FSM :: Volume #16

#1561: Vacillation

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Zhao Min and Bing Xue'er quickly bent down, listens to the Song Qingshu tone, the come person obviously is not their. 赵敏冰雪儿急忙伏了下来,听宋青书的语气,来的这人显然不是他们这一路的。 Sees only a white clothing middle-aged person to leave finish the institute prison to walk toward foreign gradually, the demeanor is graceful and calm, he walks very slowly, but no one can neglect his imposing manner. 只见一个白衣中年人缓步往夷离毕院大牢走去,风度优雅而从容,他走得很慢,可是没人能忽视他的气势。 White clothing person both hands lost/carrying after behind, could not look that had the appearance of weapon, but Zhao Min and Bing Xue'er actually first response detected that his weapon is anything. 白衣人双手负在身后,看不出来带了兵器的样子,不过赵敏冰雪儿却第一反应就察觉到他的兵器是什么。 Because is away from is so far, has sword qi of learned person to pass the body to live coldly, this sword qi is not the sword sends obviously. But is that person sends. 因为隔着这么远,就有种通人的剑气透体生寒,这剑气显然不是剑发出来的。而是那人本身发出来的。 Xue Yiren?” Song Qingshu has recognized the identity of opposite party, impressively was Southern Song Dynasty imperial city department's first expert Xue Yiren. 薛衣人?”宋青书已经认出了对方的身份,赫然便是南宋皇城司第一高手薛衣人 How will he appear here?” Nearby Zhao Min curious say/way. “他怎么会出现在这里?”一旁的赵敏好奇道。 Song Qingshu shakes the head, he is just also curious. 宋青书摇了摇头,他也正好奇呢。 Sees only Xue Yiren to stroll toward in like this walks, the guard who at this time foreign leaves finish the institute had responded, pulled out the blade to encircle, around Xue Yiren was only similar the invisible air/Qi field to be the same pitifully, these ordinary guards approached slightly, on the complexion blanch scant of breath, has to retrocede. 只见薛衣人就这样闲庭信步往里走去,此时夷离毕院的守卫已经反应了过来,纷纷抽出刀围了过去,只可惜薛衣人周围仿佛有一道无形的气场一般,这些普通的侍卫稍微一靠近,就面色发白呼吸困难,不得不又后退开来。 And several people do not believe in evil doctrines, supports by hard and stubborn effort to brandish a blade toward Xue Yiren on to cut, what a pity a surroundings human eye flower, the next quarter these people the whole body scar has poured in the ground life and death does not know, this came to his nearby encirclement ring to expand one time instantaneously, no one dares to keep his surrounding area in one zhang (3.33 m), these guards can only encircle him by far in the middle, as he proceeded step by step, the encirclement ring will also draw back step by step in the future. 其中有几个人不信邪,硬撑着挥刀往薛衣人身上砍过去,可惜周围人眼一花,下一刻这几人已经满身伤痕倒在地上生死不知,这一来他附近的包围圈瞬间扩大了一倍,没有人敢留在他方圆一丈之内,那些侍卫只能远远将他围在中间,随着他一步步往前走,包围圈也一步步往后退。 This person of martial arts is quite high!” Bing Xue'er exclaims, she had not even seen clearly what's the matter these guards to lie down on the ground a moment ago. “这人武功好高!”冰雪儿惊叹不已,刚才连她都没看清楚怎么回事那些侍卫就已经躺在地上了。 He can indeed advance into present age most top player.” The Song Qingshu to praise sighed, although Bing Xue'er has not seen clearly, but he actually saw clearly, just Xue Yiren acted, but the speed is too fast, the average person cannot respond, thinks that here he somewhat is contented, if changes him to go, perhaps just does not need to lift the hand...... “他的确可以跻身当世最顶尖高手之列。”宋青书赞叹道,冰雪儿虽然没看清楚,但他却是看清楚了,刚刚薛衣人还是出手了,只不过速度太快,一般人根本反应不过来,想到这里他不禁有些自得,如果换他去的话,恐怕刚刚不需要抬手的吧…… Why Wei hasn't king come out to see?” Sees only Xue Yiren to stop the footsteps suddenly, holds up the head to say to complete(ly) Yuan to foreign, although does not seem like shouts oneself hoarse is roaring, but the sound actually spread over foreign to leave complete(ly) Yuanmei a corner clearly, obviously its inner strength was abundant. “魏王为何还不出来一见?”只见薛衣人忽然停下脚步,昂首对着夷离毕院说道,虽然看起来不像嘶声力竭在吼,可是声音却清清楚楚传遍了夷离毕院每一个角落,可见其内力多么雄厚。 The sound non-stop reverberating in the courtyard, Xue Yiren does not worry, calmly stands in like this same place, seems waiting for anything. 声音不停回响在院子之中,薛衣人也不着急,就这样静静地站在原地,仿佛在等着什么。 Without separating how long, foreign opens to complete(ly) Yuantian the firm front door, Yelu Yixin surrounded by one crowd of guard. 没隔多久,夷离毕院天牢大门打开,耶律乙辛在一群侍卫簇拥下走了出来。 His side that small beard is with knowing northern institute pivot shaft secret envoy matter Zhang Xiao jie.” Zhao Min points at Yelu Yixin Han people official to say. “他身边那个小胡子就是同知北院枢密使事张孝杰。”赵敏指着耶律乙辛身边一个汉人官员说道。 These two gather together, has started to interrogate the empress.” Song Qingshu somewhat is worried about the Su Quan safety. “这两人聚在一起,想必是已经开始审问皇后了。”宋青书不禁有些担心起苏荃的安危。 Relax, interrogating the empress is not a minor matter, usually needs several sides also to present, looked that the situation they should also just start, was broken by Xue Yiren.” Zhao Min fine qualities orchid heart, knows that he is worried about anything. “放心吧,审问皇后并非小事,往往需要几方同时在场,看情况他们应该也是刚开始,就被薛衣人打断了。”赵敏蕙质兰心,知道他在担心什么。 Hope so.” Song Qingshu nods , to continue to pay attention to the field the development. “希望如此。”宋青书点点头,继续关注场中事态发展。 Does not know that what matter your excellency is looks for this officer.” Yelu Yixin looked in a field the situation, brow slightly wrinkle. “不知阁下是何事找本官。”耶律乙辛看了一眼场中情形,不由眉头微皱。 Why Wei king also asked something already known,” Xue Yiren coldly said, one, Miss Shen Jia is where now ; Second, hands over Mandarin Duck Blade.” “魏王又何必明知故问,”薛衣人冷冷地说道,“一,沈家小姐如今身在何处;二,把鸳鸯刀交出来。” That he wants to take advantage of opportunity Shen Bijun late killed, what a pity the midway was interrupted by Song Qingshu, harms him to temporarily leave, when he goes to Wei Wangfu afterward time, discovered that Shen Bijun has been reminded of dear ones who have left. 那晚他想顺势将沈璧君杀了,可惜中途被“宋青书”打岔,害得他不得不暂时离开,等他事后再去魏王府的时候,发现沈璧君已经人去楼空。 The Shen Bijun itself/Ben is in the Yelu Yixin plan a very important part, therefore her status also belongs in Wei Wangfu top-secret, so that Xue Yiren interrogated and tortured several maidservant guards not to know her whereabouts. 沈璧君本就是耶律乙辛计划中非常重要的一环,因此她的身份在魏王府也属于绝密,以致薛衣人拷问了几个丫鬟侍卫都不知道她的下落。 He pours not really must rescue Shen Bijun, but this, whatever would-be crown prince imperial concubine of royal government falls in other male manpower, in the future will pass on to the imperial face countenance is an enormous attack, experienced shame of that deeply grieved experience Jingkang, if will come a similar incident again, to the vigor of entire country will be a serious attack. 他倒并非真的要救沈璧君,只是这样任由朝廷的准太子妃落在别的男人手里,将来传出去对皇家颜面是个极大的打击,经历了靖康之耻那段惨痛经历,如果再来一次类似事件,对整个国家的精气神是个沉重的打击。 Meanwhile he has been tracing the Mandarin Duck Blade whereabouts, obtains the information that from various types, the mandarin duck blade and female mandarin duck blade likely fell in the Yelu Yixin hand, originally he was planned that entered Wei Wangfu to look for the opposite party, what a pity Yelu Yixin was busy framing the empress for several days with the northern mansion prime minister, in the imperial palace in foreign to complete(ly) Yuan, not doing Xue Yiren was impatient, came foreign to leave complete(ly) Yuanzhao simply directly he. 同时他一直在追查鸳鸯刀的下落,从各种得到的情报来看,鸳刀和鸯刀很可能都落在了耶律乙辛手中,本来他是打算进魏王府找对方的,可惜耶律乙辛这些天忙着构陷皇后与北府宰相,不是在皇宫就是在夷离毕院,搞得薛衣人不耐烦起来,索性直接来夷离毕院找他。 At this time Song Qingshu several people also understood what is heard his purpose in coming, Zhao Min beamed with joy saying: Your luck is really good, unexpectedly has a super expert to brave to take the lead for you.” 此时宋青书几人也听明白了他的来意,赵敏不禁眉开眼笑道:“你运气还真不错,居然有个超级高手冒出来替你打头阵。” Song Qingshu also showed a smile finally: Hopes that he more mixes the atmospheric conditions just before a rain is better.” 宋青书也终于露出了一丝笑容:“希望他将水搅得越混越好。” Dissolute, where when here, takes to me!” The Yelu Yixin complexion is gloomy, a being as deep as a well appearance, nearby Zhang Xiao jie actually could not repress, was so provoked in own domain, doesn't give him a lesson to pass on to be laughed by knowledgeable people well? “放肆,当这里什么地方,给我拿下!”耶律乙辛脸色阴沉,一副高深莫测的模样,一旁的张孝杰却按捺不住了,被人在自己地盘如此挑衅,不好好给他个教训传出去岂不是贻笑大方? The immediate superior ordered, the outside hesitant soldier has to brace oneself to rush over, luckily this time was one group of people on together, poured does not need to be worried that was killed by the second like front that several unlucky ghost instantaneously. 顶头上司下令,外面犹豫的士兵只好硬着头皮冲了过去,幸好这次是一群人一起上,倒也不用担心像前面那几个倒霉鬼那样瞬间被秒杀。 Although the Xue Yiren martial arts is high, but is not a boorish fellow of that muscle, naturally does not have the time and this crowd the entanglement disciple damages the strength, saw only him to move suddenly, the long spear/gun that surrounding one punctured broke off in abundance, the people also responded without enough time, he has just liked Great Peng to spread the wings to cross surrounding of many soldier, charged into Yelu Yixin of distant place directly. 薛衣人武功虽高,但又不是那种一根筋的莽夫,自然没功夫和这群喽啰纠缠徒损战力,只见他忽然动了,周围一圈刺过来的长枪纷纷折断,众人还来不及反应,他已经犹如大鹏展翅越过了众多士兵的包围,直接冲向了远处的耶律乙辛 The truth of capturing the ringleader first, is individual understands. 擒贼先擒王的道理,是个人都懂。 Protects Wei king! Protects Wei king!” Zhang Xiao jie in great surprise, quickly is thrown into confusion to call guard to overrun, oneself will be unintentional will draw back in the future several steps. “保护魏王!保护魏王!”张孝杰大惊,急忙手忙脚乱招呼身旁的侍卫冲过去,自己则有意无意往后退了几步。 However he and Yelu Yixin may be the royal government senior officials, can stay in their guards is not gives for nothing, is defending in front of two people methodically. 不过他与耶律乙辛可算是朝廷高官,能呆在他们身边的侍卫也不是白给的,纷纷有条不紊地守着两人前面。 First is around one group of shield soldiers the step three kept off in front of two people, then the archer drawing a bow nocking forms a coherent whole, Xue Yiren of dozens crossbow bolt in toward midair shot. 先是一堆盾牌兵前后步了三层挡在两人前面,然后弓箭手张弓搭箭一气呵成,数十支弩箭往半空中的薛衣人射了过去。 Pitifully the Xue Yiren movement is extremely only ingenious, left behind several remnant shades in the midair, the whole person just like the startled great wild goose, the bow and arrow cannot hit a target he. 只可惜薛衣人身法太过巧妙,在半空中留下了数道残影,整个人犹如偏偏惊鸿,弓箭根本射不中他。 This little while time Xue Yiren has pulled closer both sides to be away from, the shield soldier of most front row loudly shouts, lifts the shield to rush over single-handedly forcefully. 这会儿功夫薛衣人已经拉近了双方距离,最前列的盾牌兵纷纷大喝一声,一手举盾硬生生冲了过去。 A Xue Yiren brow wrinkle, this gadget evades not to be possible to evade, he can only hold to resist a shield, holds Tsutomu Nakauchi to urge to spit to shake the flying opposite party to open a gap, suddenly the slit between shields stretches out more than ten spear heads quickly, as if can poke the hornet's nest him instantaneously. 薛衣人眉头一皱,这玩意儿避无可避,他只能一掌抵住其中一张盾牌,掌中内力正欲催吐震飞对方来打开一个缺口,忽然间盾牌之间的缝隙倏地伸出十几根枪头来,仿佛瞬间就能把他戳成马蜂窝。 However Xue Yiren comes in the army after all, how also not to have guarded to the methods of these military, saw only his whole person to shoot up to the sky instantaneously, avoids the opposite party to strike fatally, then in the field the people only thought that in the midair shone a gorgeous sword light, when everyone recovered, discovered that the shield in that three defense line hands is completely all split up, these guards were also but actually place. 不过薛衣人毕竟出身军中,又岂会对这些军方的手段没有丝毫防范,只见他整个人瞬间冲天而起,避开了对方致命一击,然后场中众人只觉得半空中亮起一道绚丽的剑光,待大家回过神来,发现那三层防线手中的盾牌尽皆四分五裂,那些侍卫也是倒了一地。 Worthily is the bloodstained clothing person who the corpse mountain blood sea kills.” Bountiful by Song Qingshu now nitpicking vision, has to acclaim Xue Yiren a moment ago shocking of that sword. “不愧是尸山血海杀出来的血衣人。”饶是以宋青书如今挑剔的眼光,也不得不赞叹薛衣人刚才那一剑的惊艳。 Nearby Zhao Min closely is actually staring at Yelu Yixin, sees he somewhat flurried expression, on the face were of many color the doubts: „Did could it be that I guess wrong?” 一旁的赵敏却是紧紧盯着耶律乙辛,看到他有些慌乱的表情,脸上不禁多了一丝疑惑之色:“难道我猜错了?”
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