FSM :: Volume #16

#1567: Non- world martial learn/study

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Zhao Min but actually also staunch, sees itself to be trigged, backhands a sword to puncture directly toward own only son, planned puts forth the similar world same longevity, dead honorably Kungang and so on style and opposite party perish together, but Murong Jingyue martial arts Bo Za, Jianghu (rivers and lakes) experiences richly, regarding this had the guard early, a finger point then seals up numb Xue of her elbow, the Zhao Min sword also can only hang weak. 赵敏倒也刚烈,一见自己被制住,直接反手一剑往自己独子刺去,打算使出类似天地同寿、玉碎昆岗之类的招式与对方同归于尽,只不过慕容景岳武功博杂,江湖经验丰富,对此早有防范,手指一点便封住了她手肘的麻穴,赵敏的剑也只能无力地垂了下去。 You think that had the hostage to win in the hand?” The Song Qingshu expression is light, such calmly is looking at the opposite party. “你认为有人质在手就赢了么?”宋青书表情平淡,就那样静静地望着对方。 Naturally!” Murong Jingyue hehe smiled, „the Princess Shaomin such Mongolia first beautiful woman, even I looked at the heart movement, you and she are so ambiguous long, is willing her to receive what to damage? After stressing my opportunity, some are, but if she died, had no way to resurrect.” “当然!”慕容景岳嘿嘿笑了起来,“绍敏郡主这样一个蒙古第一美人儿,连我看了都心动不已,你与她暧昧这么久,难道舍得她受到什么损伤么?抓我的机会以后有的是,可如果她死了,就没法复活了。” Song Qingshu nods: You said the truth somewhat.” 宋青书点了点头:“你说得有几分道理。” Zhao Min was anxious immediately: Song Qingshu, I, killed him for me leave alone!” Since this period of time the poison of Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill like the sword of Damocles has hung the top of the head generally, making her sleep on pins and needles, thinks that today lets go him, later will keep the pain of Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill , that might as well perishes together with it today. 赵敏顿时急了:“宋青书,别管我,替我杀了他!”这段时间以来三尸脑神丹之毒如同达摩克利斯之剑一般高悬头顶,让她寝食难安,想到今天放走他,以后还是会保守三尸脑神丹之苦,那还不如今天与其同归于尽。 Murong Jingyue tightened, pinching her spoke is a little difficult: Relax, he may not hate you dead, so long as is the men does not give up.” 慕容景岳手紧了紧,掐得她说话都有点困难:“放心吧,他可舍不得你死,只要是男人都舍不得。” Song Qingshu has not managed him, but said to Zhao Min: Relax, I will not only kill him, will also save you.” 宋青书并没有理他,而是对赵敏说道:“放心吧,我不仅会杀了他,还会把你救出来。” The Murong Jingyue anger instead smiles extremely: Your martial arts, although is high, but I am not worse than you now many, such near distance, you have no way to save her from my hand absolutely.” 慕容景岳怒极反笑:“你武功虽高,但我如今也不比你差多少,这么近的距离,你绝对没法从我手中救走她。” Yes?” The Song Qingshu cloud poor business conditions smile lightly, obviously thinks little to his words. “是么?”宋青书云淡风轻地笑了笑,显然对他的话不以为意。 Suddenly nearby Bing Xue'er and Su Quan ying warned one, the figure shakes somewhat unable to stand quickly to depend on the wall just now to stand firm the figure, Zhao Min was the body becomes tender the appearance that similarly a desire threw down. 忽然间一旁的冰雪儿苏荃嘤咛一声,身形晃了晃有些站立不住急忙靠着墙方才稳住了身形,赵敏同样是身体发软一副欲摔倒的模样。 The Murong Jingyue facial expression changes, quickly held under duress her to retrocede several steps, the tip of the nose smelled smelling, suddenly laughed: I why, when you have the energy, originally wants to plot against me with the sad crisp cool breeze.” 慕容景岳神情一变,急忙挟持着她后退几步,鼻尖嗅了嗅,忽然哈哈大笑起来:“我当你为何这么有底气,原来是想用悲酥清风暗算我。” A Song Qingshu brow wrinkle: How are you all right?” 宋青书眉头一皱:“你怎么没事?” Murong Jingyue smiles proudly: Is it possible that you forgot, I have a status am world's top four highly skilled doctor Ping Yizhi, is the Poison Hand Medicine King disciple, can the trivial toxicant my what?” 慕容景岳傲然一笑:“莫非你忘了,我还有个身份是天下四大神医平一指,又是毒手药王的弟子,区区毒药又能奈我何?” This I misjudged actually.” Song Qingshu nods, obviously somewhat the color of being annoyed. “这倒是我失算了。”宋青书点点头,显然有几分懊恼之色。 Murong Jingyue looked side weak in place Bing Xue'er and Su Quan, even more is self-satisfied: Ha, your move, not only has not plotted against me, but also making to lose the battle efficiency own helper, it may be said that is a double loss.” 慕容景岳看了旁边瘫软在地的冰雪儿苏荃,不禁愈发得意:“哈哈哈,你这招不仅没有暗算到我,还把自己的帮手给弄得失去了战斗力,可谓是赔了夫人又折兵啊。” Must cope with you, what needs them to help?” Song Qingshu shakes the head. “要对付你,又何需她们帮忙?”宋青书摇了摇头。 At this moment also installs anything to compel,” Murong Jingyue cold snort/hum, according to the hand in Zhao Min Achilles'heel tightened, my several three, you from breaking right arm, otherwise I killed her.” “事到如今还装什么逼,”慕容景岳冷哼一声,按在赵敏死穴上的手紧了紧,“我数三下,你自断右臂,不然我就杀了她。” Such remarks, in field numerous female completely all discolorations, looked to Song Qingshu. 此言一出,场中众女尽皆色变,纷纷望向了宋青书 You killed her, did not have the hostage, you will also die.” Song Qingshu said calmly. “你杀了她,没了人质,你也会死。”宋青书平静地说道。 What's the big deal, has the Mongolia first beautiful woman to be buried along with the dead to me, it may be said that is to make trouble also loosely.” Murong Jingyue uses all might for dozens years in Jianghu (rivers and lakes), has looked at pale the life and death. “那又如何,有蒙古第一美人儿给我陪葬,可谓是做鬼也风流。”慕容景岳江湖中摸爬滚打数十年,早已看淡了生死。 I, if from breaking right arm, when the time comes can it be that your opponent? Not only could not rescue Miss Zhao, will also harm another two females to suffer distress, how I can so the non- wisdom.” Song Qingshu no mood fluctuation. “我如果自断右臂,到时候又岂是你的对手?不仅救不了赵姑娘,还会害得另外两女受难,我又岂会如此不智。”宋青书毫无情绪波动。 Only can show that you like yourself exceeding other,” Murong Jingyue lowers the head near the Zhao Min ear hehe says with a smile, princess, you are not it seems like high in his heart, unexpectedly does not hate to save you with an arm.” “只能证明你爱自己胜过其他,”慕容景岳低头在赵敏耳边嘿嘿笑道,“郡主,看来你在他心中并不高啊,居然舍不得用一条手臂来救你。” Zhao Min sneers saying: This important pass haven't you forgotten to sow dissension? If he really silly to accepting your condition I will look down upon him, even if moves to locate, I can still be the similar choice.” 赵敏冷笑道:“这关口你还不忘挑拨离间?如果他真的傻到答应你的条件我才会看不起他,就算易地而处,我也会是同样的选择。” Princess is really a hero, only has a bad husband pitifully, after being inferior, with me how?” Murong Jingyue somewhat gathers in dissolutely the Zhao Min necks, plans to smell her delicate fragrance, suddenly he only feels golden light to flash, the subconsciousness looks up. “郡主果然是女中豪杰,只可惜遇人不淑,不如以后跟我如何?”慕容景岳有些放肆地凑到赵敏脖间,打算闻闻她身上的幽香,忽然间他只觉得金光一闪,下意识抬头望去。 Sees only Song Qingshu to stand there obviously, but a golden yellow person's shadow flushed toward oneself from his body suddenly, Murong Jingyue in great surprise, the hurried plan holds Zhao Min to keep off before the body, meanwhile somewhat wanted to kill Zhao Min hesitant at this time. 只见宋青书明明站在那里,但是一个金黄的人影忽然从其身体里往自己冲了过来,慕容景岳大惊,急忙打算抓住赵敏挡在身前,同时还有些犹豫要不要这个时候杀了赵敏 However he knows quickly oneself did not have the energy to care about the Zhao Min matter, because he discovered that oneself linked a finger unable to move unexpectedly, can only look helplessly that golden yellow person's shadow came by an overwhelming potential, referred to arriving until the opposite party in his forehead, he had trembling from innermost soul instantaneously, knows that the opposite party only needed being moved head, can be frightened out of one's wits by oneself. 不过他很快就知道自己没精力关心赵敏的事情了,因为他发现自己居然连一个手指头都动不了,只能眼睁睁看着那金黄的人影以一股浩然之势迎面而来,直到对方一指抵在了他脑门,他瞬间就有一种来自灵魂深处的颤栗,知道对方只需要动动念头,就能让自己魂飞魄散。 What martial arts is this?” Murong Jingyue asked crabbedly, he is not only able to open the mouth pitifully. “这是什么武功?”慕容景岳艰涩地问道,只可惜他根本无法开口。 However the opposite party as if heard his doubts, that golden person's shadow opens the mouth to reply: Sword 23.” 不过对方似乎听到了他的疑惑,那金色的人影开口答道:“剑二十三。” Looks at present this almost and Song Qingshu exactly the same golden color person's shadow, Murong Jingyue, if has become aware, said with amazement: This is not the military study of the world......” 看着眼前这几乎和宋青书一模一样的金色人影,慕容景岳若有所悟,骇然道:“这不是人间的武学……” Indeed surpassed the common custom martial learn/study concept,” Song Qingshu replied lightly, „did the divine blade cut is so? But you study not proficiently, can only cut the expert, cannot cut the god to cut the demon.” “的确超出了世俗武学的概念,”宋青书淡淡答道,“不过神刀斩又何尝不是如此?只不过你学得不到家而已,只能斩高手,不能斩神斩魔。” His Sword 23 was practiced «Supreme Profound Scripture» on the knight island initially comprehends, originally without specific swordsmanship name, but Song Qingshu thinks that killing of previous generation soap opera «Wind and cloud» in sword Saint incurred, thought that both effect was somewhat similar, then gave such name. 他的剑二十三是当初在侠客岛上练《太玄经》领悟的,原本没有具体的剑法名字,不过宋青书想到前世电视剧《风云》里面剑圣的杀招,觉得两者效果有些类似,便取了这么个名字。 Since learned, Song Qingshu has not used, after all does not need to use this killing to incur by his martial arts, only almost cause 22 times, facing yellow clothes and sweeping the floor monk time, at that time the opposite party saw the golden person's shadow in his eye, is the police trillion is big to be critical situation, but both sides have not hit finally. 自从学会过后,宋青书还从来没有动用过,毕竟以他的武功也不需要动用这种杀招,唯二两次差点使出来,是面对黄裳和扫地僧的时候,当时对方看到他眼中的金色人影,也是警兆大起如临大敌,不过最终双方还是没有打起来。 Until these copes with Murong Jingyue time, the opposite party studied the divine blade to cut martial arts to be immeasurably deep, in addition had the hostage in the hand, he has not grasped to rescue Zhao Min, can only find the slit to offer a sacrifice to this move. 直到这一次对付慕容景岳,对方学了神刀斩武功已经深不可测,再加上有人质在手,他没有把握能救下赵敏,只能找到缝隙祭出这一招。 Sword 23, reappears the world finally! 剑二十三,终于重现人间! Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill antidote where?” Song Qingshu has not taken his life immediately, mainly to give the Zhao Min detoxification. 三尸脑神丹的解药在哪里?”宋青书之所以没有立即取他的性命,主要是为了给赵敏解毒。 Solution...... the antidote......” in the Murong Jingyue heart was clear that this is the only capital that he maintains life, cannot say, what a pity now the soul is made, the whole person as if non-stop directing general, the instinct replied, antidote...... has not had the disposition, but Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill of princess within the body was refined by these three corpse insects: The one said the azure paternal aunt, its two said......” “解……解药……”慕容景岳心中清楚这是他保命的唯一资本,绝不可道出,可惜如今灵魂被制,整个人仿佛不停使唤一般,本能地回答起来,“解药没……有配置,不过郡主体内的三尸脑神丹是由这三种尸虫炼制而成:其一曰青姑,其二曰……” Originally even does not have the antidote, so long as knows that Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill by what poisonous insect disposition, must refine the antidote is not difficult, but when Murong Jingyue just said a corpse insect, outside heard the loud noise suddenly. 本来就算没有解药,只要知道三尸脑神丹是由什么毒虫配置,要炼制出解药不难,可当慕容景岳刚说完一种尸虫的时候,外面忽然传来了喧闹声。 Everyone encircles here, cannot fly away including a fly.” “大家将这里围起来,连一只苍蝇都不许飞走。” A while pays attention to Wei king safety.” “等会儿注意魏王安全。” Enemy martial arts is very high, everyone is careful.” “敌人武功很高,大家要小心。” ...... ……
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