FSM :: Volume #15

#1500: Wife's brother and son-in-law( first)

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What she puts on is not the specially magnificent clothes, but regardless of what clothes, so long as puts in her body, will change the score going out color. 她穿的并不是什么特别华丽的衣服,但无论什么样的衣服,只要穿在她的身上,都会变得分外出色。 She has not worn any jewelry, on the face has not scratched the powder, because to her, the jewelry and powder is unnecessary. 她并没有戴任何首饰,脸上更没有擦脂粉,因为对她来说,珠宝和脂粉都是多余的。 Regardless of the precious jewelry cannot divide her brilliance, regardless of the noble powder cannot increase her one point of beauty again. 无论多珍贵的珠宝都不能分去她本身的光彩,无论多高贵的脂粉也不能再增加她一分美丽。 Her beauty is anybody is also indescribable. 她的美丽是任何人也无法形容的。 Some people compare the beautiful woman with the flower, but where spends to have her to be like this moving? Some people will say that she looks like in drawing person, which paint brush but also has to draw her graceful bearing? 有人用花来比拟美人,但花哪有她这样动人?有人会说她像“图画中人”,但又有哪支画笔能画出她的风韵? Even the fairy maiden of space, does not have her is so gentle certainly. Regardless of anybody, however must look at her one eyes, is unable to forget forever. 就算是天上的仙子,也绝没有她这般温柔。无论任何人,然要瞧了她一眼,就永远也无法忘记。 But she actually does not seem like really lives in this world, will the world have her such beautiful woman? She as if momentarily along with carving will disappear from the ground suddenly, rides the wind to go. 但她却又不像是真的活在这世上的,世上怎会有她这样的美人?她仿佛随时随刻都会突然自地面消失,乘风而去。 don't said that several people in room looked stayed, even out of the window saw outstandingly beautiful Song Qingshu also to look dumbfoundedly, thought this female beautiful appearance also only then Chen Yuanyuan, Dai Qisi, Xiao Longnü (little dragon girl) and others compared favorably with. 莫说屋中的几人看得呆了,连窗外见惯绝色的宋青书也看得目瞪口呆,心想此女的美貌也只有陈圆圆黛绮丝小龙女等寥寥几人比得上了。 However he has seen after all too many outstandingly beautiful, then sobers no longer to look at her quickly, instead turn head stares at Zhao Min to look. 不过他毕竟见过太多绝色,很快便清醒过来不再看她,反而回头盯着身旁的赵敏看。 Zhao Min as woman, by her beautiful appearance the fear, was being sighed detected suddenly the Song Qingshu look, comes back to find his vision brilliant is staring at itself, first stares, subsequently is angry: You thought that I do not have her not to need so to shame me attractively!” Actually she improperly belittled oneself, by appearance under her slightly no longer opposite party, if the makings of her princess, certain aspects are in addition slightly better, but the woman thoughts were usually sensitive, detected that the line of sight of Song Qingshu, some minds feel dizzy suddenly. 赵敏身为女人,也被她的美貌所慑,正感叹间忽然察觉到宋青书的眼神,回过头来发现他正目光灼灼盯着自己,先是一愣,继而大怒:“你觉得我没她好看也不用这般羞辱我!”其实她太妄自菲薄了,论容貌她丝毫不再对方之下,如果加上她郡主的气质,某些方面上来说还要略胜一筹,不过女人心思素来敏感,察觉到宋青书的视线,一时间有些头脑发晕。 Who knows that the Song Qingshu gentle voice replied: Inside that woman was too pretty, I only then look that you can make me be insufficient to prostrate oneself under her pomegranate skirt.” 谁知道宋青书却柔声答道:“里面那个女人太漂亮了,我只有看着你才能让我不至于拜倒在她的石榴裙下。” Glib.” Zhao Min complexion one red, has turned away directly, but happy intent between brow tips cannot hide. “油嘴滑舌。”赵敏脸色一红,直接转过脸去,不过眉梢间的喜意却怎么也掩藏不住。 Several people of this little while time in room also restored one after another, looks that desolate red clouds wipes the non-verbal communication the appearance, Yelu Yixin shows a being as deep as a well happy expression: Emperor's son-in-law, this female how?” 屋里的几人这会儿功夫也陆陆续续恢复了过来,看着萧霞抹色授魂与的样子,耶律乙辛露出一丝高深莫测的笑意:“驸马,此女如何?” This female only has because of the space, the human world which several heard.” desolate Xiamo said that in the time mind of this saying appeared initially the Xiao Guanyin appearance that saw in the imperial palace, actually Xiao Guanyin was also not the least bit off, especially solemn disclosed that type flattered the pinnacle character and style in bone is to let his heart is hard to take itchy, but she was the woman of emperor, he wants unable to think, whether there is like this woman cannot the daydream space completely. “此女只因天上有,人间哪得几回闻。”萧霞抹说这话的时候脑海中浮现出当初在皇宫中见到的萧观音的样子,其实萧观音也丝毫不差,特别是端庄里透露出那种媚到骨子里的极致风情更是让他心痒难耐,但她是皇帝的女人,他连想都不敢多想,不像这个女人可以有无尽的遐想空间。 desolate red clouds wipes the desire in the tone hiding who to hear, that women's delicate eyebrows slightly pressed, the Xiao Shiyilang angry look flashes past, Yelu Yixin was smiles happily. 萧霞抹语气中潜藏的欲望谁都听得出来,那个女子秀眉微蹙,萧十一郎怒色一闪而过,耶律乙辛则是笑得更开心了。 However desolate Xiamo shakes the head quickly: This female, although is good, must have the life to enjoy. Even if she is the real female celestial, I not possible to be happy for a while, but braves hardships and dangers to seek a counter case.” 不过萧霞抹很快摇了摇头:“此女虽好,也要有命才能享。就算她是真的仙女,我也不可能为了一时欢愉而去涉险谋逆一案。” Xiao Shiyilang cannot repress finally, gets angry: You said anything!” 萧十一郎终于按捺不住,怒道:“你说什么呢!” Yelu Yixin stopped him, the faint smile said: You think that I planned displays honey trap with this female to you?” 耶律乙辛制止了他,似笑非笑地说道:“你以为我打算用这个女子对你施展美人计?” Isn't?” desolate red clouds wipes the complexion some is not unattractive immediately. “难道不是?”萧霞抹脸色顿时有些不好看了。 Yelu Yixin chuckle, does not know that is ridicules or disdains: Emperor's son-in-law, although also calculates in the person outstanding, but did not have the qualifications to enjoy this and other females of peerless beautiful woman.” 耶律乙辛轻笑一声,不知道是讥讽还是不屑:“驸马虽然也算人中俊杰,但还没资格享用这等绝世倾城的女子。” You!” desolate Xiamo returned to the reason at this time finally, was clear that he said right, but in the face somewhat cannot hang after all. “你!”萧霞抹此时终于回归了理智,也清楚他说得对,可是面子上终归是有些挂不住。 Yelu Yixin has not managed him , to continue saying: This woman is doomed, only then imperiality has the qualifications to have.” 耶律乙辛没管他,继续说道:“这个女人注定只有帝王之尊才有资格拥有。” You lead her to do!” desolate red clouds wipes said angrily. “那你带她来干什么!”萧霞抹恼怒地说道。 Yelu Yixin replied: Emperor's son-in-law just did not say, since the dirt reported that Yelu Qi will involve in the plotting a rebellion case, but there is her has you not only not to have any danger, will also receive the generous recompense of emperor.” 耶律乙辛答道:“驸马刚刚不是说自污举报耶律齐会牵扯进谋反案中么,可是有她的存在你不仅不会有任何危险,还会受到皇上的重赏。” What do you mean?” desolate Xiamo knits the brows. “什么意思?”萧霞抹皱眉不已。 Yelu Yixin is transferring pacing side that female, at the same time said: So long as you comply to cooperate with me, starting from that moment she will become your younger sister, the related procedure you do not need to worry when the time comes after I will do flawlessly, you reported that in the name of apologizing the younger sister of this causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman gives to the emperor, when the time comes the emperor emperor's countenance is happy surely, not only will not kill you, instead will reward your loyalty, you became the country brother-in-law, to make a rapid career advance to be just round the corner?” 耶律乙辛在那女子身边转着踱步,一边说道:“只要你答应与我合作,从那一刻开始她就会成为你的妹妹,相关手续你不用担心,我会做得天衣无缝,到时候你举报过后,以谢罪的名义将这位倾国倾城的妹妹献给皇上,到时候皇上必定龙颜大悦,不仅不会杀你,反而会奖励你的忠心,你成了国舅爷,岂不是飞黄腾达指日可待?” This......” desolate red clouds wipes the look none twinkle, obviously some meanings have moved. “这……”萧霞抹眼神精光闪烁,显然已经有些意动了。 Song Qingshu of out of the window could not bear well one: He is not the son-in-law of emperor, in that case became the brother-in-law of emperor, this operation?” 窗外的宋青书忍不住咦了一声:“他不是皇帝的女婿么,那样一来又成了皇帝的舅子,还有这种操作?” Zhao Min explained low voice: On prairie these dynasties have not cared in this aspect your Han people dynasties, even after our Mongolia previous generation Great Khan/sweat passed away, the woman's in harem and others besides the birth mother, will be inherited by next generation Great Khan/sweat, there was nothing wrong.” 赵敏小声解释道:“草原上这些王朝在这方面没你们汉人王朝那么在意,甚至在我们蒙古上一代大汗过世后,后宫中的女人除了生母等少数几人之外,都会由下一代大汗继承,并没有什么不妥。” The Song Qingshu complexion is strange, long time from now on will suppress four characters: Expensive circle is really chaotic.” 宋青书面色古怪,良久过后才憋出了四个字:“贵圈真乱。” Zhao Min was stopped up unable to speak by his a few words, snort/hum the face have not no longer managed him, Song Qingshu smiles to continue toward to look. 赵敏被他一句话堵得说不出话来,哼了一声别过脸去不再理他,宋青书笑了笑继续往里看去。 During Song Qingshu notices this, that female expression not happy, in the foreheads as if always has the anxiety of being able to melt, a whole person grief appearance. 宋青书注意到这期间那女子表情并没有多高兴,眉宇间仿佛总有化不开的愁苦,整个人一副哀莫大于心死的样子。 It seems like she is forced, does not know that she does name?” Song Qingshu deliberately considered secretly. “看来她是被迫的,也不知道她叫什么名字?”宋青书暗暗寻思。 As if and he thinks that went one piece, desolate Xiamo raised the head to ask: Who this woman is, I cannot make a woman of unknown origin become the younger sister, so as to avoid beyond redemption will not have been known by her pit in the future what's the matter.” 仿佛是和他想到一块去了,萧霞抹抬起头来问道:“这女人到底是谁,我总不能让一个来历不明的女人当妹妹,免得将来被她坑得万劫不复还不知道是怎么回事。” Told the emperor's son-in-law also to have nothing at the worst, this female named Shen Bijun, was would-be crown prince imperial concubine of Southern Song Dynasty, therefore she was doomed is the woman of emperor, the emperor's son-in-law then ought to believe.” The Yelu Yixin light words actually as if startling thunderclap, shakes Song Qingshu of out of the window unable to speak together. “告诉驸马也没什么大不了的,此女名为沈璧君,本是南宋的准太子妃,所以说她注定是属于帝王的女人,驸马这下总该信了吧。”耶律乙辛平平淡淡的话却仿佛一道惊雷,震得窗外的宋青书说不出话来。 Originally she is Shen Bijun!” Thought of the Southern Song Dynasty that side, because crown prince imperial concubine was robbed a case to make noisily, the people of imperial city division turned the sod three chi (0.33 m) not to look, has not thought that arrived at Liao Empire outside thousand li (500 km), thinks that certain plots in original works, Song Qingshu thought that seemed like this Xiao Shiyilang tribulations mostly. “原来她就是沈璧君!”想到南宋那边因为太子妃被劫一案闹得沸沸扬扬,皇城司的人可谓是挖地三尺也没找出来,没想到来到了千里之外的辽国,想到原著中的某些剧情,宋青书心想看来多半是这位萧十一郎劫来的。 Everyone said that the young person was since old times star crossed, now looks like indeed so, the Shen Bijun beautiful appearance not only has not so brought to her luck instead brought the endless disaster. 人人都说自古红颜多薄命,如今看来的确如此,沈璧君如此美貌不仅没给她带来幸运反而带来了无尽的灾祸。 Even if her were rescued successfully, even during this pure, environment that but was in vogue by the Southern Song Dynasty Confucianism, she was still doomed not to regard crown prince imperial concubine, the imperial family will not permit such a woman passing through the gate that had the stain. What is more fearful is the present Shen has exterminated an entire family, even if she went back not to have the place to stick an awl. 就算她被成功救了回去,就算这期间冰清玉洁,可是以南宋礼教盛行的环境,她也注定当不成太子妃了,皇室不会允许这么一个有污点的女人进门。更可怕的是如今沈家已经被灭门,她就算回去了也无立锥之地。 Looks in the room that delicate female, Song Qingshu raises an endless tender sentiment , there is nothing to do her beautiful appearance, but sighs with emotion she miserable incomparable circumstances. 看着屋中那个柔弱的女子,宋青书不禁升起一股无尽的怜惜之情,无关她的美貌,只是感慨她凄凉无比的境遇。 However in his heart is also very curious, since this woman is Shen Bijun, then Yelu Yixin will be assured she according to his request management, did not fear when the time comes she will reveal the truth before the emperor? 不过他心中同样好奇无比,既然这个女人是沈璧君,那么耶律乙辛怎么笃定她会按照他的要求办事呢,不怕到时候她在皇帝面前揭穿真相么? This thought comes together, in his heart is getting more and more curious, what a pity conceived several possibilities by the 11 denials, completely where does not understand the Yelu Yixin energy. 这个念头一起来,他心中越来越好奇,可惜设想了数种可能性都被自己一一否定,完全不明白耶律乙辛底气何在。 At this time in the room Yelu Yixin opened the mouth again: Civilian common people, although thought that the emperor's son-in-law is the huge glory, but yourself are in should know that what only emperor's son-in-law can take to you? However so long as you and I cooperate, will take care of you to make a rapid career advance from now on, becomes existence that hundred officers will look, how should choose, you should be clear.” 这时屋中耶律乙辛再次开口了:“平民老百姓虽然觉得驸马是天大的荣耀,但你自己身在其中应该知道区区一个驸马能带给你什么?不过只要你与我合作,保管你从今往后飞黄腾达,成为百官仰望的存在,该如何选择,想必你应该清楚。” desolate red clouds wipes hehe says with a smile: If I do not cooperate, you will accuse me and person illicit intercourse.” 萧霞抹嘿嘿笑道:“如果我不合作,想必你就会告发我与人私通吧。” Yelu Yixin shows a faint smile: Emperor's son-in-law is a smart person, why some words select pass.” 耶律乙辛微微一笑:“驸马是聪明人,有些话何必点得太透。” desolate red clouds wipes the complexion number changes, obviously after intense struggling, the country brother-in-law, Yelu Yixin power and influence seduction is getting bigger and bigger finally: Good, I promise you!” 萧霞抹脸色数变,显然经过激烈的挣扎,最终国舅爷、耶律乙辛的权势诱惑越来越大:“好,我答应你!” Yelu Yixin laughs: Hopes that we cooperate happily.” 耶律乙辛哈哈大笑:“希望我们合作愉快。” both sides also talked a while, Yelu Yixin set out to say goodbye: In the future time mature time I will relate your, now does not disturb the evening of emperor's son-in-law.” 双方又交谈了一会儿,耶律乙辛起身告辞道:“将来时机成熟的时候我会联系你的,现在就不打扰驸马的良宵了。” desolate Xiamo quickly sets out to see off, the look actually cannot help but glances toward Shen Bijun on, thought that had just seen so the female of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, which my could also be interested to that common fat vulgar powder? 萧霞抹急忙起身相送,眼神却不由自主往沈璧君身上瞟,心想刚见过了这般倾国倾城的女子,我哪还对那庸脂俗粉提得起兴趣? After Yelu Yixin brings Xiao Shiyilang, Shen Bijun are departing, Song Qingshu to Zhao Min said: Or do I seize the chance to test desolate Xiamo am Murong Jingyue?” 耶律乙辛带着萧十一郎沈璧君离去之后,宋青书赵敏说道:“要不我趁机去试探一下萧霞抹是不是慕容景岳?” Zhao Min prevented him, instead drew him to leave that courtyard. 赵敏阻止了他,反而拉着他离开了那院子。 Did not need to try, he definitely was not Murong Jingyue.” When arrives at a retreat, Zhao Min said lightly. “不用试了,他肯定不是慕容景岳。”待来到一处僻静处,赵敏淡淡地说道。 Song Qingshu nods: Indeed does not look like.” Must know that a Murong Jingyue experienced and careful person, cannot feel the least bit on desolate red clouds rub-down bath completely his makings. 宋青书点点头:“的确不太像。”要知道慕容景岳多老谋深算的一个人,在萧霞抹身上完全感觉不到半点他的气质。 You and are Yelu Qi friends?” Zhao Min asked suddenly. “你和耶律齐是不是朋友?”赵敏忽然问道。 Song Qingshu said scruple: „It is not the long-standing and deep-rooted friend, but has had several social dealings, can be the friend reluctantly.” 宋青书迟疑道:“算不上深交,但打过几次交道,勉强算得上朋友吧。” Zhao Min purses the lips to say with a smile: That is good, otherwise also wants you make a difficult choice between the friendship and the world friend.” 赵敏抿嘴笑道:“那就好,不然还要你在朋友之谊和天下之间做个艰难的选择呢。” Song Qingshu forced smile again and again, if trades to make Xiao Feng, perhaps he will hesitate, but Yelu Qi, he is not a sage, the not possible each people to look. 宋青书苦笑连连,若是换作萧峰,他也许会犹豫一下,但耶律齐的话,他不是圣人,不可能每个人都照顾到。 Looked at your look a moment ago, as if you planned that rescues Shen Bijun?” Zhao Min also asked suddenly. “刚才看你眼神,似乎你打算去救沈璧君?”赵敏忽然又问道。 „,” Song Qingshu hesitant, finally nods, good, she was really pitiful, several are finding her person let alone is my good friend.” “呃,”宋青书犹豫了一下,最终还是点了点头,“不错,她实在是太可怜了,更何况有几个正在找她的人是我的好朋友。” Zhao Min cut one: In the final analysis is also not because others are attractive, did the heart that your playboy shows tender affection violate?” 赵敏切了一声:“说到底还不是因为人家漂亮,你这个花花公子怜香惜玉的心又犯了?” Song Qingshu sincere said: Of course not , because Shen exterminated an entire family a short time ago, before Sir Shen just before the end, entrusts me to save her, without seeing, saw how could to rescue?” 宋青书正色说道:“当然不是,是因为前不久沈家被灭门,沈老太爷临终前嘱托我救她,若是没看到也就罢了,看到了又岂能不救?” Illuminates this that you said that that cannot save her.” The Zhao Min sinking sound replied. “照你说的这样,那就更不能救她了。”赵敏沉声答道。
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