FSM :: Volume #16

#1569: Drives the tiger to swallow the wolf

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Enters the imperial palace?” Three females were shocked simultaneously. “进皇宫?”三女同时愣住了。 Good!” Song Qingshu nods, Yelyu B Xin's the trusted aide were too many, although I can conceal the truth for a while, does not have the means to conceal the truth, might as well take advantage that this opportunity cuts the gordian knot.” “不错!”宋青书点点头,“耶律乙辛的心腹太多了,我虽然可以瞒过一时,却没办法一直瞒下去,不如趁这个机会快刀斩乱麻。” The Song Qingshu look becomes profound incomparable: Today is chaotic enough, might as well make this water muddier.” 宋青书眼神变得深邃无比:“今天已经够乱了,不如让这趟水更浑一些。” Quick, Wei Wangfu sends people I , the same knowledge northern privy council to make matter Zhang Xiao jie, various temporary palaces deploy Yelyu tower the northern institute king Yelyu he Shangdong and knowledge southern institute king matter Yelyu, left Yili not to finish Elder Brother Yelü Yan and north forest Yaxiao to result in Litt, guard grand guardian Yelyu Chaci, nearly to wait on long to let go, superintendent of the reserve horses desolate red clouds to wipe the secret straight to convene discussing official business. 很快,魏王府派人将北院大王耶律曷鲁、知南院大王事耶律吾也、同知北枢密院使事张孝杰、诸行宫都部署耶律塔不也、左夷离毕耶律燕哥、北面林牙萧得里特、护卫太保耶律查刺、近侍直长撒把、驸马都尉萧霞抹秘密召集起来议事。 These people are the core backbones of Yelyu Yixin group, is controlling the Liao Empire army, political and palace each critical department. 这些人都是耶律乙辛集团的核心骨干,控制着辽国军、政、宫廷各个要害部门。 Also does not know that one group of people discussed anything, in the quick palace transmits an imperial decree to proclaim Yelyu Yixin and the others to enter the palace, the emperor must ask about today the matter. 也不知道一群人商量了什么,很快宫中传来一道圣旨宣耶律乙辛等人进宫,皇帝要询问今天发生的事情。 Then Song Qingshu leads one group of people to enter the palace, arrived in the governing study room quickly, the emperor has not thought that so many people, knit the brows: How did they come?” 接下来宋青书带着一群人进宫,很快来到了御书房中,皇帝没想到来了这么多人,不由皱眉道:“他们怎么来了?” Song Qingshu imitates Yelyu Yixin tone to explain: They participated in today's hunt, many situation emperors can directly ask that they are clearer.” 宋青书模仿着耶律乙辛的语气解释道:“他们参与了今天的追捕,很多情况皇上可以直接问他们更清楚。” „,” Yelü Hongji nods, heard that the empress was stolen?” “哦,”耶律洪基点了点头,“听说皇后被人劫走了?” left Yili finishes Elder Brother Yelü Yan to brace oneself to go forward to reply: Returns to the emperor, the thief plans minutely, first sent people to provoke publicly, attracted the attention of guarding, then his companion seized the chance to intrude day to steal Queen Empress firmly......” 左夷离毕耶律燕哥只好硬着头皮上前答道:“回皇上,贼人计划周详,先派人公开挑衅,吸引了守卫的注意,然后他的同伴趁机闯入天牢劫走了皇后娘娘……” Why do you eat?” Yelü Hongji pounded a teacup to interrupt his words directly, how long the previous breaking into a jail matter passed, had to break into a jail quickly one time, the empress was robbed, you said why We did want your left Yili to finish use?” “那你是干什么吃的?”耶律洪基直接砸了一个茶杯打断了他的话,“上次劫狱的事情才过去多久,这么快又发生了一次劫狱,还是皇后被劫,你说朕要你这个左夷离毕干什么用?” Slightly feudal official heinous crime, heinous crime!” Feels the anger of emperor, Elder Brother Yelü Yan frightens kowtows to apologize. “微臣罪该万死,罪该万死!”感受到皇帝的怒气,耶律燕哥吓得磕头请罪。 Song Qingshu seizes the chance saying: Actually this matter does not blame Sir left Yili complete(ly), what this time breaks into a jail was commanding Xue Yiren of Southern Song Dynasty imperial city division, under the imperial city division the capable person different gentleman was numerous, was really virtually impossible to guard against.” 宋青书趁机说道:“其实这事也不怪左夷离毕大人,这次来劫狱的是南宋皇城司的统领薛衣人,皇城司麾下能人异士众多,实在是防不胜防。” South this crowd the barbarian is really hateful, on the one hand said that must form an alliance with us attacks Jin Empire together, on the one hand actually makes this matter, when really my Great Liao no one!” Yelü Hongji was really shifted the attention, said bitterly. “这群南蛮子实在可恶,一方面说要与我们结盟共同进攻金国,一方面却又做出这种事情,真当我大辽无人乎!”耶律洪基果然被转移了注意力,恨恨不已地说道。 Your majesty is wise.” One group of people echo. “陛下英明。”一群人纷纷附和。 Suddenly Yelü Hongji thinks of anything, the doubts are sizing up Song Qingshu: We heard that what Mandarin Duck Blade that Xue Yiren does ask you to want, in the legend to be possible invincibly in Mandarin Duck Blade of the world in your hands?” 忽然耶律洪基想到什么,疑惑地打量着宋青书:“朕听说那个薛衣人找你要什么鸳鸯刀,传说中得之可无敌于天下的鸳鸯刀在你手中?” Good.” Song Qingshu had not denied but actually. “不错。”宋青书倒也没有否认。 The Yelü Hongji complexion changes, hesitant the under shed asked: What secret does Mandarin Duck Blade have?” 耶律洪基脸色微变,犹豫了下开口问道:“鸳鸯刀到底有什么秘密?” Also asked your majesty to glance personally.” Song Qingshu is saying while fished out Mandarin Duck Blade from the sleeves, before Murong Jingyue died, Mandarin Duck Blade naturally fell into his hand. “还请陛下亲自过目。”宋青书一边说着一边从衣袖里摸出了鸳鸯刀,之前慕容景岳死了,鸳鸯刀自然落入了他的手里。 How can you bring the blade to enter the palace?” The Yelü Hongji eyebrow jumped jumping, finally realized some are not right. “你怎么能带刀进宫的?”耶律洪基眉毛跳了跳,终于意识到了有些不对。 Song Qingshu actually does not respond him, gave nearby Yelyu investigates to stab the blade directly: Asked the guard grand guardian to give to the emperor to examine this blade.” 宋青书却不搭理他,直接将刀给了一旁的耶律查刺:“请护卫太保将此刀献给皇上查看。” Good.” Yelyu Chaci received the blade, holds respectfully is walking toward Yelü Hongji. “好。”耶律查刺接过刀,恭恭敬敬捧着往耶律洪基走去。 Saw the blade to Yelyu Chaci hand, Yelü Hongji just now breathes a sigh of relief, after all he was in the palace person, was his guard grand guardian. 见刀到了耶律查刺手中,耶律洪基方才舒了口气,毕竟他是宫里面的人,是他的护卫太保。 However when he is just about to put out a hand to take the blade, the mutation rises steep, the direct Yelyu Chaci direct blade chops toward him on, Yelü Hongji retrocedes in a panic, after all is the nationality on horseback, even if the emperor also somewhat skill in Wushu, but this blade, although avoided the strategic point, was actually still cut a chest front big opening by the sharp blade. 不过当他正要伸手拿刀之际,异变陡升,直接耶律查刺直接一刀往他身上劈来,耶律洪基仓皇后退,毕竟是马背上的民族,哪怕是皇帝也有几分武艺,只不过这一刀虽然避开了要害,却依然被锋利的刀划开了胸前一道大口子。 Comes the person, escorts!” Yelü Hongji will draw back in the future while the opens the mouth shouted, his heart sank quickly, because below these ministers all visit him unemotionally, and does not have any meaning of escorting. “来人,护驾!”耶律洪基一边往后退一边张口大喊,不过他的心很快就沉了下去,因为下面这些大臣全都面无表情地看着他,并没有任何护驾的意思。 At this moment Yelü Hongji which also not clear this is what situation, can only expect that looks to the front door, what a pity outside guard does not seem to heard general, he shouting several times, a response did not have. 事到如今耶律洪基哪还不清楚这是什么情况,只能期待地望向大门,可惜外面的侍卫仿佛没有听到一般,他连喊数次,一点回应也没有。 Yelü Hongji despaired finally, looked that has not looked at Yelyu investigates to stab who approaches step by step, but is staring at Song Qingshu ruthlessly: Yelyu B hard, We self-examined that waits you is not thin, do you dare to plot to murder Us unexpectedly?” As the emperor, he naturally is clear Yelyu Chaci is only in others hand a blade, the chief instigator is most essential. 耶律洪基终于绝望了,看都没看步步逼近的耶律查刺,而是狠狠盯着宋青书:“耶律乙辛,朕自问待你不薄,你竟然敢谋害朕?”身为皇帝,他自然清楚耶律查刺只是别人手中一把刀而已,主谋才是最关键的。 Song Qingshu shakes the head lightly: Yelü Hongji, no wonder the world appraise you for the unenlightened ruler, asked such naive question to this moment.” 宋青书淡淡地摇头:“耶律洪基,难怪世人都评价你为昏君,都到了这关头了还问这么幼稚的问题。” Red that a Yelü Hongji face rises, was mad obviously, but he takes the opposite party not to have the means at this moment completely, looks at more and more near shining sickle, in his heart suddenly bright mirror: Before Yelu Qi and Xiao Banhe sought a counter case, was you are up to mischief in the back?” 耶律洪基一张脸涨的通红,显然被气得不行,不过他此刻却完全拿对方没办法,看着越来越近的明晃晃弯刀,他心中忽然明镜似的:“之前耶律齐萧半和谋逆一案,是你在背后搞鬼?” South institute Great King Xiao Feng was put in prison...... changed one's mind the institute word recently, caused the empress as well as northern mansion prime minister desolate Pidi is imprisoned......” him to respond finally got rid of one's capable subordinates step by step, will be loyal to own strength to cut off all, therefore is in a tight corner being utterly isolated now. “还有南院大王萧峰入狱……最近回心院词,导致皇后以及北府宰相萧匹敌被监禁……”他终于反应过来自己可谓是一步步自毁长城,将忠于自己的力量尽数斩断,所以如今才陷入了四面楚歌的窘境。 Pitifully understood late.” Song Qingshu shakes the head, historically Yelü Hongji was misled by Yelyu B hard, harms the empress and crown prince to nurse a grievance dead, many honest ministers died similarly, like this muddle-headed lord, is really dies pities insufficient. “可惜明白得太晚了。”宋青书摇了摇头,历史上耶律洪基就是被耶律乙辛蛊惑,害得皇后、太子含冤而死,不少正直的大臣同样罹难,这样的昏聩之主,实在是死不足惜。 Then a tourmate blade, holds the Yelü Hongji chaotic blade, this actually is also the coup d'etat must by the step, always be killed one's sovereign the no small matter, the person who often will let each participation begins, cuts off the escape routes of others. 接下来同行的人一人一刀,将耶律洪基乱刀捅死,这其实也是政变的必经步骤,历来弑君非同小可,往往都会让每个参与的人动手,断绝其他人的退路。 Last blade gave Wei king.” The people handed in front of the blade Song Qingshu, obviously they do not think that Yelyu Yixin cultivates one's own moral worth. “最后一刀交给魏王了。”众人将刀递到了宋青书面前,显然他们也不想耶律乙辛独善其身。 Good.” Song Qingshu received the sickle, gradually moved toward Yelü Hongji, at this time Yelü Hongji has only had half tone, obviously does not have this blade even if, he could not live. “好。”宋青书接过弯刀,一步步走向了耶律洪基,此时耶律洪基早已只剩下半口气在,显然哪怕没有这一刀,他也活不成了。 Song Qingshu raised the sickle, in the governing study room flashed the blade light suddenly, the full moon! 宋青书扬起了弯刀,御书房中忽然闪起了刀光,圆月! The people only thought that at present flashes, then the whole body strength seemed found time general, fell into the endless darkness. 众人只觉得眼前一闪,然后浑身力气仿佛被抽空一般,紧接着就陷入了无尽的黑暗。 Looks the person who in the room kills one's sovereign drops down, originally only remains in half tone Yelü Hongji eye to erupt an astonishing brilliance, Song Qingshu said to him: Killed your person I to help you solve, you can also die die content.” 看着屋中弑君的人纷纷倒下,本来只剩半口气的耶律洪基眼中爆发出一丝惊人的光彩,宋青书对他说道:“杀你的人我都帮你解决了,你也可以死得瞑目了。” Yelü Hongji swallowed the final one breath finally, but in his eye completely has doubts, obviously to dying does not understand that is how a matter. 耶律洪基终于咽下了最后一口气,不过他眼中尽是疑惑,显然到死都不明白是怎么一回事。 Originally this is the plan of Song Qingshu, with its cautious was still discovered the flaw by Yelyu B hard Xinfu easily, might as well comes to drive the tiger to swallow the wolf directly, first made them kill the emperor, then when oneself let success go to the head while the people again relaxed is vigilant, Yelyu Yixin trusted aide group catches the whole lot in a dragnet, got it over and done to relieve the future trouble thoroughly. 原来这就是宋青书的计划,与其小心翼翼依然容易被耶律乙辛心腹发现破绽,还不如直接来个驱虎吞狼,先让他们杀了皇帝,然后自己再趁着众人得意忘形放松警惕之际,将耶律乙辛的心腹集团一网打尽,彻底一劳永逸解除后患。
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