FSM :: Volume #15

#1499: Colorful startled four( fourth)

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Song Qingshu and Zhao Min arrive at the city south small courtyard, the there person is waiting for them early. 宋青书赵敏一路来到城南一处小院子,那里早有一人在等着他们。 Determined that desolate Xiamo did enter here?” Zhao Min asked lightly, at this moment Princess Shaomin elegant demeanor completely obviously without doubt. “确定萧霞抹进了这里么?”赵敏淡淡地问道,这一刻绍敏郡主的风采尽显无疑。 That person replied: Subordinate tracked him to come here, absolutely was he.” 那人答道:“属下一路跟踪他来到了这里,绝对是他。” How long did he go in?” Zhao Min asked. “他进去多久了?”赵敏问道。 „The time of approximately burning a joss stick.” That person returns said. “大约一炷香的时间。”那人回道。 Zhao Min beckons with the hand: You first go back, here gives us is.” 赵敏摆了摆手:“你先回去吧,这里交给我们就是。” That person looks the color of hesitation: Princess, desolate red clouds wipes martial arts is very high, you......” 那人面露迟疑之色:“郡主,萧霞抹武功还挺高的,您一个人……” Finger of Zhao Min on toward Song Qingshu: Has him.” Song Qingshu coordinates to result in chest one, seems has the spirit especially. 赵敏宋青书身上一指:“有他呢。”宋青书配合得胸膛一挺,显得格外有精神。 That person looked at Song Qingshu one, although does not know him, seeming like the playboy young master is ordinary, but he has not said anything, but believes the judgment of master, retreats silently. 那人看了宋青书一眼,虽然不认识他,看起来好像个纨绔公子一般,但他并没有说什么,而是相信主人的判断,默默地退走。 You governing under also very strict.” Song Qingshu says with emotion looking pensive. “你御下还挺严的嘛。”宋青书若有所思地感慨道。 They only need to obey my order strictly then.” Zhao Min returned to one lightly, then greeted him to walk toward the courtyard. “他们只需要严格服从我的命令即可。”赵敏淡淡回了一句,然后招呼他往院子里走去。 Song Qingshu pursued to remind: Has the ambush carefully.” 宋青书追了上去提醒道:“小心有埋伏。” Zhao Min stops the footsteps, agrees with his judgment: You lead me to go.” She has seen Song Qingshu movement art, knows that has him to bring, inside dangerous spot could not discover two people even. 赵敏停下脚步,同意他的判断:“你带我进去。”她见过宋青书轻功,知道有他带着,里面就算龙潭虎穴也发现不了两人。 Song Qingshu nods, is hugging her soft waist, then dived quietly the small courtyard. Among two people embraces is not the new matter, a more intimate action has had, by hugging two people not to have detected that in the same place has what improper. 宋青书点点头,搂着她柔软的腰肢,悄无声息地便潜进了小院子。两人之间搂搂抱抱也不是什么新鲜的事,更亲密的举动都有过,是以抱在一起两人都没察觉出有什么不妥。 However enters courtyard Song Qingshu to discover oneself considered thoroughly, here has no ambush, even the guards do not have, in entire courtyard dark, the only room transmits the light faintly. 不过一进院子宋青书就发现自己多虑了,这里并没有什么埋伏,甚至连侍卫都没有,整个院子里黑灯瞎火的,唯独一间屋子隐隐传来灯光。 Song Qingshu brought Zhao Min to fly by that room, poked a hole to look on the window. 宋青书带着赵敏飞到了那间屋子旁,在窗户上戳了个洞望了进去。 ~ in broadcasts a woman beautiful and bewitching voice of suddenly, frightens Song Qingshu to shake, has almost not hit on the window, nearby Zhao Min also had a scare: What sound?” “啊~”里面忽然传来一个女人妖冶的声音,吓得宋青书手一抖,差点没撞在窗户上,一旁的赵敏也被吓了一跳:“什么声音?” In the Song Qingshu heart had guessed faintly, but needs to confirm, made a keeping silent movement to Zhao Min, then the gathering window looked. 宋青书心中隐隐有所猜测,不过还是需要确认一下,对赵敏做了一个噤声的动作,然后凑到窗口望了进去。 Sees only inside light pale yellow, bed- on was turned red- The wave, faintly visible tall and strong man positive pressure makes some is not possible on a female the matter of description, female fair pair of- The leg chaotic tread, moves obviously extremely- The sentiment, that could not help send a moment ago. 只见里面灯光昏黄,床-上被翻红--浪,隐隐可见一个魁梧的男人正压在一个女子身上做一些不可描述之事,那女子白皙的双--腿乱蹬,显然也极为动--情,刚才那声就是情不自禁发出来的。 Actually did inside have what?” Noticing the Song Qingshu facial expression is getting more and more strange, the corners of the mouth also appear a pondering happy expression, Zhao Min quickly ask. “里面究竟发生了什么?”注意到宋青书神情越来越古怪,嘴角还浮现出一丝玩味的笑意,赵敏急忙问道。 It‘s nothing.” Song Qingshu does not know how should explain, in the heart actually cannot help but appraises, un, although cannot see the appearance of that woman, but her skin is very white. “没什么。”宋青书也不知道该如何解释,心中却是不由自主评价起来,嗯,虽然看不到那女人的样貌,但她的皮肤还挺白的。 Zhao Min cannot repress in the heart curious, tries to shove open he himself to look, but Song Qingshu is entirely still: Do not look, will regret.” 赵敏按捺不住心中好奇,试图推开他自己去看,不过宋青书纹丝不动:“你还是别看了,会后悔的。” Sells what climax.” Song Qingshu more so said, Zhao Min is also more curious, seeing to push to be motionless he to open a hole on the window simply, lowered the head to collect. “到底卖什么关子。”宋青书越这般说,赵敏也就越好奇,见推不动他索性自己在窗户上重新开了个洞,低着头凑了上去。 „Ah!” Zhao Min calls out in alarm one, seemed burnt to shrink generally instantaneously, a face has shamed red. “啊!”赵敏惊呼一声,仿佛被烫到了一般瞬间缩了回来,一张脸早已羞得通红。 Song Qingshu both hands one: I said made you not look, who made you not believe me.” 宋青书双手一摊:“我都说了让你别看了,谁让你不信我。” Zhao Min was angry immediately, the powder fist greeted toward him on directly: Your bastard, digging a pit makes me select intentionally, looks at me to lose face intentionally.” 赵敏顿时恼了,粉拳直接往他身上招呼:“你个混蛋,故意挖坑让我挑,故意看我出丑。” I make you not look obviously,” on the Song Qingshu face the smile concentrates suddenly, held down instantaneously the hand of Zhao Min, arrives at her is arriving around shadow place. “我明明让你不看了嘛,”宋青书脸上笑容忽然一凝,瞬间按住了赵敏的手,将她抵着来到旁边的阴影处。 In Zhao Min heart one startled, the first response thinks that Song Qingshu appreciated inside picture to cause the vitality surges, the beast- The nature sends to want greatly to the matter of oneself line of that dirty/small error, but she awakens quickly, the opposite party should not be such person. 赵敏心中一惊,第一反应以为宋青书欣赏了里面的画面导致气血翻腾,兽--性大发想对自己行那龌蹉之事,不过她很快醒悟过来,对方应该不是这样的人。 Really Song Qingshu gathers near her ear to say low voice: Keeps silent, some people came.” 果然宋青书凑到她耳边小声说道:“噤声,有人过来了。” Zhao Min also detected that at this time some people entered the courtyard, quickly closes the lip, for fear that made the sound to alarm the opposite party, but under such peaceful environment the body in keen compared with the ordinary day- feeling several times, even can feel clearly the breath of Song Qingshu spurted above her flesh, the cheek rubbed red then. 赵敏这时也察觉到有人走进了院子,急忙闭上嘴唇,生怕发出声音惊动了对方,不过这么安静的环境下身体要比平日里敏-感数倍,甚至能清楚感觉到宋青书的呼吸喷在她的肌肤之上,脸蛋儿蹭蹭蹭便红了起来。 In order to shift the attention she quickly looks in the front gate direction, saw only a middle-aged man of pair of eyes sinister and vicious to walk, side also whole face reckless dregs sloven guy, but the whole person looked has an open-minded natural feeling. 为了转移注意力她急忙往院门方向望去,只见一个双眼阴鸷的中年男人走了进来,旁边还有一个满脸胡渣不修边幅的大汉,不过整个人看上去却有一种豁达的潇洒之感。 Who is this person?” Song Qingshu and Zhao Min had the similar suspicion as if by prior agreement, the middle-aged man of that sinister and vicious they recognized actually, Yelyu who B hard before discussed. “这人到底是谁?”宋青书赵敏不约而同产生了同样的怀疑,那个阴鸷的中年男人他们倒是认出来了,正是之前议论的耶律乙辛。 In order to avoid being discovered by them, Song Qingshu led Zhao Min to arrive at one side of room behind, this loosened the hand of Zhao Min, the Zhao Min complexion was tender and beautiful, faint smile white his eyes: Originally the merry clean Song eldest son seized the chance to take girl's advantages with these methods.” 为了避免被他们发现,宋青书领着赵敏来到了房间后面一侧,这才松开了赵敏的手,赵敏面色娇艳,似笑非笑地白了他一眼:“原来风流倜傥的宋大公子就是用这些手段来趁机占人家女孩子的便宜啊。” Song Qingshu has not actually revealed the embarrassed color slightly, instead returns: Both of us hug have hugged, kisses/intimate has also kissed, but also uses is holding your hand to profit?” 宋青书却丝毫没露窘迫之色,反而回到:“我俩抱都抱过,亲也亲过,还用的着拉你的手占便宜么?” The Zhao Min hears word willow eyebrows want vertically, Song Qingshu quickly draws her to arrive at the window: They went.” 赵敏闻言柳眉欲竖,宋青书急忙拉着她来到窗边:“他们进去了。” In the heart is in the upper hand eventually curiously, Zhao Min stared his one eyes, immediately also lay in the window looked. 终究还是心中好奇占了上风,赵敏瞪了他一眼,随即也趴在窗边看了起来。 The gate was trampled, bed- on two people obviously received frightening, desolate Xiamo pulls the quilt to cover on that woman, oneself set out while is a waistband, looked at Zhao Min to spit one, hurried do not go excessively. 门被人一脚踹开,床-上两人明显受到了惊吓,萧霞抹一把扯过被子盖在那女人身上,自己则一边起身一边系腰带,看得赵敏啐了一口,急忙别过头去。 Which tortoise lamb......” desolate Xiamo scolded half, suddenly recognized Yelyu of coming in B hard, the latter half words swallowed forcefully, although he was an emperor's son-in-law, but Yelyu Yixin power and influence was dreadful, where he dares to offend casually. “哪个王八羔子……”萧霞抹骂道一半,忽然认出了进来的耶律乙辛,后半截话硬生生吞了进去,他虽然身为驸马,但耶律乙辛权势滔天,他哪敢随便得罪。 Chieftan is actually free and unrestrained.” Yelyu Yixin looked on the bed that female eyes, false smile surface-to-surface said. “驸马爷倒是逍遥自在啊。”耶律乙辛看了床上那女子一眼,皮笑肉不笑地地说道。 He finishes speaking, side that guy figure flashed rushed to the bedside, the female fell on the bed accordingly, at this time that guy returned same place, does not seem to moved from beginning to end is the same. 他话音刚落,身边那个大汉身形一闪冲到了床边,那女子应声倒在床上,此时那大汉回到原地,仿佛从头到尾没有动过一样。 Good quick movement.” Song Qingshu acclaimed secretly, although could not compare and Dongfang Muxue, however in Jianghu (rivers and lakes) was also great movement art. “好快的身法。”宋青书暗暗赞叹,虽然比不上自己和东方暮雪,但是在江湖中也是一等一的轻功了。 Saw that the woman falls on the bed the life and death does not know, desolate Xiamo is startled and anger: „Does desolate Toichiro, you do!” 看到女人倒在床上生死不知,萧霞抹又惊又怒:“萧十一郎,你干什么!” desolate Toichiro?” Hears his words, outside two people simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform one startled, shy Zhao Min also looked toward the room in continually again. “萧十一郎?”听到他的话,外面两人齐齐一惊,连害羞的赵敏也重新往屋中望了进来。 Originally he is desolate Toichiro.” Looks at this sloven guy, the Song Qingshu secret nod, natural uninhibited air/Qi, pours also very conforms to desolate Toichiro's person to suppose. “原来他就是萧十一郎。”看着这个不修边幅的大汉,宋青书暗暗点头,一身潇洒不羁之气,倒也挺符合萧十一郎的人设。 Feels relieved her to be all right, was only the lethargic sleep in the past.” desolate Toichiro shrugs, the corners of the mouth are hanging a happy expression of evil charm. “放心她没事,只是昏睡过去而已。”萧十一郎耸了耸肩,嘴角挂着一丝邪魅的笑意。 Wei king what is this?” Although dreaded that Yelyu Yixin, in desolate Xiamo heart was still angry, coldly looks to nearby Yelyu B hard. “魏王这是什么意思?”虽然忌惮耶律乙辛,萧霞抹心中依然愤怒,冷冷地看向了一旁的耶律乙辛。 „No interesting, is mainly the following words does not facilitate to make her hear,” Yelyu B Sinton said with a smile, you also know that this is good for her.” “没什么意思,主要是接下来的话不方便让她听见,”耶律乙辛顿了顿笑道,“你也知道这是为了她好。” desolate Xiamo knows what the opposite party said is the truth, every so often knows many more eliminates a potential informant easily. 萧霞抹知道对方说的是实情,很多时候知道得越多越容易被灭口。 What Wei does king actually want to say?” desolate Xiamo knits the brows to say. “魏王到底想说什么?”萧霞抹皱眉道。 Yelyu Yixin urgently the reply, some be irrelevant has not instead been recounting past events: „Does emperor's son-in-law know how in the past the Lanling county king desolate permanent virtue did die?” 耶律乙辛没有急着回答,反而有些不着边际地述说起了一件往事:“驸马知不知道当年兰陵郡王萧恒德是怎么死的?” desolate Xiamo does not understand his meaning, but replied: „It is not because Yue princess died of illness, he thinks of the wife to become the illness/quick, shortly after also died?” 萧霞抹不明白他的意思,不过还是答道:“不是因为越国公主病逝,他思妻成疾,没多久也死了么?” That deceives the bystander,” Yelyu B hard laughs at one, „the past Lanling county king and palace maid virtue released private- Passed, harms wife Yue princess worried and indignant and dies. desolate Empress Dowager is angry, the secret forces suicide, because is related to the imperial face countenance, therefore declared to the outside he is because misses the wife to become the illness/quick dead.” “那只是骗骗外人的,”耶律乙辛嗤笑一声,“当年兰陵郡王与宫女贤释私--通,害得妻子越国公主忧愤而死。萧太后大怒,秘密赐死,因为事关皇家颜面,所以对外宣称他是因为思念妻子成疾死的。” desolate red clouds wipes slightly the look changes: You and I said that these to do what?” 萧霞抹微微色变:“你和我说这些干什么?” Yelyu Yixin sighs: Some people will not learn the historical lesson, the emperor's son-in-law present situation and the Lanling county kings resembled initially.” He is saying while glanced on the bed female eyes, „won't emperor's son-in-law tell me this woman is a princess?” 耶律乙辛叹了一口气:“有些人就是不会吸取历史教训,驸马现在的处境和当初兰陵郡王何等相像。”他一边说着一边瞟了床上女子一眼,“驸马不会告诉我这个女人是公主吧?” desolate Xiamo snort/hum: Asked something already known.” 萧霞抹哼了一声:“明知故问。” Yelyu Yixin continues saying: In the past desolate Hengde expensive/noble was the Lanling county king, desolate Empress Dowager said that forced suicide forced suicide, now your excellency is only superintendent of the reserve horses, you thought that Empress Dowager can be forgiving?” 耶律乙辛继续说道:“当年萧恒德贵为兰陵郡王,萧太后说赐死就赐死了,如今阁下不过是区区一个驸马都尉,你觉得太后会不会留情呢?” desolate red clouds wipes the complexion big change: „Are you threatening me?” 萧霞抹脸色大变:“你在威胁我?” „It is not the threat, but gives you to analyze the fact.” Yelyu Yixin said with a smile lightly. “不是威胁,只是给你分析事实而已。”耶律乙辛淡淡笑道。 desolate Xiamo said: You actually think that I to do what!” He is not silly, knows that Yelyu B Hinte intent runs to come to here, but did not report, definitely is seizes the chance to coerce itself to work to him. 萧霞抹说:“你到底想我干什么!”他并不傻,知道耶律乙辛特意跑来这里而不去举报,肯定是趁机要挟自己给他做事情。 Emperor's son-in-law is really a smart person.” Yelyu Yixin said with a smile, emperor's son-in-law had heard recently a short time ago guard grand guardian Yelyu Chala reported various temporary palaces to deploy the Yelu Qi intention to support the King of Jin plotting a rebellion incident.” “驸马果然是聪明人。”耶律乙辛笑道,“驸马最近想必听说过前不久护卫太保耶律查剌检举诸行宫都部署耶律齐意图拥立晋王谋反一事吧。” In Song Qingshu heart one startled, first surprised can hold the post of such important position in Yelu Qi young, secondly surprised besets with a crisis that plots a rebellion in him, must know that regarding the emperor of those who lived in ages, plotting a rebellion is they most dreaded the person, involves does not die must delaminate the skin. 宋青书心中一惊,一来惊讶于耶律齐年纪轻轻就能担任这么重要的职位,二来惊讶于他陷入谋反的危机,要知道对于历朝历代的皇帝来说,谋反都是他们最忌惮的,牵扯进来的人不死也要脱层皮。 „It is not because didn't have the evidence to let it go?” desolate Xiamo snort/hum, discerning people could see this is falsely accusing, in the King of Jin swaddling clothes, was Yelu Qi still insane supported him insanely?” “不是因为没有证据不了了之了么?”萧霞抹哼了一声,“明眼人都看得出这是诬告,晋王尚自襁褓之中,耶律齐失心疯了去拥立他?” Sometimes is unjust , the truth is not important,” in Yelyu B hard Yan none twinkle, a poisonous snake that selects the person to bite seems to be ordinary, „, if the emperor's son-in-law acts from the dirt is his same party members, reports him to plot a rebellion, didn't have the evidence? Before having, that seed that lays down, the emperor could not accommodate him absolutely.” “有时候冤不冤枉、事情真相如何并没有那么重要,”耶律乙辛眼中精光闪烁,仿佛一条择人而噬的毒蛇一般,“如果驸马出面自污是他的同党,检举他谋反,不就有证据了么?有了之前埋下的那颗种子,皇帝绝对容不下他了。” desolate Xiamo gets angry instead smiles extremely: Was you insane you, when I was silly, with other women private- Passes me dead at the worst, involves in the plotting a rebellion case, this is the big crime that executes the nine generations.” 萧霞抹怒极反笑:“是你疯了还是你当我傻,与其他女人私--通我大不了一死,牵扯到谋反案中,这可是诛九族的大罪。” Your foresight saw this person to say again.” Yelyu Yixin patted clapping, the shutter was opened from outside very much, a woman walked slowly, in this suddenly, in room all people not only stopped the movement, almost even breathes has stopped, in their life has not always seen the so beautiful person. “你先见见这个人再说。”耶律乙辛拍了拍手,很快门被从外面打开,一个女人缓缓走了进来,在这一刹那间,房中所有的人不但都停止了动作,几乎连呼吸都已停顿,他们这一生中从来也未曾见到过如此美丽的人。 --- --- Thank hitting that the Bingo big ice fruit, the White Sea wave and Wei silent, always deceive me, abcppp, the recollection Northern Hemisphere, the imaginary war casualty dream sentiment and god yyh, o546213, the bored fat master, vast LoV, xingyuecj and book friend 37708600, king life and other warm-hearted book friends to enjoy with the monthly ticket supports 感谢Bingo大冰果、白海浪、魏默、老骗我、abcppp、回忆的北半球、幻殇梦情、神yyh、o546213、无聊的胖爷、洋洋LoV、xingyuecj、书友37708600、王一生啊等热心书友的打赏与月票支持
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