FSM :: Volume #16

#1573: Refuse

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Zhiruo may not have mean spirit that you imagine.” Song Qingshu said with a smile. 芷若可没你想象的那么小气。”宋青书笑道。 Yes?” The Zhao Min faint smile is staring at him, that good, next time I will see she told her to listen your words specially, looked that she can be anything responded.” “是么?”赵敏似笑非笑地盯着他,“那好,下次我见到她特意把你的话告诉她听听,看她会是什么反应。” No!” Song Qingshu quickly beckons with the hand, a face embarrasedly. “还是别!”宋青书急忙摆手,一脸讪讪。 What's wrong, feared that overturns your family that vinegar jar?” Zhao Min is crooked the head, the facial expression is quite pondering. “怎么,还是怕打翻你家那位的醋坛子啊?”赵敏歪着脑袋,神情颇为玩味。 Is worried about her actually not, but is worried about you,” Song Qingshu facial expression one austere, said calmly, your present martial arts is not her opponent, will really get up to conflict you to suffer a loss.” “倒不是担心她,而是担心你,”宋青书神情一肃,镇定地说道,“你现在武功不是她对手,真起冲突了你会吃亏的。” Doesn't have you?” Zhao Min thinks little slightly, you look helplessly I was bullied to stand by your family fierce wife?” “不还有你么?”赵敏丝毫不以为意,“难道你眼睁睁看着我被你家悍妻欺负而袖手旁观?” Fierce wife?” A Song Qingshu heavy line, feeling these two is really the natural enemy. “悍妻?”宋青书一头黑线,感觉这两人真是天生的冤家。 Yawn!” At this time cannot help but sneezes in Zhou Zhiruo of Yangzhou, the doubts rubbed the face, was too tired for several days, dyed the cold?” “哈欠!”此时远在扬州的周芷若不由自主打了个喷嚏,疑惑地揉了揉脸,“难道这些天太累了,染了风寒?” Good, we said your poison,” Song Qingshu clearly a moment ago that topic everywhere was a mine field, if chatted to refer to erratically makes cut and bruised, I have thought deeply about the Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill solution, finally poured really finds out a solution.” “好了好了,我们还是说回你身上的毒,”宋青书清楚刚才那个话题处处是雷区,要是聊下去指不定弄得遍体鳞伤,“我一直思索三尸脑神丹的解法,最后倒真的想出一条解法。” In the look of belt/bring anticipation in the Zhao Min doubts, Song Qingshu explained: „The Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill difficult solution, is mainly a person martial arts is high, has no way to practice in the brain the inner strength, but «Supreme Profound Scripture» tried another method founded one brand-new meridians system, can practice in the brain the inner strength exactly!” 赵敏疑惑中带期待的眼神中,宋青书解释起来:“三尸脑神丹之所以难解,主要是一个人武功再高,也没法将内力练到大脑里去,而《太玄经》另辟蹊径地开创了一套全新的经脉系统,恰好能将内力练到大脑之中!” Sword 23 launches the soul attack directly, not pure by contemplating can launch this attack, naturally needs the inner strength development stimulation brain, just now can provide the continuous power to Sword 23, originally Soul Shifting (Bewitching) Great Technique in «Nine Yin True Scripture» also involved the spiritual attack, but that looked at the worldly person supernatural power and willpower intensity, stopped after getting a smattering related to the development brain, was far less than that in Supreme Profound Scripture the system was perfect. 剑二十三是直接发动灵魂攻击,并非单纯靠冥想就能展开这种攻击,当然需要内力开发刺激大脑,方才能给剑二十三提供源源不断的动力,本来《九阴真经》里的移魂大法也涉及到了精神攻击,但那更多看人精神力与意志力的强度,涉及开发大脑只是浅尝辄止,远不如太玄经里体系完善。 So long as can practice the inner strength to the brain, then can dispel the foreign matter corpse insect that in the brain ambushes.” Song Qingshu has to sigh with emotion this world martial arts anything at this point is very indeed mysterious, but medical standard compared with technical civilization, if in oneself that world, Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill comes to hold the skull surgery regarding Zhao Min directly, even does not use the skull, directly with nuclear magnetic resonance, infrasonic wave and so on corpse insect that should be able to be killed by shock the ambush. “只要能将内力练至大脑,便能祛除大脑中潜伏的异物尸虫。”宋青书说到这里不得不感慨这个世界武功什么的的确很神奇,但医疗水平还是比不过科技文明,如果在自己那个世界,对于赵敏所中的三尸脑神丹直接来个开颅手术,甚至不用开颅,直接用核磁共振、次声波之类的应该就能震死潜伏的尸虫了。 Naturally by the condition of this world, Song Qingshu does not dare to make anything to hold the skull surgery to Zhao Min. 当然以这个世界的条件,宋青书可不敢对赵敏做什么开颅手术。 «Supreme Profound Scripture» is you now the biggest qualification, you teach to me, to make you lose biggest taking advantage?” A Zhao Min face worried that is looking at him. “《太玄经》是你如今最大的本钱,你传授给我,岂不是让你失了最大的依仗?”赵敏一脸担忧地望着他。 Who said that I do want to pass to you Supreme Profound Scripture?” Song Qingshu is bewildered. “谁说我要把太玄经传给你?”宋青书一脸茫然。 Originally is I unrequited love!” Zhao Min has left the face instantaneously, in the heart still did not dispel anger, stamps the feet snort/hum. “原来是我自作多情!”赵敏瞬间别过脸去,心中犹自不解恨,跺了跺脚哼了一声。 Seeing the effect was similar, Song Qingshu just now said: «Too Profound Merit» mysterious incomparable, cultivate/repair to insufficiently, practices the too profound merit , is not only unable to realize, but also is easy to overstate, falling fascinated barrier. Takes princess present cultivating as, perhaps must at least 20 years later may realize Supreme Profound Scripture, what a pity waits by that time, the day lily was cool.” 见效果差不多了,宋青书方才说道:“《太玄功》玄奥无比,修为不够,强练太玄功非但无法练成,还容易走火入魔,陷入魔障。以郡主如今的修为,恐怕还要至少二十年后才有可能练成太玄经,可惜等到那个时候,黄花菜都凉了。” That what to do?” Zhao Min kicked the foot, kicked in a pebble the lake water, the ripples that swung dispersed layer upon layer, seemed ordinary like her chaotic innermost feelings. “那怎么办?”赵敏踢了踢脚,将一颗小石子踢到了湖水中,荡开的涟漪层层散开,仿佛像她纷乱的内心一般。 You, although the short time is unable to realize «Supreme Profound Scripture», but here has ready-made to meet Supreme Profound Scripture,” Song Qingshu raised before and a Murong Jingyue war, at that time I used the Sword 23 direct attack Murong Jingyue soul, same I can also attack the corpse insect in your brain with Sword 23.” “你虽然短时间无法练成《太玄经》,但这里有个现成会太玄经的,”宋青书提起之前与慕容景岳一战,“当时我用剑二十三直接攻击慕容景岳灵魂,同样的我也可以用剑二十三攻击你大脑中的尸虫。” Really?” The Zhao Min complexion turns white slightly, at that time Sword 23, everyone's soul as if fixed generally, that type destroys day of the feeling of extinguishing the place makes her also somewhat have a lingering fear now, do not pay attention extinguishing my soul.” “真的可以么?”赵敏脸色微微发白,当时剑二十三一出,所有人的灵魂仿佛固定了一般,那种毁天灭地的感觉让她现在还有些心有余悸,“别一个不留神把我灵魂给灭了。” Naturally is not that simple,” Song Qingshu is the look is also dignified, „the Sword 23 aggressivity is too after all strong, but the brain of person is the frailest place, if I attacked slightly leaning a point or slightly heavy a point, when the time comes extinguished , was not only the corpse insect in your brain, your soul.” “当然不是那么简单,”宋青书也是神色凝重,“剑二十三毕竟攻击性太强,而人的大脑又是最脆弱的地方,如果我攻击稍微偏了一点或者稍微重了一点,到时候被灭的不仅是你脑中的尸虫,还有你的灵魂了。” Zhao Min is pale, but her intelligence quotient still, responded quickly: Since you proposed like this, had certain assurance?” 赵敏脸色发白,不过她智商尚在,很快反应过来:“既然你这样提出了,想必是有一定把握了?” If displays like this, can talk into the power is zero, if the princess complies with my matter,” Song Qingshu, some looks said complex, success ratio will be close to 100% infinitely.” “如果就这样施展,可以说成功率为零,不过如果郡主答应我一件事,”宋青书顿了顿,有些神色复杂地说道,“成功率会无限接近于百分之百。” Zhao Min delicate eyebrows one pressed, some doubts said: Complies to keep the secret for you? I can comply actually, but regarding people like us, how also to believe the opposite party simple promise?” 赵敏秀眉一蹙,有些疑惑地说道:“答应替你保守秘密么?我倒是可以答应,不过对于我们这种人,又岂会相信对方简简单单一句许诺?” I naturally cannot make you comply with I that bored matter,” Song Qingshu hesitant, answered, I the matter that wanted the princess to comply with somewhat am possibly embarrassing.” “我自然不会让你答应我那么无聊的事,”宋青书犹豫了下,解释道,“我要郡主答应的这件事可能有些让人为难。” Who knows that Zhao Min actually waves not completely indifferently: Relax, was about not to have for the difficult comparing favorably with life again? Although the opens the mouth, I comply am, the friendship among us, you will not harm me.” 谁知道赵敏却满不在乎地挥了挥手:“放心吧,再为难能比得上命都快没了?尽管开口,我答应就是,想必以我们之间的交情,你也不会害我。” Naturally will not harm you,” Song Qingshu hesitated, said that matter eventually, I want to ask the princess...... to marry me.” “当然不会害你,”宋青书迟疑了下,终究还是把那件事说了出来,“我是想请郡主……嫁给我。” Zhao Min chatted with him a moment ago was so long, the mouth was somewhat thirsty, therefore after ending those words, then carries the teacup to plan that sleek/moist moistens the throat, who knows that heard him to say wanted to comply with the matter that direct tea spurted: What did you say?” 赵敏刚才和他聊了这么久,口有些渴了,所以说完那句话后便端起茶杯打算润一润喉咙,谁知道听到他说要自己答应的事情,直接一口茶喷了出来:“你说什么?” Song Qingshu is sideways slightly, avoids the tea that she spouted: Princess, since has heard, why to make me say again one time?” 宋青书稍微一侧身,避开了她喷出的茶水:“郡主既然已经听到,何必让我再说一次?” You!” Red that a Zhao Min face rises instantaneously, turns around directly, is chatting obviously drives the law of poison, why changed to suddenly says this matter.” “你这人!”赵敏一张脸瞬间涨的通红,直接转过身去,“明明是在聊驱毒之法,为何突然转到说这种事了。” Song Qingshu smiles bitterly: Because this relates to drive the law of poison.” 宋青书苦笑一声:“因为这关系到驱毒之法。” Zhao Min turns head, a face is confused: „???” 赵敏回过头来,一脸迷茫:“???” Song Qingshu has to explain: Supreme Profound Scripture, although can expand the meridians to the brain, but the brain is the fine sensitive place, will not pay attention to cause the irreversible harm slightly, but everyone body will be different, the brain will have the fine distinction, I only then the assurance will dispel foreign matter in the brain, will not have the confidence to dispel the foreign matters in other person of brains. Only if...... only if I like am generally familiar with my body to her body, but must achieve this point, can only utilize the Joyous Meditation Method of Double Cultivation union of Vajrayana, you let loose the body and mind to make my True Qi enter thoroughly, after I am familiar to your body each meridians, just now had confidence that dispels the corpse insect in your brain.” 宋青书只好解释起来:“太玄经虽然能将经脉扩充到大脑里,但大脑是何等精细敏感的地方,稍不留神就会造成不可逆转的损害,而每个人身体不同,大脑也有细微差别,我只有把握祛除自己大脑中的异物,却没信心祛除其他人大脑中的异物。除非……除非我对她的身体如同对自己身体一般熟悉,而要做到这一点,只能运用密宗的欢喜禅双修之法结合,你彻底放开身心让我的真气进入,待我对你身体每一处经脉都熟悉过后,方才有把握祛除你脑中的尸虫。” More listened to him saying that a Zhao Min elegant face even more bright red, but she understood what is heard finally what's the matter. 越听他说,赵敏一张俏脸越发嫣红,不过她终于听明白了是怎么回事。 Song Qingshu then said: I do not want to make the princess be damaged purely, therefore proposed that makes the princess marry me, this......” 宋青书接着说道:“我不想让郡主清白受损,所以才提出让郡主嫁给我,这样……” He has not said, Zhao Min then broke him: „It is not good, I reject!” 他还没说完,赵敏便打断了他:“不行,我拒绝!”
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