FSM :: Volume #14

#1390: Parting forever

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Luckily the people of loyal troops fighting in a good cause hesitant a while, Ren Yingying can escape from Liuhe Tower, but she does not dare to relax, because she has heard the pursuing troops by far the sound that catches up with toward here. 幸亏忠义军的人犹豫了一会儿,任盈盈才得以从六和塔逃出来,不过她丝毫不敢放松,因为她已经听到追兵远远往这边赶来的声音。 A Ren Yingying head intermittent dizziness, she was clear that this is displays to burn the blood to be big. Sequela in law, because front was in danger on Jianghu (rivers and lakes) several times, she returns to Black Wood Cliff to consult to have the law of what self-preservation to the father from now on, Ren Woxing (let me go/I do as I please) hesitant over and over, but cannot stand up to her entreaty, does not pass on the secret technique to burn the blood to be big Sun Moon Divine Cult one. law passed to her, and warned over and over, only if had really arrived at the dead end, otherwise cannot display. 任盈盈脑袋一阵阵眩晕,她清楚这是施展燃血大.法的后遗症,因为前面数次在江湖上遇险,她回黑木崖过后向父亲请教有没有什么自保之法,任我行犹豫再三,但经不住她的哀求,还是将日月神教一个不传秘术燃血大.法传给了她,并再三告诫,除非真的已经到了绝路,不然决不能施展。 Because this secret technique obtains the mysterious ability to rise suddenly through the combustion person essence and blood, is the price is also serious, that meets a buckle at least 30 years of lifespan, if displays at the Ren Woxing (let me go/I do as I please) age, perhaps will end will die a violent death from now on directly also has the possibility. 因为这门秘术是通过燃烧人精血获得神奇的能力暴涨,可是代价也非常惨重,那就是会折损至少三十年阳寿,如果以任我行的年纪施展,说不定完了过后就直接暴毙也有可能。 Ren Yingying also has to do this, after all the next quarter was dying, displaying to burn the blood to be big. After law, temporarily broke through the limit in within the body, can therefore massacre to pinch the person of her neck. 任盈盈也是不得不这样做,毕竟下一刻就要死了,施展燃血大.法过后,暂时冲破了体内的限制,所以才能杀掉掐她脖子的人。 Although in the heart wants to massacre these to harm her person, but she thinks that the combustion initiation blood is big. The taboo in law mnemonics, knows how long such condition could not maintain, but loyal troops fighting in a good cause that more than ten people had several martial arts is not under her, simply has not possibly first killed them. 虽然心中很想杀掉这些害她的人,可是她想起燃血大.法口诀上的禁忌,知道这样的状态维持不了多久,而忠义军那十几个人有几个武功不在她之下,根本没可能先杀死他们。 Now the only feasible means are to use own movement art advantage, escapes to a safe place as soon as possible. 如今唯一可行的办法就是利用自己的轻功优势,尽快逃到一个安全的地方。 What a pity loyal troops fighting in a good cause the experts of person inside many tracing, several her hiding places were discovered, Ren Yingying has to continue to escape, after such tosses about several times, she could feel that the body is getting more and more hot, is at present getting more and more fuzzy. 可惜忠义军的人里面不乏追踪的高手,有几次她的藏身之地都被发现,任盈盈不得不继续逃亡,经过这么几次折腾,她感觉得到身体越来越烫,眼前也越来越模糊。 She burns the blood to be big clearly. The effect of law has drawn near, when the time comes oneself became will compare was weaker before, the Ren Yingying lip bit to bleed quickly, stimulated to continue using the aching feeling of body keeps sober. 她明白燃血大.法的效果已经快到了,到时候自己会变得比之前更加虚弱,任盈盈嘴唇都快咬出血来,利用身体的疼痛感刺激着自己继续保持清醒。 Actually burns the blood to be big. law such weak, in the normal condition had not sacrificed 30 years of life, skill in short time sudden rise several times, before what a pity Ren Yingying , the skill was banned by the special technique, causes to display to burn the blood to be big. law most effects above breaking through ban, therefore causes to maintain the time is so short. 其实燃血大.法并没有这么鸡肋,正常情况下牺牲了三十年寿元,功力会在短时间暴涨数倍,可惜任盈盈之前功力被特殊手法禁制,导致施展燃血大.法大部分效果都是在冲破禁制上面了,所以才导致维持时间这么短。 Pursues and escapes, unknowingly Ren Yingying was compelled the Qiantang waterfront, but before is really , after without way, has the pursuing troops. 一路追逐与逃亡,不知不觉任盈盈被逼到了钱塘江边,可真是前无去路后有追兵。 The people of loyal troops fighting in a good cause surround her by far, has not worried to clash, they dreaded that Ren Yingying still has the strength of counter-attack, but also clear, her such condition has no way lastingly, the time drags longer more, more is also favorable for them. 忠义军的人远远将她围住,却并没有着急冲上来,他们忌惮任盈盈依然有反击之力,不过同时也清楚,她这样的状态没法持久,时间拖得越长,对他们也就越有利。 Ren Yingying smiles mournfully, these people too overestimated her, oneself this time the oil lamp is completely dry, if they flushed a point counter- resisting force not to have. 任盈盈凄然一笑,这些人太高估她了,自己此时已经油尽灯枯,他们若是冲上来自己一点反抗力都没有。 However this is also good, at least gave her an opportunity of choice. 不过这样也好,至少给了她一个选择的机会。 Then looked at one behind the mighty waves turbulent river water, in her eye flashes through a confusedness, did my life end like this? Elder Brother Chong...... 回头望了一眼身后波涛汹涌的江水,她眼中闪过一丝迷茫,我这一生就这样结束了么?冲哥…… Ren Yingying tries to think Linghu Chong, at this time but she actually discovers startled in the mind appears many instead is that lets the very repugnant man. 任盈盈试图想令狐冲,可是她却愕然发现此时脑海里出现得更多的反而是那个让自己非常讨厌的男人。 Usually in she wished one could to kill the opposite party, but places the hopeless situation now, these gratitude and grudges instead felt relaxed thoroughly, she thinks before oneself, how many similar hopeless situations has bumped into, at that time seemed Song Qingshu saved itself? 平日里她恨不得杀了对方,可是现在身处绝境,那些恩怨反而彻底释然了,她不禁想到自己以前也碰到过几次类似的绝境,当时似乎都是宋青书救了自己? Recalls him to hug itself single-handedly, the picture that various group of enemies keep off all, Ren Yingying Youyou (faintly/spookily) sighs: It seems like not own luck so will be each time good. 回忆起他一手抱着自己,一手将各路敌人尽数挡下的画面,任盈盈幽幽叹了一口气:看来不是每次自己的运气都会那么好啊。 She is out of sorts this little while time, that several expert also some meanings of loyal troops fighting in a good cause move, surrounds quietly toward her, so long as an attack run distance, they will also then act. 她失神这会儿功夫,忠义军的那几个高手也有些意动,悄悄往她围拢过来,只要一进入攻击距离,他们便会同时出手。 The Ren Yingying dislike looked at their one eyes, looks at the multi-colored sunlight that east side bloomed gradually again, knows that Sun must come out immediately. 任盈盈厌恶地看了他们一眼,再看了看东边渐渐绽放的霞光,知道太阳马上就要出来了。 Good to watch a sunrise again.” Ren Yingying Youyou (faintly/spookily) sighs, immediately leapt to jump in the Qiantang River lifelong. She after all is a young miss, was full of the attachment in this mortal world, but she was clear, she does not have the time, when Sun came out, immediately the people of loyal troops fighting in a good cause will throw, falls with it in these person of hands the experiencing suffering humiliation, might as well oneself settle the life. “好想再看一次日出啊。”任盈盈幽幽叹了一口气,随即终身一跃跳到了钱塘江中。她毕竟还是个年纪轻轻的姑娘,对尘世间还充满了眷恋,可是她清楚,自己没有时间等到太阳出来了,马上忠义军的人就会扑过来,与其落在这些人手中受尽屈辱,还不如自己了结性命。 Her whole person jumps then to be embezzled by the turbulent river water, lost the trace instantaneously. 她整个人一跳进去便被汹涌的江水吞没,瞬间就失去了踪影。 The people of loyal troops fighting in a good cause in great surprise, run up to waterfront nosing in abundance, but besides the billowing river water, where can also see other what? 忠义军的众人大惊,纷纷跑到江边查探,可除了滚滚江水之外,哪里还看得到其他什么? Is a that young leader knits the brows: Everyone looks along the waterfront.” 为首那小头领皱眉道:“大家沿着江边找一找。” One crowd complained constantly hand/subordinate: Without this necessity, this river water is so rapid now, simultaneously and ice-cold piercing, is a martial arts master also is very difficult to maintain a livelihood, let alone she has been seriously injured.” 一群手下叫苦不迭:“没这个必要吧,如今这江水这么湍急,同时又冰冷刺骨,就是一个武林高手也很难活命,更别说她已经身受重伤。” Dead or alive, how otherwise do we with manage a household to explain when the time comes greatly?” That young leader stared that person of one, in other person of hearts one cold, knows that stretch/open soft the disposition, pours does not dare to neglect again, dispersing seeks in the waterfront. “活要见人死要见尸,不然到时候我们怎么和大当家交待?”那小头领瞪了那人一眼,其他人心中一凛,知道张柔的脾性,倒也不敢再怠慢,纷纷散开在江边寻找起来。 Song Qingshu speeds away, finally rushed to Liuhe Tower, discovered that in has been reminded of dear ones who have left in the heart to sink, the look walked dignifiedly, finally in a room besides discovering the corpses of several loyal troops fighting in a good cause, has not seen the Ren Yingying trace, in his instead heart one happy, in this situation the total ratio saw that her corpse is good. 宋青书一路疾驰,终于赶到了六和塔,发现里面早已人去楼空不禁心中一沉,神色凝重地走了进去,结果在一间屋子里除了发现几个忠义军的尸首之外,并没有看到任盈盈的踪影,他反而心中一喜,这种情况下总比看到她的尸体好。 Suddenly the ear moves, he hears in the wind to transmit what sound faintly, a hurried tip of the toe point, the whole person just like the swallow general, stood lithely the Liuhe Tower top, looked out everywhere. 忽然耳朵一动,他隐隐听到风中传来什么声响,急忙脚尖一点,整个人犹如燕子一般,轻盈地站到了六和塔顶,四处瞭望起来。 Quick he then notices the distant place waterfront difference, he is sharp-eyed, although separated several li (0.5 km) distance, saw these people are dressing up of loyal troops fighting in a good cause, the whole person just like the flying arrow to shoot instantaneously. 很快他便注意到远处江边的异样,他目光锐利,虽然隔了几里的距离,还是看出了那些人是忠义军的装扮,整个人瞬间犹如离弦之箭射了过去。 Found?” The small leader sinking sound of waterfront loyal troops fighting in a good cause asked. “找到没有?”江边忠义军的小头领沉声问道。 No.” Several subordinates shake the head in abundance. “没有。”几个手下纷纷摇头。 Whom are you looking for?” At this time side resounded a sound suddenly. “你们在找谁?”这个时候身边忽然响起一个声音。 Nonsense, naturally is looking for Young Lady Ren.” That young leader did not answer one patiently, suddenly realizes improper, one group of people turn head with amazement, happen to saw that a young man stands after behind, perhaps is appears silently, the look that the meaning of this time his share of monster different evil charm, flashes from top to bottom slightly is lending the dangerous cruel aura. “废话,当然是在找任大小姐。”那小头领不耐烦地答了一句,忽然意识到不妥,一群人纷纷骇然地回过头来,正好看到一个年轻男子站在身后,也许是出现得无声无息,此时的他浑身上下有一股妖异邪魅之意,微微闪动的眼神更是散发着危险暴戾的气息。 Golden Serpent King Song Qingshu!” Some people recognized him immediately, one group of people draw out the weapon to protect oneself instantaneously, but they discovered with amazement the air as if solidified generally, their bodies cannot move the slightest. 金蛇王宋青书!”有人马上认出了他,一群人瞬间拔出武器想自保,可是他们骇然发现空气仿佛凝固了一般,他们的身体根本动不了分毫。 A moment ago what happened.” Song Qingshu does not want to waste the time, arrives in front of that young leader directly, displayed directly moved to the soul to be big. law. “刚才发生了什么事情。”宋青书并不想浪费时间,径直走到那小头领面前,直接施展了移魂大.法。 A moment ago ....... Young Lady Ren......” that small leader body stiff, then 1510 replied. “刚才…….任大小姐……”那小头领身子僵了一下,接着便一五一十回答了出来。 The people of loyal troops fighting in a good cause in great surprise, they also think that the capitellum comprehended a character not saying that after all he was the unyielding person who in the loyal troops fighting in a good cause becomes famous, who would have guessed that was so easy to incur. 忠义军的人纷纷大惊,他们还以为小头领会一个字不说呢,毕竟他是忠义军里出了名的硬骨头,哪知道这么容易就招了。 One group of people look strangely toward him, discovered that his time eyes do not have the appearance in ordinary day, is only left over the visible ignorance. 一群人奇怪地往他望去,发现他此时的双眼早已没了平日里的神采,只剩下肉眼可见的浑浑噩噩。 Burning the blood is big. law? Jumps the river......” in the Song Qingshu look the cruel aura to be even more strong, „, since you harm this, that...... all dies!” “燃血大.法?跳江……”宋青书眼神中暴戾的气息越发浓烈,“既然你们害得她这样,那……全都去死吧!” Loyal troops fighting in a good cause that ten experts are instantaneously stiff, the whole body ice sculpture seems to be ordinary, before the look also retains is dying the panic-stricken desire certainly, they do not die of what chill/yin cold True Qi, but was just like essence general murderous aura destroying the vitality by Song Qingshu directly. 忠义军那十来个高手瞬间僵硬,浑身仿佛冰雕一般,眼神之中还保留着死前的惊骇欲绝,他们并非死于什么阴寒真气,而是直接被宋青书犹如实质一般的杀气给摧毁了生机。 Actually like this died to them is really cheap, but Song Qingshu had an emotional tie with the Ren Yingying safety at this time, simply did not have the time to suffer them. Killed after these people, the Song Qingshu whole person just like Great Peng to spread the wings, plunged into the turbulent Qiantang River. 其实这样死对于他们来说实在是太便宜了,但宋青书此时心系任盈盈的安危,根本没功夫来折磨他们。杀了这些人过后,宋青书整个人犹如大鹏展翅,也跳入了波涛汹涌的钱塘江里。 However he has not looked like Ren Yingying to fall into the water generally directly, but is the whole person stands on the water surface treads the wave the line. 不过他并没有像任盈盈一般直接掉入水中,而是整个人站在水面上踏波而行。 At this time is daybreak on the eve, all around and no one, otherwise saw that at present must be shocked, in the past a Dharma reed will cross a river to be circulated as the eternity miracle, now Song Qingshu treads the wave in the surface of the river directly the line, perhaps also had no time to let. 此时正值黎明前夕,四周并没有什么人,不然看到眼前一幕肯定要惊呆的,当年达摩一苇渡江被传为千古神迹,如今宋青书直接在江面踏波而行,恐怕也不遑多让。 Song Qingshu do not have the half a point to be joyful, face roaming Zhao goes heavily downward. Calculates the time, perhaps in according to the flow rate of river water, Yingying (full of/graceful) had been rushed to about dozens li (0.5 km), feared own mis-calculation, had also asked a moment ago specially the person of loyal troops fighting in a good cause, they have discovered several li (0.5 km) distance, indeed has not discovered the Ren Yingying least bit trace. 宋青书自己却没有半分欣喜,一脸沉重地往下游找去。算了算时间,在根据江水的流动速度,盈盈恐怕已经被冲到数十里开外了,怕自己计算失误,刚才还特意问过忠义军的人,他们已经找出了数里的距离,的确没有发现任盈盈半点踪影。 A land transport has movement art to tread the wave fast the line, although the main energy places about dozens li (0.5 km), but he still does not dare to have along the way relaxes slightly, a sharp eye non-stop taking a fast look around nearby surface of the river. 一路运起轻功快速踏波而行,尽管主要精力放在数十里开外,但沿途他依然不敢有丝毫放松,一双锐利的眼睛不停扫视着附近江面。 What a pity here on the Qiantang River downstream, close to the estuary , the surface of the river broad did not know many times compared with the normal condition, in addition everywhere is the spray of scattering in all directions, bountiful at the Song Qingshu eyesight, cannot look. 可惜这里正逢钱塘江下游,临近入海口附近,江面比正常情况宽阔了不知道多少倍,再加上到处是四散的浪花,饶是以宋青书的眼力,也根本看不过来。 Yingying (full of/graceful) Yingying (full of/graceful) ~ Song Qingshu seeks, while is shouting, under his powerful inner strength addition, even if everywhere is the river water sound of thundering, still guaranteed the sound spreads over surface of the river each corner. 盈盈~盈盈~”宋青书一边寻找,一边呼喊着,在他强大内力加成下,哪怕到处是轰鸣的江水声,依然确保了声音传遍江面每一个角落。 Song Qingshu roaming Zhao goes downward, while sets firm resolve secretly, in the future must ask Li Qiushui study her to send greetings searches for the soul to be big. law, this time bitter experience makes him understand that own martial arts is high , many helpless times. 宋青书一边往下游找去,一边暗暗下定决心,将来一定要找李秋水学一下她的“传音搜魂大.法”,这次的遭遇让他明白自己武功再高,也有很多无能为力的时候。 Sending greetings searches for the soul to be big. law is approximate the radar in knight-errant world, if oneself meet this time, this Yingying (full of/graceful) and Huang Rong are robbed, oneself are not the extent that passively. 传音搜魂大.法近似于武侠世界里的雷达,若是自己会这门功夫,这次盈盈黄蓉被劫,自己也不至于如此被动。 Because figured out the Yingying (full of/graceful) big probability to be rushed to about dozens li (0.5 km), Song Qingshu swept along the way, although the places of many omissions he could not attend , can only go all out to proceed to pursue. 因为算出盈盈大概率被冲到数十里开外了,宋青书沿途只是一扫而过,虽然有不少遗漏的地方他也顾不上了,只能拼命往前追赶。 All the way treads the wave the line, while summoned the Ren Yingying name with the inner strength, like this caught up with several ten miles of road, bountiful somewhat cannot support by the Song Qingshu present inner strength, after all when regarding most people, transported movement art cannot open the mouth, opened the mouth True Qi to release, had means both to give dual attention such well on Song Qingshu. 一路上一边踏波而行,一边用内力呼唤任盈盈的名字,这样赶了几十里路,饶是以宋青书如今的内力也有些支持不住,毕竟对于大多数人来说,运起轻功时不能开口,一开口真气就泄了,也就宋青书才有办法两者兼顾得这么好吧。 This time Ren Yingying is keeping ups and downs in the river water, soaked in the ice-cold piercing river water was so long, her body is icy cold, the consciousness gradually was also lax. 此时的任盈盈正在江水中不停沉浮着,在冰冷刺骨的江水中泡了这么久,她的身体已经冰凉,意识也渐渐涣散。 Good to sleep......” Ren Yingying to be clear about perhaps, once fell asleep did not wake forever, this time she was too laborious, because burnt the blood to be big. The sequela in law, her within the body has tended to the collapse, the sensation of asphyxia that in addition the ice-cold river water, that is drowned, making her really somewhat unable to support. “好想睡觉……”任盈盈清楚自己一旦睡着了恐怕就永远醒不过来了,不过此时的她实在太辛苦了,因为燃血大.法的后遗症,她体内已经趋于崩溃,再加上冰冷的江水,还有那溺水的窒息感,让她实在有些撑不下去了。 Before listened to the wet nurse to say the person died at present will flash through the person who this whole life most yearned , but why did I think of him?” Ren Yingying absent-minded, closed the eye gradually.- “以前听奶妈说过人死的时候眼前会闪过这辈子最留恋的人,可我为什么偏偏想到他?”任盈盈一阵恍惚,渐渐闭上了眼睛。- Thank: Hitting that the White Sea wave and style name and book friend 17425192, book friend 24152048, Edo-gawa day chessboards, always deceive me, nicklu, book friend 23004959 and other book friends enjoys and monthly ticket support of fellow warm-hearted book friends 感谢:白海浪、style名字、书友17425192、书友24152048、江户川天枰、老骗我、nicklu、书友23004959等书友的打赏以及各位热心书友的月票支持
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