FWH :: Volume #7

#688: Has killed me

Ran away continuously for several days several nights, determines was safe, the scarlet pupil felt relieved. At this time his on the face could not see before the least bit high-spirited and is insufferably arrogant. Runs away to his proud mind without doubt is humiliation, but is that also what kind of? The person is the demon is a god, makes use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions is the instinct. When matter of life and death, impractical proud is really nothing to speak. 连续逃窜了几天几夜,确定已经安全,赤瞳放下心来。此时他脸上看不到半点之前的意气风发和不可一世。逃窜对他那颗骄傲的心灵无疑是一种折辱,但那又怎样?无论是人是魔是神,趋利避害都是天性。性命攸关之际,虚浮的骄傲实在不值一提。 Scarlet pupil in the heart has been full of vigilant and alert to Mu Shou Association this mysterious organization. 赤瞳心中牧首会这个神秘的组织充满了警惕和戒备。 He has a premonition, Mu Shou Association may have some type to be able very much to restrain own method. The cooperation in Hong Rongyan mouth, the scarlet pupil does not believe that he thought that just traps his excuse. He even found many possible evidence for this idea, for example Mu Shou Association the specific method, needs to approach to display. 他有种预感,牧首会很有可能有某种能够克制自己的手段。红容颜口中的合作,赤瞳一点都不相信,他觉得那只不过是诱骗他的说辞。他甚至为这个想法找到许多可能性的佐证,譬如牧首会的这种特定手段,需要接近自己才能施展。 If he covets the thing in others brain, he can think of all sorts of methods, however each type is quite cruel and desperate, he does not think absolutely experience any type. 倘若他觊觎别人脑子里的东西,他能够想到种种方法,然而每一种都极为残忍和令人绝望,他绝对不想自己体验其中任何一种。 No matter in any case he guesses whether correctly, the scarlet pupil thought that Mu Shou Association is passing the dangerous and discomforting aura, he does not want any occurring together with them. 反正不管他猜得是否正确,赤瞳都觉得那牧首会透着危险、令人不安的气息,他不想和他们有任何的交集。 Has been a pity that woman. 只是可惜了那个女人。 He pounds the mouth, if can swallow her flesh and blood, certainly is rare enjoyment. Changes mind to think that final moment attack suddenly, the scarlet pupil cannot bear exude the laughter. 他砸吧着嘴,若是能吞噬她的血肉,一定是难得的享受。转念想到最后关头自己突然的袭击,赤瞳忍不住发出嗬嗬的笑声。 Truly is rare enjoyment! 确实是难得的享受! To come Mu Shou Association that several fellows certainly to approve of own idea. 想来牧首会那几个家伙一定非常赞同自己的想法。 The scarlet pupil slows down the flying speed, the tight nerve relaxes, he is somewhat weary. Just when completed body possession, he thought that then can be a happy and wonderful travel, perhaps will have travel-worn of journey, but he can always with the calm stance of being calm and composed even in press of work, complete this travel. 赤瞳放缓飞行速度,紧绷的神经放松下来,他有些疲倦。刚刚完成夺舍时,他觉得接下来会是一趟愉快而美妙的旅行,也许会有旅途的风尘仆仆,但他能始终用好整以暇的从容姿态,完成这趟旅行。 Now he feels entirely different. 现在他感觉截然不同。 One look disdainfully in prairie like one lion able to move unhindered, suddenly rushed in a primitive cover, but unknown strange forest. The trees of standing tall and erect have camouflaged the sky and sunlight, seems gloomy, the innumerable vine interlocks in the big trees able to move unhindered, above covers entirely the moist moss. In the air is filling decayed smell, the thick dead twigs and withered leaves step on not to be steadfast like the prairie spacious wilderness. Also must be careful unknown bleached bone that in the withered leaf buries, their shape and prairie wild beast is entirely different. 自己就像一头在草原睥睨纵横的狮子,突然闯进了一片原始茂密而未知的陌生森林。高耸的树木遮蔽了天空和阳光,看上去阴森森的,数不清的藤蔓在大树间交错纵横,上面布满潮湿的苔藓。空气中弥漫着腐朽的气味,厚厚的枯枝败叶踩上去一点都不像草原空旷荒野那么踏实。还要小心枯叶里面埋葬的未知枯骨,它们的形状和草原野兽截然不同。 The scarlet pupil dislikes this feeling, he likes grasping all. 赤瞳讨厌这种感受,他喜欢掌握一切。 The present situation, he must be overcautious, any a wee bit mistake possibly casts the blunder. 眼下的处境,他必须谨小慎微,任何一丁点的错误都可能铸成大错。 Was good had discovered because of him Ai Hui's weakness, he decided to solve the host first. 好在他发现了艾辉的弱点,他决定先解决宿主。 Idol and Sword Embryo combination, making the scarlet pupil deeply feel the headache, but the attack of trivial language makes the Ai Hui mind so surge, making the scarlet pupil realize the opportunity immediately keenly. 神像图布和剑胎的组合,让赤瞳深感头痛,但是区区语言的攻击就让艾辉心神如此激荡,让赤瞳立即敏锐意识到机会。 The scarlet pupil understands the will of the people. 赤瞳深谙人心。 The will of the people are so contradictory, is so unified. It is a world, complete, enriches is above the world of human understanding. 人心就是如此矛盾,又是如此统一。它是一个世界,一个完整、丰富得超乎人类理解的世界。 It can shine with hotly like solar powder, is warming the surrounding soul, but in some common corner, piles up compared with the night also deep shadow. 它可以像太阳般散发着光和热,温暖着周围的灵魂,但在某个不起眼的角落里,堆积比夜还深沉的阴影。 It can be indestructible, withstands in society most brutal torture and deepest pain. It soft like the air bubble, the loosen crisp toothpick gently will also touch, is then torn to pieces. 它可以坚不可摧,承受世间最残酷的酷刑和最深沉的痛苦。它也会柔软如气泡,松脆的牙签轻轻一触,便支离破碎。 Nobly and can bury mean in the same tomb pit, the brave and timid two vines often mutually twine, their difficult minute each other, unpredictable. 高尚和卑鄙可以埋葬在同一个墓穴,勇敢和怯懦两根藤蔓往往相互缠绕在,它们难分彼此,令人捉摸不定。 The change of Sword Embryo can show all. 剑胎的变化能说明一切。 Beforehand Sword Embryo, to the hard feeling that the scarlet pupil being hard word stated that made him not know simply starts from where, now he actually sees a fissure. 之前的剑胎,给赤瞳难以言述的坚硬之感,简直让他不知从何下手,如今他却看到一丝裂痕。 This is a good sign. 这是个好兆头。 The self- suspicion and self- denial most have the injury. 自我怀疑和自我否定最具伤害。 The former is the dagger that cannot see, is sharp and unpredictable, the scar that leaves behind also thin, if sends the silk to be difficult to seek the trace, however the crack canyon of each mind earth, came from in this. 前者是看不见的匕首,锋利而捉摸不定,留下的伤痕也细若发丝难觅踪影,然而每一道心灵大地的裂缝峡谷,都是源自于此。 The latter is the heavy axe that brandishes, each axe gets down profoundly, the sawdust flies horizontally, if wields continuously, the sturdy bough also loudly will drop down. 后者是抡起的重斧,每一斧下去都入木三分,木屑横飞,若是连续挥动,再粗壮的树干也会轰然倒下。 The scarlet pupil story is rich, he has experienced many startled certainly the colorful talent, lost the far ratio in the self- mind were killed under the enemy sword are much more. 赤瞳阅历丰富,他见识过许多惊才绝艳的天才,迷失在自我心灵中远比丧生在敌人剑下多得多。 He has licked the lip, chuckle, the scarlet eye is passing callously. 他舔了舔嘴唇,轻笑一声,猩红的眼睛透着冷酷。 Has generally seen clearly the idea of scarlet pupil, his body drastic fluctuation, becomes slurred. That is Ai Hui is struggling, in scarlet pupil in the eyes, such struggling made him feel that the pleasant sensation of difficult word, what ratio had to destroy a such strong fellow, joyful? 大抵是洞察了赤瞳的想法,他的身体剧烈波动,变得模糊不清。那是艾辉在挣扎,在赤瞳眼中,这样的挣扎令他感到难言的快感,有什么比摧毁一个这么坚强的家伙,更让人愉悦呢? First operates from whom?” “先从谁开刀呢?” The sound of scarlet pupil is off and on, he did not mind that is having the smile. 赤瞳的声音断断续续,他丝毫不介意,带着微笑。 Suddenly a sound resounds. 忽然一个声音响起。 From you.” “从你吧。” Scarlet pupil deflection head, those who map his view is, is a red clothed woman. As soon as she raids red clothed, like a rose of being in full bloom, the facial expression lonely is gazing at the scarlet pupil, not minces matter the in the eyes murderous intention. 赤瞳偏转脑袋,映入他眼帘的是,是一个红衣女人。她一袭红衣,就像一朵怒放的玫瑰,神情冷清地注视着赤瞳,毫不掩饰眼中的杀机。 She Yu is staring at the scarlet pupil, why does not know, in her heart is filling the air to the scarlet pupil incomparably intense murderous intention. Right, when she discovers this point, is surprised. She never has the so intense impulsion to kill anyone, this is the first time. Why does not know, in her heart is lingering the bewildered restlessness, probably does not kill the scarlet pupil, oneself will fall into the deathtrap. 佘妤盯着赤瞳,不知为何,她心中弥漫着对赤瞳无比强烈的杀机。没错,当她发现这一点的时候,大吃一惊。她从来没有如此强烈的冲动想杀死谁,这是第一次。不知为何,她心中萦绕着莫名其妙的不安,好像不杀死赤瞳,自己就会陷入死地。 Is could it be that to future some premonition? 难道是对未来的某种预感? She Yu forces to be calmed down by oneself. 佘妤强迫让自己冷静下来。 Her by no means rash generation, the scarlet pupil facing running away of Mu Shou Association, making her see that this just regained consciousness the Demonic God outwardly strong but inwardly weak. If must kill the scarlet pupil, now without doubt is the best opportunity. The fellow of wily old fox like the scarlet pupil, the opportunity of any respite, will make him regain the strength. 她并非莽撞之辈,赤瞳面对牧首会的逃窜,让她看到这位刚刚苏醒魔神的外强中干。假如说要干掉赤瞳,现在无疑是最好的机会。像赤瞳这样老奸巨猾的家伙,任何喘息之机,都会让他重新获得力量。 She decorates carefully in scarlet pupil, scarlet pupil appearance in a panic, has verified the guess of in her heart. 她小心地缀在赤瞳的身后,赤瞳仓皇的模样,更是印证了她心中的猜测。 Although own decision must take certain risk, but she decides to take risk one time. 尽管自己的决定要冒一定的风险,但她还是决定冒险一次。 Also is the woman! The scarlet pupil heart flashes through haze, he dislikes the woman. This reminds him of Mu Shou Association that woman, the whole body lets the loathing of his instinct icily. 又是女人!赤瞳心头闪过一丝阴霾,他讨厌女人。这让他想起牧首会那个女人,浑身冷冰冰让他本能的厌恶。 His suddenly clear brow: „, The small reptile, is you are peeping. I also just want to look for you, has not thought that you deliver.” 他忽然舒展眉头:“哦,小爬虫啊,是你在偷窥吧。我还正想去找你,没想到你送上门来。” She Yu is aloof, the scarlet pupil can be said as the blood cultivator first ancestor, does this cheap trick hide the truth from him? The response of scarlet pupil has instead strengthened her determination, explained when the scarlet pupil runs away is not a false appearance. 佘妤无动于衷,赤瞳可以说是血修始祖,这点小把戏怎么瞒得过他?赤瞳的反应反而更加坚定了她的决心,说明了赤瞳逃窜时并非假象。 The scarlet pupil well, the vision rose suddenly suddenly, raises head to laugh wildly: Really is you wear out iron shoes in hunting round must come not to be all time-consuming! Really has God Blood!” 赤瞳咦了一声,忽然目光暴涨,仰头狂笑:“真是踏破铁鞋无觅处得来全不费工夫!竟然有神血!” Appears from She Yu at that moment starting from, Ai Hui that in Sword Embryo struggles crazily is peaceful. 佘妤出现那一刻开始,剑胎中疯狂挣扎的艾辉就安静下来。 The thought that the scarlet pupil had a moment ago, making Ai Hui be afraid. Right, is the frightened, fear beyond comparison, his whole body feels cold, has not gasped for breath. The scarlet pupil wants to kill Shi Xueman, kills Loulan, kills Fatty, kills Duanmu Huanghun and Jiang Wei... 刚才赤瞳生出的念头,让艾辉感到恐惧。没错,是恐惧,无以伦比的恐惧,他浑身发冷,喘不过气来。赤瞳想要去杀师雪漫,杀楼兰,杀胖子,杀端木黄昏姜维 At that moment, Ai Hui has prepared jade entirely Fen. He rather and scarlet pupil die under the blood sword together, does not hope own both hands contamination least bit everybody's blood. 那一刻,艾辉已经做好玉石俱焚的准备。他宁愿自己和赤瞳一起死在血剑之下,也绝不愿自己的双手沾染半点大家的鲜血。 When, demon girl so is not pleasing to the eyes in Ai Hui in the eyes, so makes his heart live grateful. 从来没有什么时候,妖女艾辉眼中如此顺眼,如此让他心生感激。 Now dies on demon girl, Ai Hui will not have the least bit hate to her. He died frightened, but some results made the death so be nothing to speak, he can accept with pleasure. 现在就算自己死在妖女手上,艾辉对她都不会有半点怨恨。他恐惧死亡,但有些结果让死亡如此不值一提,他能够欣然接受。 He has experienced one time. 他已经体验过一次。 The destiny of person is really strange. 人的命运真是奇怪。 In Interpine City, his dead end desperate no use time, this woman plants on him Life & Death Flower Sacrificial Technique, Making him be capable of completing strikes finally. He cannot complete the redemption, body receives its crime, but he has a gratitude. 松间城,他穷途末路绝望无助的时候,这个女人在他身上种下【生灭花祭术】,让他有能力完成最后一击。他没能完成救赎,身承其罪,而他心存一丝感激。 Today, when his dead end despairs, this woman appears again. Must claim his life obviously, he actually still feels grateful. 今天,又在他穷途末路绝望无助的时候,这个女人再次出现。明明是要夺走他的生命,他却依然心存感激。 Ai Hui can feel the She Yu rich and bone-chilling cold murderous intention clearly, does not cover, probably his tentacle may. At this moment, his mood exceptionally tranquil, dark, he seems looking at each other with her. 艾辉能清晰感受到佘妤浓郁而凛冽的杀机,毫无遮挡,好像他触手可及。此刻,他心情异常的平静,冥冥中,他仿佛在和她对视。 Has killed me.” “杀了我。” Sword Embryo howls the rotation, he in a soft voice twittering. 剑胎呼啸转动,他轻声呢喃。 Has killed me.” “杀了我。” She Yu as if heard some people to say. 佘妤仿佛听到有人在说。 Her mind jumped, cannot bear took a look at one, who? 她心神一跳,忍不住四下瞅了一眼,谁? All around is empty, what person does not have, is could it be that own misconception? 四周空荡荡,什么人都没有,难道是自己的错觉? On the scarlet pupil mouth said extremely arrogantly rampantly, in the heart actually not slightly negligent, instead fills vigilantly. The opposite party pursued his several days several nights, at this time dares to come, certainly has depended on. 赤瞳嘴上说得狂妄嚣张,心中却是没有丝毫大意,反而充满警惕。对方追了他几天几夜,此时敢现身,一定有所倚仗。 He dislikes the woman. Although on the opposite party has he most urgently needed God Blood, is not icy like the Mu Shou Association woman, but still lends the aura that he is loathing. 他讨厌女人。尽管对方身上有他最急需的神血,也不像牧首会的女人那么冷冰冰,但是依然散发着他厌恶的气息。 She is staring at his look, like staring at a game, moreover game that must kill. 她盯着他的眼神,就像盯着一只猎物,而且还是要杀死的猎物。 When the scarlet pupil discovered that to She Yu does not know suddenly why has losing concentration of flash, he launches the attack unquestioning. 当赤瞳发现对佘妤突然不知为何有一瞬间的分神,他毫不迟疑地发起攻击。 The blood light is similar to the red theater curtain ejection blasts out, the blood sword under body, is similar to a scarlet python leaps up suddenly, throws toward She Yu of midair. 血光如同红色幕布弹射炸开,身下的血剑,如同一条血色巨蟒突然蹿出去,朝半空的佘妤扑去。 When She Yu discovered one lose concentration then darkly did not shout wonderfully, in her heart was full of the regret, will oneself make the so preliminary mistake? Fights with Expert of scarlet pupil rank, any negligence, sufficiently fell into the beyond redemption profoundness by oneself. 佘妤当发现自己分神的时候便暗呼不妙,她心中充满懊悔,自己怎么会犯如此低级的错误?和赤瞳这个级别的强者交手,任何一点疏忽,都足以让自己陷入万劫不复的深远。 Howls blood sword mighty current that throws to come extremely fierce, the power and influence is scary. 呼啸扑来的血剑洪流来得极为凶猛,威势骇人。 Their quantity is such, covers in the dazzling red light, blasts out instantaneously floods her entire field of vision, making her feel to suffocate. 它们数量是如此之多,笼罩在耀眼的红光之中,瞬间炸开充斥她整个视野,让她感到窒息。 Damn! 该死! She Yu is wanting to dodge, discovered that around her does not know when presents the light red light, she is similar to falls into the mire, is unable to work loose. 佘妤正欲闪躲,发现她周围不知道何时出现淡淡的红光,她如同身陷泥沼,无法挣脱。 Her complexion big change! 她脸色大变! She has not thought that oneself puts in an appearance unexpectedly falls into the so awful region. At this moment, she did not have the time to go annoyingly, is the beforehand judgment too optimistic, oneself have a low opinion of the enemy. 她没想到,自己竟然一个照面就落入如此糟糕的境地。此刻,她已经没有时间去懊恼,自己之前的判断是不是太乐观,自己是不是太轻敌。 Immediate danger of death, let her brain almost blank, her body made the response of most instinct. 死亡的直接威胁,让她大脑几乎一片空白,她的身体做出最本能的反应。 As if whole body blood, emerges her heart instantaneously. 仿佛浑身的血液,瞬间涌入她的心脏。 Her head bang, has any thing to blast out probably, as if hears kā kā kā, any thing in the sound of crack flaking, the time seems in this moment stops. 她脑袋轰地一下,好像有什么东西炸开,又仿佛听到咔咔咔,什么东西在龟裂剥落的声音,时间在这一刻好似停止。 Her eye opens, the pupil loses the focal distance. 她的眼睛睁大,瞳孔失去焦距。 She had not seen that must grip shortly in her blood sword python, suddenly turned round, digs in the ground. 她没有看到,眼看就要扎在她身上的血剑巨蟒,忽然拐了个弯,一头扎入地面。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 Everything may become vulnerable, the soil flies horizontally, the blood sword python disappears quickly does not see. 地动山摇,泥土横飞,血剑巨蟒倏地消失不见。 The sudden accident, making the scarlet pupil complexion change, he squeezes out two characters from the gap between teeth breathless: Ai Hui!” 突然的变故,让赤瞳脸色一变,他气急败坏地从牙缝中挤出两个字:“艾辉!” However the next quarter, he realizes anything, looks up fiercely toward She Yu. 然而下一刻,他察觉到什么,猛地抬头朝佘妤看去。
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