FSM :: Volume #16

#1515: Startled day aniseed( third)

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~ Xia Qingqing responded finally, called out in alarm one, shamed and air/Qi is looking at him, you!” “啊~”夏青青终于反应过来,惊呼一声,又羞又气地望着他,“你这人!” Song Qingshu shows a faint smile: What's wrong?” 宋青书微微一笑:“怎么了?” Feels his feeling of oppression, the Xia Qingqing complexion one red, has turned the head directly: Yourself know!” 感受到他的压迫之感,夏青青脸色一红,直接转过头去:“你自己知道!” Song Qingshu chuckle: Helps you make the choice.” 宋青书轻笑一声:“只是帮你做出选择而已。” In the Xia Qingqing eye pupil the water glare is blurred, the cheek also even more bright red, partly is biting the lip: „Did your call to help me make the choice?” 夏青青眼眸之中水光迷离,脸蛋儿也愈发嫣红,半咬着嘴唇:“你这就叫帮我做出选择?” Naturally!” Song Qingshu happily raised the head. “当然!”宋青书得意地扬了扬脑袋。 Xia Qingqing responds with the powder fist: Others are really intertwining ~ 夏青青报以粉拳:“人家是真的在纠结啊~” Having anything is quite puzzled, naturally choose me.” Song Qingshu quite said uncouthly. “有什么好纠结的,当然是选我咯。”宋青书颇为粗鲁地说道。 Xia Qingqing aerobic and funny: „Do you have to be self-confident I to elect you?” 夏青青又好气又好笑:“你就这么有自信我会选你?” Naturally,” a Song Qingshu thread of conversation revolution, „, even if you do not elect me, at the worst I run up to front of Yuan Chengzhi, told him me various postures of unlocking on you, both of you had no way in the same place.” “当然,”宋青书话锋一转,“就算你不选我,大不了我跑到袁承志面前,告诉他我在你身上解锁的各种姿势,想必你们俩也没法在一起了。” Xia Qingqing gets angry: „Are you so how mean and shameless?” 夏青青怒道:“你这人怎么这么卑鄙无耻?” How is?” Song Qingshu is saying also while moves, in the face of the love, what was meaner more and shameless was considered as?” “是又如何?”宋青书一边说着还一边动了动,“在爱情面前,卑鄙无耻些又算得了什么?” The Xia Qingqing soul was hit quickly by him, the bright and intelligent eye looks at him, finally Youyou (faintly/spookily) sighed: I know that you said intentionally like this, puts the blame on all responsibility for an offense oneself, to reduce my guilty conscience, thank you, Big Brother Song ~ 夏青青魂都快被他撞出来了,水汪汪的眼睛看着他,最终幽幽一叹:“我知道你之所以故意这样说,把所有罪责归咎于自身,是为了减轻我的负罪感,谢谢你,宋大哥~” Song Qingshu is startled, on the face changes the beforehand color of that ruling by force, instead said with a smile gently: Our Qingqing (light green) were with good intention more and more.” 宋青书一怔,脸上一改之前那种霸道之色,反而温柔地笑道:“我们的青青越来越善解人意了。” Xia Qingqing looks at man, the forced smile was saying: Does not know how I was, unexpectedly put others wife to be improper, instead is willing to run, when your underground sweetheart.” 夏青青望着身上的男人,苦笑道:“也不知道我是怎么了,居然放着人家的正妻不当,反而愿意跑来当你的地下情人。” Song Qingshu hears in the heart, whispered in her ear: You is not only with good intention more and more, but also the talk between lovers was also getting more and more moving.” 宋青书听得心中一荡,在她耳边低语道:“你不仅越来越善解人意,而且情话也越来越动人了。” Xia Qingqing ridicules one, patted his chest: Others and you said properly, you teased me.” 夏青青笑骂一声,拍了他胸膛一下:“人家和你说正经的,你却来取笑我。” Song Qingshu smiles: Since sets firm resolve, is obedient, clever, turns around.” 宋青书嘿嘿一笑:“既然下定了决心,就要听话,乖,转过身去。” Xia Qingqing white his eyes, hesitant, finally lay...... 夏青青白了他一眼,犹豫了一下,最终还是趴了过去…… Next morning, Xia Qingqing then crawled from the bed, because thinks that the next door also had Bing Xue'er, where she felt all right for a long time rests. 第二天一大早,夏青青便从床上爬起来了,因为想到隔壁还有个冰雪儿呢,她哪好意思久睡。 Looks Song Qingshu that whistling rests as before greatly, Xia Qingqing is caressing the cheek of feeling hot, thought that was really was dying, yesterday unexpectedly discussed the Big Brother Yuan matter with him for instance...... 看着依旧呼呼大睡的宋青书,夏青青抚着发烫的脸蛋儿,心想真是要死了,昨天居然在那种情况下和他讨论袁大哥的事情…… However she has to acknowledge, the opposite party this incomparably overbearing way actually cut the gordian knot, solved intertwining in her heart, she had clearly recognized she had no way to return with Yuan Chengzhi, after all she had no way , will easily open in the situation of both legs to make Madam Yuan to another man. 不过她不得不承认,对方这无比霸道的方式却快刀斩乱麻,解决了她心中的纠结,她已经认清了自己没法和袁承志回到过去了,毕竟她没法在会轻易对另一个男人张开双腿的情况下做回袁夫人 This is also good......” Xia Qingqing to sigh, suddenly discovered that the whole body was relaxed. “这样也好……”夏青青叹了一口气,忽然间发现全身轻松下来了。 After she goes out happen to met Bing Xue'er, Bing Xue'er is exercising martial arts in the institute, looks in the flowering shrubs that beautiful form, that soft graceful physique, Xia Qingqing with exuded the shocking color for the women. 当她出门后正好碰见了冰雪儿,冰雪儿正在院中练功,看着花丛中那婀娜的身影,那柔软曼妙的身姿,夏青青同为女人都泛起了惊艳之色。 Bing Xue'er the beautiful appearance was incomparable, in addition the Ancient Tomb Sect martial arts usually was exquisite, enhancing one another's beauty seems a fairy maiden dances in the flowering shrubs common. 冰雪儿本就美貌无比,再加上古墓派的武功素来优美,交相辉映仿佛是一个仙子在花丛中跳舞一般。 „The bastard also is really lucky in love great.” Xia Qingqing sets firm resolve after Song Qingshu woman, that jealousy a little started to exude, but thinks that she was Bing Xue'er, poured did not think that had anything. “那混蛋还真是艳福不浅。”夏青青下定决心当宋青书的女人之后,那股醋劲又有点开始泛了出来,不过想到她是冰雪儿,倒也不觉得有什么了。 At this time Bing Xue'er also noticed her, after receiving the merit, is smiling: Younger sister is pink and shiny, face glowing with health thinks that the heart knot has gone?” 此时冰雪儿也注意到了她,收功后笑着走了过来:“妹妹脸色红润,容光焕发想必心结已去?” „, Is...... ~ Xia Qingqing is blushing to make excuses replies, simultaneously criticized Song Qingshu one, thought that is individual knows last night had anything, lost face seriously. “啊,是……是呀~”夏青青红着脸支吾地答道,同时暗骂了宋青书一声,心想是个人都知道昨晚发生了什么,当真是丢死人了。 Bing Xue'er sees her to make excuses, the appearance that the whole face blushes cannot help but startled, thought that what she is anxious? However she after all is also a seasoned person, suddenly understood anything, oneself mentioned that anything had a ruddy complexion, face glowing with health to make her think the branch mostly. 冰雪儿见她支支吾吾,满脸红晕的样子不由得一怔,心想她紧张什么?不过她毕竟也是过来人,忽然明白了什么,自己提到什么面色红润、容光焕发多半让她想岔了。 This Bing Xue'er face also red, she sent naturally a saying, had not really implied matter that last night two people had. 这一下冰雪儿脸也红了起来,她只是发乎自然地一说,真没暗指昨晚两人发生的事情。 Saw that the Xia Qingqing peach cheek lives dizzy, glances the circulation, seriously is bright charming, the person is tenderer than the flower, Bing Xue'er also has to sigh with emotion oneself that small brother-in-law/uncle dry/does seriously is the good good fortune. 看到夏青青桃腮生晕,眼波流转,当真是鲜艳妩媚,人比花娇,冰雪儿也不得不干感慨自己那个小叔叔当真是好福气。 She and Song Qingshu is acquainted in the misery, during that time was bound by a common destiny, now sees him to make a name for oneself, the side beautiful woman surrounds, not only does not have the heart of slight envy, instead even more happies for him. 她与宋青书在苦难中相识,那段时间可谓是相依为命,如今看到他功成名就,身边佳人环绕,不仅没有丝毫嫉妒之心,反而愈发替他高兴。 What are both of you chatting?” Not far away broadcast the Song Qingshu sound, originally he also got out of bed. “你们俩在聊什么?”不远处传来了宋青书的声音,原来他也起床了。 Is chatting you.” Bing Xue'er smiles gently, that graceful bearing makes Xia Qingqing believe. “在聊你啊。”冰雪儿温柔一笑,那副雍容的气度让夏青青都不禁心折。 Walks, takes to the streets to have the breakfast, goes to Xixia (Western Xia) mission while convenient, checking looked that is they are up to mischief.” The Song Qingshu body leapt then to jump between two females, held their hands to walk directly outward. “走,上街吃早饭,顺便去西夏使团一趟,查一下看是不是他们从中搞鬼。”宋青书身子一跃便跳到了两女中间,牵着她们的手直接往外走去。 Two female faces were all of a sudden red, although they in secret with Song Qingshu again how, but under the broad daylight makes him be surrounded by beautiful women, woman inborn acting with constraint of makes them a little awkward. 两女脸一下子就红了,虽然她们私底下和宋青书再怎么都可以,可是光天化日之下让他左拥右抱,女人天生的矜持还是让她们有点尴尬。 Two people looked at opposite party one eyes secretly, discovered that the opposite party is also happen to looking at himself, small face even more brilliant red, frightened rabbits tried to pull out likely the hand. 两人偷偷地看了对方一眼,发现对方也正好在看自己,小脸愈发红艳了,一个个像受惊的兔子试图将手抽回来。 Song Qingshu rashly, grabs their hands to walk actually firmly directly outward, sees not to cast off, two females sighed the one breath secretly, finally also by him. 宋青书倒是不由分说,牢牢抓着她们的手直接往外走去,见甩不开,两女纷纷暗叹一口气,最后也由着他了。 In a restaurant, one group of diners eat the breakfast, the eye are actually glancing the man of that table once for a while secretly to the window, reveals the color of envying, naturally is not because he has an imposing appearance, but was his one on the left and other on the right two female companions is really attractive. 一家酒楼之中,一群食客吃着早膳,眼睛却时不时偷偷瞟向窗边那张桌子的男人,纷纷露出羡慕之色,当然不是因为他器宇轩昂,而是他一左一右两个女伴实在是太漂亮了。 Looks that man takes the cakes and pastries to feed left that azure clothes woman mouth affectionate, the female red lips open lightly, not only contained that cakes and pastries, seemingly also licked the finger of that men's unintentionally, nearby one group of men looked at the eye to be straight, in the heart wailed in abundance: Seriously is immoral, immoral.” 看着那男子拿着糕点亲昵地喂到左边那个青衣女人嘴里,那女子朱唇轻启,不仅将那块糕点含了进去,貌似还有意无意舔了舔那男子的手指头,旁边一群男人看得眼睛都直了,心中纷纷哀嚎:“当真是伤风败俗,伤风败俗啊。” However when that man also takes cakes and pastries to hand in front of the right that white clothing female, one group of people were shocked in abundance: Thought that this boy was also too bold, unexpectedly was in front of female companion to gang up with other women?” 不过当那男子又拿着一块糕点递到右边那白衣女子面前,一群人纷纷愣住了:“心想这厮也太大胆了吧,居然当着女伴的面勾搭其他女人?” Because of two female each outstandingly beautiful woman, looks like the character who in the picture walks, the makings with the maidservant day that these wealthy and prominent family large clans raise leaves badly, without whom thinks that they who is sweet is concubine's person, only considers a man to lead the boudoir of female companion as well as in female companion the close friend comes out. 因为两个女子每一个都天姿国色,一个个都像画中走出来的人物,气质又与那些高门大族豢养的侍女天差地别,没谁认为她们谁是甘为人妾的人,只当是一个男人带着女伴以及女伴的闺中密友出来。 Really that white clothing female looks that at present the cakes and pastries look the color of feeling embarrassed, in surroundings that crowd of viewer hearts laughs in one's heart: This man method was too shoddy, if in secret and white clothing female comes out, perhaps also really can gang up with the seat of honor, but is in front of female companion, in that white clothing female heart is willing not to dare to open the mouth even. 果然那白衣女子看着眼前糕点面露为难之色,周围那群看客心中暗笑:这男人手段太拙劣了,如果私底下和白衣女子出来,说不定还真能勾搭上手,可是当着自己女伴的面,那白衣女子就算心中愿意也不敢开口啊。 However what makes one crowd of man eyeballs stare is, although that white clothing female the complexion blushes, hesitant after long time, finally opened mouth to nip that cakes and pastries. 不过让一群男人眼珠子纷纷瞪出来的是,那白衣女子虽然脸色发红,犹豫半晌后最终还是张嘴将那糕点咬了进去。 Looks that man extended the finger to her mouth went, surrounding one group of diners could not bear swallow the saliva, immediately looked to another azure clothed woman, thought that perhaps she will get angry at the scene. 看着那男子将手指头都伸到她嘴里去了,周围一群食客一个个忍不住咽了咽口水,紧接着马上看向另一个青衣女子,心想她说不定会当场翻脸。 However what makes this group of diners spit blood, that azure clothed woman has not only been angry, instead the hand rests one's chin in one's hands looks at all these with a smile. 不过让这群食客吐血的是,那青衣女子不仅没有丝毫生气,反而手托腮笑吟吟地看着这一切。 Was my vertigo they were insane, in did this world really have the so magnanimous woman?” “是我眼花了还是他们疯了,这世上竟然有如此大度的女人?” This male does not know that what dog shit transporting, simultaneously had two female celestial common characters unexpectedly.” “这男的也不知道走了什么狗屎运,居然同时拥有两个仙女一般的人物。” Especially is also surrounded by beautiful women two female celestial.” “特么的还左拥右抱两个仙女。” ...... …… Near the window on the table three people naturally were Song Qingshu and the others, detected vision that these people killed people, in Song Qingshu heart dark crisp: No wonder the previous generation looked that hypertext fiction these male lords often lead several outstandingly beautiful female companions to go to the oppressive dog, the look that this envying envy hates also really makes one immerse.” 窗边桌上三人自然是宋青书等人了,察觉到那些人杀人的眼光,宋青书心中暗爽:“难怪前世看网络小说那些男主经常带着几个绝色女伴去虐狗,这种羡慕嫉妒恨的眼神还真是让人沉醉啊。” This, others do not look that ~ the Bing Xue'er facial skin is quite thin, sits is blushing to restrict anxiously there. “别这样,人家看着呢~”冰雪儿脸皮比较薄,坐在那里红着脸拘束不安。 Makes them look and that's the end,” Song Qingshu smiles , to continue to take up a cakes and pastries stopper to her mouth, eats, you became thin.” “让他们看就是了,”宋青书笑了笑,继续拿起一块糕点塞到她口中,“多吃点,你都变瘦了。” Bing Xue'er is helpless, has to lower the head to eat, does not dare to look at the look of surrounding person again. 冰雪儿无奈,只好低头吃了起来,不敢再看周围人的眼神。 „, Do you know that last night had several important matters?” In the inn never lacks various shooting the breeze gentlemen, in addition the inn stream of people are numerous, well-informed, every so often in some work places was rumored that but is actually not far with the truth. “咳咳,你们知不知道昨晚发生了几件大事?”客栈中从来不缺各种高谈阔论之士,再加上客栈人流众多,消息灵通,很多时候一些坊间谣传倒也与事实真相相去不远。 What important matter?” One group of people were attracted the attention immediately, the woman is pretty is also others, listens to the Eight Trigrams (gossip) more interesting. Now Wei king, knows northern institute pivot shaft secret envoy matter Yelu Yixin son of first wife Yelyu Sui also to be killed!” “什么大事?”一群人顿时被吸引了注意力,女人再漂亮也是别人的,还是听听八卦更有意思。“当今魏王,知北院枢密使事耶律乙辛的嫡子耶律绥也被人杀了!” What!” One group of people call out in alarm again and again, who is so bold, only son who dares to kill Wei king?” Yelyu Sui also in Capital City on this but actually is also a prominent figure, everyone knows Yelu Yixin on his son. “什么!”一群人惊呼连连,“谁这么大胆,敢杀魏王的独子?”耶律绥也在这上京城中倒也是个知名人物,所有人都知道耶律乙辛就他一个儿子。 Even Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er also raised up the ear, after all last night situation, most had the suspicion was they. 夏青青冰雪儿也竖起了耳朵,毕竟昨晚的情况来看,最有嫌疑的就是她俩。 Saw to bring to the attention of two fairy maidens, that person even more showed off said: News passes on , the emperor incomparably is furious, sending foreign to investigate thoroughly this matter to complete(ly) Yuan, after a late interrogation, has the initial result now.” 见引起了两名仙子的注意,那人愈发卖弄地说道:“消息传上去过后,皇上无比震怒,派夷离毕院彻查此事,经过一晚审讯,如今已有了初步结果。” What result?” The surrounding person coordinates the supporting speaker actually very much. “什么结果啊?”周围的人倒是很配合地捧哏。 That person looked at one toward the window, sees Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er is also listening earnestly, this happily continues saying: Heard that Yelyu Sui is also because does not hear various temporary palaces to deploy Yelu Qi and emperor's father-in-law Xiao Banhe carefully conspires to revolt, eliminated a potential informant.” 那人往窗边望了一眼,见夏青青冰雪儿也在认真听,这才得意地继续说道:“听说耶律绥也是因为不小心听到诸行宫都部署耶律齐与国丈萧半和密谋造反,才被人灭了口。” What?” “什么?” How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” One group of people blasted out the pot immediately, even Song Qingshu how many people also look at each other in blank dismay, how to pull above with Yelu Qi, words saying that Xiao Banhe did become the emperor's father-in-law? 一群人顿时炸开了锅,连宋青书几人也面面相觑,怎么和耶律齐扯上边了,话说那萧半和怎么又成国丈了? Some people asked the same doubts: Various temporary palaces deploy to wield the emperor personal guard, is trusted aide who the emperor most trusts, Yelu Qi this person is the renowned honest gentleman, how also to do the matter of plotting a rebellion?” 有人问出了相同的疑惑:“诸行宫都部署执掌皇上亲军,是皇上最信任的心腹,耶律齐此人是远近闻名的正直君子,又怎么会做谋反之事呢?” „When Zhou frightened rumor day, Wang Mang has not usurped respectfully, is the gentleman or the villain, who can talk clearly?” That person spoke with confidence, said again you think, Yelyu Sui also in prison that in various temporary palaces deployed the matter, how could did Yelu Qi this commanding officer escape the relations?” “周公恐惧流言日,王莽恭谦未篡时,到底是君子还是小人,谁又说得清呢?”那人侃侃而谈,“再说了你们想想,耶律绥也是在诸行宫都部署的大牢里出的事,耶律齐这个主官又岂能逃得了关系?”
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