FSM :: Volume #14

#1391: With the god of death is an enemy

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Yingying (full of/graceful), Yingying (full of/graceful) ~ Ren Yingying ups and downs in the river, hears some people to summon own name indistinctly. 盈盈,盈盈~”任盈盈在江中沉浮,隐隐约约听到有人在呼唤自己的名字。 Is who is shouting?” In the Ren Yingying heart is somewhat strange, „had I arrived in Naiheqiao?” “是谁在喊呀?”任盈盈心中有些奇怪,“难道我已经到了奈何桥了么?” Yingying (full of/graceful), Yingying (full of/graceful) ~ that summon is still reverberating everywhere, being able to hear the opposite party to fill anxiously. 盈盈,盈盈~”那呼唤依然在四处回荡,听得出对方充满了焦急。 That person likes certainly this named Yingying (full of/graceful) very much, hearing his voice to care about......” Ren Yingying to drift away at this time in the life and death edge, the consciousness somewhat is slurred. “那个人一定很喜欢这个叫盈盈的,听呐他的声音多在意……”任盈盈此时游离在生死边缘,意识都有些模糊不清起来。 How does this name sound such familiar?” In the Ren Yingying heart flashes through doubts, wait/etc...... amn't I Yingying (full of/graceful)?” “这个名字怎么听起来这么熟悉?”任盈盈心中闪过一丝疑惑,“等等……我不就是盈盈么?” The tidal memory non-stop welling up toward her mind, she remembered oneself status gradually, oneself beforehand bitter experience, why in river. 潮水般的记忆不停往她脑海里涌来,她渐渐想起了自己的身份,自己之前的遭遇,为什么会在河里。 Actually is who saved me? In the Ren Yingying heart were many a pleasant surprise. 究竟是谁来救我了?任盈盈心中多了一丝惊喜。 I...... I...... she just opened the mouth to respond here, the ice-cold river water filled in her throat instantaneously, submerged her remaining words all. “我……我在这里……”她刚一开口想回应,冰冷的江水瞬间灌到了她喉咙之中,将她剩下的话尽数淹没。 Actually even if no river water to flow in backward, this time she did not have the strength to respond, the sound can also submerge in the river water that rushed in the surroundings instantaneously. 其实就算没有江水倒灌,此时的她也没力气回应了,声音也会瞬间淹没在周围澎湃的江水中。 Because drank the reasons of several water, her whole person sinks gradually downward, the sunlight of horizon sprinkles on the surface of the river, making in her heart many gratified: Also it seems like that the heaven waits me is not thin, before letting me at the point of death, can watch a sunrise.” 因为喝了几口水的缘故,她整个人渐渐往下沉去,天边的阳光洒落在江面上,让她心中多了一丝欣慰:“看来上天待我也不薄,让我临死前还能看一眼日出。” Submerges that moment of her eye in the river water, she noticed in faintly the golden yellow sunlight goes out of a big sound, a face runs anxiously toward her. 在江水淹没她眼睛的那一刻,她隐隐看到金黄的日光中走出一个高大的声音,一脸焦急地往她跑来。 Is he? Why I bump into the danger each time am he save me......” this am the Ren Yingying last thought that immediately fell into the endless darkness. “是他?为什么每次我碰到危险都是他来救我……”这是任盈盈最后一个念头,随即陷入了无尽的黑暗。 Came the person naturally is Song Qingshu, although originally he could not achieve to think to know covers a city, but enlarged the god knowledge to surrounding area dozens meters can actually accomplish reluctantly, although the Ren Yingying sound was small, but has been tying tight Song Qingshu of line regarding the brain , was actually no different than the immortal sound, caught up toward here instantaneously. 来人自然是宋青书了,原来他虽然做不到用神识将一座城笼罩,但是将神识放大到方圆数十米却勉强办得到,任盈盈声音虽小,但对于大脑中一直紧绷着一根线的宋青书来说,却无异于仙音,瞬间往这边赶了过来。 Sees Ren Yingying to sink to the water, Song Qingshu can ignore so many, whole person instantaneous digs in the water. 任盈盈沉到水里,宋青书也顾不得那么多,整个人瞬间一头扎入水中。 Yingying (full of/graceful), Yingying (full of/graceful), do not frighten me?” Waterfront Song Qingshu holds Ren Yingying in the bosom, sound actually some may not suppress to shiver. 盈盈,盈盈,你不要吓我?”江边宋青书任盈盈抱在怀中,声音却有些不可抑制地颤抖起来。 Because the beautiful woman in bosom is ice-cold, does not have the breath! 因为怀中的佳人冰冷刺骨,已经没了呼吸! What to do in this situation should I?” In the Song Qingshu head as if one of the bang blasts out, the chaotic piece is unable to ponder normally. “这种情况下我该怎么办?”宋青书脑袋里仿佛轰的一下炸开,乱糟糟一片根本无法正常思考。 Right, outside the chest holds back the first aid.” Thinks the method in the previous generation film and television play seeing, Song Qingshu, although, will not actually still be thrown into confusion to hold back in her chest front. “对,胸外按压急救。”想到前世影视剧里面看到的方法,宋青书虽然不会,却依然手忙脚乱地在她胸前按压起来。 Although the palm is grasping she soft charming chest, but Song Qingshu in the brain the thoughts of half a point fluttering flags do not have at this time, but holds back, while a face visits her to have the response tight. 尽管手心掌握着她柔软迷人的胸脯,但宋青书此时脑子里半分旖旎的心思也没有,只是一边按压,一边一脸紧张地看着她有没有反应。 The cheeks of Ren Yingying still the outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman, no slight defect, in the ruddy gloss compared with ordinary day, her the complexion actually passes color of the greenish gray now faintly, Song Qingshu is watching, only thought that in the life some most important thing is leaving him to go far away gradually. 任盈盈的脸颊依然绝色倾城,没有一丝瑕疵,比起平日里的红润光泽,如今她的脸色却隐隐透着一股青灰之色,宋青书看在眼里,只觉得生命中某个最重要的东西正在渐渐离他远去。 Wiped an eye, could not have distinguished clearly that is the river water or the tears, Song Qingshu non-stop muttering: Why a point with does not have, why a point with does not have......” 抹了一把眼睛,早已分不清那是江水还是泪水,宋青书不停喃喃自语:“为什么一点用都没有,为什么一点用都没有……” The thoughts that Song Qingshu kills people at this time had, if possible, he really wants to pass through oneself that age, dismembers a body these brain remnant screenwriters. 宋青书此时杀人的心思都有了,若是有可能,他真想穿越回自己那个年代,把那些脑残编剧大卸八块。 The vision falls on lower abdomen that in Ren Yingying sticks out slightly, Song Qingshu is startled: How was she also pregnant?” However he responded quickly, she definitely drank the too juicy reason. 目光落在任盈盈微微隆起的小腹上,宋青书一怔:“怎么她也怀孕了?”不过他很快反应过来,她肯定是喝了太多水的缘故。 Quickly her surface toward below, places on the knee, the inner strength kept inputting her within the body. 急忙将她面朝下,放在自己膝盖上,内力不停输入到了她体内。 With the help of his inner strength, Ren Yingying spat tearful river water to come out quickly, what a pity the whole person did not have a sign of life. 在他内力的帮助下,任盈盈很快吐了一汪汪江水出来,可惜整个人还是没有一点生命的迹象。 What to do can also? What to do can also?” Song Qingshu keeps interrogating itself and torturing, artificial respiration? Right, artificial respiration.” “还能怎么办?还能怎么办?”宋青书不停地拷问着自己,“人工呼吸?对,人工呼吸。” Thinks that some previous generation medicine general knowledge, the stupor patient or the heartbeat stop the patient removing the gas channel/angrily said foreign matter, causes after the bare-handed method the respiratory tract is unimpeded, if no autonomous respiration, should give the artificial respiration immediately, to guarantee that uninterruptedly to the patient ventilation, preventing the important organ to cause the irreversibility damage because of the oxygen deficit. 想到前世一些医学常识,昏迷患者或心跳停止患者在排除气道异物,采用徒手方法使呼吸道畅通后,如无自主呼吸,应立即予以人工呼吸,以保证不间断地向患者供氧,防止重要器官因缺氧造成不可逆性损伤。 Song Qingshu gathers her mouth, Ren Yingying usually in the soft lips ice-cold must make him somewhat fearful at this moment, but he is still transporting the oxygen to her within the body relentlessly. 宋青书凑到她嘴边,任盈盈平日里柔软的双唇此刻冰冷得让他有些心寒,但他依然坚持不懈地向她体内输送着氧气。 Yingying (full of/graceful), asking you to wake, even if you wake up must renounce the engagement from now on, I also agreed immediately.” Before Song Qingshu, likes not holding about what, but makes she crosses well and so on opinion snort contemptuously, but present he can actually realize that sentiment faintly, so long as she can live, even if oneself cannot have her, what was also considered as? 盈盈,拜托你一定要醒过来,哪怕你醒来过后要解除婚约,我也马上同意。”宋青书以前对什么“爱不是占有,而是让她过得更好”之类的言论嗤之以鼻,可现在的他却隐隐能体会到那种感情,只要她能活过来,就算自己不能拥有她,又算得了什么? Pitifully a Song Qingshu pray as if point with does not only have, Ren Yingying still the least bit responded does not have, without the breath, did not have the pulse, did not have the heartbeat. 只可惜宋青书的祈祷仿佛一点用都没有,任盈盈依然半点反应都没有,没有呼吸、没有脉搏,也没有心跳。 Displaying burnt the blood to be big. law, caused heavy losses on the body, soaked in the ice-cold piercing river water was so long, the iron body could not support, perhaps before I saved her, she fragrant disappearing jade has perished.” In the Song Qingshu brain raises a desperate guess. “施展了燃血大.法,本来就身体受到重创,又在冰冷刺骨的江水里泡了这么久,铁打的身体也支持不住啊,说不定我救起她前,她早就已经香消玉殒了。”宋青书脑中升起一个绝望的猜测。 „It is not right, she responded to me a moment ago obviously!” Song Qingshu thinks suddenly sound, lost the eyes of brilliance to restore the appearance instantaneously, the whole person restored the fighting spirit. “不对,她刚才明明回应我了!”宋青书忽然想到刚才的声音,失去光彩的双眼瞬间就恢复了神采,整个人重新恢复了斗志。 Yingying (full of/graceful), I must save you!” Song Qingshu pledged secretly. 盈盈,我一定要把你救回来!”宋青书暗暗发誓。 Pitifully this world does not have the ophthalmological defibrillation meter, without the hospital first aid of later generation......” Song Qingshu pair of straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards almost twisted the Sichuan character. “可惜这个世界没有心电除颤仪,没有后世的医院急救……”宋青书一双剑眉差点拧成了川字。 „It is not right, although this world does not have the later generation developed medical skill, but has later generation no mysterious martial arts!” Song Qingshu at present one bright, felt that oneself caught anything faintly. “不对,这个世界虽然没有后世发达的医术,但是有着后世没有的神奇武功啊!”宋青书眼前一亮,感觉到自己隐隐抓到了什么。 martial arts that I can so many martial arts, unable to save others?” In Song Qingshu mind rapid revolution. “我会这么多武功,难道就没有能救人的武功么?”宋青书脑海里飞速运转。 Joyous Meditation Technique? In the Song Qingshu mind first emits this, but shakes the head quickly, Joyous Meditation Technique is very indeed mysterious, can make the person severe wound restore using Double Cultivation, but can also increase the opposite party skill, but the Ren Yingying condition...... are not abnormal now. 欢喜禅法宋青书脑海里第一个冒出这个,不过很快摇了摇头,欢喜禅法的确很神奇,利用双修能让人重伤恢复,还能增加对方功力,可如今任盈盈的状况……自己可没那么变态。 Nine Yin True Scripture therapy, treating the internal injury is indeed mysterious, initially not to mention Guo Jing Huang Rong depended on it to save a life repeatedly, in the original works the Hong Qigong martial arts almost abandoned, restored cultivating of Five Greats by it is. However that is uses in view of the living person, is not completely just right with the present condition. 九阴真经疗伤篇,治疗内伤的确神奇,当初且不说郭靖黄蓉多次靠它救命,原著中洪七公武功差点废了,都是靠它恢复了五绝的修为。不过那是针对活人用的,与现在的状况完全不对症。 God full, Absorbing Stars Great Technique, Never Aging Eternal Youth Art...... in the Song Qingshu mind emits the merit laws the name, 11 were actually removed. 神足经,吸星大.法,不老长春功……宋青书脑海中冒出一个个功法的名字,却一一被排除。 Divine Brilliance Scripture...... Song Qingshu routine wants to remove, actually suddenly at present one bright: For those Divine Brilliance Scripture! 神照经……宋青书习惯性想排除,却忽然眼前一亮:对就是神照经 In gold/metal book only has the deceased person revives the successful case the marvelous ability! Oneself how this forgetting. Song Qingshu thinks that initially the veins completely broke also go against heaven's will by «Divine Brilliance Scripture» change to assign/life, now rescues Yingying (full of/graceful), must depend on it, it seems like «Divine Brilliance Scripture» really own lucky star! 金书中唯一一部有将死人救活成功案例的神功!自己怎么把这个给忘了。宋青书想到当初自己筋脉尽断也是靠《神照经》逆天改命,如今救盈盈,也要靠它,看来《神照经》真是自己的福星! Song Qingshu is just about to rescue, suddenly river Fengchui crosses, he feels a chill in the air, originally jumped to river inside a moment ago, the clothing is moistened all, at this time sticks to the body, the wind blows is bitterly cold. 宋青书正要施救,忽然一阵江风吹过,他不禁感受到一阵寒意,原来刚才跳到江里,衣衫尽数被打湿,此时紧贴在身上,风一吹就冷得要命。 Touched a body of Ren Yingying, ices scary, Song Qingshu knows her, because soaks in the river water too for a long time somewhat loses warm, even if the normal person under losing the warm condition is still easy to have the sorrow of life, she does not have the heartbeat let alone now. 摸了一下任盈盈的身子,冰得吓人,宋青书知道她因为在江水里泡太久有些失温,就算正常人在失温状态下也容易有性命之忧,更何况她如今连心跳都没有了。 The waterfront wind is so big, even if revived the estimate still to die coldly, Song Qingshu sized up everywhere, here left Lin'an dozens li (0.5 km), does not know where, nearby bleak, could not see the least bit habitation. 江边风这么大,就算救活了估计也得被冷死,宋青书四处打量一下,这里离开临安数十里,也不知道到了哪里,附近一片荒凉,看不到半点人烟。 Holds Ren Yingying in the bosom, keeps transporting the inner strength to cherish to her, hangs her a slim chance of survival, Song Qingshu several jumps flies finally toward not far away forest. 任盈盈抱在怀中,不停地输送内力到她怀中,吊住她最后一线生机,宋青书几个跳跃往不远处森林中飞去。 The luck is not too bad, soon found a small thatched hut, should be temporarily has a rest, Song Qingshu that in evidently the mountain the hunter establishes determined neighbor no one, then took off on her directly the wet women's clothing. 运气不算太差,很快找到一个小茅屋,看样子应该是山中猎人设置的临时歇脚点,宋青书确定了附近没人,便直接脱掉了她身上湿漉漉的衣裙。 Slender charming torso. The body shows in the front outspokenly, Song Qingshu does not have the least bit evil thought at this time, starts to transport «Divine Brilliance Scripture» tries to pull back from the Gate of Death her. 窈窕迷人的胴.体毫无保留地展现在面前,宋青书此时却无半点邪念,开始运起《神照经》试图将她从鬼门关拉回来。 To run against the time, Song Qingshu also lights the bonfire without enough time, can only closely hold Ren Yingying in the bosom, transports/fortunes in the merit process to warm up to her with own body temperature, be only her body temperature restores, can increase the revived probability. 为了跟时间赛跑,宋青书也来不及点燃篝火,只能将任盈盈紧紧抱在怀中,运功过程中用自己的体温给她取暖,只有她的体温恢复,才能增大被救活的概率。 Song Qingshu felt oneself are not chaster than the present condition, should say that in his time mind absolutely does not have the difference of men and women, the only thought goes all out to save her. 宋青书感觉自己从来没有比现在的状态更纯洁过,应该说他此时脑海里根本就没有男女之别,唯一的念头就是拼了命将她救回来。 Heavenly protection, hopes that old gold/metal do not flicker I.” In the original works the Di Yun air/Qi half double-hour, Ding Dian can save him certainly, the time that Ren Yingying died is much shorter than Di Yun, hopes that do not have what accident/surprise...... “老天保佑,希望老金不要忽悠我。”原著中狄云气绝半个时辰,丁典都能将他救活,任盈盈断气的时间比狄云要短得多,希望不要出什么意外…… Copious vigorous Divine Brilliance True Qi non-stop flooding into Ren Yingying within the body, her body no longer resembles before gradually, like that ice-cold, the skin color of greenish gray also increased several ruddy lusters. 沛然雄浑的神照真气不停涌入任盈盈体内,渐渐的她的身体不再像之前那般冰冷,青灰的肤色也增添了几丝红润的色泽。 Plop ~ 扑通~ Also has not known how long, the Song Qingshu ear moved, he heard the sound of heartbeat, although the sound is weak, but he determined very that is the sound of heartbeat! 也不知道过了多久,宋青书耳朵一动,他听到了心跳的声音,尽管声音非常微弱,可是他十分确定,那就是心跳的声音! Before he has heard too many sounds of pleasant to hear, but these and this heartbeat compared, definitely is unable to place on a par, Song Qingshu was wild with joy immediately, originally the exhausted body seems to have hit stimulant to be common, restored the vigor instantaneously. 以前他听过太多好听的声音,可是那些和这声心跳比起来,完全无法相提并论,宋青书顿时欣喜若狂,本来早已疲惫至极的身体仿佛打了一支兴奋剂一般,瞬间又恢复了活力。 Song Qingshu does not dare to be negligent, Divine Brilliance True Qi continues not to ask for money to revolve in within the body generally , the Ren Yingying heart jumped gradually, jumped third...... 宋青书不敢大意,神照真气继续不要钱一般在她体内运转着,渐渐的,任盈盈心又跳了一下,又跳了第三下…… Lived, lived ~ Song Qingshu crying tears of joy, Yingying (full of/graceful), I have not lost you finally.” “活了,活了~”宋青书喜极而泣,“盈盈,我终于没有失去你。” If Ren Yingying in stupor as if has a sleep/felt, in a soft voice un. 昏迷中的任盈盈仿佛若有所觉,轻声嗯了一声。 Song Qingshu only thought that the line of sight is somewhat fuzzy, at this time his both hands press, in Ren Yingying, no matter what supervises above two lineage/vein, could not result in the free time, has to lower the head, cleaned the tears of eye socket using the opposite party clear shoulder, just now can continue therapy for her. 宋青书只觉得视线有些模糊,此时他的双手都按在任盈盈任督二脉之上,根本得不了空闲,只好低下头,利用对方圆润的肩头擦拭掉了眼眶的泪水,方才能继续替她疗伤起来。 After his ceaseless efforts, the Ren Yingying heartbeat stabilizes finally, Song Qingshu then breathes a sigh of relief thoroughly, his evening non-stop utilizes consumes the inner strength extremely far away in several places speeding along, afterward trod the wave, but the number of lines ten li (0.5 km) search, then kept giving Ren Yingying to transport True Qi tiredly, the whole person, had depended entirely on the life-saving the faith to support a moment ago stubbornly, now the whole person relaxes, then felt instantaneously endless exhausted welled up, could not support again, hugged Ren Yingying to fall down heavy rested.- 经过他的不懈努力,任盈盈的心跳终于稳定下来,宋青书这才彻底舒了一口气,他一晚上不停运用极耗内力的“咫尺天涯”在数个地方飞驰,后来踏波而行数十里搜寻,接着又不停给任盈盈输送真气,整个人早已疲乏至极,刚才全靠救人的信念死死支持,如今整个人一放松下来,瞬间便感觉到无尽的疲惫涌了上来,再也支持不住,搂着任盈盈倒在地上沉沉地睡了过去。- Thank er , soaring far Xiangyu and book friend 48753952, leaf Mufeng ymf, to inundate the radical road and Edo-gawa day chessboard and other hitting of warm-hearted book friends to enjoy and monthly ticket support slowly! 感谢er、、高飞远翔宇、书友48753952、叶沐风ymf、慢漫灬路、江户川天枰等各位热心书友的打赏以及月票支持!
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