FSM :: Volume #16

#1574: Seven orifices exquisite heart

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Proposed to be rejected by this directly simply, the Song Qingshu head was somewhat dumbstruck: Why?” 求婚被她这样直接干脆地拒绝,宋青书脑袋有些发懵:“为什么?” Zhao Min turns around, deeply inspires saying: Why, I am not tired, first went back to rest.” The skirt swayed flutters, only leaves behind in the air wisp of light delicate fragrance. 赵敏转过身去,深吸一口气说道:“没有为什么,我累了,先回去休息了。”说完裙摆轻扬,只留下空气中一缕淡淡的幽香。 In the Song Qingshu heart depressed, he thought the relations with Zhao Min is enough, this professing love should get the logical response, what a pity the reality gave his ice-cold stick. 宋青书心中郁闷非常,本来他自认为与赵敏之间关系已经足够,这次示爱应该得到顺理成章的回应,可惜现实给了他冰冷的一棒。 Sat in in the pavilion depressed drinks the alcohol to drown one's sorrows, after a while, suddenly resounded sound of footsteps gently, the Song Qingshu first response was Zhao Min goes to return, but eliminated this guess immediately, not to mention Zhao Min was not the temper that type is willing to admit defeat, was fragrance is also different, the Zhao Min body sent out is just liking the rose fragrance, but this person actually only then trivial inaudible elegantly simple fragrance, just like spatial valley orchid, losing the world was independent. 郁闷地坐在凉亭里喝起闷酒了,过了一会儿,身后突然响起了轻轻的脚步声,宋青书第一反应是赵敏去而复返,不过马上打消了这种猜测,且不说赵敏不是那种愿意服软的性子,就是身上的香气也不一样,赵敏身上散发着犹如玫瑰般的芬芳,而这人身上却只有一丝微不可闻的淡雅香气,犹如空谷幽兰,遗世而独立。 Sister-In-Law, did you come?” Song Qingshu does not need to turn head, he is familiar with opposite party flavor enough, who hears her is. 嫂嫂,你来了?”宋青书不用回头,他对对方身上的味道足够熟悉,闻得出来她是谁。 Bing Xue'er arrives at side him, shows a gentle and elegantly simple smile: Qingshu, how a person drinks the alcohol to drown one's sorrows here.” 冰雪儿来到他身边,露出一丝温柔而淡雅的笑容:“青书,怎么一个人在这里喝闷酒。” Sister-In-Law comes just right, accompanies me to drink together.” Song Qingshu does not need she to respond, direct draws her to the bosom in sits down, mild such as the jade moving tender body made his ice-cold heart slightly warm. 嫂嫂来得正好,陪我一起喝。”宋青书也不待她回应,直接一把将她拉到怀中坐下,温润如玉的动人娇躯让他冰冷的心稍微温暖了一些。 Bing Xue'er complexion one red, quickly bosom since him struggles arrives on nearby stool to sit down, in the look is completely charmingly angry and bashful embarrassed: You, here is the Liao Empire imperial palace, everywhere is others' informer, was seen will refer to erratically outside will have what Gossip.” 冰雪儿脸色一红,急忙从他怀中挣扎起来到旁边凳子上坐下,眼神中尽是娇嗔与羞窘:“你这人,这里是辽国皇宫,到处都是别人的耳目,被人看到了指不定外面会有什么流言蜚语呢。” I now am Emperor Liao Empire, who dares to manage me.” Song Qingshu cold snort/hum, but does not have to hug the opposite party again. “我现在是辽国皇帝,谁敢管我。”宋青书冷哼一声,不过却没有再去抱对方。 Bing Xue'er white his eyes: Because you are going against the Yelü Hongji appearance now, was being hugged strangely by you......” 冰雪儿白了他一眼:“就因为你现在顶着耶律洪基的容貌,被你抱着才怪怪的……” Song Qingshu laughs, gathers her side to say low voice: could it be that I taking off mask, do you make me hug?” 宋青书哈哈一笑,凑到她身旁小声说道:“难道我揭下面具,你就让我抱么?” Bah, is such not proper.” Bing Xue'er spat one, what you and Miss Zhao said that just I thought she left face cold frost, you also drank the alcohol to drown one's sorrows here, did you have an accident?” “呸,还是这么没正经。”冰雪儿啐了一口,“你和赵姑娘说什么了,刚刚我看她离开的时候一脸寒霜,你也在这儿喝闷酒,你们是不是出什么事了?” I make her marry me, then became this.” Song Qingshu shrugs, said reluctantly. “我让她嫁给我,然后就成这样了。”宋青书耸耸肩,无奈地说道。 „Ah?” Bing Xue'er hears such explosive news suddenly, the red lip opened can force in an egg. “啊?”冰雪儿突然听到这么劲爆的消息,红唇张得可以塞进一个鸡蛋了。 Actually what's the matter?” The bonus is the Bing Xue'er temper is desolate, but after all is a woman, but gossips is the instinct of woman. “究竟怎么回事?”饶是冰雪儿性子冷淡,但毕竟是个女人,而八卦又是女人的天性。 Sees her excited appearance, Song Qingshu was even more depressed: Is I proposes to her, then she rejected me very much simply.” 看到她一脸兴奋的样子,宋青书愈发郁闷了:“就是我向她求婚,然后她很干脆地拒绝了我。” Bing Xue'er is startled, some doubts said: But is together this period of time, I could feel that Miss Zhao should be likes your, why will reject.” 冰雪儿一怔,有些疑惑地说道:“可是这段时间相处,我感觉得到赵姑娘应该是喜欢你的啊,为什么会拒绝啊。” I am also felt that our relations scratched the final level window paper, therefore I pierced...... at this point Song Qingshu deeply to sigh on own initiative, was only a pity that the fact proved me to want.” “我也是感觉我俩的关系就擦最后一层窗户纸了,所以我主动去捅破……”说到这里宋青书深深地叹了一口气,“只可惜事实证明我想多了。” At this point the Song Qingshu deep disconsolateness, must know that the previous generation looks at «The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber», Zhao Min is the female lord who he most likes, she is such perfect, is perfect like a beautiful dream, letting the person can see from afar actually has no way to pursue. When he passes through arrives at this world, discovered that Zhao Min unexpectedly also , the remote dream becomes the tentacle to be possible gradually, that joyful feeling simply is unequalled. 说到这里宋青书不禁有一股深深的惆怅,要知道前世看《倚天屠龙记》,赵敏就是他最喜欢的女主,她是那样完美,完美得就像一个美丽的梦,让人能远远看到却又没法追逐到。当他穿越来到这个世界,发现赵敏居然也在,遥远的梦渐渐变得触手可及,那种欣喜感简直是无与伦比。 The rejection that pitifully only the opposite party coldly today knocks down all of a sudden the bottom from the clouds him, that flash as if heard the dream broken sound. 只可惜今天对方冷冷的拒绝把他一下子从云端打落到地底,那一瞬间仿佛听到了梦碎的声音。 This is how possible,” the tips that the Bing Xue'er recollection this period of time and Zhao Min is together, mentioned each time when Song Qingshu lip angle that her rises slightly, obviously is in the heart intends, how you look like her to propose, complete said with me the matter.” “这怎么可能,”冰雪儿回想这段时间与赵敏相处的点点滴滴,每次提到宋青书时她那微微上扬的唇角,明显是心中有意啊,“你是怎么像她求婚的,把刚才的事完完整整和我说一下。” Without this necessity?” Song Qingshu looked at her one eyes, Sister-In-Law failed to study, wants to put salt to my wound?” “没这个必要吧?”宋青书看了她一眼,“嫂嫂怎么也学坏了,想向我伤口上撒盐啊?” Bing Xue'er stared his one eyes ill-humoredly: „Will I harm you? I thought that these definitely have the misunderstanding, does not want to make you miss this fate.” 冰雪儿没好气地瞪了他一眼:“我会害你么?只是我觉得这其中肯定有误会,不想让你们错过这段缘分。” Song Qingshu hesitant, this will roughly say with the dialogue of Zhao Min a moment ago, after Bing Xue'er hear, could not bear smile. 宋青书犹豫了一下,这才将刚才与赵敏的对话大致说了一遍,冰雪儿听完后就忍不住笑了起来。 Although her smile just like the snow and ice to melt initially is quite attractive, but falls in the Song Qingshu eye somewhat meaning of taunt: Sister-In-Law you also shattered, but also made me say that specially one teased me again.” 尽管她的笑容犹如冰雪初融极为好看,但落在宋青书眼中还是有些嘲讽的意味:“嫂嫂你也坏掉了,还特意让我说一遍再取笑我。” Who teased you, I understand why Miss Zhao rejected you.” Bing Xue'er said ill-humoredly. “谁取笑你了,我只是明白赵姑娘为何拒绝你了。”冰雪儿没好气地说道。 Why?” Song Qingshu sat the body all of a sudden, the doubts was looking at her straight. “为何?”宋青书一下子坐直了身体,疑惑地望着她。 Bing Xue'er shakes the head, the gentle voice explained: Qingshu you in most men compared with this world understand girl's concern, but you eventually are not a woman, something you cannot think. If this time you proposed to Miss Zhao purely, I thought that she will promise you mostly. But your times chatting with emphasis actually how above to detoxify, how as the matter stands makes Miss Zhao promise you?” 冰雪儿摇了摇头,柔声解释道:“青书你比这世上大多数男人都了解女孩子的心事,不过你终究不是女人,有些事情你也想不到。如果这次你单纯地向赵姑娘求婚,我觉得她多半会答应你。可你们这次聊天的重点却偏偏在如何解毒上面,这样一来让赵姑娘如何答应你?” Why can't promise me?” Song Qingshu is somewhat vacant. “为什么不能答应我?”宋青书还是有些茫然。 Usually in you are intelligent, this time so to be how stupid,” Bing Xue'er was somewhat anxious, you think that if Miss Zhao complied, to explain she to maintain a livelihood, does comply to marry your?” “平日里你多聪明,怎么这次这么笨呢,”冰雪儿有些急了,“你想啊,如果赵姑娘答应了,岂不是说明她是为了活命,才答应嫁给你的?” Song Qingshu knits the brows: „Don't I think like this?” 宋青书皱眉道:“我又不会这样想?” But she will worry that like this,” Bing Xue'er sighs, gives him to explain, women are the thoughts exquisite animal, Miss Zhao such seven orifices exquisite heart, she will be worried about you although let alone now does not think like this, but in the future? How do your other these female friends see her? This risk she cannot brave, after all relates to the woman lifetime happiness, without the woman likes own marriage doping other things.” “可是她会这样担心啊,”冰雪儿叹了一口气,给他解释起来,“女人都是心思细腻的动物,更何况赵姑娘这样的七窍玲珑心,她会担心你现在虽然不会这样想,但将来呢?或者你其他那些红颜知己怎么看她?这个风险她不能冒,毕竟关系到女人一生的幸福,没有女人喜欢自己的婚姻掺杂其他的东西。” Song Qingshu blinks, somewhat understands the meaning in Bing Xue'er words faintly, but in his heart some worries: But by some chance she is not because this rejects me, but does not like me purely, doesn't want to marry me?” 宋青书眨了眨眼,隐隐有些明白冰雪儿话中的意思,不过他心中还是有些顾虑:“可万一她并不是因为这个拒绝我,而是单纯地不喜欢我,不想嫁给我呢?” Bing Xue'er white his eyes: „A woman accompanies a man to run all day far apart, moreover in Jianghu (rivers and lakes) she has not spiked a rumour about two people rumor run all over the place, what can this not like that is likes?” 冰雪儿白了他一眼:“一个女人整天天南地北陪一个男人跑,而且江湖中关于两人的传言满天飞她也从来没辟谣过,这要还不是喜欢那什么是喜欢?” Sees Song Qingshu also in hesitant, she walks is pressing his back toward Zhao Min the room direction to push: You is a man, must, go on own initiative quickly.” 宋青书还在犹豫,她走过去按着他的背往赵敏所住的屋子方向推:“你是男人,要主动一点,快去吧。” Good, many thanks Sister-In-Law!” Before Song Qingshu , because is extremely swayed by personal gains and losses, causes somewhat to be suddenly depressed, now by Bing Xue'er this enlightening, the whole person is restored the appearance. “好的,多谢嫂嫂!”宋青书之前因为太过患得患失,导致一时间有些消沉,如今被冰雪儿这一番开导,整个人重新恢复了神采。 Looks the direction that he leaves, Bing Xue'er is blushing to spit one, is muttering low voice: Had told you many times, do not shout me Sister-In-Law, otherwise always finds it strange......” 看着他离开的方向,冰雪儿红着脸啐了一口,小声咕哝着:“都跟你说过多少次了,别喊我嫂嫂,不然总觉得怪怪的……” And said that Song Qingshu runs to arrive at Room Zhao Min, knocks on a door saying: Princess, I had the words to want with you to say.” 且说宋青书一路小跑来到赵敏,敲门说道:“郡主,我有话想和你说。” After knocking long time, inside just now hears coldly echo: Rested, has what words to say tomorrow again.” 敲了良久后,里面方才传来一阵冷冷的回声:“睡了,有什么话明天再说。” Song Qingshu smiled immediately: I also somewhat was happen to deficient, or...... do we rest together?” 宋青书顿时笑了:“正好我也有些乏了,要不……我们一起睡?”
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