FWH :: Volume #7

#678: Anxious Demonic God

Above the sea of clouds, red Que does Lou sway, was drunk general, will be worrying it momentarily to fall down. 云海之上,一座红色阙楼摇摇晃晃,喝醉了酒一般,令人担心它随时都会掉下去。 In blowing hot and cold error building, a form is holding the pillar, the figure rickets, seem very painful. 摇摆不定的阙楼上,一个身影扶着柱子,身形佝偻,看上去十分痛苦。 So is why obstinate? So long as you comply, I can give your infinite strength! You can become one of the world Grandmaster now, but this is also only starts.” “何必这么执拗?只要你答应,我可以给你无穷的力量!你现在就能成为天下宗师之一,而这还只是开始。” Wants you to be formidable enough, person who you will become the world most will have the power and influence immediately!” “只要你够强大,你马上就会成为天下最有权势的人!” „Don't you want to revenge? Steps Grandmaster, you can revenge, has the qualifications to challenge Emperor Saint!” “你不是想报仇吗?踏上宗师,你才能报仇,才有资格挑战帝圣!” ... He was teaching with skill and patience, each few words filled to make the enticement that one is unable to reject, how regardless of he had a glib tongue, within the body that fellow crazily was still resisting, he lost all patience finally, mood out-of-control shouts abuse. 他在循循善诱,每一句话都充满令人无法拒绝的诱惑,可是无论他怎么巧舌如簧,体内那个家伙依然在疯狂抵抗,他终于失去所有的耐心,情绪失控破口大骂。 What are you actually thinking?” “你他妈的到底在想什么?” Your this reptile! Waste!” “你这个爬虫!废物!” huā lā, red error building sudden avalanche, his body follows the innumerable long swords to crash rapidly. 哗啦,红色阙楼突然崩塌,他的身体伴随无数长剑急速坠落。 Bastard!” “混蛋!” He clenches jaws from the gap between teeth squeezes out two characters, in the midair the body reverses fiercely, the double palm in airborne empty presses, in the mouth calls out: Knot!” 他咬牙切齿从牙缝中挤出两个字,半空中身体猛地扭转,双掌在空中虚按,口中暴喝:“结!” Similar to blood sword that the raindrop crashes, immediately is similar to the soldier who hears the order, collects toward the body under. 如同雨点般坠落的血剑,立即如同听到命令的士兵,朝身下汇集。 Suddenly, Que Lou forms once again. 眨眼间,阙楼再度成形。 His facial expression passes is being arrogant and contemptuous: You think your this trick...” 他神情透着傲慢和轻蔑:“你以为你这点伎俩…” The words have not said that ka a light sound transmits, his complexion changes. The remaining words said without enough time that only hears huā lā one, Que Lou who just formed, the avalanche, the long sword falls in torrents once more under. 话还没说完,咔地一声轻响传来,他的脸色一变。剩下的话来不及说,只听得哗啦一声,刚刚成形的阙楼,再次崩塌,长剑倾泄而下。 His, the body crashes once again. 他脚下一空,身体再度坠落。 Desperate, he calls out once again: Knot!” 情急之下,他再度暴喝:“结!” The blood sword that is incapable of crashing, restores nimble and resourceful, collects to his body once again. They like one flock of sea-monsters, cradling his figure, stop the potential of falling. The blood sword seems has in pairs an invisible hand, they layer upon layer fold, Que Lou forms once more. 无力坠落的血剑,恢复灵动,再度向他身下汇集。它们就像一群游鱼,托住他的身形,止住下坠之势。啪啦啪啦,血剑好似有一双双无形之手,它们层层相叠,阙楼再次成形。 He relaxes without enough time, ka a resounding, spreads to his ear once more. 他来不及松一口气,咔地一声脆响,再次传入他的耳中。 Sufficed!” “够了!” His sudden violent anger, the facial features are much fiercer, on the neck azure tendon root suddenly Zhan, the vision is cut-throat. Like an angry lion, wants to select the person to bite. The terrifying power and influence releases loudly, the scarlet ripple is similar to the ocean waves blasts out loudly. 他突然暴怒,面容狰狞得骇人,脖子上青筋根根暴绽,目光凶狠。就像一头愤怒的狮子,直欲择人而噬。恐怖的威势轰然释放,血色波纹如同海浪轰然炸开。 cī lā, elemental force within surrounding 50 zhang (3.33 m) were lit instantaneously, produces the assorted flame. 刺啦,周围50丈内的元力瞬间被点燃,产生各色火焰。 He at this moment just likes the deity descends to earth, almost coagulates including the air, the wind does not dare to blow side him. 此刻的他恍若天神下凡,连空气都几乎凝固,风都不敢吹到他身边。 Ka. 咔。 The slight resounding, in this deathly stillness, is exceptionally clear. 轻微的脆响,在这片死寂之中,异常清晰。 His whole face fierce expression was frozen probably suddenly, the eye stares the Boss. 他满脸狰狞的表情好像突然被冻住,眼睛瞪得老大。 Que Lou who huā lā, just formed, once again avalanche. 哗啦,刚刚成形的阙楼,再度崩塌。 Knot!” “结!” Why...” “何必呢…” Ka, huā lā! 咔,哗啦 Knot!” “结!” Has not to end...” “有完没完…” Ka, huā lā! 咔,哗啦 Knot!” “结!” Has sufficed, I told you...” “够了,我告诉你…” Ka, huā lā! 咔,哗啦 Had the words to say well...” “有话好好说…” Ka, huā lā! 咔,哗啦 „...” “…” Ka, huā lā! 咔,哗啦 Ka, huā lā! 咔,哗啦 ... Above the indistinct boundless sea of clouds, red Que Lou, the avalanche, the forming, so the reciprocation, seems does not have the end suddenly suddenly. In this unceasing circulation, can see form vicissitudes, but also is mixing with lingering on faintly cursing angrily. 缥缈无边的云海之上,一座红色阙楼,忽而崩塌,忽而成形,如此往复,好似没有尽头。就在这不断的循环中,能看到一个身影浮浮沉沉,还夹杂着不绝于耳的怒骂。 Demonic God that just regained consciousness, thought one were quickly insane. In he nearly infinite life, has not encountered so oddly the so absurd matter. 刚刚苏醒的魔神,觉得自己快疯了。在他近乎无限的生命之中,从来没有遭遇过如此离谱如此荒唐的事情。 He is unable to kill the opposite party, this thinks that can the dove occupy him in magpie nest, has not thought that falls into the so awkward region. 偏偏他无法杀死对方,本以为能鸠占鹊巢的他,没想到陷入如此尴尬的境地。 If ascends the sky again to the opportunity that he one time chooses... 如果上天再给他一次重新选择的机会… Heavens, oneself are Demonic God, how to be compelled to have the so weak idea the region? 天啊,自己是魔神啊,怎么被逼到产生如此软弱想法的境地? Realized one are thinking that anything's Demonic God is about to cry. 意识到自己在想什么的魔神快哭了。 Sword Embryo that the encirclement hovers, often can see the thunder to flash. If by layer upon layer sword intent, will discover that in the Sword Embryo center, a light group flickers. 环绕游动的剑胎,不时能看到雷霆闪动。如果透过层层剑意,会发现在剑胎中心,一个光团忽明忽暗。 That is the Ai Hui's consciousness. 那是艾辉的意识。 Now he profoundly understands that mind practice compared with the elemental force's practice bad risk extremely, has slightly will fall carelessly then into the beyond redemption region. If elemental force practice has a deviation, would all sorts of indication symptoms. But heart divine cultivation refining up, is actually the crisis ambushes, the surface is uneventful. When you reveal the flaw slightly, the situation reverses instantaneously, makes any response without enough time. 如今他才深刻地明白,心神的修炼元力的修炼更加凶险万分,稍有不慎便会陷入万劫不复的境地。元力修炼倘若有所偏差,总会有种种征兆苗头。可是心神修炼,却是危机潜伏,表面风平浪静。而当你稍露破绽,情况瞬间逆转,来不及做出任何反应。 With the aid of Blood Eye illusion, he swallowed God Blood to contain the part of Essence, Qi and Spirit, but other parts, inducted in Sword Formation, finally refine 18,000 Divine sword. Sword Formation and Divine sword swallow blood cultivator war unit, he also has not cared. 借助血眼幻境,他吞噬了神血蕴含精气神的部分,而把其余的部分,导入剑阵之中,最终炼成18000道神剑。剑阵和神剑吞噬血修战部,他亦没有放在心上。 The strength that is unable to absorb inducts the Divine sword, under was desperate the means that at that time Ai Hui found out. However he has underestimated the God Blood might, had underestimated absorbs the blood cultivator blood spiritual power side effect. 无法吸收的力量导入神剑,是当时情急之下艾辉想出的办法。然而他低估了神血的威力,也低估了吸收血修血灵力的副作用。 God Blood some strengths induct Sword Formation, refining up 18,000 Divine sword. Sword Formation has swallowed afterward Silver Frost Blood Unit, has swallowed Divine Wolf Unit, the Divine sword becomes Demonic God regains consciousness the best hotbed. 神血的部分力量导入剑阵,炼成18000把“神剑”。随后剑阵又吞噬了银霜血部,吞噬了神狼部,神剑成为魔神苏醒最好的温床。 The depth of Demonic God consciousness hideaway in God Blood, exceeds the Ai Hui's imagination, that is the domain that he has not explored and move. This took an extremely vivid class to him, the strange and unknown strength always has the unknown danger. 魔神意识在神血之中隐藏之深,超出艾辉的想象,那是他还没有探索、触碰到的领域。这给他上了极为生动的一课,陌生而未知的力量总是有着未知的危险。 The consciousness of Demonic God, ambushes in Divine sword, has not revealed slightly the indication. 魔神的意识,潜伏在神剑之中,没有流露出丝毫征兆。 But was attacked injured, presents a fissure the time in the Ai Hui's mind, Demonic God starts suddenly. 而在艾辉的心神遭受冲击受伤,出现一丝裂痕的时候,魔神突然发动。 However the Ai Hui's response is similarly rapid, immediately realized not wonderful time, his consciousness hides into Sword Embryo, moreover under the instantaneous cloth the thunder, has blocked the corrosion of Demonic God consciousness. 不过艾辉的反应同样非常迅速,在第一时间意识到不妙的时候,他的意识躲入剑胎之中,而且瞬间布下雷霆,挡住了魔神意识的侵蚀。 Now the Ai Hui's condition is unusual. 现在艾辉的状态非常奇特。 18,000 Divine sword, under the control of Demonic God, are Demonic God present body. 18000把神剑,在魔神的掌控之下,亦是魔神如今的“躯体”。 But can urge Sword Embryo of Divine sword actually under the Ai Hui's control. 而能够驱使神剑的剑胎却在艾辉的掌控之下。 The Ai Hui's body, the situation is more marvelous. blood spiritual power of Divine sword is corroding the Ai Hui's body unceasingly, but thunder that in Sword Embryo releases unceasingly, is purifying the Ai Hui's body unceasingly. Demonic God just regained consciousness, is at the most emaciated condition, the thunder is still threatening to him. 艾辉的身体,处境则更加奇妙。神剑的血灵力在不断侵蚀艾辉的身体,而剑胎中不断释放的雷霆,又在不断净化艾辉的身体。魔神不过刚刚苏醒,正处在最孱弱的状态,雷霆对他依然极具威胁。 What is more awful, his indestructibly Ai Hui's body, because it receives the idol protection. 更糟糕的是,他无法破坏艾辉的身体,因为它受到神像图布的保护。 In the past when Demonic God soon fallen, the essence and blood of his whole body, changed to ten drops of God Blood, that was the seed that he resurrected. His body changes to an armor, but that idol, scatters the world similarly. 当年魔神即将陨落时,他全身的精血,化作十滴神血,那是他复活的种子。他的躯体化作一具铠甲,而那张神像图布,同样散落人间。 Has not thought that falls to Ai Hui on unexpectedly, what has not thought that it has absorbed the Ai Hui's blood, becomes the Ai Hui's treasure. 没想到竟然落到艾辉手上,更没想到的是,它吸收了艾辉的血液,成为艾辉的宝物。 Although idol has not restored once prestige energy, facing other world Expert's times, can display to affect is not big. However to just regained consciousness, but also extremely frail Demonic God, has the inborn restraint. 虽然神像图布没有恢复曾经的威能,面对世界其他强者的时候,能够发挥出来作用并不大。但是对刚刚苏醒,还极为孱弱的魔神来说,却有着天生的约束。 Demonic God thought that he probably is most bad luck Demonic God, own treasure, has become others' protective umbrella. 魔神觉得他大概是最倒霉的魔神,自己的宝物,成了别人的保护伞。 Moreover also before , idol draws support from the dreamland, told Ai Hui the Demonic God reincarnation, made Ai Hui guard. Otherwise, about person who God Blood knows nothing, certainly does not have the strength of slight resistance. 而且也正是之前神像图布借助梦境,把魔神转生告诉艾辉,才让艾辉有所防备。否则的话,对神血一无所知的人,一定没有丝毫抵抗之力。 Does not do to present Demonic God clearly, why idol will choose Ai Hui? 到现在魔神也搞不明白,神像图布为什么会选择艾辉 However any reason, once guard magical treasure, becomes now he biggest barrier. 但是无论是什么原因,曾经的护身法宝,成为如今他最大的障碍。 At that time Demonic God first wants to rob two drops of God Blood on Loulan, if can fuse God Blood on Loulan, his strength will rise suddenly. 当时魔神第一时间就想抢夺楼兰手上的两滴神血,倘若能够融合楼兰手上的神血,他的实力将会暴涨。 However he encounters the Ai Hui extremely intense resistance, at that time Ai Hui displayed the determination that perishes together, making him choose flinching. 然而他遭到艾辉极为激烈的抵抗,当时艾辉表现出来同归于尽的决心,让他选择了退缩。 Que Lou on such a while avalanche, a while collection, when Demonic God soon collapses, suddenly the ear moves. 阙楼就这么一会儿崩塌,一会儿汇集,就在魔神快要崩溃的时候,忽然耳朵一动。 His hearing is quite keen, can hear very far sound. 他的听力极为敏锐,能够听到非常远的动静。 Do some people fight? 有人打斗? Em? Wait / Etc.. 恩?等等。 His nose twitches two, the eye is all of a sudden bright. 他的鼻子抽动两下,眼睛一下子明亮起来。 Fu Sisi has not thought that to unexpectedly is Mu Shou Association that they begin. She knows certainly Mu Shou Association, moreover knows that once Mu Shou Association was right-hand that the madame had a high opinion. Afterward the madame all resources and energy, all put in into the plan of Light of Master during. 傅思思万万没想到,对他们动手的竟然是牧首会。她当然知道牧首会,而且知道曾经牧首会就是夫人非常倚重的左膀右臂。只是后来夫人把所有的资源和精力,全都投入到大师之光的计划之中。 After Light of Master success in a while, then transmits Mu Shou Association revolting the news. 大师之光成功之后没过多久,便传来牧首会叛变的消息。 Tian Xin City's Mu Shou Association was encircled by arrived immediately, the Mu Shou Association vitality damages severely, four Mu Shu die an untimely death at the scene. After this, Mu Shou Association then goes into hiding, like sneaking in the mouse of sewer. 天心城的牧首会立即遭到了围剿,牧首会元气大伤,有四位牧首横死当场。从此之后,牧首会便销声匿迹,就像钻进下水沟的老鼠。 Has not thought that they are unexpectedly bold, projects in the idea Sky Leaf Unit. 没想到他们竟然胆大包天,把主意打到天叶部头上。 Made Fu Sisi feel what was restless, Mu Shou Association as if had deeper attempt, they resembled to Light of Master have been full of the interest. Although does not know that Mu Shou Association wants to build own Light of Master, wants to seek for the Sky Leaf Unit's weakness, which point however regardless to them, is not the good news. 傅思思感到不安的是,牧首会似乎有更深的企图,他们似对大师之光充满了兴趣。虽然不知道牧首会是想打造自己的大师之光,还是想寻找天叶部的弱点,但是无论哪一点对他们而言,都不是好消息。 . 噗。 Fu Sisi pulls out from a grey robe person chest the palm, not cares a whoop the blood of warming up to splash on her body. 傅思思把手掌从一名灰袍人胸膛中抽出来,丝毫不在意温热的鲜血溅在她的身上。 Dies the grey robe person in her hand, over ten people, but the opposite party has not actually revealed the color of least bit fear. 死在她手上的灰袍人,超过十人,但是对方却没有流露出半点畏惧之色。 Really the dead madame had had a high opinion of worthily influence! 果然不愧死夫人曾经倚重过的势力! Really one crowd fierce does not fear the disciple! 真是一群悍不畏死之徒! She a little pants for breath, the colored mist does not have the toxicity obviously, but makes her elemental force revolution exceptionally crabbed. Mu Shou Association chaos elemental force, Fu Sisi has listened to this name, fights later is surprised. 她有点喘息,彩色雾气明明没有毒性,但是让她的元力运转异常艰涩。牧首会混沌元力,傅思思听过这个名字,交手之后大吃一惊。 Five Elements elemental force! 五行元力 Although compared with Sky Leaf Unit's Five Elements elemental force ring, chaos elemental force appears rough and crude, but Fu Sisi actually as if sees the Five Elements elemental force ring predecessor. 虽然比起天叶部的五行元力环,混沌元力还是显得粗糙、简陋,但是傅思思却仿佛是看到五行元力环的前身。 What could it be that Light of Master and do Mu Shou Association have to relate? 难道大师之光牧首会也有什么联系吗? She also all of a sudden understands that Mu Shou Association so will be why interested in Light of Master. 她也一下子明白,牧首会为什么会对大师之光如此感兴趣。 The corner of the eye split vision discovered that a Sky Leaf member called out pitifully, the body was inserting one colorful just like Arrows of poisonous snake. 眼角余光发现一名天叶队员惨叫一声,身上插着一根五彩斑斓宛如毒蛇的箭矢 The pupil of Fu Sisi contracts suddenly. 傅思思的瞳孔骤然收缩。 Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, five elemental force strangle Arrows that winding becomes! 金木水火土,五种元力绞死缠绕而成的箭矢 Ahhhhhhh!” 啊啊啊啊!” The Sky Leaf member of arrow sends out calls out pitifully sad and shrill, his body shivers fiercely, what fearsomer is, the Five Elements Ring mark on his hand, a dissipation continuously colored ray, the mark gradually is changing pale. 中箭的天叶队员发出凄厉地惨叫,他的身体剧烈颤抖,更加可怖的是,他手上的五行环印记,散逸一缕缕彩色的光芒,印记正在逐渐变淡。 What's wrong... How possible? 怎…怎么可能? Head of Fu Sisi buzz. 傅思思的脑袋嗡地一下。 The mark bystander of palm thinks that is only the Sky Leaf Unit's symbol, only then they are clear, this Five Elements Ring mark, is the roots of their all strengths! 手掌的印记外人以为只是天叶部的象征,只有他们自己才清楚,这个五行环印记,是他们所有力量的根源! In the mist departs a soft rope suddenly, cling member, draws in the mist. 雾气中突然飞出一根软索,卷住这名队员,拖入雾气之中。 The Fu Sisi moral nature ascends suddenly a chill in the air, other members also by this frightening. Mu Shou Association as if also requires the time to pant for breath, has not acted. 傅思思心底陡然升腾起一股寒意,其他队员也被这一幕给吓到。牧首会仿佛也需要时间喘息,没有动作。 At once, the battlefield falls into strange peace. 一时之间,战场陷入诡异的安静之中。 Both sides both are saving the strength, the waiting next round internecine strife. 双方都在积蓄力量,等待下一轮火拼。 huā lā. 哗啦 A sound of as if cabinet collapsing, does not have the indication to resound in the people top of the head. 一声仿佛货柜垮塌的声音,毫无征兆在众人头顶响起。 All people stare, next quarter cold air from dorsal ascension, absolutely terrified! 所有人一愣,下一刻寒气从后背升腾而起,毛骨悚然!
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