FSM :: Volume #16

#1502: Blood-color god of death( third)

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In the evening two people collect the civil and military hundred officers on Capital City to analyze one piece, only discussed pitifully late at night, was no harvest, because finally was too sleepy, two people fell asleep in the study room unknowingly. 当晚两人又凑在一块将上京城内的文武百官分析了一遍,只可惜讨论到后半夜,还是没什么收获,最后因为太困了,两人不知不觉就在书房睡着了。 2nd day Zhao Min awakes early, first is one startled, when saw that lies in Song Qingshu that in the opposite table sleeps, the corners of the mouth appears gradually a light happy expression. 第二日赵敏醒得更早,先是一惊,待看到趴在对面桌上睡觉的宋青书,嘴角渐渐浮现一丝淡淡的笑意。 When is soundless to run to comb the hair and wash the face, Zhao Min notices under people to look at her strange look, somewhat is first puzzled, but responded quickly, originally these servants are shocked in her rest a room with a man. 蹑手蹑脚跑出去梳洗一番,赵敏注意到下人们看她时那古怪的眼神,先还有些不解,不过很快反应了过来,原来这些下人是在震惊于她与一个男人睡一个房间。 Although two people do not have the body to contact in the room, but outside these people do not know that in their opinion, Zhao Min has rested with Song Qingshu obviously in the same place. 虽然两人在屋中并没有身体接触,但外面这些人不知道啊,在他们看来,赵敏显然已经和宋青书睡在一起了。 Zhao Min cheeks one red, in the eye flashes through a bashful anger, but such misunderstanding does not facilitate to explain, caught a servant to say what she last night and between Song Qingshu hasn't had? 赵敏脸颊一红,眼中闪过一丝羞怒,但这样的误会又不方便解释,难道逮着一个下人就说她昨晚和宋青书之间没发生什么吗? First others will definitely not believe that secondly she cannot throw this person. 一来人家肯定不会信,二来她也丢不起这个人。 Combs the hair and wash the face in a hurry, comes back to discover that instigator still in whistling rests greatly, Zhao Min filled with frustration/anger, walks to kick directly on his stool: Lazy pig, got out of bed!” 匆匆梳洗完毕,回来发现那个始作俑者还在呼呼大睡,赵敏气不打一处来,直接走过去一脚踢在他凳子上:“懒猪,起床了!” Song Qingshu awoke with a start instantaneously, if not his martial arts says erratically these will make him fall down: What situation?” 宋青书瞬间被吓醒,若非他武功好说不定这一下就会让他摔倒在地:“什么情况?” Saw his corners of the mouth sparkling water stain, a Zhao Min face shuts out the towel in the hand throws to him: Such big individual slept also mouth-wateringly, is really disgusting.” Said that this saying time her small face one red, originally she got up the time condition is also similar a moment ago. 看到他嘴角亮晶晶的水渍,赵敏一脸嫌弃地将手中毛巾扔给了他:“这么大个人了睡觉还流口水,真恶心。”说这话的时候她小脸不禁一红,原来刚才她起来的时候状况也差不多。 Song Qingshu smiles embarrasedly, dried the corners of the mouth with the towel: Can obtain the princess to take care of washing, does not know that is good fortune that several lifetime cultivate/repair.” Is speaking smells on the towel suddenly the light fragrance, the complexion strange say/way, „is so fragrant, will not be you will have used?” 宋青书讪讪一笑,拿毛巾擦干了嘴角:“能得到郡主服侍洗漱,也不知道是几辈子修来的福气。”正说话间忽然闻到毛巾上淡淡的香气,不禁面色古怪道,“这么香,不会是你用过的吧?” Zhao Min then realized oneself threw oneself thing to him a moment ago conveniently, shames secretly angry, but on the mouth is unwarrantable: How possibly is my, is Aunt Wu who in the courtyard cooks a meal.” 赵敏这才意识到自己刚才随手就将自己的东西扔给了他,暗暗羞恼可是嘴上却不能承认:“怎么可能是我的,是院子里煮饭的吴婶的。” „, Such being the case I brought to scratch the foot.” Song Qingshu said intentionally. “哦,既然如此那我拿来擦脚了。”宋青书故意说道。 You dare!” These words cause the Zhao Min willow eyebrows to be but actually vertical instantaneously, see the Song Qingshu faint smile the look, she understands in immediately oneself his sinister plot. “你敢!”这句话瞬间引得赵敏柳眉倒竖,看到宋青书似笑非笑的眼神,她立刻明白自己中了他的奸计。 Bastard ~ Zhao Min scolded one, actually oneself first could not bear smile, was disinclined to haggle over with you, washes the good food that went out to taste to go to the capital.” “混蛋~”赵敏骂了一声,却自己先忍不住笑了起来,“懒得跟你计较,洗漱完了出去尝尝上京的美食。” Quick two people then appear on city Zhongda Street, is tasting various culinary specialties of going to the capital, because pondered diligently last night for a long time had not thought of what clue, two people have not been raising the Murong Jingyue matter to feel disappointed now very much tacitly, considered is being on leave thoroughly. Two people have this relaxing opportunity rarely, therefore treasures especially. 很快两人便出现在城中大街上,尝着上京的各种特色美食,因为昨晚冥思苦想了那么久都没想到什么线索,两人如今很默契地没在提慕容景岳的事情扫兴,就当是在彻底休假了。两人难得有这种放松的机会,因此格外珍惜。 Pitifully only enjoyed not to have a while, the Zhao Min subordinate to run, looked at Song Qingshu one, that person hesitant over and over, experienced last night matter, they have tacitly approved this person are their Prince of Ruyang mansion uncles, thought that did not need to hide the truth from him mostly. Zhao Min usually governing under was extremely but strict, he is worried about to be handled by Zhao Min afterward, finally had not openly said that but gathers side Zhao Min to report low voice. 只可惜才享受了没一会儿,赵敏的手下就跑来,看了宋青书一眼,那人犹豫再三,经历了昨晚的事情,他们已经默认这个人是他们汝阳王府的姑爷,心想多半也不用瞒着他。可是赵敏素来御下极严,他又担心事后被赵敏处置,最后还是没有公开说而是凑到赵敏身边小声禀告起来。 What happened?” After that person walks, Song Qingshu asked at will, must listen secretly by his skill is actually not the difficult matter, but stemming from the respect, he has not intercepted opposite party's talk. “发生什么事情了?”当那人走后,宋青书随意地问道,以他的功力要偷听其实也不是难事,不过出于尊重,他并没有窃听对方的谈话。 „The mission of Southern Song Dynasty went to outside the city in quickly 30 li (0.5 km) small town, originally today can enter goes to the capital, but that side Southern Song Dynasty took seriously the auspicious day auspicious time probably relatively, planned a recuperation evening outside the city, early tomorrow morning entered a city again.” Zhao Min replied. “南宋的使团快到城外三十里的小镇上了,本来今天就能进上京的,不过南宋那边好像比较重视良辰吉时,打算在城外休整一晚,明天一早再进城。”赵敏答道。 Southern Song Dynasty mission......” the Song Qingshu look congealed, knows that this was to discuss the north and south dispatches troops to attack from both sides Jin Empire. “南宋使团……”宋青书眼神一凝,知道这是为了商议南北出兵夹攻金国而来。 Wanted to destroy the peace talks today is the best opportunity, if after they entered a city, stared by all influence is adding on the protections of various Liao Empire armies again, wants to make what hands and feet difficulty to be possible again to enhance one time incessantly.” “想要破坏和谈今天是最好的机会了,如果等他们进了城后,被各方势力盯着再加上辽国各支军队的保护,再想做什么手脚难度可不止提高一倍。” The Song Qingshu complexion is strange: You were suggesting what I do make?” 宋青书面色古怪:“你这是在暗示我去做点什么么?” Zhao Min smiles: I may anything not say.” 赵敏嫣然一笑:“我可什么都没说。” Song Qingshu cannot bear in the heart finally curious, the vision brilliant looks at her to ask: Properly speaking the Song and Liao alliance dispatches troops to attack Jin Empire most to be favorable for your Mongolia, why do you want to help me like this?” 宋青书终于忍不住心中好奇,目光灼灼地看着她问道:“按理说宋辽联盟出兵攻击金国对你们蒙古最有利吧,你为什么要这样帮我?” Zhao Min complexion slightly red, puts aside the vision: You do not need to indulge in flights of fancy some not to have, I am not helping you, but is helping itself.” 赵敏脸色微红,移开目光:“你也不必胡思乱想一些有的没的,我并不是在帮你,而是在帮自己而已。” Helps itself?” The Song Qingshu doubts said. “帮自己?”宋青书疑惑道。 Not necessarily is advantageously favorable for the Prince of Ruyang mansion to Mongolia, these years I had detected faintly Great Khan/sweat starts to dread suspected my Royal Father, but also needs the Royal Father to help his exercise strategy Central Plain therefore concerned about the present not begin, but if the Central Plain most powerful enemy Jin Empire gave way, cast aside when no longer needed such matter to guard.” Zhao Min is saying while looks to the north, in the eye is completely the worried look. “对蒙古有利却未必对汝阳王府有利,这些年我已经隐隐察觉到大汗开始忌惮猜忌我父王了,只是碍于如今还需要父王帮他经略中原所以才没动手,可如果中原这边最强大的敌人金国垮掉了,鸟尽弓藏这样的事情不得不防。”赵敏一边说着一边望向北方,眼中尽是忧色。 It seems like the power struggle of Mongolia also reached the superheating stage...... Song Qingshu to deliberately consider secretly, on the mouth teased: It seems like you are plan to raise the invader dead weight.” 看来蒙古的权力斗争也到了白热化阶段了……宋青书暗暗寻思,嘴上却打趣道:“看来你们是打算养寇自重啊。” Let alone must be so coarse,” Zhao Min stared his one eyes ill-humoredly, self-preservation always needs the wisdom, words saying that you can't go?” “别说得那么难听,”赵敏没好气地瞪了他一眼,“自保总需要智慧的,话说你到底去不去啊?” Goes, naturally must go,” Song Qingshu was clear the goal that the trip goes north what is, naturally cannot let the Song and Liao that easy alliance, „do you accompany me to go?” “去,当然要去,”宋青书清楚自己此行北上的目的是什么,当然不能让宋辽那么容易联盟,“你陪不陪我去?” On Zhao Min face one red, has left the face: I accompany you to do, is not my matter.” 赵敏脸上一红,别过脸去:“我陪你干什么,又不是我的事。” This but actually is also,” Song Qingshu smiles bitterly, that we fan out in two groups, I prevented the Southern Song Dynasty mission, you continued to investigate the Murong Jingyue whereabouts.” “这倒也是,”宋青书苦笑起来,“那我们兵分两路吧,我去阻止南宋使团,你则继续调查慕容景岳的下落。” Good.” Zhao Min but actually also simple, no loathsome. “好。”赵敏倒也干脆,没有一点拖泥带水。 With Zhao Min respectively, Song Qingshu outside the small town toward the city hurries, 30 li (0.5 km) road not far, because of weather still early, he slowed down the footsteps intentionally, so as to avoid Qing Dynasty early others mission spirit best time. 赵敏分别过后,宋青书一路往城外小镇赶去,三十里的路并没有多远,因为天色尚早,他故意放慢了脚步,免得大清早正是人家使团精神最好的时候。 Roughly after one double-hour, he rushes to small town there finally, Liao Empire sent people to arrange Southern Song Dynasty mission to stay in the relay station, Song Qingshu secret nosing, roughly found out the mission scale. 约莫一个时辰后,他终于赶到小镇那里,辽国派人安排了南宋使团一行人在驿站住下,宋青书暗暗查探,大致摸清了使团规模。 The person who this Southern Song Dynasty sent were not many, only has 20 to come individual, obviously was smaller for the goal is discovered by the enemy easily. Besides the envoy, is the experts of one in a hundred cream of the crop, it seems like That side Song Ting also attached great importance to the security of mission very much. 这次南宋派来的人不多,只有二十来个人,显然是为了目标更小更不容易被敌人发现。除了正副使节之外,都是百里挑一的好手,看来宋廷那边也很重视使团的安全。 Does not know how can prevent the two countries alliances.” Song Qingshu hides on a tree, worried exceptionally, actually in his heart faint has the answer, but actually does not want to face. “不知道怎么才能阻止两国联盟啊。”宋青书躲在一棵树上,苦恼异常,其实他心中隐隐已经有了答案,可是却一直不想面对。 Must destroy the two countries alliances, the simplest means the mission team killing, a higher level approach can also bleed off 1-2 people intentionally, finally shifts blame the Khitan people to come up. 要破坏两国联盟,最干脆的办法就是将使团队伍给杀了,更高级点的做法还可以故意放走1-2,最后嫁祸到契丹人身上去。 When the time comes even if Song Ting relinquished difference, sent the mission, first can win several months time much. Moreover can kill, kills both countries to be suspicious of each other that was of great success. 到时候就算宋廷不计前嫌,重新派使团来,一来一回又可以多争取数月的时间。而且可以一直杀下去,杀到两国互相猜忌,那就大功告成了。 Song Qingshu not so cruelly is but good to kill the person, especially for in the Jin Empire benefit, massacred the Song people he always unable to pass that ridge. 可是宋青书并非这般残忍好杀之人,特别是为了自己在金国的利益,残杀宋人他心里总过不去那个坎。 If Zhao Min estimated here must ridicule my womanly compassion.” Song Qingshu forced smile again and again. “要是赵敏在这里估计又要讥讽我妇人之仁了。”宋青书苦笑连连。 Suddenly his facial expression moves, subconscious conceals in the grove , a masked man rushed from outside in a while suddenly, quiet surface-to-underwater entered the relay station. 忽然间他神情一动,下意识藏在了树丛更里面,没过多久一个蒙面人忽然从外面闯了进来,一路悄无声息地潜进了驿站。 „Is this person of form somewhat probably familiar?” Song Qingshu doubts, for a short time but where cannot remember has seen. “这人身影好像有些熟悉?”宋青书疑惑不已,可是一时半会又想不起在哪里见过。 When is having a headache, inside transmitted one intermittently to shout suddenly lowly, although stopped suddenly, but before Song Qingshu listened to that instantaneously is the person dies the pitiful yell sound. 正头疼之际,里面忽然传来了一阵阵低呼,虽然戛然而止但宋青书瞬间听出那是人死前的惨叫声。 This person......” in Song Qingshu heart one startled, must pass to have a look hesitant, the relay station Khitan warrior was also alarmed obviously, shouts out to take the weapon to catch up toward here. “这人……”宋青书心中一惊,正犹豫要不要过去看看,驿站这边的契丹武士显然也被惊动了,纷纷呼喝着拿着武器往这边赶过来。 Such little while time that black-clothed person from the room, in the hand the long sword a little bit blood had infiltrated slowly. 这么会儿功夫那黑衣人已经从屋中走了出来,手中长剑一滴滴血缓缓渗了出来。 The Song Qingshu look concentrates, he has recognized this sword, this is the Xue Yiren sword! 宋青书眼神一凝,他已经认出了这柄剑,这是薛衣人的剑! At this time that group of Khitan warriors discovered that the people of Southern Song Dynasty mission lay down in the pool of blood, the panic-stricken desire certainly, the mouth shouted out is overrunning toward the murderer. 此时那群契丹武士发现南宋使团的人纷纷躺在血泊之中,纷纷惊骇欲绝,嘴里呼喝着往凶手冲了过去。 In the air flashes through together the blood light, the Xue Yiren sword as if god of death sickle, is glittering the blood red and sad touching ray, is harvesting lives. 空气中闪过一道血光,薛衣人的剑仿佛死神的镰刀,闪烁着血红而凄美的光芒,收割着一个又一个生命。 The time of roughly burning a joss stick, in the relay station does not have the living person, Xue Yiren to put out a handkerchief to clean the bloodstain on sword, receives the sword to sheathe slowly, walks leisurely and carefree outward, as if anything had not happened a moment ago common. 约莫一炷香的功夫,驿站之中已经没了活人,薛衣人拿出一条手帕擦拭掉剑上的血迹,缓缓收剑入鞘,悠闲地往外走去,仿佛刚才什么事也没发生一般。 Song Qingshu noses to the room in quietly, discovers in the Song Empire mission a person sword to be killed violently, many guard blades just pulled out half, in the look also remain before death panic-stricken, does not seem to thought of the sword of opposite party to be able quickly to this situation. 宋青书悄悄到房间里去查探,发现宋国使团中人纷纷一剑毙命,很多侍卫刀刚刚拔到一半,眼神中还残留着生前的惊骇,仿佛没有想到对方的剑能快到这种地步。 Xue Yiren is the person of imperial city division, why can kill the mission of royal government?” In the Song Qingshu heart shocks, the development of this plot somewhat is really not as he expected. 薛衣人是皇城司的人,为什么要杀朝廷的使团?”宋青书心中震惊不已,这剧情的发展实在有些出乎他的意料。 More wants more to be the doubt, Song Qingshu decided that finally with has a look. Xue Yiren movement art is very good, this little while time has left small town several li (0.5 km), what owes is Song Qingshu movement art unparalleled, gradually catches up with him difficultly. 越想越是狐疑,宋青书最后决定跟上去看看。薛衣人轻功很好,这会儿功夫已经离开小镇数里了,也亏的是宋青书轻功无双,才难逐渐追上他。 Saw the Xue Yiren back, Song Qingshu then slowed down the speed, the Xue Yiren swordsmanship is the present age ranks among the best, really must fight unable to seize him for a short time, moreover he was tenacious, from his mouth cannot ask mostly anything, might as well followed secretly in him behind, which having a look at him to go behind to instigate is, coming to find out. 看到薛衣人背影了,宋青书便放缓了速度,薛衣人剑法已是当世数一数二,真要交手一时半会儿也擒不下他,而且他性格坚韧,多半从他嘴里问不出什么,还不如偷偷跟在他身后,看看他去哪儿背后主使是谁,来个一探究竟。 Xue Yiren holds an office in the imperial city division, not only martial arts strange tall, but also is good at tracing the technique of concealment, was lucky Song Qingshu cultivates for now has reached the stage of perfection, just now can follow in him behind, may forgive is so, the midway were also almost discovered by him 2-3 times. 薛衣人在皇城司任职,不仅武功奇高,而且擅长追踪隐匿之术,也多亏了宋青书如今修为已臻化境,方才能神不知鬼不觉地跟在他身后,可饶是如此,中途也有2-3次差点被他发现。 Well, unexpectedly entered on Capital City?” Sees the city gate of distant place, in the Song Qingshu heart even more is surprised uncertain, Xue Yiren and does the Liao Empire person collude?” “咦,居然进了上京城?”看到远处的城门,宋青书心中愈发惊疑不定,“难道薛衣人辽国人勾结?” However he denied this guess quickly, now stands in the Liao Empire angle does not have the truth to kill the Song Empire mission, but doesn't Xue Yiren always possibly work oneself to death for Jin Empire? 不过他很快否定了这种猜测,如今站在辽国的角度没道理杀宋国使团,可薛衣人总不可能是为金国卖命吧? Song Qingshu as the Jin Empire topmost level, naturally knows that this is impossible, therefore even more curious Xue Yiren motive. 宋青书身为金国最高层,自然知道这不可能,于是越发好奇薛衣人的动机了。 West follows Xue Yiren to enter a city, sees only east him to walk circles, quick arrived among quiet and remote residents. 一路跟着薛衣人进了城,只见他东走西绕,很快就来到了一处幽僻的民宅当中。 --- --- Thank defeats Prince horse, a book friend 53494589, autumn senior driver, Li, pdrewer and other supporting and monthly tickets of warm-hearted book friend 感谢败马王子、书友53494589、秋名老司机、将不过李、pdrewer等热心书友的捧场与月票
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