FSM :: Volume #16

#1517: Hides in the giant beast of hidden place

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How did this words say?” The Song Qingshu doubts said. “此话怎讲?”宋青书疑惑道。 Zhao Min crosses the hands behind the back to stand, is looking at the distant place faint imperial palace outline: If he disguises as the ordinary royal government official, perhaps had been looked by us, now we check several suspects, unexpectedly could not find him, that two possibilities, are he are not going to the capital either from the start, either...... is his status before us that several people that finds are higher, only then this has the sufficient resources and ability hidden his trace.” 赵敏负手而立,望着远处隐隐的皇宫轮廓:“如果他假扮成普通的朝廷官员,恐怕早就被我们找出来了,如今我们又查了几个可疑的人,居然还找不到他,那就有两种可能,要么是他压根不在上京,要么……是他的身份比我们之前找的那几人还要高,只有这样才有足够的资源和能力隐藏他的踪影。” Song Qingshu at present one bright, cannot help but thinks in previous generation these criminal investigation investigation plays, the average person commits a crime will leave big pile of clues and traces, but some experts commit a crime actually do not give the police to leave behind any trace and clue, but instead the certain extent exposed his status like this, such wise counter-surveillance consciousness mostly is the law and government system internal person. 宋青书眼前一亮,不由得想到了前世那些刑侦破案剧里面,普通人犯案会留下一大堆线索与痕迹,可有些高手犯案却根本不给警方留下任何痕迹与线索,可这样反而一定程度暴露了他的身份,这么高明的反侦察意识多半是法政系统内部的人。 Now wants to come, the Murong Jingyue matter is the similar truth, hides perfectly, fox tail indeed reveals to a certain extent many. 现在想来,慕容景岳的事情是差不多的道理,藏得越完美,某种程度上狐狸尾巴的确露得越多。 You thought that who was killed Yelyu Yixin son?” Song Qingshu thinks of this matter suddenly, looked that can obtain the information that anything does not know from Zhao Min here. “你觉得到底是谁杀了耶律乙辛的儿子?”宋青书忽然想到此事,看能不能从赵敏这里得出什么不知道的情报。 Zhao Min is also the delicate eyebrows slightly pressed: Naturally is not Yelu Qi and Xiao Banhe, originally I think am under you hand, since you say now are not, that was worth pondering, although on the entire Capital City Yelyu Yixin political opponent had, but dares to kill his only son, made this type not dead the continuous matter, I could not really have thought that who dared.” 赵敏也是秀眉微蹙:“自然不是耶律齐萧半和,本来我以为是你下的手呢,既然如今你说不是,那就值得玩味了,整个上京城耶律乙辛政敌虽然有,但是敢杀他的独子,做出这种不死不休的事情,我还真想不到谁敢。” Right, on Capital City this water was getting more and more muddy.” Is looking at the distant place, the Song Qingshu facial expression somewhat is also dignified. “对啊,上京城这趟水越来越浑了。”望着远方,宋青书神情也有些凝重。 The Zhao Min hesitation moment, said suddenly: Could not check the Murong Jingyue news, I suspected that he has the possibility to hide in the imperial palace, in the evening you and I go to imperial palace together.” 赵敏沉吟片刻,忽然说道:“一直查不到慕容景岳的消息,我怀疑他有可能藏在皇宫之中,晚上你和我一起去皇宫查查吧。” „Ah?” Song Qingshu was scared, thinks that makes the evening to go to the imperial palace to look for Yuan Chengzhi's with Xia Qingqing together, if lets several female meeting when the time comes, although is insufficient to hit, but that Asura thinks also to think that does not feel better. “啊?”宋青书傻眼了,想到和夏青青约好晚上一起去皇宫找袁承志的,万一到时候让几个女的碰头,虽然不至于打起来,但那种修罗现场想想也觉得不好受。 What's wrong, don't you want?” Zhao Min brow slightly pressed. “怎么,你不愿意?”赵敏眉头微蹙。 That,” the Song Qingshu response is also actually quick, soon found the excuse, „is mainly the imperial palace guards after all sternly, I alone come and go out but actually, has words of person, was considerably increased the probability of being discovered, if when the time comes alerts the enemy is not good.” “那倒不是,”宋青书反应也快,很快找到了说辞,“主要是皇宫毕竟守卫森严,我一个人出入倒也罢了,带着一个人的话,被发现的概率大大增加,到时候万一打草惊蛇就不好了。” Zhao Min visits him like this lightly, long time latter just now nods: You said but is actually not groundless, this your one person nosed, the imperial palace was so big, your speed was also faster, searches to look to have what traces when the time comes carefully.” 赵敏就这样淡淡地看着他,良久后方才点点头:“你说的倒也不无道理,这样吧就你一个人去查探好了,皇宫这么大,你一个人速度也快些,到时候仔细查找一下看有没有什么蛛丝马迹。” Song Qingshu relaxes secretly, Zhao Min had not insisted luckily, otherwise has really not known when the time comes how to end. 宋青书暗暗松了一口气,幸好赵敏没有坚持,不然到时候还真不知道如何收场。 I first go to that side Xixia mission, looked that they with this crime is whether related, I always thought that this time murderer and Murong Jingyue cannot be inseparable from.” Song Qingshu said. “我先去查查西夏使团那边,看他们和这次凶案是否有关,我总觉得这次的凶手与慕容景岳脱不了干系。”宋青书说道。 So also good, does not have the Murong Jingyue clue in any case now temporarily, many points of information just now analyze well.” Zhao Min agreed that although she was intelligent enough, but before not having enough information information, she had no way to speculate the Murong Jingyue hiding place. “如此也好,反正现在暂时没慕容景岳的线索,多点情报方才好分析。”赵敏深表赞同,她虽然足够聪明,可是没有足够的信息情报之前,她也没法推测出慕容景岳藏身之处。 When Song Qingshu will soon go out of the alcove, Zhao Min opens the mouth to say suddenly: If later does not come back to remember in the evening informs ahead of time, yesterday I waited for one.” 宋青书即将走出亭子的时候,赵敏忽然开口道:“以后如果晚上不回来记得提前通知,昨天我等了一宿。” Song Qingshu then looks surprisedly, Zhao Min has carried one cup of green tea to drink, did not seem to said a few words, in Song Qingshu suddenly heart soft incomparable, those words as if wife's husband to night non- home to return said a moment ago. 宋青书惊讶地回头望去,赵敏已经端起了一杯清茶饮起来,仿佛没有说过一句话般,宋青书忽然之间心中柔软无比,刚才那句话仿佛一个妻子对夜不归宿的丈夫说的。 Also is gawking doing, checks a bit faster.” Zhao Min does not know own why unexpected happening said such words, has taking advantage of drinking tea to conceal blushing on face, but discovered that he has stared at to look, somewhat became angry out of shame. “还愣着干什么,快点去查啊。”赵敏也不知道自己为什么鬼使神差说出那样的话,只好借着喝茶来掩饰脸上的红晕,可是发现他一直盯着自己看,不禁也有些恼羞成怒了。 Good, my checks,” on the Song Qingshu face appears gradually a happy expression, walked several steps also then saying that „the place that right, in the imperial palace so many must check today, will not come back mostly.” “好,我这就去查,”宋青书脸上渐渐浮现一丝笑意,走了几步又回头说道,“对了,今天皇宫里那么多要查的地方,多半不会回来了。” Zhao Min cold snort/hum: „Do you come back to close my anything matter.” 赵敏冷哼一声:“你回不回来关我什么事。” The Song Qingshu breath obstructs, but saw that her proud tender appearance actually particularly likes. 宋青书呼吸一窒,不过看到她傲娇的模样却是分外喜欢。 And said that Song Qingshu comes out after the yard, arrived in declares Huiyuan, the people of Xixia mission were placed here. 且说宋青书从小院出来后,一路来到了宣徽院中,西夏使团的人就被安置在这里。 Also kills Yelyu Sui is not Yelu Qi, is not I, perhaps is really some Xixia interior people are not willing to see that this time marries successfully.” Thinks before Xia Qingqing , the one possibility of mentioning, the Song Qingshu look also became sharp. “杀耶律绥也的既不是耶律齐,也不是我,说不定真是西夏内部有人不愿意看到这次联姻成功。”想到夏青青之前提到的一种可能,宋青书眼神也变得锐利起来。 The foot sharp whole person submerged silently, discovered the soldier who declares Huiyuan compared normally were many nearly one time, was on the important matter of Capital City were too recently many, first was the Southern Song Dynasty mission is robbed to kill, was Yelyu Sui is also latter killed, was worried about the Xixia mission to have problems, therefore sent more manpower to protect them specially. 足尖一点整个人无声无息地潜入了进去,发现宣徽院的士兵比正常来说多了近乎一倍,想必是最近上京城发生的大事太多,先是南宋使团被劫杀,后是耶律绥也被杀,担心西夏使团这边出问题,所以特别派了更多的人手来保护他们。 Sneaks, discovered that the people of Xixia mission are gathering in a study room, outside also has the Xixia soldier to alert, but this cannot baffle Song Qingshu, quickly looked for a guard neutral gear to cut into, then hung upside down under the house beam of out of the window, started to listen secretly calmly. 一路潜入进去,发现西夏使团的人正聚在一间书房,外面还有西夏的士兵戒备着,不过这难不倒宋青书,很快找了一个守卫空档切入进去,然后倒吊在窗外的房梁下,凝神静气开始偷听起来。 By his present skill, even if away from a wall, inside dialogue cannot hide the truth from him both ears. 以他如今的功力,就算隔着一面墙,里面的对话也根本瞒不过他双耳。 Outside Khitan soldier were getting more and more.” The Duan Yanqing sound has the characteristics, one hear can listen. “外面契丹士兵越来越多了。”段延庆的声音非常有特色,一听就能听出来。 Snort, keeping on proclaiming is protects us, our numerous strong competitors, having a need for them protecting? I looked that is monitors obviously our!” The Yun Zhonghe high-pitched and fine supple sound is also very obvious. “哼,口口声声说是来保护我们,我们这里高手如云,用得着他们来保护?我看明明是来监视我们的!”云中鹤尖细阴柔的声音也很明显。 Ok, protecting was also good to monitor, are not related with us, does not need to scream.” Princess Yinchuan clear sound sound. “好了,保护也好监视也罢,都和我们没关系,没必要大声嚷嚷。”银川公主清脆的声音响了起来。 Yes.” Although the Yun Zhonghe lascivious is lascivious, but he does not dare to have any idea of disrespecting to this beautiful appearance incomparable Princess Yinchuan, which heard her words also to dare to say no. “是。”尽管云中鹤贪花好色,不过对这个美貌无比的银川公主他可不敢有任何不敬的想法,听到她的话哪还敢说半个不字。 What I am curious was who this time is kills Yelyu Sui, went to Yelyu Yixin, wants to destroy my Xixia and Liao Empire marries?” Li Qinglu stood to shove open the window, the delicate eyebrows said tightly pressed. “我好奇的是这次到底是谁杀了耶律绥也,是冲耶律乙辛去的,还是想破坏我西夏辽国联姻?”李清露站起来推开了窗,秀眉紧蹙地说道。 Song Qingshu feels her to walk luckily toward the window, ahead of time curled the abdomen whole person tight post to withstand/top in the house beam, today a Li Qinglu Xixia traditional clothing, a red women's clothing, the hair combs the innumerable fine vulnerable point, seriously in a elf like flame. 幸好宋青书感受到她往窗边走来,提前卷腹整个人紧紧贴在了房梁顶上,今天李清露一席西夏传统服饰,一席红色衣裙,头发梳成无数精致的小辫子,当真像一个火焰中的精灵。 However Song Qingshu actually has no time to appreciate her beautiful appearance at this time, but was worried that she raised the head suddenly, such may not have to hide. 不过宋青书此时却无暇欣赏她的美貌,而是担心她忽然抬头,那样自己可就无所遁形了。 Hears her words, Song Qingshu understands, it seems like Yelyu Sui death is also not the Xixia mission behavior. 听到她的话,宋青书明白过来,看来耶律绥也之死并非西夏使团所为。 Can be the cool king creates difficulties?” Ye Erniang hesitates was saying. “会不会是凉王从中作梗?”叶二娘迟疑着说道。 Li Qinglu looked at her one eyes, said lightly: Cool king Nai the pillar of the state of my Daxiaguo, how also to make this damage national interest the matter, after similar words, do not raise again.” 李清露看了她一眼,淡淡地说道:“凉王乃我大夏国之栋梁,又岂会做这种有损国家利益的事,类似的话以后不要再提。” Yes!” Was swept by her look, ominous Ye Erniang outside feels one cold, the hurried bending the waist name is. “是!”被她眼神一扫,凶名在外的叶二娘却觉得心中一寒,急忙弯腰称是。 Song Qingshu of out of the window deliberately considered secretly, the cool king in Ye Erniang mouth is the younger brother of Emperor Xixia, seemingly also to inheriting the throne meaning, naturally is not a little willing to see that the crown prince through marrying to obtain the strong help. But Li Qinglu stopped her to say immediately, this approach was also very common, feared in mostly the room had the informer of cool king, said intentionally such words lulled his. 窗外的宋青书暗暗寻思,叶二娘口中的凉王是西夏皇帝的弟弟,貌似也对继承皇位有点意思,自然不愿看到太子通过联姻得到强援。而李清露立即制止她说下去,这种做法也很常见,多半是怕屋中有凉王的眼线,故意说这样的话麻痹他的。 Really is in Xixia the power struggle?” The Song Qingshu brow dark wrinkle, always thought that this matter is not so simple. “难道真的是西夏内部权力斗争?”宋青书眉头暗皱,总觉得这事不这么简单。 Suddenly hears Li Qinglu to open the mouth saying: Relatively speaking, I suspected that is the hand under Jin Empire person, after all gold/metal Liao is a bitter enemy, destroying both countries marries for Jin Empire most is favorable.” 忽然听得李清露开口道:“相对而言,我更怀疑是金国人下的手,毕竟金辽是世仇,破坏两国联姻对金国最有利。” Song Qingshu of out of the window actually shakes the head secretly, this Jin Empire indeed wants to destroy both countries to marry, the person but who sends is I, on the branch of Capital City wash clothes institute is controlled by me, at all is not the hand that they have. 窗外的宋青书却暗暗摇头,这次金国的确想破坏两国联姻,不过派来的人是我自己,上京城浣衣院的分部都由我节制,根本不是他们出的手。 Li Qinglu then also said one: That side Southern Song Dynasty, was going to Capital City to see the trail of imperial city division a short time ago probably, must know that the imperial city division everywhere is Xue Jia people shadow, but Xue and Jia Shidao is the ally, if this time marries successfully, perhaps when the time comes our several countries united Jin Empire really to be finished, Han Tuo zhou when production costs rise, prices rise too of presiding over Southern Song Dynasty Northern Expedition, Jia Shidao think that is not willing to see this situation......” 李清露接下来又说了一句:“还有南宋那边,前不久好像在上京城看到了皇城司的踪迹,要知道皇城司到处都是薛家人的影子,而薛家又和贾似道是盟友,若是此次联姻成功,到时候我们几国联合金国恐怕真要完蛋,主持南宋北伐的韩侂胄水涨船高,贾似道想必绝不愿见到这种情况……” In the Song Qingshu heart moves, yes, Xue clothes talent killed the Southern Song Dynasty mission before, listening to Qin Keqing saying that they came for Mandarin Duck Blade, that this time killed Yelyu Sui also to seize the hand that the blade likely was he moves! 宋青书心中一动,是啊,之前薛衣人才杀了南宋使团,听秦可卿所说他们又是为鸳鸯刀而来,那这次杀耶律绥也夺刀很可能就是他动的手! In the heart had decided the idea, when Li Qinglu turned around, Song Qingshu seized the chance to leave declares Huiyuan, subsequently and others the place that stayed at looks toward Xue Yiren. 心中有了定计,待李清露转身之际,宋青书趁机离开了宣徽院,继而往薛衣人等下榻的地方找去。 However when he found that local time, discovered startled Qin Keqing and the others have been reminded of dear ones who have left, moreover what makes his accidental/surprised is, is not they lord the moving place! 不过当他找到那个地方时,愕然发现秦可卿等人已经人去楼空,而且更让他意外的是,并非他们主动换地方的! Various room places appear in confusion cannot withstand, many furniture windows and doors damage, obviously has experienced intense fighting, some ground also many dark-red bloodstains, does not know that is Qin Keqing and the others the attack people. 房间各处显得狼藉不堪,很多桌椅门窗破损,显然是经历过一番激烈的打斗,地上还有不少暗红色血迹,也不知道是秦可卿等人的还是袭击人的。 Does not know that Qin Keqing does have the matter.” Other person of Song Qingshu did not care actually, but Qin Keqing has had a sentiment with him after all. “不知道秦可卿有没有事情。”其他人宋青书倒是不关心,可秦可卿毕竟和他有过一段情。 However he changes mind thinks, Xue Yiren martial arts is so high, in addition Jia Zhen's martial arts places in Jianghu (rivers and lakes) is also a expert, must protect the companion safety should not be difficult, just now felt relieved slightly. 不过他转念一想,薛衣人武功那么高,再加上贾珍的武功放在江湖中也算是好手,要护住同伴安全应该不难,方才略微放心了点。 Who was attacked them?” Song Qingshu more and more obviously feels, on Capital City has a mysterious influence as if to select the giant beast that the person bites to be the same, what a pity oneself also know nothing about it. “到底是谁袭击了他们?”宋青书越来越明显感觉到,上京城中有一股神秘势力仿佛择人而噬的巨兽一般,可惜自己对其还一无所知。 Also nosed everywhere, could not find any valuable clue, Song Qingshu has to return to the wash clothes institute foothold, first solved the Yuan Chengzhi's matter to say to the imperial palace with Xia Qingqing again. 又四处查探了一下,还是找不到任何有价值的线索,宋青书只好回到浣衣院据点当中,先和夏青青到皇宫解决了袁承志的事情再说。 Sees him to come back, no matter lively Xia Qingqing or temper chilly Bing Xue'er reveals a happy expression: What checked?” 见到他回来,不管是性格活泼的夏青青还是性子清冷的冰雪儿都露出一丝喜色:“查到什么了么?” Song Qingshu the news as well as roughly said that obtained from Xixia mission there saw in the imperial city division foothold that has not certainly somewhat raised Zhao Min that side matter afraid. 宋青书将从西夏使团那里得到的消息以及在皇城司据点看到的大致说了一遍,当然有些心虚地没有提赵敏那边的事情。 Now looked like the clue to break.” Bing Xue'er sighed gently, thinks oneself lost husband's treasured sword, she rebuked oneself. “现在看来线索又断了。”冰雪儿轻轻一叹,想到自己弄丢了丈夫的宝刀,她就自责不已。 The Song Qingshu hurried comfort said: Relax, I will look for the cold moon/month treasured sword.” 宋青书急忙安慰道:“放心吧,我会将冷月宝刀找回来的。” Thank you, Qingshu.” The Bing Xue'er gentle voice said. “谢谢你,青书。”冰雪儿柔声说道。 Song Qingshu smiles: How does Sister-In-Law plan to thank?” 宋青书嘿嘿一笑:“嫂嫂打算怎么谢啊?” Look that notices one side Xia Qingqing to ponder, Bing Xue'er complexion one red: You are not so always proper.” 注意到一旁夏青青玩味的眼神,冰雪儿脸色一红:“你这人总是这么不正经。” Song Qingshu laughs: Sister-in-law thinks slowly, when I and Qingqing come back after the imperial palace looks for Sister-In-Law.” Said that brings Xia Qingqing then to go out. 宋青书哈哈一笑:“嫂子慢慢想,等我和青青从皇宫回来后再来找嫂嫂。”说完带着夏青青便出了门。 This person ~ sees the form that two people vanish, the Bing Xue'er stamping the feet whole face of blushes, but her temper is chilly, is the honest youth woman, thinks that evening's matter, cannot help but the heartbeat accelerates suddenly. “这人~”看着两人消失的身影,冰雪儿跺了跺脚满脸羞红,不过她性子再清冷,也是个正直青春的女人,想到晚上的事情,一时间不由得心跳加速起来。
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