FSM :: Volume #16

#1562: The person sword unites with the person blade unites

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And said that crowd of fully-armed heavy infantry previous seconds look also threaten to be insufferably arrogant, after the result, one second place, apparently did not have the ample force to fight pitifully again. 且说那群全副武装的重步兵前一秒看着还气势汹汹不可一世,结果后一秒就凄惨地倒了一地,显然是没有余力再战了。 Actually the heavy infantry of this disposition coped with the sharp weapon of martial arts master, generally the expert was surrounded by shield, finally will only be held pitifully the hornet's nest. Only pitifully their times tackled is not the ordinary martial arts master, but is the swordsman who in the world ranks among the best, in addition the opposite party came in the army, in strategy to these army quite familiar, therefore defeats such quickly. 其实这种配置的重步兵本来是对付武林高手的利器,一般高手被盾阵围住,最终只会凄惨地被捅成马蜂窝。只可惜他们这次对付的不是普通的武林高手,而是天底下数一数二的剑客,再加上对方本就出身军中,对这些军中阵法相当的熟悉,所以才败得这么快。 Now keeps off in the Yelyu B hard and Zhang Xiao jie front main force soldier already but actually 7788, is only left over several personal bodyguards to keep off in front of two people fearful and apprehensive, reason that has this predicament is because their time comes foreign to handle a case to complete(ly) Yuan, guarded the work naturally to give foreign to be responsible to complete(ly) Yuan, therefore has not led many own guard along, otherwise Wei Wangfu, although was inferior that the Prince of Ruyang mansion raised so many top players, but numerous strong competitors could handle. 如今挡在耶律乙辛和张孝杰前面的主力士兵已经倒得七七八八,只剩下数名贴身侍卫胆战心惊地挡在两人前面,之所以出现这个窘境是因为他们这次是来夷离毕院办案的,守卫工作自然交给了夷离毕院负责,因此没带多少自己的随身护卫,不然魏王府里虽然不如汝阳王府豢养了那么多顶尖高手,但是一个“高手如云”还是当得起的。 Although Xue Yiren practiced some sword to become Kuang, but was not a fool, in the surface he was direct upfront dashing foreign is firm to complete(ly) Yuantian, in fact he has investigated, at this time instead was side Yelyu Yixin guards the weakest time. 薛衣人虽然练剑有些成狂了,但并不是傻子,表面上他是直接正面冲撞夷离毕院天牢,实际上他做过调查,此时反而是耶律乙辛身边守卫最薄弱的时候。 Saw that the opposite party walks step by step toward oneself, Zhang Xiao jie somewhat frightens the both legs to tremble, especially sees on the opposite party sword the blood bead to fall one after another, he has almost not fainted. 看到对方一步步向自己走来,张孝杰吓得双腿都有些发颤,特别是看到对方剑上血珠一滴一滴滑落下来,他更是差点没晕过去。 Xue Yiren sneers, a sword toward Yelyu B hard to stab in the past, he was clear that here after all is the domain of Khitan people, is not suitable protracted battle, otherwise the soldier is a while getting more and more, he does not want to fall into tight encirclement during. 薛衣人冷笑一声,一剑往耶律乙辛刺了过去,他清楚这里毕竟是契丹人的地盘,不适合久战,不然等会儿士兵越来越多,他可不想陷入重围之中。 Around the Yelyu Yixin that about ten guards, placing in Shanxi Martial arts world are also the well-known characters, only their time bumped into Xue Yiren pitifully, moreover by murderous aura well-known bloodstained clothing person! 耶律乙辛周围的那近十名侍卫,放在山西武林中也是响当当的人物,只可惜他们这次碰上了薛衣人,而且是以杀气闻名的血衣人! Has not fought, they then resulted in the scant of breath by opposite party murderous aura suppression, a time cannot display 50%, goes sees only the red sword light/only to flash, this is they in the final picture that in this world sees. 还未交手,他们便被对方身上的杀气压制得呼吸困难,一身功夫发挥不出50%,接下去只见红色的剑光一闪,这就是他们在这世上看到的最后的画面。 Sees with own eyes will soon trig Yelyu Yixin, Xue Yiren corners of the mouth rises slightly, the complexion relaxed a point finally, his smile has not reappeared completely, suddenly the complexion changes, returns to the sword one to select toward side, speeds along the blade that comes to knock to fly a . 眼见即将制住耶律乙辛,薛衣人嘴角微微上扬,脸色终于缓和了一分,不过他的笑容还没有浮现完全,忽然脸色一变,回剑往旁边一挑,将一柄飞驰而来的刀磕飞回去。 Bold evildoer, dares to act unruly to complete(ly) Yuan in foreign!” Comes the person big tall and strong, is emitting a wild nature charm from top to bottom, then takes over desolate Toichiro who the palace advance headquarters inspect impressively! He this time is announced an imperial decree, has not thought that happen to bumps into Xue Yiren to commit murder. “大胆贼子,竟敢在夷离毕院撒野!”来人高大魁梧,浑身上下散发着一丝野性的魅力,赫然便是接任殿前司都点检的萧十一郎!他此番本来是过来宣旨的,没想到正好撞见薛衣人行凶。 This person looks that may have manly flavor some compared with your pretty boy.” Saw desolate Toichiro, Zhao Min pushed nearby Song Qingshu, teased. “这人看着可比你这个小白脸有男人味些。”看到了萧十一郎,赵敏推了推一旁的宋青书,打趣道。 Song Qingshu thinks little, replied lightly: What I depend is the talent and connotation, does not eat meal by the face.” 宋青书不以为意,淡淡答道:“我靠的是才华与内涵,不是靠脸吃饭。” Smelly is not concerned about face!” Zhao Min ridicules one, nearby Bing Xue'er deep is so nods, has then to continue to look. “臭不要脸!”赵敏笑骂一声,一旁的冰雪儿深以为然地点点头,只好接着继续看了下去。 At this time Xue Yiren also saw clearly the appearance that comes the person, cannot help but sneers again and again: desolate Toichiro? Happen to before leaving, calculates that with you steals Miss Shen's that account!” 此时薛衣人也看清了来人的模样,不由得冷笑连连:“萧十一郎?正好临走前和你算算劫走沈小姐的那笔账!” He is going to Capital City to treat was so long, at that time what has found out had kidnapped Chen Bijun is, although he plans to kill Chen Bijun to avoid the imperial family now being shamed, but he hates this matter's instigator. 他在上京城待了这么久,已经查出了当时劫持沈璧君的是什么人,虽然他如今打算杀了沈璧君避免皇室蒙羞,不过他更恨此事的始作俑者。 Therefore in his heart has been ready, planned that asked under Mandarin Duck Blade fell behind killed Yelyu B hard, as for killing the Liao Empire high-ranking court official causes Song Liao related badly and so on him not to care, after all now Liao Empire today we are no longer as we have been, moreover both countries did not border on, Liao Empire wants to retaliate also has a mind to be incapable, only possibly influence was this joint effort attacks the Jin Empire matter, but the Northern Expedition was a matter of Han Tuozhou department, he came Xue, usually with Jia brothers, does not hope that saw Han Tuozhou this Northern Expedition succeeded. 因此他心中已经做好了准备,打算问出了鸳鸯刀下落后就把耶律乙辛杀了,至于杀害辽国重臣导致宋辽关系恶劣之类的他根本就不在意,毕竟如今辽国今非昔比,而且两国根本不接壤,辽国想报复也有心无力,唯一可能影响的就是这次合力攻击金国的事情,不过北伐都是韩侂胄一系的事,他出身薛家,素来与贾家同气连枝,本来就不希望看到韩侂胄此次北伐成功。 However this time makes such greatly in Liao Empire, after going back, must have faced with Han Tuozhou the impeachment of camp, if can solve the murderer who kidnaps crown prince imperial concubine a case, when the time comes has not only had, instead is active, issue that naturally does not need to be worried about to settle. 不过此番在辽国闹得这么大,回去后少不得面临韩侂胄阵营的弹劾,如果能解决掉劫持太子妃一案的凶手,到时候不仅没有过,反而有功,自然就不用担心善后的问题。 By him looked instantaneously becomes to desolate Toichiro's look fiery, makes an opposite party chill. 是以他看向萧十一郎的眼神瞬间就变得火热起来,弄得对方一阵恶寒。 When desolate Toichiro only the opposite party murderous aura the too rich reason, pours has not thought, brandished a sword to throw directly. He is very confident to oneself knife skill, entire Liao Empire besides the Xiao Feng father and son, that mysterious big cautious hidden division Su Yin, had all not been placed in the eye by him, moreover even to these three people, he did not feel oneself will lose, if gives him again ten years of growth time, he even ponders to become the Liao Empire first expert. 萧十一郎只当对方杀气太浓郁的缘故,倒也没有多想,直接挥刀扑了过去。他对自己的刀法很有信心,整个辽国除了萧峰父子,还有那位神秘的大惕隐司苏隐,余者皆不被他放在眼中,而且就算是对上这三人,他也不觉得自己会输,如果再给他十年成长时间,他甚至自忖能成为辽国第一高手。 A blade guest, in the bone must have looking disdainfully air/Qi, this can achieving the knife skill to the high boundary. 一个刀客,本来骨子里就应当有一股睥睨之气,这样才能将达到刀法至高境界。 However this period of time his unprecedented imposing manner somewhat sells at a discount , because ran into two mysterious people for successive two times, one time was that night the mysterious person on the street, both sides fought dozens moves, felt that the opposite party absolutely did not have to play jokes upon him to be common with every effort ; Is for the second time before , catches Zhao Weiyi in the imperial palace, the opposite party unexpectedly under his eye hides leaves calmly, is really a big attack. 不过这段时间他一往无前的气势有些打了折扣,就是因为连续两次遇到两个神秘人,一次是那天晚上在街上遇到的神秘人,双方交手数十招,感觉对方完全没有尽力只是在戏耍他一般;第二次则是之前在皇宫里抓赵惟一,对方居然在他眼皮子底下从容离开,实在是个不小的打击。 Thinks that these two matters, the desolate Toichiro's unprecedented imposing manner suddenly, in complete blade intent had the flaw, if confronts the common expert also to might as well but actually, is Xue Yiren what kind of character, catches the flaw that flashed to pass instantaneously. 想到这两件事,萧十一郎一往无前的气势忽然顿了顿,圆满的刀意里就有了破绽,若是对阵一般高手倒也无妨,可是薛衣人何等人物,瞬间就抓到了那一闪而逝的破绽。 The people only thought that at present one red, in the field as if blooms bright blood-color flowers, only then Song Qingshu responded that is Xue Yiren moistens sword qi that the sword of blood blooms, that flash sword qi is that dazzling, few that in the field can also open eyes. 众人只觉得眼前一红,场中仿佛绽放出一朵鲜艳的血色花朵,只有宋青书反应过来那是薛衣人沾血的剑绽放的剑气,那一瞬间剑气是那么耀眼,场中还能睁开眼的屈指可数。 The people only hear to bite the sound that a knife point intersects, when the blood-color retreats, when the people open the eye, discovered that desolate Toichiro has partly knelt on the ground, were from top to bottom many more than ten blood holes, the clothes is total wreck, if not in the hand the blade inserted in the ground supported his most weight, perhaps he has fallen down at this time. 众人只听得叮叮叮一阵刀尖相交的声音,等血色退去,众人睁开眼睛时,发现萧十一郎已经半跪在了地上,浑身上下多了十几个血洞,衣服早已破烂不堪,若非手中刀插在地上支撑了他大半的重量,恐怕他此时早已倒在了地上。 In the field guard in an uproar, must know that desolate Toichiro is in Capital City the renowned expert, usually in may also calculate to fight all over in the army not to have the rival, without thinking of such flash defeated unexpectedly, moreover defeats such miserably? 场中侍卫一片哗然,要知道萧十一郎是京城里著名的高手,平日里可也算打遍军中无敌手,没想到居然这么一瞬间就败了,而且还败得这么惨? Well, can meet my unique skill not dead unexpectedly?” Xue Yiren startled well, in the look were many a appreciation. “咦,竟然能接我绝招而不死?”薛衣人惊咦了一声,眼神中却多了一丝赞赏。 Only then Song Qingshu is clear, this time desolate Toichiro is also not in the original works finally that desolate Toichiro who becomes aware the person blade to unite, not can be victorious Xue Yiren is very normal, but defeats but actually some such simply not as he expected, after all before he and desolate Toichiro has fought, knows that desolate Toichiro's martial arts, wants 180 moves to obtain the victory and defeat again. 只有宋青书才明白,此时的萧十一郎还不是原著中最后那个悟到人刀合一的萧十一郎,打不过薛衣人很正常,不过败得这么干脆倒有些出乎他意料,毕竟之前他与萧十一郎交过手,知道萧十一郎的武功,再怎么也要个百八十招才分得出胜负吧。 Why did his blade suddenly have hesitation a moment ago?” The Song Qingshu doubts, how could he know the opposite party is because fought with him for successive two times, causing the confidence to suffer setbacks, thus the strength dropped at least 30%, must know that the confidence uses the blade expert to be important to one. “刚才他那一刀为何忽然有了迟疑?”宋青书疑惑不已,他哪知道对方就是因为连续两次与他交手,导致信心受挫,从而实力下降了至少30%,要知道信心对一个用刀高手来说是至关重要的。 However he does not have time manages these now, but said to two females: You are staring here, I go to rescue Su Quan while this opportunity.” 不过他现在也没功夫管这些了,而是对身边两女说道:“你们在这边盯着,我趁这个机会进去救苏荃。” Good.” Bing Xue'er nods, nearby Zhao Min does not seem to heard general, is staring in the field looking pensive somebody. “好。”冰雪儿点点头,一旁的赵敏仿佛没听到一般,若有所思盯着场中某人。
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