FSM :: Volume #16

#1568: Fierce and ambitious disposition

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Murong Jingyue is also considered as the previous generation fierce and ambitious, now Song Qingshu has law of the positive governing soul unexpectedly, knows own this time is unable to escape by luck absolutely, the person who even if outside comes were many unable to save him, fell into the opposite party hand not to seek livehood to ask with it finally unable, might as well mediated happily. 慕容景岳也算得上一代枭雄,如今宋青书居然有了直接控制灵魂之法,知道自己此番绝对无法幸免,哪怕外面来的人再多也救不了他,与其最后落入对方手中求生不得求死不能,还不如自我了断来得痛快。 When Song Qingshu, because outside the soldier arrives suddenly, loses concentration slightly, Murong Jingyue blows up the whole body skill to shake suddenly, decidedly from breaking the meridians dies! 就在宋青书因为外面士兵突然到来,稍稍分神之际,慕容景岳忽然鼓起全身功力一震,决然地自断经脉而死! Actually if can not die he is will not choose the death absolutely, is in the field, no matter Song Qingshu, is nearby Zhao Min, Bing Xue'er, even Queen Xiao Guanyin, has the absolutely irreconcilable enmity with him, is impossible to let off him, since is the dead end, might as well mediates happily. 其实如果可以不死的话他是绝对不会选择死亡的,可是场中不管是宋青书,还是一旁的赵敏冰雪儿,甚至连萧观音皇后,都与他有不共戴天之仇,绝不可能放过他,既然是死路一条,还不如自我了断来得痛快。 He also wants to draw Zhao Min to be buried along with the dead together, his whole body is only made pitifully now, the strength of even committing suicide has the opportunity to come with great difficulty, which is also capable of carrying off Zhao Min. 原本他还想拉赵敏一起陪葬的,只可惜如今他全身被制,连自杀的力气都是好不容易才有机会来的,哪还有能力带走赵敏 Feels the Murong Jingyue difference, Song Qingshu turns head, discovered startled when opposite party unexpectedly vitality already certainly, shock also has to admire the opposite party ruthless spicy, was considered as anything to others ruthlessly, to oneself ruthlessly really ruthless. 感受到慕容景岳的异样,宋青书回过头来,愕然发现对方居然生机已绝,震惊之余也不得不佩服对方的狠辣,对别人狠算得了什么,对自己狠才是真的狠。 Has the Mongolia first beautiful woman to be buried along with the dead, I am not die in vain, ha ~ ~ Murong Jingyue can start talking finally, smiled several recklessly, air/Qi certainly. “有蒙古第一美人儿陪葬,我也不算白死,哈哈哈~~”慕容景岳终于可以开口说话了,肆意地笑了几声,就此气绝。 Song Qingshu drags into Zhao Min the bosom: „Are you all right?” 宋青书一把将赵敏拉入怀中:“你没事吧?” „...... Has not been all right......” looks throws down slowly in ground Murong Jingyue, the Zhao Min complexion becomes especially pale. “没……没事……”看着缓缓摔倒在地上的慕容景岳,赵敏脸色变得格外苍白。 Relax, I will certainly cure your poison.” Feels the tender body that she trembles slightly, Song Qingshu comforts to say hastily. “放心吧,我一定会治好你的毒的。”感受到她微微发颤的娇躯,宋青书连忙安慰道。 Un, you have a look at them quickly.” Zhao Min nods, in the heart is actually icy cold one piece, before the poison of Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill , she used the entire Prince of Ruyang mansion influence, what a pity still could not find the means of detoxification, which three poisonous insects that only then knows the person of intoxication uses to be good, although now knew a poisonous insect, but two poisonous insects have not known, in the world the poisonous insect millions, wants to try the antidote, is no different than fantasy story. “嗯,你快去看看她们吧。”赵敏点了点头,心中却是冰凉一片,之前中了三尸脑神丹之毒,她动用了整个汝阳王府的势力,可惜依然找不到解毒的办法,只有知晓下毒之人用的哪三种毒虫才行,如今虽然知晓了其中一种毒虫,但还有两种毒虫根本不知道,世上毒虫千千万万,想要试出解药,无异于天方夜谭。 At this time the noise sounds of these soldiers are getting more and more clear, must come in quickly, Song Qingshu also has no time to pay attention to the psychological activity of Zhao Min at this time, holds after her on the stool sits, runs in the past Bing Xue'er and Su Quan held, simultaneously before pulling out the Melancholy Soft Breeze antidote to gather two people of noses . 此时那些士兵的喧嚣声越来越清晰,想必很快就要进来了,宋青书此时也无暇注意赵敏的心理活动,将她扶到凳子上坐着后,就跑过去将冰雪儿苏荃扶了起来,同时掏出悲酥清风的解药凑到二人鼻子前。 Quite smelly ~ two female charmingly angry, finally restored the strength slowly. “好臭~”两女娇嗔一声,终于缓缓恢复了力气。 We now what to do?” Hears the voice of outside soldier, Su Quan face worried look said, now Yelu Yixin died here, their group of people the status was also sensitive, was bumped into by the Liao Empire soldier absolutely is the aspect that a thousand li (500 km) chased down. “我们现在怎么办?”听到外面士兵的声音,苏荃一脸忧色地说道,如今“耶律乙辛”死在了这里,他们这群人又身份敏感,被辽国士兵撞见了绝对是个千里追杀的局面。 Song Qingshu also feels somewhat thornily, but the vision falls on the person skin mask that beforehand Murong Jingyue broke, suddenly miraculous glow one presently: I had the means!” 宋青书也觉得有些棘手,不过目光落到了之前慕容景岳破掉的人皮面具上,忽然灵光一现:“我有办法了!” When does the soldier to/clashes, discovered that a Yelu Yixin face sits on the chair distressedly, on the face also some bloodstains, side is gathers round several peonies the beautiful women, looks in the people head is completely the question mark. 当一干士兵冲进来的时候,发现耶律乙辛正一脸狼狈坐在椅子上,脸上还有些血迹,旁边则是围着几个国色天香的美人,看得众人脑袋里尽是问号。 „???” “???” Assassin of reaching an agreement?” “说好的刺客呢?” Reaching an agreement was held under duress?” “说好的被挟持呢?” Did not say that was a man took away Wei king?” “不是说是个男人带走了魏王么?” ...... …… This time Yelu Yixin naturally is Song Qingshu disguises as, he picked up beforehand Murong Jingyue to be spliced by the mask that the sword qi stroke broke to pieces, his itself/Ben was Grandmaster changed/easy appearance/allow, although the mask became several pieces broken, but could not baffle him, on him some were easy to allow the material to make up for these fissures sufficiently. 此时的耶律乙辛自然是宋青书假扮的,他捡起了之前慕容景岳剑气划碎掉的面具重新拼接起来,他本就是易容大师,面具虽然碎成几片但难不倒他,他身上一些易容材料足以弥补那些裂痕。 Naturally is not the flaw does not have, therefore he took some blood stains to wipe on the face, camouflages appearance that on the face is injured, temporarily sent the present crisis, he had enough time to make a perfect mask. 当然也不是一点破绽没有,所以他拿了些血污抹在脸上,伪装成脸上受了伤的模样,暂时打发了眼前的危机,他就有足够时间重新做出一副完美无缺的面具。 Was brought here by the thief, obtained several girls to rescue luckily, expelled the opposite party.” Song Qingshu referred to Zhao Min, Bing Xue'er, imitates the Yelu Yixin sound saying that as for Su Quan, naturally also took down the Xiao Guanyin mask, revealed the original appearance, this time her naturally non- aspect appears as empress. “被贼人带来了这里,幸好得到几位姑娘相救,打跑了对方。”宋青书指了指身旁的赵敏冰雪儿,模仿着耶律乙辛的声音说道,至于苏荃,自然也是取下了萧观音的面具,露出了本来的面貌,此时的她自然不方面以皇后的身份出现。 Comes the person quickly, has a look at the injury to the Sir.” Person hurried greeting evil ways of general appearance. “快来人啊,给大人看看伤势。”一个将军模样的人急忙招呼手下道。 Does not use, is only the skin flesh wound, has passed through these girls to process.” Song Qingshu is certainly impossible to make the doctor inspect, have't such changed/easy appearance/allow matter can reveal the secret immediately? “不用了,只是点皮外伤,已经经这几位姑娘处理了。”宋青书当然不可能让大夫来检查,那样易容的事情还不得立马露馅? This is the newly appointed various temporary palaces deploys Yelyu tower not , the trusted aide who after is Yelu Qi was framed, Yelu Yixin promotes.” Zhao Min was worried that he did not know, in one side quietly introduced. “这是新上任的诸行宫都部署耶律塔不也,是耶律齐被陷害后耶律乙辛提拔起来的心腹。”赵敏担心他不认识,在一旁悄悄介绍道。 What by him that civil official appearance is left Yili finishes Yelu Yange, usually related with Yelu Yixin closely.” As for nearby Zhang Xiao jie, Zhao Min had not introduced, after all had just seen in day firm there. “他旁边那个文官模样的是左夷离毕耶律燕哥,素来与耶律乙辛关系密切。”至于旁边的张孝杰,赵敏就没有介绍,毕竟刚刚在天牢那里见过。 Song Qingshu nods, he and Yelu Yange has had to do, initially had also interrogated his whereabouts about the cold moon/month treasured sword. 宋青书点点头,他与耶律燕哥打过交道,当初还审问过他关于冷月宝刀的下落。 Leftmost that is guard grand guardian Yelyu Chaci, right that nearly waits on straight long lets go, they should be on duty in the palace, unexpectedly also ran, it seems like Yelu Yixin being robbed made their these direct descendant be all scared.” Zhao Min lowered the sound fast to introduce to him, hearing Song Qingshu to admire, Zhao Min was really fierce, unexpectedly in some important characters the Shengjing city remembered clear, had her in the side, does not know seriously must save many things. “最左边的那位是护卫太保耶律查刺,右边那位是近侍直长撒把,他们本应该在宫中当值的,居然也跑来了,看来耶律乙辛被劫让他们这些嫡系全都慌了神。”赵敏压低声音快速给他介绍了一遍,听得宋青书佩服不已,赵敏实在是太厉害了,居然将盛京城中一些重要的人物记得一清二楚,有她在身边,当真是不知道要省多少事情。 „Is this person?” The people who at this time come in had discovered that pours in ground Murong Jingyue, cannot bear ask. “这人是?”此时进来的众人已经发现倒在地上的慕容景岳,忍不住问道。 „, Is the same party members of that thief, was killed by these girls.” Song Qingshu replied calmly, to prevent some people knows that the Murong Jingyue status, he also took the vice- mask to change his appearance specially. “哦,是那贼人的同党,被这几位姑娘杀了。”宋青书不动声色地答道,为了防止有人知道慕容景岳的身份,他还特意拿了副面具改变了他的容貌。 Song Qingshu knows too much talk leads to slips of tongue, if ran to inquire after the well being by this group of people, the ghost knows when the time comes can make what careless mistake, therefore stands to arrange the duty to various people immediately, some trace Xue Yiren that vanishes, some trace the remnants of faction of imperial city division, other person traces the whereabout of missing empress. 宋青书知道言多必失,如果被这群人跑来嘘寒问暖,鬼知道到时候会出什么纰漏,于是立马站起来给各人安排任务,有的去追查消失的薛衣人,有的去追查皇城司的余党,另外的人则去追查失踪的皇后的下落。 Sends various group of troops, Song Qingshu led three females to return to Wei Wangfu, pouring was not no one has doubted three female identities, but the Yelu Yixin power and influence was dreadful at this time, it may be said that was under entire Liao Empire one person existences above ten thousand people, which also some people dare to censure his behavior? Arrived his status, how many female friends the side were many to be considered as what, moreover can expel martial arts excel Xue Yiren, what these girls perhaps are Yelu Yixin meticulous care person ready dead expert, everyone has his secret, who will stupidly arrive to get to the root of a matter to closely examine? 将各路人马打发走,宋青书则带着三女回到了魏王府,倒也不是没人怀疑过三女的身份,不过此时耶律乙辛权势滔天,可谓是整个辽国一人之下万人之上的存在,哪还有人敢非议他的行为?到了他这个身份,身边多几位红颜知己又算得了什么,而且能赶走武功高强的薛衣人,这几位姑娘说不定是耶律乙辛精心培育的死士高手什么的,每个人都有他的秘密,谁会傻到去刨根究底追问? Qingshu, has thank you revenged for Big Brother Hu.” Returned to Wei Wangfu, sends away the servant, Bing Xue'er then has the opportunity to express gratitude to Song Qingshu. 青书,谢谢你替胡大哥报了仇。”回到了魏王府中,屏退下人,冰雪儿这才有机会向宋青书道谢。 Sister-In-Law, this is I should do.” Thinks that just passed through to this world, who at that time went down in the world and their mother and child travel together, meets the Murong Jingyue situation, Song Qingshu also sobs. 嫂嫂,这是我应该做的。”想到刚刚穿越到这个世界,当时落魄的自己与她们母子同行,遇到慕容景岳的情形,宋青书也不免唏嘘不已。 Two people sighed with emotion one next in the past, nearby Su Quan opens the mouth saying: „Should Qingshu, what to do then? Has lived by the Yelu Yixin status?” 两人感慨了一下过去,旁边的苏荃开口道:“青书,接下来该怎么办?难道一直以耶律乙辛的身份生活下去么?” No!” Song Qingshu shakes the head, the vision looks profoundly to out of the window, we enter the imperial palace.” “不!”宋青书摇了摇头,目光深邃地望向窗外,“我们进皇宫。”
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