FSM :: Volume #16

#1572: Colorful dream

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Said that what nonsense, how do I possibly kill you?” Song Qingshu said ill-humoredly. “说什么胡话呢,我怎么可能杀你?”宋青书没好气地说道。 He thinks that beforehand Zhao Min guessed correctly faintly oneself in the layout of various countries, thinks against news divulging, has to lead her in the side, what a pity as the matter stands she will know oneself secret inevitably. This time was good, if said before , guessed merely, but also some are not quite definite, now sees oneself became Emperor Liao Empire Yelü Hongji, Zhao Min thinks also to know with the toe what's the matter. 他想到之前赵敏就隐隐猜到了自己在各国的布局,所以为防消息泄露,不得不将她带在身边,可惜这样一来她必然就会知道更多自己的秘密。这次好了,若说之前仅仅是猜测,还有些不太确定,如今看到自己成了辽国皇帝耶律洪基,赵敏用脚趾头想想也知道是怎么回事。 Why is impossible to kill me?” Zhao Min smiles lightly, this matter relates such significantly, so long as I disclosed slightly a wind sound/rumor, you will be beyond redemption. If moves to locate, I will kill you mostly, because in this world, only then the deceased person can safeguard the secret.” “为什么不可能杀我?”赵敏淡淡一笑,“这件事关系这么重大,我只要稍微透露出去一点风声,你就会万劫不复。如果易地而处,我多半是会杀了你的,因为这世上只有死人才能保住秘密。” Princess will not kill me.” Song Qingshu shakes the head. “郡主也不会杀我。”宋青书摇了摇头。 Why?” Zhao Min was startled all of a sudden, does not understand self-confidence where he came. “为什么?”赵敏一下子怔住了,不明白他哪来的自信。 Because does not give up.” Song Qingshu said grinningly. “因为不舍得。”宋青书笑嘻嘻地说道。 Zhao Min stares, greatly is subsequently bashful: Who will not give up you, your narcissism was rather excessive!” 赵敏一愣,继而大羞:“谁会舍不得你,你自恋未免过头了吧!” Song Qingshu visits her like this gently: Because I do not hate to kill you.” 宋青书就这样温柔地看着她:“因为我就舍不得杀你。” Zhao Min complexion slightly red, some have turned the head artificially: Snort, in my present body strange Dubi dies in any case without doubt, do you kill me not to distinguish, how therefore was casual you to say.” 赵敏脸色微红,有些不自然地转过头去:“哼,反正我现在身中奇毒必死无疑,你杀不杀我都没区别,所以随便你怎么说。” In your body strange poison is real,” Song Qingshu, said meaningfully, must die actually not necessarily.” “你身中奇毒是真,”宋青书顿了顿,意味深长地说道,“必死却未必。” In the Zhao Min heart moves, turns the head pair of big pupil doubts to stare at him: Your what meaning?” 赵敏心中一动,转过头来一双大大的眸子疑惑地盯着他:“你什么意思?” At this time the short distance looks at present the bright and intelligent eye, is long the eyelash that and curls upwards to shiver slightly, added the nimble and resourceful color, red lip that especially opens slightly, above is emitting the water sleek/moist gloss, looks in the Song Qingshu heart to move, lowered the head to kiss directly. 此时近距离看着眼前水汪汪的眼睛,又长又翘的睫毛微微颤动,更是平添了灵动之色,特别是微微张开的红唇,上面散发着水润的光泽,看得宋青书心中一动,直接低头吻了上去。 The Zhao Min eye stared all of a sudden straight, at this time in the head a blank, where expects the opposite party to attack itself suddenly, when she recovered, own tip of tongue had been tasted by the opposite party recklessly. 赵敏眼睛一下子就瞪直了,此时脑袋里一片空白,哪料到对方会突然袭击自己,待她回过神来,自己的舌尖都已经被对方肆意品尝了。 Shoved open the opposite party, Zhao Min shamed and got angry: „Do you do!” 一把推开了对方,赵敏又羞又怒:“你干什么!” Princess must know that a person martial arts is higher, more is not poisoned easily.” The Song Qingshu surface not loyalty does not jump said that „, otherwise this first under heaven perhaps is Poison Hand Medicine King these characters, what a pity in this Jianghu (rivers and lakes) uses poisonously cannot amount to something.” “郡主应当知道一个人武功越高,就越不容易中毒吧。”宋青书面不红心不跳地说道,“不然这天下第一恐怕就是毒手药王这些人物,可惜这江湖中用毒的始终上不了台面。” Good,” Zhao Min small head molecule, „a person skill is higher, even if poisoned still to be able with the inner strength to compel poisonously.” Replied, she cannot bear stamp the feet, thought that this and matter is completely the relations that eight bamboo poles could not hit. “不错,”赵敏螓首微点,“一个人功力越高,就算中了毒也能用内力将毒逼出来。”回答完后她忍不住跺了跺脚,心想这和刚才的事完全是八竿子打不着的关系嘛。 Must say that on this day under martial learn/study, evades the poison fiercely, when is Zhang Wuji «Nine Yang Divine Skill», after Nine Yang Divine Skill accomplishment, almost can be considered as over a hundred not to invade poisonously.” Song Qingshu looked at Zhao Min one specially, had not discovered after she hears Zhang Wuji several characters, has the facial expression of what difference, „, when besides «Nine Yang Divine Skill», compels the poisonous effect best is «Wants Sanmode To break Good Achievement God Fully Passing through», is «God Fully Passing through», day after day next wonderful poisonous Ice Silkworm cold poisonous can solution drop, wants to come in this world few type of poisons unable to compel.” “要说这天下武学,避毒最厉害的当属张无忌的《九阳神功》,九阳神功大成之后,几乎可以算得上百毒不侵了。”宋青书特意看了赵敏一眼,并没发现她听到张无忌几个字后有什么异样的神情,“除了《九阳神功》之外,逼毒效果最佳的当属《欲三摩地断行成就神足经》,也就是《神足经》,连天下奇毒冰蚕的寒毒都能解掉,想来这世上也没几种毒逼不出来了。” „Do you want to make me study «God Fully after» compel the poison?” The Zhao Min look moves, the doubts asked that poured also forgets to send a punitive expedition. “你是想让我学《神足经》逼毒?”赵敏眼神一动,疑惑地问道,倒也忘了要兴师问罪。 When recalled the Chen Yuanyuan study god to let the posture that the person bloodlines spurted to open after these initially fully, the Song Qingshu tip of the nose somewhat was hot, started yy Zhao Min to practice this merit the scene, thought that made her practice this merit is also a good idea. 回忆起当初陈圆圆学神足经时那些让人血脉喷张的姿势,宋青书不禁鼻头有些热,不禁开始yy赵敏练此功的场景,心想让她练此功也是个不错的主意。 Zhao Min put out a hand to shake shaking in him at present: Hey, you how?” 赵敏伸手在他眼前晃了晃:“喂,你怎么了?” No, no,” Song Qingshu receives the mind, replied embarrasedly, «God Fully after» compelled the world's most toxicants not to have the issue, but your Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill toxicity was unusual, «God Fully after» perhaps helpless.” “没,没什么,”宋青书收起心神,讪讪地答道,“《神足经》逼出天底下大部分毒药是没问题的,不过你身上的三尸脑神丹毒性奇特,《神足经》恐怕无能为力。” „.” Zhao Min has not actually held anything to hope, hears such answer is only light snort/hum, „, since helpless, you raise it to do.” “哦。”赵敏其实也没抱什么希望,听到这样的答案只是淡淡的哼了一声,“既然无能为力,你提它干什么。” Princess is not anxious,” Song Qingshu then answered, reason that «God Fully after» was useless to Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill , was mainly Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill usually non-toxic, the poisonous insect was usually ambushed by the medicine suppression the dormancy in your brain, but the brain of person was the frailest spot, in the world almost all martial learn/study does not have the means to arrive in the head the inner strength importantly continually, naturally had no way to dispel from the brain the poisonous insect.” “郡主莫急,”宋青书接着解释道,“《神足经》之所以对三尸脑神丹无用,主要是三尸脑神丹平时无毒,毒虫被药物压制平日潜伏在你脑中休眠,而人的大脑是最重要也最脆弱的部位,世上几乎所有的武学都没有办法将内力连到脑袋里面去,自然也就没法将毒虫从大脑里祛除。” Almost all......” the Zhao Min itself/Ben is the extremely intelligent person, hears in the subtext heart in his words to move, „does that clearly have martial arts to practice?” “几乎所有……”赵敏本就是极为聪明之人,听到他话中的潜台词不由心中一动,“那显然还有武功可以练到?” Good,” Song Qingshu nods, princess should know that a while ago I experienced a great misfortune, in Yangzhou the poison of Golden Devil Flower, almost to die in a foreign land.” “不错,”宋青书点了点头,“郡主应该知道前段时间我经历了一场大劫,在扬州中了金波旬花之毒,差点客死异乡吧。” Heard,” mentioned this matter Zhao Min is also flabbergasted, could not block its poison by your martial arts, obviously Golden Devil Flower really worthily was the heads of ten thousand poison.” “有所耳闻,”说起这事赵敏也是咂舌不已,“以你的武功都挡不住它的毒,可见金波旬花果然不愧是万毒之首。” Golden Devil Flower invisible does not have, indeed is virtually impossible to guard against, moreover after the poison, can block the human body meridians, keeping you from transferring the inner strength to compel the poison,” Song Qingshu has a lingering fear said, „the accident of sorts studied a marvelous ability luckily afterward, its transporting merit route and general meridians system are entirely different, this made me successfully compel the poison.” 金波旬花无形无相,的确是让人防不胜防,而且中毒之后能阻断人体经脉,让你无法调用内力逼毒,”宋青书心有余悸地说道,“幸好后来机缘巧合学得一门神功,它的运功路线与一般的经脉系统截然不同,这才让我成功逼出了毒。” Zhao Min hears to sob similarly, but responded quickly, is blushing to get angry: These and I have what relations, do not want to pull a shift topic randomly, a moment ago you......” 赵敏同样听得唏嘘不已,不过很快反应过来,红着脸怒道:“这些和我有什么关系,别想乱扯一通转移话题啊,刚才你……” Naturally has the relations,” Song Qingshu interrupted her words, reason that Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill is unable to compel poisonously with the inner strength, because of poisonous insect ambush in brain, but common martial arts has no way to practice in the brain the inner strength, that marvelous ability that but I said that actually opened the meridians in the brain!” “当然有关系,”宋青书打断了她的话,“之所以三尸脑神丹无法用内力将毒逼出来,是因为毒虫潜伏在大脑里,而寻常武功没法将内力练到大脑中,不过我说的那门神功,却是在大脑中开辟了经脉!” Is that «Supreme Profound Scripture»?” The matter that before Zhao Min also listens to he raised, has run into faintly. “就是那个《太玄经》?”赵敏隐隐也听他提起过之前碰到的事情。 Good,” Song Qingshu crosses the hands behind the back to stand, „, since you are poisoned, I have been thinking deeply about the law of detoxification, after all at that time Murong Jingyue mysteriously appeared and disappeared, no one has grasped can find him, even if found were still not necessarily able to attain the antidote, now recalls, I have both kinds of preparation luckily from the beginning.” “不错,”宋青书负手而立,“自从你中毒之后我一直在思索解毒之法,毕竟那个时候慕容景岳神出鬼没,谁也没有把握能找到他,就算找到了也未必能拿到解药,现在回想起来,幸好我一开始就有两手准备。” „Have you been helping me think deeply about the law of detoxification?” Zhao Min visits her. “你一直在帮我思索解毒之法么?”赵敏怔怔地看着她。 Naturally,” recalled that princess and in this world in the honorable person in who the television work contact, Song Qingshu say with emotion sincere, „you are a dream in my heart, the previous generation are, this is also, how could do I make you have what matter?” “当然,”回想起影视作品中的郡主和在这个世界中接触到的真人,宋青书情真意切地感慨道,“你是我心中的一个梦,前世是,这一世也是,我又岂能让你出什么事情?” Hears his these words, Zhao Min lowers the head subconsciously, as if this time expression was for fear that seen by the opposite party. In the two years when she quiet at dead of night, thinks in own body strange poison, noticed again Song Qingshu is forgiving everywhere is everywhere dashing, in the heart will raise unavoidably several hidden bitterness, now knows that he has saved himself in the idea, before all resentment swept away instantaneously. 听到他这一番话,赵敏下意识低下了头,仿佛生怕此时的表情被对方看到。这两年她夜深人静之时,想到自己身中奇毒,再看到宋青书四处留情到处风流潇洒,心中难免会升起几丝幽怨,现在知道他一直都在想法救自己,之前所有的怨气瞬间一扫而空。 This saying be not heard by Sect Master Zhou, otherwise she may be unable to forgive you.” When Zhao Min raised the head, on the face is the bright happy expression. “这话可别被周掌门听到了,不然她可饶不了你。”赵敏重新抬起头时,脸上已是灿烂的笑意。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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