FWH :: Volume #7

#690: Red handsome

Emerald Forest and Divine Country boundary, is tightly guarded. 翡翠森神国的边界,戒备森严。 Siyan as usual, inspects camp. She grows is not attractive, the breadth thick eyebrows, quite have the heroic spirit, the time of except for smiling, the corner of the eye bends to see girl air/Qi. In everybody eyes she is a strange woman, other girl when refining up the body, the first matter was been more beautiful by own appearance, she has not actually been serious. 吕思燕和往常一样,巡视营地。她长得不算好看,面宽浓眉,颇有英气,除了笑起来的时候,眼角弯起才能看到一丝女孩子气。在大伙眼里她是个奇怪的女人,别的女孩在炼体的时候,第一件事就是让自己的容貌更加美丽,她却从来没当回事。 Usually in handles affairs also with the man not different, never complained of hardship to call tired, careless, did not have any mind. But if you think that she is the person who is good to bully, that waits to taste her Sand Boban fist. 平日里行事也和男人无异,从来不叫苦叫累,大大咧咧,没什么心眼。可若是你以为她是个好欺负的人,那就等着尝尝她沙钵般的拳头吧。 The red handsome selected such a strange person to be the assistant, everybody thought that was very puzzled. Red Shuai Shen loves the little princess in Demonic Ghost Temple is the well-known matter, may not be worthwhile asks a houseman to be the assistant. 红帅挑了这么一个奇怪的人做副手,大伙都觉得不解得很。红帅深爱魔鬼宫里的小公主是路人皆知的事情,可也犯不着找个男人婆来做副手啊。 On this day does the day meets, is good-looking to select, look also pleasing to the eyes? 这天天见面,长得漂亮点,岂不是看得也顺眼点? Abandons houseman, Fu is not worth the nitpicking place actually. The strength is powerful, works is also earnest, so long as the red handsome told the matter that never sells at a discount. 抛开男人婆这点,吕副倒是没什么值得挑剔的地方。战力强悍勇猛,做事又认真,只要红帅吩咐下去的事情,从来不打折扣。 For example inspection. 譬如巡视。 What situation now can have, the war of Grandmaster just finished, present Emerald Forest should be gruel in great confusion, which also has the mood to provoke? Fuqi can not know, but still on time makes the rounds of guard posts according, everybody do not dare to have idles slightly. 现在能有什么情况,宗师之战刚刚结束,现在的翡翠森应该是乱成一团粥,哪还有心情来挑衅?吕副岂会不知道,但依然按时按点来查岗,大伙都不敢有丝毫懈怠。 Some people run on a bank Fu several with the language unavoidably, said that is also in any case all right might as well makes everybody rest. Futiao has selected the eyebrow to refute, how not to have threatened, what to do did Le Buleng come? 有人免不了用语言挤兑吕副几句,说反正也没事还不如让大伙休息休息。吕副挑了挑眉反驳,怎么没威胁,乐不冷来了怎么办? Everybody are dumbfounded. 大伙哑口无言。 This new promote Grandmaster temperament, hearsay usually always awful, is subject to changing moods. If were not happy that runs to look for their camp one to toss about, no one can endure. Moreover, new promote Grandmaster has not concealed, he and hates to the blood cultivator's loathing. 这位新晋宗师的脾气,传闻素来一向糟糕,喜怒无常。倘若一个不高兴,跑来找他们的营地一阵折腾,那谁也吃不消。而且,新晋宗师从来没有掩饰过,他对血修的厌恶和憎恨。 But the heaven, who can also take Grandmaster to be what kind of? 可是老天,谁能又拿一位宗师怎么样呢? Looked that Fu complexion is not good, momentarily possibly begins, everybody are tactful the mouth closes. May unavoidably whisper in secret, words that Grandmaster Le must come, what do they alert and have to distinguish? 看吕副脸色不好,随时可能动手,大伙识趣把嘴巴闭上。可私底下还是免不了嘀咕,乐宗要来的话,他们戒不戒备又有什么分别? Is good because of after several days the day with trepidation, the matter that everybody most are worried about has not occurred, feels relieved gradually. 好在过了几天提心吊胆的日子,大伙最担心的事情没有发生,渐渐放心下来。 Also has the red handsome, everybody thinks the red handsome, even if cannot compare Grandmaster, will not have the strength to hit back. Initially red Shuai Chutong Divine Dragon and Divine Witch two Divine Unit time, method simple and crude. As long as is almost two honored and popular masters, was tidied up by the red handsome dirtily. 况且还有红帅在,大家觉得红帅纵然比不上宗师,也不会没有还手之力。当初红帅初统神龙、神巫神部的时候,方法简单粗暴得很。几乎但凡是两部有头有脸的高手,都被红帅收拾得灰头土脸。 After that two big Divine Unit before red handsome docile, does not dare to have defies slightly. 从那之后,两大神部在红帅面前服服帖帖,不敢有丝毫违抗。 After Siyan inspects large camp, felt relieved that returns. 吕思燕巡视完大营之后,才放心地返回。 Another side news passed on, it is said left the important matter, the loss is serious, is missing including Comander-in-chief Ye. 另一边的消息传了过来,据说出了大事,损失惨重,连叶帅都下落不明。 Beforehand time, Siyan regarding cannot also quite fish the meritorious military service to have the veiled criticism to the front, now actually rejoices. 之前的时候,吕思燕对于不能到前线捞得战功还颇有微词,如今却庆幸不已。 Comander-in-chief Ye and red handsome, was jokingly called by everybody for the white red two commanders-in-chief, Bai Shuai is Ye Baiyi, the red handsome is Chi Mo Gui. Bai Shuai the status is higher than red handsome, from commanding the Divine Unit quantity can look. 叶帅和红帅,也被大伙戏称为白红二帅,白帅就是叶白衣,红帅则是红魔鬼。白帅的地位高于红帅,从统领神部的数量就能看出来。 On having level, everybody thought that the red handsome must miss compared with the white handsome plans. 论起水平,大家都觉得红帅比白帅要差一筹。 Bai Shuai has formed six Divine Unit, the prestige unparalleled, Divine Country nobody refuses to accept. 白帅一手组建了六神部,声望无双,神国无人不服。 Red Shuai strong in individual brave, almost this is the impressions of all people, the red handsome subdued two Divine Unit to deepen everybody's impression. 红帅强在个人勇武,几乎这是所有人的印象,红帅收服两神部更加深了大家的这个印象。 Siyan also like this thought from the beginning, but is gradually long with red handsome time, her admiring day by day sharp increase to own commander in chief. Sometimes she also thinks the doubts, carefully thinks that what great matter the red handsome has not handled, but will think that admires? 吕思燕一开始也是这样觉得,但是跟着红帅身边时间渐长,她对自己主帅的佩服日益剧增。有的时候她也觉得疑惑,认真一想,红帅也没做什么了不起的事情啊,可是怎么自己会觉得佩服呢? Inspects, she will be punctual to the red handsome report. 巡视完,她会准时向红帅汇报。 Enters to guard stern Shuai Zhang, Shuai Zhangnei, only then red handsome. 走进守卫森严的帅帐,帅帐内只有红帅一人。 The tent is simple, the red handsome regarding enjoying any art, subordinate nobody does not dare to have the wasteful wind. 营帐非常简单,红帅对于享受没什么讲究,部属也没人敢有奢靡之风。 No matter , the red handsome will never take off on the face that ice-cold mask. Mask of black red interaction and micro blue such as the pupil of sea, presents the special aesthetic sense, likely is the dark night, flame and sea, is surrounding the unpredictable mysticalness. 无论什么时候,红帅从来不会摘下脸上那张冰冷的面具。黑红相间的面具和微蓝如海的眸子,呈现出特殊的美感,像是黑夜、火焰和海洋,环绕着令人捉摸不定的神秘。 Siyan reports as usual, but why does not know, she thought that some today's red handsome state of mind are not, absent-minded. Some in her heart doubts, what paroxysmal incident does could it be that have? She is straightforward, in the heart has doubts unable to keep, directly asked: Sir, what but there is not thorough place?” 吕思燕照常汇报,但不知为何,她觉得今天的红帅有些神思不属,心不在焉。她心中有些疑惑,难道有什么突发情况?她性情耿直,心中有疑惑藏不住,直接问:“大人,可是有什么不周到的地方?” Chi Mo Gui seems to be awakening from a dream, shakes the head: All right.” 红魔鬼如梦初醒,摇头:“没事。” Siyan hearing this, are not many asked that then salutes saying: „The subordinate asks to be excused.” 吕思燕闻言,也不多问,便行礼道:“那属下告退。” Chi Mo Gui stops by calling her suddenly: And other.” 红魔鬼忽然喊住她:“等一下。” Siyan stops the footsteps, in the heart has doubts, she has not seen oversized person appearance. 吕思燕停下脚步,心中更加疑惑,她从来没有见过大人这副模样。 Chi Mo Gui hesitates saying: Told that enhanced the alert.” 红魔鬼沉吟道:“吩咐下去,提高戒备。” Mouth straight heart quick Yan said subconsciously: Is it possible that can Grandmaster Le come?” 口直心快的吕燕下意识道:“莫非乐宗要来?” Chi Mo Gui forced smile: Le Buleng will not come, but your majesty entered Emerald Forest.” 红魔鬼苦笑:“乐不冷不会来,但陛下已入翡翠森。” Siyan expression delay, next quarter complexion big change, even has forgotten saluting, staggers along then outward clashes. 吕思燕表情呆滞,下一刻脸色大变,甚至忘了行礼,跌跌撞撞便往外冲。 Her head buzzes, can the war of could it be that Grandmaster start? 她的脑袋嗡嗡作响,难道宗师之战又要开启? The bone-chilling cold strong winds go through on the sea of clouds, are not aware of fatigue. The rivers will belong to the sea finally, but wind similar galloping is restless, actually does not know that belongs to where. 凛冽的狂风在云海上穿行,不知疲倦。河流终将归于大海,而风同样奔腾不息,却不知归于何处。 The white sea of clouds one shortly the end, the clouds, seem the pure white spray, rolling moves. Some annihilate with the wind, some are dense and fresh, this lives other extinguishes, ever-changing. 白色的云海一眼看不到尽头,大片大片的云朵,好似洁白的浪花,滚滚而动。有的随风湮灭,有的氤氲而生,此生彼灭,变幻无常。 But in sound of the wind, two forms is confronting. 而在风声中,两个身影在对峙。 Emperor Saint's is tall, his back supports, to person mountain palatial feeling. His vision forever fills to carefully examine and occupy a commanding position, is having the intense constriction, seems must grind the person. 帝圣的身材高大,他的背挺得很直,给人山岳巍峨之感。他的目光永远充满审视和居高临下,带着强烈的压迫感,好似要把人碾碎。 Le Buleng is much more inferior, his rickets are thin and small, in rags, the old farmer who finds at everywhere like the field. The hot sun hangs obviously, sunlight is dazzling, but his whole body is actually covering a dark nihility, sunlight was swallowed by anything likely. 乐不冷则要逊色得多,他佝偻瘦小,衣衫褴褛,就像田间随处可见的老农。明明烈日高悬,阳光刺眼,可是他周身却笼罩着一片黑暗虚无,阳光像是被什么吞噬。 Emperor Saint sighs with emotion: Has not thought that you can defeat Dai Gang unexpectedly.” 帝圣感慨道:“没想到你竟然能打败岱纲。” His sound like inscription on stone tablet and bronze, dignified aggressive. 他声如金石,威严霸气。 Le Buleng shakes the head: He loses to him.” 乐不冷摇头:“他败给他自己。” Loses to itself?” Emperor Saint looking pensive, at once vision clear understanding: „The respectful pleasant brother must recompense to hope, the life is quick.” “败给自己?”帝圣若有所思,旋即目光清明:“恭喜乐兄得偿所愿,人生快哉。” The Le Buleng faint smile, is having the taunt: Can by solemn Emperor Saint be shouted Le a brother, really feels extremely flattered.” 乐不冷似笑非笑,带着嘲讽:“能被堂堂帝圣喊一句乐兄,真是受宠若惊。” Emperor Saint is not angry: Le brother has visited into palace, may with me and others shoulder to shoulder, be able to handle the name of brother.” 帝圣也不生气:“乐兄已登堂入殿,可与朕等并肩,当得起兄之称。” Le Buleng some are impatient: You come to here, wants to come to not to be on intimate terms with the old man. Come, hits one happily!” 乐不冷有些不耐烦:“你来这里,想来不是为了和老夫称兄道弟。来吧,痛痛快快打一场!” Emperor Saint smile: Le does brother why put on airs? If I have not misread, Le the brother is injured heavily, the life is difficult to be long.” 帝圣微笑:“乐兄何必装腔作势?若朕没看错的话,乐兄受伤不轻,寿元难久。” Le Buleng laughs: Knows that cannot escape your eye. However we and you too, An Muda that all of a sudden, the taste do not feel better finally.” 乐不冷哈哈一笑:“就知道逃不过你的眼睛。不过咱俩彼此彼此,安木达最后那一下子,滋味不好受吧。” Emperor Saint said easely: Now Grandmaster is few, much lonelier, why not has a friendly chat over a cup of wine? I and Le the brother, may not have the gratitude and grudges.” 帝圣悠然道:“当今宗师者寥寥,冷清得紧,何不把酒言欢?朕和乐兄,可从无恩怨。” Le Buleng did not say patiently: Little pulls some idle talk, looks affectedly virtuously, thoughts does dirty very much, want to pick up a bargain?” 乐不冷不耐烦道:“少扯些废话,看着道貌岸然,心思龌蹉得很,想来捡便宜?” It seems like Dai Gang has not died.” Emperor Saint chuckle, then said: I am not quite clear, Le the brother and does the enemy of Dai Gang life, how also maintain and him?” “看来岱纲没死。”帝圣轻笑一声,接着道:“朕不太明白,乐兄和岱纲一生之敌,何以还维护与他?” Le Buleng said earnestly: Old man challenges him, but wants to defeat him, does not hate him. The old men have not defeated him, how can make him die in your hand?” 乐不冷认真道:“老夫挑战他,只是想打败他,不是憎恨他。老夫还没有打败他,怎么可以让他死在你手上?” Originally he has lost to himself really...” “原来他真是败给了自己…” Emperor Saint frowns, some doubts, somewhat feels relaxed. 帝圣皱着眉头,有些疑惑,又有些释然。 Le Buleng becomes somewhat hot tempered did not say suddenly patiently: Old man does not want strength waste on you. However if you do not walk, the old man the hand cannot bear for a while itchy, that could not bear.” 乐不冷陡然变得有些暴躁不耐烦道:“老夫不想把力气浪费在你身上。不过如果你再不走,老夫一时手痒忍不住,那也就忍不住了。” Emperor Saint the answer that oneself want, the clear and resonant voice long is smiled one: Le brother disposition is noble and pure, admire! Said goodbye, the lasting forever, will be latter indefinite!” 帝圣得到自己想要的答案,朗声长笑一声:“乐兄心性高洁,佩服!就此别过,山高水长,后会无期!” finished speaking does not return to depart. 说罢头也不回离去。 Le Buleng looks at the back that Emperor Saint departs, the vision is complex. 乐不冷看着帝圣离去的背影,目光复杂。 He turned head to look at Emerald Forest, does not know that was thinking anything. 他回头看了一眼翡翠森,不知在想什么。 On Windmill Sword the people are utterly exhausted, on each face can see the anxious color, the atmosphere is exceptionally depressing. 风车剑上众人都疲惫不堪,每个人脸上都能看到焦虑之色,气氛异常压抑。 They come out to search for several days, has not discovered any Ai Hui's clues. 他们出来搜寻几天,没有发现任何艾辉的蛛丝马迹。 Ai Hui had certainly an accident! 艾辉一定是出了什么事! Everybody knew about Ai Hui, if did not have an accident, Ai Hui will not leave everybody absolutely. Everywhere blood light of that day, makes everybody has not the good association. 大家对艾辉都非常了解,如果不是出了什么事,艾辉绝对不会离开大家。那天的漫天血光,也让大伙生出不好的联想。 If Ai Hui really has become blood cultivator... 万一艾辉真的成了血修 This fearful idea nobody dares saying that but actually unavoidably lingers in their heart, this also makes them be worried about Ai Hui. They are worried is not Ai Hui turns into the consequence that blood cultivator probably causes, but was worried that the destiny is unfair to Ai Hui's. 这个可怕的想法没人敢说出来,但是却免不了在他们心头萦绕,这也让他们对艾辉更加担心。他们担心的不是艾辉变成血修可能带来的后果,而是担心命运对艾辉的不公。 What Interpine City fights Ai Hui to withstand is what pain and misfortune, Interpine School backbone nobody is not clear. If turns into blood cultivator accidentally, what to do that Ai Hui should? 松间城之战艾辉承受的是什么样的痛苦和不幸,松间派骨干没有人不清楚。倘若万一真的变成血修,那艾辉该怎么办? If this is the destiny, then it is brutal makes them be afraid. 假如这就是命运,那它残酷得让他们不寒而栗。 Loulan drooped the head, in his heart has been being full of the regret and compunction. Absorbs the blood beast flesh and blood with Sword Formation idea, is advice that he offers. He realized that the blood beast flesh and blood of these absorptions, might incur not the good consequence very much. 楼兰耷拉着脑袋,他心中充满了懊悔和内疚。用剑阵吸收血兽血肉的主意,是他出的主意。他意识到,那些吸收的血兽血肉,很有可能引发了不好的后果。 That side has the situation!” “那边有情况!” Suddenly some people shouted loudly, on Windmill Sword all people gained ground. 忽然有人高喊,风车剑上所有人刷地抬起头。 The sword rudder gentle rotation in Shi Zhiguang palm, the Windmill Sword stroke an elegant arc, flies in the northwest direction. Does not need to remind, he has locked the destination, it was too striking. 石志光手掌中的剑舵轻柔转动,风车剑划出一道优美的弧线,朝西北方向飞去。不用提醒,他已经锁定目的地,它实在太醒目了。 A giant burned black gulf, is situated in the hills. 一个巨大焦黑的深坑,坐落在群山之间。 Conceivable, at that time here erupted the how frigid fight! 可以想象,当时这里爆发了多么惨烈的战斗! Loulan opens the eye suddenly: Here has the Ai Hui's smell!” 楼兰忽然睁大眼睛:“这里有艾辉的气味!” All person spirits inspire, has not waited for Windmill Sword stop, everybody jumps down Windmill Sword. 所有人精神一振,没等风车剑停稳,大家就纷纷跳下风车剑 Good strange elemental force fluctuation!” “好奇怪的元力波动!” Likely is Five Elements elemental force, probably is Sky Leaf Unit.” “像是五行元力,好像是天叶部。” Another Five Elements elemental force, Ai Hui has said that Mu Shou Association chaos elemental force?” “还有另外一种五行元力,艾辉说过,牧首会混沌元力?” Good thick smell of blood...” “好浓的血腥味…” This says that all people do not speak, said the member whole face of these words to regret that wished one could to give itself two ear and area around it. 这句说一说出来,所有人不吭声了,说出这句话的队员满脸懊悔,恨不得给自己两耳光。 Loulan both eyes red light twinkle, he can see many contents. 楼兰双目红光闪烁,他能看到更多的内容。 sand core Midnight The full speed revolution, analyzes these information. 沙核【子夜】全速运转,分析这些信息。 Suddenly, the distant place transmits an unusual fluctuation. 忽然,远处传来一阵奇特的波动。 sand core Midnight Ka stops. 沙核【子夜】咔地停止。 What's the matter? Loulan first time encounters such situation. 怎么回事?楼兰第一次遇到这样的情况。 Has not waited for him to respond, Midnight Also moved, it is uncontrolled, at unprecedented speed the crazy revolution. 还没等他反应过来,【子夜】又动了,它不受控制,以前所未有的速度疯狂运转。
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