FSM :: Volume #16

#1566: In blade god

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Yelyu Yixin coldly is staring at the people, to be honest he has somewhat dreaded Song Qingshu, after all person the shadow of famous tree, in addition, has fought with the opposite party, knows that high of opposite party martial arts, is really always rare. 耶律乙辛冷冷地盯着众人,说实话他一直有些忌惮宋青书,毕竟人的名树的影,再加上之前也和对方交过手,知道对方武功之高,实在是平生罕见。 However he studies the divine blade to cut now, was just a blade causes heavy losses to super expert Xue Yiren, at this time he was the confidence bursting, no longer paid attention to Song Qingshu. 不过他如今学了神刀斩,刚刚更是一刀重创超级高手薛衣人,此时他可谓是信心爆棚,不再将宋青书放在眼里。 How is?” Yelyu Yixin looked at Bing Xue'er one greedily, „the widow of Hu Yidao this beautiful appearance I have the interest, but front I do not facilitate to act for the great undertaking some time, can only bear patiently, since now has settled down, I did not need to constrain again, killed his husband, but Tyrant Qiqi, world to happy!” “是又如何?”耶律乙辛贪婪地望了冰雪儿一眼,“胡一刀这个美貌的未亡人我早就有兴趣了,只不过前面一段时间为了大业我不方便出手,只能隐忍,如今既然已经尘埃落定,我也不用再压抑了,杀其夫而霸其妻,人间至乐也!” The Bing Xue'er air/Qi results in the whole body to tremble: Big Brother Hu was really harmed by you.” 冰雪儿气得浑身发抖:“胡大哥果然是被你害的。” Originally the black ghost cold ice wants to let Hu Yidao and Miao Renfeng perishes together, what a pity only died,” Yelyu B hard shakes the head, as if a face regrettable appearance, if we had known Hu Yidao and Miao Renfeng wives are the great beauty of peony, in the past I acted personally rather than with the aid of the hand of Tian Guinong.” “本来黑煞寒冰是想让胡一刀苗人凤同归于尽的,可惜只死了一个,”耶律乙辛摇了摇头,仿佛一脸遗憾的模样,“若是早知道胡一刀苗人凤的妻子都是国色天香的大美人,当年我就亲自出手而不是借助田归农之手了。” Shameless!” The Bing Xue'er air/Qi results in the whole body to tremble, but she has not lost the reason, an opposite party that monster different blade made her have to dread a moment ago, knows overruns, not only cannot report the enmity, but also for its makes easily. “无耻!”冰雪儿气得浑身发抖,不过她并没有失去理智,刚才对方那妖异的一刀让她心存忌惮,知道冲过去不仅报不了仇,还容易为其所制。 Yelyu Yixin vision transfers to nearby Zhao Min: Princess also came unexpectedly, how, is asked the Three Corpses Brain Divine Pill antidote, relax, so long as you took care of me, I will give you antidote.” 耶律乙辛目光移到旁边的赵敏身上:“郡主居然也来了,怎么,是不是来求三尸脑神丹的解药的啊,放心,只要你将我服侍好了,我会给你解药的。” Zhao Min coldly said: Relax, I will tear to shreds you.” 赵敏冷冷地说道:“放心,我会将你碎尸万段的。” Yes?” Yelyu Yixin snorts contemptuously, when he sees nearby Su Quan time, cannot help but looks the astonished color, „, Queen Empress also appears unexpectedly here.” “是么?”耶律乙辛嗤之以鼻,待他看到一旁的苏荃的时候,不由得面露惊异之色,“咦,皇后娘娘居然也出现在这里。” Yelyu B hard, your plot palace had learned, waits to confiscate family's property to exterminate the clan!” Su Quan is still going against the Xiao Guanyin appearance at this time, is also speaking with the Xiao Guanyin tone. “耶律乙辛,你的阴谋本宫已获悉,等着抄家灭族吧!”苏荃此时依然顶着萧观音的容貌,是以也用萧观音的语气在说话。 Empress is unable to defend oneself now, what empress but also puts on the airs of?” Yelyu Yixin laughs at one, „will Yelü Hongji believe your words? At this moment he is by wears green hat the extreme anger, sees mostly does not meet with you.” “娘娘如今自身难保,还摆什么皇后的架子?”耶律乙辛嗤笑一声,“耶律洪基会相信你的话么?此刻他正处于被戴绿帽的极度愤怒之中,多半见都不会见你。” At this point, a Yelyu Yixin face admires suddenly looks to Song Qingshu: Sometimes I have to admire you, unexpectedly can in famous the beautiful woman hero female with so many Jianghu (rivers and lakes) have the relations, now unexpectedly has not escaped your evil clutches the Great Liao empresses , this lucky in love is really enviable.” 说到这里,耶律乙辛忽然一脸佩服地望向宋青书:“有时候我不得不佩服你,居然能和那么多江湖中有名的美人侠女扯上关系,如今居然连大辽的皇后都没逃过你的魔掌,啧啧啧,这份艳福真是让人羡慕。” Evil clutches?” A Song Qingshu heavy line, demon your younger sister's claw!” “魔爪?”宋青书一头黑线,“魔你妹的爪啊!” Hears his words, on Yelyu Yixin face raises anger: Snort, but these passed, your female friends I kindly accepted.” 听到他的话,耶律乙辛脸上升起一股怒意:“哼,不过这些都过去了,你这些红颜知己我笑纳了。” Such remarks, Zhao Min and other female complexions one red, obviously is anger and shame. 此言一出,赵敏等三女脸色一红,显然是羞怒交加。 Song Qingshu actually looked at his one eyes strangely: I really do not understand that what your energy is, is it possible that you think that studied several hundred years ago divine blade to cut, can unmatched in the world?” 宋青书却是奇怪地看了他一眼:“我实在不明白你的底气是什么,莫非你以为学了个几百年前的神刀斩,就能天下无敌了?” Yelyu Yixin laughs: Long of my original martial arts Bo Caizhong family/home, enough has smiled the arrogant martial arts world, now obtains the divine blade to cut, it may be said that is even more powerful, surnamed Song, I know that your martial arts is good, but you are doomed today to become under the full moon sickle the ghost.” 耶律乙辛哈哈大笑:“我本来一身武功博采众家之长,已经足够笑傲武林,如今得到神刀斩,可谓是如虎添翼,姓宋的,我知道你武功不错,可是今天你注定成为圆月弯刀下亡魂。” Song Qingshu shakes the head to sigh: „Before listening to you , said that this blade the demon blade, above had the monster different demonic nature, was very easy to affect mental of master, originally I also somewhat thought otherwise, but looks at you now the conceited appearance, it seems like rumor really not empty.” 宋青书摇了摇头叹气道:“听你之前所言,这柄刀是把魔刀,上面有妖异的魔性,很容易影响主人的心智,本来我还有些不以为然,不过看你如今狂妄自大的模样,看来传言果然非虚。” Yelyu Yixin complexion changes, obviously hears opposite party's reminder, he also realized the similar issue, but he adjusts the good mood quickly: Snort, divine blade in hand unmatched in the world, even if extremely arrogant also has what relations.” 耶律乙辛脸色微变,显然听到对方的提醒,他也意识到了同样的问题,不过他很快调整好心情:“哼,神刀在手天下无敌,就算狂妄些又有什么关系。” Song Qingshu smiles lightly: Some person divine blades in the hand, were still doomed even in the blade the god.” 宋青书淡淡一笑:“有些人就算神刀在手,也注定成不了刀中之神。” You can try.” Yelyu Yixin dismemberment dismemberment smiles, in the room resounded the sound of almighty troops sharp weapon unique dragon recitation, in the hand the sickle just like the antelope to hang the corner/horn, a blade divided toward Song Qingshu. “那你可以试试。”耶律乙辛磔磔一笑,屋中响起了神兵利器特有的龙吟之声,手中弯刀犹如羚羊挂角,一刀往宋青书劈了过来。 Zhao Min and other females can only notice that in the room raised again a full moon, cannot see clearly other, can only be filled with anxiously actually has no way to help. 赵敏等几女只能看到屋中再次升起了一轮圆月,根本看不清其他,只能满心焦急却又没法帮忙。 It looks like in Song Qingshu is actually another feeling, an opposite party blade chops, that flash surrounding air as if becomes viscous, he wants to move actually discovered that the whole body just like in the swamp, wants to move must put forth surpasses usually ten times of physical strength. But the expert contends, only misses the frontline, the slowness of this flash movement enough opposite party has killed you times ten. 宋青书看来却是另外一种感受,对方一刀劈来,那一瞬间周围空气仿佛都变得粘稠起来,他想动却发现全身犹如陷入沼泽之中,想要移动要使出超过平日十倍的气力。而高手相争,只差一线,这一瞬间动作的迟缓已经足够对方杀上你十次有余。 No wonder in the past the Ming Cult founder can cut to dominate the martial arts world by the divine blade, this martial arts indeed has traced the space threshold.” Song Qingshu also has the leisurely and carefree mood to appraise the knife skill of opposite party at this moment, but next quarter that monster different blade light has divided, a blade cleaves in two him. “难怪当年明教教主能凭借神刀斩称霸武林,这门武功的确已经摸到了空间的门槛。”宋青书此刻还有闲情逸致品评对方的刀法,不过下一刻那妖异的刀光已经一劈到底,一刀将他劈成了两半。 However Yelyu Yixin does not have the least bit happy meaning, because the touch of that blade made him understand that a moment ago oneself has not divided the true body of opposite party, but in dividing the remnant shadow of opposite party. 不过耶律乙辛却没有半点高兴的意思,因为刚才那一刀的触感让他明白自己并没有劈中对方的真身,只是劈中了对方的一个残影而已。 In his hand the blade does not stay, will take advantage of opportunity to select directly in the future from below, this will be the advantage of full moon sickle is , can also make a circle compared with the Zhang Sanfeng Tai Chi. 他手中刀毫不停留,直接顺势从下往后挑去,这就是圆月弯刀的优势所在,比张三丰的太极拳还能画圆。 A bitten resounding, the knife point happen to cuts above sword qi that in punctured toward the nape, the sword intersects, dispersing sword qi broke the mask on his face, revealed the Murong Jingyue original appearance. 叮的一身脆响,刀尖正好砍在了往后颈刺来的剑气之上,刀剑相交,散开的剑气震碎了他脸上的面具,露出了慕容景岳原本的模样。 In the Murong Jingyue heart sinks, just this stroked broke his final fantasy, meeting the tough head-on with toughness fights oneself actually unable to unload sword qi of opposite party, obviously opposite party skill above oneself. 慕容景岳心中一沉,刚刚这一击打破了他最终的幻想,硬碰硬的交手自己却没能卸下对方的剑气,显然对方功力在自己之上。 However he has no time to care about other at this time, saw the form that Song Qingshu appears gradually, opened the mouth, color of the face shock: How possibly! How you suddenly presented me behind!” 不过他此时无暇关心其他,看到宋青书渐渐浮现的身影,不禁张大了嘴,一脸震惊之色:“怎么可能!你怎么突然出现到了我身后!” He the vigor solidly locked the opposite party a moment ago, will soon divide the flash of opposite party in the blade, the aura of opposite party vanishes suddenly, he has stared the eye, the opposite party has not been moving the lower hem corner greatly, why can appear in oneself directly behind? 他刚才精气神将对方牢牢锁定,不过在刀即将劈到对方的一瞬间,对方的气息忽然消失,他一直瞪大着眼睛,对方连衣角都没动一下,为何能直接出现在自己身后? Song Qingshu shakes the head: Divine blade cut indeed to touch the space threshold faintly, what a pity in person or the picture uses/gives blade the person, could not jump out of the space the pattern.” 宋青书摇了摇头:“神刀斩的确已经隐隐摸到了空间的门槛,可惜施刀之人还是画中人,跳不出空间的窠臼。” Just that flash he displayed far away, was not in this space, the divine blade cut naturally unable to imprison him. 刚刚那一瞬间他施展出了咫尺天涯,不在这个空间之中,神刀斩自然禁锢不住他。 On the Murong Jingyue face flashes through color of the ruthless offense suddenly, in the hand the full moon sickle analyzes the female and male two blades, respectively goes toward nearby Bing Xue'er and Su Quan lasing by a strange arc, the rapidness of speed, was as good as just divine blade to cut unexpectedly. 慕容景岳忽然脸上闪过一丝狠戾之色,手中圆月弯刀拆分成雌雄二刀,以一种诡异的弧线分别往一旁的冰雪儿苏荃激射而去,速度之快,居然丝毫不亚于刚刚的神刀斩。 The Song Qingshu complexion finally changed, Bing Xue'er and Su Quan martial arts, although is not weak, but cannot receive this monster different demonic nature blade mostly, thinks picture that the opposite party fragrant disappearing jade perishes, where he can sit still, displays instantaneously twice far away, the female and male two blades will shoot down. 宋青书脸色终于变了,冰雪儿苏荃武功虽然不弱,但多半接不下这妖异魔性的一刀,想到对方香消玉殒的画面,他哪里坐得住,瞬间两次施展咫尺天涯,将雌雄二刀击落下来。 However Murong Jingyue while this opportunity, has arrived at side Zhao Min, the Zhao Min hurried counter-attack, what a pity the present his martial arts has progressed by leaps and bounds, is almost the instantaneous time, was trigged the strategic point on neck by him. 不过慕容景岳趁这个机会,已经来到赵敏身旁,赵敏急忙反击,可惜如今的他武功早已突飞猛进,几乎是瞬间的功夫,便被他制住了脖子上的要害。 Surnamed Song, you lost eventually.” The hostages in the hand, the Murong Jingyue energy restored. “姓宋的,你终究还是输了。”人质在手,慕容景岳底气重新恢复了过来。
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