FSM :: Volume #16

#1563: Mandarin Duck Blade

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Song Qingshu took advantage everyone attention outside Xue Yiren, sneaked into foreign to leave finish the day of institute to be firm quietly, in the day was firm most guards to be attracted at this time, remaining few soldier Song Qingshu were very relaxed can avoid, really could not avoid knocked down directly. 宋青书则趁大家注意力在外面薛衣人身上,悄无声息地溜进了夷离毕院的天牢,天牢里大部分守卫此时都被吸引了出去,剩下少量士兵宋青书很轻松就能避开,实在避不开的直接打晕了事。 On this day firmly the first time is not came, Song Qingshu not the west building that goes to the common criminal to detain, but was found to detain the east wing of royal government important figure familiar and easy. 这天牢已经不是第一次来了,宋青书并没有去一般犯人关押的西厢,而是轻车熟路找到关押朝廷重要人士的东厢。 Heard the Su Quan gentle moving form by far, when also her accident sentiment, quickly overtakes, saw clearly inside situation cannot help but to be able help laughing. 远远听到了苏荃柔媚动人的身影,还当她出了什么事情,急忙赶了过去,看清了里面的情形不由得哑然失笑。 Originally Su Quan is displaying the immortal sound to call back the soul of the deceased to a prison guard, looked appearance that in that prison guard look sticks blurry, mostly already move. 原来苏荃正对一个狱卒施展仙音摄魂,看那狱卒眼神中迷糊糊的样子,多半已然中招。 The Song Qingshu direct past knocked down that prison guard, sword qi wielded cut off the shackles of prison cell, beckoned to Su Quan: Comes out quickly.” 宋青书直接过去打晕了那狱卒,剑气一挥砍断了牢房的枷锁,对苏荃招了招手:“快出来吧。” Su Quan realized that outside came the powerful enemy, will certainly not sit waiting for death with her temper, is displaying to flatter the technique to want wholly absorbed to confuse the prison guard to seize the chance to escape, finally had a scare by the sudden accident. 苏荃意识到外面来了强敌,以她的性子当然不会坐以待毙,正专心致志施展媚术想迷惑狱卒趁机逃出去,结果被突然出现的变故吓了一跳。 When sees clearly the appearance of opposite party she just now to transfer sorrow to happily, threw him to cherish all of a sudden, the sound somewhat shivered: Qingshu, I also think that could not see you again.” 当看清对方的面貌她方才转忧为喜,一下子扑到了他怀中,声音都有些颤抖起来:“青书,我还以为再也见不到你了呢。” Before rested in the resting palace, during the guard who suddenly rushed in brought to be firm to the day her directly, the empress who the previous quarter or kept aloof, the next quarter then by the knocking down dust, in the Su Quan heart was also terrified incomparable, has thought was the status exposed, in the heart the somewhat desperate feeling, has been supporting unavoidably this period of time, now sees Song Qingshu, finally revealed the weakness of female. 之前在寝宫休息,突然闯进的侍卫直接将她带到了天牢之中,前一刻还是高高在上的皇后,下一刻便被打落尘埃,苏荃心中也是惶恐无比,一直以为是自己身份败露了,心中难免有些绝望之感,这段时间一直是强撑着,如今见到宋青书,终于流露出了女子的软弱。 Good to be all right, I save you now.” Song Qingshu patted her shoulder, feels in the bosom the tender body to tremble slightly, perhaps he sighed with emotion usually strong Su Quan this time to be frightened unbearably. “好了没事了,我现在来救你了。”宋青书拍了拍她的肩头,感受到怀中娇躯微微发颤,他感慨素来坚强的苏荃这次恐怕被吓得够呛。 Sorry, originally I also want to help you using the status of Queen Liao Empire, who knows the status to expose, causes to fall short.” Thinks own these years plans to fall short laboriously, Su Quan then unavoidably sad from heart. “对不起,本来我还想利用辽国皇后的身份帮你,谁知道身份败露,导致功亏一篑。”一想到自己这些年的辛苦谋划功亏一篑,苏荃便不免悲从心来。 The Song Qingshu hurried comfort said: Felt relieved, this time was not you had/left what accident, but was Yelyu Yixin plot......” said the matter hastily, then drew her to walk outward: Detailed later said, we first took advantage this opportunity goes out.” 宋青书急忙安慰道:“放心好了,这次并不是你这边出了什么变故,而是耶律乙辛的阴谋……”匆匆将整件事说了一下,然后拉着她往外走去:“详细的以后再说,我们先趁这个机会出去。” Is hugging the waist of Su Quan, in Song Qingshu quick was firm to clash from the day, discovered that outside chaotic one group, disappeared unexpectedly Yelyu Yixin form, even/including Xue Yiren did not know the outcome. 搂着苏荃的腰肢,宋青书很快从天牢里冲了出来,发现外面乱糟糟的一团,居然不见了耶律乙辛的身影,连薛衣人也不知所终。 Found Bing Xue'er with great difficulty, actually discovered that Zhao Min is not at unexpectedly, Song Qingshu strange say/way: Miss Zhao?” 好不容易找到冰雪儿,却发现赵敏居然也不在,宋青书奇道:“赵姑娘呢?” A Bing Xue'er face was anxious, saw that he comes out to relax safely gently, hears word replied: Just Xue Yiren held under duress Yelyu Yixin, listening to them to talk seems like takes what Mandarin Duck Blade, Miss Zhao pursues them, making me wait for you here.” 冰雪儿原本正一脸焦急,看到他平安出来轻轻松了一口气,闻言答道:“刚刚薛衣人挟持了耶律乙辛,听他们对话好像是去拿什么鸳鸯刀,赵姑娘去追他们了,让我在这里等你们。” At this time saw him to cherish Su Quan, in the Bing Xue'er eye flashes through unusual look, thought that this was Liao Empire that famous empress, really beautiful peerless: Su Miss is good.” 这时看到他怀中的苏荃,冰雪儿眼中闪过一丝异色,心想这就是辽国那位颇负盛名的皇后,果然美艳绝伦:“苏姑娘好。” Has seen the snow elder sister.” Su Quan also raises slightly a ritual, the opposite party snow-white skin makes her shocking similarly, in the heart sighed boyfriend women so to be outstanding secretly, doing the pressure somewhat was big. Before and Song Qingshu fooled around together naturally knew in Capital City also to have their existences, now listens to her to mention that Miss Zhao was not, that obviously this person was Bing Xue'er. “见过雪姐姐。”苏荃也欠了欠身回了一礼,对方冰肌玉骨同样让她惊艳,心中暗叹情郎身边的女人都这般出众,搞得自己压力有些大啊。之前与宋青书厮混的时候自然知道了京城中还有她们的存在,如今听她提到赵姑娘不在,那显然这人就是冰雪儿了。 In the short instantaneous two female person hearts has transferred dozens thoughts, Song Qingshu is actually a brow wrinkle: She pursues, was too crude.” Must know the Zhao Min martial arts, although is good, but insufficiently looks before Xue Yiren radically. 短短瞬间两个女人心中已经转过数十个念头,宋青书却是眉头一皱:“她一个人去追,太鲁莽了。”要知道赵敏武功虽然不错,但在薛衣人面前根本不够看。 Bing Xue'er then resounds anything, quickly said: Miss Zhao said that will leave behind the symbol along the way, making your coming out heel look for her.” 冰雪儿这才响起什么,急忙说道:“赵姑娘说会沿途留下记号,让你出来后跟上去找她。” Song Qingshu then feels relaxed, Zhao Min really does not impulse the crude generation, has left a way out: We walk quickly.” He worried that Zhao Min has what accident/surprise, did not solicit two female suggestions, direct is hugging one, goes toward direction tracing that Zhao Min left. 宋青书这才释然,赵敏果然并非冲动鲁莽之辈,早已留了后路:“那我们快走。”他担心赵敏出什么意外,也不征求两女意见,直接一手搂着一个,往赵敏离开的方向追踪而去。 Su Quan but actually, is the temper of enchanting all living things, Bing Xue'er is actually the respectable family that becomes famous, especially she is going against a Madam Hu status now after all, making her not be familiar with work as the surface and Song Qingshu of other women is so intimate. 苏荃倒也罢了,本来就是妖娆众生的性子,冰雪儿却是出了名的良家,特别是她如今毕竟顶着一个胡夫人的身份,让她非常不习惯当着其他女人的面与宋青书如此亲密。 Opens mouth, Bing Xue'er notices worry between Song Qingshu foreheads, finally finally has not said anything: Found Miss Zhao to say again...... found an opportunity to with Qingshu say, later do not work as others facing oneself so......” she was so good, even if in the heart were somewhat ill at this time, actually first considered others 's safety. 张了张嘴,冰雪儿注意到宋青书眉宇间的担忧,最后终于还是没说什么:“等找到赵姑娘再说吧……找个机会一定要和青书说一说,以后不要当着别人的面对自己这般……”她就是这般善良,哪怕此时心中有些不适,却首先考虑到他人的安危。 Song Qingshu does not have the leisure to pay attention to the activity at heart woman at this time, what he is worried was fears unable to find Zhao Min, but he relaxed quickly, time from the beginning actually does not need to look for the symbol that Zhao Min left behind, the soldier on following street on the line, made one steal solemn Wei king directly after all, Khitan people will naturally also pursue. 宋青书此时倒没有闲暇关注身边女人的心里活动,他更担心的是怕找不到赵敏,不过他很快放松下来,一开始的时候其实根本不需要去找赵敏留下的记号,直接跟着街上的士兵就行,毕竟让人劫走了堂堂魏王,契丹人自然也会追上去。 Like this pursued a section of road, nearby Su Quan cannot bear the surprise say: This Miss Zhao movement art is really good.” Xue Yiren martial arts she slightly has hearing, although leads a person, but the Liao Empire cavalries have not even caught up, but Zhao Min unexpectedly with not losing, this movement art makes her grumble such as. 就这样追了一段路,一旁的苏荃忍不住诧异地说道:“这位赵姑娘轻功还真好。”薛衣人的武功她略有耳闻,虽然带着一个人,但连辽国的骑兵都没追上,可赵敏居然一直都没有跟丢,这份轻功让她自叹弗如。 Song Qingshu naturally knows reason, if beforehand Zhao Min also really not necessarily has the skill to follow Xue Yiren, but just passed on her Traceless Sand Treading Steps movement art a short time ago, Zhao Min the natural talent was intelligent, practicing movement art is also twice the result with half the effort, present movement art is also the top level on Jianghu (rivers and lakes). 宋青书自然知道其中缘由,若是以前的赵敏还真不一定有本事跟得上薛衣人,可前不久自己刚传了她踏沙无痕轻功,赵敏本就天资聪颖,练起轻功也事半功倍,如今的轻功江湖上也属于顶尖水平。 Pursued to discovered afterward these Khitan soldiers seemingly also lost the direction, started to disperse tracks down, Song Qingshu then has to stop to start the symbol that sought for Zhao Min to leave behind, then found the mark of agreement on a tree luckily in a while, but looked that the direction did not run toward the city outside, but turned back to go toward the city. 追到后来发现那些契丹士兵貌似也失去了方向,开始分散追寻,宋青书这才不得不停下来开始寻找赵敏留下的记号,幸好没过多久便在一棵树上找到了约定的标记,不过看方向并非往城外跑去,而是往城里折返而去。 Song Qingshu feels relaxed instantaneously, Xue Yiren movement art is high, but leads a person, runs the elite cavalry in Khitan in the open country, only then in the use in Capital City the complex environment and terrain cast off the pursuing troops, making the sprint speed of cavalry unable to display the side is the best plan. 宋青书瞬间释然,薛衣人轻功再高,可是带着一个人,在野外怎么也跑不过契丹的精锐骑兵,只有利用上京城内复杂的环境与地形来甩开追兵,让骑兵的冲刺速度发挥不出来方是上策。 Tracks down along the symbol that Zhao Min leaves behind, seven circled eight to circle does quick Song Qingshu movement art what kind of, in a while, then saw the front Zhao Min form faintly, in his heart one happy, quickly with the past. 一路沿着赵敏留下的记号追寻,七绕八绕地搞得都快宋青书轻功何等了得,没过多久,便隐隐看到前面赵敏的身影,他心中一喜,急忙跟了过去。 Zhao Min is lying on a tree looks at a not far away remote small courtyard, Song Qingshu and the others the arrivals is frightening her to jump, when sees clearly the opposite party appearance just now to breathe a sigh of relief: „, They just entered the courtyard, I do not dare to depend too nearly, feared that was discovered.” 赵敏正趴在一棵树上望着不远处一个偏僻的小院子,宋青书等人的到来吓了她一跳,待看清对方样貌方才舒了一口气:“嘘,他们刚进院子,我不敢靠得太近,怕被发现。” Although Xue Yiren first leaves, but he leads a person to cast off the pursuing troops, wasted a lot of time in midway, therefore happen to and presses Song Qingshu that the symbol pursues almost also to rush. 虽然薛衣人先离开,但他带着一个人又要甩开追兵,中途浪费了不少时间,所以正好与一路按记号追来的宋青书差不多同时赶到。 „Is here the secret foothold of imperial city division?” Seeing this place is so remote, Song Qingshu curious say/way. “这里是皇城司的秘密据点?”见此地如此偏僻,宋青书好奇道。 Zhao Min shakes the head: Should not be, the foothold of imperial city division I generally know, here seems like Yelyu Yixin domain, saw all the way seems like Yelyu Yixin to give Xue Yiren to show the way.” 赵敏摇了摇头:“应该不是,皇城司的据点我大致都知道,这里好像是耶律乙辛的地盘,一路上看到好像是耶律乙辛在给薛衣人指路。” Really is takes Mandarin Duck Blade?” Song Qingshu has to sigh that Xue clothes will of the people are big, unexpectedly dares to defer to Yelyu B Xin's like this direction, did not fear that ambushes? “真的是来取鸳鸯刀么?”宋青书不得不感叹薛衣人心大,居然敢就这样按照耶律乙辛的指引过来,不怕中埋伏么? However Xue Yiren is so proud arrogantly, disdains the opposite party to have anything to ambush. 不过薛衣人这般孤傲自负,想必也不屑对方有什么埋伏吧。 We had a look in the past.” Song Qingshu led three females to submerge the courtyard, had his internal energy shield, pouring was also unexpected they in the person discovery by room. “我们过去看看。”宋青书带着三女潜入了院子,有他气机掩护,倒也不虞她们被屋里的人发现。
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