FSM :: Volume #14

#1392: Likes hating a space

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Ren Yingying felt oneself as if had a very long dream, in the dream obtain the hell, is everywhere pitch-dark, the cold wind is intermittent, although she as the Sun Moon Divine Cult Saint paternal aunt, the experienced courage is also much older than the common woman, is somewhat is still absolutely terrified, especially that piercing coldness, must give to freeze simply her thought. 任盈盈觉得自己仿佛做了一个很长的梦,梦里面自己已经来得到了地府,到处是黑漆漆的,阴风阵阵,她虽然身为日月神教圣姑,见多识广胆子也比一般女人大得多,可是依然有些毛骨悚然,特别是那种刺骨的寒冷,简直要将她的思维都给冻住。 Is loafing in this spacious cold and dreary world aimless, unknowingly the human tides with other little rascal, is not right, should call the ghost tide involuntary to do to the bridge approach, Meng woman carried one bowl of soup to make her drink. 漫无目的地在这个空旷凄冷的世界游荡着,不知不觉跟着其他小鬼的人潮哦,不对,应该叫鬼潮身不由己到了奈何桥边,孟婆端了一碗汤让她喝下去。 Ren Yingying is somewhat scruple, felt like oneself cannot eat this soup, as if has any important person to wait for itself , when she thinks carefully, actually cannot remember that person of name, even his appearance is also fuzzy, a whole body glittering person appeared overturned that bowl of Meng Po’s soup, then held her round trip to run, behind followed big group of ghosts to miss is pursuing two people. 任盈盈有些迟疑,隐隐觉得自己不能喝这个汤,似乎有着什么重要的人在等着自己,可当她仔细去想时,却根本想不起那人的名字,甚至连他的容貌也模模糊糊,一个浑身金光闪闪的人出现打翻了那碗孟婆汤,然后抱起她就往回跑,后面跟着一大堆鬼差在追二人。 In the instinct that the woman acts with constraint, the Ren Yingying subconsciousness wants to shove open to hug her man, but pushed several opposite party instead to hug her feels uncomfortable. 处于女人矜持的天性,任盈盈下意识想推开抱着她的男人,可是推了几次对方反而把她抱得愈发紧了。 Although in the heart was shy the extreme, was on that man warm, scattered after arriving at this world she in chill in the air from bone. 尽管心中害羞到了极点,可是那个男人身上暖洋洋的,驱散了从来到这个世界后她发自骨子里的寒意。 The innermost feelings somewhat did not give up this comfort suddenly, Ren Yingying push several not to succeed, finally the strength getting smaller, took advantage of opportunity tacitly approves the opposite party to hug. 内心忽然有些舍不得这份舒适,任盈盈推了几下没有成功,最后力气越来越小,顺势就默认了对方抱着自己了。 She has wanted to look at the appearance of that man, what a pity does not know that was her eye has problems the opposite party to cover in in the golden light's reason, his appearance continuously fuzzy did not look clearly. 她一直想看一下那个男人的样貌,可惜不知道是她眼睛出问题了还是对方笼罩在金光中的缘故,他的容貌一直模模糊糊的看不真切。 Who is he?” Languid in he cherished stretched a body, in the Ren Yingying heart was left over a huge question mark. “他到底是谁?”懒洋洋在他怀中舒展了一下身体,任盈盈心中剩下了一个巨大的问号。 Like this is raising head to look at the opposite party, Ren Yingying suddenly discovered joyfully oneself are clear at present a point, although is only a change, but enough has made her rouse, she tries hard to open the eye, the world is starting to be clear little, on that face the fuzzy mist also bit by bit diverges. 就这样仰着头看着对方,任盈盈忽然欣喜地发现自己眼前清晰了一点,虽然只是一点变化,但已经足够让她振奋,她努力睁大着眼睛,世界一点点开始清晰起来,那人脸上模糊的薄雾也一点一点散去。 Finally, she saw clearly that person of appearance, the firm and resolute line is even more handsome under taking care of golden ray. 终于,她看清了那人的样貌,坚毅的线条在金黄色光芒的照应下愈发俊朗。 Song Qingshu?” In the Ren Yingying mind appears a name, but she also somewhat confuses, who is Song Qingshu? The tidal memory comes, names, each article matter...... she thought that also remembered itself and between Song Qingshu all sorts of things. 宋青书?”任盈盈脑海里浮现出一个名字,不过她还有几分迷惑,宋青书是谁?紧接着潮水般的记忆汹涌而来,一个个名字,一件件事情……她都想起来了,同时也想起了自己和宋青书之间发生的种种事情。 „The appearance that he falls asleep does not seem repugnant.” Looks at the close face, the Ren Yingying lip angle exudes a smile gradually. “他睡着的样子似乎没那么讨厌了。”看着近在咫尺的脸庞,任盈盈唇角渐渐泛起一丝微笑。 However the next second her smile solidified instantaneously, because she discovered that this is not a dreamland, but really and that person close by the same place. 不过下一秒她的笑容瞬间凝固了,因为她发现这并非梦境,而是真的和那人近在咫尺地靠在一起。 The Ren Yingying subconsciousness will retreat in the future, suddenly detected that the unusuality of body, cannot believe to lower the head to look, first is saw at this time the opposite party naked chest...... she cares is not this, puts aside the vision to look instantaneously toward oneself on...... 任盈盈下意识往后退去,忽然察觉到身体的异常,不可置信地低头望下去,先是看到对方赤裸的胸膛……不过她此时关心的不是这个,瞬间移开目光往自己身上看去…… ~ in small thatched hut resounded a woman startled cry. “啊~”小茅屋里响起了一个女人惊慌的呼叫声。 Song Qingshu wakes up blurry, to on Ren Yingying angry vision, has not happen said anything with enough time, the opposite party actually went all out to throw toward him on with nearby thing: 宋青书迷迷糊糊醒来,正好对上任盈盈愤怒的目光,还没来得及说什么,对方却拼命拿着一旁的东西往他身上扔了过来: Mean and shameless!” “卑鄙无耻!” Abnormal lower reaches!” “变态下流!” Takes advantage of somebody!” “趁人之危!” ...... …… Although the opposite party keeps scolding itself, Song Qingshu has not actually been angry, but such visits her excitedly. 尽管对方不停地在骂自己,宋青书却一点都没有生气,只是那样激动地看着她。 Ren Yingying sees that shames the anger, waves both hands to scratch desperately on him, Song Qingshu actually one dragged into her the bosom fiercely, when she has not responded lowered the head to kiss. 任盈盈见状更是羞怒,拼命地挥舞着双手在他身上抓挠起来,宋青书却是猛地一下将她拉入了怀中,在她还没反应过来的时候低头吻了上去。 Wū wū ~ Ren Yingying pair of almond eyes stare the eldest child, struggles desperately, the nail even dug out one after another bloodstain on him, but Song Qingshu as if cannot feel general, but such closely is hugging her, is kissing her desperately. “呜呜~”任盈盈一双杏眼瞪得老大,拼命地挣扎起来,指甲甚至在他身上挖出了一道一道血痕,可是宋青书仿佛感受不到一般,只是那样紧紧地抱着她,拼命地吻着她。 I saved finally you!” Song Qingshu said in the heart silently. “我终于把你救回来了!”宋青书默默在心底说道。 Saw in his eye the exciting look, Ren Yingying as if feels anything, both hands of struggling slowed down gradually. 看到他眼中激动的眼神,任盈盈仿佛感受到了什么,挣扎的双手渐渐放缓下来。 After the initial instinct, she recalls the lots gradually, under water when oneself sink gradually the opposite party walks from morning sun, the waterfront he is holding oneself weeping bitterly, in small thatched hut he used the body temperature to warm up to himself, non-stop giving itself to transport the inner strength finally exhausted lethargic sleep in the past...... 经过最初的本能反应,她渐渐回忆起很多东西,自己渐渐沉入水底时对方从朝阳中走来,江边他抱着自己的痛哭,小茅屋中他用体温给自己取暖,不停给自己输送内力最后精疲力竭昏睡过去…… Mentioned strangely, her did not have the heartbeat obviously before, all things that may have a moment ago, she remembers unexpectedly. 说来也奇怪,明明之前她都没有了心跳,可刚才发生的一切事情,她居然都记得。 Remembers all these, some Ren Yingying heart softest place was touched, thinks before jumping the river, that thought: Why each time my danger time is you appears to save me...... 想起这一切过后,任盈盈芳心某一处最柔软的地方被触动了,又想到了跳江前那个念头:为什么每次我危险的时候都是你出现来救我…… When recalls Song Qingshu saved itself a moment ago all sorts, Ren Yingying can feel him clearly to own affection, associates to oneself again has bowed to Heaven and Earth to get married with him, cannot bear the secret air/Qi pain: Really is a bastard, before why, will such bully me ~ 回忆起宋青书刚才救自己时的种种,任盈盈能清楚地感受到了他对自己的深情,再联想到自己已经和他拜堂成过亲,忍不住暗暗气苦:真是个混蛋,以前为什么以前会那样欺负我~ Sometimes the sentiment of person is such strange, loves and hates also on separation. The Ren Yingying tranquil heart lake exuded ripples layer by layer, more and more rich tender feelings. 有时候人的感情就是这么奇怪,爱与恨也就一线之隔。任盈盈平静的心湖泛起了一层一层的涟漪,还有越来越浓郁的柔情。 The unconscious pair of hand is not going all out to struggle, instead grasped man gently, Ren Yingying also closed the eye to start to kiss gradually. 不知不觉一双手不在拼命挣扎,反而轻轻抱住了身上的男人,任盈盈也渐渐闭上了眼睛开始回吻起来。 Feels her change, Song Qingshu is wild with joy, even more is kissing her warmly, as if must entire rub in own body her. 感受到她的变化,宋青书不禁欣喜若狂,愈发热情地亲吻着她,仿佛要把她整个都揉到自己身体里。 Because the river water moistened the whole body a moment ago, Song Qingshu was worried that the cold air invasion therefore took off the clothes, the piece wisp, hug at this time like this intimately in the same place kiss, both hot romantically, two person bodies had the response gradually. 因为刚才江水打湿了全身,宋青书担心寒气入侵所以脱掉了衣服,两人此时身上不着片缕,这样亲密地抱在一起亲吻,正所谓干柴烈火,两个人身体渐渐都有了反应。 Feels the change of man body, the Ren Yingying complexion is crimson, wants to shove open man, but the delicate hands according to after his chest, do not know why has not actually made an effort. 感受到男人身体的变化,任盈盈脸色绯红,本想推开身上的男人,不过纤手按在他胸膛后,不知为何却并没有使力。 However she has not pushed, was instead being pressed the shoulder by Song Qingshu, overthrew gently on the ground. 不过她没有推,接下来反而被宋青书按着肩头,温柔地推倒在了地上。 Detected faintly will soon have anything, Ren Yingying bites the lip, finally anything had not said. 隐隐察觉到即将发生什么,任盈盈咬了咬嘴唇,最终却什么也没有说。 Song Qingshu took up her leg curved, arrived gently, felt that burning hot firm constriction, Ren Yingying shames to turn the head not to dare to look at him, flesh bright red the quick drop has bled. 宋青书抄起她的腿弯,温柔地抵了过去,感受到那炙热阳刚的压迫感,任盈盈羞得转过头去不敢看他,身上的肌肤早已嫣红地快滴出血来。 „Did I come?” Song Qingshu visits her gently. “我来了?”宋青书温柔地看着她。 The Ren Yingying heart is one jumps crazily, always shy she does not know how in this situation should reply, finally fuzzy un. 任盈盈心头又是一阵狂跳,一向腼腆的她根本不知道这种情况下该如何回答,最终只是模模糊糊嗯了一声。 Obtains the beautiful woman to consent, the Song Qingshu waist sinks, sword and shoes place time, the Ren Yingying delicate eyebrows are suddenly tight, then starts to cough fiercely. 得到佳人应允,宋青书腰身一沉,正要剑及履地的时候,任盈盈忽然秀眉紧蹙,接着开始剧烈地咳嗽起来。 You how?” Feels the difference of her body, Song Qingshu quickly stops to ask. “你怎么了?”感受到她身体的异样,宋青书急忙停下来问道。 All right, you continued......” Ren Yingying just to open the mouth, actually could not bear a blood spit. “没事,你继续……”任盈盈刚开口,却忍不住哇地一口鲜血吐了出来。 Song Qingshu quickly holds to hug her in the bosom, a hand starts to nose her pulse, feels in that chaotic weak pulse condition heart to sink. 宋青书急忙将她扶起来抱在怀中,一只手开始查探起她的脉搏,感受到那纷乱虚弱的脉象不禁心中一沉。 Sorry.” A Ren Yingying face apology, the cheek pastes in his chest, is listening to his calm heartbeat, although the body is very uncomfortable, at this time especially is tranquil. “对不起。”任盈盈一脸歉意,脸蛋儿贴在他胸膛,听着他沉稳的心跳,尽管身体很难受,此时却格外平静。 Is I am not good, forgetting you just displayed has burnt the blood to be big. law, was been so long by the ice-cold river blister, body already weakly to the extreme.” A Song Qingshu face rebukes oneself. “是我不好,忘了你刚施展过燃血大.法,又被冰冷的江水泡了这么久,身体早已虚弱到了极点。”宋青书一脸自责。 How you know that I displayed burnt the blood to be big. law?” Ren Yingying curious say/way. “你怎么知道我施展了燃血大.法?”任盈盈好奇道。 I know from loyal troops fighting in a good cause these population.” Song Qingshu noses her pulse condition, while knits the brows to ask, your within the body essence and blood exhausts most, perhaps wanted the training to restore for a long time.” “我从忠义军那些人口中知道的。”宋青书一边查探她脉象,一边皱眉问道,“你体内精血耗尽大半,恐怕要修养很长时间才能恢复了。” Ren Yingying smiles lightly: Why you comfort me, I know that burns the blood to be big. law causes, will at least consume 30 years of lifespan.” 任盈盈淡淡一笑:“你又何必安慰我,我知道燃血大.法一使出来,至少会耗掉三十年阳寿。” Song Qingshu fell into silent, although he has not seen has burnt the blood to be big. Mnemonics heart law of law, but the condition in Ren Yingying within the body is indeed less optimistic at this time, she will burn the essence and blood to soak in the piercing river water from now on for a long time injured the meridians, was forced to pull back from the Gate of Death by oneself, true, perhaps will also lose 30 years of lifespan incessantly. 宋青书陷入了沉默,他虽然没见过燃血大.法的口诀心法,但此时任盈盈体内的状况的确不容乐观,她燃烧精血过后又在刺骨的江水中泡了这么久伤了经脉,又被自己勉强从鬼门关拉回来,真正算起来,恐怕还不止损失三十年阳寿。 You do not need to be tired of the work, I do not regret such choice, if I did not display at that time, now does not have the opportunity and you meets.” Meets his to have the sad color, Ren Yingying instead sympathizes to comfort him. “你也不必烦劳了,我并不后悔这样的选择,要是当时我不施展的话,现在也没机会和你见面了。”见他面有悲戚之色,任盈盈反而体贴地安慰起他来。 Song Qingshu closely grips her icy cold small hand, a face said seriously: Yingying (full of/graceful), I will certainly find the lifespan that the means patch you to be damaged.” 宋青书紧紧握住她冰凉的小手,一脸郑重地说道:“盈盈,我一定会找到办法修补你受损的阳寿的。” Ren Yingying shows a faint smile, has not said anything, but swayed from side to side a body, changed a more comfortable posture to lie down in his arms. 任盈盈微微一笑,并没有说什么,只是扭动了一下身子,换了一个更舒服的姿势躺在他怀里。 „Don't you believe?” The Song Qingshu eyebrow selects. “你不信?”宋青书眉毛一挑。 I believe.” Ren Yingying replied with a smile. “我信。”任盈盈笑着答道。 I know that you do not believe that” Song Qingshu smiles bitterly several, at once in the eyes reveals the firm and resolute ray, in not passing away person eyes not possible ascended to heaven to pray for rain is achieved by me, went against heaven's will for you changes to assign/life me also certainly to achieve!” “我知道你不信,”宋青书苦笑几声,旋即双眼中露出坚毅的光芒,“不过世人眼中不可能的登天求雨都被我做到了,替你逆天改命我也一定做得到!” Ren Yingying also receives the smile gradually, a splendid big eye calmly visits him: I believe you.” 任盈盈也渐渐收起笑容,一双熠熠生辉的大眼睛静静地看着他:“我相信你。” The similar words, the tone is completely different. 同样的话,语气却完全不一样。 Song Qingshu nods: Your present within the body is damaged seriously, I first raise your meridians with Solitary Yang Finger warm, cures your internal injury.” 宋青书点点头:“你现在体内受损严重,我先用一阳指温养你的经脉,治好你的内伤。” Ren Yingying un, actually thinks of anything at once, complexion slightly red: „Can we first wear the clothes?” When the intent chaotic sentiment confused a moment ago, she poured has not paid attention to these, but the fervor retreats now, always the shy shy temper started to cause trouble. 任盈盈嗯了一声,旋即却想到什么,脸色微红:“我们能不能先穿好衣服?”刚才意乱情迷之时,她倒也没有注意这些,可如今激情退去,一向腼腆害羞的性子又开始作祟了。 Song Qingshu shakes the head, sees raises thin angry to the square features, has just now taken in nearby clothes stopper to her hand in scattered in disorder: You looked that the clothes were all moistened by the river water, how to put on.” 宋青书摇了摇头,见对方脸上升起一层薄怒,方才拿过散乱在一旁的衣裳塞到她手里:“你看衣服全被江水打湿了,怎么穿得了。” Ren Yingying believe in evil doctrines does not trace the discovery, somewhat said angrily: You live fires.” 任盈盈不信邪地一摸发现果然如此,不禁有些恼怒地说道:“那你生堆火起来吧。” Song Qingshu knows that she usually attached importance to face extremely, on the mouth said at heart and thinks frequently is counter-, although she now is somewhat angry, but somewhat cannot lag behind the face, not true vitality/angry. 宋青书知道她素来极为好面子,嘴上说的和心里想的经常是反着来的,她现在虽然有些恼怒,但只是有些拉不下面子,并没有真正生气。 Okay good, I live one fires then am.” Song Qingshu knows that her surface is tender, will pour will not stimulate her intentionally. “好好好,我生一堆火便是。”宋青书知道她面嫩得很,倒也不会故意刺激她。 Looks for pile of fuels, Song Qingshu with Solitary Yang Finger referred to the strength poking flame on the subtilis firm, quick one group of bonfires then burnt in the room. 找来一堆柴火,宋青书一阳指的阳刚指力在枯草上戳起了一丝火苗,很快一团篝火便在房中燃了起来。 Ren Yingying squats on the ground, both hands closely hugs in the chest front, tries to cover the body with every effort, at the same time is blushing saying: You help me build a rack in front,...... covers with my clothes.”- 任盈盈蹲在地上,双手紧紧抱在胸前,试图尽力遮挡着身体,一边红着脸说道:“你帮我在前面搭个架子,拿我的衣裳……遮挡一下。”- Thank the tiger elder brother 526, space and time 4658, Jiang picture and book friend 32 lzhang and book friend 43968325, Jianghu (rivers and lakes) person 268, being drunk street friend who is a bad influence and blood black ink smoke wave and book friend 48753952 and other hitting of book friends to enjoy with the monthly ticket supports 感谢虎哥526、时空4658、蒋张画、书友32lzhang、书友43968325、江湖人268、醉街损友、血墨烟波、书友48753952等各位书友的打赏与月票支持
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