FSM :: Volume #16

#1571: Truth that at the point of death wants to know

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Song Qingshu then remembered has been busy with the stable political situation for these days, suddenly the oversight the Zhao Min mood, the Murong Jingyue body dies now, does not know that Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill formula, perhaps she must have indulges in flights of fancy. 宋青书这才想起这几天一直忙于稳定政局,一时间疏漏了赵敏的心情,如今慕容景岳身死,又不知道三尸脑神丹的配方,她恐怕少不了胡思乱想了。 Thank the reminder of Su Quan, Song Qingshu set out to hurry to toward the palace that Zhao Min was, after coup d'etat, he received in the imperial palace to live Zhao Min, Bing Xue'er, although two female some were not familiar with, but to be safe and convenient, finally poured has not rejected. 感谢了苏荃的提醒,宋青书起身往赵敏所在的宫殿赶去,政变过后,他就将赵敏冰雪儿接到皇宫里来住着,虽然两女有些不习惯,但为了安全与方便,最终倒也没有拒绝。 The people have not arrived, heard in the distant place pavilion to hear the intermittent quiet and beautiful tweedle by far, sent away the palace maid court eunuch of accompanying, Song Qingshu walked quietly, has not been disturbing her anxiously, but stopped to watch to listen respectfully in the one side. Before the Zhao Min tweedle always showed the valiant meaning faintly, now the melody is plaintive, obviously is the having mind filled with concern. 人还没到,就远远听到远处凉亭中传来了阵阵清幽的琴声,屏退了随行的宫女太监,宋青书静悄悄地走了过去,并没有急着打扰她,而是驻足在一旁观看聆听。以前赵敏的琴声中总隐隐透出英姿飒爽之意,如今却曲调哀怨忧愁,显然是满腹心事。 The night wind has stroked gently, Zhao Min women's clothing swung slightly, making her be short of one compared with the ordinary day in tenderly and beautifully warm, were many pretty. 夜风轻轻拂过,赵敏身上的衣裙微微摆动,让她比平日里少了一份娇艳热情,多了一丝楚楚动人。 Night the cold air is big, returns to the room.” Detected that her body somewhat trembles faintly, Song Qingshu says. “夜里寒气大,回屋去吧。”察觉到她身体隐隐有些发颤,宋青书不禁开口说道。 Zhao Min shakes the head, looks at the bright moonlight of space to say lightly: Such scenery looks at one few one, how can not be many have a look?” 赵敏摇了摇头,望着天上的明月淡淡地说道:“这样的景色看一眼少一眼,怎能不多看看?” When the Song Qingshu hear disheartened meaning in her tone, will comfort, Zhao Min actually first turns head: Said that has not congratulated you, congratulates you to be in charge of Liao Empire, the ease on a control country, really yes admire.” 宋青书听出她语气中的灰心丧气之意,正要安慰之际,赵敏却先回过头来:“说起来还没有恭喜你呢,恭喜你入主辽国,轻而易举就控制一个国家,实在是佩服佩服。” The Song Qingshu forced smile said: In name controls, now dances in the steel wire, will not pay attention to be beyond redemption slightly.” 宋青书苦笑道:“只是名义上控制而已,如今是在钢丝上跳舞,稍不留神就会万劫不复。” Zhao Min curls the lip: Your this small fox, is not at this moment groundless. Such matter thinks that you have made the light car(riage) ripe to harness, some where you described was so dangerous.” 赵敏撇撇嘴:“你这只小狐狸,事到如今还不尽不实。这样的事情想必你早已做得轻车熟驾了吧,哪有你形容的那么危险。” Princess what this word?” Song Qingshu smiles awkwardly. “郡主何出此言?”宋青书尴尬地笑了笑。 Zhao Min stands, revealed raised the elegant figure high, walked the faint smile to visit him: „Before Jin Empire saw you camouflage Tangkuo Bian had suspected, but thought at that time a Tangkuo Bian face full beard is quite possibly good to pretend to be, until this time saw that Murong Jingyue also has your to be similar to miracle common disguise technique, knows that you can easily camouflage another person.” 赵敏站起来,露出了高挑秀美的身段,走过来似笑非笑地看着他:“之前在金国看到你伪装成唐括辩的时候就有所怀疑,不过当时觉得唐括辩一脸大胡子可能比较好冒充,直到这次见到慕容景岳还有你那如同神迹一般的易容术,才知道你们可以轻易伪装成另一个人。” Song Qingshu quickly investigates the correct path: Murong Jingyue disguise technique, although is good, but mainly changes the trail, who he cannot achieve to think changed/easy Rongcheng on changed/easy Rongcheng anyone.” Before he has inspected the Murong Jingyue mask, discovered that did not modulate with the medicinal plaster, but really the person skin, obviously was he harmed after true Yelu Yixin, his cheek peeled, this successfully pretended to be him. 宋青书急忙纠正道:“慕容景岳易容术虽然不错,但主要还是改变形迹,他做不到想易容成谁就易容成谁。”之前他检查过慕容景岳的面具,发现那并不是用膏药调制而成的,而是真的人皮,显然是他害了真正的耶律乙辛过后,将他的面皮剥了下来,这才成功冒充了他。 Murong Jingyue disguise technique can only change appearance, camouflages person who other do not have actually, for example Ping Yizhi wait/etc, but who also cannot achieve to think changed/easy Rongcheng on changed/easy Rongcheng whose situation. 慕容景岳的易容术只能改变本身的容貌,伪装成另外一些实际并不存在的人,比如平一指等等,还做不到想易容成谁就易容成谁的地步。 Takes a broad view at the world, perhaps only then Song Qingshu and A'Zhu have this skill. 放眼天下,恐怕只有宋青书阿朱有这个本事。 It seems like also underestimated that your changed/easy appearance/allow level,” Zhao Min chuckle, before thinks you pretended to be a Jin Empire powerful minister, now looks like in light of all these of Liao Empire, perhaps Emperor Jin Empire had also been replaced by you.” “看来还低估你的易容水平了,”赵敏轻笑一声,“之前以为你只是冒充了一下金国的权臣,如今结合辽国发生的这一切看来,恐怕金国皇帝也早就被你替换掉了吧。” The Song Qingshu complexion changes, said with a smile: How possibly, we frequently in the same place, but now Emperor Jin Empire also sits in the mansion in good condition energetically.” 宋青书脸色微变,笑着说道:“怎么可能,我们经常在一起,而现在金国皇帝还好端端地在大兴府坐着呢。” You can give others disguise technique,” Zhao Min paces, before gathering his body, carefully observes his look, for example basis information, Tangkuo Bian now also in energetically mansion.” “你可以把易容术交给其他人嘛,”赵敏踱着步,凑到他身前仔细观察他的眼神,“比如根据情报,唐括辩如今也在大兴府啊。” However Song Qingshu has been the performing skill of being repeatedly tempered, how also to be seen the flaw by her, said on the contrary with a smile: Spits fragrant its Ruolan, on the princess is really fragrant.” 不过宋青书早已是千锤百炼的演技,又岂会被她看出破绽,反倒是笑着说道:“吐芬芳其若兰,郡主身上还真香。” Zhao Min complexion one red, quickly retroceded two steps, was angry lightly white his eyes: Rascal!” 赵敏脸色一红,急忙后退了两步,轻嗔地白了他一眼:“无赖!” My this is praising you, has the mistake to be honest?” Song Qingshu spreads out both hands, appearance that has no alternative. “我这是在赞美你啊,难道说实话也有错么?”宋青书摊开双手,一副无可奈何的模样。 Zhao Min spat one, obviously does not want to be changed the topic by him: Liao Empire so, Jin Empire so, making me have the reason to suspect, Qing Empire that you are at from the beginning can also be so.” 赵敏啐了一口,显然不想被他岔开话题:“辽国如此,金国如此,让我有理由怀疑,你一开始所在的清国会不会也是如此。” In the past you assassinated the Kangxi incident to make the noisy world to know, I have thought this matter is passing strangely,” Zhao Min was slanting the head to take a look at him, such rash behavior really not like your character, but I understand now finally.” “当年你刺杀康熙一事闹得沸沸扬扬天下皆知,我一直觉得这件事透着古怪,”赵敏斜着脑袋打量着他,“这样莽撞的行为实在不像你的性格,不过我现在终于明白了。” Song Qingshu asked lightly: What did princess understand?” 宋青书淡淡问道:“郡主明白了什么?” That assassination world thinks that ends in failure, you issued a warrant for arrest by the Qing Empire royal government, escape the world,” Zhao Min, said suddenly meaningfully, now recalls, perhaps then Kangxi had died, reason that spreads such news, but is you practices trickery.” “那次刺杀世人都以为是以失败告终,你被清国朝廷通缉,逃亡天下,”赵敏顿了顿,忽然意味深长地说道,“不过现在回想起来,恐怕当时的康熙已经死了,之所以传出那样的消息,只不过是你瞒天过海而已。” In Song Qingshu heart one startled, if we had known Zhao Min is intelligent, but has not thought to this situation intelligently, but relies on a little information, unexpectedly guesses near perfect these year of careful layouts. 宋青书心中一惊,早知道赵敏聪明,可是没想到聪明到了这种地步,只是凭借这么一点情报,居然将自己这些年精心布局猜得个八九不离十。 But this matter is important, if leaks out slightly, is not only oneself, will be these has helped own female friend be all beyond redemption silently. 可是这件事事关重大,若是稍稍泄露出去,不仅是自己,就是那些一直默默帮助自己的红颜知己全都会万劫不复。 Feels in the air to just like the substantive murderous intention suddenly, Zhao Min shakes the head: You do not need to worry, I now in any case will be the person of dying, will not leak your secret.” 感受到空气中忽然犹如实质般的杀机,赵敏摇了摇头:“你不必担心,我如今反正是个将死之人,也不会泄露你的秘密。” Princess chatted,” Song Qingshu returned to normal, present, no matter Jin Empire or Qing Empire, their emperors assume the palace, maps out strategic plans in an army tent to revolve the entire empire with the respective enemy war, my what virtue what can, be able to control them?” “郡主说笑了,”宋青书恢复了平静,“如今不管是金国还是清国,他们的皇帝都坐镇中宫,运筹帷幄运转着整个帝国与各自敌人大战,我何德何能,能操控他们?” Zhao Min nods: This is also the place that I am puzzling, wants to help you assume a country, that puppet emperor must be absolutely loyal to you, simultaneously must have the talent of governing, but there is this grade of talent person is not the heart is higher than the day? Begins again grasps a power of country's, how also to want, no matter what you organize......” 赵敏点了点头:“这也正是我百思不得其解的地方,想要帮你坐镇一国,那个傀儡皇帝必须对你绝对忠心,同时又要有治国之才,可是有这等才干之人哪个不是心比天高?再加上手握一国的权力,又岂愿意任你摆布……” Song Qingshu smiled immediately: Therefore was the princess you wants is too many obviously.” 宋青书顿时笑了:“所以明明是郡主你想太多了。” Who knows that Zhao Min shakes the head: Is I wants is too many, immediately can be clear.” 谁知道赵敏摇了摇头:“是不是我想太多,马上就能见分晓了。” What do you mean?” Song Qingshu is startled. “什么意思?”宋青书一怔。 Zhao Min showed a cunning smile: Because you have become the emperor in Liao Empire, but you are always impossible to be the emperor here, after you leave, I thought how here you arrange, naturally knows how you make in Jin Empire, Qing Empire.” 赵敏露出了一丝狡黠的笑容:“因为你在辽国已经当上了皇帝,可是你总不可能一直在这儿当皇帝吧,等你离开后我看你怎么安排这边,自然就知道你在金国清国是怎么弄的。” The Song Qingshu breath obstructs, some expressions said densely: Princess, you had not heard more little knows in the imperial palace lives for a long time?” 宋青书呼吸一窒,有些语气森然地说道:“郡主,难道你没听说过在皇宫里知道得越少活得越久么?” Who knows that Zhao Min does not care at all smiles: But shortly after others lived, worked as a muddled ghost with it, might as well worked as an insightful person before dying.” 谁知道赵敏毫不在意一笑:“可是人家本来就活不久了啊,与其当个糊涂鬼,还不如在死前当个通透人。” Zhao Min smiled mournfully: Compared with dying under Murong Jingyue Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill , I thought that dies in your hand easier acceptance point.” 顿了顿赵敏凄然一笑:“比起死在慕容景岳三尸脑神丹下,我觉得死在你手上更容易接受点。”
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