FSM :: Volume #16

#1560: Source of trouble lead to the east

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Hears the opposite party to deny superficially, the Xiao Shiyilang doubt asked: He and you enter the palace together, moreover frequently comes and goes out in your side, how can you not know?” 听到对方轻描淡写否认,萧十一郎不禁狐疑地问道:“他和你一起入宫,而且经常在你身边出入,你又岂会一点都不知道?” The Shen Bijun complexion one coldly, said lightly: I, if really knew with him, must save me to be simply easy as pie by his martial arts, how I have been organized by you?” 沈璧君脸色一冷,淡淡地说道:“我如果真的和他认识,以他的武功要救走我简直易如反掌,我又岂会一直被你们摆布?” Xiao Shiyilang is startled, thought she said was also reasonable, then no longer says anything. 萧十一郎一怔,心想她说的也有道理,便不再说什么了。 And said Song Qingshu to/clashes, has not left the imperial palace, but hurries to toward the empress resting palace, since sent people to catch him, obviously Su Quan will encounter a bigger danger. 且说宋青书冲出去过后,并没有离开皇宫,而是一路往皇后寝宫赶去,既然派人来抓他了,显然苏荃会遇到更大的危险。 After he rushes to the resting palace, discovered that there has been reminded of dear ones who have left, some guards are only defending, inside does not have the Su Quan form, from talking in whispers of outside these palace maid court eunuches knew that the empress was taken away by the guard, where as for taking away was not clear. 等他赶到寝宫之后,发现那里早已人去楼空,只有些侍卫守着,里面并没有苏荃的身影,从外面那些宫女太监的窃窃私语中得知皇后被侍卫带走了,至于带去哪里了并不清楚。 Song Qingshu so far the whole person is compels ignorant, does not understand how oneself and matter between Su Quan will expose, must know that he comes and goes out the Su Quan resting palace to be extremely careful each time, had not been discovered absolutely. 宋青书到目前为止整个人都是懵逼的,都不明白自己和苏荃之间的事情怎么会败露,要知道他每次出入苏荃寝宫可谓慎之又慎,绝对没有被人发现。 Was that side Yelu Yixin acts?” In the Song Qingshu mind emits a guess, but he is also unascertainable, hesitant a while, he decides first to go to look for Zhao Min to ask, after all she was usually well-informed, but oneself lack the news currently, first clarified the situation to say now again. “难道是耶律乙辛那边行动了?”宋青书脑海中冒出一个猜测,不过他也不能确定,犹豫了一会儿,他还是决定先出去找赵敏问问,毕竟她素来消息灵通,而自己目前就缺消息,先搞清如今局势再说。 He ran nonstop the palace, rushed to the Prince of Ruyang mansion secret foothold, Zhao Min and a Bing Xue'er face is discussing anything anxiously, saw him to come back greatly stretch/leisurely one breath. 他马不停蹄地跑出了宫,赶到了汝阳王府的秘密据点,赵敏冰雪儿正一脸焦急地在商量着什么,看到他回来了不禁大舒一口气。 Snow elder sister, I said that will definitely not have the danger by his skill, you must that be worried about her.” Zhao Min pushed Bing Xue'er grinningly. “雪姐姐,我就说以他的本事肯定不会有危险吧,你还非要那么担心她。”赵敏笑嘻嘻地推了身旁的冰雪儿一把。 Bing Xue'er shows the whites of the eyes: Does not know a moment ago is who must look like like ants on a heated pan anxiously, matter how now to become me.” 冰雪儿不禁翻了个白眼:“刚才也不知道是谁急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,现在怎么全成了我一个人的事了。” Snow elder sister!” Zhao Min was angry lightly, looked at Song Qingshu one quietly, the beautiful cheek even more tender and beautiful desire dropped. “雪姐姐!”赵敏轻嗔不已,悄悄看了宋青书一眼,绝美的脸蛋儿愈发娇艳欲滴。 You have known that in the palace what happened?” Sees two female expressions, Song Qingshu quickly asks. “你们已经知道宫里发生什么事了么?”看到两女表情,宋青书急忙问道。 «Changes one's mind an Institute Word» case is so explosive, although in the palace has blocked this matter full power, but where matter like this can conceal the truth,” Zhao Min shows the expression that teased, on the people in present entire Capital City were discussing where can that musician Zhao Weiyi who the beautiful peerless empress ganged up with on sacred.” “《回心院词》一案这么劲爆,虽然宫里已经全力封杀此事,可这样的事哪里瞒得住,”赵敏露出一丝戏谑的表情,“现在整个上京城的人都在讨论,能将美艳绝伦的皇后勾搭上的那位琴师赵惟一到底何方神圣。” Spread quickly?” Song Qingshu surprise propagation velocity was too rather fast, if said that no one adds fuel to the flames in the back, that will be kills him not to believe. “这么快就传开了?”宋青书诧异这传播速度未免太快了,若说没有人在背后推波助澜,那是打死他都不会信的。 Nearby Bing Xue'er looks the unusual look: Qingshu, then even I have to acknowledge, you deal with the woman indeed to have one very much, this several days of times......” 一旁的冰雪儿面露异色:“青书,这下连我都不得不承认,你对付女人的确很有一手,这才几天的功夫……” „It is not such that you think!” Saw Bing Xue'er also to gossip, a Song Qingshu heavy line, has to explain Su Quan and own relations. “不是你们想的那样!”见冰雪儿也八卦了起来,宋青书不禁一头黑线,只好解释起来苏荃与自己的关系。 Ups and downs hear two pairs of beautiful eyes to stare in a big way, Zhao Min sighs with emotion: Even Queen Liao Empire are your woman, I really am such as the torrential river water am continuous to your respect.” 这其中的曲折听得两双美目瞪得大大的,赵敏感慨道:“连辽国皇后都是你的女人,我对你的敬仰真是如滔滔江水连绵不绝。” Song Qingshu: „???” He before and Zhao Min had said classical lines in this previous generation movie, without thinking learned with a lively mind quickly. 宋青书:“???”他以前和赵敏说过这段前世电影里的经典台词,没想到这么快就活学活用了。 One day won't our Mangolia's Great Khan empress even have the relations with you?” A Zhao Min face doubt is taking a look at him. “不会有一天连我们蒙古大汗的皇后也和你有关系吧?”赵敏一脸狐疑地打量着他。 Song Qingshu was even more depressed: Do not do likely a seeder to be good me.” 宋青书越发郁闷了:“别把我搞得像个播种机好不好。” Zhao Min curls the lip: I, no matter, cannot you do the Prince of Ruyang mansion in any case, if some day I know that you and my mother's married sisters or Sister-In-Law have anything to be illegibile, looked that I do not castrate you.” 赵敏撇撇嘴:“我不管,反正不许你搞到汝阳王府来,若有一天我知道你和我那些姨娘或者嫂嫂有什么不清不楚的,看我不阉了你。” Song Qingshu only thought that following somewhat cool, quickly shifts the topic: This pulled far, today in the palace exactly what happened?” 宋青书只觉得下面有些凉飕飕的,急忙转移话题:“这扯得太远了,今天宫里到底发生了什么事?” Zhao Min then receives the smile, sincere said: Heard that has the palace lady to report to the emperor the empress and musician Zhao Weiyi had an affair, Yelü Hongji was angry, killed large numbers of officials involved, including handled matters conscientiously these people of room dereliction of duty not to let off initially......” 赵敏这才收起笑容,正色说道:“听说有宫人向皇帝举报皇后与琴师赵惟一有染,耶律洪基大怒,杀了一大批涉案人员,连当初敬事房失职的那些人都没有放过……” Hears that father-in-law tall to commit suicide in fear of punishment, Song Qingshu looks the unusual look: He clearly is the Yelu Yixin person, does not know that leads to commit suicide voluntarily ‚’.” 听到那位高公公畏罪自杀,宋青书面露异色:“他分明是耶律乙辛的人,也不知道是自愿领死还是‘被自杀’。” Zhao Min cold snort/hum: Associated to former Yelu Yixin makes you find the way to be close to the empress, obviously all these he was the behind-the-scenes forces.” 赵敏冷哼一声:“联想到之前耶律乙辛让你想办法接近皇后,显然这一切他就是幕后推手。” Song Qingshu somewhat said annoyingly: Yeah, I was really the general idea/careless, thinks that I have not acted his plan unable to launch, never expected that he came to frame by planting stolen goods on to shift blame unexpectedly directly.” 宋青书有些懊恼地说道:“哎,我真是大意了,以为我还没有行动他的计划就无从展开,没想到他居然直接来个栽赃嫁祸。” Does not calculate that frames by planting stolen goods on to shift blame,” nearby Zhao Min some heart disaster happy calamities said, between you and empress indeed have a leg.” “也不算栽赃嫁祸吧,”一旁的赵敏有些心灾乐祸地说道,“你和皇后之间的确有一腿啊。” A Song Qingshu face is depressed: Can not taunt me?” 宋青书一脸郁闷:“能别挖苦我了么?” Who makes you wallow the female sexual attractiveness in the imperial palace, forgot the proper business.” Zhao Min cold snort/hum, clearly in the heart has the disaffection early. “谁让你在皇宫中沉迷女色,忘了正事的。”赵敏冷哼一声,显然心中早有不满。 Song Qingshu opens mouth, finally had not explained, after all here indeed was his general idea/careless. 宋青书张了张嘴,最终却没有解释,毕竟这里的确是他大意了。 Ok, if harms your small sweetheart fragrant disappearing jade to perish, cannot hate me for a lifetime,” Zhao Min unfolds the face to smile suddenly, broke the awkwardness in room on own initiative, according to the information that I obtain, your young sweetheart is invested foreign to leave finish the day of institute to be firm now, by knowing northern institute pivot shaft secret envoy matter Yelu Yixin with knowing pivot shaft secret envoy matter Zhang Xiao jie interrogates together, although in these two surface and does not have any relations, but according to the Prince of Ruyang mansion past information, Zhang Xiao jie should be the Yelu Yixin person, your young sweetheart falls in their hands, said. Has a leg with you, even she is pure, perhaps will still confess under torture.” “算了,要是害得你的小情人香消玉殒,你还不得恨我一辈子啊,”赵敏忽然展颜一笑,主动打破了屋中的尴尬,“据我得到的情报,你那位小情人如今被投入了夷离毕院的天牢,由知北院枢密使事耶律乙辛与同知枢密使事张孝杰共同审讯,虽然这两人表面上并没有什么关系,但据汝阳王府以往的情报,张孝杰应该是耶律乙辛的人,你那位小情人落在他们手中,莫说真的与你有一腿,就算她冰清玉洁,恐怕也会屈打成招。” „Does foreign leave finish the day of institute to be firm?” Song Qingshu stands in the window is looking at that direction, and this place is really also predestined friends.” Before rescued Xia Qingqing Bing Xue'er, afterward rescued Yelu Qi Xiao Zhonghui, have had to do several times. “夷离毕院的天牢?”宋青书站在窗边望着那个方向,“和这个地方还真是有缘啊。”之前救夏青青冰雪儿,后来救耶律齐萧中慧,都已经几次打交道了。 „Does plan make a move today?” Zhao Min arrives at his side to ask. “打算今天就出手么?”赵敏来到他身边问道。 Good,” Song Qingshu nods, makes Su Quan in their hands many double-hour on many one point of danger.” “不错,”宋青书点点头,“让苏荃在他们手里多一个时辰就多一分危险。” Also good, we accompany you to go together, happen to I must verify in the heart a suspicion.” Zhao Min said looking pensive. “也好,我们陪你一起去吧,正好我要印证心中一个猜想。”赵敏若有所思地说道。 The Song Qingshu doubts turn head: What suspected?” 宋青书疑惑地回头:“什么猜想?” Now also says.” Zhao Min shakes the head. “现在还不到说的时候。”赵敏摇了摇头。 Saw her not to say, Song Qingshu had no way to compel her to open the mouth, the matter that the following three people started to get ready to break into a jail, he planned a person went, but Zhao Min and Bing Xue'er persisted in wanting the same place, he hesitant one also agreed that after all two people were the experts, even if could not help protect oneself is still worry-free. 见她不愿意说,宋青书也没法逼她开口,接下来三人开始准备劫狱的事情,原本他是打算一个人去的,不过赵敏冰雪儿坚持要一起,他犹豫一下也就同意了,毕竟两人都算是高手,就算帮不上忙自保也是无虞的。 Three people arrived at foreign to leave finish the surrounding of institute quickly, Zhao Min knit the brows: I know that your martial arts is very high, but do you plan to clash the direct life-saving like this?” 三人很快来到了夷离毕院的外围,赵敏皱眉道:“我知道你武功很高,可难道你打算就这样冲进去直接救人?” Song Qingshu raises hand a small porcelain bottle: Previous time Melancholy Soft Breeze that must come from Xixia (Western Xia) Ascendant Hall there, but also did not have the opportunity to use, this time happen to comes to source of trouble lead to the east.” 宋青书扬了扬手中一个小瓷瓶:“上次从西夏一品堂那里得来的悲酥清风,还一直没机会用,这次正好来个祸水东引。” Zhao Min is startled, subsequently said with a smile: Perhaps Xixia (Western Xia) person time must but actually big mildew.” 赵敏一怔,继而笑道:“西夏人这次恐怕要倒大霉了。” Suddenly the Song Qingshu look moves, quickly held down two females to bend down: Some people came, is an extremely expert!” 忽然宋青书神色一动,急忙按住两女伏了下来:“有人来了,是个绝顶高手!”
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