises obviously, good do not pull far, we continue to discuss topic from the beginning.” 宋青书也不禁有些郁闷:“明明是你先提的,好了不要扯远了,我们继续讨论一开始的话题。” Zhao Min sneers saying: What having is good to discuss? Does not marry!” 赵敏冷笑道:“有什么好讨论的?不嫁!” We kissed have also kissed, hugged has also hugged, even still has rested on a bed, whom didn't you marry me to marry?” Song Qingshu was also angry. “我们亲也亲过了,抱也抱过了,甚至还在一张床上睡过了,你不嫁给我嫁给谁?”宋青书也恼了。 Zhao Min curls the lip: This princess comes Mongolia, is not your Han people females is so tasteful, with Genghis Khan's big empress, was abducted by the enemy in the past, when Genghis Khan has the ability she rescues, she for the enemy has had a child, Genghis Khan does not blame her, this is on our prairie the bearing of man, what by you were kissed to hold to be considered as?” 赵敏撇撇嘴:“本郡主出身蒙古,又不是你们那些汉人女子那么讲究,就拿成吉思汗的大皇后来说,当年被敌人掳走,等成吉思汗有能力把她救回来时,她已经替敌人生了孩子,成吉思汗根本不怪罪她,这才是我们草原上男人的气量,被你亲一下抱一下又算得了什么?” The Song Qingshu facial skin jumps, the sinking sound said simply: In any case I, no matter, has me not to marry others in your whole life, when the time comes who wants to marry your me to kill who!” 宋青书脸皮直跳,索性沉声说道:“反正我不管,有我在你这辈子别想嫁给别人,到时候谁想娶你我就杀谁!” Zhao Min is staring him ruthlessly, when Song Qingshu thinks when she must get angry, she actually unfolds the face to smile suddenly: Until now I thought that you were womanishly fussier, being this has the true male spirit.” 赵敏狠狠地瞪着他,就当宋青书以为她要发怒之时,她却忽然展颜一笑:“一直以来我都觉得你婆婆妈妈了些,就是要这样才算有真正的男子气概嘛。” Song Qingshu stares, is pleasantly surprised quickly: „Did you...... you comply?” 宋青书一愣,很快又惊又喜:“你……你答应了?” Zhao Min white his eyes: „Don't I promise you not to use strongly?” 赵敏白了他一眼:“我不答应你就不会用强么?” The Song Qingshu complexion is strange: Originally the princess likes this argument, really has not looked.” 宋青书面色古怪无比:“原来郡主喜欢这调调,真是没看出来。”
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