FWH :: Volume #7

#689: Heart of beat

Thump, thump, thump. 咚,咚,咚。 Low and deep powerfully the sound of restraint, seemed a sacrificial offering just started. In the stage the original wooden frame the heavy obsolete skin drum, the time has been washing the grayish white and bonfire smoke the shining black, making it motley. Half-length gathers round the robust man of animal skin nakedly, wields drumstick that not the well-known wild beast pin bone ties up. Every one is throwing over long hair will surge to flutter, large flame that around like the stage in the earthenware brazier beats, wild monster different, lonesome however silent. 低沉有力而克制的声音,好似一场祭祀刚刚开始。高台上原木架着沉重老旧的皮鼓,时光洗过的灰白和篝火烟熏得发亮的黑色,令它斑驳肃穆。半身赤裸围着兽皮的壮汉,挥动不知名野兽腿骨绑成的鼓槌。每一下披着的长发都会激荡飘扬,就像高台四周陶制火盆里跳动的火舌,狂放妖异,又寂然无声。 The transparent ripples are centered on She Yu slowly flood, the air as if becomes viscous, a little makes the person not gasp for breath. 透明的涟漪以佘妤为中心缓缓泛开,空气似乎变得粘稠,有点让人喘不过气。 The scarlet pupil is staring at She Yu, like damn. 赤瞳盯着佘妤,就像见鬼一样。 To him, the ghost and so on anything should not make a fuss about nothing. 哦不,对他而言,鬼魂之类并没有什么值得大惊小怪。 He is staring at the She Yu's chest, the light red light shows from her chest, plays musical instruments the flesh that may break to be illuminated tiny particle to completely appear, is bringing several points of bright. Does not doubt, if no red light, it certainly snow white and attractive. 他盯着佘妤的胸脯,淡淡的红光从她的胸脯里透出,吹弹可破的肌肤被照得纤毫毕现,带着几分剔透。毫不怀疑,假如没有红光,它一定雪白而诱人。 But red light, right, the scarlet pupil familiar red light, actually has entrusted with the extremely dangerous aura one of the live color unrefined resin. 可是红光,没错,赤瞳再熟悉不过的红光,却把这活色生香的一幕赋予了极其危险的气息。 The scarlet pupil feels the thick God Blood aura, nobody understands God Blood compared with him. He even can judge, a woman of opposite this red clothed clothes, has not built up God Blood completely. 赤瞳感受到浓浓的神血气息,没人比他更了解神血。他甚至能判断出,对面这位一袭红衣裳的女人,还没有完全炼化神血 If arrived here, is an out-and-out good news. God Blood was built up by other people are thorougher, to the scarlet pupil means that the buckle are more. 假如到这里的话,是个不折不扣的好消息。神血被他人炼化越彻底,对赤瞳来说就意味着折损越多。 But, what is that? 可是,那是什么? God Blood was being swallowed by anything. 神血正在被什么吞噬。 The scarlet pupil thinks unbelievable, is not God Blood is swallowed, but is that anything. He unexpectedly a wee bit does not know that is anything! Then made him feel scared. 赤瞳觉得难以置信的,并不是神血被吞噬,而是那个“什么”。他竟然一丁点都不知道,那是什么!这才令他感到恐慌。 It as if specially lives for God Blood. 它仿佛专门为了神血而生。 The red clothed young girl God Blood quantity are not many, but thin, if sends the silk wisp of God Blood, sufficiently the brace explodes formidable savage beast. But it actually has no scruples, is sucking in young girl within the body God Blood unceasingly. 红衣少女身上的神血数量不多,但是细若发丝的一缕神血,都足以撑爆强大的荒兽。可是它却毫无顾忌,不断吮吸着少女体内神血 The heart of dragon? Do not crack a joke, can dragon that goods withstand own God Blood? 龙的心脏?别开玩笑了,龙那种货色能承受自己的神血 Scarlet pupil, just regained consciousness does not dare excessively to absorb God Blood. 就连赤瞳自己,刚刚苏醒也不敢过多吸收神血 What ghost thing is that? 那是什么鬼东西? Intense dangerous feeling lingering scarlet pupil heart. 强烈的危险感萦绕赤瞳心头。 Experiences Mu Shou Association to have special aims at his plan, from the elemental force system, to building up the body way, arrives at Demonic Will again, with meticulous care. 见识过牧首会有专门针对他的方案,从元力体系,到炼体方式,再到魔念,丝丝入扣。 Now he witnesses, embodied the crystallization of life practice accumulation and wisdom, early becomes the game that others covet. Under standing tall and erect chest heart of that beat, is far from inborn, but is a trap of careful establishment, specifically aims at the God Blood trap. 现在他又亲眼目睹,凝聚了一生修炼积累和智慧的结晶,早早成为别人觊觎的猎物。高耸胸脯下那颗跳动的心脏,绝非天生,而是一个精心设置的陷阱,一个专门针对神血的陷阱。 In the scarlet pupil mind appears such. 赤瞳脑海中浮现这样一幕。 The remote past, one group of people revolve God Blood, vision greed(y) actually to restrain. Noble God Blood, had not been consecrated by them. They are ambitious, overreaches oneself extremely arrogantly, tries to tame the boundless vastness. 遥远的过去,一群人围绕着神血,目光贪婪却又克制。高贵的神血,没有被他们供奉起来。他们野心勃勃,狂妄不自量力,试图驯服无边的汪洋。 Strength that in God Blood contains, is the vast grand vastness. 神血里蕴含的力量,就是浩瀚壮阔的汪洋。 The scarlet pupil whole body feels cold. 赤瞳浑身发冷。 Lunatics! One group of lunatics! 疯子!一群疯子! The scarlet pupil had deduced the editions after many resurrecting before one's death once, the people frightened, will be afraid and keep at a respectful distance, the membrane top worship to him wait / etc., even if the hostility, will certainly combine the fear to be right, shouldn't carve to the ancient times unknown awe in the marrow of humanity? 在生前赤瞳推演过许多复活后的版本,人们会对他恐惧、害怕、敬而远之、膜顶崇拜等等,哪怕是敌意,也一定会混杂着恐惧才对,对远古未知的敬畏不应该刻在人类的骨髓之中吗? The reality is actually so... Brutal. 现实却是如此…残酷。 The scarlet pupil forces itself to calm down, he has not known the status of opposite female. 赤瞳强迫自己冷静下来,他还不知道对面女子的身份。 Does red clothed female within the body that heart, actually have what originality? 红衣女子体内那副心脏,究竟有何独到之处? Rhythm of heart beat became is different from before, it was having the fierce change. If before , it is to profound boundless black hole, swallows all. The volcano that now it like being ready to make trouble, will momentarily gush out. 心脏跳动的节奏变得和之前不一样,它正在发生剧烈变化。如果说,之前它是一个通往深远的无边黑洞,吞噬一切。现在它就像一座蠢蠢欲动的火山,随时会喷薄而出。 It is unique, is by the widespread equipment? 它是独一无二的,还是被广泛配备? Former he also has opportunity of barely managing to maintain a feeble existence, latter only then desperate, deepest no use despair. 前者他还有苟延残喘的机会,后者就只有绝望,最深沉无助的绝望。 Can seize? 能不能夺过来? The scarlet pupil bears turn around on the impulsion of running away, all answers need him to confirm. Has taken such big effort, finally doesn't body possession resurrecting, try willingly? 赤瞳忍住转身就逃的冲动,所有的答案都需要他自己去验证。费了这么大的力气,终于夺舍复活,不尝试一下怎么甘心? took a deep breath, he raises the palm, red light everywhere. 深吸一口气,他扬起手掌,红光漫天。 The pearl defense line front, three big Divine Unit large camp cease all activities. 珍珠防线前方,三大神部大营偃旗息鼓。 Recently had too many matters, the calm person, unavoidably had the feeling eyes cannot take it all. Several Unit Leader gather together discussed several times, everybody suddenly discovered that as if each matter is of far-reaching influence, even can control now the current political situation. 最近发生了太多的事情,再冷静的人,都免不了有目不暇接之感。几位部首聚在一起讨论了好几次,大家忽然发现,似乎每一件事都影响深远,甚至会左右当今时局。 In comparison, occurred at this defense line war, as if becomes not worthy of mentioning. They believe that they opposite, weak resists Grandmaster. 与之相比,发生在这条防线的战争,似乎变得微不足道。他们相信,无论是他们还是对面,都无力抵抗一位宗师 The essence of war has not changed, the one who changes is the Grandmaster quantity. 战争的本质并没有发生变化,发生变化的是宗师的数量。 Grandmaster that suddenly appears, making current political situation have many uncertainties suddenly, becomes strange unpredictable. 突然横空出世的宗师,让时局骤然出现许多变数,变得诡异难测。 Is Unit Leader, abhors such change, resembles one night, the effort that they make, has flowed the sweat and life and death preying becomes is nothing to speak. 身为部首,对这样的变化可谓深恶痛绝,就好像一夜之间,他们付出的心血、流淌过的汗水、生死搏杀都变得不值一提。 Humans affair such as chessgame all living things such as board game piece right, as long as is the generations of some great ambitions, hopes one is a more important board game piece, to the chessgame can send even if weak function. 世事如棋局众生如棋子没错,但凡是有些雄心之辈,还是希望自己是一枚更重要的棋子,对棋局能发会哪怕微弱的作用。 But, the chessgame suddenly turns about, not having truth may say. 可是,棋局说变就变,没道理可讲。 Can make them chat to console oneself, is the opposite condition is probably more miserable. Ai Hui leaves suddenly, making the opposite fall into a group of people without a leader the region. Sword of Thunderbolt is also busy searching for the Ai Hui's whereabouts, made them be short actually by the pain of harassment. 能让他们聊以自我安慰的,大概就是对面的境况更惨。艾辉突然出走,让对面陷入群龙无首的境地。雷霆之剑也忙着搜寻艾辉的下落,倒是让他们少了被骚扰之苦。 Your Highness She Yu has not arrived, they do not dare arbitrarily to decide that instead is for a while idle. 佘妤殿下还没有到,他们不敢擅自决定,一时反而清闲下来。 In view of the fact that both sides both having no interest war, pearl air crossing of flame of war are flying, rare is peaceful. 鉴于双方都无心战事,战火纷飞的珍珠风桥,难得的安静下来。 Some people like forgot general. 有些人就像被遗忘一般。 In the Divine Unit large camp underground more than ten li (0.5km), sunlight was unable to resist here, is good existence in place fire lets here is not too cold. This is a place Dedong hole, everywhere is the rugged strange shape black volcano rock. Unceasing corrosion as a result of bottom underground river, the clear hard volcano rock reveals the sharp edges and corners. But in another end of cavern, rock again flowed in backward Metal Wind polishes smoothly perfectly round. 神部大营地下十多里,阳光已经无法抵挡这里,好在地火的存在让这里并不是太寒冷。这是一处地底洞穴,到处是嶙峋怪状的黑色火山岩石。由于地底暗河的不断侵蚀,圆润坚硬的火山岩石露出锋利的棱角。而在洞穴的另一端,岩石又重新被倒灌的金风打磨光滑浑圆。 That direction has a crack to pearl air crossing Grand Canyon, valley Metal Wind howls on, flows in backward to enter from the crack, hits in the shape anomalous rock or the crack, sends out strange sound that shrieks and howls wildly. 那个方向有一条裂缝通往珍珠风桥大峡谷,谷底的金风呼啸而上,从裂缝倒灌而入,撞在形状不规则的岩石或者裂缝,发出鬼哭狼嚎的怪声。 Fills the water vapor, the fire often spout, Metal Wind to howl the lingering on faintly bad place in this. 在这个弥漫着水汽、地火不时喷涌、金风呼啸不绝于耳的恶劣之地。 One group of people are sitting peacefully, the leader impressively is Shi Beihai. 一群人正在安静席地而坐,为首者赫然是师北海 In the ground He Nanshan they discussed actually frequently the North Sea(Beihai) remnants of defeated troops hide where, it may be said that rack brains. The Comander-in-chief Ye responsibility is significant, rescues Comander-in-chief Ye is their most important mission, they do not dare to have neglect slightly. 地面上贺南山他们经常讨论北海残部究竟藏身何方,可谓绞尽脑汁。叶帅干系重大,营救叶帅是他们首要的任务,他们不敢有丝毫怠慢。 They cannot think, the goal that they search for with hardship, in their, is away from them is about ten li (0.5km) remote. 他们却怎么也想不到,他们苦苦搜寻的目标,就在他们脚下,距离他们不过十里之遥。 water elemental force, fire elemental force and metal elemental force three dope in together, making the environment of cavern quite bad, but also is the excellent natural isolation level. 水元力火元力金元力三者掺杂在一起,让洞穴的环境极为恶劣,但也是绝佳的天然隔绝层。 Even if the so awful situation, Shi Beihai still maintains the lapel sits well, closed eyes maintains mental tranquility. Before his foot, Ye Baiyi lies down in the place horizontally, remains unconscious. His whole body fine dust does not dye, Baiyi(white clothes) wins the snow. 哪怕如此糟糕的处境,师北海依然保持正襟端坐,闭目养神。在他脚边,叶白衣横躺在地,昏迷不醒。他浑身纤尘不染,白衣胜雪。 Shi Beihai's is calm, injects the formidable confidence to the North Sea(Beihai) members. 师北海的从容镇定,给北海队员们注入强大的信心。 Hides under enemy large camp, is it may be said that excellent, is named under the lamp black. Needs not only gets a sudden inspiration, but also needs enough courage and luck. 躲到敌人大营下方,可谓绝妙,俗称灯下黑。需要的不仅仅是灵机一动,还需要足够的勇气和运气。 The courage of Sir Unit Leader they never suspected, but the luck is also good, makes everybody light up with pleasure, increased one point of confidence. Out of security concerns, they spoke to lower the sound, but the expression was relaxed. 部首大人的勇气他们从来不怀疑,不过运气也不错,就让大家喜笑颜开,更增了一分信心。出于安全的考虑,他们说话都会压低声音,但是语气非常轻松。 Yeah, thinks that we sit under their buttocks, what to do good to hold?” “哎,一想到咱们就坐在他们屁股下面,就好想捅怎么办?” „Does key hold with what? Holds?” “关键是用什么捅?怎么捅?” Your these two North Sea(Beihai) malignant tumors! Hello, two eggs, your is any look, our North Sea(Beihai) atmosphere is not such that you think...” “你们这两个北海毒瘤!喂,二蛋,你那是什么眼神,我们北海的风气不是你想的那样…” Does not need to explain that North Sea(Beihai) is really immeasurably deep.” “不用解释,北海真是深不可测。” ... Several members return one after another, everybody does not stop chatting independently, the vision looked at the past. 陆续几名队员返回,大家不自主停止聊天,目光望过去。 Shi Beihai opens the eye, nods toward them: Was laborious, what kind of?” 师北海睁开眼睛,朝他们点点头:“辛苦了,怎么样?” The members report the harvest that oneself explore one after another. 队员们陆续汇报自己探索的收获。 The underground underground river system is complex, the branch is numerous, they almost all equipment forfeit now, can only depend upon the pure manpower to explore. In this place, does not need to be worried about the security problem in a short time, but is not the long-term plan. As the enemy contracts the search area unceasingly, their situations will be getting more and more dangerous. 地下暗河水系复杂,支流众多,他们如今几乎所有的装备都丧失殆尽,只能依靠单纯的人力去探索。待在此地,短时间内不用担心安全问题,但不是长久之计。随着敌人不断收缩搜寻范围,他们的处境会越来越危险。 Shi Beihai hopes that found one to pass through the canyon bottom underground river, like this they can return to the camp with ease. 师北海希望找到一条贯穿峡谷底部的暗河,这样他们就可以轻松回到己方阵营。 However the hope is very uncertain, Shi Beihai has read the file of depositing. Elder Council, once had organized the manpower long ago, has explored the pearl air crossing subsurface picture, had not discovered that such underground river exists. 但是希望很渺茫,师北海看过存放的档案。长老会在很久之前,就曾组织过人手,勘探过珍珠风桥地下情况,没有发现有这样的暗河存在。 His subordinate was utterly exhausted, was scarred and experienced a almost destruction disastrous defeat, any a wee bit hope is precious, even if this hope is false. 他的部下疲惫不堪、伤痕累累、经历了一场几乎覆灭的惨败,任何一丁点的希望都弥足珍贵,哪怕这点希望是虚假的。 He also needs to know where the branches of these underground rivers lead, this means that which directions encounters the danger they to be able from break through. 他也需要知道,这些暗河的支流通往何方,这意味着遇到危险他们能够从哪些方向突围。 The thick ground and chaotic complex elemental force level has isolated the enemy, has isolated their sensation to the outside. They do not know that the outside had the earth-shaking change, does not know that He Nanshan they have had no interest in searching for them. 厚厚的地面和混乱复杂的元力层隔绝了敌人,也隔绝了他们对外界的感知。他们不知道外界发生了天翻地覆的变化,也不知道贺南山他们已经无心去搜寻他们。 They in hiding darkness, maintains the high alert. 藏身黑暗之中的他们,保持高度的戒备。 Suddenly, Ye Baiyi moved. 忽然,叶白衣动了一下。 Hole ** the voices of all people vanish suddenly, their vision fill vigilantly, turns around, simultaneously looks to ground Ye Baiyi. 洞**所有人的声音骤然消失,他们的目光充满警惕,刷地转过来,齐齐看向地上的叶白衣 These many days, Ye Baiyi is entirely still, has not fluttered including the hair. 这么多天,叶白衣纹丝不动,连头发都没有飘动过。 If not can hear his heartbeat indistinctly, everybody thinks that he is a deceased person. 如果不是隐约能够听到他的心跳声,大家都以为他是个死人。 Sudden move, has a scare all people. Does not need to call, all person huā lā dispersing, encircle Ye Baiyi in the middle. Their facial expression alert, so long as Ye Baiyi displays a change slightly, they will be without hesitation to launch the attack. 突如其来的动弹,把所有人都吓一跳。不用招呼,所有人哗啦散开,把叶白衣围在中间。他们神情戒备,只要叶白衣稍微表现出一点异动,他们就会毫不迟疑发起攻击。 Including Shi Beihai is also so, he worries about the former friendship, does not hope that Ye Baiyi dies in own. May compared with leaving trouble for the future, he will not have the half minute to be softhearted. 包括师北海亦是如此,他顾念旧情,不希望叶白衣死在自己手上。可比起纵虎归山,他不会有半分心慈手软。 The Ye Baiyi mouth sends out the unconsciousness twittering, he still shuts tightly both eyes, is brow pressed city one group, the facial expression seems like the pain. 叶白衣嘴里发出无意识的呢喃,他依然紧闭双目,可是眉头蹙城一团,神情看似十分痛楚。 Be careful, his heart!” “小心,他的心脏!” In the darkness, the light red light from the Ye Baiyi's chest transmission, flickers. 黑暗中,淡淡的红光从叶白衣的胸膛透射而出,忽明忽暗。
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