FSM :: Volume #16

#1583: Saying good-bye before leaving

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Nanxian (southern Immortal), should not be swayed by personal feelings.” Song Qingshu quickly prevents. 南仙,不要意气用事。”宋青书急忙阻止。 Who knows that Yelu Nanxian shakes the head: I am not swayed by personal feelings, but is clear in the environment of Capital City at the present, wants to rehabilitate for my father is not that easy matter, but Princess Shaomin indeed gave a plan of possibly solution.” 谁知道耶律南仙摇了摇头:“我不是意气用事,而是清楚以如今上京城的环境,想替我爹平反并不是那么容易的事,而绍敏郡主的确给出了一种最可能解决的方案。” A Song Qingshu brow wrinkle: But this wants you to go to Xixia (Western Xia)......” 宋青书眉头一皱:“可是这要你去西夏……” Yelu Nanxian blinks: Does not have you to protect me, I believe you.” 耶律南仙眨了眨眼睛:“不还有你保护我么,我相信你。” Zhao Min wiped the arm in the one side, reveals a chill the expression, Song Qingshu disregards her exaggerating response directly, hesitates was saying: Where often to stand to have not the wet shoes in the riverside, I am not multipurpose, if a negligence has not really protected you, that does create is too late to regret life-long?” 赵敏在一旁抹了抹手臂,露出一副恶寒的表情,宋青书直接无视她夸张的反应,犹豫着说道:“正所谓常在河边站哪有不湿鞋,我又不是万能的,万一真的一个疏忽没有保护好你,那岂不是造成终生追悔莫及?” Yelu Nanxian smiles lightly: I am not the delicate female of lacking the strength to truss up a chicken, protects itself to be able to accomplish.” 耶律南仙淡淡一笑:“我又不是什么手无缚鸡之力的柔弱女子,保护自己还是能办得到的。” Song Qingshu must say anything, Zhao Min actually pushed him discontentedly: „Are you bothersome, our both women are more refreshed than you, this matter decided.” 宋青书还要说什么,赵敏却不满地推了推他:“你烦不烦,我们两个女人都比你爽快,这件事就这么定了。” After saying, eye bone common revolution: Yelyu miss, or stays here to rest tonight together.” 说完后眼睛骨碌碌一转:“耶律姑娘要不今晚就留在这里一起歇息吧。” A Yelu Nanxian elegant face instantaneously becomes red, although that she had been turned into the woman by Song Qingshu late, may be only a coincidence misunderstands after all, she is still also maintaining the young girl mentality now, where can bear Zhao Min this undisguised words: Bah, who so will not be bashful like you!” 耶律南仙一张俏脸瞬间变得通红,虽然那晚她已经被宋青书变成了女人,可毕竟只是一次巧合误会,她如今依然还保持着少女心态,哪受得了赵敏这番露骨的话:“呸,谁会像你这般不害臊!” Looks snow white fragrant shoulder that she revealed faintly, in the Yelu Nanxian heart somewhat is agitated inexplicable, turns around to drop out one to Song Qingshu directly: I went back.” 看了她隐隐露出的雪白香肩,耶律南仙心中不禁有些莫名烦躁,直接转身对宋青书抛下一句:“我回去了。” Song Qingshu knits the brows slightly: „, Stayed in the palace late.” Because his own status is sensitive, this period of time guard palace maid anything's catching up must specially by far, therefore Yelu Nanxian rushed is so long, poured no one to discover, but she rushed again, must meet the Imperial Palace guard defense line unavoidably again, incautiously was very dangerous. 宋青书微微皱眉:“这么晚了,就在宫中住下吧。”因为他自己身份敏感,这段时间特意将侍卫宫女什么的赶得远远的,所以耶律南仙闯进来这么久了,倒没有人发现,不过她再闯出去,又难免再次要遇到大内侍卫防线,一不小心还是很危险的。 Yelu Nanxian was just tranquil the complexion was also instantaneously red: You......” 耶律南仙刚平静了的脸色瞬间又红了:“你这人……” Notices her expression to change, Song Qingshu is startled slightly then understands that she thought the branch, has to smile bitterly to explain: You thought the branch, did not keep you to rest together, was other arranges a room to give you.” 注意到她表情变化,宋青书微微一怔便明白她想岔了,只好苦笑着解释道:“你想岔了,不是留你一起睡,是另外安排一间屋子给你。” Understands what's the matter, Yelu Nanxian was instead more embarrassed, touched cheeks that feels hot, shakes the head saying: Ok, I must go back to seek for my father's skeleton, cannot let his violent corpse wilderness.” 明白过来是怎么回事,耶律南仙反而更窘迫了,摸了摸发烫的脸颊,还是摇头道:“算了,我还要回去寻找一下我爹的尸骨,总不能让他暴尸荒野。” The opposite party mentioned the father, Song Qingshu is not good to keep her again in the palace, has to pull out a sign to give her: Since I did not keep you like this, this comes and goes out the number and route plate of imperial palace, you brought on the body, later came and went out the imperial palace not to need is so adventurous.” 对方提到了父亲,宋青书也不好再留她在宫里,只好掏出一个牌子递给她:“既然这样我也不留你了,这是出入禁宫的腰牌,你带在身上,以后出入皇宫不必这么冒险。” Un ~ this Yelu Nanxian has not rejected, after all this thing is practical, she later must have must come and go out the imperial palace. “嗯~”这次耶律南仙没有拒绝,毕竟这东西非常实用,她以后也少不了要出入皇宫。 Received the number and route plate to walk outward, arrives at the entrance time figure, left behind a few words: Yourself take care.” Said that complexion one red, departs in a hurry only leaves behind wisp of light fragrant wind in the air. 接过腰牌往外走去,走到门口的时候身形顿了一下,留下一句话:“你自己保重身体。”说完脸色一红,匆匆离去只在空气中留下一缕淡淡的香风。 Remaining Song Qingshu and Zhao Min look at each other in blank dismay, Zhao Min somewhat shamed angry snort/hum one: „Her saying to be what meaning!” 剩下宋青书赵敏面面相觑,赵敏有些羞恼地哼了一声:“她这话是什么意思!” Song Qingshu smiles bitterly to explain: Others stem from among the friends the care in formality.” 宋青书苦笑着解释道:“人家只是出于朋友间礼节上的关心而已。” Yes?” A Zhao Min depressed facial expression, how I thought that this saying aims at intentionally my.” “是么?”赵敏一副郁闷的神情,“我怎么觉得她这话是故意针对我的呢。” Song Qingshu walked to get into bed, starting is completely that slides the astonishing tender body: Who made you aim at her a moment ago everywhere, others were challenged army to suffer that big by you, must look for a gathering place to come back.” 宋青书走过去重新钻进了被窝,入手尽是那滑得惊人的娇躯:“谁让你刚才处处针对她呢,人家被你将了一军吃了那么大的亏,总要找点场子回来嘛。” Zhao Min sneers again and again: Spoke for other woman quickly? I also really am the cruel fate, first comes across so many things late......” 赵敏冷笑连连:“这么快就替别的女人说话了?我还真是命苦,才第一晚就遇到这么多事情……” Looks pouring down that she ships out intentionally wants the tears the appearance, Song Qingshu directly hugs her in the bosom, kissed her earlobe: Good, do not install, we continue.” 看着她故意装出的泫然欲涕的模样,宋青书直接一把将她搂在怀中,亲吻了一下她的耳垂:“好啦,别装了,我们继续。” On the Zhao Min face a heat, pretends not knowing to say intentionally: What continues?” 赵敏脸上一热,故意装不知道地说道:“继续什么?” Naturally is continues this......” Song Qingshu this little while to be possible not to have the time and she empty with the winding, direct turns over/stands up starts, stirs up beautiful woman one to be angry lightly thin angry...... “当然是继续这个啦……”宋青书这会儿可没功夫和她虚与委蛇,直接一个翻身重新上马,惹得佳人一阵轻嗔薄怒…… Early morning sunlight shines, Song Qingshu first opened the eye, after all cultivated/repaired to be in his situation, slept also little rests compared with the average person. 清晨的阳光照耀进来,宋青书第一时间睁开了眼睛,毕竟修为到了他这种地步,睡觉也比一般人睡得少了。 This world emperor does not need to develop like the soap opera in luckily, every day before sunrise goes to bed, otherwise may really want my short remaining life.” Song Qingshu stretches oneself, remembers day not bright time, oneself are manipulating Zhao Min, a heart heat, has cannot help but turned the head to observe to lie down in beautiful woman. “幸好这个世界皇帝不用像电视剧里面演得那样,每天天不亮就起来上床,不然可真是要了我的老命了。”宋青书伸了个懒腰,想起天没亮的时候,自己正在摆弄赵敏呢,不由得心头一热,转过头去观察躺在身旁的佳人。 At this time Zhao Min still in deep sleep, obviously last night working hard regarding a young girl some, grows thanks to her since childhood on the Mongolia prairie, the body is much better compared with the common Jiangnan females, this insisted. 此时赵敏依然在沉睡中,显然昨晚的操劳对于一个少女来说还是有些过了,也多亏她从小生长在蒙古草原上,身子骨比一般江南女子要好一些,这才坚持了下来。 The reason that because just Song Qingshu stretched oneself, the quilt was lifted an corner/horn at this time, revealed the big piece snow greasy moving flesh, above sees to proliferate the kiss mark, Song Qingshu surges the boundless tender sentiment, last night was too crazy. 因为刚刚宋青书伸懒腰的缘故,此时被子被掀开了一角,露出了大片雪腻动人的肌肤,看到遍布其上的吻痕,宋青书涌起无限怜惜之情,昨晚实在太疯狂了些。 As if detected that anything, the Zhao Min sleepy eyes opened the eyes dimly, saw that Song Qingshu is looking at itself, could not bear muttered one slurred: I must sleep, yourself got up......” saying that stands up from failure, did not have to realize the own back big piece thrilling curve exposed in front of the man. 似乎察觉到了什么,赵敏睡眼朦胧地睁开了双眼,见到宋青书在看着自己,忍不住模糊不清地咕哝了一声:“我还要睡觉,你自己起吧……”说完就翻了身过去,丝毫没意识到自己背后大片动人心魄的曲线暴露到了男人面前。 Song Qingshu looks at a heart heat, but is in the upper hand sanely, quickly covers with the quilt for her, covers scenery that released for the first time: You rest well, I make the palace maid do not disturb you.” 宋青书看得心头一热,不过还是理智占了上风,急忙替她盖好被子,捂住了乍泄的风景:“你好好睡吧,我让宫女不要来打扰你。” ~ Zhao Min complied with one unclearly, obviously fell into the dreamland. “唔~”赵敏含糊不清地应了一声,显然又重新陷入了梦乡。 Song Qingshu quickly crawls from the bed, wore the clothes to arrive outside breathed next early morning fresh air, this felt the vitality that within the body boiled was gradually tranquil, sighed secretly: Really is a seductress/evil spirit , to continue to stay in also really not necessarily dominates.” 宋青书急忙从床上爬起来,穿好衣服来到外面呼吸了一下清晨新鲜的空气,这才感觉到体内沸腾的气血渐渐平静下来,不由暗暗感叹:“真是个妖精,继续呆在里面还真未必把持得住。” Suddenly heard gentle sound of footsteps, Song Qingshu turned around to look, saw only a white clothing floating palace clothing beautiful woman to stand there, showed a faint smile: Sister-In-Law ~ 忽然身后传来了一阵轻柔的脚步声,宋青书转身望去,只见一个白衣飘飘的宫装丽人站在那里,不禁微微一笑:“嫂嫂~” Comes the person naturally is Bing Xue'er, hears the name complexion of opposite party one red, somewhat rebuked white his one eyes: Said, do not shout me Sister-In-Law.” 来人自然是冰雪儿,听到对方的称呼不禁脸色一红,有些嗔怪地白了他一眼:“都说了以后别喊我嫂嫂了。” Before I tried to trade, the discovery or Sister-In-Law of pleasant to hear.” Song Qingshu returns grinningly said. “之前我试着换了一下,发现还是嫂嫂好听一点。”宋青书笑嘻嘻回道。 Being disinclined manages you ~ Bing Xue'er naturally knows that he shouted like this is saving what thoughts, thinks that these her actually whole body becomes tender, has no way to be really angry. “懒得理你~”冰雪儿自然知道他这样喊是存着什么心思,想到那些她却浑身发软,也没法真的生气起来。 How does Sister-In-Law get up early?” Song Qingshu only feels refreshing at this time, in the tone also has the happy expression. 嫂嫂怎么起得这么早?”宋青书此时只觉得神清气爽,语气中也带着笑意。 Bing Xue'er looked up the day, the complexion said strangely: Weather is not early.” 冰雪儿抬头看了看天,脸色古怪地说道:“天色已经不算早了。” Song Qingshu complexion one red, is very indeed early regarding the post- world this time, but regarding the person in this world, generally rests gets up early early, now this point indeed some late. 宋青书脸色一红,对于后世人这个时间点的确很早,但对于这个世界的人,普遍都睡得早起得更早,现在这个点的确有些偏晚了。 Untied the princess heart to tie?” Bing Xue'er was usually gentle, pours will not really continue to tease he. “解开郡主心结了?”冰雪儿素来温柔,倒也不会真的继续打趣他。 Untied is not only the heart ties......” Song Qingshu somewhat to be self-satisfied, thought oneself also untied her women's clothing, loosened chastity guard on her thigh, finally smooth unlocking...... “解开的又岂止是心结……”宋青书不禁有些得意,心想自己还解开了她的衣裙,解下了她大腿上的贞洁卫,最后顺利解锁了…… However saw the Bing Xue'er gentle pure appearance, Song Qingshu hurried received these dirty/small error thoughts, quickly asked: Sister-In-Law looked for me at this time, what matter has?” 不过看到冰雪儿温柔纯净的容颜,宋青书急忙将这些龌蹉心思收了起来,急忙问道:“嫂嫂这时候来找我,是不是有什么事情?” Untied well, like this I felt relieved,” the Bing Xue'er smile is so always gentle, actually my time comes to say good-bye before leaving to you.” “解开了就好,这样我就放心了,”冰雪儿笑容总是那么温柔,“其实我这次来是向你辞行的。”
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