FSM :: Volume #16

#1516: Fox tail( fourth)

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Good, the crime happened in the domain that various temporary palaces deploy, must say that who Yelu Qi does not know the circumstances of the matter to believe.” One group of people echo. “不错,凶案发生在诸行宫都部署的地盘,要说耶律齐不知情谁会信。”一群人纷纷附和。 Bing Xue'er cannot bear asks low voice: Really is the hand under Yelu Qi?” 冰雪儿忍不住小声问道:“真的是耶律齐下的手么?” Should unable.” Xia Qingqing knits the brows saying that she recognizes Yelu Qi, knows that he is a modest and self-demanding gentleman, really cannot believe that he is the person of that ambitious resorting to all means. “应该不会吧。”夏青青皱眉说道,她认得耶律齐,知道他是个谦谦君子,实在不敢相信他是那种野心勃勃不择手段之人。 Song Qingshu also nods: Should not be he.” He thinks before , listens secretly Yelu Yixin and desolate Xiamo dialogue, probably at that time Yelu Yixin made desolate red clouds wipe in the design from the dirt destroys Yelu Qi, never expected that he knew the news that the son died, uses something as a pretext on the use unexpectedly quickly, but also is really enough ruthless, worthily is the Liao Empire disloyal subject of leaving a stink for ten thousand years. 宋青书也点点头:“应该不是他。”他想到了之前偷听到耶律乙辛和萧霞抹的对话,好像那时候耶律乙辛就在设计让萧霞抹自污来搞垮耶律齐,没想到他得知儿子死亡的消息,居然这么快就利用来借题发挥,还真是够狠,不愧是遗臭万年的辽国奸臣。 Right, who that emperor's father-in-law was Xiao Banhe?” Some people asked curiously. “对了,那个国丈萧半和又是什么人?”有人好奇地问道。 Doesn't know the emperor's father-in-laws?” Surroundings many people give him the popular science, „before Xiao Banhe, probably on Jianghu (rivers and lakes) famous Jinyang chivalrous person, but also said afterward probably he stems from the people of nation's uncle five Xiao, after the emperor choose, his daughter is as pretty as a flower, enters the palace running, although has not been selected as the empress finally, but also by imperial edict Consort to seal/confer Weiwen, extremely by the emperor favor and trust, his father depending on female expensive/noble, is labeled as the emperor's father-in-law.” “连国丈都不知道?”周围不少人给他科普,“萧半和以前好像还是江湖上鼎鼎大名的晋阳大侠,不过后来好像又说他是出自国舅五房萧家的人,正逢皇上选后,他的女儿如花似玉远近闻名,也进宫参选,虽然最后没被选为皇后,但也被敕封为文妃,极为受皇上宠信,他父凭女贵,也被封为国丈。” Nation's uncle five?” Song Qingshu secret heart startled, must know that the Liao Empire power dominates with latter clan Xiao clan by imperial family Yelv together, all empress come from nation's uncle five. “国舅五房?”宋青书暗暗心惊,要知道辽国的权力由皇族耶律氏与后族萧氏共同把持,其中所有的后妃都来自国舅五房。 Never expected that Xiao Banhe became the Liao Empire emperor's father-in-law unexpectedly.” Xia Qingqing is flabbergasted secretly, previous time sees his him is in Jianghu (rivers and lakes) the person, without thinking crosses is so long, the opposite party was situated above the temple. “没想到萧半和居然成了辽国国丈了。”夏青青暗暗咂舌,上次见到他他还是江湖中人,没想到才过这么久,对方就位居庙堂之上了。 Yelu Qi and Xiao Banhe one is the trusted aide of emperor, one will be the wife's father of emperor, the emperor believes that they will plot a rebellion?” Also some people asked. 耶律齐萧半和一个是皇上的心腹,一个是皇上的岳丈,皇上会相信他们谋反么?”又有人问道。 Before disclosed that person replied: Emperor wise supernatural might, so will not be certainly easy to believe, he sends the person who foreign left finish the institute to try this case, person who participation hears also has The Great Bureau of Vigilance, even also recruited the people of Xixia (Western Xia) mission to inquire, finally how must look tries the result.” 之前爆料那人答道:“皇上英明神武,当然不会这么容易就相信,他派了夷离毕院的人正在审理此案,听闻还有大惕隐司的人参与,甚至还征召了西夏使团的人来询问,就要看最终审理结局如何了。” Hears here, Song Qingshu shrugged: „, It seems like this time we did not use Xixia (Western Xia) mission there, did not need to look for Xiao Banhe.” 听到这里,宋青书摊了摊手:“得,看来这次我们不用去西夏使团那里了,也不用去找萧半和了。” Bing Xue'er delicate eyebrows slightly pressed, although she wants to retrieve the cold moon/month treasured sword, but several key men are being examined now, they cannot contact the opposite party. 冰雪儿秀眉微蹙,她虽然很想找回冷月宝刀,但如今几个关键人物正在被审查,他们根本接触不到对方。 Saw that group of diners some people of eyes glance toward oneself on once for a while, Bing Xue'er lowers the sound saying: We walk, I do not like here.” 看到那群食客时不时有人眼睛就往自己身上瞟,冰雪儿压低声音道:“我们走吧,我不喜欢这里。” Good, we walk.” Song Qingshu thought that looks like the Ancient Tomb Sect successors is that happy static temper, does not know that is the coincidence or inevitably, perhaps when chooses the successor to notice the character in this aspect. “好,我们走吧。”宋青书心想看来古墓派传人都是那种喜静的性子,不知道是巧合还是必然,说不定在挑选传人的时候就注意到这方面的性格。 Saw that two big beautiful women depart, before was speaking with confidence that person of interest not to have instantaneously most probably, facing the surrounding person's inquiry, is replying with pauses. 看到两个大美女离去,之前正侃侃而谈的那人兴致瞬间没了大半,面对周围的人的询问,也是有一搭没一搭地回复着。 Qingshu, I think after......” returns to the dwelling, Xia Qingqing starts to speak but hesitates. 青书,我想……”回到住处后,夏青青欲言又止。 Song Qingshu shows a faint smile: „Do you want to say goodbye one side Yuan Chengzhi?” 宋青书微微一笑:“你想再见袁承志一面么?” How you...... you know, Xia Qingqing a point, quickly answered pale, I do not have other meanings, but wants to clarify him now what's the matter, wants to make to mediate with him thoroughly, otherwise I in the association/will by the back of the body am concerned about this matter, when the time comes is unfair to you.” “你……你怎么知道,”夏青青脸色苍白了一分,急忙解释道,“我没有其他意思,只是想弄清他现在是怎么回事,想跟他彻底做个了断,不然我以后心中总会挂记着这件事,到时候对你也不公平。” Song Qingshu puts out a hand to grip her shoulder, calmly looks at her eye: You do not need the explanation, I to understand your meaning anxiously. Yesterday I also saw his appearance, he should not recognize you intentionally, was loses mostly remembers.” 宋青书伸手握住她的肩头,静静地看着她的眼睛:“你不必这么急着解释,我明白你的意思。昨天我也见到了他的样子,他应该不是故意不认你,多半是失去记忆了。” Loses remembers?” Xia Qingqing blinks. “失去记忆?”夏青青眨了眨眼睛。 Good, before” Song Qingshu, listens to Dongfang Muxue to raise the possibility that Yuan Chengzhi has returned alive, „, since he is also living now, showed that initially «Nine Revolutions of Dongfang Muxue speculation Mixed Elementary work» really exist, but the marvelous ability is fierce, initially he fatal was also struck to hit the head, now can die and be reborn is lucky, the memory suffered the heavy losses to vanish is also in the reason.” “不错,”宋青书之前也听东方暮雪提起过袁承志生还的可能,“既然他现在还活着,证明当初东方暮雪推测的《九转混元功》真的存在,不过神功再厉害,当初他也被致命一击击中头部,如今能死而复生已是万幸,记忆受到重创消失了也是情理之中。” This......” Xia Qingqing muttered, but in the heart also thought that this guess was fair. “这样啊……”夏青青喃喃自语,不过心中也觉得这种猜测合情合理。 I want to see one side him, talks clearly with him face to face.” Xia Qingqing lifted the head, somewhat begged to visit him. “不过我还是想见他一面,当面和他说清楚。”夏青青抬起了头,有些乞求地看着他。 A Song Qingshu brow wrinkle, but changes mind thinks, oneself knew initially Xia Qingqing time she is an unbending in loyalty, the woman of never changing course after making a vow, this insisted oneself appreciate. She so shows extreme tolerance to Yuan Chengzhi now, proved the future, if I have an accident, she also so to me...... 宋青书眉头一皱,不过转念一想,自己当初认识夏青青的时候她就是一个忠贞不屈,矢志不渝的女人,这份坚持自己非常欣赏。她如今对袁承志这般仁至义尽,更加证明了将来如果我出了什么事,她也会如此对我…… Bah bah, how wants such words of not auspicious! 啊呸呸呸,怎么想这么不吉利的话! Qingshu, ok, I did not see him.” Sees him long time not to speak, complexion also Yin clear uncertain, in Xia Qingqing suddenly heart one startled, since oneself have chosen him, but also is keeping thinking about the Big Brother Yuan matter, this to the man should be the taboo. 青书,算了,我不见他了。”见他半晌不说话,脸色还阴晴不定,夏青青忽然心中一惊,既然自己已经选择了他,还就惦记着袁大哥的事情,这对男人应该是大忌吧。 Song Qingshu smiled: Silly thing, I am not that mean-spirited person, this, I lead you to go to the imperial palace to look for him, but must wait at nightfall, such safely.” 宋青书笑了起来:“傻丫头,我又不是那么小气的人,这样吧,我带你去皇宫里找他,不过要等入夜过后,那样更安全一点。” Thank you Big Brother Song!” Feels his favoring to drown, in the Xia Qingqing heart one warmly, jumped into him to cherish excitedly kissed one on his face, but thinks immediately Bing Xue'er still in the one side, quickly shoved open him, a face ruddy was quite lovable. “谢谢你宋大哥!”感受到他的宠溺,夏青青心中一暖,激动地扑入他怀中在他脸上亲了一口,不过马上想到冰雪儿还在一旁,急忙推开他,一张脸红扑扑的极为可爱。 Your two sisters first rest here, I nose the related news to outside, in the evening leads you to go to the imperial palace again.” The Song Qingshu gentle voice said. “你们姐妹俩先在这里休息吧,我到外面去查探一下相关消息,晚上再带你去皇宫。”宋青书柔声说道。 Good.” Xia Qingqing also immerses in the incomparable happiness now, Song Qingshu said that what she will always follow. “好。”夏青青现在还沉浸在无比的幸福之中,宋青书说什么她都会言听计从。 In now in Capital City very special period, be careful.” The Bing Xue'er commission said. “如今上京城中非常时期,一路小心。”冰雪儿嘱托道。 Song Qingshu said with a smile: Relax, under also no one can retain me by my martial arts on this day, was you can not go out on the contrary temporarily do not go out, so as to avoid being recognized.” 宋青书笑道:“放心吧,以我的武功这天下还没人能留得住我,反倒是你们能不出门暂时不要出门了,免得被人认出来了。” We knew ~ “我们知道了~” Comes out after the mansion, Song Qingshu hurries to the house direction that Zhao Min is at hurriedly, after all after yesterday left, disappears without a word, perhaps she has waited to worry. 从府中出来后,宋青书急匆匆往赵敏所在的宅子方向赶去,毕竟昨天自己离开后就音讯全无,她恐怕已经等得着急了。 He sighed all the way secretly, more felt clone afterward weak to him, if oneself energy shadow clone, keeps one in each female friend there, to be very happy? 一路上他暗暗感叹,越到后来他越觉得分身乏术,如果自己能影分身,在每个红颜知己那里留一个,岂不是美滋滋? Wait, is this green?” The Song Qingshu facial expression is suddenly strange. “等等,这样算不算自己绿自己?”宋青书忽然神情古怪无比。 The time crossed in such indulging in flights of fancy, he arrives at the house that Zhao Min is at quickly, was also worried she went out, but enters the courtyard, discovered that she burning incense in the alcove is playing a stringed musical instrument. 时间就在这样的胡思乱想中渡过,他很快来到赵敏所在的宅子,原本还担心她出去了,不过一进院子,发现她正在亭子里焚香弹琴。 Song Qingshu claps to praise to sigh: Princess seriously is the strange its technique, just like the heavenly music is ordinary, lingering in the room is in March unceasing.” 宋青书拍手赞叹道:“郡主当真是神乎其技,犹如仙乐一般,余音绕梁三月不绝。” Zhao Min has not responded him, from attending to continue play a stringed musical instrument, Song Qingshu smiles bitterly, knows that she is angry, does not dare to disturb her, calmly listened in the one side. 赵敏没有搭理他,自顾继续弹琴,宋青书苦笑一声,知道她正在生气,也不敢打扰她,就在一旁静静地听了起来。 The far tweedle smooths the innermost feelings that he was burning with impatience gradually, in addition can also appreciate her fairly such as the slender white hands of jade, pouring is not the unendurable matter. 幽远的琴声渐渐抚平了他一路心急火燎的内心,再加上还可以欣赏她白皙如玉的纤纤玉手,倒也不是什么难熬的事情。 , Zhao Min just now received the zither | Jean to stand finally, white his eyes: In some idioms, you understands the temperament at sixes and sevens?” 一曲终了,赵敏方才收起琴站起来,白了他一眼:“乱七八糟用一些成语,你懂音律么?” Song Qingshu ridicules one: Does not understand.” He in this aspect also is really a layman. 宋青书讪笑一声:“不懂。”他在这方面还真是门外汉。 What's wrong, was willing to come back from the red light district?” Zhao Min then a few words raised his heart. “怎么,舍得从温柔乡回来了?”赵敏接着一句话又将他的心提了起来。 In Song Qingshu heart one startled, quickly smells the clothes , because haven't changed the clothes to be smelled Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er fragrance by her? However both sides are separated by she to smell, is she born in the year of the dog? 宋青书心中一惊,急忙闻了闻自己衣服,难道是因为自己没换衣服又被她闻到了夏青青冰雪儿身上的香气?不过双方相隔这么远她都能闻到,她是属狗的么? I do not need to hear know, Zhao Min as if guessed correctly his thoughts, snort/hum, yesterday's various temporary palaces deployed to catch two beautiful, if angel woman, is very easy to judge that from a person of art of making oneself invisible weapon she is Golden Serpent Camp Xia Qingqing, who another woman does not know is, but mostly is your what female friend.” “我不用闻就知道,”赵敏仿佛猜到了他的心思,哼了一声,“昨天诸行宫都部署抓到两个美若天仙的女人,从一人的奇门兵器很容易判断她就是金蛇营夏青青,另一个女人倒不知道是谁,不过多半是你的什么红颜知己。” Nearby Song Qingshu smiles embarrasedly, does not know how should respond. 一旁的宋青书讪讪笑了笑,不知道该如何回应。 Zhao Min passes through from his side , to continue saying: Our Song eldest son knew that the young sweetheart encountered difficulty, naturally overtakes impatiently the life-saving, happen to bumps into Yelyu Sui also to spark lustful thoughts to your two young sweetheart in the prison cell, under you were angry a knife handle he to give to kill, then led two young sweethearts to go to faraway places, but felt sorry for Yelu Qi and Xiao Banhe worked as your scapegoat.” 赵敏从他身边走过,继续说道:“我们的宋大公子得知小情人遇难,自然心急火燎地赶了过去救人,正好碰到耶律绥也在牢房之中对你的两个小情人见色起意,你大怒之下一刀把他给杀了,然后带着两个小情人远走高飞,只是可怜了耶律齐萧半和当了你的替罪羊。” Although Xia Qingqing in name is Madam Yuan, how could but she and have Song Qingshu relations hidden the truth from the Zhao Min fierce look? Pacifies morality also as for Yelyu, on the entire Capital City is known to everybody to be known to everybody, he appears in the big evening in closing the prison cells of two outstandingly beautiful beautiful women, with the toe wants also to know that he wants to do, the following deduction was logical. 夏青青虽然名义上是袁夫人,但她与宋青书的关系又岂能瞒过赵敏的火眼金睛?至于耶律绥也的德性,整个上京城无人不知无人不晓,他在大晚上出现在关着两个绝色美人的牢房之中,用脚趾头想也知道他是想干什么,后面的推论就顺理成章了。 On the Song Qingshu face flashes through stunned, then said with a smile: Princess is really girls'school Zhuge, only returned to original state the matter by the little information nearly perfect, only the most essential point guesses pitifully wrong.” 宋青书脸上闪过一丝错愕,接着笑道:“郡主果然是女中诸葛,仅凭借一点点信息就将整件事还原得八九不离十,只可惜最关键的一点猜错了。” „Oh?” Zhao Min looks the unusual look, where obviously also is very curious to be wrong. “哦?”赵敏面露异色,显然也很好奇自己错在哪里。 Song Qingshu said: Yelyu pacifies is not I kills, although I indeed have to kill his heart, but his status is somewhat special, in addition had been beaten violently, put his horse, has not thought that finally he escapes difficultly dies.” 宋青书说道:“耶律绥也不是我杀的,尽管我的确有杀他之心,不过他身份有些特殊,再加上已经被狠揍了一顿,就放了他一马,没想到最终他还是难逃一死。” „Is status special? Liao Empire Wei should king not frighten our Song eldest son?” The Zhao Min doubts said that but she responded that is also quick, „, because originally he is the Yelu Nanxian Elder Brother, Song the eldest son was really forgiving everywhere.” “身份特殊?一个辽国的魏王应该吓不到我们的宋大公子吧?”赵敏疑惑道,不过她反应也是快,“哦,原来因为他是耶律南仙的哥哥,宋大公子果然处处留情。” Listened to her mouth Song an eldest son, obviously has been angry the extreme, the Song Qingshu cold sweat streaming, quickly explained: Actually I yesterday came back late , because found a doubtful Murong Jingyue person.” 听她口中一口一个宋大公子,显然已经生气到了极点,宋青书冷汗涔涔,急忙解释道:“其实我昨之所以这么晚回来,是因为找到一个疑似慕容景岳的人。” „Oh?” heard the Murong Jingyue news, Zhao Min is really attracted the attention. “哦?”听到慕容景岳的消息,赵敏果然被吸引了注意力。 Song Qingshu will then pursue the Xiao Banhe matter saying that desalinated certainly Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er existence feeling as far as possible. 宋青书这才将自己追萧半和的事情说了一遍,当然尽量淡化了夏青青冰雪儿的存在感。 Xiao Banhe?” Zhao Min hesitates does not speak, I guess that he goes to the Mandarin Duck Blade secret mostly, but now he and Yelu Qi fall into the plotting a rebellion disturbance, perhaps has been unable to defend oneself.” 萧半和?”赵敏沉吟不语,“我猜他多半是冲着鸳鸯刀的秘密去的,不过如今他和耶律齐陷入谋反风波,恐怕已经自身难保。” Pitifully had not found the Murong Jingyue whereabouts.” Some Song Qingshu apologies said. “可惜还是没找到慕容景岳的下落。”宋青书有些歉意地说道。 Saw him still to worry about own matter, the Zhao Min complexion was then relaxing several points: Relax, he hides perfectly, his fox tail instead reveals more much.” 见他依然记挂着自己的事情,赵敏脸色这才缓和了几分:“放心吧,他藏得越完美,他的狐狸尾巴反而露得越多。”
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