FSM :: Volume #14

#1393: Thatched hut fluttering flags

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After the initial bold impulsion, the present Ren Yingying return rationality, instantaneously becomes shy. 经过最初的大胆冲动,现在的任盈盈回归理性,瞬间变得害羞起来。 Looks the appearance that she likes a cat on hot bricks, Song Qingshu cannot bear smile: What keeps off to keep off, do I have to look?” 看着她局促不安的模样,宋青书忍不住笑了起来:“挡什么挡啊,我又不是没看过?” The Ren Yingying complexion was redder, thinks oneself with him in the same place, by his more war more, are even developed each time unknowingly cheaply now nakedly relative. 任盈盈脸色更红了,想到自己每次和他在一起,不知不觉便宜就被他越战越多,如今甚至发展到赤裸相对了。 She after all is a young girl, suddenly does not have custom such status too to transform, was anxious in the sound to bring a weeping voice: How you always like bullying me.” 她毕竟还是个少女,一时间没有太习惯这样的身份转变,急得声音中都带了一丝哭腔:“你这人怎么总是爱欺负我。” Saw her tears to come out, Song Qingshu then remembered her facial skin in the gold/metal book female lord is to become famous thin, does not dare to tease her again, quickly said: Okay good, I help you block from am.” 见她眼泪都出来了,宋青书这才想起她的脸皮在金书诸位女主里是出了名的薄,也不敢再逗她,急忙说道:“好好好,我帮你遮住就是。” Then took up her women's clothing to spread out to dry in the sun on the clothes rack, on the one hand with the aid of bonfire roasting, on the other hand can also cover for her. 这才拿起她的衣裙摊开晾在了衣架上,一方面借助篝火烘烤,另一方面还能替她遮挡。 Ren Yingying is sipping small mouth, hid behind the clothes fast, the heart that bang bang jumped gradually was just now gentle. 任盈盈抿着小嘴儿,快速地躲到了衣服后面,一颗砰砰直跳的芳心方才渐渐平缓下来。 Sees her frightened appearance, Song Qingshu some wants to smile, after all two people a moment ago intimate to that degree, this/should doing should not doing all did, the bad shooting, finally now she is so only shy. 看到她受惊的模样,宋青书不禁有些想笑,毕竟两人刚才都亲密到那种程度了,该做的不该做的全做了,只差临门一脚而已,结果现在她还这么害羞。 Song Qingshu shakes the head, moreover built a rack, dries in the sun to bake above own clothes. 宋青书摇了摇头,另外重新搭了个架子,将自己的衣裳也晾在上面烘烤起来。 In the room is instantaneously peaceful, is only left over in the bonfire the sound of combustion. 房间之中瞬间安静下来,只剩下篝火中噼里啪啦燃烧的声音。 After a while from now on, Song Qingshu thought that like this gets down silent is not a matter, then says: Yingying (full of/graceful) you prepare not to have, I must use Solitary Yang Finger to make a connection with the meridians for you.” 过了一会儿过后,宋青书觉得这样沉默下去也不是个事儿,便开口说道:“盈盈你准备好没有,我要替你用一阳指打通经脉了。” Behind the clothes rack, Ren Yingying crops up, shrank quickly: „...... Waits again.” 衣架后面,任盈盈冒了个头出来,很快又缩了回去:“再……再等等。” What also waits for?” A Song Qingshu brow wrinkle, time drags for a long time more disadvantageous to your state.” “还等什么?”宋青书眉头一皱,“时间拖得越久对你的伤情越不利。” Ren Yingying was silent immediately, she knows that this truth, latter just now returns long time said: „...... And other clothes did.” 任盈盈顿时沉默了,她又何尝不知道这个道理,良久后方才回道:“等……等衣服干了来。” Song Qingshu speechless, he then understands that Ren Yingying is the embarrassed light the body therapy by oneself, therefore planned that the clothes did wore the clothes to treat again. 宋青书一阵无语,他这才明白任盈盈是不好意思光着身子让自己疗伤,所以打算衣服干了穿上衣服再治疗。 But this clothes all soaked, which is also a short time dry/does.” Song Qingshu cannot bear the headache say. “可是这衣服全湿透了,又哪是一时半会儿干的了的啊。”宋青书忍不住头疼道。 Ren Yingying had not replied, but Song Qingshu can feel that her stubbornness with insisting, has saying: Really feared you, I help you.” 任盈盈并没有回答,但宋青书能感觉到她的倔强与坚持,只好说道:“真是怕了你了,我来帮帮你吧。” Said that Song Qingshu walked, stretched out the palm to place on the clothes, quick mist on ascension. 说完宋青书走了过去,伸出手掌放在了衣服上,很快一阵雾气就升腾而起。 Ren Yingying blinks, looks at the opposite party to dry the clothes with the inner strength for her, is moved is the apology: You are very a moment ago tired, now consumes the inner strength to be able unable to support?” 任盈盈眨了眨眼睛,看得出来对方是用内力替她烘干衣服,不禁又是感动又是歉意:“你刚才已经很累了,现在又耗费内力会不会支撑不住?” My inner strength has achieved the boundary that grows continually, did a moment ago in a short time too many consumed the inner strength greatly the matter, causing the supplement speed somewhat unable to follow, slept a moment ago, now had restored most.” Song Qingshu answered with a smile. “我的内力已经达到生生不息的境界,刚才是短时间内做了太多大耗内力的事情,导致补充速度有些跟不上,刚才睡了一觉,现在已经恢复了大半了。”宋青书笑着解释道。 Listened to him to say sleeps, Ren Yingying thinks that he held the picture that are sleeping, the complexion even more tender and beautiful desire drops. 听他说睡了一觉,任盈盈想到他抱着自己睡觉的画面,脸色愈发娇艳欲滴了。 Song Qingshu baked one with the inner strength, a brow wrinkle: This was too rather slow.” 宋青书用内力烘烤了一阵,不禁眉头一皱:“这样未免太慢了些。” In the heart moves, then tears off the clothes on clothes rack, throws over on oneself, then inner strength full, starts the water vapor on transpiration clothes with the thermal energy of whole body, the speed compared with did not only know quickly many times with a pair of hand a moment ago. 心中一动,便扯下衣架上的衣裳,披在自己身上,然后内力全开,用全身的热力开始蒸腾衣服上的水汽,速度比刚才只用一双手不知道快了多少倍。 ~ sees the clothes to tear off suddenly, Ren Yingying subconscious calls out in alarm, but soon discovered that the opposite party is deliberately turning away from himself, obviously does not want to seize the chance to profit, this relaxes secretly. “啊~”见衣裳突然被扯掉,任盈盈下意识一阵惊呼,不过很快发现对方刻意背对着自己,显然并不想趁机占便宜,这才暗暗松了一口气。 Then sees Song Qingshu to throw over the funny appearance of women's clothing, Ren Yingying one dull, tittered to smile to make noise: Your solemn man real man, wears the clothes of woman not to fear bashfully.” 接着看到宋青书披着自己衣裙的滑稽模样,任盈盈不由一呆,噗嗤一下笑出了声:“你堂堂一个男子汉大丈夫,穿女人的衣服也不怕害臊。” Song Qingshu shows a faint smile: Generally the clothes of woman I will certainly not put on, but the clothes of oneself woman put on also to might as well.” 宋青书微微一笑:“一般女人的衣服我当然不会穿了,不过自己女人的衣服穿穿也无妨。” Hears his words, Ren Yingying one dull, thinks of the meaning in his words, in the heart also has a happy sentiment shyly. 听到他的话,任盈盈不禁一呆,想到他话中的意思,心中又是羞涩又有一份甜蜜之情。 Must know that this world is not open like the later generation society, wears the clothes of woman in average man opinion is to man's one huge insult, in the past Sima Yi could not persevere, Zhuge Liang makes the soldier take the clothes of woman to challenge the enemy to battle, almost cannot bear the stimulation including always calm calm Sima Yi, runs to fight a decisive battle with him impulsive, thus it can be seen this social regarding this concept how. 要知道这个世界不像后世社会那么开放,穿女人的衣服在常人看来是对男人的一种巨大的侮辱,当年司马懿坚守不出,诸葛亮就让士兵拿女人的衣服去叫阵,连一向沉稳冷静的司马懿都差点受不了刺激,冲动地跑出去和他决战,由此可见这个社会对此观念如何。 Ren Yingying knows that Song Qingshu does this for dries the clothes for oneself, in the heart cannot help but deeply moved, looks that his look even more is also gentle, matter that this Song Qingshu is unexpected actually. 任盈盈知道宋青书这样做是为了替自己将衣裳烘干,心中不由得大为感动,看着他的眼神也愈发温柔起来,这倒是宋青书始料未及的事情。 Ok, is almost dry.” Song Qingshu touched women's clothing, will turn the head. “好了,已经差不多干了。”宋青书摸了摸身上的衣裙,正要转过头来。 Do not turn head!” Ren Yingying calls out in alarm one, quickly hid from behind him, you...... you gave me the clothes are.” “你别回头!”任盈盈惊呼一声,急忙躲到了他背后,“你……你将衣裳给我就是。” Song Qingshu smiles, pours is not cruel enough to play tricks on her again, has to take off clothes stopper to give her to behind. 宋青书笑了笑,倒也不忍心再戏弄她,只好脱下了身上的衣裳塞到后面递给了她。 Thanked...... thanks.” Received the clothes, the Ren Yingying gentle voice said. “谢……谢。”接过衣裳,任盈盈柔声说道。 Song Qingshu sighed: Has not seen you like this gently to me.” 宋青书叹了口气:“还从没见过你对我这样温柔过。” Ren Yingying also remembers among two people all sorts of things, thinks oneself to him shouted that hits to shout "kill" these things, smiles: „Before who lets you, is so repugnant.” 任盈盈也不禁想起两人之间发生的种种事情,想到自己对他喊打喊杀那些事情,也不禁会心一笑:“谁让你以前那么讨厌。” „Amn't I now repugnant?” Song Qingshu hits the snake to ask along with the stick on. “我现在就不讨厌了么?”宋青书打蛇随棍上问道。 Ren Yingying wears the clothes fast, above also remains the body temperature of opposite party, thinks that this clothes put on a moment ago on a man, her heartbeat sped up several points, bites the lip to say lightly low voice: Is equally repugnant ~ 任盈盈快速地穿好衣裳,上面还残留着对方的体温,想到刚才这件衣裳穿在一个男人身上,她心跳又加快了几分,轻咬嘴唇小声说道:“还是一样讨厌~” Although on her mouth is saying like this, the tone that but in the spoken language flirts with one another had betrayed her idea completely. 尽管她嘴上这样说着,可是言语中打情骂俏的语气已经完全出卖了她内心的想法。 Song Qingshu thought at this time laborious one in the evening, what also value, thinks that the state of opposite party, quickly asked: „Do you wear the clothes?” 宋青书这时候觉得辛苦一晚上,什么也值了,想到对方的伤情,急忙问道:“你穿好衣裳没有?” Just was the waistband, Ren Yingying un one: Ok.” 刚刚系好腰带,任盈盈嗯了一声:“好了。” Song Qingshu turns head, sees her to rely in nearby column, a delicate appearance, being exposed to the sun initial rise, the sunlight shines frail meantime from out of the window, the bonfire of room the combustion, the flame continuously to rock, the shadow of light smoke has fluttered her white such as the face of white jade, increases the tender and beautiful beautiful color. 宋青书回过头来,看到她倚在旁边的柱上,娇怯怯地一副弱不禁风模样,其时朝阳初升,日光从窗外照射进来,房间的篝火噼里啪啦燃烧,火焰不住晃动,轻烟的影子飘过她皓如白玉的脸,更增娇艳的丽色。 Yingying (full of/graceful), you really beautiful ~ Song Qingshu cannot bear to praise sigh. 盈盈,你真美~”宋青书忍不住赞叹道。 Ren Yingying actually made a big red painted-face, the vision fell to his navel next three cuns (2.5 cm) that valiant spirited things, could not bear the face not spit: Does not know that in the brain is thinking what salt za the thing ~ 任盈盈却闹了个大红脸,目光落到他脐下三寸那雄赳赳气昂昂的东西,忍不住别过脸去啐道:“也不知脑子里在想什么腌臜的东西~” Although her tone is angry, but the double cheek flushed red, glances the circulation, in fact has not been angry. 她语气虽然恼怒,但双颊酡红,眼波流转,实际上并没有那么生气。 This is the accident/surprise.” Song Qingshu somewhat is also awkward, this time he also is really not intentionally. “这个是意外。”宋青书也不禁有些尴尬,这次他还真不是故意的。 You wear the clothes quickly.” Ren Yingying shamed the ear quickly to be red. “你快穿上衣服吧。”任盈盈羞得耳根子都快红了。 Song Qingshu thought flower several, but saw the little thing that oneself do not make every effort to succeed is really indecent, has to wear the clothes, then an inner strength revolution, the water vapor was dried quickly. 宋青书本来想口花花几句,不过看到自己不争气的小东西实在有伤风化,只好将衣服重新穿好,接着内力一运转,水汽很快被烘干了。 Me was good.” The Song Qingshu sound is somewhat awkward, after all that scene somewhat lost face a moment ago. “我这边好了。”宋青书声音有几分尴尬,毕竟刚才那场景有些丢脸。 Un.” Ren Yingying turns head, the look actually somewhat glitters, now two people wear the clothes she instead not to know what kind of attitude from now on should with come facing him. “嗯。”任盈盈回过头来,眼神却有几分闪烁,现在两人都穿好衣服过后她反而不知道该用怎样的态度来面对他了。 Song Qingshu what kind of character, realized sensitively her the change of this time mood, puts out a hand to draw her to the bosom in directly: You also indulge in flights of fancy anything, we were the couple.” 宋青书何等人物,敏感地意识到了她此时情绪的变化,直接一伸手就将她拉到怀中:“你还胡思乱想些什么呢,我们都是夫妻了呀。” Sometimes the relations between men and women arrive at a subtle balance, indeed needs a side to take the lead to break this deadlock, Song Qingshu not that vacant beginning elder brother, Ren Yingying was supported into the bosom by him luckily, most starts the body, although is somewhat stiff, but quick relaxed, the small mouth digs: That is you deceives my, is the fraudulent marriage.” 有时候男女之间的关系到达一个微妙的平衡,的确需要一方率先打破这个僵局,幸好宋青书并非那种茫然无措的初哥,任盈盈被他拥入怀中,最开始身体虽然有些僵硬,但很快就放松了下来,不禁小嘴一撅:“那是你骗我的,是骗婚。” Song Qingshu put out a hand to pinch her to curl upwards nose very: If I have not remembered incorrectly, initially was somebody asks to let me and she gets married.” 宋青书伸手捏了捏她翘挺的鼻子:“如果我没记错的话,当初是某人求着让我和她成亲的吧。” Ren Yingying could not bear pinch the powder fist to beat his: At that time I do not know that your real status, who makes you deceive me.” 任盈盈忍不住捏起粉拳捶了他一下:“那时候我又不知道你真实身份,谁让你骗我。” Only can say that the heaven cares for me, was just bumped into by me, when the time comes the wife got married with others does not know.” Song Qingshu hehe said with a smile. “只能说上天眷顾我啊,要不是刚好被我撞见,到时候老婆跟别人成亲了都不知道。”宋青书嘿嘿笑道。 Bah, who is your wife.” Ren Yingying is angry lightly. “呸,谁是你老婆。”任盈盈轻嗔不已。 You think that doesn't acknowledge mistakes?” A Song Qingshu straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards vertical stroke, we return to Black Wood Cliff immediately, is in front of your to ask your father, whose wife looks at you are.” “你想不认账?”宋青书剑眉一竖,“我们马上回黑木崖,当着你的面问你爹,看你是谁的老婆。” Repugnant!” Ren Yingying both hands hug his neck, the whole person are shrinking, in he bosom, an eye quick drop water leakage. “讨厌!”任盈盈双手勾着他的脖子,整个人缩在他怀中,一双眼睛快滴出水来。 She also in secret strange, thinks obviously before these matter do not hit one on the air/Qi, why thinks that now same these things, oneself actually instead felt that...... has a happiness? 她自己也在暗暗奇怪,明明之前想到这些事情自己就气不打一处来,为何现在想到同样这些事情,自己却反而感觉到……有一丝甜蜜? Ok, I use Solitary Yang Finger to make a connection with the meridians to you now, cannot delay again.” Song Qingshu sincere said. “好了,我现在给你用一阳指打通经脉吧,不能再耽搁了。”宋青书正色说道。 Good!” Ren Yingying nods, no longer declines. “好!”任盈盈点了点头,不再推辞。 Then Song Qingshu displays Solitary Yang Finger to start for her warm support meridians, he had displayed several times, now naturally is familiar and easy, but Ren Yingying, in her such bone was shy actually to accept oneself these sensitive spots to the extreme young girl to be selected painstakingly by a man from top to bottom. 接下来宋青书施展一阳指开始替她温养经脉,他已经数次施展,如今自然是轻车熟路,只不过苦了任盈盈,她这样一个骨子里害羞到极点的少女却要接受自己浑身上下那些敏感部位被一个男人点来点去。 If not Song Qingshu the sensitivity will just brush max, perhaps she has gotten angry. 若非宋青书刚刚将好感度刷到max,恐怕她早已翻脸了。 The good merit finished, Ren Yingying had been made the whole body to sweat profusely, the clothes were also wet dá dá closely paste above her flesh, made that she was quite uncomfortable. 行功完毕,任盈盈早已被弄得浑身香汗淋漓,衣裳又湿哒哒紧紧地贴在了她肌肤之上,弄得她极为不舒服。 Holds in the bosom the gentle and charming desire friendly young girl, Song Qingshu is gathering near her ear to say low voice: Had said with you do not wear the clothes, this non- clothes were also wet.” 抱着怀中娇柔欲融的少女,宋青书凑到她耳边小声说道:“早就和你说了不要穿衣服了嘛,这不衣服又湿了。” The Ren Yingying sweet and delicate voice breathes lightly, pinched his ill-humoredly: You know that bullies me!” 任盈盈娇声轻喘,没好气地掐了他一把:“你就知道欺负我!” Where I have to bully you,” a Song Qingshu face is unjust, I lost so many skills, even recalled nearly ten years of lifespan for you, you added that I do bully you?” “我哪里有欺负你啊,”宋青书一脸冤枉,“我损耗了这么多功力,甚至替你挽回了近十年的阳寿,你还说我欺负你?” Solitary Yang Finger is really the sharp weapon of noble spirit of saving the sick and wounded, through making a connection with the human body meridians can save the dying person, Song Qingshu raised Ren Yingying within the body because of burning the blood with Solitary Yang Finger warm is big. law is affected the serious meridians, fell lowly its negative role, in addition, nerve True Qi that brought back to life, recalled ten years of life span for her directly, what a pity burnt the blood to be big. law is extremely overbearing, 20 years of lifespan is also helpless Solitary Yang Finger and Divine Brilliance Scripture. 一阳指果然是救死扶伤的利器,通过打通人体经脉能将垂死之人救活,宋青书一阳指温养了任盈盈体内因燃血大.法受损严重的经脉,将其负面作用降到了最低,再加上之前起死回生的神经真气,直接替她挽回了十年的寿命,可惜燃血大.法太过霸道,还有二十年的阳寿连一阳指神照经也无能为力。 But the Ren Yingying emphasis is not on this, instead the vision brilliant is looking at him: Honest confession, how many girls do you use such method to treat the wound?”- 可是任盈盈的关注点却并不在这上面,反而目光灼灼地望着他:“老实交代,你用这样的方法给多少女孩子治过伤?”- Thank the White Sea wave and dull B beast 12345 and other enthusiasms of book friend to support! 感谢白海浪、呆b兽12345等书友的热情捧场! Finished the double monthly tickets to today 12 : 00, to thank this , the enthusiastic support of fellow book friends, should be able to renew ten thousand character today, thank you! 双倍月票到今天12点结束,为了感谢这期间各位书友的热情支持,今天应该能更新万字,谢谢大家!
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