FSM :: Volume #16

#1501: The end of hills and rivers doubts roadless( second)

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Why?” Song Qingshu asked puzzled. “为什么?”宋青书不解地问道。 Since Shen had exterminated an entire family, you did save her her to go?” Zhao Min asked that looked in her look to reveal a dead will let alone a moment ago faintly, no matter what Yelu Yixin organized, in the person by the parental family was coerced mostly, this has not revolted, after you rescued her, she discovered that own Shen does not have, you said that she can unable to look on the bright side of thing for a while the suicide?” “既然沈家已经被灭门了,你救了她她能去哪儿?”赵敏问道,“更何况刚才看她眼神中隐隐流露出一股死志,之所以任耶律乙辛摆布,多半是被人以父母家族中人要挟,这才没有反抗,你救出她后她发现自己沈家已经没了,你说她会不会一时想不开自杀?” This but actually is also,” Song Qingshu nods, lets her girl god falling devil's lair, is always somewhat dangerous.” “这倒也是,”宋青书点点头,“可是让她一个女孩子神陷魔窟,总是有些危险。” „Do you want to say the girl of especially such causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman?” The Zhao Min faint smile said, felt relieved, if other situations she also really possibly has the danger that the pure and chaste does not guarantee, but Yelu Yixin, since will plan to give to the emperor him in the future, before this, will not make anybody go bad her body, otherwise he fell short.” “你是想说特别是这么倾国倾城的一个女孩子吧?”赵敏似笑非笑地说道,“放心吧,若是其他情况她还真可能有贞洁不保的危险,不过耶律乙辛既然打算将来将他献给皇上,这之前绝不会让任何人坏了她的身子,不然他就功亏一篑了。” Sees Song Qingshu also in hesitant, Zhao Min continues saying: What do not forget the goal of your trip is, although Yelu Yixin is a disloyal subject, so long as he plans successfully, the Liao Empire chaos, your Jin Empire pressure will be easily solved when the time comes, perhaps you can also seize the chance to subdue Yelu Qi these talents to use for oneself, why not?” 宋青书还在犹豫,赵敏继续说道:“不要忘了你此行的目的是什么,耶律乙辛虽然是个奸臣,可是只要他计划成功,辽国就会大乱,到时候你们金国的压力就会迎刃而解,说不定你还能趁机收服耶律齐这些人才为己用,何乐而不为?” Song Qingshu after all no longer is that reckless impulsive youngster, realized, if this time will rescue Shen Bijun to alert the enemy, the plan of Yelu Yixin will also decline indefinitely, such Liao Empire will not be chaotic, naturally can dispatch troops to go south...... 宋青书毕竟不再是那个不顾后果的冲动少年,意识到如果此时救了沈璧君就会打草惊蛇,耶律乙辛的计划也会无限期推辞,那样辽国就不会乱,自然会出兵南下…… Princess said is reasonable, temporarily first sat and watched it to improve.” The Song Qingshu sinking sound said. “郡主说得有道理,暂时先坐观其变好了。”宋青书沉声说道。 Zhao Min purses the lips to smile faintly: Sitting and watching it changes does not mean that what matter is also undoable, before was not and you proposes another to suspect that the candidate was Xiao Shiyilang? This person of unknown origin, the status is mystical, you seize the chance to probe his, looked that actually he has what secret.” 赵敏抿嘴浅笑起来:“坐观其变倒也不意味着什么事也不能做,之前不是和你提过另一个怀疑人选是萧十一郎么?此人来历不明,身份神秘,你趁机去试探他一下,看他究竟有什么秘密。” Song Qingshu said scruple: Just looked that Xiao Shiyilang has the wind of Yanzhao generous elegy, such a character really not like Murong Jingyue that despicable character.” 宋青书迟疑道:“刚刚看萧十一郎颇有燕赵慷慨悲歌之风,这样一个人物实在不像慕容景岳那种卑鄙的性格。” Zhao Min somewhat is also anxious: I also feel not too like, perhaps but one may know a person's face but not what's in his heart, is Murong Jingyue fits out intentionally, investigate to wonderfully. I thought that Xiao Shiyilang martial arts is quite high, I and you will go only to drag your together, I did not accompany you, first went back to look again also has other clues.” 赵敏也有些忧虑:“我也觉得不太像,不过知人知面不知心,说不定是慕容景岳故意装成这样的呢,还是调查一下为妙。我看那萧十一郎武功颇高,我和你一起去只会扯你后腿,我就不陪你了,先回去再找找还有没有其他线索。” Also good, on road careful.” The Song Qingshu injunction said. “也好,路上小心。”宋青书嘱咐道。 Zhao Min smiles: „The method that relax, I maintain life may be many, said again does not have Traceless Sand Treading Steps that you teach, the escape always does not have the issue.” 赵敏嫣然一笑:“放心吧,我保命的手段可多着呢,再说了不是还有你教的踏沙无痕么,逃命总是没问题的。” Song Qingshu knows her to be wise, pours also has no need to be worried, after she said goodbye in the direction that just Xiao Shiyilang walked pursued with a smile. 宋青书知道她足智多谋,倒也用不着担心,笑着与她告别后就往刚刚萧十一郎走的方向追了上去。 On road time, Song Qingshu deliberately considered secretly: Although the Liao Empire chaos are very favorable for me, but to a Mongolia advantage without, Zhao Min is so intelligent, would have no to think of this? 路上的时候,宋青书不禁暗暗寻思:辽国大乱虽然对我很有利,但是对蒙古却一点好处都没有,赵敏这么聪明,难道就没想到这点么? Thinks that in the original works that gives up all women for the love, in the Song Qingshu heart is pleasantly surprised, she has visited unknowingly heavily me...... 想到原著中那个为了爱情放弃一切的女人,宋青书心中又惊又喜,难道她不知不觉中已经把我看得这么重了…… Although Xiao Shiyilang first walks much, Song Qingshu movement art pursues full power, in a while caught up with their motorcade faintly. Yelu Yixin does not know that at this time where to went, is only left over Xiao Shiyilang to harness the carriage to escort Shen Bijun. 尽管萧十一郎先走不少,不过宋青书轻功全力追击,没过多久就隐隐追上了他们车队。耶律乙辛此时已经不知道到哪儿去了,只剩下萧十一郎驾着马车护送沈璧君 Song Qingshu the past, has not had Shen Bijun anxiously after all now in the same place, if began to pass to the Yelu Yixin ear at this time, will make him know that the conspiracy has exposed, this is not Song Qingshu is willing to see. 宋青书并没有急着过去,毕竟如今有沈璧君在一起,如果这时候动手传到耶律乙辛耳朵里,会让他知道刚才的阴谋已经败露了,这不是宋青书愿意看到的。 ~ suddenly in the carriage heard the sound of Shen Bijun extremely panic-stricken pitiful yell, Song Qingshu heard the heart to jump, the subconsciousness wants to overrun. “啊~”忽然马车中传来了沈璧君极为惊恐的惨叫之声,宋青书听得心头一跳,下意识想冲过去。 However at this time Xiao Shiyilang left nearly, turns around to tuck up the car(riage) curtain to want instantaneously to look had anything, at this moment in the nighttime sky the cold light flashed, hides grasps the jade hairpin to grip in vehicle door back Shen Bijun ruthlessly. 不过这时萧十一郎离得更近,瞬间就转身撩开车帘想看里面发生了什么,就在这时夜空中寒光一闪,躲在车门背后的沈璧君握着玉簪狠狠地扎了下去。 These is quick and anxious, in addition takes place suddenly, perhaps if the average person incurred, but how will Xiao Shiyilang be plotted against frequently by her little miss in the person of life and death edge swaying back and forth? Held her wrist/skill instantaneously, another hand instinct pats toward the opposite party. 这一下又快又急,再加上事出突然,若是一般人恐怕就中招了,不过萧十一郎经常在生死边缘打滚之人又岂会被她一个小姑娘暗算到?瞬间就抓住了她的手腕,另外一只手则本能地往对方拍去。 How is you!” At this time Xiao Shiyilang saw clearly the Shen Bijun appearance finally, will quickly hold the strength to put aside one foot toward side, hit on the carriage wall instantaneously to crush a big hole. “怎么是你!”这时候萧十一郎终于看清了沈璧君的样子,急忙将掌力往旁边移开一尺,打得马车壁上瞬间粉碎了一个大窟窿。 You killed me!” Shen Bijun is raising head, quite looks at him stubbornly. “你杀了我吧!”沈璧君仰着头,颇为倔强地看着他。 These days you display very much have coordinated, originally wants to find the opportunity to escape.” Xiao Shiyilang loosened his hand, smiled bitterly. Usually in her side guard is numerous, she wants to escape does not have the opportunity, now quiet at dead of night on Xiao Shiyilang one person, so long as killed him to be able successfully to run away, only pitifully long-premeditated struck the failure. “这段时间你表现得一直很配合,原来是想找机会逃跑。”萧十一郎松开了他的手,苦笑了起来。平日里她身边侍卫众多,她想逃也没有机会,如今夜深人静就萧十一郎一人,只要杀了他就能成功逃走,只可惜蓄谋已久的一击失败了。 Snort ~ Shen Bijun the face, have not no longer responded him. “哼~”沈璧君别过脸去,不再搭理他。 The Xiao Shiyilang knitting the brows head, said suddenly: You attack me to pour, may do not take risk to others, they may not have I such good temperament.” 萧十一郎皱了皱眉头,忽然说道:“你袭击我倒也罢了,对其他人可千万不要冒险,他们可没我这么好的脾气。” Heard his words, Shen Bijun turn head looked at his one eyes astonishedly, why as if touched does not permit him to speak such words. 听到他的话,沈璧君惊异地回头看了他一眼,似乎摸不准他为什么说这样的话。 Hides looks at all these in the Song Qingshu faint smile of hidden place, it seems like is really similar to the original works like that Xiao Shiyilang fell in love with Shen Bijun unknowingly, thinks also right, such female celestial the dust refined woman, being constantly together man is very difficult not to fall to the enemy. 躲在暗处的宋青书似笑非笑地看着这一切,看来果然如同原著那般,萧十一郎不知不觉爱上了沈璧君,想想也对,这样仙女般出尘脱俗的女人,朝夕相处男人是很难不沦陷的。 Then Xiao Shiyilang brings Shen Bijun to arrive at a secret dwelling, Song Qingshu notices outside to be seemingly tranquil, inside many dark sentry posts, were destructive, it seems like that this are Shen Bijun usually in the detained place. 接下来萧十一郎带着沈璧君来到一隐秘的宅院,宋青书注意到外面看似平静,里面却很多暗哨,杀机四伏,看来这就是沈璧君平日里被关押的地方了。 Song Qingshu remembered this place, the meaning, so as to avoid alerts the enemy when the time comes. 宋青书只是记住了这个地方,并没有进去的意思,免得到时候打草惊蛇。 Passed roughly one burning a joss stick time, Xiao Shiyilang did not have the accident/surprise to come out from inside, Song Qingshu secret nod: Yelu Yixin must give to the emperor Shen Bijun, will not definitely allow the man to stay overnight her here.” 过了约莫一炷香功夫,萧十一郎不出意外从里面出来了,宋青书暗暗点头:“耶律乙辛要将沈璧君献给皇上,肯定不会允许男人在她这里留宿的。” Follows quietly in Xiao Shiyilang behind, can visit him somewhat to be scared at this time, if intended to think that at this time can be easy to go well. 一路悄悄跟在萧十一郎身后,看得出来他此时有些失魂落魄,若是这时出手想必能非常容易得手。 Everyone said the femme fatale, although there is to fling the suspicion of pot to the woman on, but also has certain truth, since the ancient times is the heroic sad beautiful woman pass/test.” Song Qingshu is very easy to guess correctly Xiao Shiyilang definitely to worry for the Shen Bijun matter at this time, on the one hand is the woman who love, on the one hand was heavy such as mountain your majesty to own graciousness, how should choose? Really must look helplessly the beloved woman does marry other men? “人人都说红颜祸水,虽然有甩锅到女人身上之嫌,不过也有一定的道理,自古以来都是英雄难过美人关啊。”宋青书很容易猜出萧十一郎此时肯定是为了沈璧君的事情烦心,一方面是自己爱的女人,一方面是对自己恩重如山的主公,到底该如何抉择?难道真要眼睁睁看着心爱的女人嫁给其他男人么? In the short time in the Song Qingshu mind made up an evil debt ethics dog blood big play on the brain, when is taking pleasure in others'misfortunes, suddenly thinks the Yelu Nanxian engagement, could not smile again. 短短的时间里宋青书脑海中就脑补了一部孽债伦理狗血大剧,正幸灾乐祸之际,忽然想到了耶律南仙的婚约,就再也笑不出来了。 The following two depressed men are in tandem walking silently, will soon arrive at the imperial palace shortly, Song Qingshu realized suddenly before Xiao Shiyilang is the palace in imperial palace, vice- inspection, at this time is to perhaps go to the imperial palace is in shifts, did not begin without enough time. 接下来两个郁闷的男人一前一后默默地走着,眼看即将走到皇宫了,宋青书忽然意识到萧十一郎是皇宫里的殿前副点检,此时恐怕是去皇宫轮班的,再不动手就来不及了。 Therefore the figure flashes then to grasp toward him on, because although Xiao Shiyilang the Shen Bijun matter is somewhat scared, but also is a top player, detected that to does not roll toward the ground, simultaneously will draw out the waist sickle to wield in the future. 于是身形一闪便往他身上抓去,萧十一郎虽然因为沈璧君的事情有些失魂落魄,但也是个顶尖高手,察觉到不对就地往地上一滚,同时拔出腰间弯刀往后一挥。 The snow practices together the blade glow sweeps away all stances by one immediately toward behind the detachment. 一道雪练般的刀芒顿时以一副横扫一切的姿态往身后劈去。 Song Qingshu has to acclaim, this move of defense and attack have both, moreover fuses perfect, really worthily is the super expert who in the original works that person blade unites. 宋青书不得不赞叹,这一招防御与进攻兼备,而且融合得完美无缺,果然不愧是原著中那个人刀合一的超级高手。 However takes Song Qingshu present cultivating as, is the sneak attack taking the lead machine, also how by his this shocking knife wound? Actually so long as he thinks, can in several moves overpower him under the premise of sneak attack, but comes him to try the opposite party martial arts way, secondly does not want to expose the status. 不过以宋青书如今的修为,又是偷袭占了先机,又岂会被他这惊艳的一刀伤到?其实只要他想的话,在偷袭的前提下可以几招之内制服他,不过一来他想试试对方武功路数,二来不想暴露自己身份。 After all by the Xiao Shiyilang so top martial arts, if in several moves overpowers him, in the world has this skill also few individuals, remove some ages again in a big way one senior, own status takes shape, he does not want to alert the enemy, alarmed Murong Jingyue of hidden place. 毕竟以萧十一郎这般顶尖的武功,若是几招之内制服他,天底下有这本事的也没几个人,再除掉一些年纪一大把的前辈,自己的身份呼之欲出,他可不想打草惊蛇,惊动了暗处的慕容景岳 Two people frequented each other to fight dozens moves, Song Qingshu knit the brows secretly, the Xiao Shiyilang martial arts way became one school, attainments mostly in the knife skill, he before and Murong Jingyue have fought, knows that his martial arts somewhat was vastly disorderly, now Xiao Shiyilang specially fine, obviously was not a way. 两人你来我往交手了数十招,宋青书暗暗皱眉,萧十一郎的武功路数自成一派,一身造诣多半在刀法上,他以前和慕容景岳交过手,知道他武功广博却有些杂乱,如今萧十一郎专而精,明显不是一个路数的。 Also some do not lose heart, Song Qingshu to guarantee the eventuality, left to kill to incur finally to pull toward his face on, in the Xiao Shiyilang hand the sickle bloomed in great surprise the astonishing ray, even if at this time will sprinkle not to leave out one drop with the water, what a pity actually still had no way to block the hand of opposite party. 还有些不死心,宋青书为了确保万一,终于出了杀招往他脸上扯去,萧十一郎大惊手中弯刀绽放出惊人的光芒,此时就算拿水泼过去也不会漏掉一滴,可惜却依然没法拦住对方的手。 The Song Qingshu hand day foreign visitor seemed to be common, disregards his defense one to grasp on his face. 宋青书的手仿佛天外来客一般,无视了他的防御一把抓在了他的脸上。 Well?” Such direct contact his face, Song Qingshu naturally can distinguish he has not worn the person of skin mask and so on thing, it seems like he is really not Murong Jingyue. “咦?”这么直接接触他的脸,宋青书自然分辨得出来他没有戴人皮面具之类的东西,看来他果然不是慕容景岳 Was grasped by the opposite party directly on the face, Xiao Shiyilang thinks must die without doubt, the expert of this rank grasps the crumb stone to be easy after all conveniently, his head always does not have the stone to be hard. 被对方直接抓在脸上,萧十一郎原本以为必死无疑,毕竟这个级别的高手随手一抓捏碎石头轻而易举,他的头总没石头硬吧。 Closed eyes to wait for death, who knows when separated a sound not to have long time, opened eyes, that person has disappeared, Xiao Shiyilang cannot help but surprised uncertain, if not the somewhat tattered clothes proved a moment ago intense fighting, he also thinks oneself bumped into the ghost. 原本闭目等死,谁知道隔了良久一点动静也没有,睁开眼时,那人已经不见踪影,萧十一郎不由得惊疑不定,若非有些破烂的衣服证明了刚才激烈的打斗,他还以为自己碰到鬼了呢。 Returned to the Zhao Min residence, Zhao Min to rack one's brains in the study room directly earnestly, sees him to come back, quickly asked: What kind of?” 直接回到了赵敏的住所,赵敏正在书房中埋头苦思,看到他回来,急忙问道:“怎么样?” Song Qingshu shakes the head: „It is not Murong Jingyue.” 宋青书摇了摇头:“不是慕容景岳。” Zhao Min shows a really such expression, but still covers difficultly disappointedly: It seems like all our clues broke, I combed these lists again, has not seen the new suspicious person.” 赵敏露出一副果然如此的表情,不过依然难掩失望:“看来我们所有的线索都断了,我再次梳理了一遍这些名单,没看出新的可疑人物。” Song Qingshu comforts to say hastily: Murong Jingyue is deceitful, if were looked is also insufficient to be so long easily in the Liao Empire conceals has not brought to the attention, relax we since now to Capital City, the fox association/will showed the tail.” 宋青书连忙安慰道:“慕容景岳奸诈狡猾,若是这么容易被找出来也不至于能在辽国藏这么久也没引起注意,放心吧我们如今既然到了上京城,狐狸总会露出尾巴的。” Hope so.” In the Zhao Min eye appears the anxiety, after all thinks in the head has the corpse insect to ambush, she is afraid. “希望如此吧。”赵敏眼中浮现出浓浓的忧虑,毕竟一想到脑袋里面有尸虫潜伏着,她就不寒而栗。 ---- ---- Thank the book friend 53494589, falls' monologues, yellow Wanying 0, pdrewer, extraordinary sparks/Mars, leye2595, dawn to inaugurate, the Age radical wind, book friend 31145287, boy traceless windy and big swords to stop dragon Che, lion 201310, to pledge that lucky, false Nnn, Y fell in love over time Y and other supporting and monthly tickets of warm-hearted book friend 感谢书友53494589、秋的独白、黄婉莹0、pdrewer、非凡火星、leye2595、晨曦初开、Age灬风、书友31145287、boy无痕windy、大剑停龙车、狮子201310、誓言lucky、虚伪Nnn、Y日久生情Y等热心书友的捧场与月票
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