FSM :: Volume #14

#1389: Burning the blood is big. law

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When sees that man, in the Huang Rong eye socket fills the tears instantaneously, took the big effort not to make the teardrops fall. Adless site. 待看到那个男人,黄蓉眼眶中瞬间充满泪水,费了好大力气才没有让泪珠掉落下来。无广告的站点。 Song Qingshu sighs, takes off the coat to throw over on her, blocks from she exposed arm outside: I came, was all right.” 宋青书叹了一口气,脱下外套披在她身上,遮住她裸露在外的胳膊:“我来了,没事了。” Hears his gentle sound, Huang Rong cannot bear again, the tears flow copiously, usually in forces to install indifferent is instantaneous with the distance, the whole person fell down he to cherish chirp to cry. 听到他温柔的声音,黄蓉再也忍不住,泪水夺眶而出,平日里强制装出来的冷漠与距离瞬间破碎,整个人扑倒了他怀中嘤嘤地哭了起来。 At this time she is not willing to think that status of both sides, the social opinion condemned, she only wants closely to grasp this man at this moment. 这个时候她不愿意去想双方的身份,社会舆论谴责,她此刻只想紧紧抱住这个男人。 Song Qingshu sighs secretly, since here only has a Huang Rong person, that showed that own judgment is wrong, that Yingying (full of/graceful) perhaps more unfortunate than fortunate... 宋青书却是暗暗叹了一口气,这里既然只有黄蓉一个人,那证明自己的判断是错误的,那盈盈恐怕已经凶多吉少… Opens softens that bastard indeed anxious good intention, is not willing to make his couple reunite, the method that but he uses not like oneself think everyone strongly in the same place, but spoke incorrectly intentionally three female hiding places. 张柔那个混蛋的确不安好心,不愿意让他夫妻团聚,不过他用的方法并非像自己想的那样将所有人集中在一起,而是故意说错三女的藏身之地。 According to stretch/open soft said that Mt. Baoshi here should be Yue Lingshan is, but rescues here is actually Huang Rong. That obviously Qingtaiqiao there definitely is not Ren Yingying, but is Yue Lingshan ; Yingying (full of/graceful) should, in stretch/open soft declared that places in the Huang Rong Liuhe Tower. 按照张柔所说,宝石山这里应该是岳灵珊的所在,可是在这里救下的却是黄蓉。那显然清泰桥那里肯定不是任盈盈,而是岳灵珊;盈盈应该在张柔宣称安置黄蓉的六和塔里。 What a pity now understands all already late, Yingying (full of/graceful) perhaps already...... 可惜现在才明白一切已经晚了,盈盈恐怕已经…… Feels the stiffness of opposite party body, Huang Rong then realized, since he chose saved himself, then he gave up Young Lady Ren and mountain miss obviously she does not know that opened softly disrupts the order that several females were at intentionally, when only the Song Qingshu choice saved itself. 感受到对方身体的僵硬,黄蓉这才意识到,既然他选择了来救自己,那么显然他放弃了任大小姐和岳姑娘她不知道张柔故意打乱了几女所在的顺序,只当宋青书选择来救自己。 Huang Rong raised the head, discovered on the Song Qingshu face to have tear stains unexpectedly, in the heart touched greatly, the son had the tears non- light shell, because has not only arrived at the sad place, thought of the opposite party to save oneself, but will separate with the wife Celestial forever, in the heart was moved is the compunction. 黄蓉抬起头来,发现宋青书面庞上居然有了一丝泪痕,不禁心中大为触动,正所谓男儿有泪不轻弹,只因未到伤心处,想到对方为了救自己而和妻子天人永隔,心中又是感动又是内疚。 Sorry ~ Huang Rong cleans the tear stains on face for him, while said guilty. “对不起~”黄蓉一边替他擦拭脸上的泪痕,一边内疚地说道。 Song Qingshu shakes the head: Does not close your matter, is my own choice.” 宋青书摇了摇头:“不关你的事,是我自己的选择。” He more said like this, Huang Rong is guilty, why does not know, she produces impulsive suddenly, holds the face of opposite party, kissed unrestrainedly. 他越是这样说,黄蓉越是内疚,不知道为什么,她忽然产生一股冲动,捧着对方的脸庞,情不自禁地吻了上去。 Song Qingshu is startled, has not expected Huang Rong to kiss itself on own initiative, if usually he definitely wishes for earnestly, being wild with joy, because now thinks of Ren Yingying more unfortunate than fortunate, he cannot be happy. 宋青书一怔,万万没料到黄蓉会主动吻自己,若是平时他肯定求之不得,欣喜若狂,可是如今因为想到任盈盈凶多吉少,他却怎么也高兴不起来。 Feels the mood of man keenly, Huang Rong is also uncomfortable, suddenly thinks of anything, is raising head saying: Qingshu, you save her now perhaps also with enough time.” 敏锐感受到男人的情绪,黄蓉也非常难受,忽然想到什么,仰着头说道:“青书,你现在去救她说不定还来得及。” Song Qingshu is perplexed, the doubts are looking at her. 宋青书不明所以,疑惑地望着她。 Huang Rong quickly explained: Young Lady Ren, although in ordinary day although does not show one's self, but I know that she in fact is an extremely intelligent person, since I can find the means of dragging, she can also display the intelligence and ability dragging time, so long as you overtake are quick enough, perhaps also saved her!” 黄蓉急忙解释道:“任大小姐虽然平日里虽然不显山露水,但我知道她实际上是一个极为聪明之人,我既然能找到拖延的办法,想必她也能发挥聪明才智拖延时间,只要你赶过去够快,说不定还救得了她!” Song Qingshu one brightly, is packed in her the bosom instantaneously at present excitedly, kissed one on her cheek ruthlessly: Rong'er you really worthily are girls'school Zhuge, I love you simply.” 宋青书瞬间眼前一亮,激动地将她涌入怀中,狠狠地在她脸蛋儿上亲了一口:“蓉儿你真不愧是女中诸葛,我简直爱死你啦。” Huang Rong was made the complexion to blush by his sudden enthusiasm, somewhat shrank the body toward behind embarrassed, but in the heart also restores the fighting spirit to be happy for him: The matter cannot be delayed, you are quick.” 黄蓉被他突如其来的热情弄得脸色发红,有些不好意思地往后面缩了缩身子,不过心中也为他恢复斗志感到高兴:“事不宜迟,你快出发吧。” Good!” Song Qingshu nods, vanishes instantaneously on the spot. “好!”宋青书点点头,瞬间消失在原地。 Huang Rong waves, although on the face is also maintaining the happy expression, but saw him saying that vanished vanishes, in the heart somewhat lost unavoidably. 黄蓉挥了挥手,脸上虽然还保持着笑意,可是见他说消失就消失,心中难免有些失落。 She just wants to sigh, suddenly the body in a flash, the ear resounded whistling the wind sound/rumor, the surroundings scenery also backs up fast, she is startled to be just about to call out in alarm, actually smelled that familiar aura, then looked, discovered oneself were being hugged by Song Qingshu in bosom among the roads speeds along. 她刚想叹气,忽然身子一晃,耳边响起了呼呼风声,周围景色也飞快倒退,她大吃一惊正要惊呼,却闻到了那股熟悉的气息,回头一看,发现自己正被宋青书抱在怀中一路飞驰。 You put me to get down quickly.” A moment ago when was life and death one, in addition feared, various joyful mood to erupt thoroughly, therefore Huang Rong was much bolder than the ordinary day, may pass through such a while time, her reason has restored gradually, thought of Elder Brother Jing, thinks status of both sides, she started to be embarrassed. “你快放我下来。”刚才是生死一线之际,再加上恐惧、欣喜各种情绪彻底爆发出来,所以黄蓉比平日里要大胆得多,可经过这么一会儿功夫,她的理智已经渐渐恢复,想到了靖哥哥,想到了双方的身份,她又开始难为情起来。 Does not put!” Song Qingshu but actually also simple, does not give the opportunity that she rejects. “不放!”宋青书倒也干脆,根本不给她拒绝的机会。 Actually after feeling alarmed and anxious of over night, lies down in his warm bosom at this time, Huang Rong thought that is especially relieved and comfortable, she also looks forward to this to lie down, but she understands that she not possible to lie down in his arms for a lifetime, will recover the launching an attack shed with its future, might as well will get down earlier. 其实经过一夜的担惊受怕,此时躺在他温暖的怀抱中,黄蓉觉得格外地安心与舒适,她也巴不得就这样一直躺下去,但她明白自己不可能在他怀里躺一辈子,与其将来愈发难舍,还不如早点下来。 This will drag down your speed.” Huang Rong finally found a right reason. “这样会拖累你的速度的。”黄蓉终于找到了一个正当的理由。 My this is not general movement art, but nearly in the rule, your weight to my influence,” Song Qingshu had not supplemented, let alone you are not heavier.” “我这并非一般的轻功,而是近乎于规则,你一个人的重量对我没影响,”顿了顿宋青书又补充了一句,“更何况你又不重。” As if thinks of anything, the Song Qingshu knitting the brows head, continues saying: You were pregnant were so light, usually must eat the thing long meat to be good.” 仿佛想到什么,宋青书皱了皱眉头,继续说道:“你都怀孕了还这么轻,平时要多吃点东西长点肉才好。” „It is not you...... the Huang Rong subconsciousness wants to stop up in any case with the usual words, but told only half that was actually startled, does not know why heart one soft, the gentle voice replied, I will eat.” “反正又不是你……”黄蓉下意识想用平时的话堵回去,不过说到一半却怔住了,不知为何心头一软,柔声答道,“我会多吃的。” Why does not know, among two people as if were many ambiguous meaning, Huang Rong was raising head to look at his resolute cheeks, in the look is also being short of the indifference in the ordinary day intentionally maintaining. 不知道为何,两人之间仿佛多了一丝暧昧的意味,黄蓉仰着头望着他刚毅的脸颊,眼神之中也少了平日里故意维持的冷漠。 Pitifully only Song Qingshu has an emotional tie with the Ren Yingying safety at this time, has not noticed all these. 只可惜宋青书此时心系任盈盈安危,并没有注意到这一切。 Also crossed one like this, Huang Rong sees some distant place person's shadows indistinctly, has to open the mouth again: You put me, a while was seen is not good.” 又这样过了一阵,黄蓉隐隐约约看到远处有些人影,不得不再次开口了:“你把我放下来吧,等会儿被人看见了不好。” Having anything is not good.” Song Qingshu snort/hum. “有什么不好的。”宋青书哼了一声。 Huang Rong pinched his waist ill-humoredly: Yourself are clear!” 黄蓉没好气地掐了他腰间一把:“你自己心里清楚!” Song Qingshu said seriously: Acting according to the special circumstances, let alone the Great Hero Guo manner is more honest, even if were seen by him, thanked me to save you also without enough time, where will let one's thoughts wander.” 宋青书一本正经地说道:“事急从权,更何况郭大侠为人正直,就算被他看到,感激我救了你还来不及,哪里会乱想。” Huang Rong complexion one red: You...... vomit with the beforehand same bastard ~ 黄蓉脸色一红:“你还是和之前一样混蛋……呕~” Noticed her response, Song Qingshu frightens to stop quickly, is patting her back gently while asked: You how?” 注意到她的反应,宋青书吓得急忙停了下来,一边轻轻拍着她的背一边问道:“你怎么了?” Huang Rong retched several, just now slow: It‘s nothing, after being pregnant the normal reaction...... you to fly quickly, I somewhat could not bear...... you do not manage me, rescuing Young Lady Ren was important.” 黄蓉干呕了几下,方才缓了过来:“没什么,怀孕后的正常反应……你飞得太快了,我有些受不了……你不要管我了,救任大小姐要紧。” A Song Qingshu brow wrinkle: Keeps here your one person, how I can feel relieved.” Now what he most is worried is Yingying (full of/graceful) is incurable when the time comes, even Huang Rong also had an accident, that may really probably regret dead. 宋青书眉头一皱:“可是把你一个人留在这里,我怎么能放心。”他现在最担心的是到时候盈盈没救到,连黄蓉也出事了,那可真是要后悔死。 At this moment, not far away broadcasts a pleasantly surprised sound suddenly: Big Brother Song?” 就在这时,不远处忽然传来一阵惊喜的声音:“宋大哥?” Song Qingshu then looked, discovered Lin Pingzhi is leading one team of people to appear in not far away: You how here?” 宋青书回头一看,发现林平之正带着一队人出现在不远处:“你怎么在这里?” Lin Pingzhi is just about to reply, Song Qingshu actually hits to block the way: Explained without enough time, you first escort the hibiscus...... cough cough...... to escort Faction Master Huang to go back, I first walked!” 林平之正要回答,宋青书却打断道:“来不及解释了,你们先护送蓉……咳咳……护送黄帮主回去,我先走了!” The figure flashes, then has vanished beyond dozens zhang (3.33 m), looks at one group of people dizzily to turn one's thoughts toward a loved one. 说完身形一闪,便已经消失在了数十丈之外,看得一群人目眩神驰。 Song Qingshu was not worried actually Lin Pingzhi does not make clear the condition, has Huang Rong in any case, she will definitely arrange all, on the contrary is that side Yingying (full of/graceful)...... 宋青书倒是不担心林平之搞不清楚状况,反正有黄蓉在,她肯定会安排好一切的,反倒是盈盈那边…… Yingying (full of/graceful), you may do not have the matter!” 盈盈,你可千万不要有事啊!” And said that in a Liuhe Tower broken room, Ren Yingying was seizing by the throat by a person stubbornly, a elegant face rises red. 且说六和塔一间破屋内,任盈盈正被一个人死死掐着脖子,一张俏脸涨得通红。 In the room the members of ten loyal troops fighting in a good cause, are more than Huang Rong guard, obviously stretch/open Rougeng takes seriously the status of her Song Qingshu woman. 屋子里面还有十来个忠义军的成员,远比黄蓉身边的守卫多,显然张柔更重视她宋青书女人的身份。 Such pretty woman, killed rather some careless and wasteful use of nature's products like this.” And a guard face not Shirdi said. “这么漂亮一个女人,就这样杀了未免有些暴殄天物啊。”其中一个守卫一脸不舍地说道。 What's wrong, do you want to violate the greatly order?” Another person of complexion stared his one eyes bad. “怎么,你想违背大当家的命令么?”另一人脸色不善地瞪了他一眼。 Does not dare, does not dare.” Before that person beckoned with the hand embarrasedly, in the heart is actually depressed, if only then 12 individuals, everyone can also discuss how to enjoy beautiful well, if angel Young Lady Ren, was here person were too many, was doomed not to have the means to keep one's mouth shut afterward, everyone does not dare to take risk, must know that stretch/open soft the military law was usually severe, dares to comply in public but oppose in private to his order, once were discovered, this poor life estimated could not preserve. “不敢,不敢。”之前那人讪讪地摆了摆手,心中却是郁闷,如果只有一两个人,大家还可以商量着怎么好好享用美若天仙的任大小姐一番,可是这里人太多了,注定事后没办法守口如瓶,大家谁也不敢冒这个险,要知道张柔素来军法严苛,敢对他的命令阳奉阴违,一旦被发现,这条小命估计保不住了。 Although the women are good, may compensate to be unworthy the life for the woman. Therefore although in many hearts somewhat regretted, has to endure suffering to follow the order such a peony great beauty killing. 女人虽好,可为了女人把命赔进去就不值了。因此虽然不少人心中有些惋惜,也只好忍痛遵循命令将这样国色天香一个大美人给杀了。 At this moment, suddenly hears a pitiful yell, the people look, sees only Ren Yingying to cover the neck partly to squat on the ground coughs, but before pinched her person to fall down did not have the aura. 就在这时,忽然听到一声惨叫,众人纷纷望去,只见任盈盈正捂着脖子半蹲在地上咳嗽,而之前掐着她的那人已经倒在地上没了气息。 How many seconds one group of people petrified, they have not thought to be honest completely will also have such accident, after all the Ren Yingying skill had managed a household in the special technique greatly trigged, present her ordinary females were inferior how can instead massacre own companion? 一群人石化了几秒的时间,说实话他们完全没想到还会有这样的变故,毕竟任盈盈功力已经被大当家以特殊手法制住了,如今的她连一个普通女子都不如,怎么能反杀掉自己的同伴? Ren Yingying looked at people one eyes, suddenly the figure moved to clash toward outside. 任盈盈看了众人一眼,忽然身形一动往外面冲了出去。 Do not let her run!” One group of people then awaken, pursued in abundance. “别让她跑了!”一群人这才惊醒过来,纷纷追了上去。 ~ “啊~” Aiya ~ “哎呀~” Grass ~ “艹~” Pitiful yell continuously, had the members of several loyal troops fighting in a good cause to fall down instantaneously. 此起彼伏的惨叫,瞬间又有几个忠义军的成员倒在了地上。 Black blood god needle, Sun Moon Divine Cult's black blood god needle!” “黑血神针,日月神教的黑血神针!” Does not know that who called, one group of people hold breath cold air, the black blood god needle, must die, its prestige Jianghu (rivers and lakes) person has more or less heard. 不知道谁叫了出来,一群人纷纷倒吸一口凉气,黑血神针,中者必死,它的威名江湖人或多或少都听说过。 Damn, forgot to search for her body!” Some people regretted that said constantly, but everyone understands, the Ren Yingying status is special, is a female, their one group of grown men do not certainly facilitate to search for her body, in addition stretch/open soft gave her to get down the ban, everyone also relaxed vigilantly. “该死,忘了搜她的身!”有人后悔不迭地说道,不过大家都明白,任盈盈身份特殊,又是女子,他们一群大男人当然不方便搜她的身,再加上张柔给她下了禁制,大家也就放松了警惕。 „But how did she restore the skill?” This is also doubts in all person hearts, after all the Ren Yingying martial arts is not weak, was almost equal to a Sun Moon Divine Cult's elder, in addition the black blood god needle, they pursued rashly, does not know that many people will have no way to see tomorrow's Sun again. “可是她怎么恢复了功力啊?”这也是所有人心中的疑惑,毕竟任盈盈武功不弱,差不多等于一个日月神教的长老了,再加上黑血神针,他们这些人冒然追上去,也不知有多少人再也没法见到明天的太阳。 That young leader is experienced: On her face seemed like not normal bright red a moment ago, possibly is the demon teaches to be lost for a long time, takes the essence and blood and loss of life combustion person as the price, obtains the promotion of short time ability. This method harm is enormous, she could not insist how long, everyone pursues quickly!”- 还是那小头领见多识广:“刚才她脸上好像有一层不正常的嫣红,可能是魔教失传已久的,以燃烧人的精血、损耗寿元为代价,获得短时间能力的提升。这种法子危害极大,她坚持不了多久的,大家快追!”- Thank strong and tiger elder brother 526, to come one sad, to fade from the memory again remembers, the book friend 50354146, Jiang picture and book friend 22682320, lj2310887 hundred degrees celsius, zn3m636462, lwydavid2 and a daily nightmare and deep Luo heaven the soul and other book friend of hitting to enjoy and monthly ticket support of many avid readers! 感谢strong、虎哥526、再来一悲、淡忘地记忆、书友50354146、蒋张画、书友22682320、lj2310887百度、zn3m636462、lwydavid2、每天一噩梦、冥罗天soul等书友的打赏以及诸多热心读者的月票支持! Cell phone reading please visit: m. 手机阅读请访问:m.
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